Here is a function from the contract:
https://www.formie.co/form/25IlKwgfMEGBy4ePdSjQ (you can use this site to create interfaces to contracts, but you are better off using Remix or Tenderly or, really, just simulating everything, don't waste your ETH on failed txs)
...takes the following parameters:
Wot Wurdz (bytes32)
How Manyyy (unit256)
Check plausible-answer-1.txt for a plausible answer.
Check the transactions logs:
These are the internal transactions logs Use a better solution though, such as Tenderly, or ... I can't think about another right this second lol.
Flashbots is a good resource,
https://www.4byte.directory/ <- eth sig database
https://sourcify.dev/ <- for finding other similar contracts or searching for similar code or verifying blah etc
https://github.com/dapphub/dapptools <- awesome
https://github.com/gakonst/ethers-rs <- rust
https://book.getfoundry.sh/cast/ <-- foundry book, how to cast
https://instadapp.io/ <-- no need for more annotations lol
https://docs.flashbots.net/ <-- my fav