From b0eac1b12894fac94af8c08e393546c9603171c5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: AlessioNar <>
Date: Sat, 21 Dec 2024 18:07:09 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 1/9] Removed tests file

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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><DOC xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=""><BIB.DOC><NO.DOC FORMAT="NY" TYPE="OJ"><NO.CURRENT>1137</NO.CURRENT><YEAR>2008</YEAR><COM>EC</COM></NO.DOC><DURAB TYPE="DUR"></DURAB><AUTHOR>PE</AUTHOR><AUTHOR>CS</AUTHOR></BIB.DOC><PUBLICATION.REF FILE="L_2008311EN.toc.xml"><COLL>L</COLL><NO.OJ>311</NO.OJ><DATE ISO="20081121">20081121</DATE><LG.OJ>EN</LG.OJ><VOLUME.REF>01</VOLUME.REF></PUBLICATION.REF><FMX><DOC.MAIN.PUB NO.SEQ="0001" SYNOPTISM="D0001" IN.SUMMARY="YES"><LG.DOC>EN</LG.DOC><LEGAL.VALUE>REG</LEGAL.VALUE><DATE ISO="20081022">20081022</DATE><PAGE.FIRST>1</PAGE.FIRST><PAGE.LAST>2</PAGE.LAST><PAGE.TOTAL>2</PAGE.TOTAL><PAGE.SEQ>1</PAGE.SEQ><REF.PHYS TYPE="DOC.XML" FILE="L_2008311EN.01000101.xml"></REF.PHYS></DOC.MAIN.PUB><DOC.SUB.PUB NO.SEQ="0001.0001" SYNOPTISM="D0001.0001" TYPE="ANNEX" IN.SUMMARY="NO"><PAGE.FIRST>3</PAGE.FIRST><PAGE.LAST>50</PAGE.LAST><PAGE.TOTAL>48</PAGE.TOTAL><PAGE.SEQ>1</PAGE.SEQ><REF.PHYS TYPE="DOC.XML" FILE="L_2008311EN.01000301.xml"></REF.PHYS></DOC.SUB.PUB><DOC.SUB.PUB NO.SEQ="0001.0002" SYNOPTISM="D0001.0002" TYPE="ANNEX" IN.SUMMARY="NO"><PAGE.FIRST>51</PAGE.FIRST><PAGE.LAST>54</PAGE.LAST><PAGE.TOTAL>4</PAGE.TOTAL><PAGE.SEQ>1</PAGE.SEQ><REF.PHYS TYPE="DOC.XML" FILE="L_2008311EN.01005101.xml"></REF.PHYS></DOC.SUB.PUB></FMX><PAPER><VOLUME.PAPER><ITEM.VOLUME REF.NO.SEQ="0001"><TITLE ID.TITLE="T0001"><TI><P>Regulation (EC) No 1137/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20081022">22 October 2008</DATE> adapting a number of instruments subject to the procedure laid down in Article 251 of the Treaty to Council Decision 1999/468/EC, with regard to the regulatory procedure with scrutiny — Adaptation to the regulatory procedure with scrutiny — Part One</P></TI></TITLE><ITEM.REF>1</ITEM.REF></ITEM.VOLUME></VOLUME.PAPER></PAPER><PDF><ITEM.VOLUME REF.NO.SEQ="0001"><TITLE REF.TITLE="T0001"></TITLE><ITEM.REF REF.PDF="l_31120081121en00010054.pdf">1</ITEM.REF></ITEM.VOLUME></PDF></DOC>
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><ACT xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=""><BIB.INSTANCE><DOCUMENT.REF FILE="L_2008311EN.01000101.doc.xml"><COLL>L</COLL><NO.OJ>311</NO.OJ><YEAR>2008</YEAR><LG.OJ>EN</LG.OJ><PAGE.FIRST>1</PAGE.FIRST><PAGE.SEQ>1</PAGE.SEQ><VOLUME.REF>01</VOLUME.REF></DOCUMENT.REF><DATE ISO="20081022">20081022</DATE><LG.DOC>EN</LG.DOC><NO.SEQ>0001</NO.SEQ><PAGE.FIRST>1</PAGE.FIRST><PAGE.SEQ>1</PAGE.SEQ><PAGE.LAST>2</PAGE.LAST><PAGE.TOTAL>2</PAGE.TOTAL><NO.DOC FORMAT="NY" TYPE="OJ"><NO.CURRENT>1137</NO.CURRENT><YEAR>2008</YEAR><COM>EC</COM></NO.DOC></BIB.INSTANCE><TITLE><TI><P><HT TYPE="UC">Regulation (EC)</HT> No 1137/2008 <HT TYPE="UC">of the European Parliament and of the Council</HT></P><P>of <DATE ISO="20081022">22 October 2008</DATE></P><P>adapting a number of instruments subject to the procedure laid down in Article 251 of the Treaty to Council Decision 1999/468/EC, with regard to the regulatory procedure with scrutiny</P><P>Adaptation to the regulatory procedure with scrutiny — Part One</P></TI></TITLE><PREAMBLE><PREAMBLE.INIT><P>THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION,</P></PREAMBLE.INIT><GR.VISA><VISA>Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Articles 40, 47(1) and (2), first and third sentences, 55, 71, 80(2), 95, 100, 137(2), 156, 175(1) and 285 thereof,</VISA><VISA>Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,</VISA><VISA>Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee<NOTE NOTE.ID="E0001"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="C" NO.OJ="224" DATE.PUB="20080830" PAGE.FIRST="35">OJ C 224, 30.8.2008, p. 35</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE>,</VISA><VISA>Having regard to the opinion of the European Central Bank<NOTE NOTE.ID="E0002"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="C" NO.OJ="117" DATE.PUB="20080514" PAGE.FIRST="1">OJ C 117, 14.5.2008, p. 1</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE>,</VISA><VISA>After consulting the Committee of the Regions,</VISA><VISA>Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 251 of the Treaty<NOTE NOTE.ID="E0003"><P>Opinion of the European Parliament of <DATE ISO="20080618">18 June 2008</DATE> (not yet published in the Official Journal) and Council Decision of <DATE ISO="20080925">25 September 2008</DATE>.</P></NOTE>,</VISA></GR.VISA><GR.CONSID><GR.CONSID.INIT>Whereas:</GR.CONSID.INIT><CONSID><NP><NO.P>(1)</NO.P><TXT>Council Decision 1999/468/EC of <DATE ISO="19990628">28 June 1999</DATE> laying down the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers conferred on the Commission<NOTE NOTE.ID="E0004"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="184" DATE.PUB="19990717" PAGE.FIRST="23">OJ L 184, 17.7.1999, p. 23</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE> has been amended by Council Decision 2006/512/EC<NOTE NOTE.ID="E0005"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="200" DATE.PUB="20060722" PAGE.FIRST="11">OJ L 200, 22.7.2006, p. 11</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE>, which introduced the regulatory procedure with scrutiny for the adoption of measures of general scope and designed to amend non-essential elements of a basic instrument adopted in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 251 of the Treaty, <HT TYPE="ITALIC">inter alia</HT>, by deleting some of those elements or by supplementing the instrument with new non-essential elements.</TXT></NP></CONSID><CONSID><NP><NO.P>(2)</NO.P><TXT>In accordance with the statement by the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission<NOTE NOTE.ID="E0006"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="C" NO.OJ="255" DATE.PUB="20061021" PAGE.FIRST="1">OJ C 255, 21.10.2006, p. 1</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE> concerning Decision 2006/512/EC, for the regulatory procedure with scrutiny to be applicable to instruments adopted in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 251 of the Treaty which are already in force, those instruments must be adjusted in accordance with the applicable procedures.</TXT></NP></CONSID><CONSID><NP><NO.P>(3)</NO.P><TXT>Since the amendments made to instruments for this purpose concern committee procedure only, they do not, in the case of directives, need to be transposed by the Member States,</TXT></NP></CONSID></GR.CONSID><PREAMBLE.FINAL><P>HAVE ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:</P></PREAMBLE.FINAL></PREAMBLE><ENACTING.TERMS><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="001"><TI.ART>Article 1</TI.ART><ALINEA>The instruments listed in the Annex are hereby adapted, in accordance with that Annex, to Decision 1999/468/EC, as amended by Decision 2006/512/EC.</ALINEA></ARTICLE><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="002"><TI.ART>Article 2</TI.ART><ALINEA>References to provisions of the instruments listed in the Annex shall be understood to be references to those provisions as adapted by this Regulation.</ALINEA></ARTICLE><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="003"><TI.ART>Article 3</TI.ART><ALINEA>This Regulation shall enter into force on the 20th day following its publication in the <HT TYPE="ITALIC">Official Journal of the European Union</HT>.</ALINEA></ARTICLE></ENACTING.TERMS><?PAGE NO="2"?><FINAL><P>This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.</P><SIGNATURE><PL.DATE><P>Done at Strasbourg, <DATE ISO="20081022">22 October 2008</DATE>.</P></PL.DATE><SIGNATORY><P><HT TYPE="ITALIC">For the European Parliament</HT></P><P><HT TYPE="ITALIC">The President</HT></P><P>H.-G. <HT TYPE="UC">Pöttering</HT></P></SIGNATORY><SIGNATORY><P><HT TYPE="ITALIC">For the Council</HT></P><P><HT TYPE="ITALIC">The President</HT></P><P>J.-P. <HT TYPE="UC">Jouyet</HT></P></SIGNATORY></SIGNATURE></FINAL></ACT>
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><ANNEX xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=""><BIB.INSTANCE><DOCUMENT.REF FILE="L_2008311EN.01000101.doc.xml"><COLL>L</COLL><NO.OJ>311</NO.OJ><YEAR>2008</YEAR><LG.OJ>EN</LG.OJ><PAGE.FIRST>1</PAGE.FIRST><PAGE.SEQ>1</PAGE.SEQ><VOLUME.REF>01</VOLUME.REF></DOCUMENT.REF><DATE ISO="20081022">20081022</DATE><LG.DOC>EN</LG.DOC><NO.SEQ>0001.0001</NO.SEQ><PAGE.FIRST>3</PAGE.FIRST><PAGE.SEQ>1</PAGE.SEQ><PAGE.LAST>50</PAGE.LAST><PAGE.TOTAL>48</PAGE.TOTAL></BIB.INSTANCE><TITLE><TI><P>ANNEX</P></TI></TITLE><CONTENTS><GR.SEQ LEVEL="1"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>AGRICULTURE</TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>1.1.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 1999/4/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="19990222">22 February 1999</DATE> relating to coffee extracts and chicory extracts<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0001"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="066" DATE.PUB="19990313" PAGE.FIRST="26">OJ L 66, 13.3.1999, p. 26</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 1999/4/EC, the Commission should be empowered to bring it into line with the general Community provisions applicable to foodstuffs. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Directive 1999/4/EC, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Directive 1999/4/EC is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Article 4 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="004"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0001" REF.END="QE0001" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 4</TI.ART><ALINEA>A decision to bring this Directive into line with the general Community provisions applicable to foodstuffs shall be taken by the Commission. That measure, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 5(2).<QUOT.END ID="QE0001" REF.START="QS0001" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>Article 5 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="005"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0002" REF.END="QE0002" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 5</TI.ART><PARAG IDENTIFIER="005.001"><NO.PARAG>1.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission shall be assisted by the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health, set up by Article 58 of Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council<NOTE NOTE.ID="E0002" NUMBERING="STAR" TYPE="QUOTATION"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="031" DATE.PUB="20020201" PAGE.FIRST="1">OJ L 31, 1.2.2002, p. 1</REF.DOC.OJ>.<QUOT.END ID="QE0002" REF.START="QS0002" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></P></NOTE></ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="005.002"><NO.PARAG>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.</ALINEA></PARAG></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>1.2.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 2000/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20000623">23 June 2000</DATE> relating to cocoa and chocolate products intended for human consumption<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0003"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="197" DATE.PUB="20000803" PAGE.FIRST="19">OJ L 197, 3.8.2000, p. 19</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 2000/36/EC, the Commission should be empowered to adopt the measures necessary for its implementation. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Directive 2000/36/EC, <HT TYPE="ITALIC">inter alia</HT>, by supplementing it with new non-essential elements, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Directive 2000/36/EC is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Article 5(1) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="005.001"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0003" REF.END="QE0003" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>1.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA><P>The following measures necessary for the implementation of this Directive and designed to amend non-essential elements of it, <HT TYPE="ITALIC">inter alia</HT>, by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 6(2):</P><LIST TYPE="DASH"><ITEM><P>measures bringing this Directive into line with general Community provisions applicable to foodstuffs,</P></ITEM><?PAGE NO="4"?><ITEM><P>measures adapting the provisions of Annex I(B)(2), (C) and (D) to technical progress.<QUOT.END ID="QE0003" REF.START="QS0003" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</P></ITEM></LIST></ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>Article 6 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="006"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0004" REF.END="QE0004" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 6</TI.ART><PARAG IDENTIFIER="006.001"><NO.PARAG>1.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission shall be assisted by the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health, set up by Article 58 of Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council<NOTE NOTE.ID="E0004" NUMBERING="STAR" TYPE="QUOTATION"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="031" DATE.PUB="20020201" PAGE.FIRST="1">OJ L 31, 1.2.2002, p. 1</REF.DOC.OJ>.<QUOT.END ID="QE0004" REF.START="QS0004" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></P></NOTE></ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="006.002"><NO.PARAG>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.</ALINEA></PARAG></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="1"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>EMPLOYMENT</TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>2.1.</NO.P><TXT>Council Directive 89/391/EEC of <DATE ISO="19890612">12 June 1989</DATE> on the introduction of measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health of workers at work<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0005"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="183" DATE.PUB="19890629" PAGE.FIRST="1">OJ L 183, 29.6.1989, p. 1</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 89/391/EEC, the Commission should be empowered to make purely technical adjustments to the individual directives provided for in Article 16(1) of Directive 89/391/EEC which result from the adoption of directives in the field of technical harmonisation and standardisation, as well as from technical progress, changes in international regulations or specifications and new findings. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of those individual directives, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>When, on imperative grounds of urgency, the normal time limits for the regulatory procedure with scrutiny cannot be complied with, the Commission should be able to apply the urgency procedure provided for in Article 5a(6) of Decision 1999/468/EC for the adoption of amendments of a purely technical nature.</P><P>Accordingly, Article 17 of Directive 89/391/EEC shall be replaced by the following:</P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="017"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0005" REF.END="QE0005" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 17</TI.ART><STI.ART><P>Committee procedure</P></STI.ART><PARAG IDENTIFIER="017.001"><NO.PARAG>1.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA><P>The Commission shall be assisted by a committee to make purely technical adjustments to the individual directives provided for in Article 16(1) in order to take account of:</P><LIST TYPE="alpha"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(a)</NO.P><TXT>the adoption of directives in the field of technical harmonisation and standardisation;</TXT></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(b)</NO.P><TXT>technical progress, changes in international regulations or specifications and new findings.</TXT></NP></ITEM></LIST><P>Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of the individual directives, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in paragraph 2. On imperative grounds of urgency, the Commission may have recourse to the urgency procedure referred to in paragraph 3.</P></ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="017.002"><NO.PARAG>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.</ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="017.003"><NO.PARAG>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1), (2), (4) and (6) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0005" REF.START="QS0005" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></ALINEA></PARAG></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></GR.SEQ><?PAGE NO="5"?><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>2.2.</NO.P><TXT>Council Directive 92/29/EEC of <DATE ISO="19920331">31 March 1992</DATE> on the minimum safety and health requirements for improved medical treatment on board vessels<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0006"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="113" DATE.PUB="19920430" PAGE.FIRST="19">OJ L 113, 30.4.1992, p. 19</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 92/29/EEC, the Commission should be empowered to make purely technical adjustments to its Annexes in the light of technical progress or changes in international regulations or specifications and new findings in the field. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Directive 92/29/EEC, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>When, on imperative grounds of urgency, the normal time limits for the regulatory procedure with scrutiny cannot be complied with, the Commission should be able to apply the urgency procedure provided for in Article 5a(6) of Decision 1999/468/EC for the adoption of amendments of a purely technical nature.</P><P>Accordingly, Article 8 of Directive 92/29/EEC shall be replaced by the following:</P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="008"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0006" REF.END="QE0006" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 8</TI.ART><STI.ART><P>Committee procedure</P></STI.ART><PARAG IDENTIFIER="008.001"><NO.PARAG>1.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA><P>The Commission shall be assisted by a committee to make purely technical adaptations of the Annexes to this Directive in the light of technical progress or changes in international regulations or specifications and new findings in the field.</P><P>Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in paragraph 2. On imperative grounds of urgency, the Commission may have recourse to the urgency procedure referred to in paragraph 3.</P></ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="008.002"><NO.PARAG>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.</ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="008.003"><NO.PARAG>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1), (2), (4) and (6) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0006" REF.START="QS0006" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></ALINEA></PARAG></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>2.3.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 2002/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20020625">25 June 2002</DATE> on the minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to the risks arising from physical agents (vibration) (16th individual Directive within the meaning of Article 16(1) of Directive 89/391/EEC)<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0007"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="177" DATE.PUB="20020706" PAGE.FIRST="13">OJ L 177, 6.7.2002, p. 13</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 2002/44/EC, the Commission should be empowered to make purely technical adjustments to its Annex resulting from the adoption of directives in the field of technical harmonisation and standardisation with regard to the design, building, manufacture or construction of work equipment and/or workplaces, as well as from technical progress, changes in the most appropriate harmonised European standards or specifications and new findings concerning mechanical vibration. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Directive 2002/44/EC, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>When, on imperative grounds of urgency, the normal time limits for the regulatory procedure with scrutiny cannot be complied with, the Commission should be able to apply the urgency procedure provided for in Article 5a(6) of Decision 1999/468/EC for the adoption of amendments of a purely technical nature.</P><P>Accordingly, Articles 11 and 12 of Directive 2002/44/EC shall be replaced by the following:</P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="011"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0007" REF.END="QE0007" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 11</TI.ART><STI.ART><P>Technical amendments</P></STI.ART><ALINEA><P>Amendments to the Annex to this Directive of a purely technical nature shall be adopted by the Commission in line with:</P><LIST TYPE="alpha"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(a)</NO.P><TXT>the adoption of directives in the field of technical harmonisation and standardisation with regard to the design, building, manufacture or construction of work equipment and/or workplaces;</TXT></NP></ITEM><?PAGE NO="6"?><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(b)</NO.P><TXT>technical progress, changes in the most appropriate harmonised European standards or specifications and new findings concerning mechanical vibration.</TXT></NP></ITEM></LIST><P>Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 12(2). On imperative grounds of urgency, the Commission may have recourse to the urgency procedure referred to in Article 12(3).</P></ALINEA></ARTICLE><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="012"><TI.ART>Article 12</TI.ART><STI.ART><P>Committee procedure</P></STI.ART><PARAG IDENTIFIER="012.001"><NO.PARAG>1.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission shall be assisted by the Committee referred to in Article 17(1) of Directive 89/391/EEC.</ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="012.002"><NO.PARAG>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.</ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="012.003"><NO.PARAG>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1), (2), (4) and (6) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0007" REF.START="QS0007" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></ALINEA></PARAG></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>2.4.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 2003/10/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20030206">6 February 2003</DATE> on the minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to the risks arising from physical agents (noise) (17th individual Directive within the meaning of Article 16(1) of Directive 89/391/EEC)<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0008"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="042" DATE.PUB="20030215" PAGE.FIRST="38">OJ L 42, 15.2.2003, p. 38</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 2003/10/EC, the Commission should be empowered to make purely technical adjustments resulting from the adoption of directives in the field of technical harmonisation and standardisation with regard to the design, building, manufacture or construction of work equipment and/or workplaces, as well as from technical progress, changes in the most appropriate harmonised European standards or specifications and new findings concerning noise. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Directive 2003/10/EC, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>When, on imperative grounds of urgency, the normal time limits for the regulatory procedure with scrutiny cannot be complied with, the Commission should be able to apply the urgency procedure provided for in Article 5a(6) of Decision 1999/468/EC for the adoption of amendments of a purely technical nature.</P><P>Accordingly, Articles 12 and 13 of Directive 2003/10/EC shall be replaced by the following:</P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="012"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0008" REF.END="QE0008" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 12</TI.ART><STI.ART><P>Technical amendments</P></STI.ART><ALINEA><P>Amendments of a purely technical nature shall be adopted by the Commission in line with:</P><LIST TYPE="alpha"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(a)</NO.P><TXT>the adoption of directives in the field of technical harmonisation and standardisation with regard to the design, building, manufacture or construction of work equipment and/or workplaces;</TXT></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(b)</NO.P><TXT>technical progress, changes in the most appropriate harmonised European standards or specifications and new findings concerning noise.</TXT></NP></ITEM></LIST><P>Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 13(2). On imperative grounds of urgency, the Commission may have recourse to the urgency procedure referred to in Article 13(3).</P></ALINEA></ARTICLE><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="013"><TI.ART>Article 13</TI.ART><STI.ART><P>Committee procedure</P></STI.ART><PARAG IDENTIFIER="013.001"><NO.PARAG>1.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission shall be assisted by the Committee referred to in Article 17(1) of Directive 89/391/EEC.</ALINEA></PARAG><?PAGE NO="7"?><PARAG IDENTIFIER="013.002"><NO.PARAG>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.</ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="013.003"><NO.PARAG>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1), (2), (4) and (6) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0008" REF.START="QS0008" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></ALINEA></PARAG></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>2.5.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 2004/40/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20040429">29 April 2004</DATE> on the minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to the risks arising from physical agents (electromagnetic fields) (18th individual Directive within the meaning of Article 16(1) of Directive 89/391/EEC)<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0009"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="159" DATE.PUB="20040430" PAGE.FIRST="1">OJ L 159, 30.4.2004, p. 1</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 2004/40/EC, the Commission should be empowered to make purely technical amendments to its Annexes, taking into account the adoption of directives in the field of technical harmonisation and standardisation with regard to the design, building, manufacture or construction of work equipment and/or workplaces, and taking into account technical progress, changes in the most appropriate harmonised European standards or specifications and new scientific findings concerning electromagnetic fields. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Directive 2004/40/EC, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>When, on imperative grounds of urgency, the normal time limits for the regulatory procedure with scrutiny cannot be complied with, the Commission should be able to apply the urgency procedure provided for in Article 5a(6) of Decision 1999/468/EC for the adoption of amendments of a purely technical nature.</P><P>Accordingly, Directive 2004/40/EC is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Article 10(2) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="010.002"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0009" REF.END="QE0009" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA><P>Amendments to the Annex of a purely technical nature shall be adopted by the Commission in line with:</P><LIST TYPE="alpha"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(a)</NO.P><TXT>the adoption of directives in the field of technical harmonisation and standardisation with regard to the design, building, manufacture or construction of work equipment and/or workplaces;</TXT></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(b)</NO.P><TXT>technical progress, changes in the most relevant harmonised European standards or specifications, and new scientific findings concerning electromagnetic fields.</TXT></NP></ITEM></LIST><P>Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 11(2). On imperative grounds of urgency, the Commission may have recourse to the urgency procedure referred to in Article 11(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0009" REF.START="QS0009" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</P></ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>Article 11 shall be amended as follows:</TXT><P><LIST TYPE="alpha"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(a)</NO.P><TXT>paragraph 2 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="011.002"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0010" REF.END="QE0010" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0010" REF.START="QS0010" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(b)</NO.P><TXT>paragraph 3 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="010.003"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0011" REF.END="QE0011" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1), (2), (4) and (6) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0011" REF.START="QS0011" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>2.6.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 2006/25/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20060405">5 April 2006</DATE> on the minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to risks arising from physical agents (artificial optical radiation) (19th individual Directive within the meaning of Article 16(1) of Directive 89/391/EEC)<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0010"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="114" DATE.PUB="20060427" PAGE.FIRST="38">OJ L 114, 27.4.2006, p. 38</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 2006/25/EC, the Commission should be empowered to make purely technical amendments to its Annexes, taking into account the adoption of directives in the field of technical harmonisation and<?PAGE NO="8"?> standardisation with regard to the design, building, manufacture or construction of work equipment and/or workplaces, and taking into account technical progress, changes in the most appropriate harmonised European standards or international specifications, and new scientific findings concerning occupational exposure to optical radiation. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Directive 2006/25/EC, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>When, on imperative grounds of urgency, the normal time limits for the regulatory procedure with scrutiny cannot be complied with, the Commission should be able to apply the urgency procedure provided for in Article 5a(6) of Decision 1999/468/EC for the adoption of amendments of a purely technical nature.</P><P>Accordingly, Directive 2006/25/EC is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Article 10(2) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="010.002"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0012" REF.END="QE0012" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA><P>Amendments to the Annexes of a purely technical nature shall be adopted by the Commission in line with:</P><LIST TYPE="alpha"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(a)</NO.P><TXT>the adoption of directives in the field of technical harmonisation and standardisation with regard to the design, building, manufacture or construction of work equipment and/or workplaces;</TXT></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(b)</NO.P><TXT>technical progress, changes in the most relevant harmonised European standards or international specifications, and new scientific findings concerning occupational exposure to optical radiation.</TXT></NP></ITEM></LIST><P>Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 11(2). On imperative grounds of urgency, the Commission may have recourse to the urgency procedure referred to in Article 11(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0012" REF.START="QS0012" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</P></ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>Article 11 shall be amended as follows:</TXT><P><LIST TYPE="alpha"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(a)</NO.P><TXT>paragraph 2 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="011.002"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0013" REF.END="QE0013" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0013" REF.START="QS0013" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(b)</NO.P><TXT>paragraph 3 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="011.003"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0014" REF.END="QE0014" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1), (2), (4) and (6) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0014" REF.START="QS0014" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="1"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>3.</NO.P><TXT>ENTERPRISE</TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>3.1.</NO.P><TXT>Council Directive 76/767/EEC of <DATE ISO="19760727">27 July 1976</DATE> on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to common provisions for pressure vessels and methods of inspecting them<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0011"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="262" DATE.PUB="19760927" PAGE.FIRST="153">OJ L 262, 27.9.1976, p. 153</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 76/767/EEC, the Commission should be empowered to adapt to technical progress its Annexes and those provisions of the separate directives which are specified in each of those directives. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Directive 76/767/EEC and the separate directives, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Directive 76/767/EEC is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Article 17(2)(a) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><NP><NO.P><QUOT.START ID="QS0015" REF.END="QE0015" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>(a)</NO.P><TXT>the Member State shall forward the documents giving the description of the vessel and the documents supporting its request for derogation, including the results of any tests carried out, to the other Member States, which shall have a period of four months to agree or disagree, to submit any comments,<?PAGE NO="9"?> questions, additional requirements or requests for further tests, or, if they so wish, to refer the matter to the Committee referred to in Article 20(1) for its view. Copies of the documents shall be sent to the Commission. Such correspondence shall be confidential.<QUOT.END ID="QE0015" REF.START="QS0015" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</TXT></NP></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>Article 18 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="018"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0016" REF.END="QE0016" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 18</TI.ART><ALINEA>The Commission shall adapt to technical progress Annexes I and II to this Directive and those provisions of the separate directives which are specified in each of those directives. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive and the separate directives, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 20(2).<QUOT.END ID="QE0016" REF.START="QS0016" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>3.</NO.P><TXT>Article 20 shall be amended as follows:</TXT><P><LIST TYPE="alpha"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(a)</NO.P><TXT>paragraph 2 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="020.002"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0017" REF.END="QE0017" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0017" REF.START="QS0017" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(b)</NO.P><TXT>paragraph 3 shall be deleted.</TXT></NP></ITEM></LIST></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>3.2.</NO.P><TXT>Council Directive 76/769/EEC of <DATE ISO="19760727">27 July 1976</DATE> on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to restrictions on the marketing and use of certain dangerous substances and preparations<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0012"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="262" DATE.PUB="19760927" PAGE.FIRST="201">OJ L 262, 27.9.1976, p. 201</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 76/769/EEC, the Commission should be empowered to adapt the Annexes thereto to technical progress. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Directive 76/769/EEC, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>When, on imperative grounds of urgency, such as an urgent need to strengthen restrictions on the marketing or use of dangerous substances, the normal time limits for the regulatory procedure with scrutiny cannot be complied with, the Commission should be able to apply the urgency procedure provided for in Article 5a(6) of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Directive 76/769/EEC is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Article 2a shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="002"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0018" REF.END="QE0018" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 2a</TI.ART><ALINEA>The Commission may adapt the Annexes to this Directive to technical progress with regard to substances and preparations covered by this Directive. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 2b(2). On imperative grounds of urgency, the Commission may have recourse to the urgency procedure referred to in Article 2b(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0018" REF.START="QS0018" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>the following Article shall be inserted:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="002"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0019" REF.END="QE0019" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 2b</TI.ART><PARAG IDENTIFIER="002.001"><NO.PARAG>1.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission shall be assisted by the Committee established by Article 29(1) of Council Directive 67/548/EEC<NOTE NOTE.ID="E0013" NUMBERING="STAR" TYPE="QUOTATION"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="P" NO.OJ="196" DATE.PUB="19670816" PAGE.FIRST="1">OJ 196, 16.8.1967, p. 1</REF.DOC.OJ>.<QUOT.END ID="QE0019" REF.START="QS0019" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></P></NOTE></ALINEA></PARAG><?PAGE NO="10"?><PARAG IDENTIFIER="002.002"><NO.PARAG>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.</ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="002.003"><NO.PARAG>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1), (2), (4) and (6) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.</ALINEA></PARAG></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>3.3.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 94/25/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="19940616">16 June 1994</DATE> on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to recreational craft<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0014"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="164" DATE.PUB="19940630" PAGE.FIRST="15">OJ L 164, 30.6.1994, p. 15</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 94/25/EC, the Commission should be empowered to make amendments in the light of the progress of technical knowledge and in the light of new scientific evidence. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Directive 94/25/EC, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Directive 94/25/EC is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Article 6a shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="006A"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0020" REF.END="QE0020" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 6a</TI.ART><ALINEA><P>The Commission may make amendments which are necessary in the light of the progress of technical knowledge and in the light of new scientific evidence to the requirements of Annex I.B.2 and Annex I.C.1, excluding direct or indirect modifications to exhaust or noise emission values and to the Froude and P/D ratio values. Such amendments may include reference fuels and the standards to be used for exhaust and noise emissions testing.</P><P>Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 6b(2).<QUOT.END ID="QE0020" REF.START="QS0020" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</P></ALINEA></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>the following Article shall be inserted:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="006B"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0021" REF.END="QE0021" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 6b</TI.ART><PARAG IDENTIFIER="006B.001"><NO.PARAG>1.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission shall be assisted by the Committee set up pursuant to Article 6(3).</ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="006B.002"><NO.PARAG>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0021" REF.START="QS0021" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></ALINEA></PARAG></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>3.4.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 96/73/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="19961216">16 December 1996</DATE> on certain methods for the quantitative analysis of binary textile fibre mixtures<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0015"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="032" DATE.PUB="19970203" PAGE.FIRST="1">OJ L 32, 3.2.1997, p. 1</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 96/73/EC, the Commission should be empowered to adopt the measures necessary for the adaptation to technical progress of the methods of quantitative analysis provided for in Annex II thereto. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of that Directive, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Articles 5 and 6 of Directive 96/73/EC shall be replaced by the following:</P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="005"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0022" REF.END="QE0022" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 5</TI.ART><ALINEA>The Commission shall adapt to technical progress the methods of quantitative analysis provided for in Annex II. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 6(2).</ALINEA></ARTICLE><?PAGE NO="11"?><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="006"><TI.ART>Article 6</TI.ART><PARAG IDENTIFIER="006.001"><NO.PARAG>1.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission shall be assisted by a Committee for Directives relating to Textile Names and Labelling.</ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="006.002"><NO.PARAG>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0022" REF.START="QS0022" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></ALINEA></PARAG></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>3.5.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 1999/45/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="19990531">31 May 1999</DATE> concerning the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous preparations<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0016"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="200" DATE.PUB="19990730" PAGE.FIRST="1">OJ L 200, 30.7.1999, p. 1</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 1999/45/EC, the Commission should be empowered to adapt the Annexes thereto to technical progress. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Directive 1999/45/EC, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Directive 1999/45/EC is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>the first sentence of Article 10(3) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><P><QUOT.START ID="QS0023" REF.END="QE0023" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>In relation to certain preparations classified as dangerous within the meaning of Article 7, by way of derogation from points 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6 of paragraph 2 of this Article, the Commission may determine exemptions to certain provisions on environmental labelling or specific provisions in relation to environmental labelling, where it can be demonstrated that there would be a reduction in the environmental impact. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 20a(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0023" REF.START="QS0023" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</P></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>the second sentence of Article 12(4) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><P><QUOT.START ID="QS0024" REF.END="QE0024" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Where appropriate, the Commission may decide upon measures in the framework of Annex V. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 20a(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0024" REF.START="QS0024" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</P></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>3.</NO.P><TXT>Article 19(3) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="019.003"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0025" REF.END="QE0025" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission shall take a decision in accordance with the regulatory procedure referred to in Article 20a(2).<QUOT.END ID="QE0025" REF.START="QS0025" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>4.</NO.P><TXT>Article 20 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="020"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0026" REF.END="QE0026" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 20</TI.ART><ALINEA>The Commission shall adapt to technical progress the Annexes to this Directive. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 20a(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0026" REF.START="QS0026" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>5.</NO.P><TXT>the following Article shall be inserted:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="020A"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0027" REF.END="QE0027" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 20a</TI.ART><PARAG IDENTIFIER="020A.001"><NO.PARAG>1.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission shall be assisted by the committee established by Article 29(1) of Council Directive 67/548/EEC<NOTE NOTE.ID="E0017" NUMBERING="STAR" TYPE="QUOTATION"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="P" NO.OJ="196" DATE.PUB="19670816" PAGE.FIRST="1">OJ  196, 16.8.1967, p. 1</REF.DOC.OJ>.<QUOT.END ID="QE0027" REF.START="QS0027" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></P></NOTE></ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="020A.002"><NO.PARAG>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA><P>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Articles 5 and 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.</P><P>The period laid down in Article 5(6) of Decision 1999/468/EC shall be set at three months.</P></ALINEA></PARAG><?PAGE NO="12"?><PARAG IDENTIFIER="020A.003"><NO.PARAG>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.</ALINEA></PARAG></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>3.6.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 2002/24/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20020318">18 March 2002</DATE> relating to the type-approval of two or three-wheel motor vehicles<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0018"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="124" DATE.PUB="20020509" PAGE.FIRST="1">OJ L 124, 9.5.2002, p. 1</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 2002/24/EC, the Commission should be empowered to adapt to technical progress its Annexes or the provisions of the separate directives referred to in its Annex I. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Directive 2002/24/EC or of the separate directives, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Directive 2002/24/EC is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Article 17 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="017"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0028" REF.END="QE0028" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 17</TI.ART><ALINEA>The Commission may adapt to technical progress the Annexes to this Directive or the provisions of the separate directives referred to in Annex I to this Directive. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive or of the separate directives, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 18(2).<QUOT.END ID="QE0028" REF.START="QS0028" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>Article 18 shall be amended as follows:</TXT><P><LIST TYPE="alpha"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(a)</NO.P><TXT>paragraph 2 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="018.002"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0029" REF.END="QE0029" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Articles 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0029" REF.START="QS0029" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(b)</NO.P><TXT>paragraph 3 shall be deleted.</TXT></NP></ITEM></LIST></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>3.7.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 2003/37/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20030526">26 May 2003</DATE> on type-approval of agricultural or forestry tractors, their trailers and interchangeable towed machinery, together with their systems, components and separate technical units<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0019"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="171" DATE.PUB="20030709" PAGE.FIRST="1">OJ L 171, 9.7.2003, p. 1</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 2003/37/EC, the Commission should be empowered to adapt its Annexes, to adapt the technical provisions of the separate directives and to introduce into the separate directives provisions relating to the EC type-approval of separate technical units. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Directive 2003/37/EC, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Directive 2003/37/EC is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Article 19 shall be amended as follows:</TXT><P><LIST TYPE="alpha"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(a)</NO.P><TXT>in paragraph 1, the introductory wording shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="019.001"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0030" REF.END="QE0030" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>1.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The following measures designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive which are necessary for the implementation of this Directive and which relate to the subject matter referred to below shall be adopted by the Commission in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 20(3):<QUOT.END ID="QE0030" REF.START="QS0030" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><?PAGE NO="13"?><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(b)</NO.P><TXT>paragraph 2 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="019.002"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0031" REF.END="QE0031" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission shall adapt the Annexes to this Directive if, pursuant to Decision 97/836/EC, new regulations or amendments to existing regulations which the Community has accepted are introduced. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 20(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0031" REF.START="QS0031" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>Article 20(3) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="020.003"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0032" REF.END="QE0032" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Articles 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0032" REF.START="QS0032" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>3.8.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 2004/22/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20040331">31 March 2004</DATE> on measuring instruments<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0020"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="135" DATE.PUB="20040430" PAGE.FIRST="1">OJ L 135, 30.4.2004, p. 1</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 2004/22/EC, the Commission should be empowered to take appropriate measures to amend the instrument-specific Annexes thereto (MI-001 to MI-010). Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Directive 2004/22/EC, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Directive 2004/22/EC is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Article 15 shall be amended as follows:</TXT><P><LIST TYPE="alpha"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(a)</NO.P><TXT>paragraph 3 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="015.003"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0033" REF.END="QE0033" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0033" REF.START="QS0033" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST><LIST TYPE="alpha"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(b)</NO.P><TXT>paragraph 4 shall be deleted.</TXT></NP></ITEM></LIST></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>Article 16(2) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="016.002"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0034" REF.END="QE0034" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA><P>At the request of a Member State or on its own initiative, the Commission may amend the instrument-specific Annexes (MI-001 to MI-010) in relation to the following:</P><LIST TYPE="alpha"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(a)</NO.P><TXT>maximum permissible errors (MPEs) and accuracy classes;</TXT></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(b)</NO.P><TXT>rated operating conditions;</TXT></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(c)</NO.P><TXT>critical change values;</TXT></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(d)</NO.P><TXT>disturbances.</TXT></NP></ITEM></LIST><P>Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 15(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0034" REF.START="QS0034" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></P></ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="1"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>4.</NO.P><TXT>ENVIRONMENT</TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>4.1.</NO.P><TXT>Council Directive 76/160/EEC of <DATE ISO="19751208">8 December 1975</DATE> concerning the quality of bathing water<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0021"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="031" DATE.PUB="19760205" PAGE.FIRST="1">OJ L 31, 5.2.1976, p. 1</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 76/160/EEC, the Commission should be empowered to adapt to technical progress the G and I values for the parameters and the methods of analysis set out in the Annex thereto. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Directive 76/160/EEC, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><?PAGE NO="14"?><P>Accordingly, Directive 76/160/EEC is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Article 9 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="009"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0035" REF.END="QE0035" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 9</TI.ART><ALINEA><P>The Commission shall adopt such amendments as are necessary to adapt to technical progress the G and I values for the parameters and the methods of analysis set out in the Annex to this Directive.</P><P>Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 11(2).<QUOT.END ID="QE0035" REF.START="QS0035" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</P></ALINEA></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>Article 11 shall be amended as follows:</TXT><P><LIST TYPE="alpha"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(a)</NO.P><TXT>paragraph 2 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="011.002"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0036" REF.END="QE0036" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0036" REF.START="QS0036" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(b)</NO.P><TXT>paragraph 3 shall be deleted.</TXT></NP></ITEM></LIST></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>4.2.</NO.P><TXT>Council Directive 91/271/EEC of <DATE ISO="19910521">21 May 1991</DATE> concerning urban waste water treatment<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0022"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="135" DATE.PUB="19910530" PAGE.FIRST="40">OJ L 135, 30.5.1991, p. 40</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 91/271/EEC, the Commission should be empowered to amend the requirements laid down in sections A, B and C of Annex I thereto. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Directive 91/271/EEC, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Directive 91/271/EEC is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Article 3(2) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="003.002"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0037" REF.END="QE0037" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Collecting systems described in paragraph 1 shall satisfy the requirements of section A of Annex I. The Commission may amend those requirements. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 18(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0037" REF.START="QS0037" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>Article 4(3) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="004.003"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0038" REF.END="QE0038" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Discharges from urban waste water treatment plants described in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall satisfy the relevant requirements of section B of Annex I. The Commission may amend those requirements. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 18(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0038" REF.START="QS0038" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>3.</NO.P><TXT>Article 5(3) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="005.003"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0039" REF.END="QE0039" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Discharges from urban waste water treatment plants described in paragraph 2 shall satisfy the relevant requirements of section B of Annex I. The Commission may amend those requirements. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 18(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0039" REF.START="QS0039" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>4.</NO.P><TXT>Article 8 shall be amended as follows:</TXT><P><LIST TYPE="alpha"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(a)</NO.P><TXT>paragraph 4 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="008.004"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0040" REF.END="QE0040" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>4.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission shall examine that request and take appropriate measures in accordance with the regulatory procedure referred to in Article 18(2).<QUOT.END ID="QE0040" REF.START="QS0040" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><?PAGE NO="15"?><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(b)</NO.P><TXT>the second subparagraph of paragraph 5 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ALINEA><QUOT.START ID="QS0041" REF.END="QE0041" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>In such circumstances, Member States shall submit beforehand the relevant documentation to the Commission. The Commission shall examine the case and take appropriate measures in accordance with the regulatory procedure referred to in Article 18(2).<QUOT.END ID="QE0041" REF.START="QS0041" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>5.</NO.P><TXT>Article 11(2) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="011.002"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0042" REF.END="QE0042" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Regulations and/or specific authorisation shall satisfy the requirements of section C of Annex I. The Commission may amend those requirements. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 18(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0042" REF.START="QS0042" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>6.</NO.P><TXT>Article 12(3) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="012.003"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0043" REF.END="QE0043" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Prior regulations and/or specific authorisation of discharges from urban waste water treatment plants made pursuant to paragraph 2 within agglomerations of <FT TYPE="NUMBER">2000</FT> to <FT TYPE="NUMBER">10000</FT> p.e. in the case of discharges to fresh waters and estuaries, and within agglomerations of <FT TYPE="NUMBER">10000</FT> p.e. or more in respect of all discharges, shall contain conditions to satisfy the relevant requirements of section B of Annex I. The Commission may amend those requirements. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 18(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0043" REF.START="QS0043" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>7.</NO.P><TXT>Article 15(5) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="015.005"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0044" REF.END="QE0044" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>5.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission may formulate guidelines on the monitoring referred to in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 in accordance with the regulatory procedure referred to in Article 18(2).<QUOT.END ID="QE0044" REF.START="QS0044" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>8.</NO.P><TXT>Article 17(4) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="017.004"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0045" REF.END="QE0045" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>4.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission shall determine, in accordance with the regulatory procedure referred to in Article 18(2), the methods and formats to be adopted for reporting on the national programmes. Any amendments to those methods and formats shall be adopted in accordance with that procedure.<QUOT.END ID="QE0045" REF.START="QS0045" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>9.</NO.P><TXT>Article 18(2) and (3) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="018.002"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0046" REF.END="QE0046" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA><P>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Articles 5 and 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.</P><P>The period laid down in Article 5(6) of Decision 1999/468/EC shall be set at three months.</P></ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="018.003"><NO.PARAG>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0046" REF.START="QS0046" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>4.3.</NO.P><TXT>Council Directive 91/676/EEC of <DATE ISO="19911212">12 December 1991</DATE> concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0023"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="375" DATE.PUB="19911231" PAGE.FIRST="1">OJ L 375, 31.12.1991, p. 1</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 91/676/EEC, the Commission should be empowered to adapt or supplement the Annexes thereto to technical and scientific progress. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Directive 91/676/EEC, <HT TYPE="ITALIC">inter alia</HT>, by supplementing it with new non-essential elements, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><?PAGE NO="16"?><P>Accordingly, Directive 91/676/EEC is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Articles 7 and 8 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="007"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0047" REF.END="QE0047" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 7</TI.ART><ALINEA>The Commission may draw up guidelines for the monitoring referred to in Articles 5 and 6 in accordance with the regulatory procedure referred to in Article 9(2).</ALINEA></ARTICLE><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="008"><TI.ART>Article 8</TI.ART><ALINEA><P>The Commission may adapt the Annexes to this Directive to scientific and technical progress.</P><P>Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 9(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0047" REF.START="QS0047" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</P></ALINEA></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>Article 9(3) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="009.003"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0048" REF.END="QE0048" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0048" REF.START="QS0048" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>3.</NO.P><TXT>the third subparagraph of point 2 of Annex III shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ALINEA><QUOT.START ID="QS0049" REF.END="QE0049" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>If a Member State allows a different amount under point (b) of the second subparagraph, it shall inform the Commission, which shall examine the justification in accordance with the regulatory procedure referred to in Article 9(2).<QUOT.END ID="QE0049" REF.START="QS0049" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></ALINEA></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>4.4.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 94/63/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="19941220">20 December 1994</DATE> on the control of volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions resulting from the storage of petrol and its distribution from terminals to service stations<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0024"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="365" DATE.PUB="19941231" PAGE.FIRST="24">OJ L 365, 31.12.1994, p. 24</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 94/63/EC, the Commission should be empowered to revise the specifications for bottom loading equipment laid down in Annex IV thereto, and to adapt, with the exception of limit values laid down in point 2 of Annex II, the Annexes to technical progress. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Directive 94/63/EC, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Directive 94/63/EC is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>in Article 4(1), the sixth subparagraph shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ALINEA><QUOT.START ID="QS0050" REF.END="QE0050" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>All terminals with loading facilities for road tankers shall be equipped with at least one gantry which meets the specifications for bottom loading equipment laid down in Annex IV. The Commission shall re-examine those specifications at regular intervals and, if appropriate, revise them. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 8(2).<QUOT.END ID="QE0050" REF.START="QS0050" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>Article 7 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="007"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0051" REF.END="QE0051" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 7</TI.ART><STI.ART><P>Adaptation to technical progress</P></STI.ART><ALINEA>Except for the limit values laid down in point 2 of Annex II, the Commission may adapt the Annexes to this Directive to technical progress. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 8(2).<QUOT.END ID="QE0051" REF.START="QS0051" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><?PAGE NO="17"?><ITEM><NP><NO.P>3.</NO.P><TXT>Article 8 shall be amended as follows:</TXT><P><LIST TYPE="alpha"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(a)</NO.P><TXT>paragraph 2 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="008.002"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0052" REF.END="QE0052" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0052" REF.START="QS0052" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(b)</NO.P><TXT>paragraph 3 shall be deleted.</TXT></NP></ITEM></LIST></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>4.5.</NO.P><TXT>Council Directive 96/82/EC of <DATE ISO="19961209">9 December 1996</DATE> on the control of major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0025"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="010" DATE.PUB="19970114" PAGE.FIRST="13">OJ L 10, 14.1.1997, p. 13</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 96/82/EC, the Commission should be empowered to adapt Annexes II to VI thereto to technical progress, and to establish harmonised criteria for decisions taken by the competent authorities of the Member States to the effect that an establishment is in a state incapable of creating a major accident hazard. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Directive 96/82/EC, <HT TYPE="ITALIC">inter alia</HT>, by supplementing it with new non-essential elements, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Directive 96/82/EC is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Article 9(6)(b) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><NP><NO.P><QUOT.START ID="QS0053" REF.END="QE0053" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>(b)</NO.P><TXT>The Commission shall establish harmonised criteria for decisions of the competent authority that an establishment is in a state incapable of creating a major accident hazard within the meaning of subparagraph (a). Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 22(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0053" REF.START="QS0053" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</TXT></NP></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>Article 15(2) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="015.002"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0054" REF.END="QE0054" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA><P>Member States shall, as soon as the information provided for in Article 14 is collected, inform the Commission of the result of their analysis and recommendations using a report form established and kept under review by means of the regulatory procedure referred to in Article 22(2).</P><P>Reporting of this information by Member States may be delayed only to allow for the completion of legal proceedings where such reporting is liable to affect those proceedings.<QUOT.END ID="QE0054" REF.START="QS0054" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</P></ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>3.</NO.P><TXT>Article 21 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="021"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0055" REF.END="QE0055" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 21</TI.ART><STI.ART><P>Terms of reference of the Committee</P></STI.ART><PARAG IDENTIFIER="021.001"><NO.PARAG>1.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA><P>The Commission shall adapt the criteria referred to in Article 9(6)(b) and Annexes II to VI to technical progress.</P><P>Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 22(3).</P></ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="021.002"><NO.PARAG>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The measure to draw up the report form referred to in Article 15(2) shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure referred to in Article 22(2).<QUOT.END ID="QE0055" REF.START="QS0055" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>4.</NO.P><TXT>Article 22 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="022"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0056" REF.END="QE0056" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 22</TI.ART><STI.ART><P>Committee procedure</P></STI.ART><PARAG IDENTIFIER="022.001"><NO.PARAG>1.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission shall be assisted by a Committee.</ALINEA></PARAG><?PAGE NO="18"?><PARAG IDENTIFIER="022.002"><NO.PARAG>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA><P>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Articles 5 and 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.</P><P>The period laid down in Article 5(6) of Decision 1999/468/EC shall be set at three months.</P></ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="022.003"><NO.PARAG>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0056" REF.START="QS0056" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></ALINEA></PARAG></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>4.6.</NO.P><TXT>Council Directive 1999/31/EC of <DATE ISO="19990426">26 April 1999</DATE> on the landfill of waste<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0026"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="182" DATE.PUB="19990716" PAGE.FIRST="1">OJ L 182, 16.7.1999, p. 1</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 1999/31/EC, the Commission should be empowered to adapt the Annexes thereto to scientific and technical progress and to adopt measures for the standardisation of control, sampling and analysis methods. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Directive 1999/31/EC, <HT TYPE="ITALIC">inter alia</HT>, by supplementing it with new non-essential elements, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Directive 1999/31/EC is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Article 16 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="016"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0057" REF.END="QE0057" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 16</TI.ART><STI.ART><P>Committee procedure</P></STI.ART><ALINEA><P>Measures necessary to adapt the Annexes to this Directive to scientific and technical progress and to establish the standardisation of control, sampling and analysis methods in relation to the landfill of waste shall be adopted by the Commission, assisted by the Committee established by Article 18 of Directive 2006/12/EC. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, <HT TYPE="ITALIC">inter alia</HT>, by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 17(3). To this end, as regards Annex II, the Committee shall take into account the general principles and general procedures for testing and acceptance criteria set out in Annex II and shall set specific criteria and/or test methods and associated limit values for each class of landfill, including if necessary specific types of landfill within each class, including underground storage.</P><P>The Commission shall, in accordance with the regulatory procedure referred to in Article 17(2), adopt, and when necessary amend, provisions for the harmonisation and regular transmission of the statistical data referred to in Articles 5, 7 and 11.<QUOT.END ID="QE0057" REF.START="QS0057" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</P></ALINEA></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>Article 17(3) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="017.003"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0058" REF.END="QE0058" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0058" REF.START="QS0058" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>4.7.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 1999/94/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="19991213">13 December 1999</DATE> relating to the availability of consumer information on fuel economy and CO<HT TYPE="SUB">2</HT> emissions in respect of the marketing of new passenger cars<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0027"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="012" DATE.PUB="20000118" PAGE.FIRST="16">OJ L 12, 18.1.2000, p. 16</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 1999/94/EC, the Commission should be empowered to adapt its Annexes. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of that Directive, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><?PAGE NO="19"?><P>Accordingly, Directive 1999/94/EC is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Article 9 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="009"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0059" REF.END="QE0059" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 9</TI.ART><PARAG IDENTIFIER="009.001"><NO.PARAG>1.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA><P>Measures necessary to adapt the Annexes to this Directive and designed to amend non-essential elements of it shall be adopted by the Commission in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 10(3) following consultation with consumer organisations and other interested parties.</P><P>In order to assist this process, each Member State shall transmit to the Commission, by <DATE ISO="20031231">31 December 2003</DATE>, a report on the effectiveness of the provisions of this Directive, covering the period from <DATE ISO="20010118">18 January 2001</DATE> to <DATE ISO="20021231">31 December 2002</DATE>. The format of this report shall be established in accordance with the regulatory procedure referred to in Article 10(2) not later than <DATE ISO="20010118">18 January 2001</DATE>.</P></ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="009.002"><NO.PARAG>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA><P>In addition to the measures referred to in paragraph 1, the Commission shall take measures aimed at:</P><LIST TYPE="alpha"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(a)</NO.P><TXT>further specifying the format of the label referred to in Article 3 by adapting Annex I;</TXT></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(b)</NO.P><TXT>further specifying the requirements concerning the guide referred to in Article 4 with a view to classifying new car models, thus enabling a listing of the models according to CO<HT TYPE="SUB">2</HT> emissions and fuel consumption in specified classes, including a class listing of the most fuel efficient new car models;</TXT></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(c)</NO.P><TXT>establishing recommendations in order to enable the application of the principles of the provisions on promotional literature referred to in the first paragraph of Article 6 to other media and material.</TXT></NP></ITEM></LIST><P>The measures referred to in point (a) of the first subparagraph, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 10(3).</P><P>The measures referred to in points (b) and (c) of the first subparagraph shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure referred to in Article 10(2).<QUOT.END ID="QE0059" REF.START="QS0059" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</P></ALINEA></PARAG></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>Article 10(3) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="010.003"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0060" REF.END="QE0060" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0060" REF.START="QS0060" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>4.8.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 2000/76/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20001204">4 December 2000</DATE> on the incineration of waste<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0028"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="332" DATE.PUB="20001228" PAGE.FIRST="91">OJ L 332, 28.12.2000, p. 91</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 2000/76/EC, the Commission should be empowered to establish criteria for requirements relating to the reduction of the frequency of certain periodic measurements, to determine the date from which continuous measurements of certain air emission limit values shall be carried out, to adapt Articles 10, 11 and 13 and Annexes I and III to technical progress or new findings concerning the health benefits of emission reductions, and to adapt the tables in Annex II, point 2.1. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Directive 2000/76/EC, <HT TYPE="ITALIC">inter alia</HT>, by supplementing it with new non-essential elements, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Directive 2000/76/EC is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Article 11 shall be amended as follows:</TXT><P><LIST TYPE="alpha"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(a)</NO.P><TXT>the first subparagraph of paragraph 7 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="011.007"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0061" REF.END="QE0061" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>7.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The reduction of the frequency of the periodic measurements for heavy metals from twice a year to once every two years and for dioxins and furans from twice a year to once a year may be authorised in the permit by the competent authority provided that the emissions resulting from co-incineration or<?PAGE NO="20"?> incineration are below 50 % of the emission limit values determined in accordance with Annex II or Annex V respectively and that criteria for the requirements to be met are available. The Commission shall adopt measures establishing these criteria, based at least on the provisions of points (a) and (d) of the second subparagraph. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 17(2).<QUOT.END ID="QE0061" REF.START="QS0061" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(b)</NO.P><TXT>paragraph 13 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="011.013"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0062" REF.END="QE0062" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>13.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission shall determine, as soon as appropriate measurement techniques are available within the Community, the date from which continuous measurements of the air emission limit values for heavy metals, dioxins and furans shall be carried out in accordance with Annex III. That measure, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 17(2).<QUOT.END ID="QE0062" REF.START="QS0062" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>Article 16 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="016"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0063" REF.END="QE0063" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 16</TI.ART><STI.ART><P>Adaptation to technical progress or new findings</P></STI.ART><ALINEA>The Commission shall adopt measures designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive and adapting Articles 10, 11 and 13 and Annexes I and III to technical progress or new findings concerning the health benefits of emission reductions in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 17(2).<QUOT.END ID="QE0063" REF.START="QS0063" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>3.</NO.P><TXT>Article 17 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="017"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0064" REF.END="QE0064" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 17</TI.ART><STI.ART><P>Committee procedure</P></STI.ART><PARAG IDENTIFIER="017.001"><NO.PARAG>1.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission shall be assisted by a committee.</ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="017.002"><NO.PARAG>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0064" REF.START="QS0064" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>4.</NO.P><TXT>the first paragraph of point II.2.1 of Annex II shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><P><QUOT.START ID="QS0065" REF.END="QE0065" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Where, for large combustion plants, more stringent emission limit values are set under Directive 2001/80/EC or will be set under other Community legislation, those emission limit values shall replace, for the plants and pollutants concerned, the emission limit values laid down in the following tables (Cproc). In that case, the Commission shall adapt those tables to the more stringent emission limit values. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 17(2), without delay.<QUOT.END ID="QE0065" REF.START="QS0065" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></P></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>4.9.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 2002/49/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20020625">25 June 2002</DATE> relating to the assessment and management of environmental noise<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0029"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="189" DATE.PUB="20020718" PAGE.FIRST="12">OJ L 189, 18.7.2002, p. 12</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 2002/49/EC, the Commission should be empowered to adapt point 3 of Annex I and Annexes II and III thereto to technical and scientific progress and to establish common assessment methods. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Directive 2002/49/EC, <HT TYPE="ITALIC">inter alia</HT>, by supplementing it with new non-essential elements, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Directive 2002/49/EC is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Article 6(2) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="006.002"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0066" REF.END="QE0066" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission shall, through a revision of Annex II, establish common assessment methods for the determination of L<HT TYPE="SUB">den</HT> and L<HT TYPE="SUB">night</HT>. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 13(3). Until<?PAGE NO="21"?> those methods are adopted, Member States may use assessment methods adapted in accordance with Annex II and based upon the methods laid down in their own legislation. In such case, the Member States must demonstrate that those methods give equivalent results to the results obtained with the methods set out in paragraph 2(2) of Annex II.<QUOT.END ID="QE0066" REF.START="QS0066" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>Article 12 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="012"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0067" REF.END="QE0067" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 12</TI.ART><STI.ART><P>Adaptation to technical and scientific progress</P></STI.ART><ALINEA>The Commission shall adapt point 3 of Annex I and Annexes II and III to this Directive to technical and scientific progress. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 13(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0067" REF.START="QS0067" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>3.</NO.P><TXT>Article 13(3) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="013.003"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0068" REF.END="QE0068" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0068" REF.START="QS0068" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>4.</NO.P><TXT>in Annex III, the second sentence of the introductory wording shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><P><QUOT.START ID="QS0069" REF.END="QE0069" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>The dose-effect relations introduced by future revisions of this Annex carried out in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 13(3) will concern in particular:<QUOT.END ID="QE0069" REF.START="QS0069" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>.</P></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>4.10.</NO.P><TXT>Regulation (EC) No 1830/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20030922">22 September 2003</DATE> on the traceability and labelling of genetically modified organisms and the traceability of food and feed products produced from genetically modified organisms<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0030"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="268" DATE.PUB="20031018" PAGE.FIRST="24">OJ L 268, 18.10.2003, p. 24</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Regulation (EC) No 1830/2003, the Commission should be empowered to establish and adapt a system for the development and assignment of unique identifiers to GMOs. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of that Regulation by supplementing it with new non-essential elements, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Regulation (EC) No 1830/2003 is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Article 8 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="008"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0070" REF.END="QE0070" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 8</TI.ART><STI.ART><P>Unique identifiers</P></STI.ART><ALINEA><P>The Commission shall:</P><LIST TYPE="alpha"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(a)</NO.P><TXT>prior to the application of Articles 1 to 7, establish a system for the development and assignment of unique identifiers to GMOs;</TXT></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(b)</NO.P><TXT>adapt the system provided for in point (a) as appropriate.</TXT><P>The measures provided for in the first paragraph, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Regulation by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 10(2). In so doing, account shall be taken of developments in international fora.<QUOT.END ID="QE0070" REF.START="QS0070" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</P></NP></ITEM></LIST></ALINEA></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><?PAGE NO="22"?><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>Article 10 shall be amended as follows:</TXT><P><LIST TYPE="alpha"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(a)</NO.P><TXT>paragraph 2 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="010.002"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0071" REF.END="QE0071" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0071" REF.START="QS0071" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(b)</NO.P><TXT>paragraph 4 shall be deleted.</TXT></NP></ITEM></LIST></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>4.11.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 2004/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20040421">21 April 2004</DATE> on the limitation of emissions of volatile organic compounds due to the use of organic solvents in certain paints and varnishes and vehicle refinishing products<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0031"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="143" DATE.PUB="20040430" PAGE.FIRST="87">OJ L 143, 30.4.2004, p. 87</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 2004/42/EC, the Commission should be empowered to adapt Annex III thereto to technical progress. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Directive 2004/42/EC, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Directive 2004/42/EC is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Article 11 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="011"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0072" REF.END="QE0072" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 11</TI.ART><STI.ART><P>Adaptation to technical progress</P></STI.ART><ALINEA>The Commission shall adapt Annex III to take account of technical progress. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 12(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0072" REF.START="QS0072" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>Article 12(3) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="012.003"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0073" REF.END="QE0073" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0073" REF.START="QS0073" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>4.12.</NO.P><TXT>Regulation (EC) No 842/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20060517">17 May 2006</DATE> on certain fluorinated greenhouse gases<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0032"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="161" DATE.PUB="20060614" PAGE.FIRST="1">OJ L 161, 14.6.2006, p. 1</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Regulation (EC) No 842/2006, the Commission should be empowered to establish standard leakage checking requirements, to establish the minimum requirements and the conditions for mutual recognition in respect of training programmes and certification, and to adopt additional labelling requirements. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Regulation (EC) No 842/2006 by supplementing it with new non-essential elements, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Regulation (EC) No 842/2006 is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Article 3(7) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="003.007"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0074" REF.END="QE0074" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>7.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission shall establish the standard leakage checking requirements for each of the applications referred to in paragraph 1. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Regulation by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 12(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0074" REF.START="QS0074" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><?PAGE NO="23"?><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>Article 5(1) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="005.001"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0075" REF.END="QE0075" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>1.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission shall establish, on the basis of information received from Member States and in consultation with the relevant sectors, the minimum requirements and the conditions for mutual recognition in respect of training programmes and certification for both the companies and the relevant personnel involved in the installation, maintenance or servicing of the equipment and systems covered by Article 3(1), and for the personnel involved in the activities provided for by Articles 3 and 4. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Regulation by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 12(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0075" REF.START="QS0075" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>3.</NO.P><TXT>Article 7(3) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="007.003"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0076" REF.END="QE0076" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA><P>The form of the label to be used shall be determined in accordance with the regulatory procedure referred to in Article 12(2).</P><P>Labelling requirements additional to those set out in paragraph 1 shall, if appropriate, be adopted. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Regulation by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 12(3).</P><P>Before submitting a proposal to the Committee referred to in Article 12(1), the Commission shall review the desirability of including additional environmental information, including the global warming potential, on labels, taking due account of existing labelling schemes already applicable to the products and equipment referred to in paragraph 2.<QUOT.END ID="QE0076" REF.START="QS0076" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</P></ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>4.</NO.P><TXT>Article 12(3) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="012.003"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0077" REF.END="QE0077" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0077" REF.START="QS0077" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>4.13.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 2006/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20060906">6 September 2006</DATE> on the quality of fresh waters needing protection or improvement in order to support fish life<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0033"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="264" DATE.PUB="20060925" PAGE.FIRST="20">OJ L 264, 25.9.2006, p. 20</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 2006/44/EC, the Commission should be empowered to adapt the G values for the parameters, and the methods of analysis, set out in Annex I thereto to technical and scientific progress. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Directive 2006/44/EC, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Directive 2006/44/EC is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Article 12 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="012"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0078" REF.END="QE0078" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 12</TI.ART><ALINEA>The Commission shall adopt measures necessary to adapt to technical and scientific progress the G values for the parameters, and the methods of analysis, set out in Annex I to this Directive. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 13(2).<QUOT.END ID="QE0078" REF.START="QS0078" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>Article 13 shall be amended as follows:</TXT><P><LIST TYPE="alpha"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(a)</NO.P><TXT>paragraph 2 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="013.002"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0079" REF.END="QE0079" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0079" REF.START="QS0079" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(b)</NO.P><TXT>paragraph 3 shall be deleted.</TXT></NP></ITEM></LIST></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ><?PAGE NO="24"?><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>4.14.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 2006/113/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20061212">12 December 2006</DATE> on the quality required of shellfish waters<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0034"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="376" DATE.PUB="20061227" PAGE.FIRST="14">OJ L 376, 27.12.2006, p. 14</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 2006/113/EC, the Commission should be empowered to adapt to technical and scientific progress the G values for the parameters, and the methods of analysis, set out in Annex I thereto. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Directive 2006/113/EC, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Article 12 of Directive 2006/113/EC shall be replaced by the following:</P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="012"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0080" REF.END="QE0080" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 12</TI.ART><ALINEA>The Commission, assisted by the Committee set up by Article 13(1) of Directive 2006/44/EC, shall adopt measures necessary to adapt to technical and scientific progress the G values for the parameters, and the methods of analysis, set out in Annex I to this Directive. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 13(2) of Directive 2006/44/EC.<QUOT.END ID="QE0080" REF.START="QS0080" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></ALINEA></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></GR.SEQ></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="1"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>5.</NO.P><TXT>EUROSTAT</TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>5.1.</NO.P><TXT>Council Regulation (EEC) No 696/93 of <DATE ISO="19930315">15 March 1993</DATE> on the statistical units for the observation and analysis of the production system in the Community<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0035"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="076" DATE.PUB="19930330" PAGE.FIRST="1">OJ L 76, 30.3.1993, p. 1</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Regulation (EEC) No 696/93, the Commission should be empowered to adapt the Annex thereto to economic and technical progress. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Regulation (EEC) No 696/93, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Regulation (EEC) No 696/93 is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Articles 5 and 6 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="005"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0081" REF.END="QE0081" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 5</TI.ART><ALINEA>After the end of the transitional period referred to in Article 4, the Commission may, in accordance with the management procedure referred to in Article 7(2), authorise a Member State to use other statistical units of the production system.</ALINEA></ARTICLE><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="006"><TI.ART>Article 6</TI.ART><ALINEA>Measures for the implementation of this Regulation, including those designed to adapt to economic and technical progress concerning in particular the statistical units of the production system, the criteria used and the definitions specified in the Annex, shall be adopted by the Commission. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Regulation, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 7(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0081" REF.START="QS0081" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>Article 7 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="007"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0082" REF.END="QE0082" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 7</TI.ART><PARAG IDENTIFIER="007.001"><NO.PARAG>1.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission shall be assisted by the Statistical Programme Committee.</ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="007.002"><NO.PARAG>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA><P>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Articles 4 and 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.</P><P>The period provided for in Article 4(3) of Decision 1999/468/EC shall be set at three months.</P></ALINEA></PARAG><?PAGE NO="25"?><PARAG IDENTIFIER="007.003"><NO.PARAG>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0082" REF.START="QS0082" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></ALINEA></PARAG></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>5.2.</NO.P><TXT>Council Directive 95/57/EC of <DATE ISO="19951123">23 November 1995</DATE> on the collection of statistical information in the field of tourism<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0036"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="291" DATE.PUB="19951206" PAGE.FIRST="32">OJ L 291, 6.12.1995, p. 32</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 95/57/EC, the Commission should be empowered to determine the definitions to be applied to data collection characteristics and any adjustments to the list of such characteristics, to adopt the necessary minimum accuracy requirements for results and the procedures for ensuring the harmonised processing of systematic biases, and to adopt detailed rules for the processing of information collected by the Member States. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Directive 95/57/EC, <HT TYPE="ITALIC">inter alia</HT>, by supplementing it with new non-essential elements, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Directive 95/57/EC is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Article 3(2) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="003.002"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0083" REF.END="QE0083" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The definitions to be applied to the data collection characteristics and any adjustments to the list of data collection characteristics shall be determined by the Commission. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, <HT TYPE="ITALIC">inter alia</HT>, by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 12(2).<QUOT.END ID="QE0083" REF.START="QS0083" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>Article 4(1) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="004.001"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0084" REF.END="QE0084" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>1.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The collection of statistical information shall, where possible, ensure that results meet the necessary minimum accuracy requirements. Those requirements, and the procedures for ensuring the harmonised processing of systematic biases, shall be adopted by the Commission. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 12(2). The minimum accuracy requirements shall be determined with particular reference to annual overnight stays at national level.<QUOT.END ID="QE0084" REF.START="QS0084" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>3.</NO.P><TXT>Article 6 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="006"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0085" REF.END="QE0085" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 6</TI.ART><STI.ART><P>Data processing</P></STI.ART><ALINEA>Member States shall process the information collected under Article 3 in accordance with the accuracy requirements referred to in Article 4 and the detailed rules adopted by the Commission. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 12(2). The regional level shall be in accordance with the Nomenclature of Territorial Units (NUTS) of the Statistical Office of the European Communities.<QUOT.END ID="QE0085" REF.START="QS0085" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>4.</NO.P><TXT>in Article 7(3), the words <QUOT.START ID="QS0086" REF.END="QE0086" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 12<QUOT.END ID="QE0086" REF.START="QS0086" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END> shall be replaced by the words <QUOT.START ID="QS0087" REF.END="QE0087" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 12(1)<QUOT.END ID="QE0087" REF.START="QS0087" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</TXT></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>5.</NO.P><TXT>in Article 9, the words <QUOT.START ID="QS0088" REF.END="QE0088" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 12<QUOT.END ID="QE0088" REF.START="QS0088" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END> shall be replaced by the words <QUOT.START ID="QS0089" REF.END="QE0089" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 12(1)<QUOT.END ID="QE0089" REF.START="QS0089" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</TXT></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>6.</NO.P><TXT>the following paragraphs shall be added to Article 11:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ALINEA><P><QUOT.START ID="QS0090" REF.END="QE0090" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>The measures referred to in Articles 3, 4 and 6, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, <HT TYPE="ITALIC">inter alia</HT>, by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 12(2).</P><P>The measures referred to in Articles 7 and 9 shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 12(1).<QUOT.END ID="QE0090" REF.START="QS0090" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</P></ALINEA></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><?PAGE NO="26"?><ITEM><NP><NO.P>7.</NO.P><TXT>Article 12(2) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="012.002"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0091" REF.END="QE0091" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0091" REF.START="QS0091" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>5.3.</NO.P><TXT>Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20030526">26 May 2003</DATE> on the establishment of a common classification of territorial units for statistics (NUTS)<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0037"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="154" DATE.PUB="20030621" PAGE.FIRST="1">OJ L 154, 21.6.2003, p. 1</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003, the Commission should be empowered to adapt the administrative units used for the NUTS classification, deviate from population thresholds in the case of some non-administrative units, amend smaller administrative units for the purposes of NUTS 3, and amend the NUTS classification. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003, <HT TYPE="ITALIC">inter alia</HT>, by supplementing it with new non-essential elements, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Article 3 shall be amended as follows:</TXT><P><LIST TYPE="alpha"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(a)</NO.P><TXT>paragraph 4 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="003.004"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0092" REF.END="QE0092" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>4.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The existing administrative units used for the NUTS classification are laid down in Annex II. Measures designed to amend non-essential elements of this Regulation and adapting Annex II shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 7(2).<QUOT.END ID="QE0092" REF.START="QS0092" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(b)</NO.P><TXT>the third subparagraph of paragraph 5 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ALINEA><QUOT.START ID="QS0093" REF.END="QE0093" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Some non-administrative units may, however, deviate from those thresholds because of particular geographical, socio-economic, historical, cultural or environmental circumstances, especially in the islands and the outermost regions. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Regulation by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 7(2).<QUOT.END ID="QE0093" REF.START="QS0093" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>in Article 4(1), the second subparagraph shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ALINEA><QUOT.START ID="QS0094" REF.END="QE0094" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Measures designed to amend non-essential elements of this Regulation and adapting Annex III shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 7(2).<QUOT.END ID="QE0094" REF.START="QS0094" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>3.</NO.P><TXT>Article 5 shall be amended as follows:</TXT><P><LIST TYPE="alpha"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(a)</NO.P><TXT>the first sentence of paragraph 4 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="005.004"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0095" REF.END="QE0095" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>4.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Amendments to the NUTS classification shall be adopted in the second half of the calendar year, not more frequently than every three years, on the basis of the criteria laid down in Article 3. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Regulation, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 7(2).<QUOT.END ID="QE0095" REF.START="QS0095" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(b)</NO.P><TXT>paragraph 5 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="005.005"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0096" REF.END="QE0096" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>5.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>When an amendment is made to the NUTS classification, the Member State concerned shall transmit to the Commission the time series for the new regional breakdown, to replace data already transmitted. The list of the time series and their length shall be specified by the Commission, taking into<?PAGE NO="27"?> account the feasibility of providing them. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Regulation by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 7(2). The time series are to be supplied within two years of the amendment of the NUTS classification.<QUOT.END ID="QE0096" REF.START="QS0096" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>4.</NO.P><TXT>Article 7 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="007"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0097" REF.END="QE0097" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 7</TI.ART><PARAG IDENTIFIER="007.001"><NO.PARAG>1.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission shall be assisted by the Statistical Programme Committee.</ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="007.002"><NO.PARAG>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision No 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0097" REF.START="QS0097" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></ALINEA></PARAG></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>5.4.</NO.P><TXT>Regulation (EC) No 1177/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20030616">16 June 2003</DATE> concerning Community statistics on income and living conditions (EU-SILC)<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0038"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="165" DATE.PUB="20030703" PAGE.FIRST="1">OJ L 165, 3.7.2003, p. 1</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Regulation (EC) No 1177/2003, the Commission should be empowered to adopt measures concerning target secondary areas and individuals included in the initial sample and measures taking account of economic and technical changes. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Regulation (EC) No 1177/2003, <HT TYPE="ITALIC">inter alia</HT>, by supplementing it with new non-essential elements, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Regulation (EC) No 1177/2003 is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Article 6(2) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="006.002"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0098" REF.END="QE0098" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Target secondary areas shall be included every year starting from 2005 in the cross-sectional component only. One secondary area shall be covered each year. Measures defining such target areas, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Regulation, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 14(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0098" REF.START="QS0098" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>Article 8(3) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="008.003"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0099" REF.END="QE0099" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>In the longitudinal component, individuals included in the initial sample, namely sample persons, shall be followed over the duration of the panel. Every sample person who has moved to a private household within the national boundaries shall be followed up to the new location in accordance with tracing rules and procedures to be defined by the Commission. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Regulation by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 14(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0099" REF.START="QS0099" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>3.</NO.P><TXT>Article 14(3) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="014.003"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0100" REF.END="QE0100" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to 4 and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0100" REF.START="QS0100" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>4.</NO.P><TXT>Article 15 shall be amended as follows:</TXT><P><LIST TYPE="alpha"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(a)</NO.P><TXT>in paragraph 1, the words <QUOT.START ID="QS0101" REF.END="QE0101" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 14(2)<QUOT.END ID="QE0101" REF.START="QS0101" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END> shall be deleted;</TXT></NP></ITEM><?PAGE NO="28"?><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(b)</NO.P><TXT>the following paragraph shall be added:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="015.005"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0102" REF.END="QE0102" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>5.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The measures referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Regulation, <HT TYPE="ITALIC">inter alia</HT>, by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 14(3) at least 12 months before the beginning of the year of the survey.<QUOT.END ID="QE0102" REF.START="QS0102" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>5.5.</NO.P><TXT>Regulation (EC) No 138/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20031205">5 December 2003</DATE> on the economic accounts for agriculture in the Community<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0039"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="033" DATE.PUB="20040205" PAGE.FIRST="1">OJ L 33, 5.2.2004, p. 1</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Regulation (EC) No 138/2004, the Commission should be empowered to update the methodology of the economic accounts for agriculture (EAA) in the Community, the list of variables and the time limits for the transmission of data for these accounts. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Regulation (EC) No 138/2004, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Regulation (EC) No 138/2004 is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Article 2(2) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="002.002"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0103" REF.END="QE0103" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The EAA methodology shall be updated by the Commission. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Regulation, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 4(2).<QUOT.END ID="QE0103" REF.START="QS0103" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>Article 3(3) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="003.003"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0104" REF.END="QE0104" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission shall update the list of variables and the time limits for the transmission of data set out in Annex II. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Regulation, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 4(2).<QUOT.END ID="QE0104" REF.START="QS0104" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>3.</NO.P><TXT>Article 4 shall be amended as follows:</TXT><P><LIST TYPE="alpha"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(a)</NO.P><TXT>paragraph 2 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="004.002"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0105" REF.END="QE0105" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0105" REF.START="QS0105" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(b)</NO.P><TXT>paragraph 3 shall be deleted.</TXT></NP></ITEM></LIST></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>5.6.</NO.P><TXT>Regulation (EC) No 808/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20040421">21 April 2004</DATE> concerning Community statistics on the information society<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0040"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="143" DATE.PUB="20040430" PAGE.FIRST="49">OJ L 143, 30.4.2004, p. 49</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Regulation (EC) No 808/2004, the Commission should be empowered to adopt measures for implementing the modules concerning elements such as the selection and specification, adjustment and modification of subjects and their characteristics and the coverage and periodicity provided for in that Regulation. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Regulation (EC) No 808/2004, <HT TYPE="ITALIC">inter alia</HT>, by supplementing it with new non-essential elements, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Articles 8 and 9 of Regulation (EC) No 808/2004 shall be replaced by the following:</P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="008"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0106" REF.END="QE0106" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 8</TI.ART><STI.ART><P>Implementing measures</P></STI.ART><PARAG IDENTIFIER="008.001"><NO.PARAG>1.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The measures for implementing the modules of this Regulation shall concern the selection and specification, adjustment and modification of subjects and their characteristics, the coverage, reference periods and breakdowns of characteristics, the periodicity and timing of data provision and the deadlines for transmission of results.</ALINEA></PARAG><?PAGE NO="29"?><PARAG IDENTIFIER="008.002"><NO.PARAG>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The implementing measures, including adjustment and updating measures to take account of economic and technical changes, shall be adopted by the Commission. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Regulation, <HT TYPE="ITALIC">inter alia</HT>, by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 9(2), taking into account Member States’ resources and the burden on respondents, technical and methodological feasibility and reliability of results.</ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="008.003"><NO.PARAG>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Implementing measures shall be adopted at least nine months before the start of a data collection period.</ALINEA></PARAG></ARTICLE><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="009"><TI.ART>Article 9</TI.ART><STI.ART><P>Committee procedure</P></STI.ART><PARAG IDENTIFIER="009.001"><NO.PARAG>1.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission shall be assisted by the Statistical Programme Committee.</ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="009.002"><NO.PARAG>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to 4 and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0106" REF.START="QS0106" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></ALINEA></PARAG></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>5.7.</NO.P><TXT>Regulation (EC) No 184/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20050112">12 January 2005</DATE> on Community statistics concerning balance of payments, international trade in services and foreign direct investment<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0041"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="035" DATE.PUB="20050208" PAGE.FIRST="23">OJ L 35, 8.2.2005, p. 23</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Regulation (EC) No 184/2005, the Commission should be empowered to specify common quality standards and the content and periodicity of the quality reports and to adapt the Annexes to economic and technical changes. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Regulation (EC) No 184/2005, <HT TYPE="ITALIC">inter alia</HT>, by supplementing it with new non-essential elements, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Regulation (EC) No 184/2005 is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Article 4(3) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="004.003"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0107" REF.END="QE0107" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA><P>The common quality standards, as well as the content and periodicity of the quality reports, shall be specified by the Commission, taking into account the implications as regards the cost of collecting and compiling the data as well as important changes concerning data collection.</P><P>Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Regulation by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 11(3).</P><P>The quality of the data transmitted shall be assessed, on the basis of the quality reports, by the Commission with the assistance of the Balance of Payments Committee referred to in Article 11(1).</P><P>This assessment of the Commission shall be sent to the European Parliament for information.<QUOT.END ID="QE0107" REF.START="QS0107" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</P></ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>Articles 10 and 11 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="010"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0108" REF.END="QE0108" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 10</TI.ART><STI.ART><P>Adaptation to economic and technical changes</P></STI.ART><ALINEA><P>The following measures designed to amend non-essential elements of this Regulation, <HT TYPE="ITALIC">inter alia</HT>, by supplementing it, and necessary to take account of economic and technical changes shall be adopted by the Commission in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 11(3):</P><LIST TYPE="alpha"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(a)</NO.P><TXT>measures updating data requirements, including submission deadlines as well as revisions, extensions and eliminations of data flows set out in Annex I;</TXT></NP></ITEM><?PAGE NO="30"?><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(b)</NO.P><TXT>measures updating the definitions set out in Annex II.</TXT></NP></ITEM></LIST></ALINEA></ARTICLE><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="011"><TI.ART>Article 11</TI.ART><STI.ART><P>Committee procedure</P></STI.ART><PARAG IDENTIFIER="011.001"><NO.PARAG>1.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission shall be assisted by the Balance of Payments Committee (the Committee).</ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="011.002"><NO.PARAG>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA><P>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Articles 5 and 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.</P><P>The period provided for in Article 5(6) of Decision 1999/468/EC shall be set at three months.</P></ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="011.003"><NO.PARAG>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.</ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="011.004"><NO.PARAG>4.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The ECB may attend the meetings of the Committee as an observer.<QUOT.END ID="QE0108" REF.START="QS0108" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></ALINEA></PARAG></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>5.8.</NO.P><TXT>Regulation (EC) No 1161/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20050706">6 July 2005</DATE> on the compilation of quarterly non-financial accounts by institutional sector<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0042"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="191" DATE.PUB="20050722" PAGE.FIRST="22">OJ L 191, 22.7.2005, p. 22</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Regulation (EC) No 1161/2005, the Commission should be empowered to establish timetables and the breakdown of transactions, to adjust the time of data transmission, to adjust the proportion of the Community total and to define common quality standards. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Regulation (EC) No 1161/2005, <HT TYPE="ITALIC">inter alia</HT>, by supplementing it with new non-essential elements, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Regulation (EC) No 1161/2005 is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Article 2 shall be amended as follows:</TXT><P><LIST TYPE="alpha"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(a)</NO.P><TXT>paragraph 2 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="002.002"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0109" REF.END="QE0109" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>A timetable for the transmission of items P.1, P.2, D.42, D.43, D.44, D.45, and B.4G, and any decision to require a breakdown of the transactions listed in the Annex by counterpart sector, shall be adopted by the Commission. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Regulation, <HT TYPE="ITALIC">inter alia</HT>, by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 8(3). Any such decision shall not be adopted before the Commission has reported to the European Parliament and the Council on the implementation of this Regulation pursuant to Article 9.<QUOT.END ID="QE0109" REF.START="QS0109" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(b)</NO.P><TXT>paragraph 4 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="002.004"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0110" REF.END="QE0110" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>4.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission may adjust, by a maximum of five days, the time of transmission specified in paragraph 3. That measure, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Regulation, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 8(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0110" REF.START="QS0110" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>Article 3(3) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="003.003"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0111" REF.END="QE0111" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission may adjust the proportion (1 %) of the Community total referred to in paragraph 1. That measure, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Regulation, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 8(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0111" REF.START="QS0111" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><?PAGE NO="31"?><ITEM><NP><NO.P>3.</NO.P><TXT>Article 6(1) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="006.001"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0112" REF.END="QE0112" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>1.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Member States shall take all measures necessary to ensure that the quality of transmitted data improves over time to meet common quality standards to be defined by the Commission. Measures establishing those common quality standards, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Regulation by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 8(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0112" REF.START="QS0112" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>4.</NO.P><TXT>Article 7 shall be deleted;</TXT></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>5.</NO.P><TXT>Article 8 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="008"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0113" REF.END="QE0113" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 8</TI.ART><STI.ART><P>Committee procedure</P></STI.ART><PARAG IDENTIFIER="008.001"><NO.PARAG>1.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission shall be assisted by the Statistical Programme Committee.</ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="008.002"><NO.PARAG>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA><P>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Articles 5 and 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.</P><P>The period provided for in Article 5(6) of Decision 1999/468/EC shall be set at three months.</P></ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="008.003"><NO.PARAG>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0113" REF.START="QS0113" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></ALINEA></PARAG></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="1"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>6.</NO.P><TXT>INFORMATION SOCIETY</TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>6.1.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 1999/93/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="19991213">13 December 1999</DATE> on a Community framework for electronic signatures<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0043"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="013" DATE.PUB="20000119" PAGE.FIRST="12">OJ L 13, 19.1.2000, p. 12</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 1999/93/EC, the Commission should be empowered to establish criteria for Member States to determine whether a body should be designated to determine the conformity of secure signature-creation-devices with the requirements laid down in Annex III. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Directive 1999/93/EC by supplementing it with new non-essential elements, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Directive 1999/93/EC is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>in Article 3(4), the first subparagraph shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><P><QUOT.START ID="QS0114" REF.END="QE0114" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>The conformity of secure signature-creation-devices with the requirements laid down in Annex III shall be determined by appropriate public or private bodies designated by Member States. The Commission shall establish criteria for Member States to determine whether a body should be so designated. That measure, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 9(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0114" REF.START="QS0114" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</P></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>in Article 3(5), the words <QUOT.START ID="QS0115" REF.END="QE0115" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>in Article 9<QUOT.END ID="QE0115" REF.START="QS0115" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END> shall be replaced by the words <QUOT.START ID="QS0116" REF.END="QE0116" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>in Article 9(2)<QUOT.END ID="QE0116" REF.START="QS0116" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</TXT></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>3.</NO.P><TXT>Article 9 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="009"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0117" REF.END="QE0117" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 9</TI.ART><STI.ART><P>Committee procedure</P></STI.ART><PARAG IDENTIFIER="009.001"><NO.PARAG>1.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission shall be assisted by the Electronic-Signature Committee.</ALINEA></PARAG><?PAGE NO="32"?><PARAG IDENTIFIER="009.002"><NO.PARAG>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA><P>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Articles 4 and 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.</P><P>The period provided for in Article 4(3) of Decision 1999/468/EC shall be set at three months.</P></ALINEA></PARAG></ARTICLE><PARAG IDENTIFIER="009.003"><NO.PARAG>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0117" REF.START="QS0117" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>6.2.</NO.P><TXT>Regulation (EC) No 733/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20020422">22 April 2002</DATE> on the implementation of the .eu Top Level Domain<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0044"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="113" DATE.PUB="20020430" PAGE.FIRST="1">OJ L 113, 30.4.2002, p. 1</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Regulation (EC) No 733/2002, the Commission should be empowered to establish the criteria and the procedure for the designation of the Registry and to adopt public policy rules concerning the implementation and function of the .eu Top Level Domain (TLD) and public policy principles on registration. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Regulation (EC) No 733/2002 by supplementing it with new non-essential elements, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>When, on imperative grounds of urgency, the normal time limits for the regulatory procedure with scrutiny cannot be complied with, the Commission should be able to apply the urgency procedure provided for in Article 5a(6) of Decision 1999/468/EC for the adoption of the criteria and of the procedure for the designation of the Registry.</P><P>Accordingly, Regulation (EC) No 733/2002 is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Article 3(1)(a) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><LIST TYPE="alpha"><ITEM><NP><NO.P><QUOT.START ID="QS0118" REF.END="QE0118" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>(a)</NO.P><TXT>establish the criteria and the procedure for the designation of the Registry. That measure, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Regulation by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 6(3). On imperative grounds of urgency, the Commission may have recourse to the urgency procedure referred to in Article 6(4).<QUOT.END ID="QE0118" REF.START="QS0118" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</TXT></NP></ITEM></LIST></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>Article 5(1) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="005.001"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0119" REF.END="QE0119" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>1.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA><P>After consulting the Registry, the Commission shall adopt public policy rules concerning the implementation and function of the .eu TLD and public policy principles on registration. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Regulation by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 6(3).</P><P>Public policy shall include:</P><P><LIST TYPE="alpha"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(a)</NO.P><TXT>an extra-judicial settlement of conflicts policy;</TXT></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(b)</NO.P><TXT>public policy on speculative and abusive registration of domain names, including the possibility of registration of domain names in a phased manner to ensure appropriate temporary opportunities for the holders of prior rights recognised or established by national and/or Community law and public bodies to register their names;</TXT></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(c)</NO.P><TXT>policy on possible revocation of domain names, including the question of <HT TYPE="ITALIC">bona vacantia</HT>;</TXT></NP></ITEM><?PAGE NO="33"?><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(d)</NO.P><TXT>issues of language and geographical concepts;</TXT></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(e)</NO.P><TXT>treatment of intellectual property and other rights.<QUOT.END ID="QE0119" REF.START="QS0119" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</TXT></NP></ITEM></LIST></P></ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>3.</NO.P><TXT>Article 6 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="006"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0120" REF.END="QE0120" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 6</TI.ART><STI.ART><P>Committee procedure</P></STI.ART><PARAG IDENTIFIER="006.001"><NO.PARAG>1.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission shall be assisted by the Communications Committee established by Article 22(1) of Directive 2002/21/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20020307">7 March 2002</DATE> on a common regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services (Framework Directive)<NOTE NOTE.ID="E0045" NUMBERING="STAR" TYPE="QUOTATION"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="108" DATE.PUB="20020424" PAGE.FIRST="33">OJ L 108, 24.4.2002, p. 33</REF.DOC.OJ>.<QUOT.END ID="QE0120" REF.START="QS0120" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></P></NOTE></ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="006.002"><NO.PARAG>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Articles 3 and 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.</ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="006.003"><NO.PARAG>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.</ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="006.004"><NO.PARAG>4.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1), (2), (4) and (6) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.</ALINEA></PARAG></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="1"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>7.</NO.P><TXT>INTERNAL MARKET</TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><P>Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20050907">7 September 2005</DATE> on the recognition of professional qualifications<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0046"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="255" DATE.PUB="20050930" PAGE.FIRST="22">OJ L 255, 30.9.2005, p. 22</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></P></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 2005/36/EC, the Commission should be empowered in particular to lay down the criteria needed to form the common platforms with the aim of waiving compensation measures. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Directive 2005/36/EC, <HT TYPE="ITALIC">inter alia</HT>, by supplementing it with new non-essential elements, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Directive 2005/36/EC is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Article 11 shall be amended as follows:</TXT><P><LIST TYPE="alpha"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(a)</NO.P><TXT>the second sentence of point (c)(ii) shall be deleted;</TXT></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(b)</NO.P><TXT>the following paragraph shall be added:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ALINEA><QUOT.START ID="QS0121" REF.END="QE0121" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>The Commission may adapt the list in Annex II to take account of training which meets the requirements provided for in point (c)(ii) of the first paragraph. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 58(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0121" REF.START="QS0121" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>the third sentence of the third subparagraph of Article 13(2) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ALINEA><QUOT.START ID="QS0122" REF.END="QE0122" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>The Commission may adapt the list in Annex III to take account of regulated education and training which provides a comparable professional standard and which prepares the trainee for a comparable level of responsibilities and functions. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 58(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0122" REF.START="QS0122" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><?PAGE NO="34"?><ITEM><NP><NO.P>3.</NO.P><TXT>Article 15 shall be amended as follows:</TXT><P><LIST TYPE="alpha"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(a)</NO.P><TXT>the second sentence of paragraph 2 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ALINEA><QUOT.START ID="QS0123" REF.END="QE0123" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>If the Commission, after consulting the Member States, is of the opinion that a draft common platform facilitates the mutual recognition of professional qualifications, it may present draft measures with a view to their adoption. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 58(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0123" REF.START="QS0123" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(b)</NO.P><TXT>paragraph 5 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="015.005"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0124" REF.END="QE0124" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>5.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>If a Member State considers that the criteria established in a measure adopted in accordance with paragraph 2 no longer offer adequate guarantees with regard to professional qualifications, it shall inform the Commission accordingly. The Commission shall, if appropriate, present a draft measure for adoption. That measure, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 58(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0124" REF.START="QS0124" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>4.</NO.P><TXT>Article 20 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="020"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0125" REF.END="QE0125" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 20</TI.ART><STI.ART><P>Adaptation of the lists of activities in Annex IV</P></STI.ART><ALINEA>The Commission may adapt the lists of activities in Annex IV which are the subject of recognition of professional experience pursuant to Article 16 with a view to updating or clarifying the nomenclature, provided that this does not involve any change in the activities related to the individual categories. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 58(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0125" REF.START="QS0125" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>5.</NO.P><TXT>the second subparagraph of Article 21(6) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ALINEA><QUOT.START ID="QS0126" REF.END="QE0126" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>The Commission may adapt the knowledge and skills referred to in Articles 24(3), 31(6), 34(3), 38(3), 40(3) and 44(3) to scientific and technical progress. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 58(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0126" REF.START="QS0126" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>6.</NO.P><TXT>Article 25(5) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="025.005"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0127" REF.END="QE0127" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>5.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission may adapt the minimum periods of training referred to in Annex V, point 5.1.3, to scientific and technical progress. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 58(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0127" REF.START="QS0127" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>7.</NO.P><TXT>the second subparagraph of Article 26 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ALINEA><QUOT.START ID="QS0128" REF.END="QE0128" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>The Commission may include in Annex V, point 5.1.3, new medical specialties common to at least two-fifths of the Member States with a view to updating this Directive in the light of changes in national legislation. That measure, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 58(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0128" REF.START="QS0128" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>8.</NO.P><TXT>the second subparagraph of Article 31(2) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ALINEA><QUOT.START ID="QS0129" REF.END="QE0129" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>The Commission may adapt the content listed in Annex V, point 5.2.1, to scientific and technical progress. That measure, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 58(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0129" REF.START="QS0129" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><?PAGE NO="35"?><ITEM><NP><NO.P>9.</NO.P><TXT>the second subparagraph of Article 34(2) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ALINEA><QUOT.START ID="QS0130" REF.END="QE0130" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>The Commission may adapt the content listed in Annex V, point 5.3.1, to scientific and technical progress. That measure, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 58(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0130" REF.START="QS0130" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>10.</NO.P><TXT>the third subparagraph of Article 35(2) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ALINEA><QUOT.START ID="QS0131" REF.END="QE0131" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>The Commission may adapt the minimum period of training referred to in the second subparagraph to scientific and technical progress. That measure, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 58(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0131" REF.START="QS0131" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>11.</NO.P><TXT>the second subparagraph of Article 38(1) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ALINEA><QUOT.START ID="QS0132" REF.END="QE0132" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>The Commission may adapt the content listed in Annex V, point 5.4.1, to scientific and technical progress. That measure, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 58(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0132" REF.START="QS0132" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>12.</NO.P><TXT>the third subparagraph of Article 40(1) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ALINEA><QUOT.START ID="QS0133" REF.END="QE0133" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>The Commission may adapt the content listed in Annex V, point 5.5.1, to scientific and technical progress. That measure, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 58(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0133" REF.START="QS0133" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>13.</NO.P><TXT>the second sentence of the second subparagraph of Article 44(2) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ALINEA><QUOT.START ID="QS0134" REF.END="QE0134" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>The Commission may adapt the content listed in Annex V, point 5.6.1, to scientific and technical progress. That measure, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 58(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0134" REF.START="QS0134" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>14.</NO.P><TXT>the first subparagraph of Article 46(2) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ALINEA><QUOT.START ID="QS0135" REF.END="QE0135" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>The Commission may adapt the knowledge and skills listed in paragraph 1 to scientific and technical progress. That measure, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 58(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0135" REF.START="QS0135" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>15.</NO.P><TXT>Article 58 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="058"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0136" REF.END="QE0136" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 58</TI.ART><STI.ART><P>Committee procedure</P></STI.ART><PARAG IDENTIFIER="058.001"><NO.PARAG>1.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission shall be assisted by a Committee on the recognition of professional qualifications.</ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="058.002"><NO.PARAG>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA><P>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Articles 5 and 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.</P><P>The period provided for in Article 5(6) of Decision 1999/468/EC shall be set at two months.</P></ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="058.003"><NO.PARAG>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0136" REF.START="QS0136" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></ALINEA></PARAG></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="1"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>8.</NO.P><TXT>HEALTH AND CONSUMER PROTECTION</TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>8.1.</NO.P><TXT>Council Directive 89/108/EEC of <DATE ISO="19881221">21 December 1988</DATE> on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to quick-frozen foodstuffs for human consumption<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0047"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="040" DATE.PUB="19890211" PAGE.FIRST="34">OJ L 40, 11.2.1989, p. 34</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 89/108/EEC, the Commission should be empowered to determine the purity criteria to be satisfied by cryogenic media, the sampling procedures for quick-frozen foodstuffs and the procedures for monitoring the temperature of such feedstuffs and for monitoring temperatures in the means of transport,<?PAGE NO="36"?> warehousing and storage. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Directive 89/108/EEC by supplementing it with new non-essential elements, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Directive 89/108/EEC is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>the third paragraph of Article 4 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ALINEA><QUOT.START ID="QS0137" REF.END="QE0137" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>The purity criteria to be satisfied by those cryogenic media shall be determined, as far as necessary, by the Commission. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 12(2).<QUOT.END ID="QE0137" REF.START="QS0137" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>Article 11 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="011"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0138" REF.END="QE0138" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 11</TI.ART><ALINEA>The sampling procedures for quick-frozen foodstuffs and the procedures for monitoring their temperature and for monitoring temperatures in the means of transport, warehousing and storage shall be determined by the Commission. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 12(2).<QUOT.END ID="QE0138" REF.START="QS0138" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>3.</NO.P><TXT>Article 12 shall be amended as follows:</TXT><P><LIST TYPE="alpha"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(a)</NO.P><TXT>paragraph 2 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="012.002"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0139" REF.END="QE0139" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0139" REF.START="QS0139" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(b)</NO.P><TXT>paragraph 3 shall be deleted.</TXT></NP></ITEM></LIST></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>8.2.</NO.P><TXT>Council Directive 90/496/EEC of <DATE ISO="19900924">24 September 1990</DATE> on nutrition labelling for foodstuffs<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0048"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="276" DATE.PUB="19901006" PAGE.FIRST="40">OJ L 276, 6.10.1990, p. 40</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 90/496/EEC, the Commission should be empowered to adopt provisions necessary for changes to the list of vitamins, minerals and their recommended daily allowances; for a definition of fibre and its associated methods of analysis; for the restriction or prohibition of nutrition claims; for amendments and additions relating to the list of categories of nutrients and their conversion factors; and to establish rules concerning the extent of the information to be given and the manner of its communication for non-pre-packaged foodstuffs. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Directive 90/496/EEC, <HT TYPE="ITALIC">inter alia</HT>, by supplementing it with new non-essential elements, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Directive 90/496/EEC is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>in Article 1(4)(a), the second subparagraph shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><P><QUOT.START ID="QS0140" REF.END="QE0140" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Measures designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive and changing the list of vitamins, minerals and their recommended daily allowances shall be adopted by the Commission in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 10(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0140" REF.START="QS0140" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</P></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>in the third subparagraph of Article 1(4)(b), the words <QUOT.START ID="QS0141" REF.END="QE0141" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 10<QUOT.END ID="QE0141" REF.START="QS0141" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END> shall be replaced by the words <QUOT.START ID="QS0142" REF.END="QE0142" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 10(2)<QUOT.END ID="QE0142" REF.START="QS0142" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</TXT></NP></ITEM><?PAGE NO="37"?><ITEM><NP><NO.P>3.</NO.P><TXT>Article 1(4)(j) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><LIST TYPE="alpha"><ITEM><NP><NO.P><QUOT.START ID="QS0143" REF.END="QE0143" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>(j)</NO.P><TXT><QUOT.START ID="QS0144" REF.END="QE0144" CODE="201C"></QUOT.START>fibre<QUOT.END ID="QE0144" REF.START="QS0144" CODE="201D"></QUOT.END> means a material to be defined by the Commission and measured by a method of analysis to be determined by the Commission. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 10(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0143" REF.START="QS0143" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</TXT></NP></ITEM></LIST></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>4.</NO.P><TXT>Article 3 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="003"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0145" REF.END="QE0145" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 3</TI.ART><ALINEA>The only nutrition claims permitted shall be those relating to energy, to the nutrients listed in Article 1(4)(a)(ii) and to substances which belong to, or which are components of, a category of those nutrients. Provisions restricting or prohibiting nutrition claims within the meaning of this Article may be adopted by the Commission. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 10(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0145" REF.START="QS0145" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>5.</NO.P><TXT>Article 5(2) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="005.002"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0146" REF.END="QE0146" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Amendments to the conversion factors referred to in paragraph 1 and the addition to the list in that paragraph of substances which belong to, or are components of, one of the categories of nutrients referred to therein and their conversion factors, shall be adopted by the Commission in order to calculate more precisely the energy value of foodstuffs. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 10(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0146" REF.START="QS0146" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>6.</NO.P><TXT>in Article 6(3), the words <QUOT.START ID="QS0147" REF.END="QE0147" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 10<QUOT.END ID="QE0147" REF.START="QS0147" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END> shall be replaced by the words <QUOT.START ID="QS0148" REF.END="QE0148" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 10(2)<QUOT.END ID="QE0148" REF.START="QS0148" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</TXT></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>7.</NO.P><TXT>in Article 6(5)(b), the words <QUOT.START ID="QS0149" REF.END="QE0149" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 10<QUOT.END ID="QE0149" REF.START="QS0149" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END> shall be replaced by the words <QUOT.START ID="QS0150" REF.END="QE0150" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 10(2)<QUOT.END ID="QE0150" REF.START="QS0150" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</TXT></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>8.</NO.P><TXT>in the second subparagraph of Article 6(8), the words <QUOT.START ID="QS0151" REF.END="QE0151" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 10<QUOT.END ID="QE0151" REF.START="QS0151" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END> shall be replaced by the words <QUOT.START ID="QS0152" REF.END="QE0152" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 10(2)<QUOT.END ID="QE0152" REF.START="QS0152" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</TXT></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>9.</NO.P><TXT>Article 8 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="008"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0153" REF.END="QE0153" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 8</TI.ART><ALINEA>In the case of non-pre-packaged foodstuffs put up for sale to the final consumer or to mass caterers and foodstuffs packed at the point of sale at the request of the purchaser or pre-packaged with a view to immediate sale, the extent of the information referred to in Article 4 and the manner of its communication may be determined by national law until the eventual adoption of measures by the Commission. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 10(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0153" REF.START="QS0153" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>10.</NO.P><TXT>Article 10(3) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="010.003"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0154" REF.END="QE0154" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0154" REF.START="QS0154" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>8.3.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 1999/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="19990222">22 February 1999</DATE> on the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning foods and food ingredients treated with ionising radiation<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0049"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="066" DATE.PUB="19990313" PAGE.FIRST="16">OJ L 66, 13.3.1999, p. 16</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 1999/2/EC, the Commission should be empowered to implement rules relating to food irradiation. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Directive 1999/2/EC, <HT TYPE="ITALIC">inter alia</HT>, by supplementing it with new non-essential elements, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><?PAGE NO="38"?><P>On grounds of efficiency, the normal time limits for the regulatory procedure with scrutiny should be curtailed for the adoption of certain exceptions to rules relating to maximum radiation doses for foodstuffs and the use of irradiation treatment in combination with chemical treatment, as well as for the adoption of supplementary requirements for approval of irradiation facilities.</P><P>When, on imperative grounds of urgency, the normal time limits for the regulatory procedure with scrutiny cannot be complied with, the Commission should be able to apply the urgency procedure provided for in Article 5a(6) of Decision 1999/468/EC for the adoption of amendments to Directive 1999/2/EC or to its implementing directive by means of prohibitions or restrictions as compared to the previous legal situation to the extent necessary to ensure the protection of public health.</P><P>Accordingly, Directive 1999/2/EC is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Article 5(2) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="005.002"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0155" REF.END="QE0155" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Exceptions to paragraph 1 may be adopted by the Commission. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 12(4).<QUOT.END ID="QE0155" REF.START="QS0155" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>Article 7(2) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="007.002"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0156" REF.END="QE0156" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA><P>Approval shall be granted only if the facility:</P><LIST TYPE="DASH"><ITEM><P>meets the requirements of the joint FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission Recommended International Code of Practice for the operation of irradiation facilities used for the treatment of foods (reference FAO/WHO/CAC, Vol. XV, edition 1), and any supplementary requirement which may be adopted by the Commission. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 12(4),</P></ITEM><ITEM><P>designates a person responsible for compliance with all the conditions necessary for the application of the process.<QUOT.END ID="QE0156" REF.START="QS0156" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</P></ITEM></LIST></ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>3.</NO.P><TXT>in Article 8(3), the words <QUOT.START ID="QS0157" REF.END="QE0157" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 12<QUOT.END ID="QE0157" REF.START="QS0157" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END> shall be replaced by the words <QUOT.START ID="QS0158" REF.END="QE0158" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 12(2)<QUOT.END ID="QE0158" REF.START="QS0158" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</TXT></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>4.</NO.P><TXT>in the first subparagraph of Article 9(2)(a), the words <QUOT.START ID="QS0159" REF.END="QE0159" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 12<QUOT.END ID="QE0159" REF.START="QS0159" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END> shall be replaced by the words <QUOT.START ID="QS0160" REF.END="QE0160" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 12(2)<QUOT.END ID="QE0160" REF.START="QS0160" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</TXT></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>5.</NO.P><TXT>Article 12 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="012"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0161" REF.END="QE0161" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 12</TI.ART><PARAG IDENTIFIER="012.001"><NO.PARAG>1.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission shall be assisted by the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health instituted by Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council<NOTE NOTE.ID="E0050" NUMBERING="STAR" TYPE="QUOTATION"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="031" DATE.PUB="20020201" PAGE.FIRST="1">OJ L 31, 1.2.2002, p. 1</REF.DOC.OJ>.<QUOT.END ID="QE0161" REF.START="QS0161" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</P></NOTE>.</ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="012.002"><NO.PARAG>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA><P>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Articles 5 and 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.</P><P>The period provided for in Article 5(6) of Decision 1999/468/EC shall be set at three months.</P></ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="012.003"><NO.PARAG>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.</ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="012.004"><NO.PARAG>4.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA><P>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and (5)(b) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.</P><P>The time limits provided for in Article 5a(3)(c) and (4)(b) and (e) of Decision 1999/468/EC shall be set at two months, one month and two months respectively.</P></ALINEA></PARAG><?PAGE NO="39"?><PARAG IDENTIFIER="012.005"><NO.PARAG>5.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1), (2), (4) and (6) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.</ALINEA></PARAG></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>6.</NO.P><TXT>in Article 14(2), the words <QUOT.START ID="QS0162" REF.END="QE0162" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 12<QUOT.END ID="QE0162" REF.START="QS0162" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END> shall be replaced by the words <QUOT.START ID="QS0163" REF.END="QE0163" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 12(2)<QUOT.END ID="QE0163" REF.START="QS0163" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</TXT></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>7.</NO.P><TXT>Article 14(3) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="014.003"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0164" REF.END="QE0164" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Adaptations of this Directive or of its implementing directive may be made by the Commission only to the extent necessary to ensure the protection of public health and shall in any event be limited to prohibitions or restrictions as compared to the previous legal situation. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, <HT TYPE="ITALIC">inter alia</HT>, by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 12(3). On imperative grounds of urgency, the Commission may have recourse to the urgency procedure referred to in Article 12(5).<QUOT.END ID="QE0164" REF.START="QS0164" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>8.4.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 2002/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20020610">10 June 2002</DATE> on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to food supplements<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0051"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="183" DATE.PUB="20020712" PAGE.FIRST="51">OJ L 183, 12.7.2002, p. 51</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 2002/46/EC, the Commission should be empowered to adopt specific rules for vitamins and minerals used as food supplements, including the setting of specific values for maximum and minimum levels for vitamins and minerals present in food supplements, as well as their purity criteria. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Directive 2002/46/EC, <HT TYPE="ITALIC">inter alia</HT>, by supplementing it with new non-essential elements, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>When, on imperative grounds of urgency, the normal time limits for the regulatory procedure with scrutiny cannot be complied with, the Commission should be able to apply the urgency procedure provided for in Article 5a(6) of Decision 1999/468/EC for the adoption of measures prohibiting the use of a vitamin or mineral the use of which was previously authorised.</P><P>Accordingly, Directive 2002/46/EC is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Article 4(2) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="004.002"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0165" REF.END="QE0165" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The purity criteria for substances listed in Annex II to this Directive shall be adopted by the Commission, except where such criteria apply pursuant to paragraph 3. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 13(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0165" REF.START="QS0165" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>Article 4(5) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="004.005"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0166" REF.END="QE0166" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>5.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Modifications to the lists referred to in paragraph 1, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 13(3). On imperative grounds of urgency, the Commission may have recourse to the urgency procedure referred to in Article 13(4) in order to remove a vitamin or a mineral from the list referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article.<QUOT.END ID="QE0166" REF.START="QS0166" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>3.</NO.P><TXT>Article 5(4) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="005.004"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0167" REF.END="QE0167" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>4.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The maximum and minimum amounts of vitamins and minerals referred to in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 shall be adopted by the Commission. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 13(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0167" REF.START="QS0167" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><?PAGE NO="40"?><ITEM><NP><NO.P>4.</NO.P><TXT>Article 12(3) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="012.003"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0168" REF.END="QE0168" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>In order to remedy the difficulties described in paragraph 1 and to ensure the protection of human health, adaptations of this Directive or of its implementing measures shall be adopted by the Commission. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, <HT TYPE="ITALIC">inter alia</HT>, by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 13(3). On imperative grounds of urgency, the Commission may have recourse to the urgency procedure referred to in Article 13(4) in order to adopt those adaptations. The Member State that has adopted safeguard measures may in that event retain such measures until the adoption of the adaptations.<QUOT.END ID="QE0168" REF.START="QS0168" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>5.</NO.P><TXT>Article 13 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="013"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0169" REF.END="QE0169" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 13</TI.ART><PARAG IDENTIFIER="013.001"><NO.PARAG>1.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission shall be assisted by the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health instituted by Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council<NOTE NOTE.ID="E0052" NUMBERING="STAR" TYPE="QUOTATION"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="031" DATE.PUB="20020201" PAGE.FIRST="1">OJ L 31, 1.2.2002, p. 1</REF.DOC.OJ>.<QUOT.END ID="QE0169" REF.START="QS0169" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>.</P></NOTE></ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="013.002"><NO.PARAG>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA><P>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Articles 5 and 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.</P><P>The period provided for in Article 5(6) of Decision 1999/468/EC shall be set at three months.</P></ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="013.003"><NO.PARAG>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.</ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="013.004"><NO.PARAG>4.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1), (2), (4) and (6) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.</ALINEA></PARAG></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="1"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>9.</NO.P><TXT>ENERGY AND TRANSPORT</TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>9.1.</NO.P><TXT>Council Directive 91/672/EEC of <DATE ISO="19911216">16 December 1991</DATE> on the reciprocal recognition of national boatmasters’ certificates for the carriage of goods and passengers by inland waterway<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0053"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="373" DATE.PUB="19911231" PAGE.FIRST="29">OJ L 373, 31.12.1991, p. 29</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 91/672/EEC, the Commission should be empowered to adapt the list of national boatmasters’ certificates for the carriage of goods and passengers by inland waterway. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Directive 91/672/EEC, <HT TYPE="ITALIC">inter alia</HT>, by supplementing it with new non-essential elements, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Directive 91/672/EEC is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Article 4 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="004"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0170" REF.END="QE0170" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 4</TI.ART><ALINEA>If necessary, the Commission shall adapt the list of certificates appearing in Annex I to this Directive. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, <HT TYPE="ITALIC">inter alia</HT>, by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 7(2).<QUOT.END ID="QE0170" REF.START="QS0170" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><?PAGE NO="41"?><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>Article 7 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="007"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0171" REF.END="QE0171" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 7</TI.ART><PARAG IDENTIFIER="007.001"><NO.PARAG>1.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission shall be assisted by a committee.</ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="007.002"><NO.PARAG>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0171" REF.START="QS0171" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></ALINEA></PARAG></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>9.2.</NO.P><TXT>Council Directive 92/75/EEC of <DATE ISO="19920922">22 September 1992</DATE> on the indication by labelling and standard product information of the consumption of energy and other resources by household appliances<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0054"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="297" DATE.PUB="19921013" PAGE.FIRST="16">OJ L 297, 13.10.1992, p. 16</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 92/75/EEC, the Commission should be empowered to add further types of household appliance to the list set out in Article 1(1) thereof and to adopt measures regarding the listed types of household appliance. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Directive 92/75/EEC by supplementing it with new non-essential elements, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Directive 92/75/EEC is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Article 1(2) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="001.002"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0172" REF.END="QE0172" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Further types of household appliance may be added to the list in this Article. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 10(2).<QUOT.END ID="QE0172" REF.START="QS0172" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>Article 2(2) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="002.002"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0173" REF.END="QE0173" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Details relating to the label and the fiche shall be defined by directives relating to each type of appliance adopted pursuant to this Directive. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 10(2).<QUOT.END ID="QE0173" REF.START="QS0173" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>3.</NO.P><TXT>Article 9 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="009"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0174" REF.END="QE0174" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 9</TI.ART><ALINEA><P>The Commission shall adopt, and adapt to technical progress, measures relating to the establishment and operation of the scheme by way of implementing Directives and by way of the addition of further household appliances to the list in Article 1(1) where significant energy savings are likely to be achieved.</P><P>Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, <HT TYPE="ITALIC">inter alia</HT>, by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 10(2).<QUOT.END ID="QE0174" REF.START="QS0174" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</P></ALINEA></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>4.</NO.P><TXT>Article 10 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="010"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0175" REF.END="QE0175" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 10</TI.ART><PARAG IDENTIFIER="010.001"><NO.PARAG>1.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission shall be assisted by a committee.</ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="010.002"><NO.PARAG>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0175" REF.START="QS0175" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></ALINEA></PARAG></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ><?PAGE NO="42"?><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>9.3.</NO.P><TXT>Council Directive 96/50/EC of <DATE ISO="19960723">23 July 1996</DATE> on the harmonization of the conditions for obtaining national boatmasters’ certificates for the carriage of goods and passengers by inland waterway in the Community<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0055"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="235" DATE.PUB="19960917" PAGE.FIRST="31">OJ L 235, 17.9.1996, p. 31</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 96/50/EC, the Commission should be empowered to adapt the form of the boatmasters’ certificate to developments regarding the professional knowledge required for the issue of the certificate. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Directive 96/50/EC, <HT TYPE="ITALIC">inter alia</HT>, by supplementing it with new non-essential elements, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Directive 96/50/EC is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Article 11 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="011"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0176" REF.END="QE0176" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 11</TI.ART><ALINEA>The Commission may adapt the form of the boatmasters’ certificate set out in Annex I to developments regarding the professional knowledge required for the issue of the certificate and specified in Annex II. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, <HT TYPE="ITALIC">inter alia</HT>, by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 12(2).<QUOT.END ID="QE0176" REF.START="QS0176" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>Article 12 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="012"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0177" REF.END="QE0177" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 12</TI.ART><PARAG IDENTIFIER="012.001"><NO.PARAG>1.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission shall be assisted by the committee set up by Article 7 of Directive 91/672/EEC.</ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="012.002"><NO.PARAG>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0177" REF.START="QS0177" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></ALINEA></PARAG></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>9.4.</NO.P><TXT>Council Directive 98/41/EC of <DATE ISO="19980618">18 June 1998</DATE> on the registration of persons sailing on board passenger ships operating to or from ports of the Member States of the Community<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0056"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="188" DATE.PUB="19980702" PAGE.FIRST="35">OJ L 188, 2.7.1998, p. 35</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 98/41/EC, the Commission should be empowered to adapt certain provisions thereof, without broadening its scope, to take account of amendments to the SOLAS Convention relating to the registration systems which have entered into force subsequently. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Directive 98/41/EC, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Directive 98/41/EC is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Article 9 shall be amended as follows:</TXT><P><LIST TYPE="alpha"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(a)</NO.P><TXT>in paragraph 3(b), the words <QUOT.START ID="QS0178" REF.END="QE0178" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 13<QUOT.END ID="QE0178" REF.START="QS0178" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END> shall be replaced by the words <QUOT.START ID="QS0179" REF.END="QE0179" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 13(2)<QUOT.END ID="QE0179" REF.START="QS0179" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</TXT></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(b)</NO.P><TXT>in the third subparagraph of paragraph 4, the words <QUOT.START ID="QS0180" REF.END="QE0180" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 13<QUOT.END ID="QE0180" REF.START="QS0180" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END> shall be replaced by the words <QUOT.START ID="QS0181" REF.END="QE0181" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 13(2)<QUOT.END ID="QE0181" REF.START="QS0181" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</TXT></NP></ITEM></LIST></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>the first subparagraph of Article 12 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ALINEA><QUOT.START ID="QS0182" REF.END="QE0182" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Without prejudice to the procedures for amending the SOLAS Convention, this Directive may be amended in order to ensure the application, for the purposes of this Directive and without broadening its scope, of amendments to the SOLAS Convention relating to the registration systems which have entered into force after the adoption of this Directive. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 13(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0182" REF.START="QS0182" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><?PAGE NO="43"?><ITEM><NP><NO.P>3.</NO.P><TXT>Article 13 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="013"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0183" REF.END="QE0183" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 13</TI.ART><PARAG IDENTIFIER="013.001"><NO.PARAG>1.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission shall be assisted by the Committee on Safe Seas and the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (COSS) set up by Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 2099/2002.</ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="013.002"><NO.PARAG>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA><P>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Articles 5 and 7 of Council Decision 1999/468/EC of <DATE ISO="19990628">28 June 1999</DATE> laying down the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers conferred on the Commission<NOTE NOTE.ID="E0057" NUMBERING="STAR" TYPE="QUOTATION"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="184" DATE.PUB="19990717" PAGE.FIRST="23">OJ L 184, 17.7.1999, p. 23</REF.DOC.OJ>.<QUOT.END ID="QE0183" REF.START="QS0183" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>.</P></NOTE> shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.</P><P>The period provided for in Article 5(6) of Decision 1999/468/EC shall be set at two months.</P></ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="013.003"><NO.PARAG>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.</ALINEA></PARAG></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>9.5.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 2000/59/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20001127">27 November 2000</DATE> on port reception facilities for ship-generated waste and cargo residues<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0058"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="332" DATE.PUB="20001228" PAGE.FIRST="81">OJ L 332, 28.12.2000, p. 81</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 2000/59/EC, the Commission should be empowered to adapt the Annexes thereto, the definition set out in Article 2(b) thereof and references to Community and IMO instruments, and to adapt the Annexes in order to improve the regime established by Directive 2000/59/EC and to take account of Community or IMO measures which enter into force in the future so as to ensure their harmonised implementation. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Directive 2000/59/EC, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Directive 2000/59/EC is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Article 14 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="014"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0184" REF.END="QE0184" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 14</TI.ART><STI.ART><P>Committee procedure</P></STI.ART><PARAG IDENTIFIER="014.001"><NO.PARAG>1.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission shall be assisted by the Committee on Safe Seas and the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (COSS) set up by Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 2099/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council<NOTE NOTE.ID="E0059" NUMBERING="STAR" TYPE="QUOTATION"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="324" DATE.PUB="20021129" PAGE.FIRST="1">OJ L 324, 29.11.2002, p. 1</REF.DOC.OJ>.<QUOT.END ID="QE0184" REF.START="QS0184" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</P></NOTE>.</ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="014.002"><NO.PARAG>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.</ALINEA></PARAG></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>Article 15 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="015"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0185" REF.END="QE0185" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 15</TI.ART><STI.ART><P>Amendment procedure</P></STI.ART><ALINEA><P>The Annexes to this Directive, the definition in Article 2(b) and references to Community and IMO instruments may be adapted by the Commission in order to bring them into line with Community or IMO measures which have entered into force, in so far as such amendments do not broaden the scope of this Directive.</P><?PAGE NO="44"?><P>Furthermore, the Annexes to this Directive may be amended by the Commission when necessary in order to improve the regime established by this Directive, in so far as such amendments do not broaden the scope of this Directive.</P><P>Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 14(2).</P><P>The amendments to the international instruments referred to in Article 2 may be excluded from the scope of this Directive pursuant to Article 5 of Regulation (EC) No 2099/2002.<QUOT.END ID="QE0185" REF.START="QS0185" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></P></ALINEA></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>9.6.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 2001/96/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20011204">4 December 2001</DATE> establishing harmonised requirements and procedures for the safe loading and unloading of bulk carriers<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0060"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="013" DATE.PUB="20020116" PAGE.FIRST="9">OJ L 13, 16.1.2002, p. 9</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 2001/96/EC, the Commission should be empowered to adapt certain definitions and the references to international conventions and codes, to IMO Resolutions and Circulars, to ISO standards and to Community instruments and their Annexes in order to implement the procedures laid down in the Directive and bring them into line with international and Community instruments which have been adopted, amended or brought into force after the adoption of Directive 2001/96/EC, provided that the scope of that Directive is not thereby broadened. The Commission should also be empowered to amend the procedures concerning bulk carriers and terminals and the reporting obligations. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Directive 2001/96/EC, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Directive 2001/96/EC is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Article 14 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="014"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0186" REF.END="QE0186" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 14</TI.ART><STI.ART><P>Committee procedure</P></STI.ART><PARAG IDENTIFIER="014.001"><NO.PARAG>1.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission shall be assisted by the Committee on Safe Seas and the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (COSS) set up by Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 2099/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council<NOTE NOTE.ID="E0061" NUMBERING="STAR" TYPE="QUOTATION"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="324" DATE.PUB="20021129" PAGE.FIRST="1">OJ L 324, 29.11.2002, p. 1</REF.DOC.OJ>.<QUOT.END ID="QE0186" REF.START="QS0186" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</P></NOTE>.</ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="014.002"><NO.PARAG>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.</ALINEA></PARAG></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>Article 15(1) and (2) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="015.001"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0187" REF.END="QE0187" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>1.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The definitions set out in points 1 to 6 and 15 to 18 of Article 3, the references to international conventions and codes and to IMO Resolutions and Circulars, the references to ISO standards and the references to Community instruments and the Annexes thereto may be amended in order to bring them into line with international and Community instruments which have been adopted, amended or brought into force after the adoption of this Directive, provided that the scope of this Directive is not thereby broadened. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 14(2).</ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="015.002"><NO.PARAG>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission may amend Article 8 and the Annexes for the implementation of the procedures laid down in this Directive, and may amend or repeal the reporting obligations referred to in Articles 11(2) and 12, provided that such provisions do not broaden the scope of this Directive. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 14(2).<QUOT.END ID="QE0187" REF.START="QS0187" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ><?PAGE NO="45"?><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>9.7.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 2002/6/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20020218">18 February 2002</DATE> on reporting formalities for ships arriving in and/or departing from ports of the Member States of the Community<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0062"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="067" DATE.PUB="20020309" PAGE.FIRST="31">OJ L 67, 9.3.2002, p. 31</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 2002/6/EC, the Commission should be empowered to amend the lists of reporting formalities in respect of ships, signatories, technical specifications and models of IMO FAL forms. The Commission should also be empowered to adapt references to IMO instruments in order to bring Directive 2002/6/EC into line with Community or IMO measures. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Directive 2002/6/EC, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Directive 2002/6/EC is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Article 5 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="005"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0188" REF.END="QE0188" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 5</TI.ART><STI.ART><P>Amendment procedure</P></STI.ART><ALINEA>Measures adapting Annexes I and II to this Directive and references to IMO instruments in order to bring them into line with Community or IMO measures which have entered into force shall be adopted by the Commission, in so far as such amendments do not broaden the scope of this Directive. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 6(2).<QUOT.END ID="QE0188" REF.START="QS0188" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>Article 6 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="006"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0189" REF.END="QE0189" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 6</TI.ART><STI.ART><P>Committee procedure</P></STI.ART><PARAG IDENTIFIER="006.001"><NO.PARAG>1.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission shall be assisted by the Committee on Safe Seas and the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (COSS) set up by Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 2099/2002<NOTE NOTE.ID="E0063" NUMBERING="STAR" TYPE="QUOTATION"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="324" DATE.PUB="20021129" PAGE.FIRST="1">OJ L 324, 29.11.2002, p. 1</REF.DOC.OJ>.<QUOT.END ID="QE0189" REF.START="QS0189" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>.</P></NOTE></ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="006.002"><NO.PARAG>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.</ALINEA></PARAG></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>9.8.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 2002/30/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20020326">26 March 2002</DATE> on the establishment of rules and procedures with regard to the introduction of noise-related operating restrictions at Community airports<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0064"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="085" DATE.PUB="20020328" PAGE.FIRST="40">OJ L 85, 28.3.2002, p. 40</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 2002/30/EC, the Commission should be empowered to adapt the list of city airports set out in Annex I. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Directive 2002/30/EC, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Directive 2002/30/EC is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Article 2 shall be amended as follows:</TXT><P><LIST TYPE="alpha"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(a)</NO.P><TXT>in point (b), the last sentence shall be deleted;</TXT></NP></ITEM><?PAGE NO="46"?><ITEM><NP><NO.P>(b)</NO.P><TXT>the following subparagraph shall be added:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ALINEA><QUOT.START ID="QS0190" REF.END="QE0190" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>The Commission may adapt Annex I. These measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 13(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0190" REF.START="QS0190" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>Article 13(3) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="013.003"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0191" REF.END="QE0191" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0191" REF.START="QS0191" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>9.9.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 2002/91/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20021216">16 December 2002</DATE> on the energy performance of buildings<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0065"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="001" DATE.PUB="20030104" PAGE.FIRST="65">OJ L 1, 4.1.2003, p. 65</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 2002/91/EC, the Commission should be empowered to adapt to technical progress certain parts of the general framework set out in the Annex to that Directive. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Directive 2002/91/EC, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Directive 2002/91/EC is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>in Article 3, the first paragraph shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ALINEA><QUOT.START ID="QS0192" REF.END="QE0192" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Member States shall apply a methodology, at national or regional level, of calculation of the energy performance of buildings on the basis of the general framework set out in the Annex to this Directive. The Commission shall adapt points 1 and 2 of the Annex to technical progress, taking into account standards or norms applied pursuant to national law. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 14(2).<QUOT.END ID="QE0192" REF.START="QS0192" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>in Article 13, the second paragraph shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ALINEA><QUOT.START ID="QS0193" REF.END="QE0193" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Adaptations of points 1 and 2 of the Annex to this Directive to technical progress, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 14(2).<QUOT.END ID="QE0193" REF.START="QS0193" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>3.</NO.P><TXT>Article 14 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="014"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0194" REF.END="QE0194" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 14</TI.ART><STI.ART><P>Committee procedure</P></STI.ART><PARAG IDENTIFIER="014.001"><NO.PARAG>1.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission shall be assisted by a committee.</ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="014.002"><NO.PARAG>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0194" REF.START="QS0194" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></ALINEA></PARAG></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>9.10.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 2003/25/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20030414">14 April 2003</DATE> on specific stability requirements for ro-ro passenger ships<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0066"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="123" DATE.PUB="20030517" PAGE.FIRST="22">OJ L 123, 17.5.2003, p. 22</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 2003/25/EC, the Commission should be empowered to adapt the specific stability requirements and indicative guidelines for national administrations in order to take account of developments at<?PAGE NO="47"?> international level and in particular in the IMO, and to improve the effectiveness of that Directive in the light of experience and technical progress. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Directive 2003/25/EC, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Directive 2003/25/EC is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Article 10 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="010"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0195" REF.END="QE0195" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 10</TI.ART><STI.ART><P>Adaptations</P></STI.ART><ALINEA>The Annexes to this Directive may be amended by the Commission in order to take account of developments at international level, in particular in the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), and to improve the effectiveness of this Directive in the light of experience and technical progress. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 11(2).<QUOT.END ID="QE0195" REF.START="QS0195" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>Article 11 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="011"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0196" REF.END="QE0196" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 11</TI.ART><STI.ART><P>Committee procedure</P></STI.ART><PARAG IDENTIFIER="011.001"><NO.PARAG>1.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission shall be assisted by the Committee on Safe Seas and the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (COSS) set up by Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 2099/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council<NOTE NOTE.ID="E0067" NUMBERING="STAR" TYPE="QUOTATION"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="324" DATE.PUB="20021129" PAGE.FIRST="1">OJ L 324, 29.11.2002, p. 1</REF.DOC.OJ>.<QUOT.END ID="QE0196" REF.START="QS0196" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></P></NOTE></ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="011.002"><NO.PARAG>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.</ALINEA></PARAG></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>9.11.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 2003/59/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20030715">15 July 2003</DATE> on the initial qualification and periodic training of drivers of certain road vehicles for the carriage of goods or passengers<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0068"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="226" DATE.PUB="20030910" PAGE.FIRST="4">OJ L 226, 10.9.2003, p. 4</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 2003/59/EC, the Commission should be empowered to adapt the Annexes thereto to scientific and technical progress. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Directive 2003/59/EC, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Directive 2003/59/EC is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Article 11 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="011"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0197" REF.END="QE0197" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 11</TI.ART><STI.ART><P>Adaptation to scientific and technical progress</P></STI.ART><ALINEA>Adaptations of Annexes I and II to scientific and technical progress, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 12(2).<QUOT.END ID="QE0197" REF.START="QS0197" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><?PAGE NO="48"?><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>Article 12 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="012"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0198" REF.END="QE0198" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 12</TI.ART><STI.ART><P>Committee procedure</P></STI.ART><PARAG IDENTIFIER="012.001"><NO.PARAG>1.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission shall be assisted by a committee.</ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="012.002"><NO.PARAG>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0198" REF.START="QS0198" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></ALINEA></PARAG></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>9.12.</NO.P><TXT>Regulation (EC) No 785/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20040421">21 April 2004</DATE> on insurance requirements for air carriers and aircraft operators<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0069"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="138" DATE.PUB="20040430" PAGE.FIRST="1">OJ L 138, 30.4.2004, p. 1</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Regulation (EC) No 785/2004, the Commission should be empowered to adapt amounts in respect of liability for passengers, baggage and cargo, and amounts in respect of liability for third parties. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Regulation (EC) No 785/2004, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Regulation (EC) No 785/2004 is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Article 6(5) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="006.005"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0199" REF.END="QE0199" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>5.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The values referred to in this Article may be adapted, as appropriate, where amendments to the relevant international treaties make this necessary. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Regulation, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 9(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0199" REF.START="QS0199" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>Article 7(2) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="007.002"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0200" REF.END="QE0200" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The values referred to in this Article may be adapted, as appropriate, where amendments to the relevant international treaties make this necessary. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Regulation, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 9(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0200" REF.START="QS0200" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>3.</NO.P><TXT>Article 9(3) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="009.003"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0201" REF.END="QE0201" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0201" REF.START="QS0201" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>9.13.</NO.P><TXT>Regulation (EC) No 336/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20060215">15 February 2006</DATE> on the implementation of the International Safety Management Code within the Community<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0070"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="064" DATE.PUB="20060304" PAGE.FIRST="1">OJ L 64, 4.3.2006, p. 1</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Regulation (EC) No 336/2006, the Commission should be empowered to adapt the Annex thereto containing the provisions for administrations concerning the implementation of the international safety management code. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Regulation (EC) No 336/2006, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><?PAGE NO="49"?><P>Accordingly, Regulation (EC) No 336/2006 is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Article 11(2) shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><PARAG IDENTIFIER="011.002"><NO.PARAG><QUOT.START ID="QS0202" REF.END="QE0202" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Adaptations to Annex II, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Regulation, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 12(3).<QUOT.END ID="QE0202" REF.START="QS0202" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</ALINEA></PARAG></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>Article 12 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="012"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0203" REF.END="QE0203" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 12</TI.ART><STI.ART><P>Committee procedure</P></STI.ART><PARAG IDENTIFIER="012.001"><NO.PARAG>1.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission shall be assisted by the Committee on Safe Seas and the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (COSS) set up by Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 2099/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council<NOTE NOTE.ID="E0071" NUMBERING="STAR" TYPE="QUOTATION"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="324" DATE.PUB="20021129" PAGE.FIRST="1">OJ L 324, 29.11.2002, p. 1</REF.DOC.OJ>.<QUOT.END ID="QE0203" REF.START="QS0203" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></P></NOTE></ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="012.002"><NO.PARAG>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA><P>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Articles 5 and 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.</P><P>The period provided for in Article 5(6) of Decision 1999/468/EC shall be set at two months.</P></ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="012.003"><NO.PARAG>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.</ALINEA></PARAG></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ><GR.SEQ LEVEL="2"><TITLE><TI><NP><NO.P>9.14.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 2006/32/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20060405">5 April 2006</DATE> on energy end-use efficiency and energy services<HT TYPE="NORMAL"><NOTE NOTE.ID="E0072"><P><REF.DOC.OJ COLL="L" NO.OJ="114" DATE.PUB="20060427" PAGE.FIRST="64">OJ L 114, 27.4.2006, p. 64</REF.DOC.OJ>.</P></NOTE></HT></TXT></NP></TI></TITLE><P>As regards Directive 2006/32/EC, the Commission should be empowered to adapt certain values and calculation methods to technical progress; to refine and complement the general framework for measurement and verification of energy savings; to raise the percentage of harmonised bottom-up calculations used in the harmonised calculation model; and to develop a set of harmonised energy efficiency indicators and benchmarks. Since those measures are of general scope and are designed to amend non-essential elements of Directive 2006/32/EC, <HT TYPE="ITALIC">inter alia</HT>, by supplementing it with new non-essential elements, they must be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC.</P><P>Accordingly, Directive 2006/32/EC is hereby amended as follows:</P><LIST TYPE="ARAB"><ITEM><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Article 15 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="015"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0204" REF.END="QE0204" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 15</TI.ART><STI.ART><P>Review and adaptation to technical progress</P></STI.ART><PARAG IDENTIFIER="015.001"><NO.PARAG>1.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The values and calculation methods referred to in Annexes II to V to this Directive shall be adapted to technical progress. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 16(3).</ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="015.002"><NO.PARAG>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Before <DATE ISO="20100101">1 January 2010</DATE>, the Commission shall further refine and complement as required points 2 to 6 of Annex IV, whilst respecting the general framework set out in that Annex. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, <HT TYPE="ITALIC">inter alia</HT>, by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 16(3).</ALINEA></PARAG><?PAGE NO="50"?><PARAG IDENTIFIER="015.003"><NO.PARAG>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA><P>Before <DATE ISO="20120101">1 January 2012</DATE>, the Commission shall raise the percentage of harmonised bottom-up calculations used in the harmonised calculation model referred to in point 1 of Annex IV, without prejudice to those national schemes that already use a higher percentage. This measure, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 16(3). The new harmonised calculation model with a significantly higher percentage of bottom-up calculations shall be used as from <DATE ISO="20120101">1 January 2012</DATE>.</P><P>Wherever practicable and possible, the measurement of total savings over the total period of application of this Directive shall use the new harmonised calculation model referred to in the first subparagraph, without prejudice to those national schemes that use a higher percentage of bottom-up calculations.</P></ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="015.004"><NO.PARAG>4.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA><P>Not later than <DATE ISO="20100101">1 January 2010</DATE>, the Commission shall develop a set of harmonised energy efficiency indicators and benchmarks based upon them, taking account of available data or data that can be collected in a cost-effective manner for each Member State. Those measures, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 16(3). For the development of these harmonised energy efficiency indicators and benchmarks, the Commission shall use as a reference guide the indicative list set out in Annex V. Member States shall gradually integrate these indicators and benchmarks into the statistical data included in their EEAPs as referred to in Article 14, and use them as one of the tools at their disposal to decide on future priority areas for the EEAPs.</P><P>Not later than <DATE ISO="20110517">17 May 2011</DATE>, the Commission shall present to the European Parliament and the Council a report on progress in setting indicators and benchmarks.<QUOT.END ID="QE0204" REF.START="QS0204" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END>;</P></ALINEA></PARAG></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM><ITEM><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>Article 16 shall be replaced by the following:</TXT><P><QUOT.S LEVEL="1"><ARTICLE IDENTIFIER="016"><TI.ART><QUOT.START ID="QS0205" REF.END="QE0205" CODE="2018"></QUOT.START>Article 16</TI.ART><STI.ART><P>Committee procedure</P></STI.ART><ALINEA><PARAG IDENTIFIER="016.001"><NO.PARAG>1.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>The Commission shall be assisted by a committee.</ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="016.002"><NO.PARAG>2.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA><P>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Articles 5 and 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.</P><P>The period provided for in Article 5(6) of Decision 1999/468/EC shall be set at three months.</P></ALINEA></PARAG><PARAG IDENTIFIER="016.003"><NO.PARAG>3.</NO.PARAG><ALINEA>Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5a(1) to (4) and Article 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article 8 thereof.<QUOT.END ID="QE0205" REF.START="QS0205" CODE="2019"></QUOT.END></ALINEA></PARAG></ALINEA></ARTICLE></QUOT.S></P></NP></ITEM></LIST></GR.SEQ></GR.SEQ></CONTENTS></ANNEX>
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><ANNEX xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=""><BIB.INSTANCE><DOCUMENT.REF FILE="L_2008311EN.01000101.doc.xml"><COLL>L</COLL><NO.OJ>311</NO.OJ><YEAR>2008</YEAR><LG.OJ>EN</LG.OJ><PAGE.FIRST>1</PAGE.FIRST><PAGE.SEQ>1</PAGE.SEQ><VOLUME.REF>01</VOLUME.REF></DOCUMENT.REF><DATE ISO="20081022">20081022</DATE><LG.DOC>EN</LG.DOC><NO.SEQ>0001.0002</NO.SEQ><PAGE.FIRST>51</PAGE.FIRST><PAGE.SEQ>1</PAGE.SEQ><PAGE.LAST>54</PAGE.LAST><PAGE.TOTAL>4</PAGE.TOTAL></BIB.INSTANCE><TITLE><TI><P>Chronological Index</P></TI></TITLE><CONTENTS><NP><NO.P>1.</NO.P><TXT>Council Directive 76/160/EEC of <DATE ISO="19751208">8 December 1975</DATE> concerning the quality of bathing water</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>2.</NO.P><TXT>Council Directive 76/769/EEC of <DATE ISO="19760727">27 July 1976</DATE> on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to restrictions on the marketing and use of certain dangerous substances and preparations</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>3.</NO.P><TXT>Council Directive 76/767/EEC of <DATE ISO="19760727">27 July 1976</DATE> on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to common provisions for pressure vessels and methods of inspecting them</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>4.</NO.P><TXT>Council Directive 89/108/EEC of <DATE ISO="19881221">21 December 1988</DATE> on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to quick-frozen foodstuffs for human consumption</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>5.</NO.P><TXT>Council Directive 89/391/EEC of <DATE ISO="19890612">12 June 1989</DATE> on the introduction of measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health of workers at work</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>6.</NO.P><TXT>Council Directive 90/496/EEC of <DATE ISO="19900924">24 September 1990</DATE> on nutrition labelling for foodstuffs</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>7.</NO.P><TXT>Council Directive 91/271/EEC of <DATE ISO="19910521">21 May 1991</DATE> concerning urban waste water treatment</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>8.</NO.P><TXT>Council Directive 91/676/EEC of <DATE ISO="19911212">12 December 1991</DATE> concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>9.</NO.P><TXT>Council Directive 91/672/EEC of <DATE ISO="19911216">16 December 1991</DATE> on the reciprocal recognition of national boatmasters&apos; certificates for the carriage of goods and passengers by inland waterway</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>10.</NO.P><TXT>Council Directive 92/29/EEC of <DATE ISO="19920331">31 March 1992</DATE> on the minimum safety and health requirements for improved medical treatment on board vessels</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>11.</NO.P><TXT>Council Directive 92/75/EEC of <DATE ISO="19920922">22 September 1992</DATE> on the indication by labelling and standard product information of the consumption of energy and other resources by household appliances</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>12.</NO.P><TXT>Council Regulation (EEC) No 696/93 of <DATE ISO="19930315">15 March 1993</DATE> on the statistical units for the observation and analysis of the production system in the Community</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>13.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 94/25/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="19940616">16 June 1994</DATE> on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to recreational craft</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>14.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 94/63/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="19941220">20 December 1994</DATE> on the control of volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions resulting from the storage of petrol and its distribution from terminals to service stations</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>15.</NO.P><TXT>Council Directive 95/57/EC of <DATE ISO="19951123">23 November 1995</DATE> on the collection of statistical information in the field of tourism</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>16.</NO.P><TXT>Council Directive 96/50/EC of <DATE ISO="19960723">23 July 1996</DATE> on the harmonization of the conditions for obtaining national boatmasters&apos; certificates for the carriage of goods and passengers by inland waterway in the Community</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>17.</NO.P><TXT>Council Directive 96/82/EC of <DATE ISO="19961209">9 December 1996</DATE> on the control of major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>18.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 96/73/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="19961216">16 December 1996</DATE> on certain methods for the quantitative analysis of binary textile fibre mixtures</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>19.</NO.P><TXT>Council Directive 98/41/EC of <DATE ISO="19980618">18 June 1998</DATE> on the registration of persons sailing on board passenger ships operating to or from ports of the Member States of the Community</TXT></NP><?PAGE NO="52"?><NP><NO.P>20.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 1999/4/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="19990222">22 February 1999</DATE> relating to coffee extracts and chicory extracts</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>21.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 1999/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="19990222">22 February 1999</DATE> on the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning foods and food ingredients treated with ionising radiation</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>22.</NO.P><TXT>Council Directive 1999/31/EC of <DATE ISO="19990426">26 April 1999</DATE> on the landfill of waste</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>23.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 1999/45/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="19990531">31 May 1999</DATE> concerning the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous preparations</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>24.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 1999/93/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="19991213">13 December 1999</DATE> on a Community framework for electronic signatures</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>25.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 1999/94/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="19991213">13 December 1999</DATE> relating to the availability of consumer information on fuel economy and CO<HT TYPE="SUB">2</HT> emissions in respect of the marketing of new passenger cars</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>26.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 2000/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20000623">23 June 2000</DATE> relating to cocoa and chocolate products intended for human consumption</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>27.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 2000/59/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20001127">27 November 2000</DATE> on port reception facilities for ship-generated waste and cargo residues</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>28.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 2000/76/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20001204">4 December 2000</DATE> on the incineration of waste</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>29.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 2001/96/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20011204">4 December 2001</DATE> establishing harmonised requirements and procedures for the safe loading and unloading of bulk carriers</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>30.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 2002/6/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20020218">18 February 2002</DATE> on reporting formalities for ships arriving in and/or departing from ports of the Member States of the Community</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>31.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 2002/24/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20020318">18 March 2002</DATE> relating to the type-approval of two or three-wheel motor vehicles</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>32.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 2002/30/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20020326">26 March 2002</DATE> on the establishment of rules and procedures with regard to the introduction of noise-related operating restrictions at Community airports</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>33.</NO.P><TXT>Regulation (EC) No 733/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20020422">22 April 2002</DATE> on the implementation of the .eu Top Level Domain</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>34.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 2002/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20020610">10 June 2002</DATE> on the approximation law of the laws of the Member States relating to food supplements</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>35.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 2002/49/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20020625">25 June 2002</DATE> relating to the assessment and management of environmental noise</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>36.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 2002/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20020625">25 June 2002</DATE> on the minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to the risks arising from physical agents (vibration) (16th individual Directive within the meaning of Article 16(1) of Directive 89/391/EEC)</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>37.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 2002/91/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20021216">16 December 2002</DATE> on the energy performance of buildings</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>38.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 2003/10/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20030206">6 February 2003</DATE> on the minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to the risks arising from physical agents (noise) (17th individual Directive within the meaning of Article 16(1) of Directive 89/391/EEC)</TXT></NP><?PAGE NO="53"?><NP><NO.P>39.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 2003/25/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20030414">14 April 2003</DATE> on specific stability requirements for ro-ro passenger ships</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>40.</NO.P><TXT>Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20030526">26 May 2003</DATE> on the establishment of a common classification of territorial units for statistics (NUTS)</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>41.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 2003/37/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20030526">26 May 2003</DATE> on type-approval of agricultural or forestry tractors, their trailers and interchangeable towed machinery, together with their systems, components and separate technical units</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>42.</NO.P><TXT>Regulation (EC) No 1177/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20030616">16 June 2003</DATE> concerning Community statistics on income and living conditions (EU-SILC)</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>43.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 2003/59/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20030715">15 July 2003</DATE> on the initial qualification and periodic training of drivers of certain road vehicles for the carriage of goods or passengers</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>44.</NO.P><TXT>Regulation (EC) No 1830/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20030922">22 September 2003</DATE> on the traceability and labelling of genetically modified organisms and the traceability of food and feed products produced from genetically modified organisms</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>45.</NO.P><TXT>Regulation (EC) No 138/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20031205">5 December 2003</DATE> on the economic accounts for agriculture in the Community</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>46.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 2004/22/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20040331">31 March 2004</DATE> on measuring instruments</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>47.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 2004/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20040421">21 April 2004</DATE> on the limitation of emissions of volatile organic compounds due to the use of organic solvents in certain paints and varnishes and vehicle refinishing products</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>48.</NO.P><TXT>Regulation (EC) No 808/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20040421">21 April 2004</DATE> concerning Community statistics on the information society</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>49.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 2004/40/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20040429">29 April 2004</DATE> on the minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to the risks arising from physical agents (electromagnetic fields) (18th individual Directive within the meaning of Article 16(1) of Directive 89/391/EEC)</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>50.</NO.P><TXT>Regulation (EC) No 785/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20040421">21 April 2004</DATE> on insurance requirements for air carriers and aircraft operators</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>51.</NO.P><TXT>Regulation (EC) No 184/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20050112">12 January 2005</DATE> on Community statistics concerning balance of payments, international trade in services and foreign direct investment</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>52.</NO.P><TXT>Regulation (EC) No 1161/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20050706">6 July 2005</DATE> on the compilation of quarterly non-financial accounts by institutional sector</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>53.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20050907">7 September 2005</DATE> on the recognition of professional qualifications</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>54.</NO.P><TXT>Regulation (EC) No 336/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20060215">15 February 2006</DATE> on the implementation of the International Safety Management Code within the Community</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>55.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 2006/25/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20060405">5 April 2006</DATE> on the minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to risks arising from physical agents (artificial optical radiation) (19th individual Directive within the meaning of Article 16(1) of Directive 89/391/EEC)</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>56.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 2006/32/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20060405">5 April 2006</DATE> on energy end-use efficiency and energy services</TXT></NP><?PAGE NO="54"?><NP><NO.P>57.</NO.P><TXT>Regulation (EC) No 842/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20060517">17 May 2006</DATE> on certain fluorinated greenhouse gases</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>58.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 2006/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20060906">6 September 2006</DATE> on the quality of fresh waters needing protection or improvement in order to support fish life</TXT></NP><NP><NO.P>59.</NO.P><TXT>Directive 2006/113/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of <DATE ISO="20061212">12 December 2006</DATE> on the quality required of shellfish waters</TXT></NP></CONTENTS></ANNEX>
\ No newline at end of file

From 7d6b7485b1bfeedaf634a148d466bae21dc9cb77 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: AlessioNar <>
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 16:16:24 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 2/9] Added tests for CellarDownloader

 poetry.lock                       |  94 ++++++++-
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 ulit/download/           | 163 ++++++++++++++++
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 ulit/download/       |  49 +++++
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 12 files changed, 579 insertions(+), 339 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 tests/download/
 create mode 100644 tests/download/
 create mode 100644 tests/download/
 delete mode 100644 tests/
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 create mode 100644 ulit/download/
 create mode 100644 ulit/download/
 create mode 100644 ulit/download/
 create mode 100644 ulit/download/

diff --git a/poetry.lock b/poetry.lock
index 77f220c..2216c4d 100644
--- a/poetry.lock
+++ b/poetry.lock
@@ -284,6 +284,80 @@ files = [
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 srsly = ">=2.4.0,<3.0.0"
+name = "coverage"
+version = "7.6.9"
+description = "Code coverage measurement for Python"
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.9"
+files = [
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp310-cp310-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:85d9636f72e8991a1706b2b55b06c27545448baf9f6dbf51c4004609aacd7dcb"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp310-cp310-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl", hash = "sha256:608a7fd78c67bee8936378299a6cb9f5149bb80238c7a566fc3e6717a4e68710"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp310-cp310-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:96d636c77af18b5cb664ddf12dab9b15a0cfe9c0bde715da38698c8cea748bfa"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp310-cp310-manylinux_2_5_i686.manylinux1_i686.manylinux_2_17_i686.manylinux2014_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:d75cded8a3cff93da9edc31446872d2997e327921d8eed86641efafd350e1df1"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp310-cp310-manylinux_2_5_x86_64.manylinux1_x86_64.manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:f7b15f589593110ae767ce997775d645b47e5cbbf54fd322f8ebea6277466cec"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp310-cp310-musllinux_1_2_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:44349150f6811b44b25574839b39ae35291f6496eb795b7366fef3bd3cf112d3"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp310-cp310-musllinux_1_2_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:d891c136b5b310d0e702e186d70cd16d1119ea8927347045124cb286b29297e5"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp310-cp310-musllinux_1_2_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:db1dab894cc139f67822a92910466531de5ea6034ddfd2b11c0d4c6257168073"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp310-cp310-win32.whl", hash = "sha256:41ff7b0da5af71a51b53f501a3bac65fb0ec311ebed1632e58fc6107f03b9198"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp310-cp310-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:35371f8438028fdccfaf3570b31d98e8d9eda8bb1d6ab9473f5a390969e98717"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp311-cp311-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:932fc826442132dde42ee52cf66d941f581c685a6313feebed358411238f60f9"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp311-cp311-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl", hash = "sha256:085161be5f3b30fd9b3e7b9a8c301f935c8313dcf928a07b116324abea2c1c2c"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp311-cp311-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:ccc660a77e1c2bf24ddbce969af9447a9474790160cfb23de6be4fa88e3951c7"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp311-cp311-manylinux_2_5_i686.manylinux1_i686.manylinux_2_17_i686.manylinux2014_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:c69e42c892c018cd3c8d90da61d845f50a8243062b19d228189b0224150018a9"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp311-cp311-manylinux_2_5_x86_64.manylinux1_x86_64.manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:0824a28ec542a0be22f60c6ac36d679e0e262e5353203bea81d44ee81fe9c6d4"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp311-cp311-musllinux_1_2_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:4401ae5fc52ad8d26d2a5d8a7428b0f0c72431683f8e63e42e70606374c311a1"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp311-cp311-musllinux_1_2_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:98caba4476a6c8d59ec1eb00c7dd862ba9beca34085642d46ed503cc2d440d4b"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp311-cp311-musllinux_1_2_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:ee5defd1733fd6ec08b168bd4f5387d5b322f45ca9e0e6c817ea6c4cd36313e3"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp311-cp311-win32.whl", hash = "sha256:f2d1ec60d6d256bdf298cb86b78dd715980828f50c46701abc3b0a2b3f8a0dc0"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp311-cp311-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:0d59fd927b1f04de57a2ba0137166d31c1a6dd9e764ad4af552912d70428c92b"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp312-cp312-macosx_10_13_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:99e266ae0b5d15f1ca8d278a668df6f51cc4b854513daab5cae695ed7b721cf8"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp312-cp312-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl", hash = "sha256:9901d36492009a0a9b94b20e52ebfc8453bf49bb2b27bca2c9706f8b4f5a554a"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp312-cp312-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:abd3e72dd5b97e3af4246cdada7738ef0e608168de952b837b8dd7e90341f015"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp312-cp312-manylinux_2_5_i686.manylinux1_i686.manylinux_2_17_i686.manylinux2014_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:ff74026a461eb0660366fb01c650c1d00f833a086b336bdad7ab00cc952072b3"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp312-cp312-manylinux_2_5_x86_64.manylinux1_x86_64.manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:65dad5a248823a4996724a88eb51d4b31587aa7aa428562dbe459c684e5787ae"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp312-cp312-musllinux_1_2_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:22be16571504c9ccea919fcedb459d5ab20d41172056206eb2994e2ff06118a4"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp312-cp312-musllinux_1_2_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:0f957943bc718b87144ecaee70762bc2bc3f1a7a53c7b861103546d3a403f0a6"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp312-cp312-musllinux_1_2_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:0ae1387db4aecb1f485fb70a6c0148c6cdaebb6038f1d40089b1fc84a5db556f"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp312-cp312-win32.whl", hash = "sha256:1a330812d9cc7ac2182586f6d41b4d0fadf9be9049f350e0efb275c8ee8eb692"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp312-cp312-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:b12c6b18269ca471eedd41c1b6a1065b2f7827508edb9a7ed5555e9a56dcfc97"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp313-cp313-macosx_10_13_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:899b8cd4781c400454f2f64f7776a5d87bbd7b3e7f7bda0cb18f857bb1334664"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp313-cp313-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl", hash = "sha256:61f70dc68bd36810972e55bbbe83674ea073dd1dcc121040a08cdf3416c5349c"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp313-cp313-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:8a289d23d4c46f1a82d5db4abeb40b9b5be91731ee19a379d15790e53031c014"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp313-cp313-manylinux_2_5_i686.manylinux1_i686.manylinux_2_17_i686.manylinux2014_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:7e216d8044a356fc0337c7a2a0536d6de07888d7bcda76febcb8adc50bdbbd00"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp313-cp313-manylinux_2_5_x86_64.manylinux1_x86_64.manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:3c026eb44f744acaa2bda7493dad903aa5bf5fc4f2554293a798d5606710055d"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp313-cp313-musllinux_1_2_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:e77363e8425325384f9d49272c54045bbed2f478e9dd698dbc65dbc37860eb0a"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp313-cp313-musllinux_1_2_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:777abfab476cf83b5177b84d7486497e034eb9eaea0d746ce0c1268c71652077"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp313-cp313-musllinux_1_2_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:447af20e25fdbe16f26e84eb714ba21d98868705cb138252d28bc400381f6ffb"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp313-cp313-win32.whl", hash = "sha256:d872ec5aeb086cbea771c573600d47944eea2dcba8be5f3ee649bfe3cb8dc9ba"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp313-cp313-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:fd1213c86e48dfdc5a0cc676551db467495a95a662d2396ecd58e719191446e1"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp313-cp313t-macosx_10_13_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:ba9e7484d286cd5a43744e5f47b0b3fb457865baf07bafc6bee91896364e1419"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp313-cp313t-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl", hash = "sha256:e5ea1cf0872ee455c03e5674b5bca5e3e68e159379c1af0903e89f5eba9ccc3a"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp313-cp313t-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:2d10e07aa2b91835d6abec555ec8b2733347956991901eea6ffac295f83a30e4"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp313-cp313t-manylinux_2_5_i686.manylinux1_i686.manylinux_2_17_i686.manylinux2014_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:13a9e2d3ee855db3dd6ea1ba5203316a1b1fd8eaeffc37c5b54987e61e4194ae"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp313-cp313t-manylinux_2_5_x86_64.manylinux1_x86_64.manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:9c38bf15a40ccf5619fa2fe8f26106c7e8e080d7760aeccb3722664c8656b030"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp313-cp313t-musllinux_1_2_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:d5275455b3e4627c8e7154feaf7ee0743c2e7af82f6e3b561967b1cca755a0be"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp313-cp313t-musllinux_1_2_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:8f8770dfc6e2c6a2d4569f411015c8d751c980d17a14b0530da2d7f27ffdd88e"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp313-cp313t-musllinux_1_2_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:8d2dfa71665a29b153a9681edb1c8d9c1ea50dfc2375fb4dac99ea7e21a0bcd9"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp313-cp313t-win32.whl", hash = "sha256:5e6b86b5847a016d0fbd31ffe1001b63355ed309651851295315031ea7eb5a9b"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp313-cp313t-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:97ddc94d46088304772d21b060041c97fc16bdda13c6c7f9d8fcd8d5ae0d8611"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp39-cp39-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:adb697c0bd35100dc690de83154627fbab1f4f3c0386df266dded865fc50a902"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp39-cp39-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl", hash = "sha256:be57b6d56e49c2739cdf776839a92330e933dd5e5d929966fbbd380c77f060be"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp39-cp39-manylinux_2_17_aarch64.manylinux2014_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:f1592791f8204ae9166de22ba7e6705fa4ebd02936c09436a1bb85aabca3e599"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp39-cp39-manylinux_2_5_i686.manylinux1_i686.manylinux_2_17_i686.manylinux2014_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:4e12ae8cc979cf83d258acb5e1f1cf2f3f83524d1564a49d20b8bec14b637f08"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp39-cp39-manylinux_2_5_x86_64.manylinux1_x86_64.manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:bb5555cff66c4d3d6213a296b360f9e1a8e323e74e0426b6c10ed7f4d021e464"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp39-cp39-musllinux_1_2_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:b9389a429e0e5142e69d5bf4a435dd688c14478a19bb901735cdf75e57b13845"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp39-cp39-musllinux_1_2_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:592ac539812e9b46046620341498caf09ca21023c41c893e1eb9dbda00a70cbf"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp39-cp39-musllinux_1_2_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:a27801adef24cc30871da98a105f77995e13a25a505a0161911f6aafbd66e678"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp39-cp39-win32.whl", hash = "sha256:8e3c3e38930cfb729cb8137d7f055e5a473ddaf1217966aa6238c88bd9fd50e6"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:e28bf44afa2b187cc9f41749138a64435bf340adfcacb5b2290c070ce99839d4"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9-pp39.pp310-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:f3ca78518bc6bc92828cd11867b121891d75cae4ea9e908d72030609b996db1b"},
+    {file = "coverage-7.6.9.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:4a8d8977b0c6ef5aeadcb644da9e69ae0dcfe66ec7f368c89c72e058bd71164d"},
+toml = ["tomli"]
 name = "cymem"
 version = "2.0.10"
@@ -1173,6 +1247,24 @@ pluggy = ">=1.5,<2"
 dev = ["argcomplete", "attrs (>=19.2)", "hypothesis (>=3.56)", "mock", "pygments (>=2.7.2)", "requests", "setuptools", "xmlschema"]
+name = "pytest-cov"
+version = "6.0.0"
+description = "Pytest plugin for measuring coverage."
+optional = false
+python-versions = ">=3.9"
+files = [
+    {file = "pytest-cov-6.0.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:fde0b595ca248bb8e2d76f020b465f3b107c9632e6a1d1705f17834c89dcadc0"},
+    {file = "pytest_cov-6.0.0-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:eee6f1b9e61008bd34975a4d5bab25801eb31898b032dd55addc93e96fcaaa35"},
+coverage = {version = ">=7.5", extras = ["toml"]}
+pytest = ">=4.6"
+testing = ["fields", "hunter", "process-tests", "pytest-xdist", "virtualenv"]
 name = "python-dateutil"
 version = "2.9.0.post0"
@@ -1762,4 +1854,4 @@ files = [
 lock-version = "2.0"
 python-versions = "^3.11"
-content-hash = "9b925205ebe294e05e9ea7790bbc148bdb9f07f31ea9cac0894d292e3b253355"
+content-hash = "6e52f54970ed9e1b86161f3c9b3fd350ee002f8f4a66397703f08817df9d615e"
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index 12087f9..91676df 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ beautifulsoup4 = "^4.12.3"
 lxml = "^5.3.0"
 chardet = "^5.2.0"
 pytest = "^8.3.3"
+coverage = "^7.6.9"
+pytest-cov = "^6.0.0"
diff --git a/tests/download/ b/tests/download/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0bb699
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/download/
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+import unittest
+import json
+from import CellarDownloader
+import os
+from unittest.mock import patch, Mock
+import requests
+import io
+class TestCellarDownloader(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.maxDiff = None
+        self.downloader = CellarDownloader(download_dir='./tests/data', log_dir='./tests/logs')
+    def test_download_documents(self):
+        # Load the JSON data
+        with open('./tests/metadata/query_results/query_results.json', 'r') as f:
+            results = json.loads(  # Load the JSON data 
+        # Download the documents                           
+        document_paths =, format='fmx4')
+        expected = ['tests\\data\\e115172d-3ab3-4b14-b0a4-dfdcc9871793.0006.04\\DOC_1.xml', 'tests\\data\\e115172d-3ab3-4b14-b0a4-dfdcc9871793.0006.04\\DOC_2.xml', 'tests\\data\\e115172d-3ab3-4b14-b0a4-dfdcc9871793.0006.04\\DOC_3.xml', 'tests\\data\\e115172d-3ab3-4b14-b0a4-dfdcc9871793.0006.04\\DOC_4.xml']
+        self.assertEqual(document_paths, expected)
+    def test_get_cellar_ids_from_json_results(self):
+        with open('./tests/metadata/query_results/query_results.json', 'r') as f:
+            cellar_results = json.loads(
+        self.downloader = CellarDownloader(download_dir='./tests/data', log_dir='./tests/logs')
+        # Test for formex format
+        extracted_ids = self.downloader.get_cellar_ids_from_json_results(cellar_results, 'fmx4')
+        expected = [
+            'e115172d-3ab3-4b14-b0a4-dfdcc9871793.0006.04/DOC_1', 'e115172d-3ab3-4b14-b0a4-dfdcc9871793.0006.04/DOC_2', 'e115172d-3ab3-4b14-b0a4-dfdcc9871793.0006.04/DOC_3', 'e115172d-3ab3-4b14-b0a4-dfdcc9871793.0006.04/DOC_4'
+            ]
+        self.assertEqual(extracted_ids, expected)
+    def test_build_request_url(self):
+        params = {'cellar': 'e115172d-3ab3-4b14-b0a4-dfdcc9871793.0006.04/DOC_1'}
+        expected_url = ''
+        actual_url = self.downloader.build_request_url(params)
+        self.assertEqual(actual_url, expected_url)
+    @patch('')
+    def test_fetch_content(self, mock_request):
+        mock_response = Mock()
+        mock_response.status_code = 200
+        mock_response.raise_for_status.return_value = None
+        mock_request.return_value = mock_response
+        url = ''
+        response = self.downloader.fetch_content(url)
+        # Check that the request was made with the correct URL and headers
+        headers = {
+            'Accept': "*, application/zip, application/zip;mtype=fmx4, application/xml;mtype=fmx4, application/xhtml+xml, text/html, text/html;type=simplified, application/msword, text/plain, application/xml, application/xml;notice=object",
+            'Accept-Language': "eng",
+            'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
+            'Host': ""
+        }
+        mock_request.assert_called_once_with("GET", url, headers=headers)
+        # Check that the response is as expected
+        self.assertEqual(response, mock_response)
+    @patch('')
+    def test_fetch_content_request_exception(self, mock_request):
+        # Mock request to raise a RequestException
+        mock_request.side_effect = requests.RequestException("Error sending GET request")
+        url = ''
+        response = self.downloader.fetch_content(url)
+        # Check that the response is None when an exception is raised
+        self.assertIsNone(response)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/download/ b/tests/download/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0139fe3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/download/
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+import unittest
+from unittest.mock import patch, Mock
+import os
+from import DocumentDownloader
+class TestDocumentDownloader(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.maxDiff = None
+        self.downloader = DocumentDownloader(download_dir='./tests/data', log_dir='./tests/logs')
+    def test_get_extension_from_content_type(self):
+        content_type_mapping = {
+            'text/html': 'html',
+            'application/json': 'json',
+            'application/xml': 'xml',
+            'text/plain': 'txt',
+            'application/zip': 'zip'
+        }
+        for content_type, expected_extension in content_type_mapping.items():
+            actual_extension = self.downloader.get_extension_from_content_type(content_type)
+            self.assertEqual(actual_extension, expected_extension)
+    @patch('')
+    def test_extract_zip(self, mock_zipfile):
+        # Mock zipfile object
+        mock_zip = Mock()
+        mock_zipfile.return_value = mock_zip
+        response = Mock()
+        response.content = b'fake zip content'
+        folder_path = './downloads/test_folder'
+        self.downloader.extract_zip(response, folder_path)
+        # Check that the zipfile was opened and extracted
+        args, kwargs = mock_zipfile.call_args
+        self.assertEqual(args[0].getvalue(), response.content)
+        mock_zip.extractall.assert_called_once_with(folder_path)
+    @patch('')
+    @patch('')
+    def test_handle_response(self, mock_makedirs, mock_extract_zip):
+        # Mock response object
+        response = Mock()
+        response.headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/zip'}
+        response.content = b'fake zip content'
+        cellar_id = 'e115172d-3ab3-4b14-b0a4-dfdcc9871793.0006.04\\DOC_1'
+        target_path = os.path.join(self.downloader.download_dir, cellar_id)
+        # Test handling zip content
+        result = self.downloader.handle_response(response, cellar_id)
+        mock_extract_zip.assert_called_once_with(response, target_path)
+        self.assertEqual(result, target_path)
+        # Test handling non-zip content
+        response.headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/xml'}
+        mock_extract_zip.reset_mock()
+        result = self.downloader.handle_response(response, cellar_id)
+        expected_file_path = os.path.normpath(f"{target_path}.xml")
+        self.assertEqual(os.path.normpath(result), expected_file_path)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/download/ b/tests/download/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..847755d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/download/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+import unittest
+import json
+from import CellarDownloader
+import os
+from unittest.mock import patch, Mock
+import requests
+import io
+class TestNormattivaDownloader(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_download_normattiva(self):
+        dummy = ''
+        #download_documents(dummy, './tests/data/formex', log_dir='./tests/logs', format='fmx4', source='normattiva')
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a98fc6..0000000
--- a/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-import unittest
-import json
-from import download_documents
-import os
-class TestDownload(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.maxDiff = None
-    def test_download_documents(self):
-        # Send query
-        with open('./tests/metadata/query_results/query_results.json', 'r') as f:
-            results = json.loads(  # Load the JSON data        
-        document_paths = download_documents(results, './tests/data/formex', log_dir='./tests/logs', format='fmx4', source='cellar')
-        expected = [
-            'tests\\data\\formex\\e115172d-3ab3-4b14-b0a4-dfdcc9871793.0006.04\\DOC_1.xml', 'tests\\data\\formex\\e115172d-3ab3-4b14-b0a4-dfdcc9871793.0006.04\\DOC_2.xml', 'tests\\data\\formex\\e115172d-3ab3-4b14-b0a4-dfdcc9871793.0006.04\\DOC_3.xml', 'tests\\data\\formex\\e115172d-3ab3-4b14-b0a4-dfdcc9871793.0006.04\\DOC_4.xml'
-        ]
-        self.assertEqual(document_paths, expected)
-    def test_download_normattiva(self):
-        dummy = ''
-        download_documents(dummy, './tests/data/formex', log_dir='./tests/logs', format='fmx4', source='normattiva')
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    unittest.main()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ulit/ b/ulit/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d701e8..0000000
--- a/ulit/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import io
-import logging
-import zipfile
-import requests
-from datetime import datetime
-import json
-# Constants
-BASE_URL = ''
-ITA_URL = ""
-#ITA_URL =;050
-def download_documents(results, download_dir, log_dir, format=None, source='cellar'):
-    """
-    Download documents in parallel using multiple threads.
-    Sends a REST query to the specified source APIs and downloads the documents
-    corresponding to the given results.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    results : dict
-        A dictionary containing the JSON results from the APIs.
-    download_dir : str
-        The directory where the downloaded documents will be saved.
-    log_dir : str
-        The directory where the logs will be saved.
-    format : str, optional
-        The format of the documents to download.
-    source : str, optional
-        The source of the documents ('cellar' or 'normattiva').
-    Returns
-    -------
-    list
-        A list of paths to the downloaded documents.
-    """
-    if not os.path.exists(log_dir):
-        os.makedirs(log_dir)
-    if source == "cellar":
-        cellar_ids = get_cellar_ids_from_json_results(cellar_results=results, format=format)
-        document_paths = download_document(ids=cellar_ids, folder_path=os.path.join(download_dir), log_dir=log_dir, format=format)
-        return document_paths
-    elif source == "normattiva":
-        document_paths = []
-        for result in results:
-            data_gu = result.get('dataGU', '20170424')
-            codice_redaz = result.get('codiceRedaz', '17G00063')
-            data_vigenza = result.get('dataVigenza', '20241210')
-            response = fetch_content(f"{data_gu}&codiceRedaz={codice_redaz}&dataVigenza={data_vigenza}")
-            file_path = handle_response(response=response, folder_path=os.path.join(download_dir), cellar_id=f"{data_gu}_{codice_redaz}")
-            document_paths.append(file_path)
-        return document_paths
-def get_cellar_ids_from_json_results(cellar_results, format):
-    """
-    Extract CELLAR ids from a JSON dictionary.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    cellar_results : dict
-        A dictionary containing the response of the CELLAR SPARQL query
-    Returns
-    -------
-    list
-        A list of CELLAR ids.
-    Notes
-    -----
-    The function assumes that the JSON dictionary has the following structure:
-    - The dictionary contains a key "results" that maps to another dictionary.
-    - The inner dictionary contains a key "bindings" that maps to a list of dictionaries.
-    - Each dictionary in the list contains a key "cellarURIs" that maps to a dictionary.
-    - The innermost dictionary contains a key "value" that maps to a string representing the CELLAR URI.
-    The function extracts the CELLAR id by splitting the CELLAR URI at "cellar/" and taking the second part.
-    Examples
-    --------
-    >>> cellar_results = {
-    ...     "results": {
-    ...         "bindings": [
-    ...             {"cellarURIs": {"value": ""}},
-    ...             {"cellarURIs": {"value": ""}}
-    ...         ]
-    ...     }
-    ... }
-    >>> cellar_ids = get_cellar_ids_from_json_results(cellar_results)
-    >>> print(cellar_ids)
-    ['some_id', 'another_id']
-    """
-    cellar_uris = []
-    results_list = cellar_results["results"]["bindings"]
-    for i, file in enumerate(results_list):
-        if file['format']['value'] == format:
-            cellar_uris.append(file['cellarURIs']["value"].split("cellar/")[1])
-    return cellar_uris
-# Function to process a list of ids to download the corresponding zip files
-def download_document(ids: list, folder_path: str, log_dir: str, format: str):
-    """
-    Process a list of ids to download the corresponding zip files.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    ids : list
-        List of ids to process.
-    folder_path : str
-        Path to the folder where the files will be downloaded.
-    Returns
-    -------
-    None
-    Raises
-    ------
-    Exception
-        If an error occurs during the processing.
-    Notes
-    -----
-    This function iterates over the list of ids, sends a GET request for each id,
-    and downloads the corresponding file. If the file is a zip file, it is extracted
-    to the specified folder. If the file is not a zip file, it is processed as a
-    single file. If the file cannot be downloaded, the id is logged to a file.
-    Examples
-    --------
-    >>> ids = ['id1', 'id2', 'id3']
-    >>> folder_path = '/path/to/folder'
-    >>> process_range(ids, folder_path)
-    """
-    try:
-        file_paths = []
-        for id in ids:
-            print(id)
-            response = fetch_content(BASE_URL + id)
-            file_path = handle_response(response=response, folder_path=folder_path, cellar_id=id)
-            file_paths.append(file_path)
-        return file_paths
-    except Exception as e:
-        logging.error(f"Error processing range: {e}")
-def handle_response(response, folder_path, cellar_id):
-    """
-    Handle a server response by saving or extracting its content.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    response : requests.Response
-        The HTTP response object.
-    folder_path : str
-        Directory where the file will be saved.
-    cid : str
-        CELLAR ID of the document.
-    Returns
-    -------
-    str or None
-        Path to the saved file or None if the response couldn't be processed.
-    """
-    content_type = response.headers.get('Content-Type', '')
-    # The return file is usually either a zip file, or a file with the name DOC_* inside a folder named as the cellar_id
-    target_path = os.path.join(folder_path, cellar_id)
-    os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(target_path), exist_ok=True)
-    if 'zip' in content_type:
-        extract_zip(response, target_path)
-        return target_path
-    else:
-        extension = get_extension_from_content_type(content_type)
-        if not extension:
-            logging.warning(f"Unknown content type for ID {cellar_id}: {content_type}")
-            return None
-        file_path = f"{target_path}.{extension}"
-        file_path = os.path.normpath(file_path)
-        is_binary = 'text' not in content_type  # Assume binary if not explicitly text
-        with open(file_path, mode='wb+') as f:
-            f.write(response.content)            
-        #print(response.content)
-        #print(file_path)
-        return file_path
-def get_extension_from_content_type(content_type):
-    """Map Content-Type to a file extension."""
-    content_type_mapping = [
-        'html',
-        'json',
-        'xml',
-        'txt',
-        'zip'
-    ]
-    for ext in content_type_mapping:
-        if ext in content_type:
-            return ext
-    return None
-def save_file(content, file_path, binary=False):
-    """
-    Save content to a file.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    content : bytes or str
-        The content to save.
-    file_path : str
-        Path to the file.
-    binary : bool
-        Whether the content is binary or text.
-    """
-    mode = 'wb' if binary else 'w'
-    with open(file_path, mode) as f:
-        f.write(content)
-# Function to send a GET request to download a zip file for the given id under the CELLAR URI
-def fetch_content(url) -> requests.Response:
-    """
-    Send a GET request to download a zip file for the given id under the CELLAR URI.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    id : str
-        The id of the resource to be retrieved.
-    Returns
-    -------
-    requests.Response
-        The response from the server.
-    Notes
-    -----
-    The request is sent with the following headers:
-    - Accept: application/zip;mtype=fmx4, application/xml;mtype=fmx4, application/xhtml+xml, text/html, text/html;type=simplified, application/msword, text/plain, application/xml;notice=object
-    - Accept-Language: eng
-    - Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
-    - Host:
-    Raises
-    ------
-    requests.RequestException
-        If there is an error sending the request.
-    See Also
-    --------
-    requests : The underlying library used for making HTTP requests.
-    Examples
-    --------
-    >>> import requests
-    >>> response = rest_get_call('some_id')
-    >>> if response is not None:
-    ...     print(response.status_code)
-    """
-    try:
-        url = url
-        headers = {
-            'Accept': "*, application/zip, application/zip;mtype=fmx4, application/xml;mtype=fmx4, application/xhtml+xml, text/html, text/html;type=simplified, application/msword, text/plain, application/xml, application/xml;notice=object",
-            'Accept-Language': "eng",
-            'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
-            'Host': ""
-        }
-        response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers)
-        response.raise_for_status()
-        return response
-    except requests.RequestException as e:
-        logging.error(f"Error sending GET request: {e}")
-        return None
-# Function to get the current timestamp
-def get_current_timestamp():
-    return'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')
-# Function to download a zip file and extract it
-def extract_zip(response: requests.Response, folder_path: str):
-    try:
-        z = zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(response.content))
-        z.extractall(folder_path)
-    except Exception as e:
-        logging.error(f"Error downloading zip: {e}")
-# Main function
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
-    # Simulate getting results from somewhere
-    with open('./tests/metadata/query_results/query_results.json', 'r') as f:
-        results = json.loads(  # Load the JSON data
-    #document_paths = download_documents(results, './tests/data/html', log_dir='./tests/logs', format='xhtml')
-    document_paths = download_documents(results, './tests/data/formex', log_dir='./tests/logs', format='fmx4')
-    print(document_paths)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ulit/download/ b/ulit/download/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4d1e96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ulit/download/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+This module provides functionality for [describe the main purpose of the module].
+    [ClassName]: [Brief description of the class]
+    [function_name_1]: [Brief description of the function]
+    [function_name_2]: [Brief description of the function]
+    ...
+    [Provide a brief example of how to use the module]
+    [Any additional notes or important information about the module]
+    [Your Name]
+    [Date of creation or last modification]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ulit/download/ b/ulit/download/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af2f6a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ulit/download/
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+import logging
+import requests
+import json
+from import DocumentDownloader
+class CellarDownloader(DocumentDownloader):
+    def __init__(self, download_dir, log_dir):
+        super().__init__(download_dir, log_dir)
+        self.endpoint = ''
+    def fetch_content(self, url) -> requests.Response:
+        """
+        Send a GET request to download a file
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        url : str
+            The URL to send the request to.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        requests.Response
+            The response from the server.
+        Notes
+        -----
+        The request is sent with the following headers:
+        - Accept: application/zip;mtype=fmx4, application/xml;mtype=fmx4, application/xhtml+xml, text/html, text/html;type=simplified, application/msword, text/plain, application/xml;notice=object
+        - Accept-Language: eng
+        - Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
+        - Host:
+        Raises
+        ------
+        requests.RequestException
+            If there is an error sending the request.
+        See Also
+        --------
+        requests : The underlying library used for making HTTP requests.
+        """
+        try:
+            headers = {
+                'Accept': "*, application/zip, application/zip;mtype=fmx4, application/xml;mtype=fmx4, application/xhtml+xml, text/html, text/html;type=simplified, application/msword, text/plain, application/xml, application/xml;notice=object",
+                'Accept-Language': "eng",
+                'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
+                'Host': ""
+            }
+            response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers)
+            response.raise_for_status()
+            return response
+        except requests.RequestException as e:
+            logging.error(f"Error sending GET request: {e}")
+            return None
+    def build_request_url(self, params):
+        """
+        Build the request URL based on the source and parameters.
+        """
+        url = f"{self.endpoint}{params['cellar']}"
+        return url
+    def get_cellar_ids_from_json_results(self, results, format):
+        """
+        Extract CELLAR ids from a JSON dictionary.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        cellar_results : dict
+            A dictionary containing the response of the CELLAR SPARQL query
+        Returns
+        -------
+        list
+            A list of CELLAR ids.
+        Notes
+        -----
+        The function assumes that the JSON dictionary has the following structure:
+        - The dictionary contains a key "results" that maps to another dictionary.
+        - The inner dictionary contains a key "bindings" that maps to a list of dictionaries.
+        - Each dictionary in the list contains a key "cellarURIs" that maps to a dictionary.
+        - The innermost dictionary contains a key "value" that maps to a string representing the CELLAR URI.
+        The function extracts the CELLAR id by splitting the CELLAR URI at "cellar/" and taking the second part.
+        Examples
+        --------
+        >>> cellar_results = {
+        ...     "results": {
+        ...         "bindings": [
+        ...             {"cellarURIs": {"value": ""}},
+        ...             {"cellarURIs": {"value": ""}}
+        ...         ]
+        ...     }
+        ... }
+        >>> cellar_ids = get_cellar_ids_from_json_results(cellar_results)
+        >>> print(cellar_ids)
+        ['some_id', 'another_id']
+        """
+        cellar_ids = []
+        results_list = results["results"]["bindings"]
+        for i, file in enumerate(results_list):
+            if file['format']['value'] == format:
+                cellar_ids.append(file['cellarURIs']["value"].split("cellar/")[1])
+        return cellar_ids
+    def download(self, results, format=None):
+        """
+        Sends a REST query to the specified source APIs and downloads the documents
+        corresponding to the given results.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        results : dict
+            A dictionary containing the JSON results from the APIs.
+        format : str, optional
+            The format of the documents to download.        
+        Returns
+        -------
+        list
+            A list of paths to the downloaded documents.
+        """
+        cellar_ids = self.get_cellar_ids_from_json_results(results, format=format)
+        try:
+            document_paths = []
+            for id in cellar_ids:
+                # Build the request URL
+                url = self.build_request_url(params={'cellar': id})
+                # Send the GET request
+                response = self.fetch_content(url)
+                # Handle the response
+                file_path = self.handle_response(response=response, cellar_id=id)
+                # Append the file path to the list
+                document_paths.append(file_path)
+            return document_paths
+        except Exception as e:
+            logging.error(f"Error processing range: {e}")
+        return document_paths
+# Example usage
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    downloader = CellarDownloader(download_dir='./tests/data/formex', log_dir='./tests/logs')
+    with open('./tests/metadata/query_results/query_results.json', 'r') as f:
+        results = json.loads(
+    documents =, format='fmx4')
+    print(documents)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ulit/download/ b/ulit/download/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b96cf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ulit/download/
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+import os
+import io
+import logging
+import zipfile
+import requests
+class DocumentDownloader:
+    """	
+    A generic document downloader class.
+    """	
+    def __init__(self, download_dir, log_dir):
+        self.download_dir = download_dir
+        self.log_dir = log_dir
+        self._ensure_directories()
+    def _ensure_directories(self):
+        if not os.path.exists(self.download_dir):
+            os.makedirs(self.download_dir)
+        if not os.path.exists(self.log_dir):
+            os.makedirs(self.log_dir)
+    def handle_response(self, response, cellar_id):
+        """
+        Handle a server response by saving or extracting its content.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        response : requests.Response
+            The HTTP response object.
+        folder_path : str
+            Directory where the file will be saved.
+        cid : str
+            CELLAR ID of the document.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        str or None
+            Path to the saved file or None if the response couldn't be processed.
+        """
+        content_type = response.headers.get('Content-Type', '')
+        # The return file is usually either a zip file, or a file with the name DOC_* inside a folder named as the cellar_id
+        target_path = os.path.join(self.download_dir, cellar_id)
+        os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(target_path), exist_ok=True)
+        if 'zip' in content_type:
+            self.extract_zip(response, target_path)
+            return target_path
+        else:
+            extension = self.get_extension_from_content_type(content_type)
+            if not extension:
+                logging.warning(f"Unknown content type for ID {cellar_id}: {content_type}")
+                return None
+            file_path = f"{target_path}.{extension}"
+            file_path = os.path.normpath(file_path)
+            with open(file_path, mode='wb+') as f:
+                f.write(response.content)            
+            return file_path
+    def get_extension_from_content_type(self, content_type):
+        """Map Content-Type to a file extension."""
+        content_type_mapping = {
+            'text/html': 'html',
+            'application/json': 'json',
+            'application/xml': 'xml',
+            'text/plain': 'txt',
+            'application/zip': 'zip'
+        }
+        for ext, mapped_ext in content_type_mapping.items():
+            if ext in content_type:
+                return mapped_ext
+    # Function to download a zip file and extract it
+    def extract_zip(self, response: requests.Response, folder_path: str):
+        try:
+            z = zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(response.content))
+            z.extractall(folder_path)
+        except Exception as e:
+            logging.error(f"Error downloading zip: {e}")
diff --git a/ulit/download/ b/ulit/download/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c87c0c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ulit/download/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+import os
+import io
+import logging
+import zipfile
+import requests
+from datetime import datetime
+import json
+from download import DocumentDownloader
+# Constants
+ITA_URL = ""
+class NormattivaDownloader(DocumentDownloader):
+    def __init__(self, download_dir, log_dir):
+        super().__init__(download_dir, log_dir)
+    def build_request_url(self, source, params):
+        """
+        Build the request URL based on the source and parameters.
+        """
+        return f"{params['date']}&codiceRedaz={params['codiceRedaz']}&dataVigenza={params['dataVigenza']}"
+    def download_document(self, url, format):     
+        document_paths = []
+        result = {
+            'dataGU': '20151216',
+            'codiceRedaz': '15G00214',
+            'dataVigenza': '20241218'
+        }
+        data_gu = result.get('dataGU', '20170424')
+        codice_redaz = result.get('codiceRedaz', '17G00063')
+        data_vigenza = result.get('dataVigenza', '20241210')
+        response = self.fetch_content(f"{data_gu}&codiceRedaz={codice_redaz}&dataVigenza={data_vigenza}")
+        file_path = self.handle_response(response=response)
+        document_paths.append(file_path)
+        return document_paths
+# Example usage
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    downloader = NormattivaDownloader(download_dir='./tests/data/formex', log_dir='./tests/logs')
+    url = ""
+    documents =
+    print(documents)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ulit/ b/ulit/
index 0ed6309..9e1649d 100644
--- a/ulit/
+++ b/ulit/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 import json
 import logging
 import os
-from download import download_documents
+from import download_documents
 from sparql import send_sparql_query
 from parsers.html import HTMLParser
 from parsers.formex import Formex4Parser

From fd09a91fc2863d26cb082df1faea686c111d5fcf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: AlessioNar <>
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 16:16:33 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 3/9] Added coverage report

 .coverage | Bin 0 -> 53248 bytes
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 .coverage

diff --git a/.coverage b/.coverage
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4208d79cb5b9d6bcfa14506a795aabffbf47b0a1
GIT binary patch
literal 53248

literal 0

From 9087b0984965a642d5a51861d858c0224d0b80c4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: AlessioNar <>
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 17:22:17 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 4/9] added content type to mapping

 ulit/download/ | 3 ++-
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/ulit/download/ b/ulit/download/
index 6b96cf5..175a84c 100644
--- a/ulit/download/
+++ b/ulit/download/
@@ -67,7 +67,8 @@ def get_extension_from_content_type(self, content_type):
             'application/json': 'json',
             'application/xml': 'xml',
             'text/plain': 'txt',
-            'application/zip': 'zip'
+            'application/zip': 'zip',
+            'text/xml': 'xml',
         for ext, mapped_ext in content_type_mapping.items():
             if ext in content_type:

From 8ad02a76d8d26fc5632980271ba8153ba32a4ae5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: AlessioNar <>
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 17:22:30 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 5/9] Initiated implementation of normattiva parser

 ulit/download/ | 90 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 62 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ulit/download/ b/ulit/download/
index c87c0c1..4eb12c3 100644
--- a/ulit/download/
+++ b/ulit/download/
@@ -1,49 +1,83 @@
-import os
-import io
-import logging
-import zipfile
-import requests
-from datetime import datetime
-import json
 from download import DocumentDownloader
-# Constants
-ITA_URL = ""
+import requests
+import logging
 class NormattivaDownloader(DocumentDownloader):
     def __init__(self, download_dir, log_dir):
         super().__init__(download_dir, log_dir)
+        self.endpoint = ""
-    def build_request_url(self, source, params):
+    def build_request_url(self, params=None) -> str:
         Build the request URL based on the source and parameters.
+        uri = f"{params['date']}//{params['codiceRedaz']}/CONSOLIDATED"
+        #uri = f"{params['date']};{params['number']}"
+        url = f"{params['dataGU']}&codiceRedaz={params['codiceRedaz']}&dataVigenza={params['dataVigenza']}"
-        return f"{params['date']}&codiceRedaz={params['codiceRedaz']}&dataVigenza={params['dataVigenza']}"
+        return uri, url
+    def fetch_content(self, uri, url) -> requests.Response:
+        """
+        Send a GET request to download a file
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        url : str
+            The URL to send the request to.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        requests.Response
+            The response from the server.
+        Raises
+        ------
+        requests.RequestException
+            If there is an error sending the request.
+        """
+        try:
+            # Make a GET request to the URI to get the cookies        
+            cookies_response = requests.get(uri)
+            cookies_response.raise_for_status()
+            cookies = cookies_response.cookies
+            print(cookies)
+            headers = {
+                'Accept': "text/xml",
+                'Accept-Encoding': "gzip, deflate, br, zstd",
+                'Accept-Language': "en-US,en;q=0.9",
+            }                     
+            response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, cookies=cookies)
+            response.raise_for_status()
+            return response
+        except requests.RequestException as e:
+            logging.error(f"Error sending GET request: {e}")
+            return None
-    def download_document(self, url, format):     
+    def download(self, dataGU, codiceRedaz, dataVigenza, date):     
         document_paths = []
-        result = {
-            'dataGU': '20151216',
-            'codiceRedaz': '15G00214',
-            'dataVigenza': '20241218'
+        params = {
+            'dataGU': dataGU,
+            'codiceRedaz': codiceRedaz,
+            'dataVigenza': dataVigenza,
+            'date': date,
+            #'number': number
-        data_gu = result.get('dataGU', '20170424')
-        codice_redaz = result.get('codiceRedaz', '17G00063')
-        data_vigenza = result.get('dataVigenza', '20241210')
-        response = self.fetch_content(f"{data_gu}&codiceRedaz={codice_redaz}&dataVigenza={data_vigenza}")
-        file_path = self.handle_response(response=response)
+        uri, url = self.build_request_url(params)
+        response = self.fetch_content(uri, url)
+        file_path = self.handle_response(response=response, cellar_id=params['codiceRedaz'])
         return document_paths
 # Example usage
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-    downloader = NormattivaDownloader(download_dir='./tests/data/formex', log_dir='./tests/logs')
-    url = ""
-    documents =
+    downloader = NormattivaDownloader(download_dir='./tests/data/akn/italy', log_dir='./tests/logs')
+    documents ='20150716', codiceRedaz='15G00122', dataVigenza='20241218', date='2015/07/16')
\ No newline at end of file

From 9981425b6adb7b29697edc4056433c91462ab49c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: AlessioNar <>
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 18:02:53 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 6/9] Completed NormattivaDownloader class

 tests/download/ | 55 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 ulit/download/           |  2 +-
 ulit/download/         |  6 ++--
 ulit/download/       | 36 ++++++++++++--------
 4 files changed, 73 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/download/ b/tests/download/
index 847755d..f3d7d32 100644
--- a/tests/download/
+++ b/tests/download/
@@ -1,13 +1,52 @@
 import unittest
-import json
-from import CellarDownloader
-import os
 from unittest.mock import patch, Mock
-import requests
-import io
+from import NormattivaDownloader
 class TestNormattivaDownloader(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test_download_normattiva(self):
-        dummy = ''
-        #download_documents(dummy, './tests/data/formex', log_dir='./tests/logs', format='fmx4', source='normattiva')
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.downloader = NormattivaDownloader(download_dir='./tests/data/akn/italy', log_dir='./tests/logs')
+    @patch('')
+    def test_build_request_url(self, mock_get):
+        params = {
+            'dataGU': '20210101',
+            'codiceRedaz': '12345',
+            'dataVigenza': '20211231',
+            'date': '2021/01/01'
+        }
+        uri, url = self.downloader.build_request_url(params)
+        expected_uri = ""
+        expected_url = ""
+        self.assertEqual(uri, expected_uri)
+        self.assertEqual(url, expected_url)
+    @patch('')
+    def test_fetch_content(self, mock_get):
+        mock_response = Mock()
+        mock_response.raise_for_status = Mock()
+        mock_response.cookies = {'cookie_key': 'cookie_value'}
+        mock_get.return_value = mock_response
+        uri = ""
+        url = ""
+        response = self.downloader.fetch_content(uri, url)
+        self.assertEqual(response, mock_response)
+    @patch('')
+    @patch('')
+    def test_download(self, mock_handle_response, mock_get):
+        mock_response = Mock()
+        mock_response.raise_for_status = Mock()
+        mock_response.headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/xml'}
+        mock_get.return_value = mock_response
+        mock_handle_response.return_value = './tests/data/akn/italy/20210101_12345_VIGENZA_20211231.xml'
+        document_paths ='20210101', codiceRedaz='12345', dataVigenza='20211231')
+        expected_paths = ['./tests/data/akn/italy/20210101_12345_VIGENZA_20211231.xml']
+        self.assertEqual(document_paths, expected_paths)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/ulit/download/ b/ulit/download/
index af2f6a4..55e943a 100644
--- a/ulit/download/
+++ b/ulit/download/
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ def download(self, results, format=None):
                 # Send the GET request
                 response = self.fetch_content(url)
                 # Handle the response
-                file_path = self.handle_response(response=response, cellar_id=id)
+                file_path = self.handle_response(response=response, filename=id)
                 # Append the file path to the list
diff --git a/ulit/download/ b/ulit/download/
index 175a84c..cda4e5a 100644
--- a/ulit/download/
+++ b/ulit/download/
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ def _ensure_directories(self):
         if not os.path.exists(self.log_dir):
-    def handle_response(self, response, cellar_id):
+    def handle_response(self, response, filename):
         Handle a server response by saving or extracting its content.
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ def handle_response(self, response, cellar_id):
         content_type = response.headers.get('Content-Type', '')
         # The return file is usually either a zip file, or a file with the name DOC_* inside a folder named as the cellar_id
-        target_path = os.path.join(self.download_dir, cellar_id)
+        target_path = os.path.join(self.download_dir, filename)
         os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(target_path), exist_ok=True)
         if 'zip' in content_type:
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ def handle_response(self, response, cellar_id):
             extension = self.get_extension_from_content_type(content_type)
             if not extension:
-                logging.warning(f"Unknown content type for ID {cellar_id}: {content_type}")
+                logging.warning(f"Unknown content type for ID {filename}: {content_type}")
                 return None
             file_path = f"{target_path}.{extension}"
diff --git a/ulit/download/ b/ulit/download/
index 4eb12c3..735abea 100644
--- a/ulit/download/
+++ b/ulit/download/
@@ -1,19 +1,22 @@
-from download import DocumentDownloader
+from import DocumentDownloader
 import requests
 import logging
+from datetime import datetime
 class NormattivaDownloader(DocumentDownloader):
     def __init__(self, download_dir, log_dir):
         super().__init__(download_dir, log_dir)
-        self.endpoint = ""
+        self.endpoint = ""
     def build_request_url(self, params=None) -> str:
         Build the request URL based on the source and parameters.
         uri = f"{params['date']}//{params['codiceRedaz']}/CONSOLIDATED"
+        # In case we want to use the NIR:URI instead of ELI
         #uri = f"{params['date']};{params['number']}"
-        url = f"{params['dataGU']}&codiceRedaz={params['codiceRedaz']}&dataVigenza={params['dataVigenza']}"
+        url = f"{self.endpoint}?dataGU={params['dataGU']}&codiceRedaz={params['codiceRedaz']}&dataVigenza={params['dataVigenza']}"
         return uri, url
@@ -42,7 +45,7 @@ def fetch_content(self, uri, url) -> requests.Response:
             cookies_response = requests.get(uri)
             cookies = cookies_response.cookies
-            print(cookies)
             headers = {
                 'Accept': "text/xml",
                 'Accept-Encoding': "gzip, deflate, br, zstd",
@@ -54,30 +57,35 @@ def fetch_content(self, uri, url) -> requests.Response:
             return response
         except requests.RequestException as e:
             logging.error(f"Error sending GET request: {e}")
-            return None
+            return None    
-    def download(self, dataGU, codiceRedaz, dataVigenza, date):     
+    def download(self, dataGU, codiceRedaz, dataVigenza ='%Y%m%d')):     
         document_paths = []
         params = {
             'dataGU': dataGU,
             'codiceRedaz': codiceRedaz,
             'dataVigenza': dataVigenza,
-            'date': date,
-            #'number': number
+            'date': datetime.strptime(dataGU, '%Y%m%d').strftime('%Y/%m/%d')
-        uri, url = self.build_request_url(params)
+        uri, url = self.build_request_url(params)
         response = self.fetch_content(uri, url)
-        file_path = self.handle_response(response=response, cellar_id=params['codiceRedaz'])
+        # If the response in HTML, raise an error saying that the date or codiceRedaz is wrong
+        if 'text/html' in response.headers.get('Content-Type', ''):
+            logging.error(f"Error downloading document: there is not an XML file with the following parameters: {params}")
+            return None
+        file_path = self.handle_response(response=response, filename=f"{params['dataGU']}_{params['codiceRedaz']}_VIGENZA_{params['dataVigenza']}")
         return document_paths
 # Example usage
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     downloader = NormattivaDownloader(download_dir='./tests/data/akn/italy', log_dir='./tests/logs')
-    documents ='20150716', codiceRedaz='15G00122', dataVigenza='20241218', date='2015/07/16')
+    #documents ='19410716', codiceRedaz='041U0633')
+    documents ='19410716', codiceRedaz='041U0633', dataVigenza='20211231')
\ No newline at end of file

From 046d0e1d64a384ca249dc23f05e9817a60f30c09 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: AlessioNar <>
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 18:54:40 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 7/9] Set client side validation

 .coverage                   | Bin 53248 -> 53248 bytes
 ulit/download/   |   1 +
 ulit/download/ |  10 ++++++++--
 3 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.coverage b/.coverage
index 4208d79cb5b9d6bcfa14506a795aabffbf47b0a1..f388ed549b0a131965ee067538212f767a2e9dc1 100644
GIT binary patch
delta 880

delta 728

diff --git a/ulit/download/ b/ulit/download/
index cda4e5a..9179c00 100644
--- a/ulit/download/
+++ b/ulit/download/
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ def get_extension_from_content_type(self, content_type):
             'text/plain': 'txt',
             'application/zip': 'zip',
             'text/xml': 'xml',
+            'application/xhtml+xml': 'xhtml',
         for ext, mapped_ext in content_type_mapping.items():
             if ext in content_type:
diff --git a/ulit/download/ b/ulit/download/
index 735abea..8e38b45 100644
--- a/ulit/download/
+++ b/ulit/download/
@@ -61,11 +61,17 @@ def fetch_content(self, uri, url) -> requests.Response:
     def download(self, dataGU, codiceRedaz, dataVigenza ='%Y%m%d')):     
         document_paths = []
+        # Convert the dataGU to a datetime object
+        dataGU = datetime.strptime(dataGU, '%Y%m%d')
         params = {
-            'dataGU': dataGU,
+            # dataGU as a string in the format YYYYMMDD
+            'dataGU': dataGU.strftime('%Y%m%d'),
             'codiceRedaz': codiceRedaz,
             'dataVigenza': dataVigenza,
-            'date': datetime.strptime(dataGU, '%Y%m%d').strftime('%Y/%m/%d')
+            # dataGU as a string in the format YYYY/MM/DD
+            'date': dataGU.strftime('%Y/%m/%d')
         uri, url = self.build_request_url(params)

From cd04dc411af9e88d0d61ddd17b1fb3f1029cdc34 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: AlessioNar <>
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 19:13:21 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 8/9] Added ELI download support for LegiLux

 ulit/download/ | 38 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 38 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 ulit/download/

diff --git a/ulit/download/ b/ulit/download/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46d4503
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ulit/download/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+import requests
+from import DocumentDownloader
+class LegiluxDownloader(DocumentDownloader):
+    def __init__(self, download_dir, log_dir):
+        super().__init__(download_dir, log_dir)
+        #self.endpoint = ""
+    def build_request_url(self, eli) -> str:
+        """
+        Build the request URL based on the source and parameters.
+        """
+        url = eli
+        return url
+    def fetch_content(self, url):
+        """
+        Fetch the content of the document.
+        """
+        headers = {"Accept": "application/xml"}
+        response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
+        return response
+    def download(self, eli):
+        url = self.build_request_url(eli)
+        response = self.fetch_content(url)        
+        filename = eli.split('loi/')[1].replace('/', '_')
+        if response.status_code == 200:
+            file_path = self.handle_response(response, filename=filename)
+            print(f"Document downloaded successfully and saved to {file_path}")
+            return file_path
+        else:
+            print(f"Failed to download document. Status code: {response.status_code}")
+            return None
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    downloader = LegiluxDownloader(download_dir='./tests/data/legilux', log_dir='./tests/metadata/logs')
\ No newline at end of file

From 88a153586d9ffc5fbfdc212e22c31d8d1324c190 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: AlessioNar <>
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 19:25:22 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 9/9] Created support for Legilux

 ulit/download/ | 7 ++++---
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ulit/download/ b/ulit/download/
index 46d4503..2fc0f03 100644
--- a/ulit/download/
+++ b/ulit/download/
@@ -22,13 +22,14 @@ def fetch_content(self, url):
         return response
     def download(self, eli):
+        file_paths = []
         url = self.build_request_url(eli)
         response = self.fetch_content(url)        
         filename = eli.split('loi/')[1].replace('/', '_')
         if response.status_code == 200:
-            file_path = self.handle_response(response, filename=filename)
-            print(f"Document downloaded successfully and saved to {file_path}")
-            return file_path
+            file_paths.append(self.handle_response(response, filename=filename))
+            print(f"Document downloaded successfully and saved to {file_paths}")
+            return file_paths
             print(f"Failed to download document. Status code: {response.status_code}")
             return None