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Ethereum Cat Herders Meeting 35 Notes

Meeting Date/Time: Tuesday, June 09, 2020 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration: 1 hr

Moderator: Pooja Ranjan

Notes: Edson Ayllon


Actions Required:

Action Item Description
35.1 Hudson will start paying out some of the older requests in the funding cat herders repository.
35.2 Brent to create a Zoho account for ECH.
35.3 Onboarding form to be added to the website within a week.
35.4 Pooja to release YOLO Medium article Monday.
35.5 Pooja to contact Tim for the design bounty.
35.6 William to write notes for the previous ACD call before the next ACD call.

1. Email account for Cat Herders

Video 0:00

Options presented were Zoho and Protonmail. Zoho provides free email for up to five accounts on one domain. For Protonmail, the minimum is 5 euro peer month. Another option is Gsuite, but Gsuite is more expensive than the other options.

Five GB may be good to start with, and if we find we need more, we may upgrade.

We decided to go with Zoho, as its the free option. Brent Allsop can create an account for us, as Pooja already has her phone number linked to an account. More admins can be added.


  • 35.2—Brent to create a Zoho account for ECH.

2. Onboarding new members

Video 7:00

Should we create an onboarding process for members? We're looking to add more members.

Pooja created a form.

We can consider separating onboarding by what people want to contribute. Or we can just use a form, which asks what they want to get involved in.

It may be good to screen people, as a new member may use the Cat Herders to get into the All Core Devs call and cause trouble.

We can start with a low bar to entry, and raise the bar if issues arise. A low bar being, just a name and what they'd like to contribute to.

The form may be added to the Cat Herders website. And be shared in ECH social media channels.

Tim brought up Aragon DAO. Aragon DAO was used early on with HERD tokens to make votes.

The form will be open for edits for a week. Then be placed on the website.


  • 35.3—Onboarding form to be added to the website within a week.

3. Promotion and Positioning - Placing Community Promotion Ads at Ethereum Stack Exchange

Video 23:06

The ad was submitted. It has 2 votes, but needs 6 to be added. We need 4 more votes.

4. Cat Herders funding - Moloch DAO & ESP

Video 24:23

Application was submitted to Moloch. Still in communication with the ESP team. No other updates to share.

5. Berlin upgrade

Video 25:08

Post was shared on Reddit answering questions about YOLO testnet.

Was considering creating a community call or post on YOLO.

Pooja created a document which she can make into a Medium article.

Article to be published next Monday.


  • 35.4—Pooja to release YOLO Medium article Monday.

6. EIPIP meeting

Video 29:29

Article released on EIPIP. It's a collection of the survey results organized as a roadmap.

7. 1559 design bounty

Video 30:52

We were looking at what hackathons we can consider.

We need a timeline of when to organize this design bounty.

An application was posted to Moloch today. However, they want to limit the number of proposals shown for a period. So we may wait a few weeks.

Gitcoin is organizing a hackathon every month.

Pooja will continue this topic with Tim after the meeting.


  • 35.5—Pooja to contact Tim for the design bounty.

8. Meeting notes

Video 33:23

William volunteered to complete the ACD notes before the next ACD meeting.

Pooja opened an issue on Eth2.0 pm for some payouts that were missed. If other people have been missing funding, please add an issue.


  • 35.6—William to write notes for the previous ACD call before the next ACD call.

9. Discuss and close the ECH GitHub Issues/PRs

Video 37:44
  • 102, 103, 104. James wants to keep these open.
  • Ethernodes for upgrades. Still an open item.
  • Forkman issue. We may have to reach out to someone to update it.
  • Funding issues open.
  • Spreadsheet for tracking funding hasn't been updated for a while. We need to find who has access to that spreadsheet.

10. Review of outstanding action items from previous ECH meetings

Video 42:49
  • We are planning to move ahead with Zoho.
  • Angela hasn't given an update substack.
  • Hudson has started doing payments. But some remain.
  • EIPIP blog has been completed.
  • 1559 meeting in a couple weeks. Notes should be fine as is, without ECH.
  • Hudson contacted Moloch. The post is active.

11. Any Other Business

Video 45:26

No other business.



  • Brent Allsop
  • Edson Ayllon
  • Pooja Ranjan
  • Tim Beiko
  • William Schwab

Next Meeting Date

June 23, 2020, 14:00 UTC.