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building Personal Blog - ASP.NET MVC5
I build this Project using ASP.NET MVC5 its just idea for Personal Blog there is too many more idea to add it .
Demo : http://www.a-hamoud.com
youtube : https://youtu.be/_F1mM3YL3ek
how to install it on Local IIS: https://youtu.be/AN-uPRKySj4
Buliding Blog using ASP.NET MVC 5
building Personal Blog - ASP.NET MVC5
I build this Project using ASP.NET MVC5 its just idea for Personal Blog there is too many more idea to add it .
Demo : http://www.a-hamoud.com
youtube : https://youtu.be/_F1mM3YL3ek
how to install it on Local IIS: https://youtu.be/AN-uPRKySj4
New Update, Enhance performance : Tested with more than 20K record.