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InfoLogger GUI (ILG)

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Web user interface of InfoLogger logging system.

It interfaces with the system using two modes:

  • Query: Querying historical logs from a database
  • Live: Receiving Real-Time logs from a TCP endpoint over InfoLogger protocol (v1.3, v1.4)

Screenshot of ILG

Interface User Guide

  • Use upper panel to:
    • match and/or exclude filters (Supports SQL Wildcard %)
    • limit the number of logs displayed
    • match severity and level
    • reset the filters
  • Show/hide columns by clicking on labels on top of page
  • Click "Query" or "Live" button to start the respective mode
  • Double click on a log or toggle the inspector view from the bottom right corner to see all fields of the log
  • Use arrows keys to navigate quickly between logs
  • Download the logs in a file via the top left download icon


  • nodejs >= 16.x
  • InfoLogger MariaDB database for Query mode
  • InfoLoggerServer endpoint for Live mode


  1. git clone; cd WebUi/InfoLogger
  2. npm install --prod
  3. cp config-default.js config.js
  4. Modify config.js file to set InfoLogger database and endpoint details
  5. Start web app: npm start
  6. Open browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080

Development database installation

In order to run queries in the InfoLogger a MariaDB server is required. To run a local MariaDB server that can easily be updated/wiped/configured you will need Docker installed.

  1. Follow the instructions specific for you platform: docker desktop install
  2. Create a compose.yaml file somewhere on your pc with the following content:
    image: mariadb
    restart: unless-stopped
     - 3306:3306
    # (this is just an example, not intended to be a production configuration)
    image: phpmyadmin
    restart: unless-stopped
      - 9090:80
      - PMA_HOST=mariadb

This will get you a MariaDB server with phpmyadmin. Should you ever feel the need to test a specific version of MariaDB then change the image to mariadb:11.5 where 11.5 is the version. By default the compose.yaml will get you the latest MariaDB image.

  1. Execute the following command in the same directory as the compose.yaml file: docker compose up -d this will start the containers and the -d parameter makes sure you can close your commandline window by running in daemon mode.
  2. You should now be able to visit http://localhost:9090/ in your browser of choice, enter user and password root to login.
  3. Create the INFOLOGGER database by clicking New in the phpMyAdmin UI on the left side.
  4. In the phpMyAdmin UI select SQL on the top of the page. Then enter the contents of the InfoLogger/docs/database-specs.sql file in the field and pressing the Go button.
  5. Edit config.js to point to your local database:
mysql: {
  host: '',
  user: 'root',
  password: 'root',
  database: 'INFOLOGGER',
  port: 3306,
  timeout: 60000,
  retryMs: 5000,
  1. Run the InfoLogger and check for the following message in the console: info: Connection to DB successfully established:

Dummy InfoLogger test server

InfoLoggerServer can be simulated by running npm run simul. The dummy server binds localhost:6102 endpoint.

InfoLogger insights

Continuous Integration Workflows

InfoLogger project makes use of two workflows.

  • Checks that tests of the project are running successfully on two virtual machines:
    • ubuntu
    • macOS
  • Make sure that the proposed changes are not reducing the current code-coverage percent
  • Sends a code coverage report to CodeCov
  • Releases a new version of the project to the NPM Registry under the tag @aliceo2/infologger
  • Builds a tgz file which contains an archive of the project. This can be used for local repositories installations.