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Antonio Soler edited this page Oct 29, 2013 · 12 revisions

Support Tools for the new Admin Console


System Performance

Live graph of the Memory and CPU usage.

The graph uses a recursive call to refresh data every 2 seconds, its a lightweight webscript that will execute a JMX bean operation so minimal impact may be noticed on serverside and then returns a json to the caller.

Graph tracing is done using Smoothie library with some minor modifications that I added.


Change live and easily one class to debug and tail system log remotely with a nice UI and only 2 clicks.

There is one requirement for the "Tail" operation, this relies on a custom log4 appender called "JMXLogger" that I took from log4j and added 2 new jmx bean operations, "settailsize" and "tail" see them though Jconsole.

In order to work this requires to add The Share log4j jmx Appender is not configured to listen (this is not enabled by default).

To configure this you have to add to the file [tomcat]/webapps/share/WEB-INF/clasees/ this configuration: log4j.rootLogger=error, Console, File, jmxlogger2 log4j.appender.jmxlogger2=jmxlogger.integration.log4j.JmxLogAppender log4j.appender.jmxlogger2.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.jmxlogger2.layout.ConversionPattern=%-5p %c[1] - %m%n log4j.appender.jmxlogger2.ObjectName=jmxlogger:type=LogEmitterShare log4j.appender.jmxlogger2.threshold=debug log4j.appender.jmxlogger2.serverSelection=platform

And copy the file [tomcat]/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/lib/jmxlogger-log4j-0.1.0-AlfrescoPatched.jar to [tomcat]/webapps/share/WEB-INF/lib/

Live Thread-dump

Thread-dump generation and comparator to troubleshoot performance problems and deadlocks

Active Sessions

Checks your db pool usage and allows you to check active usernames.

Test Transformation

Transformation settings and test transformations.

Scheduled Jobs

Review last execution times and cron settings of your jobs, can manually trigger one.

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