- Fix debugLog error
- Initialize an AugmentedImageDatabase only with valid images (@AlinaStepanova)
- ArCoreReferenceNode objectUrl now using .glb or .gltf2 depending on file extension of URL (@BrutalCoding)
- Added new parameter to enable/disable the white dots on surface (@BrutalCoding)
- Added debug parameter to control logging for dart and kotlin (@xvld)
- Show 2D image with ArCoreImage
- You can load multiple image into augmented images database (@AlinaStepanova)
- Add check to see if AR are installed (@AlinaStepanova)
- Fix Exception when use with another plugin (@BrutalCoding)
- Added Augmented Image feature
- Migrate to new Android Plugin Api
- Update AR Core and Sceneform dependencies to 1.14+
- Add method to check AR Core compatibility
- Add Augmented Images feature (from single image or from imgdb file)
- Add AugmentedFace feature
- Add ArCoreReferenceNode for use local object (.sfb) or remote objcet (.gltf)
- Now you can define children property for node (see example custom_object.dart)
- Add onPlaneDetect handler
- Add onPlaneTap handler
- Split addNode in addArCoreNode and addArCodeNodeWithAnchor (for detected plane)
- Add ArCoreNode
- Add ArCoreRotatingNode
- Add ArCoreShape (sphere, cube, cylindre)
- Add shape materials properties (color, texture, metallic, roughness, reflectance)