"Anno Domini 1257 - Enhanced Edition" (also known as "AD 1257 - Enhanced Edition" and "1257 AD - Enhanced Edition")
Basic instructions/information about the mod (by Khanor)
For users:
- Official site: https://www.nexusmods.com/mbwarband/mods/6251
- Official Discord server: https://discord.gg/GvB2REENr2
- How to install and play:
- Get the 2.1-files and unpack in: MountBlade Warband\Modules
- Then get the latest patch, unpack and overwrite the 2.1 files.
- Launch the game from Steam or otherwise, choose the mod from the launcher and hit play. Enjoy the mid-1200s in Europe and surrounding areas.
For devs:
- Things to check before posting the new version on Nexusmods and the Discord:
- Remember to update module_strings.py on the "mod_version"- and "revision"-lines with the new patch numbers (and optional patch name) for every non-hotfix patch. This is now visible in the main menu as of Enhanced Edition version 3.11 and 3.9.2 (3.9 definitive series).