The plan here is to design and implement, mostly for the sake of practice, an integrated library system for a small library.
It should include:
- 🟠 open web view for patrons
- 🟠 searching by various fields
- 🟠 a locked-down web view for library staff
- 🟢 ability to add new titles
- 🟢 ability to import titles by MARC record
- 🟠 printing receipts
- 🟠 hold management
- 🔴 email notification capabilities
- 🔴 handle fines with Stripe (billing, part 1)
- 🟢 support for multiple locations
- 🟢 support for multiple systems
- 🔴 support for books checked out by staff (no due date)
- 🔴 support for books that need to be weeded
- 🔴 investigate adding bookstore functionality for sale of weeded materials (billing, part 2)
Planned features for V2 release:
- 🔴 support for federated systems
...and probably more. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Read the docs here:
Getting started with developing:
note for later: