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31 lines (30 loc) · 4.15 KB

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31 lines (30 loc) · 4.15 KB
Request Type Request Route Request body Request response
post /users/authenticate {email, password} {"_id":"...","email":"...","firstName":"...","lastName":"...","role":"...","createdDate":"...","__v":0,"token":"..."}
get /users/teachers `` [{"_id":"...","firstName":"...","lastName":"...","noClasses":"..."},...]
Where noClasses is the number of classes tought by the teacher
get /users/students `` [{"_id":"...","firstName":"...","lastName":"...","class":"...","noSubjects":"...","noGrades":"...","average":"..."},...]
Where class is the class where the student is enrolled
Where noSubjects is the number of subjects tought in the class
Where noGrades is the total number of grades of the student
Where average is the average of grades
get /subjects [{"_id":"..","subjectName":"...","noClasses":"..."},"noStudents":"...","noTeachers":"..."},...]
noClasses is the number of classes where that subject (subjectName) is thought
noStudents is the number of students that have to take (or are enrolled in) that class
noTeachers is the number of teachers that teach that subject
post /subjects {subjectName} Add/insert new subject
get /subjects/students/:idStudent [{"idSubject":"...","firstNameTeacher":"...","lastNameTeacher":"...","noGrades":"...","average":"..."},...]
get /classes [{"_id":"...","className":"...","noStudents":"...","noTeachers":"...","noSubjects":"..."},...]
noStudents is the number of students are part of that class
noTeachers is the number of teachers that teach for that class
noSubjects is the number of subjects that are thought at that class
post /classes {className} Add/insert new class
get /users/teachers/:id {"_id":"...","firstName":"...","lastName":"...","email":"...","teaching":[{"_idTeaching":"...","subjectName":"...","className":"...",},...]}
Where teaching is an array of objects of subjects that the teachers is teaching and at which class. The _idTeaching is from the "teaching" table.
post /users/teachers {email, password, firstName, lastName} This is for adding new teacher
put /users/teachers/teaching/:idTeacher {className,subjectName} This is for insterting anew column in the teaching. The teacher with the ID will now teach subjectName at className
post /users/teachers/:idTeacher {firstName,lastName,email,password} Update teacher info
get /users/students/:id {"_id":"...","firstName":"...","lastName":"...","className":"...","email":"...","grades":[{"_idGrade":"...","score":"...","subjectName":"...","dateAdded":"...","dateModified":"..."},...]}
post /users/students/:id {email, password, firstName, lastName, className} This is for changeing student information
post /users/students {email, password, firstName, lastName} This is for adding new student
get /users/check-pass/:id {password} true/false Checks if password is correct
put /users/students/grades/:idStudent {score, subjectName} This is for adding a new grade for a student at a given subject
delete /users/students/grades/:idStudent/:idGrade This is for deleting a grade for a student
post /users/students/grades/:idStudent/:idGrade {score} This is for updateting a grade for a student
get /subjects/:id [{"_idTeaching":"...","className":"...","firstNameTeacher":"...","lastNameTeacher":"..."},...]
put /subjects/:id {className}
get /classes/:id [{"_idStudent":"...","firstNameStudent":"","lastNameStudent":"..."},...]
delete /classes/:idClass { idStudent }
get /grades/:idStudent/:idSubject [{"idGrade":"...","score":"...","dateModified":"..."},...]
get /subjects/teachers/:idTeacher [{"idSubject":"..","subjectName":"..","className":"...","noStudents":"..."},...]
get /users/students/:idTeacher/:idSubject [{"idStudent":"..","studentName":"..","noGrades":"...","average":"..."},...]
get /grades/:idTeacher/:idStudent/:idSubject [{"idGrade":"...","score":"...","dateAdded":"...","dateModified":"..."},...]

... means that there is the data that comes from the API, or it means that there is an array