").addClass("jvectormap-container"), this.params.container && this.params.container.append(this.container), this.container.data("mapObject", this), this.defaultWidth = this.mapData.width, this.defaultHeight = this.mapData.height, this.setBackgroundColor(this.params.backgroundColor), this.onResize = function () { n.updateSize() }, d.$(window).resize(this.onResize), d.Map.apiEvents) this.params[t] && this.container.bind(d.Map.apiEvents[t] + ".jvectormap", this.params[t]); this.canvas = new d.VectorCanvas(this.container[0], this.width, this.height), this.params.bindTouchEvents && ("ontouchstart" in window || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch ? this.bindContainerTouchEvents() : window.MSGesture && this.bindContainerPointerEvents()), this.bindContainerEvents(), this.bindElementEvents(), this.createTip(), this.params.zoomButtons && this.bindZoomButtons(), this.createRegions(), this.createMarkers(this.params.markers || {}), this.updateSize(), this.params.focusOn && ("string" == typeof this.params.focusOn ? this.params.focusOn = { region: this.params.focusOn } : d.$.isArray(this.params.focusOn) && (this.params.focusOn = { regions: this.params.focusOn }), this.setFocus(this.params.focusOn)), this.params.selectedRegions && this.setSelectedRegions(this.params.selectedRegions), this.params.selectedMarkers && this.setSelectedMarkers(this.params.selectedMarkers), this.legendCntHorizontal = d.$("
").addClass("jvectormap-legend-cnt jvectormap-legend-cnt-h"), this.legendCntVertical = d.$("
").addClass("jvectormap-legend-cnt jvectormap-legend-cnt-v"), this.container.append(this.legendCntHorizontal), this.container.append(this.legendCntVertical), this.params.series && this.createSeries() }, d.Map.prototype = { transX: 0, transY: 0, scale: 1, baseTransX: 0, baseTransY: 0, baseScale: 1, width: 0, height: 0, setBackgroundColor: function (e) { this.container.css("background-color", e) }, resize: function () { var e = this.baseScale; this.width / this.height > this.defaultWidth / this.defaultHeight ? (this.baseScale = this.height / this.defaultHeight, this.baseTransX = Math.abs(this.width - this.defaultWidth * this.baseScale) / (2 * this.baseScale)) : (this.baseScale = this.width / this.defaultWidth, this.baseTransY = Math.abs(this.height - this.defaultHeight * this.baseScale) / (2 * this.baseScale)), this.scale *= this.baseScale / e, this.transX *= this.baseScale / e, this.transY *= this.baseScale / e }, updateSize: function () { this.width = this.container.width(), this.height = this.container.height(), this.resize(), this.canvas.setSize(this.width, this.height), this.applyTransform() }, reset: function () { var e, t; for (e in this.series) for (t = 0; t < this.series[e].length; t++)this.series[e][t].clear(); this.scale = this.baseScale, this.transX = this.baseTransX, this.transY = this.baseTransY, this.applyTransform() }, applyTransform: function () { var e, t, n, i; this.defaultWidth * this.scale <= this.width ? (e = (this.width - this.defaultWidth * this.scale) / (2 * this.scale), n = (this.width - this.defaultWidth * this.scale) / (2 * this.scale)) : (e = 0, n = (this.width - this.defaultWidth * this.scale) / this.scale), this.defaultHeight * this.scale <= this.height ? (t = (this.height - this.defaultHeight * this.scale) / (2 * this.scale), i = (this.height - this.defaultHeight * this.scale) / (2 * this.scale)) : (t = 0, i = (this.height - this.defaultHeight * this.scale) / this.scale), this.transY > t ? this.transY = t : this.transY < i && (this.transY = i), this.transX > e ? this.transX = e : this.transX < n && (this.transX = n), this.canvas.applyTransformParams(this.scale, this.transX, this.transY), this.markers && this.repositionMarkers(), this.repositionLabels(), this.container.trigger("viewportChange", [this.scale / this.baseScale, this.transX, this.transY]) }, bindContainerEvents: function () { var e, t, n = !1, i = this; this.params.panOnDrag && (this.container.mousemove(function (r) { return n && (i.transX -= (e - r.pageX) / i.scale, i.transY -= (t - r.pageY) / i.scale, i.applyTransform(), e = r.pageX, t = r.pageY), !1 }).mousedown(function (i) { return n = !0, e = i.pageX, t = i.pageY, !1 }), this.onContainerMouseUp = function () { n = !1 }, d.$("body").mouseup(this.onContainerMouseUp)), this.params.zoomOnScroll && this.container.mousewheel(function (e) { var t = d.$(i.container).offset(), n = e.pageX - t.left, r = e.pageY - t.top, a = Math.pow(1 + i.params.zoomOnScrollSpeed / 1e3, e.deltaFactor * e.deltaY); i.tip.hide(), i.setScale(i.scale * a, n, r), e.preventDefault() }) }, bindContainerTouchEvents: function () { var e, t, n, i, r, a, o, l = this, s = function (s) { var u, c, h, p, f = s.originalEvent.touches; "touchstart" == s.type && (o = 0), 1 == f.length ? (1 == o && (h = l.transX, p = l.transY, l.transX -= (n - f[0].pageX) / l.scale, l.transY -= (i - f[0].pageY) / l.scale, l.applyTransform(), l.tip.hide(), (h != l.transX || p != l.transY) && s.preventDefault()), n = f[0].pageX, i = f[0].pageY) : 2 == f.length && (2 == o ? (c = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(f[0].pageX - f[1].pageX, 2) + Math.pow(f[0].pageY - f[1].pageY, 2)) / t, l.setScale(e * c, r, a), l.tip.hide(), s.preventDefault()) : (u = d.$(l.container).offset(), r = f[0].pageX > f[1].pageX ? f[1].pageX + (f[0].pageX - f[1].pageX) / 2 : f[0].pageX + (f[1].pageX - f[0].pageX) / 2, a = f[0].pageY > f[1].pageY ? f[1].pageY + (f[0].pageY - f[1].pageY) / 2 : f[0].pageY + (f[1].pageY - f[0].pageY) / 2, r -= u.left, a -= u.top, e = l.scale, t = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(f[0].pageX - f[1].pageX, 2) + Math.pow(f[0].pageY - f[1].pageY, 2)))), o = f.length }; d.$(this.container).bind("touchstart", s), d.$(this.container).bind("touchmove", s) }, bindContainerPointerEvents: function () { var e = this, t = new MSGesture, n = this.container[0]; t.target = n, n.addEventListener("MSGestureChange", function (t) { var n, i; (0 != t.translationX || 0 != t.translationY) && (n = e.transX, i = e.transY, e.transX += t.translationX / e.scale, e.transY += t.translationY / e.scale, e.applyTransform(), e.tip.hide(), (n != e.transX || i != e.transY) && t.preventDefault()), 1 != t.scale && (e.setScale(e.scale * t.scale, t.offsetX, t.offsetY), e.tip.hide(), t.preventDefault()) }, !1), n.addEventListener("pointerdown", function (e) { t.addPointer(e.pointerId) }, !1) }, bindElementEvents: function () { var e, t, n, i = this; this.container.mousemove(function (i) { Math.abs(e - i.pageX) + Math.abs(t - i.pageY) > 2 && (n = !0) }), this.container.delegate("[class~='jvectormap-element']", "mouseover mouseout", function (e) { var t = -1 === (d.$(this).attr("class").baseVal || d.$(this).attr("class")).indexOf("jvectormap-region") ? "marker" : "region", n = d.$(this).attr("region" == t ? "data-code" : "data-index"), r = "region" == t ? i.regions[n].element : i.markers[n].element, a = "region" == t ? i.mapData.paths[n].name : i.markers[n].config.name || "", o = d.$.Event(t + "TipShow.jvectormap"), l = d.$.Event(t + "Over.jvectormap"); "mouseover" == e.type ? (i.container.trigger(l, [n]), l.isDefaultPrevented() || r.setHovered(!0), i.tip.text(a), i.container.trigger(o, [i.tip, n]), o.isDefaultPrevented() || (i.tip.show(), i.tipWidth = i.tip.width(), i.tipHeight = i.tip.height())) : (r.setHovered(!1), i.tip.hide(), i.container.trigger(t + "Out.jvectormap", [n])) }), this.container.delegate("[class~='jvectormap-element']", "mousedown", function (i) { e = i.pageX, t = i.pageY, n = !1 }), this.container.delegate("[class~='jvectormap-element']", "mouseup", function () { var e = -1 === (d.$(this).attr("class").baseVal ? d.$(this).attr("class").baseVal : d.$(this).attr("class")).indexOf("jvectormap-region") ? "marker" : "region", t = d.$(this).attr("region" == e ? "data-code" : "data-index"), r = d.$.Event(e + "Click.jvectormap"), a = "region" == e ? i.regions[t].element : i.markers[t].element; n || (i.container.trigger(r, [t]), ("region" === e && i.params.regionsSelectable || "marker" === e && i.params.markersSelectable) && (r.isDefaultPrevented() || (i.params[e + "sSelectableOne"] && i.clearSelected(e + "s"), a.setSelected(!a.isSelected)))) }) }, bindZoomButtons: function () { var e = this; d.$("
").addClass("jvectormap-zoomin").text("+").appendTo(this.container), d.$("
").addClass("jvectormap-zoomout").html("−").appendTo(this.container), this.container.find(".jvectormap-zoomin").click(function () { e.setScale(e.scale * e.params.zoomStep, e.width / 2, e.height / 2, !1, e.params.zoomAnimate) }), this.container.find(".jvectormap-zoomout").click(function () { e.setScale(e.scale / e.params.zoomStep, e.width / 2, e.height / 2, !1, e.params.zoomAnimate) }) }, createTip: function () { var e = this; this.tip = d.$("
").addClass("jvectormap-tip").appendTo(d.$("body")), this.container.mousemove(function (t) { var n = t.pageX - 15 - e.tipWidth, i = t.pageY - 15 - e.tipHeight; 5 > n && (n = t.pageX + 15), 5 > i && (i = t.pageY + 15), e.tip.css({ left: n, top: i }) }) }, setScale: function (e, t, n, i, r) { var a, o, l, s, u, c, h, p, f, m = d.$.Event("zoom.jvectormap"), g = this, _ = 0, y = Math.abs(Math.round(60 * (e - this.scale) / Math.max(e, this.scale))), v = new d.$.Deferred; return e > this.params.zoomMax * this.baseScale ? e = this.params.zoomMax * this.baseScale : e < this.params.zoomMin * this.baseScale && (e = this.params.zoomMin * this.baseScale), void 0 !== t && void 0 !== n && (zoomStep = e / this.scale, i ? (p = t + this.defaultWidth * (this.width / (this.defaultWidth * e)) / 2, f = n + this.defaultHeight * (this.height / (this.defaultHeight * e)) / 2) : (p = this.transX - (zoomStep - 1) / e * t, f = this.transY - (zoomStep - 1) / e * n)), r && y > 0 ? (o = this.scale, l = (e - o) / y, s = this.transX * this.scale, c = this.transY * this.scale, u = (p * e - s) / y, h = (f * e - c) / y, a = setInterval(function () { _ += 1, g.scale = o + l * _, g.transX = (s + u * _) / g.scale, g.transY = (c + h * _) / g.scale, g.applyTransform(), _ == y && (clearInterval(a), g.container.trigger(m, [e / g.baseScale]), v.resolve()) }, 10)) : (this.transX = p, this.transY = f, this.scale = e, this.applyTransform(), this.container.trigger(m, [e / this.baseScale]), v.resolve()), v }, setFocus: function (e) { var t, n, i, r, a; if ((e = e || {}).region ? i = [e.region] : e.regions && (i = e.regions), i) { for (r = 0; r < i.length; r++)this.regions[i[r]] && ((n = this.regions[i[r]].element.shape.getBBox()) && (void 0 === t ? t = n : t = { x: Math.min(t.x, n.x), y: Math.min(t.y, n.y), width: Math.max(t.x + t.width, n.x + n.width) - Math.min(t.x, n.x), height: Math.max(t.y + t.height, n.y + n.height) - Math.min(t.y, n.y) })); return this.setScale(Math.min(this.width / t.width, this.height / t.height), -(t.x + t.width / 2), -(t.y + t.height / 2), !0, e.animate) } return e.lat && e.lng ? (a = this.latLngToPoint(e.lat, e.lng), e.x = this.transX - a.x / this.scale, e.y = this.transY - a.y / this.scale) : e.x && e.y && (e.x *= -this.defaultWidth, e.y *= -this.defaultHeight), this.setScale(e.scale * this.baseScale, e.x, e.y, !0, e.animate) }, getSelected: function (e) { var t, n = []; for (t in this[e]) this[e][t].element.isSelected && n.push(t); return n }, getSelectedRegions: function () { return this.getSelected("regions") }, getSelectedMarkers: function () { return this.getSelected("markers") }, setSelected: function (e, t) { var n; if ("object" != typeof t && (t = [t]), d.$.isArray(t)) for (n = 0; n < t.length; n++)this[e][t[n]].element.setSelected(!0); else for (n in t) this[e][n].element.setSelected(!!t[n]) }, setSelectedRegions: function (e) { this.setSelected("regions", e) }, setSelectedMarkers: function (e) { this.setSelected("markers", e) }, clearSelected: function (e) { var t, n = {}, i = this.getSelected(e); for (t = 0; t < i.length; t++)n[i[t]] = !1; this.setSelected(e, n) }, clearSelectedRegions: function () { this.clearSelected("regions") }, clearSelectedMarkers: function () { this.clearSelected("markers") }, getMapObject: function () { return this }, getRegionName: function (e) { return this.mapData.paths[e].name }, createRegions: function () { var e, t, n = this; for (e in this.regionLabelsGroup = this.regionLabelsGroup || this.canvas.addGroup(), this.mapData.paths) t = new d.Region({ map: this, path: this.mapData.paths[e].path, code: e, style: d.$.extend(!0, {}, this.params.regionStyle), margin: this.params.regionMargin, labelStyle: d.$.extend(!0, {}, this.params.regionLabelStyle), canvas: this.canvas, labelsGroup: this.regionLabelsGroup, label: "vml" != this.canvas.mode ? this.params.labels && this.params.labels.regions : null }), d.$(t.shape).bind("selected", function (e, t) { n.container.trigger("regionSelected.jvectormap", [d.$(this.node).attr("data-code"), t, n.getSelectedRegions()]) }), this.regions[e] = { element: t, config: this.mapData.paths[e] } }, createMarkers: function (e) { var t, n, i, r, a, o = this; if (this.markersGroup = this.markersGroup || this.canvas.addGroup(), this.markerLabelsGroup = this.markerLabelsGroup || this.canvas.addGroup(), d.$.isArray(e)) for (a = e.slice(), e = {}, t = 0; t < a.length; t++)e[t] = a[t]; for (t in e) r = e[t] instanceof Array ? { latLng: e[t] } : e[t], !1 !== (i = this.getMarkerPosition(r)) && (n = new d.Marker({ map: this, style: d.$.extend(!0, {}, this.params.markerStyle, { initial: r.style || {} }), labelStyle: d.$.extend(!0, {}, this.params.markerLabelStyle), index: t, cx: i.x, cy: i.y, group: this.markersGroup, canvas: this.canvas, labelsGroup: this.markerLabelsGroup, label: "vml" != this.canvas.mode ? this.params.labels && this.params.labels.markers : null }), d.$(n.shape).bind("selected", function (e, t) { o.container.trigger("markerSelected.jvectormap", [d.$(this.node).attr("data-index"), t, o.getSelectedMarkers()]) }), this.markers[t] && this.removeMarkers([t]), this.markers[t] = { element: n, config: r }) }, repositionMarkers: function () { var e, t; for (e in this.markers) !1 !== (t = this.getMarkerPosition(this.markers[e].config)) && this.markers[e].element.setStyle({ cx: t.x, cy: t.y }) }, repositionLabels: function () { var e; for (e in this.regions) this.regions[e].element.updateLabelPosition(); for (e in this.markers) this.markers[e].element.updateLabelPosition() }, getMarkerPosition: function (e) { return d.Map.maps[this.params.map].projection ? this.latLngToPoint.apply(this, e.latLng || [0, 0]) : { x: e.coords[0] * this.scale + this.transX * this.scale, y: e.coords[1] * this.scale + this.transY * this.scale } }, addMarker: function (e, t, n) { var i, r, a = {}, o = []; n = n || []; for (a[e] = t, r = 0; r < n.length; r++)i = {}, void 0 !== n[r] && (i[e] = n[r]), o.push(i); this.addMarkers(a, o) }, addMarkers: function (e, t) { var n; for (t = t || [], this.createMarkers(e), n = 0; n < t.length; n++)this.series.markers[n].setValues(t[n] || {}) }, removeMarkers: function (e) { var t; for (t = 0; t < e.length; t++)this.markers[e[t]].element.remove(), delete this.markers[e[t]] }, removeAllMarkers: function () { var e, t = []; for (e in this.markers) t.push(e); this.removeMarkers(t) }, latLngToPoint: function (e, t) { var n, i, r, a = d.Map.maps[this.params.map].projection, o = a.centralMeridian; return -180 + o > t && (t += 360), n = d.Proj[a.type](e, t, o), !!(i = this.getInsetForPoint(n.x, n.y)) && (r = i.bbox, n.x = (n.x - r[0].x) / (r[1].x - r[0].x) * i.width * this.scale, n.y = (n.y - r[0].y) / (r[1].y - r[0].y) * i.height * this.scale, { x: n.x + this.transX * this.scale + i.left * this.scale, y: n.y + this.transY * this.scale + i.top * this.scale }) }, pointToLatLng: function (e, t) { var n, i, r, a, o, l = d.Map.maps[this.params.map].projection, s = l.centralMeridian, u = d.Map.maps[this.params.map].insets; for (n = 0; n < u.length; n++)if (r = (i = u[n]).bbox, a = e - (this.transX * this.scale + i.left * this.scale), o = t - (this.transY * this.scale + i.top * this.scale), a = a / (i.width * this.scale) * (r[1].x - r[0].x) + r[0].x, o = o / (i.height * this.scale) * (r[1].y - r[0].y) + r[0].y, a > r[0].x && a < r[1].x && o > r[0].y && o < r[1].y) return d.Proj[l.type + "_inv"](a, -o, s); return !1 }, getInsetForPoint: function (e, t) { var n, i, r = d.Map.maps[this.params.map].insets; for (n = 0; n < r.length; n++)if (e > (i = r[n].bbox)[0].x && e < i[1].x && t > i[0].y && t < i[1].y) return r[n] }, createSeries: function () { var e, t; for (t in this.series = { markers: [], regions: [] }, this.params.series) for (e = 0; e < this.params.series[t].length; e++)this.series[t][e] = new d.DataSeries(this.params.series[t][e], this[t], this) }, remove: function () { this.tip.remove(), this.container.remove(), d.$(window).unbind("resize", this.onResize), d.$("body").unbind("mouseup", this.onContainerMouseUp) } }, d.Map.maps = {}, d.Map.defaultParams = { map: "world_mill_en", backgroundColor: "#505050", zoomButtons: !0, zoomOnScroll: !0, zoomOnScrollSpeed: 3, panOnDrag: !0, zoomMax: 8, zoomMin: 1, zoomStep: 1.6, zoomAnimate: !0, regionsSelectable: !1, markersSelectable: !1, bindTouchEvents: !0, regionStyle: { initial: { fill: "white", "fill-opacity": 1, stroke: "none", "stroke-width": 0, "stroke-opacity": 1 }, hover: { "fill-opacity": .8, cursor: "pointer" }, selected: { fill: "yellow" }, selectedHover: {} }, regionMargin: 0, regionLabelStyle: { initial: { "font-family": "Verdana", "font-size": "12", "font-weight": "bold", cursor: "default", fill: "black" }, hover: { cursor: "pointer" } }, markerStyle: { initial: { fill: "grey", stroke: "#505050", "fill-opacity": 1, "stroke-width": 1, "stroke-opacity": 1, r: 5 }, hover: { stroke: "black", "stroke-width": 2, cursor: "pointer" }, selected: { fill: "blue" }, selectedHover: {} }, markerLabelStyle: { initial: { "font-family": "Verdana", "font-size": "12", "font-weight": "bold", cursor: "default", fill: "black" }, hover: { cursor: "pointer" } } }, d.Map.apiEvents = { onRegionTipShow: "regionTipShow", onRegionOver: "regionOver", onRegionOut: "regionOut", onRegionClick: "regionClick", onRegionSelected: "regionSelected", onMarkerTipShow: "markerTipShow", onMarkerOver: "markerOver", onMarkerOut: "markerOut", onMarkerClick: "markerClick", onMarkerSelected: "markerSelected", onViewportChange: "viewportChange" }, d.MultiMap = function (e) { var t = this; this.maps = {}, this.params = d.$.extend(!0, {}, d.MultiMap.defaultParams, e), this.params.maxLevel = this.params.maxLevel || Number.MAX_VALUE, this.params.main = this.params.main || {}, this.params.main.multiMapLevel = 0, this.history = [this.addMap(this.params.main.map, this.params.main)], this.defaultProjection = this.history[0].mapData.projection.type, this.mapsLoaded = {}, this.params.container.css({ position: "relative" }), this.backButton = d.$("
").addClass("jvectormap-goback").text("Back").appendTo(this.params.container), this.backButton.hide(), this.backButton.click(function () { t.goBack() }), this.spinner = d.$("
").addClass("jvectormap-spinner").appendTo(this.params.container), this.spinner.hide() }, d.MultiMap.prototype = { addMap: function (e, t) { var n = d.$("
").css({ width: "100%", height: "100%" }); return this.params.container.append(n), this.maps[e] = new d.Map(d.$.extend(t, { container: n })), this.params.maxLevel > t.multiMapLevel && this.maps[e].container.on("regionClick.jvectormap", { scope: this }, function (e, t) { var n = e.data.scope, i = n.params.mapNameByCode(t, n); n.drillDownPromise && "pending" === n.drillDownPromise.state() || n.drillDown(i, t) }), this.maps[e] }, downloadMap: function (e) { var t = this, n = d.$.Deferred(); return this.mapsLoaded[e] ? n.resolve() : d.$.get(this.params.mapUrlByCode(e, this)).then(function () { t.mapsLoaded[e] = !0, n.resolve() }, function () { n.reject() }), n }, drillDown: function (e, t) { var n = this.history[this.history.length - 1], i = this, r = n.setFocus({ region: t, animate: !0 }), a = this.downloadMap(t); r.then(function () { "pending" === a.state() && i.spinner.show() }), a.always(function () { i.spinner.hide() }), this.drillDownPromise = d.$.when(a, r), this.drillDownPromise.then(function () { n.params.container.hide(), i.maps[e] ? i.maps[e].params.container.show() : i.addMap(e, { map: e, multiMapLevel: n.params.multiMapLevel + 1 }), i.history.push(i.maps[e]), i.backButton.show() }) }, goBack: function () { var e = this.history.pop(), t = this.history[this.history.length - 1], n = this; e.setFocus({ scale: 1, x: .5, y: .5, animate: !0 }).then(function () { e.params.container.hide(), t.params.container.show(), t.updateSize(), 1 === n.history.length && n.backButton.hide(), t.setFocus({ scale: 1, x: .5, y: .5, animate: !0 }) }) } }, d.MultiMap.defaultParams = { mapNameByCode: function (e, t) { return e.toLowerCase() + "_" + t.defaultProjection + "_en" }, mapUrlByCode: function (e, t) { return "jquery-jvectormap-data-" + e.toLowerCase() + "-" + t.defaultProjection + "-en.js" } } }).call(this, n(1), n(1)) }, function (e, t, n) { (function (e) { e.fn.vectorMap("addMap", "world_mill", { insets: [{ width: 900, top: 0, height: 440.7063107441331, bbox: [{ y: -12671671.123330014, x: -20004297.151525836 }, { y: 6930392.025135122, x: 20026572.394749384 }], left: 0 }], paths: { BD: { path: "M651.84,230.21l-0.6,-2.0l-1.36,-1.71l-2.31,-0.11l-0.41,0.48l0.2,0.94l-0.53,0.99l-0.72,-0.36l-0.68,0.35l-1.2,-0.36l-0.37,-2.0l-0.81,-1.86l0.39,-1.46l-0.22,-0.47l-1.14,-0.53l0.29,-0.5l1.48,-0.94l0.03,-0.65l-1.55,-1.22l0.55,-1.14l1.61,0.94l1.04,0.15l0.18,1.54l0.34,0.35l5.64,0.63l-0.84,1.64l-1.22,0.34l-0.77,1.51l0.07,0.47l1.37,1.37l0.67,-0.19l0.42,-1.39l1.21,3.84l-0.03,1.21l-0.33,-0.15l-0.4,0.28Z", name: "Bangladesh" }, BE: { path: "M429.29,144.05l1.91,0.24l2.1,-0.63l2.63,1.99l-0.21,1.66l-0.69,0.4l-0.18,1.2l-1.66,-1.13l-1.39,0.15l-2.73,-2.7l-1.17,-0.18l-0.16,-0.52l1.54,-0.5Z", name: "Belgium" }, BF: { path: "M421.42,247.64l-0.11,0.95l0.34,1.16l1.4,1.71l0.07,1.1l0.32,0.37l2.55,0.51l-0.04,1.28l-0.38,0.53l-1.07,0.21l-0.72,1.18l-0.63,0.21l-3.22,-0.25l-0.94,0.39l-5.4,-0.05l-0.39,0.38l0.16,2.73l-1.23,-0.43l-1.17,0.1l-0.89,0.57l-2.27,-1.72l-0.13,-1.11l0.61,-0.96l0.02,-0.93l1.87,-1.98l0.44,-1.81l0.43,-0.39l1.28,0.26l1.05,-0.52l0.47,-0.73l1.84,-1.09l0.55,-0.83l2.2,-1.0l1.15,-0.3l0.72,0.45l1.13,-0.01Z", name: "Burkina Faso" }, BG: { path: "M491.65,168.18l-0.86,0.88l-0.91,2.17l0.48,1.34l-1.6,-0.24l-2.55,0.95l-0.28,1.51l-1.8,0.22l-2.0,-1.0l-1.92,0.79l-1.42,-0.07l-0.15,-1.63l-1.05,-0.97l0.0,-0.8l1.2,-1.57l0.01,-0.56l-1.14,-1.23l-0.05,-0.94l0.88,0.97l0.88,-0.2l1.91,0.47l3.68,0.16l1.42,-0.81l2.72,-0.66l2.55,1.24Z", name: "Bulgaria" }, BA: { path: "M463.49,163.65l2.1,0.5l1.72,-0.03l1.52,0.68l-0.36,0.78l0.08,0.45l1.04,1.02l-0.25,0.98l-1.81,1.15l-0.38,1.38l-1.67,-0.87l-0.89,-1.2l-2.11,-1.83l-1.63,-2.22l0.23,-0.57l0.48,0.38l0.55,-0.06l0.43,-0.51l0.94,-0.06Z", name: "Bosnia and Herz." }, BN: { path: "M707.48,273.58l0.68,-0.65l1.41,-0.91l-0.15,1.63l-0.81,-0.05l-0.61,0.58l-0.53,-0.6Z", name: "Brunei" }, BO: { path: "M263.83,340.69l-3.09,-0.23l-0.38,0.23l-0.7,1.52l-1.31,-1.53l-3.28,-0.64l-2.37,2.4l-1.31,0.26l-0.88,-3.26l-1.3,-2.86l0.74,-2.37l-0.13,-0.43l-1.2,-1.01l-0.37,-1.89l-1.08,-1.55l1.45,-2.56l-0.96,-2.33l0.47,-1.06l-0.34,-0.73l0.91,-1.32l0.16,-3.84l0.5,-1.18l-1.81,-3.41l2.46,0.07l0.8,-0.85l3.4,-1.91l2.66,-0.35l-0.19,1.38l0.3,1.07l-0.05,1.97l2.72,2.27l2.88,0.49l0.89,0.86l1.79,0.58l0.98,0.7l1.71,0.05l1.17,0.61l0.6,2.7l-0.7,0.54l0.96,2.99l0.37,0.28l4.3,0.1l-0.25,1.2l0.27,1.02l1.43,0.9l0.5,1.35l-0.41,1.86l-0.65,1.08l0.12,1.35l-2.69,-1.65l-2.4,-0.03l-4.36,0.76l-1.49,2.5l-0.11,1.52l-0.75,2.37Z", name: "Bolivia" }, JP: { path: "M781.12,166.87l1.81,0.68l1.62,-0.97l0.39,2.42l-3.35,0.75l-2.23,2.88l-3.63,-1.9l-0.56,0.2l-1.26,3.05l-2.16,0.03l-0.29,-2.51l1.08,-2.03l2.45,-0.16l0.37,-0.33l1.25,-5.94l2.47,2.71l2.03,1.12ZM773.56,187.34l-0.91,2.22l0.37,1.52l-1.14,1.75l-3.02,1.26l-4.58,0.27l-3.34,3.01l-1.25,-0.8l-0.09,-1.9l-0.46,-0.38l-4.35,0.62l-3.0,1.32l-2.85,0.05l-0.37,0.27l0.13,0.44l2.32,1.89l-1.54,4.34l-1.26,0.9l-0.79,-0.7l0.56,-2.27l-0.21,-0.45l-1.47,-0.75l-0.74,-1.4l2.12,-0.84l1.26,-1.7l2.45,-1.42l1.83,-1.91l4.78,-0.81l2.6,0.57l0.44,-0.21l2.39,-4.66l1.29,1.06l0.5,0.01l5.1,-4.02l1.69,-3.73l-0.38,-3.4l0.9,-1.61l2.14,-0.44l1.23,3.72l-0.07,2.18l-2.23,2.84l-0.04,3.16ZM757.78,196.26l0.19,0.56l-1.01,1.21l-1.16,-0.68l-1.28,0.65l-0.69,1.45l-1.02,-0.5l0.01,-0.93l1.14,-1.38l1.57,0.14l0.85,-0.98l1.4,0.46Z", name: "Japan" }, BI: { path: "M495.45,295.49l-1.08,-2.99l1.14,-0.11l0.64,-1.19l0.76,0.09l0.65,1.83l-2.1,2.36Z", name: "Burundi" }, BJ: { path: "M429.57,255.75l-0.05,0.8l0.5,1.34l-0.42,0.86l0.17,0.79l-1.81,2.12l-0.57,1.76l-0.08,5.42l-1.41,0.2l-0.48,-1.36l0.11,-5.71l-0.52,-0.7l-0.2,-1.35l-1.48,-1.48l0.21,-0.9l0.89,-0.43l0.42,-0.92l1.27,-0.36l1.22,-1.34l0.61,-0.0l1.62,1.24Z", name: "Benin" }, BT: { path: "M650.32,213.86l0.84,0.71l-0.12,1.1l-3.76,-0.11l-1.57,0.4l-1.93,-0.87l1.48,-1.96l1.13,-0.57l1.63,0.57l1.33,0.08l0.99,0.65Z", name: "Bhutan" }, JM: { path: "M228.38,239.28l-0.8,0.4l-2.26,-1.06l0.84,-0.23l2.14,0.3l1.17,0.56l-1.08,0.03Z", name: "Jamaica" }, BW: { path: "M483.92,330.07l2.27,4.01l2.83,2.86l0.96,0.31l0.78,2.43l2.13,0.61l1.02,0.76l-3.0,1.64l-2.32,2.02l-1.54,2.69l-1.52,0.45l-0.64,1.94l-1.34,0.52l-1.85,-0.12l-1.21,-0.74l-1.35,-0.3l-1.22,0.62l-0.75,1.37l-2.31,1.9l-1.4,0.21l-0.35,-0.59l0.16,-1.75l-1.48,-2.54l-0.62,-0.43l-0.0,-7.1l2.08,-0.08l0.39,-0.4l0.07,-8.9l5.19,-0.93l0.8,0.89l0.51,0.07l1.5,-0.95l2.21,-0.49Z", name: "Botswana" }, BR: { path: "M259.98,275.05l3.24,0.7l0.65,-0.53l4.55,-1.32l1.08,-1.06l-0.02,-0.63l0.55,-0.05l0.28,0.28l-0.26,0.87l0.22,0.48l0.73,0.32l0.4,0.81l-0.62,0.86l-0.4,2.13l0.82,2.56l1.69,1.43l1.43,0.2l3.17,-1.68l3.18,0.3l0.65,-0.75l-0.27,-0.92l1.9,-0.09l2.39,0.99l1.06,-0.61l0.84,0.78l1.2,-0.18l1.18,-1.06l0.84,-1.94l1.36,-2.11l0.37,-0.05l1.89,5.45l1.33,0.59l0.05,1.28l-1.77,1.94l0.02,0.56l1.02,0.87l4.07,0.36l0.08,2.16l0.66,0.29l1.74,-1.5l6.97,2.32l1.02,1.22l-0.35,1.18l0.49,0.5l2.81,-0.74l4.77,1.3l3.75,-0.08l3.57,2.0l3.29,2.86l1.93,0.72l2.12,0.12l0.71,0.62l1.21,4.51l-0.95,3.98l-4.72,5.06l-1.64,2.92l-1.72,2.05l-0.8,0.3l-0.72,2.03l0.18,4.75l-0.94,5.53l-0.81,1.13l-0.43,3.36l-2.55,3.5l-0.4,2.51l-1.86,1.04l-0.67,1.53l-2.54,0.01l-3.94,1.01l-1.83,1.2l-2.87,0.82l-3.03,2.19l-2.2,2.83l-0.36,2.0l0.4,1.58l-0.44,2.6l-0.51,1.2l-1.77,1.54l-2.75,4.78l-3.83,3.42l-1.24,2.74l-1.18,1.15l-0.36,-0.83l0.95,-1.14l0.01,-0.5l-1.52,-1.97l-4.56,-3.32l-1.03,-0.0l-2.38,-2.02l-0.81,-0.0l5.34,-5.45l3.77,-2.58l0.22,-2.46l-1.35,-1.81l-0.91,0.07l0.58,-2.33l0.01,-1.54l-1.11,-0.83l-1.75,0.3l-0.44,-3.11l-0.52,-0.95l-1.88,-0.88l-1.24,0.47l-2.17,-0.41l0.15,-3.21l-0.62,-1.34l0.66,-0.73l-0.22,-1.34l0.66,-1.13l0.44,-2.04l-0.61,-1.83l-1.4,-0.86l-0.2,-0.75l0.34,-1.39l-0.38,-0.5l-4.52,-0.1l-0.72,-2.22l0.59,-0.42l-0.03,-1.1l-0.5,-0.87l-0.32,-1.7l-1.45,-0.76l-1.63,-0.02l-1.05,-0.72l-1.6,-0.48l-1.13,-0.99l-2.69,-0.4l-2.47,-2.06l0.13,-4.35l-0.45,-0.45l-3.46,0.5l-3.44,1.94l-0.6,0.74l-2.9,-0.17l-1.47,0.42l-0.72,-0.18l0.15,-3.52l-0.63,-0.34l-1.94,1.41l-1.87,-0.06l-0.83,-1.18l-1.37,-0.26l0.21,-1.01l-1.35,-1.49l-0.88,-1.91l0.56,-0.6l-0.0,-0.81l1.29,-0.62l0.22,-0.43l-0.22,-1.19l0.61,-0.91l0.15,-0.99l2.65,-1.58l1.99,-0.47l0.42,-0.36l2.06,0.11l0.42,-0.33l1.19,-8.0l-0.41,-1.56l-1.1,-1.0l0.01,-1.33l1.91,-0.42l0.08,-0.96l-0.33,-0.43l-1.14,-0.2l-0.02,-0.83l4.47,0.05l0.82,-0.67l0.82,1.81l0.8,0.07l1.15,1.1l2.26,-0.05l0.71,-0.83l2.78,-0.96l0.48,-1.13l1.6,-0.64l0.24,-0.47l-0.48,-0.82l-1.83,-0.19l-0.36,-3.22Z", name: "Brazil" }, BS: { path: "M226.4,223.87l-0.48,-1.15l-0.84,-0.75l0.36,-1.11l0.95,1.95l0.01,1.06ZM225.56,216.43l-1.87,0.29l-0.04,-0.22l0.74,-0.14l1.17,0.06Z", name: "Bahamas" }, BY: { path: "M493.84,128.32l0.29,0.7l0.49,0.23l1.19,-0.38l2.09,0.72l0.19,1.26l-0.45,1.24l1.57,2.26l0.89,0.59l0.17,0.81l1.58,0.56l0.4,0.5l-0.53,0.41l-1.87,-0.11l-0.73,0.38l-0.13,0.52l1.04,2.74l-1.91,0.26l-0.89,0.99l-0.11,1.18l-2.73,-0.04l-0.53,-0.62l-0.52,-0.08l-0.75,0.46l-0.91,-0.42l-1.92,-0.07l-2.75,-0.79l-2.6,-0.28l-2.0,0.07l-1.5,0.92l-0.67,0.07l-0.08,-1.22l-0.59,-1.19l1.36,-0.88l0.01,-1.35l-0.7,-1.41l-0.07,-1.0l2.16,-0.02l2.72,-1.3l0.75,-2.04l1.91,-1.04l0.2,-0.41l-0.19,-1.25l3.8,-1.78l2.3,0.77Z", name: "Belarus" }, BZ: { path: "M198.03,244.38l0.1,-4.49l0.69,-0.06l0.74,-1.3l0.34,0.28l-0.4,1.3l0.17,0.58l-0.34,2.25l-1.3,1.42Z", name: "Belize" }, RU: { path: "M491.55,115.25l2.55,-1.85l-0.01,-0.65l-2.2,-1.5l7.32,-6.76l1.03,-2.11l-0.13,-0.49l-3.46,-2.52l0.86,-2.7l-2.11,-2.81l1.56,-3.67l-2.77,-4.52l2.15,-2.99l-0.08,-0.55l-3.65,-2.73l0.3,-2.54l1.81,-0.37l4.26,-1.77l2.42,-1.45l4.06,2.61l6.79,1.04l9.34,4.85l1.78,1.88l0.14,2.46l-2.55,2.02l-3.9,1.06l-11.07,-3.14l-2.06,0.53l-0.13,0.7l3.94,2.94l0.31,5.86l0.26,0.36l5.14,2.24l0.58,-0.29l0.32,-1.94l-1.35,-1.78l1.13,-1.09l6.13,2.42l2.11,-0.98l0.18,-0.56l-1.51,-2.67l5.41,-3.76l2.07,0.22l2.26,1.41l0.57,-0.16l1.46,-2.87l-0.05,-0.44l-1.92,-2.32l1.12,-2.32l-1.32,-2.27l5.87,1.16l1.04,1.75l-2.59,0.43l-0.33,0.4l0.02,2.36l2.46,1.83l3.87,-0.91l0.86,-2.8l13.69,-5.65l0.99,0.11l-1.92,2.06l0.23,0.67l3.11,0.45l2.0,-1.48l4.56,-0.12l3.64,-1.73l2.65,2.44l0.56,-0.01l2.85,-2.88l-0.01,-0.57l-2.35,-2.29l0.9,-1.01l7.14,1.3l3.41,1.36l9.05,4.97l0.51,-0.11l1.67,-2.27l-0.05,-0.53l-2.43,-2.21l-0.06,-0.78l-0.34,-0.36l-2.52,-0.36l0.64,-1.93l-1.32,-3.46l-0.06,-1.21l4.48,-4.06l1.69,-4.29l1.6,-0.81l6.23,1.18l0.44,2.21l-2.29,3.64l0.06,0.5l1.47,1.39l0.76,3.0l-0.56,6.03l2.69,2.82l-0.96,2.57l-4.86,5.95l0.23,0.64l2.86,0.61l0.42,-0.17l0.93,-1.4l2.64,-1.03l0.87,-2.24l2.09,-1.96l0.07,-0.5l-1.36,-2.28l1.09,-2.69l-0.32,-0.55l-2.47,-0.33l-0.5,-2.06l1.94,-4.38l-0.06,-0.42l-2.96,-3.4l4.12,-2.88l0.16,-0.4l-0.51,-2.93l0.54,-0.05l1.13,2.25l-0.96,4.35l0.27,0.47l2.68,0.84l0.5,-0.51l-1.02,-2.99l3.79,-1.66l5.01,-0.24l4.53,2.61l0.48,-0.06l0.07,-0.48l-2.18,-3.82l-0.23,-4.67l3.98,-0.9l5.97,0.21l5.49,-0.64l0.27,-0.65l-1.83,-2.31l2.56,-2.9l2.87,-0.17l4.8,-2.47l6.54,-0.67l1.03,-1.42l6.25,-0.45l2.32,1.11l5.53,-2.7l4.5,0.08l0.39,-0.28l0.66,-2.15l2.26,-2.12l5.69,-2.11l3.21,1.29l-2.46,0.94l-0.25,0.42l0.34,0.35l5.41,0.77l0.61,2.33l0.58,0.25l2.2,-1.22l7.13,0.07l5.51,2.47l1.79,1.72l-0.53,2.24l-9.16,4.15l-1.97,1.52l0.16,0.71l6.77,1.91l2.16,-0.78l1.13,2.74l0.67,0.11l1.01,-1.15l3.81,-0.73l7.7,0.77l0.54,1.99l0.36,0.29l10.47,0.71l0.43,-0.38l0.13,-3.23l4.87,0.78l3.95,-0.02l3.83,2.4l1.03,2.71l-1.35,1.79l0.02,0.5l3.15,3.64l4.07,1.96l0.53,-0.18l2.23,-4.47l3.95,1.93l4.16,-1.21l4.73,1.39l2.05,-1.26l3.94,0.62l0.43,-0.55l-1.68,-4.02l2.89,-1.8l22.31,3.03l2.16,2.75l6.55,3.51l10.29,-0.81l4.82,0.73l1.85,1.66l-0.29,3.08l0.25,0.41l3.08,1.26l3.56,-0.88l4.35,-0.11l4.8,0.87l4.57,-0.47l4.23,3.79l0.43,0.07l3.1,-1.4l0.16,-0.6l-1.88,-2.62l0.85,-1.52l7.71,1.21l5.22,-0.26l7.09,2.09l9.59,5.22l6.35,4.11l-0.2,2.38l1.88,1.41l0.6,-0.42l-0.48,-2.53l6.15,0.57l4.4,3.51l-1.97,1.43l-4.0,0.41l-0.36,0.39l-0.06,3.79l-0.74,0.62l-2.07,-0.11l-1.91,-1.39l-3.14,-1.11l-0.78,-1.85l-2.72,-0.68l-2.63,0.49l-1.04,-1.1l0.46,-1.31l-0.5,-0.51l-3.0,0.98l-0.22,0.58l0.99,1.7l-1.21,1.48l-3.04,1.68l-3.12,-0.28l-0.4,0.23l0.09,0.46l2.2,2.09l1.46,3.2l1.15,1.1l0.24,1.33l-0.42,0.67l-4.63,-0.77l-6.96,2.9l-2.19,0.44l-7.6,5.06l-0.84,1.45l-3.61,-2.37l-6.24,2.82l-0.94,-1.15l-0.53,-0.08l-2.28,1.52l-3.2,-0.49l-0.44,0.27l-0.78,2.37l-3.05,3.78l0.09,1.47l0.29,0.36l2.54,0.72l-0.29,4.53l-1.97,0.11l-0.35,0.26l-1.07,2.94l0.8,1.45l-3.91,1.58l-1.05,3.95l-3.48,0.77l-0.3,0.3l-0.72,3.29l-3.09,2.65l-0.7,-1.74l-2.44,-12.44l1.16,-4.71l2.04,-2.06l0.22,-1.64l3.8,-0.86l4.46,-4.61l4.28,-3.81l4.48,-3.01l2.17,-5.63l-0.42,-0.54l-3.04,0.33l-1.77,3.31l-5.86,3.86l-1.86,-4.25l-0.45,-0.23l-6.46,1.3l-6.47,6.44l-0.01,0.55l1.58,1.74l-8.24,1.17l0.15,-2.2l-0.34,-0.42l-3.89,-0.56l-3.25,1.81l-7.62,-0.62l-8.45,1.19l-17.71,15.41l0.22,0.7l3.74,0.41l1.36,2.17l2.43,0.76l1.88,-1.68l2.4,0.2l3.4,3.54l0.08,2.6l-1.95,3.42l-0.21,3.9l-1.1,5.06l-3.71,4.54l-0.87,2.21l-8.29,8.89l-3.19,1.7l-1.32,0.03l-1.45,-1.36l-0.49,-0.04l-2.27,1.5l0.41,-3.65l-0.59,-2.47l1.75,-0.89l2.91,0.53l0.42,-0.2l1.68,-3.03l0.87,-3.46l0.97,-1.18l1.32,-2.88l-0.45,-0.56l-4.14,0.95l-2.19,1.25l-3.41,-0.0l-1.06,-2.93l-2.97,-2.3l-4.28,-1.06l-1.75,-5.07l-2.66,-5.01l-2.29,-1.29l-3.75,-1.01l-3.44,0.08l-3.18,0.62l-2.24,1.77l0.05,0.66l1.18,0.69l0.02,1.43l-1.33,1.05l-2.26,3.51l-0.04,1.43l-3.16,1.84l-2.82,-1.16l-3.01,0.23l-1.35,-1.07l-1.5,-0.35l-3.9,2.31l-3.22,0.52l-2.27,0.79l-3.05,-0.51l-2.21,0.03l-1.48,-1.6l-2.6,-1.63l-2.63,-0.43l-5.46,1.01l-3.23,-1.25l-0.72,-2.57l-5.2,-1.24l-2.75,-1.36l-0.5,0.12l-2.59,3.45l0.84,2.1l-2.06,1.93l-3.41,-0.77l-2.42,-0.12l-1.83,-1.54l-2.53,-0.05l-2.42,-0.98l-3.86,1.57l-4.72,2.78l-3.3,0.75l-1.55,-1.92l-3.0,0.41l-1.11,-1.33l-1.62,-0.59l-1.31,-1.94l-1.38,-0.6l-3.7,0.79l-3.31,-1.83l-0.51,0.11l-0.99,1.29l-5.29,-8.05l-2.96,-2.48l0.65,-0.77l0.01,-0.51l-0.5,-0.11l-6.2,3.21l-1.84,0.15l0.15,-1.39l-0.26,-0.42l-3.22,-1.17l-2.46,0.7l-0.69,-3.16l-0.32,-0.31l-4.5,-0.75l-2.47,1.47l-6.19,1.27l-1.29,0.86l-9.51,1.3l-1.15,1.17l-0.03,0.53l1.47,1.9l-1.89,0.69l-0.22,0.56l0.31,0.6l-2.11,1.44l0.03,0.68l3.75,2.12l-0.39,0.98l-3.23,-0.13l-0.86,0.86l-3.09,-1.59l-3.97,0.07l-2.66,1.35l-8.32,-3.56l-4.07,0.06l-5.39,3.68l-0.39,2.0l-2.03,-1.5l-0.59,0.13l-2.0,3.59l0.57,0.93l-1.28,2.16l0.06,0.48l2.13,2.17l1.95,0.04l1.37,1.82l-0.23,1.46l0.25,0.43l0.83,0.33l-0.8,1.31l-2.49,0.62l-2.49,3.2l0.0,0.49l2.17,2.78l-0.15,2.18l2.5,3.24l-1.58,1.59l-0.7,-0.13l-1.63,-1.72l-2.29,-0.84l-0.94,-1.31l-2.34,-0.63l-1.48,0.4l-0.43,-0.47l-3.51,-1.48l-5.76,-1.01l-0.45,0.19l-2.89,-2.34l-2.9,-1.2l-1.53,-1.29l1.29,-0.43l2.08,-2.61l-0.05,-0.55l-0.89,-0.79l3.05,-1.06l0.27,-0.42l-0.07,-0.69l-0.49,-0.35l-1.73,0.39l0.04,-0.68l1.04,-0.72l2.66,-0.48l0.4,-1.32l-0.5,-1.6l0.92,-1.54l0.03,-1.17l-0.29,-0.37l-3.69,-1.06l-1.41,0.02l-1.42,-1.41l-2.19,0.38l-2.77,-1.01l-0.03,-0.59l-0.89,-1.43l-2.0,-0.32l-0.11,-0.54l0.49,-0.53l0.01,-0.53l-1.6,-1.9l-3.58,0.02l-0.88,0.73l-0.46,-0.07l-1.0,-2.79l2.22,-0.02l0.97,-0.74l0.07,-0.57l-0.9,-1.04l-1.35,-0.48l-0.11,-0.7l-0.95,-0.58l-1.38,-1.99l0.46,-0.98l-0.51,-1.96l-2.45,-0.84l-1.21,0.3l-0.46,-0.76l-2.46,-0.83l-0.72,-1.87l-0.21,-1.69l-0.99,-0.85l0.85,-1.17l-0.7,-3.21l1.66,-1.97l-0.16,-0.79ZM749.2,170.72l-0.6,0.4l-0.13,0.16l-0.01,-0.51l0.74,-0.05ZM871.88,65.81l2.17,-0.13l3.19,1.16l-2.39,1.09l-5.63,0.48l-0.26,-0.84l2.92,-1.76ZM797.39,48.49l-2.0,1.36l-3.8,-0.42l-4.25,-1.8l0.35,-0.97l9.69,1.83ZM783.67,46.12l-1.63,3.09l-8.98,-0.13l-4.09,1.14l-4.54,-2.97l1.16,-3.01l3.05,-0.89l6.5,0.22l8.54,2.56ZM778.2,134.98l-0.56,-0.9l0.27,-0.12l0.29,1.01ZM778.34,135.48l0.94,3.53l-0.05,3.38l1.05,3.39l2.18,5.0l-2.89,-0.83l-0.49,0.26l-1.54,4.65l2.42,3.5l-0.04,1.13l-1.24,-1.24l-0.61,0.06l-1.09,1.61l-0.28,-1.61l0.27,-3.1l-0.28,-3.4l0.58,-2.47l0.11,-4.39l-1.46,-3.36l0.21,-4.32l2.15,-1.46l0.07,-0.34ZM771.95,56.61l1.76,-1.42l2.89,-0.42l3.28,1.71l0.14,0.6l-3.27,0.03l-4.81,-0.5ZM683.76,31.09l-13.01,1.93l4.03,-6.35l1.82,-0.56l1.73,0.34l5.99,2.98l-0.56,1.66ZM670.85,27.93l-5.08,0.64l-6.86,-1.57l-3.99,-2.05l-2.1,-4.16l-2.6,-0.87l5.72,-3.5l5.2,-1.28l4.69,2.85l5.59,5.4l-0.56,4.53ZM564.15,68.94l-0.64,0.17l-7.85,-0.57l-0.86,-2.04l-4.28,-1.17l-0.28,-1.94l2.27,-0.89l0.25,-0.39l-0.08,-2.38l4.81,-3.97l-0.15,-0.7l-1.47,-0.38l5.3,-3.81l0.15,-0.44l-0.58,-1.94l5.28,-2.51l8.21,-3.27l8.28,-0.96l4.35,-1.94l4.6,-0.64l1.36,1.61l-1.34,1.28l-16.43,4.94l-7.97,4.88l-7.74,9.63l0.66,4.14l4.16,3.27ZM548.81,18.48l-5.5,1.18l-0.58,1.02l-2.59,0.84l-2.13,-1.07l1.12,-1.42l-0.3,-0.65l-2.33,-0.07l1.68,-0.36l3.47,-0.06l0.42,1.29l0.66,0.16l1.38,-1.34l2.15,-0.88l2.94,1.01l-0.39,0.36ZM477.37,133.15l-4.08,0.05l-2.56,-0.32l0.33,-0.87l3.17,-1.03l3.24,0.96l-0.09,1.23Z", name: "Russia" }, RW: { path: "M497.0,288.25l0.71,1.01l-0.11,1.09l-1.63,0.03l-1.04,1.39l-0.83,-0.11l0.51,-1.2l0.08,-1.34l0.42,-0.41l0.7,0.14l1.19,-0.61Z", name: "Rwanda" }, RS: { path: "M469.4,163.99l0.42,-0.5l-0.01,-0.52l-1.15,-1.63l1.43,-0.62l1.33,0.12l1.17,1.06l0.46,1.13l1.34,0.64l0.35,1.35l1.46,0.9l0.76,-0.29l0.2,0.69l-0.48,0.78l0.22,1.12l1.05,1.22l-0.77,0.8l-0.37,1.52l-1.21,0.08l0.24,-0.64l-0.39,-0.54l-2.08,-1.64l-0.9,0.05l-0.48,0.94l-2.12,-1.37l0.53,-1.6l-1.11,-1.37l0.51,-1.1l-0.41,-0.57Z", name: "Serbia" }, TL: { path: "M734.55,307.93l-0.1,-0.97l4.5,-0.86l-2.82,1.28l-1.59,0.55Z", name: "Timor-Leste" }, TM: { path: "M553.03,173.76l-0.04,0.34l-0.09,-0.22l0.13,-0.12ZM555.87,172.66l0.45,-0.1l1.48,0.74l2.06,2.43l4.07,-0.18l0.38,-0.51l-0.32,-1.19l1.92,-0.94l1.91,-1.59l2.94,1.39l0.43,2.47l1.19,0.67l2.58,-0.13l0.62,0.4l1.32,3.12l4.54,3.44l2.67,1.45l3.06,1.14l-0.04,1.05l-1.33,-0.75l-0.59,0.19l-0.32,0.84l-2.2,0.81l-0.46,2.13l-1.21,0.74l-1.91,0.42l-0.73,1.33l-1.56,0.31l-2.22,-0.94l-0.2,-2.17l-0.38,-0.36l-1.73,-0.09l-2.76,-2.46l-2.14,-0.4l-2.84,-1.48l-1.78,-0.27l-1.24,0.53l-1.57,-0.08l-2.0,1.69l-1.7,0.43l-0.36,-1.58l0.36,-2.98l-0.22,-0.4l-1.65,-0.84l0.54,-1.69l-0.34,-0.52l-1.22,-0.13l0.36,-1.64l2.22,0.59l2.2,-0.95l0.12,-0.65l-1.77,-1.74l-0.66,-1.57Z", name: "Turkmenistan" }, TJ: { path: "M597.75,178.82l-2.54,-0.44l-0.47,0.34l-0.24,1.7l0.43,0.45l2.64,-0.22l3.18,0.95l4.39,-0.41l0.56,2.37l0.52,0.29l0.67,-0.24l1.11,0.49l0.21,2.13l-3.76,-0.21l-1.8,1.32l-1.76,0.74l-0.61,-0.58l0.21,-2.23l-0.64,-0.49l-0.07,-0.93l-1.36,-0.66l-0.45,0.07l-1.08,1.01l-0.55,1.48l-1.31,-0.05l-0.95,1.16l-0.9,-0.35l-1.86,0.74l1.26,-2.83l-0.54,-2.17l-1.67,-0.82l0.33,-0.66l2.18,-0.04l1.19,-1.63l0.76,-1.79l2.43,-0.5l-0.26,1.0l0.73,1.05Z", name: "Tajikistan" }, RO: { path: "M487.53,154.23l0.6,0.24l2.87,3.98l-0.17,2.69l0.45,1.42l1.32,0.81l1.35,-0.42l0.76,0.36l0.02,0.31l-0.83,0.45l-0.59,-0.22l-0.54,0.3l-0.62,3.3l-1.0,-0.22l-2.07,-1.13l-2.95,0.71l-1.25,0.76l-3.51,-0.15l-1.89,-0.47l-0.87,0.16l-0.82,-1.3l0.29,-0.26l-0.06,-0.64l-1.09,-0.34l-0.56,0.5l-1.05,-0.64l-0.39,-1.39l-1.36,-0.65l-0.35,-1.0l-0.83,-0.75l1.54,-0.54l2.66,-4.21l2.4,-1.24l2.96,0.34l1.48,0.73l0.79,-0.45l1.78,-0.3l0.75,-0.74l0.79,0.0Z", name: "Romania" }, GW: { path: "M386.23,253.6l-0.29,0.84l0.15,0.6l-2.21,0.59l-0.86,0.96l-1.04,-0.83l-1.09,-0.23l-0.54,-1.06l-0.66,-0.49l2.41,-0.48l4.13,0.1Z", name: "Guinea-Bissau" }, GT: { path: "M195.08,249.77l-2.48,-0.37l-1.03,-0.45l-1.14,-0.89l0.3,-0.99l-0.24,-0.68l0.96,-1.66l2.98,-0.01l0.4,-0.37l-0.19,-1.28l-1.67,-1.4l0.51,-0.4l0.0,-1.05l3.85,0.02l-0.21,4.53l0.4,0.43l1.46,0.38l-1.48,0.98l-0.35,0.7l0.12,0.57l-2.2,1.96Z", name: "Guatemala" }, GR: { path: "M487.07,174.59l-0.59,1.43l-0.37,0.21l-2.84,-0.35l-3.03,0.77l-0.18,0.68l1.28,1.23l-0.61,0.23l-1.14,0.0l-1.2,-1.39l-0.63,0.03l-0.53,1.01l0.56,1.76l1.03,1.19l-0.56,0.38l-0.05,0.62l2.52,2.12l0.02,0.87l-1.78,-0.59l-0.48,0.56l0.5,1.0l-1.07,0.2l-0.3,0.53l0.75,2.01l-0.98,0.02l-1.84,-1.12l-1.37,-4.2l-2.21,-2.95l-0.11,-0.56l1.04,-1.28l0.2,-0.95l0.85,-0.66l0.03,-0.46l1.32,-0.21l1.01,-0.64l1.22,0.05l0.65,-0.56l2.26,-0.0l1.82,-0.75l1.85,1.0l2.28,-0.28l0.35,-0.39l0.01,-0.77l0.34,0.22ZM480.49,192.16l0.58,0.4l-0.68,-0.12l0.11,-0.28ZM482.52,192.82l2.51,0.06l0.24,0.32l-1.99,0.13l-0.77,-0.51Z", name: "Greece" }, GQ: { path: "M448.79,279.62l0.02,2.22l-4.09,0.0l0.69,-2.27l3.38,0.05Z", name: "Eq. Guinea" }, GY: { path: "M277.42,270.07l-0.32,1.83l-1.32,0.57l-0.23,0.46l-0.28,2.0l1.11,1.82l0.83,0.19l0.32,1.25l1.13,1.62l-1.21,-0.19l-1.08,0.71l-1.77,0.5l-0.44,0.46l-0.86,-0.09l-1.32,-1.01l-0.77,-2.27l0.36,-1.9l0.68,-1.23l-0.57,-1.17l-0.74,-0.43l0.12,-1.16l-0.9,-0.69l-1.1,0.09l-1.31,-1.48l0.53,-0.72l-0.04,-0.84l1.99,-0.86l0.05,-0.59l-0.71,-0.78l0.14,-0.57l1.66,-1.24l1.36,0.77l1.41,1.49l0.06,1.15l0.37,0.38l0.8,0.05l2.06,1.86Z", name: "Guyana" }, GE: { path: "M521.71,168.93l5.29,0.89l4.07,2.01l1.41,-0.44l2.07,0.56l0.68,1.1l1.07,0.55l-0.12,0.59l0.98,1.29l-1.01,-0.13l-1.81,-0.83l-0.94,0.47l-3.23,0.43l-2.29,-1.39l-2.33,0.05l0.21,-0.97l-0.76,-2.26l-1.45,-1.12l-1.43,-0.39l-0.41,-0.42Z", name: "Georgia" }, GB: { path: "M412.61,118.72l-2.19,3.22l-0.0,0.45l5.13,-0.3l-0.53,2.37l-2.2,3.12l0.29,0.63l2.37,0.21l2.33,4.3l1.76,0.69l2.2,5.12l2.94,0.77l-0.23,1.62l-1.15,0.88l-0.1,0.52l0.82,1.42l-1.86,1.43l-3.3,-0.02l-4.12,0.87l-1.04,-0.58l-0.47,0.06l-1.51,1.41l-2.12,-0.34l-1.86,1.18l-0.6,-0.29l3.19,-3.0l2.16,-0.69l0.28,-0.41l-0.34,-0.36l-3.73,-0.53l-0.4,-0.76l2.2,-0.87l0.17,-0.61l-1.26,-1.67l0.36,-1.7l3.38,0.28l0.43,-0.33l0.37,-1.99l-1.79,-2.49l-3.11,-0.72l-0.38,-0.59l0.79,-1.35l-0.04,-0.46l-0.82,-0.97l-0.61,0.01l-0.68,0.84l-0.1,-2.34l-1.23,-1.88l0.85,-3.47l1.77,-2.68l1.85,0.26l2.17,-0.22ZM406.26,132.86l-1.01,1.77l-1.57,-0.59l-1.16,0.01l0.37,-1.54l-0.39,-1.39l1.45,-0.1l2.3,1.84Z", name: "United Kingdom" }, GA: { path: "M453.24,279.52l-0.08,0.98l0.7,1.29l2.36,0.24l-0.98,2.63l1.18,1.79l0.25,1.78l-0.29,1.52l-0.6,0.93l-1.84,-0.09l-1.23,-1.11l-0.66,0.23l-0.15,0.84l-1.42,0.26l-1.02,0.7l-0.11,0.52l0.77,1.35l-1.34,0.97l-3.94,-4.3l-1.44,-2.45l0.06,-0.6l0.54,-0.81l1.05,-3.46l4.17,-0.07l0.4,-0.4l-0.02,-2.66l2.39,0.21l1.25,-0.27Z", name: "Gabon" }, GN: { path: "M391.8,254.11l0.47,0.8l1.11,-0.32l0.98,0.7l1.07,0.2l2.26,-1.22l0.64,0.44l1.13,1.56l-0.48,1.4l0.8,0.3l-0.08,0.48l0.46,0.68l-0.35,1.36l1.05,2.61l-1.0,0.69l0.03,1.41l-0.72,-0.06l-1.08,1.0l-0.24,-0.27l0.07,-1.11l-1.05,-1.54l-1.79,0.21l-0.35,-2.01l-1.6,-2.18l-2.0,-0.0l-1.31,0.54l-1.95,2.18l-1.86,-2.19l-1.2,-0.78l-0.3,-1.11l-0.8,-0.85l0.65,-0.72l0.81,-0.03l1.64,-0.8l0.23,-1.87l2.67,0.64l0.89,-0.3l1.21,0.15Z", name: "Guinea" }, GM: { path: "M379.31,251.39l0.1,-0.35l2.43,-0.07l0.74,-0.61l0.51,-0.03l0.77,0.49l-1.03,-0.3l-1.87,0.9l-1.65,-0.04ZM384.03,250.91l0.91,0.05l0.75,-0.24l-0.59,0.31l-1.08,-0.13Z", name: "Gambia" }, GL: { path: "M353.02,1.2l14.69,4.67l-3.68,1.89l-22.97,0.86l-0.36,0.27l0.12,0.43l1.55,1.18l8.79,-0.66l7.48,2.07l4.86,-1.77l1.66,1.73l-2.53,3.19l-0.01,0.48l0.46,0.15l6.35,-2.2l12.06,-2.31l7.24,1.13l1.09,1.99l-9.79,4.01l-1.44,1.32l-7.87,0.98l-0.35,0.41l0.38,0.38l5.07,0.24l-2.53,3.58l-2.07,3.81l0.08,6.05l2.57,3.11l-3.22,0.2l-4.12,1.66l-0.05,0.72l4.45,2.65l0.51,3.75l-2.3,0.4l-0.25,0.64l2.79,3.69l-4.82,0.31l-0.36,0.29l0.16,0.44l2.62,1.8l-0.59,1.22l-3.3,0.7l-3.45,0.01l-0.29,0.68l3.03,3.12l0.02,1.34l-4.4,-1.73l-1.72,1.35l0.15,0.66l3.31,1.15l3.13,2.71l0.81,3.16l-3.85,0.75l-4.89,-4.26l-0.47,-0.03l-0.17,0.44l0.79,2.86l-2.71,2.21l-0.13,0.44l0.37,0.27l8.73,0.34l-12.32,6.64l-7.24,1.48l-2.94,0.08l-2.69,1.75l-3.43,4.41l-5.24,2.84l-1.73,0.18l-7.12,2.1l-2.15,2.52l-0.13,2.99l-1.19,2.45l-4.01,3.09l-0.14,0.44l0.97,2.9l-2.28,6.48l-3.1,0.2l-3.83,-3.07l-4.86,-0.02l-2.25,-1.93l-1.7,-3.79l-4.3,-4.84l-1.21,-2.49l-0.44,-3.8l-3.32,-3.63l0.84,-2.86l-1.56,-1.7l2.28,-4.6l3.83,-1.74l1.03,-1.96l0.52,-3.47l-0.59,-0.41l-4.17,2.21l-2.07,0.58l-2.72,-1.28l-0.15,-2.71l0.85,-2.09l2.01,-0.06l5.06,1.2l0.46,-0.23l-0.14,-0.49l-6.54,-4.47l-2.67,0.55l-1.58,-0.86l2.56,-4.01l-0.03,-0.48l-1.5,-1.74l-4.98,-8.5l-3.13,-1.96l0.03,-1.88l-0.24,-0.37l-6.85,-3.02l-5.36,-0.38l-12.7,0.58l-2.78,-1.57l-3.66,-2.77l5.73,-1.45l5.0,-0.28l0.38,-0.38l-0.35,-0.41l-10.67,-1.38l-5.3,-2.06l0.25,-1.54l18.41,-5.26l1.22,-2.27l-0.25,-0.55l-6.14,-1.86l1.68,-1.77l8.55,-4.03l3.59,-0.63l0.3,-0.54l-0.88,-2.27l5.47,-1.47l7.65,-0.95l7.55,-0.05l3.04,1.85l6.48,-3.27l5.81,2.22l3.56,0.5l5.16,1.94l0.5,-0.21l-0.17,-0.52l-5.71,-3.13l0.28,-2.13l8.12,-3.6l8.7,0.28l3.35,-2.34l8.71,-0.6l19.93,0.8Z", name: "Greenland" }, GH: { path: "M420.53,257.51l-0.01,0.72l0.96,1.2l0.24,3.73l0.59,0.95l-0.51,2.1l0.19,1.41l1.02,2.21l-6.97,2.84l-1.8,-0.57l0.04,-0.89l-1.02,-2.04l0.61,-2.65l1.07,-2.32l-0.96,-6.47l5.01,0.07l0.94,-0.39l0.61,0.11Z", name: "Ghana" }, OM: { path: "M568.09,230.93l-0.91,1.67l-1.22,0.04l-0.6,0.76l-0.41,1.51l0.27,1.58l-1.16,0.05l-1.56,0.97l-0.76,1.74l-1.62,0.05l-0.98,0.65l-0.17,1.15l-0.89,0.52l-1.49,-0.18l-2.4,0.94l-2.47,-5.4l7.35,-2.71l1.67,-5.23l-1.12,-2.09l0.05,-0.83l0.67,-1.0l0.07,-1.05l0.9,-0.42l-0.05,-2.07l0.7,-0.01l1.0,1.62l1.51,1.08l3.3,0.84l1.73,2.29l0.81,0.37l-1.23,2.35l-0.99,0.79Z", name: "Oman" }, TN: { path: "M448.1,188.24l-1.0,1.27l-0.02,1.32l0.84,0.88l-0.28,2.09l-1.53,1.32l-0.12,0.42l0.48,1.54l1.42,0.32l0.53,1.11l0.9,0.52l-0.11,1.67l-3.54,2.64l-0.1,2.38l-0.58,0.3l-0.96,-4.45l-1.54,-1.25l-0.16,-0.78l-1.92,-1.56l-0.18,-1.76l1.51,-1.62l0.59,-2.34l-0.38,-2.78l0.42,-1.21l2.45,-1.05l1.29,0.26l-0.06,1.11l0.58,0.38l1.47,-0.73Z", name: "Tunisia" }, JO: { path: "M518.64,201.38l-5.14,1.56l-0.19,0.65l2.16,2.39l-0.89,1.14l-1.71,0.34l-1.71,1.8l-2.34,-0.37l1.21,-4.32l0.56,-4.07l2.8,0.94l4.46,-2.71l0.79,2.66Z", name: "Jordan" }, HR: { path: "M455.59,162.84l1.09,0.07l-0.82,0.94l-0.27,-1.01ZM456.96,162.92l0.62,-0.41l1.73,0.45l0.42,-0.4l-0.01,-0.59l0.86,-0.52l0.2,-1.05l1.63,-0.68l2.57,1.68l2.07,0.6l0.87,-0.31l1.05,1.57l-0.52,0.63l-1.05,-0.56l-1.68,0.04l-2.1,-0.5l-1.29,0.06l-0.57,0.49l-0.59,-0.47l-0.62,0.16l-0.46,1.7l1.79,2.42l2.79,2.75l-1.18,-0.87l-2.21,-0.87l-1.67,-1.78l0.13,-0.63l-1.05,-1.19l-0.32,-1.27l-1.42,-0.43Z", name: "Croatia" }, HT: { path: "M237.05,238.38l-1.16,0.43l-0.91,-0.55l0.05,-0.2l2.02,0.31ZM237.53,238.43l1.06,0.12l-0.05,0.01l-1.01,-0.12ZM239.25,238.45l0.79,-0.51l0.06,-0.62l-1.02,-1.0l0.02,-0.82l-0.3,-0.4l-0.93,-0.32l3.16,0.45l0.02,1.84l-0.48,0.34l-0.08,0.58l0.54,0.72l-1.78,-0.26Z", name: "Haiti" }, HU: { path: "M462.08,157.89l0.65,-1.59l-0.09,-0.44l0.64,-0.0l0.39,-0.34l0.1,-0.69l1.75,0.87l2.32,-0.37l0.43,-0.66l3.49,-0.78l0.69,-0.78l0.57,-0.14l2.57,0.93l0.67,-0.23l1.03,0.65l0.08,0.37l-1.42,0.71l-2.59,4.14l-1.8,0.53l-1.68,-0.1l-2.74,1.23l-1.85,-0.54l-2.54,-1.66l-0.66,-1.1Z", name: "Hungary" }, HN: { path: "M199.6,249.52l-1.7,-1.21l0.06,-0.94l3.04,-2.14l2.37,0.28l1.27,-0.09l1.1,-0.52l1.3,0.28l1.14,-0.25l1.38,0.37l2.23,1.37l-2.36,0.93l-1.23,-0.39l-0.88,1.3l-1.28,0.99l-0.98,-0.22l-0.42,0.52l-0.96,0.05l-0.36,0.41l0.04,0.88l-0.52,0.6l-0.3,0.04l-0.3,-0.55l-0.66,-0.31l0.11,-0.67l-0.48,-0.65l-0.87,-0.26l-0.73,0.2Z", name: "Honduras" }, PR: { path: "M256.17,238.73l-0.26,0.27l-2.83,0.05l-0.07,-0.55l1.95,-0.1l1.22,0.33Z", name: "Puerto Rico" }, PS: { path: "M509.21,203.07l0.1,-0.06l-0.02,0.03l-0.09,0.03ZM509.36,202.91l-0.02,-0.63l-0.33,-0.16l0.31,-1.09l0.24,0.1l-0.2,1.78Z", name: "Palestine" }, PT: { path: "M401.84,187.38l-0.64,0.47l-1.13,-0.35l-0.91,0.17l0.28,-1.78l-0.24,-1.78l-1.25,-0.56l-0.45,-0.84l0.17,-1.66l1.01,-1.18l0.69,-2.92l-0.04,-1.39l-0.59,-1.9l1.3,-0.85l0.84,1.35l3.1,-0.3l0.46,0.99l-1.05,0.94l-0.03,2.16l-0.41,0.57l-0.08,1.1l-0.79,0.18l-0.26,0.59l0.91,1.6l-0.63,1.75l0.76,1.09l-1.1,1.52l0.07,1.05Z", name: "Portugal" }, PY: { path: "M274.9,336.12l0.74,1.52l-0.16,3.45l0.32,0.41l2.64,0.5l1.11,-0.47l1.4,0.59l0.36,0.6l0.53,3.42l1.27,0.4l0.98,-0.38l0.51,0.27l-0.0,1.18l-1.21,5.32l-2.09,1.9l-1.8,0.4l-4.71,-0.98l2.2,-3.63l-0.32,-1.5l-2.78,-1.28l-3.03,-1.94l-2.07,-0.44l-4.34,-4.06l0.91,-2.9l0.08,-1.42l1.07,-2.04l4.13,-0.72l2.18,0.03l2.05,1.17l0.03,0.59Z", name: "Paraguay" }, PA: { path: "M213.8,263.68l0.26,-1.52l-0.36,-0.26l-0.01,-0.49l0.44,-0.1l0.93,1.4l1.26,0.03l0.77,0.49l1.38,-0.23l2.51,-1.11l0.86,-0.72l3.45,0.85l1.4,1.18l0.41,1.74l-0.21,0.34l-0.53,-0.12l-0.47,0.29l-0.16,0.6l-0.68,-1.28l0.45,-0.49l-0.19,-0.66l-0.47,-0.13l-0.54,-0.84l-1.5,-0.75l-1.1,0.16l-0.75,0.99l-1.62,0.84l-0.18,0.96l0.85,0.97l-0.58,0.45l-0.69,0.08l-0.34,-1.18l-1.27,0.03l-0.71,-1.05l-2.59,-0.46Z", name: "Panama" }, PG: { path: "M808.58,298.86l2.54,2.56l-0.13,0.26l-0.33,0.12l-0.87,-0.78l-1.22,-2.16ZM801.41,293.04l0.5,0.29l0.26,0.27l-0.49,-0.35l-0.27,-0.21ZM803.17,294.58l0.59,0.5l0.08,1.06l-0.29,-0.91l-0.38,-0.65ZM796.68,298.41l0.52,0.75l1.43,-0.19l2.27,-1.81l-0.01,-1.43l1.12,0.16l-0.04,1.1l-0.7,1.28l-1.12,0.18l-0.62,0.79l-2.46,1.11l-1.17,-0.0l-3.08,-1.25l3.41,0.0l0.45,-0.68ZM789.15,303.55l2.31,1.8l1.59,2.61l1.34,0.13l-0.06,0.66l0.31,0.43l1.06,0.24l0.06,0.65l2.25,1.05l-1.22,0.13l-0.72,-0.63l-4.56,-0.65l-3.22,-2.87l-1.49,-2.34l-3.27,-1.1l-2.38,0.72l-1.59,0.86l-0.2,0.42l0.27,1.55l-1.55,0.68l-1.36,-0.4l-2.21,-0.09l-0.08,-15.41l8.39,2.93l2.95,2.4l0.6,1.64l4.02,1.49l0.31,0.68l-1.76,0.21l-0.33,0.52l0.55,1.68Z", name: "Papua New Guinea" }, PE: { path: "M244.96,295.21l-1.26,-0.07l-0.57,0.42l-1.93,0.45l-2.98,1.75l-0.36,1.36l-0.58,0.8l0.12,1.37l-1.24,0.59l-0.22,1.22l-0.62,0.84l1.04,2.27l1.28,1.44l-0.41,0.84l0.32,0.57l1.48,0.13l1.16,1.37l2.21,0.07l1.63,-1.08l-0.13,3.02l0.3,0.4l1.14,0.29l1.31,-0.34l1.9,3.59l-0.48,0.85l-0.17,3.85l-0.94,1.59l0.35,0.75l-0.47,1.07l0.98,1.97l-2.1,3.82l-0.98,0.5l-2.17,-1.28l-0.39,-1.16l-4.95,-2.58l-4.46,-2.79l-1.84,-1.51l-0.91,-1.84l0.3,-0.96l-2.11,-3.33l-4.82,-9.68l-1.04,-1.2l-0.87,-1.94l-3.4,-2.48l0.58,-1.18l-1.13,-2.23l0.66,-1.49l1.45,-1.15l-0.6,0.98l0.07,0.92l0.47,0.36l1.74,0.03l0.97,1.17l0.54,0.07l1.42,-1.03l0.6,-1.84l1.42,-2.02l3.04,-1.04l2.73,-2.62l0.86,-1.74l-0.1,-1.87l1.44,1.02l0.9,1.25l1.06,0.59l1.7,2.73l1.86,0.31l1.45,-0.61l0.96,0.39l1.36,-0.19l1.45,0.89l-1.4,2.21l0.31,0.61l0.59,0.05l0.47,0.5Z", name: "Peru" }, PK: { path: "M615.09,192.34l-1.83,1.81l-2.6,0.39l-3.73,-0.68l-1.58,1.33l-0.09,0.42l1.77,4.39l1.7,1.23l-1.69,1.27l-0.12,2.14l-2.33,2.64l-1.6,2.8l-2.46,2.67l-3.03,-0.07l-2.76,2.83l0.05,0.6l1.5,1.11l0.26,1.9l1.44,1.5l0.37,1.68l-5.01,-0.01l-1.78,1.7l-1.42,-0.52l-0.76,-1.87l-2.27,-2.15l-11.61,0.86l0.71,-2.34l3.43,-1.32l0.25,-0.44l-0.21,-1.24l-1.2,-0.65l-0.28,-2.46l-2.29,-1.14l-1.28,-1.94l2.82,0.94l2.62,-0.38l1.42,0.33l0.76,-0.56l1.71,0.19l3.25,-1.14l0.27,-0.36l0.08,-2.19l1.18,-1.32l1.68,0.0l0.58,-0.82l1.6,-0.3l1.19,0.16l0.98,-0.78l0.02,-1.88l0.93,-1.47l1.48,-0.66l0.19,-0.55l-0.66,-1.25l2.04,-0.11l0.69,-1.01l-0.02,-1.16l1.11,-1.06l-0.17,-1.78l-0.49,-1.03l1.15,-0.98l5.42,-0.91l2.6,-0.82l1.6,1.16l0.97,2.34l3.45,0.97Z", name: "Pakistan" }, PH: { path: "M737.01,263.84l0.39,2.97l-0.44,1.18l-0.55,-1.53l-0.67,-0.14l-1.17,1.28l0.65,2.09l-0.42,0.69l-2.48,-1.23l-0.57,-1.49l0.65,-1.03l-0.1,-0.54l-1.59,-1.19l-0.56,0.08l-0.65,0.87l-1.23,0.0l-1.58,0.97l0.83,-1.8l2.56,-1.42l0.65,0.84l0.45,0.13l1.9,-0.69l0.56,-1.11l1.5,-0.06l0.38,-0.43l-0.09,-1.19l1.21,0.71l0.36,2.02ZM733.59,256.58l0.05,0.75l0.08,0.26l-0.8,-0.42l-0.18,-0.71l0.85,0.12ZM734.08,256.1l-0.12,-1.12l-1.0,-1.27l1.36,0.03l0.53,0.73l0.51,2.04l-1.27,-0.4ZM733.76,257.68l0.38,0.98l-0.32,0.15l-0.07,-1.13ZM724.65,238.43l1.46,0.7l0.72,-0.31l-0.32,1.17l0.79,1.71l-0.57,1.84l-1.53,1.04l-0.39,2.25l0.56,2.04l1.63,0.57l1.16,-0.27l2.71,1.23l-0.19,1.08l0.76,0.84l-0.08,0.36l-1.4,-0.9l-0.88,-1.27l-0.66,0.0l-0.38,0.55l-1.6,-1.31l-2.15,0.36l-0.87,-0.39l0.07,-0.61l0.66,-0.55l-0.01,-0.62l-0.75,-0.59l-0.72,0.44l-0.74,-0.87l-0.39,-2.49l0.32,0.27l0.66,-0.28l0.26,-3.97l0.7,-2.02l1.14,0.0ZM731.03,258.87l-0.88,0.85l-1.19,1.94l-1.05,-1.19l0.93,-1.1l0.32,-1.47l0.52,-0.06l-0.27,1.15l0.22,0.45l0.49,-0.12l1.0,-1.32l-0.08,0.85ZM726.83,255.78l0.83,0.38l1.17,-0.0l-0.02,0.48l-2.0,1.4l0.03,-2.26ZM724.81,252.09l-0.38,1.27l-1.42,-1.95l1.2,0.05l0.6,0.63ZM716.55,261.82l1.1,-0.95l0.03,-0.03l-0.28,0.36l-0.85,0.61ZM719.22,259.06l0.04,-0.06l0.8,-1.53l0.16,0.75l-1.0,0.84Z", name: "Philippines" }, PL: { path: "M468.44,149.42l-1.11,-1.54l-1.86,-0.33l-0.48,-1.05l-1.72,-0.37l-0.65,0.69l-0.72,-0.36l0.11,-0.61l-0.33,-0.46l-1.75,-0.27l-1.04,-0.93l-0.94,-1.94l0.16,-1.22l-0.62,-1.8l-0.78,-1.07l0.57,-1.04l-0.48,-1.43l1.41,-0.83l6.91,-2.71l2.14,0.5l0.52,0.91l5.51,0.44l4.55,-0.05l1.07,0.31l0.48,0.84l0.15,1.58l0.65,1.2l-0.01,0.99l-1.27,0.58l-0.19,0.54l0.73,1.48l0.08,1.55l1.2,2.76l-0.17,0.58l-1.23,0.44l-2.27,2.72l0.18,0.95l-1.97,-1.03l-1.98,0.4l-1.36,-0.28l-1.24,0.58l-1.07,-0.97l-1.16,0.24Z", name: "Poland" }, ZM: { path: "M481.47,313.3l0.39,0.31l2.52,0.14l0.99,1.17l2.01,0.35l1.4,-0.64l0.69,1.17l1.78,0.33l1.84,2.35l2.23,0.18l0.4,-0.43l-0.21,-2.74l-0.62,-0.3l-0.48,0.32l-1.98,-1.17l0.72,-5.29l-0.51,-1.18l0.57,-1.3l3.68,-0.62l0.26,0.63l1.21,0.63l0.9,-0.22l2.16,0.67l1.33,0.71l1.07,1.02l0.56,1.87l-0.88,2.7l0.43,2.09l-0.73,0.87l-0.76,2.37l0.59,0.68l-6.6,1.83l-0.29,0.44l0.19,1.45l-1.68,0.35l-1.43,1.02l-0.38,0.87l-0.87,0.26l-3.48,3.69l-4.16,-0.53l-1.52,-1.0l-1.77,-0.13l-1.83,0.52l-3.04,-3.4l0.11,-7.59l4.82,0.03l0.39,-0.49l-0.18,-0.76l0.33,-0.83l-0.4,-1.36l0.24,-1.05Z", name: "Zambia" }, EH: { path: "M384.42,230.28l0.25,-0.79l1.06,-1.29l0.8,-3.51l3.38,-2.78l0.7,-1.81l0.06,4.84l-1.98,0.2l-0.94,1.59l0.39,3.56l-3.7,-0.01ZM392.01,218.1l0.7,-1.8l1.77,-0.24l2.09,0.34l0.95,-0.62l1.28,-0.07l-0.0,2.51l-6.79,-0.12Z", name: "W. Sahara" }, EE: { path: "M485.71,115.04l2.64,0.6l2.56,0.11l-1.6,1.91l0.61,3.54l-0.81,0.87l-1.78,-0.01l-3.22,-1.76l-1.8,0.45l0.21,-1.53l-0.58,-0.41l-0.69,0.34l-1.26,-1.03l-0.17,-1.63l2.83,-0.92l3.05,-0.52Z", name: "Estonia" }, EG: { path: "M492.06,205.03l1.46,0.42l2.95,-1.64l2.04,-0.21l1.53,0.3l0.59,1.19l0.69,0.04l0.41,-0.64l1.81,0.58l1.95,0.16l1.04,-0.51l1.42,4.08l-2.03,4.54l-1.66,-1.77l-1.76,-3.85l-0.64,-0.12l-0.36,0.67l1.04,2.88l3.44,6.95l1.78,3.04l2.03,2.65l-0.36,0.53l0.23,2.01l2.7,2.19l-28.41,0.0l0.0,-18.96l-0.73,-2.2l0.59,-1.56l-0.32,-1.26l0.68,-0.99l3.06,-0.04l4.82,1.52Z", name: "Egypt" }, ZA: { path: "M467.14,373.21l-0.13,-1.96l-0.68,-1.56l0.7,-0.68l-0.13,-2.33l-4.56,-8.19l0.77,-0.86l0.6,0.45l0.69,1.31l2.83,0.72l1.5,-0.26l2.24,-1.39l0.19,-9.55l1.35,2.3l-0.21,1.5l0.61,1.2l0.4,0.19l1.79,-0.27l2.6,-2.07l0.69,-1.32l0.96,-0.48l2.19,1.04l2.04,0.13l1.77,-0.65l0.85,-2.12l1.38,-0.33l1.59,-2.76l2.15,-1.89l3.41,-1.87l2.0,0.45l1.02,-0.28l0.99,0.2l1.75,5.29l-0.38,3.25l-0.81,-0.23l-1.0,0.46l-0.87,1.68l-0.05,1.16l1.97,1.84l1.47,-0.29l0.69,-1.18l1.09,0.01l-0.76,3.69l-0.58,1.09l-2.2,1.79l-3.17,4.76l-2.8,2.83l-3.57,2.88l-2.53,1.05l-1.22,0.14l-0.51,0.7l-1.18,-0.32l-1.39,0.5l-2.59,-0.52l-1.61,0.33l-1.18,-0.11l-2.55,1.1l-2.1,0.44l-1.6,1.07l-0.85,0.05l-0.93,-0.89l-0.93,-0.15l-0.97,-1.13l-0.25,0.05ZM491.45,364.19l0.62,-0.93l1.48,-0.59l1.18,-2.19l-0.07,-0.49l-1.99,-1.69l-1.66,0.56l-1.43,1.14l-1.34,1.73l0.02,0.51l1.88,2.11l1.31,-0.16Z", name: "South Africa" }, EC: { path: "M231.86,285.53l0.29,1.59l-0.69,1.45l-2.61,2.51l-3.13,1.11l-1.53,2.18l-0.49,1.68l-1.0,0.73l-1.02,-1.11l-1.78,-0.16l0.67,-1.15l-0.24,-0.86l1.25,-2.13l-0.54,-1.09l-0.67,-0.08l-0.72,0.87l-0.87,-0.64l0.35,-0.69l-0.36,-1.96l0.81,-0.51l0.45,-1.51l0.92,-1.57l-0.07,-0.97l2.65,-1.33l2.75,1.35l0.77,1.05l2.12,0.35l0.76,-0.32l1.96,1.21Z", name: "Ecuador" }, IT: { path: "M451.59,158.63l3.48,0.94l-0.21,1.17l0.3,0.83l-1.49,-0.24l-2.04,1.1l-0.21,0.39l0.13,1.45l-0.25,1.12l0.82,1.57l2.39,1.63l1.31,2.54l2.79,2.43l2.05,0.08l0.21,0.23l-0.39,0.33l0.09,0.67l4.05,1.97l2.17,1.76l-0.16,0.36l-1.17,-1.08l-2.18,-0.49l-0.44,0.2l-1.05,1.91l0.14,0.54l1.57,0.95l-0.19,0.98l-1.06,0.33l-1.25,2.34l-0.37,0.08l0.0,-0.33l1.0,-2.45l-1.73,-3.17l-1.12,-0.51l-0.88,-1.33l-1.51,-0.51l-1.27,-1.25l-1.75,-0.18l-4.12,-3.21l-1.62,-1.65l-1.03,-3.19l-3.53,-1.36l-1.3,0.51l-1.69,1.41l0.16,-0.72l-0.28,-0.47l-1.14,-0.33l-0.53,-1.96l0.72,-0.78l0.04,-0.48l-0.65,-1.17l0.8,0.39l1.4,-0.23l1.11,-0.84l0.52,0.35l1.19,-0.1l0.75,-1.2l1.53,0.33l1.36,-0.56l0.35,-1.14l1.08,0.32l0.68,-0.64l1.98,-0.44l0.42,0.82ZM459.19,184.75l-0.65,1.65l0.32,1.05l-0.31,0.89l-1.5,-0.85l-4.5,-1.67l0.19,-0.82l2.67,0.23l3.78,-0.48ZM443.93,176.05l1.18,1.66l-0.3,3.32l-1.06,-0.01l-0.77,0.73l-0.53,-0.44l-0.1,-3.37l-0.39,-1.22l1.04,0.01l0.92,-0.68Z", name: "Italy" }, VN: { path: "M690.56,230.25l-2.7,1.82l-2.09,2.46l-0.63,1.95l4.31,6.45l2.32,1.65l1.43,1.94l1.11,4.59l-0.32,4.24l-1.93,1.54l-2.84,1.61l-2.11,2.15l-2.73,2.06l-0.59,-1.05l0.63,-1.53l-0.13,-0.47l-1.34,-1.04l1.51,-0.71l2.55,-0.18l0.3,-0.63l-0.82,-1.14l4.0,-2.07l0.31,-3.05l-0.57,-1.77l0.42,-2.66l-0.73,-1.97l-1.86,-1.76l-3.63,-5.29l-2.72,-1.46l0.36,-0.47l1.5,-0.64l0.21,-0.52l-0.97,-2.27l-0.37,-0.24l-2.83,-0.02l-2.24,-3.9l0.83,-0.4l4.39,-0.29l2.06,-1.31l1.15,0.89l1.88,0.4l-0.17,1.51l1.35,1.16l1.67,0.45Z", name: "Vietnam" }, SB: { path: "M826.69,311.6l-0.61,0.09l-0.2,-0.33l0.37,0.15l0.44,0.09ZM824.18,307.38l-0.26,-0.3l-0.31,-0.91l0.03,0.0l0.54,1.21ZM823.04,309.33l-1.66,-0.22l-0.2,-0.52l1.16,0.28l0.69,0.46ZM819.28,304.68l1.14,0.65l0.02,0.03l-0.81,-0.44l-0.35,-0.23Z", name: "Solomon Is." }, ET: { path: "M516.04,247.79l1.1,0.84l1.63,-0.45l0.68,0.47l1.63,0.03l2.01,0.94l1.73,1.66l1.64,2.07l-1.52,2.04l0.16,1.72l0.39,0.38l2.05,0.0l-0.36,1.03l2.86,3.58l8.32,3.08l1.31,0.02l-6.32,6.75l-3.1,0.11l-2.36,1.77l-1.47,0.04l-0.86,0.79l-1.38,-0.0l-1.32,-0.81l-2.29,1.05l-0.76,0.98l-3.29,-0.41l-3.07,-2.07l-1.8,-0.07l-0.62,-0.6l0.0,-1.24l-0.28,-0.38l-1.15,-0.37l-1.4,-2.59l-1.19,-0.68l-0.47,-1.0l-1.27,-1.23l-1.16,-0.22l0.43,-0.72l1.45,-0.28l0.41,-0.95l-0.03,-2.21l0.68,-2.44l1.05,-0.63l1.43,-3.06l1.57,-1.37l1.02,-2.51l0.35,-1.88l2.52,0.46l0.44,-0.24l0.58,-1.43Z", name: "Ethiopia" }, SO: { path: "M525.13,288.48l-1.13,-1.57l-0.03,-8.86l2.66,-3.38l1.67,-0.13l2.13,-1.69l3.41,-0.23l7.08,-7.55l2.91,-3.69l0.08,-4.82l2.98,-0.67l1.24,-0.86l0.45,-0.0l-0.2,3.0l-1.21,3.62l-2.73,5.97l-2.13,3.65l-5.03,6.16l-8.56,6.4l-2.78,3.08l-0.8,1.56Z", name: "Somalia" }, ZW: { path: "M498.91,341.09l-1.11,-0.22l-0.92,0.28l-2.09,-0.44l-1.5,-1.11l-1.89,-0.43l-0.62,-1.4l-0.01,-0.84l-0.3,-0.38l-0.97,-0.25l-2.71,-2.74l-1.92,-3.32l3.83,0.45l3.73,-3.82l1.08,-0.44l0.26,-0.77l1.25,-0.9l1.41,-0.26l0.5,0.89l1.99,-0.05l1.72,1.17l1.11,0.17l1.05,0.66l0.01,2.99l-0.59,3.76l0.38,0.86l-0.23,1.23l-0.39,0.35l-0.63,1.81l-2.43,2.75Z", name: "Zimbabwe" }, ES: { path: "M416.0,169.21l1.07,1.17l4.61,1.38l1.06,-0.57l2.6,1.26l2.71,-0.3l0.09,1.12l-2.14,1.8l-3.11,0.61l-0.31,0.31l-0.2,0.89l-1.54,1.69l-0.97,2.4l0.84,1.74l-1.32,1.27l-0.48,1.68l-1.88,0.65l-1.66,2.07l-5.36,-0.01l-1.79,1.08l-0.89,0.98l-0.88,-0.17l-0.79,-0.82l-0.68,-1.59l-2.37,-0.63l-0.11,-0.5l1.21,-1.82l-0.77,-1.13l0.61,-1.68l-0.76,-1.62l0.87,-0.49l0.09,-1.25l0.42,-0.6l0.03,-2.11l0.99,-0.69l0.13,-0.5l-1.03,-1.73l-1.46,-0.11l-0.61,0.38l-1.06,0.0l-0.52,-1.23l-0.53,-0.21l-1.32,0.67l-0.01,-1.49l-0.75,-0.96l3.03,-1.88l2.99,0.53l3.32,-0.02l2.63,0.51l6.01,-0.06Z", name: "Spain" }, ER: { path: "M520.38,246.23l3.42,2.43l3.5,3.77l0.84,0.54l-0.95,-0.01l-3.51,-3.89l-2.33,-1.15l-1.73,-0.07l-0.91,-0.51l-1.26,0.51l-1.34,-1.02l-0.61,0.17l-0.66,1.61l-2.35,-0.43l-0.17,-0.67l1.29,-5.29l0.61,-0.61l1.95,-0.53l0.87,-1.01l1.17,2.41l0.68,2.33l1.49,1.43Z", name: "Eritrea" }, ME: { path: "M468.91,172.53l-1.22,-1.02l0.47,-1.81l0.89,-0.72l2.26,1.51l-0.5,0.57l-0.75,-0.27l-1.14,1.73Z", name: "Montenegro" }, MD: { path: "M488.41,153.73l1.4,-0.27l1.72,0.93l1.07,0.15l0.85,0.65l-0.14,0.84l0.96,0.85l1.12,2.47l-1.15,-0.07l-0.66,-0.41l-0.52,0.25l-0.09,0.86l-1.08,1.89l-0.27,-0.86l0.25,-1.34l-0.16,-1.6l-3.29,-4.34Z", name: "Moldova" }, MG: { path: "M545.91,319.14l0.4,3.03l0.62,1.21l-0.21,1.02l-0.57,-0.8l-0.69,-0.01l-0.47,0.76l0.41,2.12l-0.18,0.87l-0.73,0.78l-0.15,2.14l-4.71,15.2l-1.06,2.88l-3.92,1.64l-3.12,-1.49l-0.6,-1.21l-0.19,-2.4l-0.86,-2.05l-0.21,-1.77l0.38,-1.62l1.21,-0.75l0.01,-0.76l1.19,-2.04l0.23,-1.66l-1.06,-2.99l-0.19,-2.21l0.81,-1.33l0.32,-1.46l4.63,-1.22l3.44,-3.0l0.85,-1.4l-0.08,-0.7l0.78,-0.04l1.38,-1.77l0.13,-1.64l0.45,-0.61l1.16,1.69l0.59,1.6Z", name: "Madagascar" }, MA: { path: "M378.78,230.02l0.06,-0.59l0.92,-0.73l0.82,-1.37l-0.09,-1.04l0.79,-1.7l1.31,-1.58l0.96,-0.59l0.66,-1.55l0.09,-1.47l0.81,-1.48l1.72,-1.07l1.55,-2.69l1.16,-0.96l2.44,-0.39l1.94,-1.82l1.31,-0.78l2.09,-2.28l-0.51,-3.65l1.24,-3.7l1.5,-1.75l4.46,-2.57l2.37,-4.47l1.44,0.01l1.68,1.21l2.32,-0.19l3.47,0.65l0.8,1.54l0.16,1.71l0.86,2.96l0.56,0.59l-0.26,0.61l-3.05,0.44l-1.26,1.05l-1.33,0.22l-0.33,0.37l-0.09,1.78l-2.68,1.0l-1.07,1.42l-4.47,1.13l-4.04,2.01l-0.54,4.64l-1.15,0.06l-0.92,0.61l-1.96,-0.35l-2.42,0.54l-0.74,1.9l-0.86,0.4l-1.14,3.26l-3.53,3.01l-0.8,3.55l-0.96,1.1l-0.29,0.82l-4.95,0.18Z", name: "Morocco" }, UZ: { path: "M598.64,172.75l-1.63,1.52l0.06,0.64l1.85,1.12l1.97,-0.64l2.21,1.17l-2.52,1.68l-2.59,-0.22l-0.18,-0.41l0.46,-1.23l-0.45,-0.53l-3.35,0.69l-2.1,3.51l-1.87,-0.12l-1.03,1.51l0.22,0.55l1.64,0.62l0.46,1.83l-1.19,2.49l-2.66,-0.53l0.05,-1.36l-0.26,-0.39l-3.3,-1.23l-2.56,-1.4l-4.4,-3.34l-1.34,-3.14l-1.08,-0.6l-2.58,0.13l-0.69,-0.44l-0.47,-2.52l-3.37,-1.6l-0.43,0.05l-2.07,1.72l-2.1,1.01l-0.21,0.47l0.28,1.01l-1.91,0.03l-0.09,-10.5l5.99,-1.7l6.19,3.54l2.71,2.84l7.05,-0.67l2.71,2.01l-0.17,2.81l0.39,0.42l0.9,0.02l0.44,2.14l0.38,0.32l2.94,0.09l0.95,1.42l1.28,-0.24l1.05,-2.04l4.43,-2.5Z", name: "Uzbekistan" }, MM: { path: "M673.9,230.21l-1.97,1.57l-0.57,0.96l-1.4,0.6l-1.36,1.05l-1.99,0.36l-1.08,2.66l-0.91,0.4l-0.19,0.55l1.21,2.27l2.52,3.43l-0.79,1.91l-0.74,0.41l-0.17,0.52l0.65,1.37l1.61,1.95l0.25,2.58l0.9,2.13l-1.92,3.57l0.68,-2.25l-0.81,-1.74l0.19,-2.65l-1.05,-1.53l-1.24,-6.17l-1.12,-2.26l-0.6,-0.13l-4.34,3.02l-2.39,-0.65l0.77,-2.84l-0.52,-2.61l-1.91,-2.96l0.25,-0.75l-0.29,-0.51l-1.33,-0.3l-1.61,-1.93l-0.1,-1.3l0.82,-0.24l0.04,-1.64l1.02,-0.52l0.21,-0.45l-0.23,-0.95l0.54,-0.96l0.08,-2.22l1.46,0.45l0.47,-0.2l1.12,-2.19l0.16,-1.35l1.33,-2.16l-0.0,-1.52l2.89,-1.66l1.63,0.44l0.5,-0.44l-0.17,-1.4l0.64,-0.36l0.08,-1.04l0.77,-0.11l0.71,1.35l1.06,0.69l-0.03,3.86l-2.38,2.37l-0.3,3.15l0.46,0.43l2.28,-0.38l0.51,2.08l1.47,0.67l-0.6,1.8l0.19,0.48l2.97,1.48l1.64,-0.55l0.02,0.32Z", name: "Myanmar" }, ML: { path: "M392.61,254.08l-0.19,-2.37l-0.99,-0.87l-0.44,-1.3l-0.09,-1.28l0.81,-0.58l0.35,-1.24l2.37,0.65l1.31,-0.47l0.86,0.15l0.66,-0.56l9.83,-0.04l0.38,-0.28l0.56,-1.8l-0.44,-0.65l-2.35,-21.95l3.27,-0.04l16.7,11.38l0.74,1.31l2.5,1.09l0.02,1.38l0.44,0.39l2.34,-0.21l0.01,5.38l-1.28,1.61l-0.26,1.49l-5.31,0.57l-1.07,0.92l-2.9,0.1l-0.86,-0.48l-1.38,0.36l-2.4,1.08l-0.6,0.87l-1.85,1.09l-0.43,0.7l-0.79,0.39l-1.44,-0.21l-0.81,0.84l-0.34,1.64l-1.91,2.02l-0.06,1.03l-0.67,1.22l0.13,1.16l-0.97,0.39l-0.23,-0.64l-0.52,-0.24l-1.35,0.4l-0.34,0.55l-2.69,-0.28l-0.37,-0.35l-0.02,-0.9l-0.65,-0.35l0.45,-0.64l-0.03,-0.53l-2.12,-2.44l-0.76,-0.01l-2.0,1.16l-0.78,-0.15l-0.8,-0.67l-1.21,0.23Z", name: "Mali" }, MN: { path: "M676.61,146.48l3.81,1.68l5.67,-1.0l2.37,0.41l2.34,1.5l1.79,1.75l2.29,-0.03l3.12,0.52l2.47,-0.81l3.41,-0.59l3.53,-2.21l1.25,0.29l1.53,1.13l2.27,-0.21l-2.66,5.01l0.64,1.68l0.47,0.21l1.32,-0.38l2.38,0.48l2.02,-1.11l1.76,0.89l2.06,2.02l-0.13,0.53l-1.72,-0.29l-3.77,0.46l-1.88,0.99l-1.76,1.99l-3.71,1.17l-2.45,1.6l-3.83,-0.87l-0.41,0.17l-1.31,1.99l1.04,2.24l-1.52,0.9l-1.74,1.57l-2.79,1.02l-3.78,0.13l-4.05,1.05l-2.77,1.52l-1.16,-0.85l-2.94,0.0l-3.62,-1.79l-2.58,-0.49l-3.4,0.41l-5.12,-0.67l-2.63,0.06l-1.31,-1.6l-1.4,-3.0l-1.48,-0.33l-3.13,-1.94l-6.16,-0.93l-0.71,-1.06l0.86,-3.82l-1.93,-2.71l-3.5,-1.18l-1.95,-1.58l-0.5,-1.72l2.34,-0.52l4.75,-2.8l3.62,-1.47l2.18,0.97l2.46,0.05l1.81,1.53l2.46,0.12l3.95,0.71l2.43,-2.28l0.08,-0.48l-0.9,-1.72l2.24,-2.98l2.62,1.27l4.94,1.17l0.43,2.24Z", name: "Mongolia" }, MK: { path: "M472.8,173.98l0.49,-0.71l3.57,-0.71l1.0,0.77l0.13,1.45l-0.65,0.53l-1.15,-0.05l-1.12,0.67l-1.39,0.22l-0.79,-0.55l-0.29,-1.03l0.19,-0.6Z", name: "Macedonia" }, MW: { path: "M505.5,309.31l0.85,1.95l0.15,2.86l-0.69,1.65l0.71,1.8l0.06,1.28l0.49,0.64l0.07,1.06l0.4,0.55l0.8,-0.23l0.55,0.61l0.69,-0.21l0.34,0.6l0.19,2.94l-1.04,0.62l-0.54,1.25l-1.11,-1.08l-0.16,-1.56l0.51,-1.31l-0.32,-1.3l-0.99,-0.65l-0.82,0.12l-2.36,-1.64l0.63,-1.96l0.82,-1.18l-0.46,-2.01l0.9,-2.86l-0.94,-2.51l0.96,0.18l0.29,0.4Z", name: "Malawi" }, MR: { path: "M407.36,220.66l-2.58,0.03l-0.39,0.44l2.42,22.56l0.36,0.43l-0.39,1.24l-9.75,0.04l-0.56,0.53l-0.91,-0.11l-1.27,0.45l-1.61,-0.66l-0.97,0.03l-0.36,0.29l-0.38,1.35l-0.42,0.23l-2.93,-3.4l-2.96,-1.52l-1.62,-0.03l-1.27,0.54l-1.12,-0.2l-0.65,0.4l-0.08,-0.49l0.68,-1.29l0.31,-2.43l-0.57,-3.91l0.23,-1.21l-0.69,-1.5l-1.15,-1.02l0.25,-0.39l9.58,0.02l0.4,-0.45l-0.46,-3.68l0.47,-1.04l2.12,-0.21l0.36,-0.4l-0.08,-6.4l7.81,0.13l0.41,-0.4l0.01,-3.31l7.76,5.35Z", name: "Mauritania" }, UG: { path: "M498.55,276.32l0.7,-0.46l1.65,0.5l1.96,-0.57l1.7,0.01l1.45,-0.98l0.91,1.33l1.33,3.95l-2.57,4.03l-1.46,-0.4l-2.54,0.91l-1.37,1.61l-0.01,0.81l-2.42,-0.01l-2.26,1.01l-0.17,-1.59l0.58,-1.04l0.14,-1.94l1.37,-2.28l1.78,-1.58l-0.17,-0.65l-0.72,-0.24l0.13,-2.43Z", name: "Uganda" }, MY: { path: "M717.47,273.46l-1.39,0.65l-2.12,-0.41l-2.88,-0.0l-0.38,0.28l-0.84,2.75l-0.99,0.96l-1.21,3.29l-1.73,0.45l-2.45,-0.68l-1.39,0.31l-1.33,1.15l-1.59,-0.14l-1.41,0.44l-1.44,-1.19l-0.18,-0.73l1.34,0.53l1.93,-0.47l0.75,-2.22l4.02,-1.03l2.75,-3.21l0.82,0.94l0.64,-0.05l0.4,-0.65l0.96,0.06l0.42,-0.36l0.24,-2.68l1.81,-1.64l1.21,-1.86l0.63,-0.01l1.07,1.05l0.34,1.28l3.44,1.35l-0.06,0.35l-1.37,0.1l-0.35,0.54l0.32,0.88ZM673.68,269.59l0.17,1.09l0.47,0.33l1.65,-0.3l0.87,-0.94l1.61,1.52l0.98,1.56l-0.12,2.81l0.41,2.29l0.95,0.9l0.88,2.44l-1.27,0.12l-5.1,-3.67l-0.34,-1.29l-1.37,-1.59l-0.33,-1.97l-0.88,-1.4l0.25,-1.68l-0.46,-1.05l1.63,0.84Z", name: "Malaysia" }, MX: { path: "M133.12,200.41l0.2,0.47l9.63,3.33l6.96,-0.02l0.4,-0.4l0.0,-0.74l3.77,0.0l3.55,2.93l1.39,2.83l1.52,1.04l2.08,0.82l0.47,-0.14l1.46,-2.0l1.73,-0.04l1.59,0.98l2.05,3.35l1.47,1.56l1.26,3.14l2.18,1.02l2.26,0.58l-1.18,3.72l-0.42,5.04l1.79,4.89l1.62,1.89l0.61,1.52l1.2,1.42l2.55,0.66l1.37,1.1l7.54,-1.89l1.86,-1.3l1.14,-4.3l4.1,-1.21l3.57,-0.11l0.32,0.3l-0.06,0.94l-1.26,1.45l-0.67,1.71l0.38,0.7l-0.72,2.27l-0.49,-0.3l-1.0,0.08l-1.0,1.39l-0.47,-0.11l-0.53,0.47l-4.26,-0.02l-0.4,0.4l-0.0,1.06l-1.1,0.26l0.1,0.44l1.82,1.44l0.56,0.91l-3.19,0.21l-1.21,2.09l0.24,0.72l-0.2,0.44l-2.24,-2.18l-1.45,-0.93l-2.22,-0.69l-1.52,0.22l-3.07,1.16l-10.55,-3.85l-2.86,-1.96l-3.78,-0.92l-1.08,-1.19l-2.62,-1.43l-1.18,-1.54l-0.38,-0.81l0.66,-0.63l-0.18,-0.53l0.52,-0.76l0.01,-0.91l-2.0,-3.82l-2.21,-2.63l-2.53,-2.09l-1.19,-1.62l-2.2,-1.17l-0.3,-0.43l0.34,-1.48l-0.21,-0.45l-1.23,-0.6l-1.36,-1.2l-0.59,-1.78l-1.54,-0.47l-2.44,-2.55l-0.16,-0.9l-1.33,-2.03l-0.84,-1.99l-0.16,-1.33l-1.81,-1.1l-0.97,0.05l-1.31,-0.7l-0.57,0.22l-0.4,1.12l0.72,3.77l3.51,3.89l0.28,0.78l0.53,0.26l0.41,1.43l1.33,1.73l1.58,1.41l0.8,2.39l1.43,2.41l0.13,1.32l0.37,0.36l1.04,0.08l1.67,2.28l-0.85,0.76l-0.66,-1.51l-1.68,-1.54l-2.91,-1.87l0.06,-1.82l-0.54,-1.68l-2.91,-2.03l-0.55,0.09l-1.95,-1.1l-0.88,-0.94l0.68,-0.08l0.93,-1.01l0.08,-1.78l-1.93,-1.94l-1.46,-0.77l-3.75,-7.56l4.88,-0.42Z", name: "Mexico" }, IL: { path: "M507.76,203.05l0.4,-0.78l0.18,0.4l-0.33,1.03l0.52,0.44l0.68,-0.22l-0.86,3.6l-1.16,-3.32l0.59,-0.74l-0.03,-0.41ZM508.73,200.34l0.37,-1.02l0.64,0.0l0.52,-0.51l-0.49,1.53l-0.56,-0.24l-0.48,0.23Z", name: "Israel" }, FR: { path: "M444.48,172.62l-0.64,1.78l-0.58,-0.31l-0.49,-1.72l0.4,-0.89l1.0,-0.72l0.3,1.85ZM429.64,147.1l1.78,1.58l1.46,-0.13l2.1,1.42l1.35,0.27l1.23,0.83l3.04,0.5l-1.03,1.85l-0.3,2.12l-0.41,0.32l-0.95,-0.24l-0.5,0.43l0.06,0.61l-1.81,1.92l-0.04,1.42l0.55,0.38l0.88,-0.36l0.61,0.97l-0.03,1.0l0.57,0.91l-0.75,1.09l0.65,2.39l1.27,0.57l-0.18,0.82l-2.01,1.53l-4.77,-0.8l-3.82,1.0l-0.53,1.85l-2.49,0.34l-2.71,-1.31l-1.16,0.57l-4.31,-1.29l-0.72,-0.86l1.19,-1.78l0.39,-6.45l-2.58,-3.3l-1.9,-1.66l-3.72,-1.23l-0.19,-1.72l2.81,-0.61l4.12,0.81l0.47,-0.48l-0.6,-2.77l1.94,0.95l5.83,-2.54l0.92,-2.74l1.6,-0.49l0.24,0.78l1.36,0.33l1.05,1.19ZM289.01,278.39l-0.81,0.8l-0.78,0.12l-0.5,-0.66l-0.56,-0.1l-0.91,0.6l-0.46,-0.22l1.09,-2.96l-0.96,-1.77l-0.17,-1.49l1.07,-1.77l2.32,0.75l2.51,2.01l0.3,0.74l-2.14,3.96Z", name: "France" }, XS: { path: "M531.15,258.94l1.51,0.12l5.13,-0.95l5.3,-1.48l-0.01,4.4l-2.67,3.39l-1.85,0.01l-8.04,-2.94l-2.55,-3.17l1.12,-1.71l2.04,2.34Z", name: "Somaliland" }, FI: { path: "M492.17,76.39l-0.23,3.5l3.52,2.63l-2.08,2.88l-0.02,0.44l2.8,4.56l-1.59,3.31l2.16,3.24l-0.94,2.39l0.14,0.47l3.44,2.51l-0.77,1.62l-7.52,6.95l-4.5,0.31l-4.38,1.37l-3.8,0.74l-1.44,-1.96l-2.17,-1.11l0.5,-3.66l-1.16,-3.33l1.09,-2.08l2.21,-2.42l5.67,-4.32l1.64,-0.83l0.21,-0.42l-0.46,-2.02l-3.38,-1.89l-0.75,-1.43l-0.22,-6.74l-6.79,-4.8l0.8,-0.62l2.54,2.12l3.46,-0.12l3.0,0.96l2.51,-2.11l1.17,-3.08l3.55,-1.38l2.76,1.53l-0.95,2.79Z", name: "Finland" }, FJ: { path: "M869.95,326.98l-1.21,0.41l-0.08,-0.23l2.97,-1.21l-0.14,0.42l-1.54,0.61ZM867.58,329.25l0.43,0.37l-0.27,0.88l-1.24,0.28l-1.04,-0.24l-0.14,-0.66l0.63,-0.58l0.92,0.26l0.7,-0.31Z", name: "Fiji" }, FK: { path: "M274.36,425.85l1.44,1.08l-0.47,0.73l-3.0,0.89l-0.96,-1.0l-0.52,-0.05l-1.83,1.29l-0.73,-0.88l2.46,-1.64l1.93,0.76l1.67,-1.19Z", name: "Falkland Is." }, NI: { path: "M202.33,252.67l0.81,-0.18l1.03,-1.02l-0.04,-0.88l0.68,-0.0l0.63,-0.54l0.97,0.22l1.53,-1.26l0.58,-0.99l1.17,0.34l2.41,-0.94l0.13,1.32l-0.81,1.94l0.1,2.74l-0.36,0.37l-0.11,1.75l-0.47,0.81l0.18,1.14l-1.73,-0.85l-0.71,0.27l-1.47,-0.6l-0.52,0.16l-4.01,-3.81Z", name: "Nicaragua" }, NL: { path: "M430.31,143.39l0.6,-0.5l2.13,-4.8l3.2,-1.33l1.74,0.08l0.33,0.8l-0.59,2.92l-0.5,0.99l-1.26,0.0l-0.4,0.45l0.33,2.7l-2.2,-1.78l-2.62,0.58l-0.75,-0.11Z", name: "Netherlands" }, NO: { path: "M491.44,67.41l6.8,2.89l-2.29,0.86l-0.15,0.65l2.33,2.38l-4.98,1.79l0.84,-2.45l-0.18,-0.48l-3.55,-1.8l-3.89,1.52l-1.42,3.38l-2.12,1.72l-2.64,-1.0l-3.11,0.21l-2.66,-2.22l-0.5,-0.01l-1.41,1.1l-1.44,0.17l-0.35,0.35l-0.32,2.47l-4.32,-0.64l-0.44,0.29l-0.58,2.11l-2.45,0.2l-4.15,7.68l-3.88,5.76l0.78,1.62l-0.64,1.16l-2.24,-0.06l-0.38,0.24l-1.66,3.89l0.15,5.17l1.57,2.04l-0.78,4.16l-2.02,2.48l-0.85,1.63l-1.3,-1.75l-0.58,-0.07l-4.87,4.19l-3.1,0.79l-3.16,-1.7l-0.85,-3.77l-0.77,-8.55l2.14,-2.31l6.55,-3.27l5.02,-4.17l10.63,-13.84l10.98,-8.7l5.35,-1.91l4.34,0.12l3.69,-3.64l4.49,0.19l4.37,-0.89ZM484.55,20.04l4.26,1.75l-3.1,2.55l-7.1,0.65l-7.08,-0.9l-0.37,-1.31l-0.37,-0.29l-3.44,-0.1l-2.08,-2.0l6.87,-1.44l3.9,1.31l2.39,-1.64l6.13,1.4ZM481.69,33.93l-4.45,1.74l-3.54,-0.99l1.12,-0.9l0.05,-0.58l-1.06,-1.22l4.22,-0.89l1.09,1.97l2.57,0.87ZM466.44,24.04l7.43,3.77l-5.41,1.86l-1.58,4.08l-2.26,1.2l-1.12,4.11l-2.61,0.18l-4.79,-2.86l1.84,-1.54l-0.1,-0.68l-3.69,-1.53l-4.77,-4.51l-1.73,-3.89l6.11,-1.82l1.54,1.92l3.57,-0.08l1.2,-1.96l3.32,-0.18l3.05,1.92Z", name: "Norway" }, NA: { path: "M474.26,330.66l-0.97,0.04l-0.38,0.4l-0.07,8.9l-2.09,0.08l-0.39,0.4l-0.0,17.42l-1.98,1.23l-1.17,0.17l-2.44,-0.66l-0.48,-1.13l-0.99,-0.74l-0.54,0.05l-0.9,1.01l-1.53,-1.68l-0.93,-1.88l-1.99,-8.56l-0.06,-3.12l-0.33,-1.52l-2.3,-3.34l-1.91,-4.83l-1.96,-2.43l-0.12,-1.57l2.33,-0.79l1.43,0.07l1.81,1.13l10.23,-0.25l1.84,1.23l5.87,0.35ZM474.66,330.64l6.51,-1.6l1.9,0.39l-1.69,0.4l-1.31,0.83l-1.12,-0.94l-4.29,0.92Z", name: "Namibia" }, VU: { path: "M839.04,322.8l0.22,1.14l-0.44,0.03l-0.2,-1.45l0.42,0.27Z", name: "Vanuatu" }, NC: { path: "M838.78,341.24l-0.33,0.22l-2.9,-1.75l-3.26,-3.37l1.65,0.83l4.85,4.07Z", name: "New Caledonia" }, NE: { path: "M454.75,226.53l1.33,1.37l0.48,0.07l1.27,-0.7l0.53,3.52l0.94,0.83l0.17,0.92l0.81,0.69l-0.44,0.95l-0.96,5.26l-0.13,3.22l-3.04,2.31l-1.22,3.57l1.02,1.24l-0.0,1.46l0.39,0.4l1.13,0.04l-0.9,1.25l-1.47,-2.42l-0.86,-0.29l-2.09,1.37l-1.74,-0.67l-1.45,-0.17l-0.85,0.35l-1.36,-0.07l-1.64,1.09l-1.06,0.05l-2.94,-1.28l-1.44,0.59l-1.01,-0.03l-0.97,-0.94l-2.7,-0.98l-2.69,0.3l-0.87,0.64l-0.47,1.6l-0.75,1.16l-0.12,1.53l-1.57,-1.1l-1.31,0.24l0.03,-0.81l-0.32,-0.41l-2.59,-0.52l-0.15,-1.16l-1.35,-1.6l-0.29,-1.0l0.13,-0.84l1.29,-0.08l1.08,-0.92l3.31,-0.22l2.22,-0.41l0.32,-0.34l0.2,-1.47l1.39,-1.88l-0.01,-5.66l3.36,-1.12l7.24,-5.12l8.42,-4.92l3.69,1.06Z", name: "Niger" }, NG: { path: "M456.32,253.89l0.64,0.65l-0.28,1.04l-2.11,2.01l-2.03,5.18l-1.37,1.16l-1.15,3.18l-1.33,0.66l-1.46,-0.97l-1.21,0.16l-1.38,1.36l-0.91,0.24l-1.79,4.06l-2.33,0.81l-1.11,-0.07l-0.86,0.5l-1.71,-0.05l-1.19,-1.39l-0.89,-1.89l-1.77,-1.66l-3.95,-0.08l0.07,-5.21l0.42,-1.43l1.95,-2.3l-0.14,-0.91l0.43,-1.18l-0.53,-1.41l0.25,-2.92l0.72,-1.07l0.32,-1.34l0.46,-0.39l2.47,-0.28l2.34,0.89l1.15,1.02l1.28,0.04l1.22,-0.58l3.03,1.27l1.49,-0.14l1.36,-1.0l1.33,0.07l0.82,-0.35l3.45,0.8l1.82,-1.32l1.84,2.67l0.66,0.16Z", name: "Nigeria" }, NZ: { path: "M857.8,379.65l1.86,3.12l0.44,0.18l0.3,-0.38l0.03,-1.23l0.38,0.27l0.57,2.31l2.02,0.94l1.81,0.27l1.57,-1.06l0.7,0.18l-1.15,3.59l-1.98,0.11l-0.74,1.2l0.2,1.11l-2.42,3.98l-1.49,0.92l-1.04,-0.85l1.21,-2.05l-0.81,-2.01l-2.63,-1.25l0.04,-0.57l1.82,-1.19l0.43,-2.34l-0.16,-2.03l-0.95,-1.82l-0.06,-0.72l-3.11,-3.64l-0.79,-1.52l1.56,1.45l1.76,0.66l0.65,2.34ZM853.83,393.59l0.57,1.24l0.59,0.16l1.42,-0.97l0.46,0.79l0.0,1.03l-2.47,3.48l-1.26,1.2l-0.06,0.5l0.55,0.87l-1.41,0.07l-2.33,1.38l-2.03,5.02l-3.02,2.16l-2.06,-0.06l-1.71,-1.04l-2.47,-0.2l-0.27,-0.73l1.22,-2.1l3.05,-2.94l1.62,-0.59l4.02,-2.82l1.57,-1.67l1.07,-2.16l0.88,-0.7l0.48,-1.75l1.24,-0.97l0.35,0.79Z", name: "New Zealand" }, NP: { path: "M641.14,213.62l0.01,3.19l-1.74,0.04l-4.8,-0.86l-1.58,-1.39l-3.37,-0.34l-7.65,-3.7l0.8,-2.09l2.33,-1.7l1.77,0.75l2.49,1.76l1.38,0.41l0.99,1.35l1.9,0.52l1.99,1.17l5.49,0.9Z", name: "Nepal" }, XK: { path: "M472.77,172.64l-1.08,-1.29l0.96,-0.77l0.29,-0.83l1.98,1.64l-0.36,0.67l-1.79,0.58Z", name: "Kosovo" }, CI: { path: "M407.4,259.27l0.86,0.42l0.56,0.9l1.13,0.53l1.19,-0.61l0.97,-0.08l1.42,0.54l0.6,3.24l-1.03,2.08l-0.65,2.84l1.06,2.33l-0.06,0.53l-2.54,-0.47l-1.66,0.03l-3.06,0.46l-4.11,1.6l0.32,-3.06l-1.18,-1.31l-1.32,-0.66l0.42,-0.85l-0.2,-1.4l0.5,-0.67l0.01,-1.59l0.84,-0.32l0.26,-0.5l-1.15,-3.01l0.12,-0.5l0.51,-0.25l0.66,0.31l1.93,0.02l0.67,-0.71l0.71,-0.14l0.25,0.69l0.57,0.22l1.4,-0.61Z", name: "Côte d'Ivoire" }, CH: { path: "M444.62,156.35l-0.29,0.87l0.18,0.53l1.13,0.58l1.0,0.1l-0.1,0.65l-0.79,0.38l-1.72,-0.37l-0.45,0.23l-0.45,1.04l-0.75,0.06l-0.84,-0.4l-1.32,1.0l-0.96,0.12l-0.88,-0.55l-0.81,-1.3l-0.49,-0.16l-0.63,0.26l0.02,-0.65l1.71,-1.66l0.1,-0.56l0.93,0.08l0.58,-0.46l1.99,0.02l0.66,-0.61l2.19,0.79Z", name: "Switzerland" }, CO: { path: "M242.07,254.93l-1.7,0.59l-0.59,1.18l-1.7,1.69l-0.38,1.93l-0.67,1.43l0.31,0.57l1.03,0.13l0.25,0.9l0.57,0.64l-0.04,2.34l1.64,1.42l3.16,-0.24l1.26,0.28l1.67,2.06l0.41,0.13l4.09,-0.39l0.45,0.22l-0.92,1.95l-0.2,1.8l0.52,1.83l0.75,1.05l-1.12,1.1l0.07,0.63l0.84,0.51l0.74,1.29l-0.39,-0.45l-0.59,-0.01l-0.71,0.74l-4.71,-0.05l-0.4,0.41l0.03,1.57l0.33,0.39l1.11,0.2l-1.68,0.4l-0.29,0.38l-0.01,1.82l1.16,1.14l0.34,1.25l-1.05,7.05l-1.04,-0.87l1.26,-1.99l-0.13,-0.56l-2.18,-1.23l-1.38,0.2l-1.14,-0.38l-1.27,0.61l-1.55,-0.26l-1.38,-2.46l-1.23,-0.75l-0.85,-1.2l-1.67,-1.19l-0.86,0.13l-2.11,-1.32l-1.01,0.31l-1.8,-0.29l-0.52,-0.91l-3.09,-1.68l0.77,-0.52l-0.1,-1.12l0.41,-0.64l1.34,-0.32l2.0,-2.88l-0.11,-0.57l-0.66,-0.43l0.39,-1.38l-0.52,-2.1l0.49,-0.83l-0.4,-2.13l-0.97,-1.35l0.17,-0.66l0.86,-0.08l0.47,-0.75l-0.46,-1.63l1.41,-0.07l1.8,-1.69l0.93,-0.24l0.3,-0.38l0.45,-2.76l1.22,-1.0l1.44,-0.04l0.45,-0.5l1.91,0.12l2.93,-1.84l1.15,-1.14l0.91,0.46l-0.25,0.45Z", name: "Colombia" }, CN: { path: "M740.23,148.97l4.57,1.3l2.8,2.17l0.98,2.9l0.38,0.27l3.8,0.0l2.32,-1.28l3.29,-0.75l-0.96,2.09l-1.02,1.28l-0.85,3.4l-1.52,2.73l-2.76,-0.5l-2.4,1.13l-0.21,0.45l0.64,2.57l-0.32,3.2l-0.94,0.06l-0.37,0.89l-0.91,-1.01l-0.64,0.07l-0.92,1.57l-3.73,1.25l-0.26,0.48l0.26,1.06l-1.5,-0.08l-1.09,-0.86l-0.56,0.06l-1.67,2.06l-2.7,1.56l-2.03,1.88l-3.4,0.83l-1.93,1.4l-1.15,0.34l0.33,-0.7l-0.41,-0.89l1.79,-1.79l0.02,-0.54l-1.32,-1.56l-0.48,-0.1l-2.24,1.09l-2.83,2.06l-1.51,1.83l-2.28,0.13l-1.55,1.49l-0.04,0.5l1.32,1.97l2.0,0.58l0.31,1.35l1.98,0.84l3.0,-1.96l2.0,1.02l1.49,0.11l0.22,0.83l-3.37,0.86l-1.12,1.48l-2.5,1.52l-1.29,1.99l0.14,0.56l2.57,1.48l0.97,2.7l3.17,4.63l-0.03,1.66l-1.35,0.65l-0.2,0.51l0.6,1.47l1.4,0.91l-0.89,3.82l-1.43,0.38l-3.85,6.44l-2.27,3.11l-6.78,4.57l-2.73,0.29l-1.45,1.04l-0.62,-0.61l-0.55,-0.01l-1.36,1.25l-3.39,1.27l-2.61,0.4l-1.1,2.79l-0.81,0.09l-0.49,-1.42l0.5,-0.85l-0.25,-0.59l-3.36,-0.84l-1.3,0.4l-2.31,-0.62l-0.94,-0.84l0.33,-1.28l-0.3,-0.49l-2.19,-0.46l-1.13,-0.93l-0.47,-0.02l-2.06,1.36l-4.29,0.28l-2.76,1.05l-0.28,0.43l0.32,2.53l-0.59,-0.03l-0.19,-1.34l-0.55,-0.34l-1.68,0.7l-2.46,-1.23l0.62,-1.87l-0.26,-0.51l-1.37,-0.44l-0.54,-2.22l-0.45,-0.3l-2.13,0.35l0.24,-2.48l2.39,-2.4l0.03,-4.31l-1.19,-0.92l-0.78,-1.49l-0.41,-0.21l-1.41,0.19l-1.98,-0.3l0.46,-1.07l-1.17,-1.7l-0.55,-0.11l-1.63,1.05l-2.25,-0.57l-2.89,1.73l-2.25,1.98l-1.75,0.29l-1.17,-0.71l-3.31,-0.65l-1.48,0.79l-1.04,1.27l-0.12,-1.17l-0.54,-0.34l-1.44,0.54l-5.55,-0.86l-1.98,-1.16l-1.89,-0.54l-0.99,-1.35l-1.34,-0.37l-2.55,-1.79l-2.01,-0.84l-1.21,0.56l-5.57,-3.45l-0.53,-2.31l1.19,0.25l0.48,-0.37l0.08,-1.42l-0.98,-1.56l0.15,-2.44l-2.69,-3.32l-4.12,-1.23l-0.67,-2.0l-1.92,-1.48l-0.38,-0.7l-0.51,-3.01l-1.52,-0.66l-0.7,0.13l-0.48,-2.05l0.55,-0.51l-0.09,-0.82l2.03,-1.19l1.6,-0.54l2.56,0.38l0.42,-0.22l0.85,-1.7l3.0,-0.33l1.1,-1.26l4.05,-1.77l0.39,-0.91l-0.17,-1.44l1.45,-0.67l0.2,-0.52l-2.07,-4.9l4.51,-1.12l1.37,-0.73l1.89,-5.51l4.98,0.86l1.51,-1.7l0.11,-2.87l1.99,-0.38l1.83,-2.06l0.49,-0.13l0.68,2.08l2.23,1.77l3.44,1.16l1.55,2.29l-0.92,3.49l0.96,1.67l6.54,1.13l2.95,1.87l1.47,0.35l1.06,2.62l1.53,1.91l3.05,0.08l5.14,0.67l3.37,-0.41l2.36,0.43l3.65,1.8l3.06,0.04l1.45,0.88l2.87,-1.59l3.95,-1.02l3.83,-0.14l3.06,-1.14l1.77,-1.6l1.72,-1.01l0.17,-0.49l-1.1,-2.05l1.02,-1.54l4.02,0.8l2.45,-1.61l3.76,-1.19l1.96,-2.13l1.63,-0.83l3.51,-0.4l1.92,0.34l0.46,-0.3l0.17,-1.5l-2.27,-2.22l-2.11,-1.09l-2.18,1.11l-2.32,-0.47l-1.29,0.32l-0.4,-0.82l2.73,-5.16l3.02,1.06l3.53,-2.06l0.18,-1.68l2.16,-3.35l1.49,-1.35l-0.03,-1.85l-1.07,-0.85l1.54,-1.26l2.98,-0.59l3.23,-0.09l3.64,0.99l2.04,1.16l3.29,6.71l0.92,3.19ZM696.92,237.31l-1.87,1.08l-1.63,-0.64l-0.06,-1.79l1.03,-0.98l2.58,-0.69l1.16,0.05l0.3,0.54l-0.98,1.06l-0.53,1.37Z", name: "China" }, CM: { path: "M457.92,257.49l1.05,1.91l-1.4,0.16l-1.05,-0.23l-0.45,0.22l-0.54,1.19l0.08,0.45l1.48,1.47l1.05,0.45l1.01,2.46l-1.52,2.99l-0.68,0.68l-0.13,3.69l2.38,3.84l1.09,0.8l0.24,2.48l-3.67,-1.14l-11.27,-0.13l0.23,-1.79l-0.98,-1.66l-1.19,-0.54l-0.44,-0.97l-0.6,-0.42l1.71,-4.27l0.75,-0.13l1.38,-1.36l0.65,-0.03l1.71,0.99l1.93,-1.12l1.14,-3.18l1.38,-1.17l2.0,-5.14l2.17,-2.13l0.3,-1.64l-0.86,-0.88l0.03,-0.33l0.94,1.28l0.07,3.22Z", name: "Cameroon" }, CL: { path: "M246.5,429.18l-3.14,1.83l-0.57,3.16l-0.64,0.05l-2.68,-1.06l-2.82,-2.33l-3.04,-1.89l-0.69,-1.85l0.63,-2.14l-1.21,-2.11l-0.31,-5.37l1.01,-2.91l2.57,-2.38l-0.18,-0.68l-3.16,-0.77l2.05,-2.47l0.77,-4.65l2.32,0.9l0.54,-0.29l1.31,-6.31l-0.22,-0.44l-1.68,-0.8l-0.56,0.28l-0.7,3.36l-0.81,-0.22l1.56,-9.41l1.15,-2.24l-0.71,-2.82l-0.18,-2.84l1.01,-0.33l3.26,-9.14l1.07,-4.22l-0.56,-4.21l0.74,-2.34l-0.29,-3.27l1.46,-3.34l2.04,-16.59l-0.66,-7.76l1.03,-0.53l0.54,-0.9l0.79,1.14l0.32,1.78l1.25,1.16l-0.69,2.55l1.33,2.9l0.97,3.59l0.46,0.29l1.5,-0.3l0.11,0.23l-0.76,2.44l-2.57,1.23l-0.23,0.37l0.08,4.33l-0.46,0.77l0.56,1.21l-1.58,1.51l-1.68,2.62l-0.89,2.47l0.2,2.7l-1.48,2.73l1.12,5.09l0.64,0.61l-0.01,2.29l-1.38,2.68l0.01,2.4l-1.89,2.04l0.02,2.75l0.69,2.57l-1.43,1.13l-1.26,5.68l0.39,3.51l-0.97,0.89l0.58,3.5l1.02,1.14l-0.65,1.02l0.15,0.57l1.0,0.53l0.16,0.69l-1.03,0.85l0.26,1.75l-0.89,4.03l-1.31,2.66l0.24,1.75l-0.71,1.83l-1.99,1.7l0.3,3.67l0.88,1.19l1.58,0.01l0.01,2.21l1.04,1.95l5.98,0.63ZM248.69,430.79l0.0,7.33l0.4,0.4l3.52,0.05l-0.44,0.75l-1.94,0.98l-2.49,-0.37l-1.88,-1.06l-2.55,-0.49l-5.59,-3.71l-2.38,-2.63l4.1,2.48l3.32,1.23l0.45,-0.12l1.29,-1.57l0.83,-2.32l2.05,-1.24l1.31,0.29Z", name: "Chile" }, XC: { path: "M504.91,192.87l0.34,0.01l0.27,-0.07l-0.29,0.26l-0.31,-0.2Z", name: "N. Cyprus" }, CA: { path: "M280.06,145.6l-1.67,2.88l0.07,0.49l0.5,0.04l1.46,-0.98l1.0,0.42l-0.56,0.72l0.17,0.62l2.22,0.89l1.35,-0.71l1.95,0.78l-0.66,2.01l0.5,0.51l1.32,-0.42l0.98,3.17l-0.91,2.41l-0.8,0.08l-1.23,-0.45l0.47,-2.25l-0.89,-0.83l-0.48,0.06l-2.78,2.63l-0.34,-0.02l1.02,-0.85l-0.14,-0.69l-2.4,-0.77l-7.4,0.08l-0.17,-0.41l1.3,-0.94l0.02,-0.64l-0.73,-0.58l1.85,-1.74l2.57,-5.16l1.47,-1.79l1.99,-1.05l0.46,0.06l-1.53,2.45ZM68.32,74.16l4.13,0.95l4.02,2.14l2.61,0.4l2.47,-1.89l2.88,-1.31l3.85,0.48l3.71,-1.94l3.82,-1.04l1.56,1.68l0.49,0.08l1.87,-1.04l0.65,-1.98l1.24,0.35l4.16,3.94l0.54,0.01l2.75,-2.49l0.26,2.59l0.49,0.35l3.08,-0.73l1.04,-1.27l2.73,0.23l3.83,1.86l5.86,1.61l3.47,0.75l2.44,-0.26l2.73,1.78l-2.98,1.81l-0.19,0.41l0.31,0.32l4.53,0.92l6.87,-0.5l2.0,-0.69l2.49,2.39l0.53,0.02l2.72,-2.16l-0.02,-0.64l-2.16,-1.54l1.15,-1.06l4.83,-0.61l1.84,0.95l2.48,2.31l3.01,-0.23l4.55,1.92l3.85,-0.67l3.61,0.1l0.41,-0.44l-0.25,-2.36l1.79,-0.61l3.49,1.32l-0.01,3.77l0.31,0.39l0.45,-0.22l1.48,-3.16l1.74,0.1l0.41,-0.3l1.13,-4.37l-2.78,-3.11l-2.8,-1.74l0.19,-4.64l2.71,-3.07l2.98,0.67l2.41,1.95l3.19,4.8l-1.99,1.97l0.21,0.68l4.33,0.84l-0.01,4.15l0.25,0.37l0.44,-0.09l3.07,-3.15l2.54,2.39l-0.61,3.33l2.42,2.88l0.61,0.0l2.61,-3.08l1.88,-3.82l0.17,-4.58l6.72,0.94l3.13,2.04l0.13,1.82l-1.76,2.19l-0.01,0.49l1.66,2.16l-0.26,1.71l-4.68,2.8l-3.28,0.61l-2.47,-1.2l-0.55,0.23l-0.73,2.04l-2.38,3.43l-0.74,1.77l-2.74,2.57l-3.44,0.25l-2.21,1.78l-0.28,2.53l-2.82,0.55l-3.12,3.22l-2.72,4.31l-1.03,3.17l-0.14,4.31l0.33,0.41l3.44,0.57l2.24,5.95l0.45,0.23l3.4,-0.69l4.52,1.51l2.43,1.31l1.91,1.73l3.1,0.96l2.62,1.46l6.6,0.54l-0.35,2.74l0.81,3.53l1.81,3.78l3.83,3.3l0.45,0.04l2.1,-1.28l1.37,-3.69l-1.31,-5.38l-1.45,-1.58l3.57,-1.47l2.84,-2.46l1.52,-2.8l-0.25,-2.55l-1.7,-3.07l-2.85,-2.61l2.8,-3.95l-1.08,-3.37l-0.79,-5.67l1.36,-0.7l6.76,1.41l2.12,-0.96l5.12,3.36l1.05,1.61l4.08,0.26l-0.06,2.87l0.83,4.7l0.3,0.32l2.16,0.54l1.73,2.06l0.5,0.09l3.63,-2.03l2.52,-4.19l1.26,-1.32l7.6,11.72l-0.92,2.04l0.16,0.51l3.3,1.97l2.22,1.98l4.1,0.98l1.43,0.99l0.95,2.79l2.1,0.68l0.84,1.08l0.17,3.45l-3.37,2.26l-4.22,1.24l-3.06,2.63l-4.06,0.51l-5.35,-0.69l-6.39,0.2l-2.3,2.41l-3.26,1.51l-6.47,7.15l-0.06,0.48l0.44,0.19l2.13,-0.52l4.17,-4.24l5.12,-2.62l3.52,-0.3l1.69,1.21l-2.12,2.21l0.81,3.47l1.02,2.61l3.47,1.6l4.14,-0.45l2.15,-2.8l0.26,1.48l1.14,0.8l-2.56,1.69l-5.5,1.82l-2.54,1.27l-2.74,2.15l-1.4,-0.16l-0.07,-2.01l4.14,-2.44l0.18,-0.45l-0.39,-0.29l-6.63,0.45l-1.39,-1.49l-0.14,-4.43l-1.11,-0.91l-1.82,0.39l-0.66,-0.66l-0.6,0.03l-1.91,2.39l-0.82,2.52l-0.8,1.27l-1.67,0.56l-0.46,0.76l-8.31,0.07l-1.21,0.62l-2.35,1.97l-0.71,-0.14l-1.37,0.96l-1.12,-0.48l-4.74,1.26l-0.9,1.17l0.21,0.62l1.73,0.3l-1.81,0.31l-1.85,0.81l-2.11,-0.13l-2.95,1.78l-0.69,-0.09l1.39,-2.1l1.73,-1.21l0.1,-2.29l1.16,-1.99l0.49,0.53l2.03,0.42l1.2,-1.16l0.02,-0.47l-2.66,-3.51l-2.28,-0.61l-5.64,-0.71l-0.4,-0.57l-0.79,0.13l0.2,-0.41l-0.22,-0.55l-0.68,-0.26l0.19,-1.26l-0.78,-0.73l0.31,-0.64l-0.29,-0.57l-2.6,-0.44l-0.75,-1.63l-0.94,-0.66l-4.31,-0.65l-1.13,1.19l-1.48,0.59l-0.85,1.06l-2.83,-0.76l-2.09,0.39l-2.39,-0.97l-4.24,-0.7l-0.57,-0.4l-0.41,-1.63l-0.4,-0.3l-0.85,0.02l-0.39,0.4l-0.01,0.85l-69.13,-0.01l-6.51,-4.52l-4.5,-1.38l-1.26,-2.66l0.33,-1.93l-0.23,-0.43l-3.01,-1.35l-0.55,-2.77l-2.89,-2.38l-0.04,-1.45l1.39,-1.83l-0.28,-2.55l-4.16,-2.2l-4.07,-6.6l-4.02,-3.22l-1.3,-1.88l-0.5,-0.13l-2.51,1.21l-2.23,1.87l-3.85,-3.88l-2.44,-1.04l-2.22,-0.13l0.03,-37.49ZM260.37,148.65l3.04,0.76l2.26,1.2l-3.78,-0.95l-1.53,-1.01ZM249.4,3.81l6.68,0.49l5.32,0.79l4.26,1.57l-0.07,1.1l-5.85,2.53l-6.02,1.21l-2.39,1.39l-0.18,0.45l0.39,0.29l4.01,-0.02l-4.65,2.82l-4.2,1.74l-4.19,4.59l-5.03,0.92l-1.67,1.15l-7.47,0.59l-0.37,0.37l0.32,0.42l2.41,0.49l-0.81,0.47l-0.12,0.59l1.83,2.41l-2.02,1.59l-3.81,1.51l-1.32,2.16l-3.38,1.53l-0.22,0.48l0.35,1.19l0.4,0.29l3.88,-0.18l0.03,0.61l-6.33,2.95l-6.41,-1.4l-7.43,0.79l-3.72,-0.62l-4.4,-0.25l-0.23,-1.83l4.29,-1.11l0.28,-0.51l-1.1,-3.45l1.0,-0.25l6.58,2.28l0.47,-0.16l-0.05,-0.49l-3.41,-3.45l-3.58,-0.98l1.48,-1.55l4.34,-1.29l0.97,-2.19l-0.16,-0.48l-3.42,-2.13l-0.81,-2.26l6.2,0.22l2.24,0.58l3.91,-2.1l0.2,-0.43l-0.35,-0.32l-5.64,-0.67l-8.73,0.36l-4.26,-1.9l-2.12,-2.4l-2.78,-1.66l-0.41,-1.52l3.31,-1.03l2.93,-0.2l4.91,-0.99l3.7,-2.27l2.87,0.3l2.62,1.67l0.56,-0.14l1.82,-3.2l3.13,-0.94l4.44,-0.69l7.53,-0.26l1.48,0.67l7.19,-1.06l10.8,0.79ZM203.85,57.54l0.01,0.42l1.97,2.97l0.68,-0.02l2.24,-3.72l5.95,-1.86l4.01,4.64l-0.35,2.91l0.5,0.43l4.95,-1.36l2.32,-1.8l5.31,2.28l3.27,2.11l0.3,1.84l0.48,0.33l4.42,-0.99l2.64,2.87l5.97,1.77l2.06,1.72l2.11,3.71l-4.19,1.86l-0.01,0.73l5.9,2.83l3.94,0.94l3.78,3.95l3.46,0.25l-0.63,2.37l-4.11,4.47l-2.76,-1.56l-3.9,-3.94l-3.59,0.41l-0.33,0.34l-0.19,2.72l2.63,2.38l3.42,1.89l0.94,0.97l1.55,3.75l-0.7,2.29l-2.74,-0.92l-6.25,-3.15l-0.51,0.13l0.05,0.52l6.07,5.69l0.18,0.59l-6.09,-1.39l-5.31,-2.24l-2.63,-1.66l0.6,-0.77l-0.12,-0.6l-7.39,-4.01l-0.59,0.37l0.03,0.79l-6.73,0.6l-1.69,-1.1l1.36,-2.46l4.51,-0.07l5.15,-0.52l0.31,-0.6l-0.74,-1.3l0.78,-1.84l3.21,-4.05l-0.67,-2.35l-1.11,-1.6l-3.84,-2.1l-4.35,-1.28l0.91,-0.63l0.06,-0.61l-2.65,-2.75l-2.34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name: "Canada" }, CG: { path: "M466.72,276.48l-0.1,1.03l-1.25,2.97l-0.19,3.62l-0.46,1.78l-0.23,0.63l-1.61,1.19l-1.21,1.39l-1.09,2.43l0.04,2.09l-3.25,3.24l-0.5,-0.24l-0.5,-0.83l-1.36,-0.02l-0.98,0.89l-1.68,-0.99l-1.54,1.24l-1.52,-1.96l1.57,-1.14l0.11,-0.52l-0.77,-1.35l2.1,-0.66l0.39,-0.73l1.05,0.82l2.21,0.11l1.12,-1.37l0.37,-1.81l-0.27,-2.09l-1.13,-1.5l1.0,-2.69l-0.13,-0.45l-0.92,-0.58l-1.6,0.17l-0.51,-0.94l0.1,-0.61l2.75,0.09l3.97,1.24l0.51,-0.33l0.17,-1.28l1.24,-2.21l1.28,-1.14l2.76,0.49Z", name: "Congo" }, CF: { path: "M461.16,278.2l-0.26,-1.19l-1.09,-0.77l-0.84,-1.17l-0.29,-1.0l-1.04,-1.15l0.08,-3.43l0.58,-0.49l1.16,-2.35l1.85,-0.17l0.61,-0.62l0.97,0.58l3.15,-0.96l2.48,-1.92l0.02,-0.96l2.81,0.02l2.36,-1.17l1.93,-2.85l1.16,-0.93l1.11,-0.3l0.27,0.86l1.34,1.47l-0.39,2.01l0.3,1.01l4.01,2.75l0.17,0.93l2.63,2.31l0.6,1.44l2.08,1.4l-3.84,-0.21l-1.94,0.88l-1.23,-0.49l-2.67,1.2l-1.29,-0.18l-0.51,0.36l-0.6,1.22l-3.35,-0.65l-1.57,-0.91l-2.42,-0.83l-1.45,0.91l-0.97,1.27l-0.26,1.56l-3.22,-0.43l-1.49,1.33l-0.94,1.62Z", name: "Central African Rep." }, CD: { path: "M487.01,272.38l2.34,-0.14l1.35,1.84l1.34,0.45l0.86,-0.39l1.21,0.12l1.07,-0.41l0.54,0.89l2.04,1.54l-0.14,2.72l0.7,0.54l-1.38,1.13l-1.53,2.54l-0.17,2.05l-0.59,1.08l-0.02,1.72l-0.72,0.84l-0.66,3.01l0.63,1.32l-0.44,4.26l0.64,1.47l-0.37,1.22l0.86,1.8l1.53,1.41l0.3,1.26l0.44,0.5l-4.08,0.75l-0.92,1.81l0.51,1.34l-0.74,5.43l0.17,0.38l2.45,1.46l0.54,-0.1l0.12,1.62l-1.28,-0.01l-1.85,-2.35l-1.94,-0.45l-0.48,-1.13l-0.55,-0.2l-1.41,0.74l-1.71,-0.3l-1.01,-1.18l-2.49,-0.19l-0.44,-0.77l-1.98,-0.21l-2.88,0.36l0.11,-2.41l-0.85,-1.13l-0.16,-1.36l0.32,-1.73l-0.46,-0.89l-0.04,-1.49l-0.4,-0.39l-2.53,0.02l0.1,-0.41l-0.39,-0.49l-1.28,0.01l-0.43,0.45l-1.62,0.32l-0.83,1.79l-1.09,-0.28l-2.4,0.52l-1.37,-1.91l-1.3,-3.3l-0.38,-0.27l-7.39,-0.03l-2.46,0.42l0.5,-0.45l0.37,-1.47l0.66,-0.38l0.92,0.08l0.73,-0.82l0.87,0.02l0.31,0.68l1.4,0.36l3.59,-3.63l0.01,-2.23l1.02,-2.29l2.69,-2.39l0.43,-0.99l0.49,-1.96l0.17,-3.51l1.25,-2.95l0.36,-3.14l0.86,-1.13l1.1,-0.66l3.57,1.73l3.65,0.73l0.46,-0.21l0.8,-1.46l1.24,0.19l2.61,-1.17l0.81,0.44l1.04,-0.03l0.59,-0.66l0.7,-0.16l1.81,0.25Z", name: "Dem. Rep. Congo" }, CZ: { path: "M458.46,144.88l1.22,1.01l1.47,0.23l0.13,0.93l1.36,0.68l0.54,-0.2l0.24,-0.55l1.15,0.25l0.53,1.09l1.68,0.18l0.6,0.84l-1.04,0.73l-0.96,1.28l-1.6,0.17l-0.55,0.56l-1.04,-0.46l-1.05,0.15l-2.12,-0.96l-1.05,0.34l-1.2,1.12l-1.56,-0.87l-2.57,-2.1l-0.53,-1.88l4.7,-2.52l0.71,0.26l0.9,-0.28Z", name: "Czech Rep." }, CY: { path: "M504.36,193.47l0.43,0.28l-1.28,0.57l-0.92,-0.28l-0.24,-0.46l2.01,-0.13Z", name: "Cyprus" }, CR: { path: "M211.34,258.05l0.48,0.99l1.6,1.6l-0.54,0.45l0.29,1.42l-0.25,1.19l-1.09,-0.59l-0.05,-1.25l-2.46,-1.42l-0.28,-0.77l-0.66,-0.45l-0.45,-0.0l-0.11,1.04l-1.32,-0.95l0.31,-1.3l-0.36,-0.6l0.31,-0.27l1.42,0.58l1.29,-0.14l0.56,0.56l0.74,0.17l0.55,-0.27Z", name: "Costa Rica" }, CU: { path: "M221.21,227.25l1.27,1.02l2.19,-0.28l4.43,3.33l2.08,0.43l-0.1,0.38l0.36,0.5l1.75,0.1l1.48,0.84l-3.11,0.51l-4.15,-0.03l0.77,-0.67l-0.04,-0.64l-1.2,-0.74l-1.49,-0.16l-0.7,-0.61l-0.56,-1.4l-0.4,-0.25l-1.34,0.1l-2.2,-0.66l-0.88,-0.58l-3.18,-0.4l-0.27,-0.16l0.58,-0.74l-0.36,-0.29l-2.72,-0.05l-1.7,1.29l-0.91,0.03l-0.61,0.69l-1.01,0.22l1.11,-1.29l1.01,-0.52l3.69,-1.01l3.98,0.21l2.21,0.84Z", name: "Cuba" }, SZ: { path: "M500.35,351.36l0.5,2.04l-0.38,0.89l-1.05,0.21l-1.23,-1.2l-0.02,-0.64l0.83,-1.57l1.34,0.27Z", name: "Swaziland" }, SY: { path: "M511.0,199.79l0.05,-1.33l0.54,-1.36l1.28,-0.99l0.13,-0.45l-0.41,-1.11l-1.14,-0.36l-0.19,-1.74l0.52,-1.0l1.29,-1.21l0.2,-1.18l0.59,0.23l2.62,-0.76l1.36,0.52l2.06,-0.01l2.95,-1.08l3.25,-0.26l-0.67,0.94l-1.28,0.66l-0.21,0.4l0.23,2.01l-0.88,3.19l-10.15,5.73l-2.15,-0.85Z", name: "Syria" }, KG: { path: "M621.35,172.32l-3.87,1.69l-0.96,1.18l-3.04,0.34l-1.13,1.86l-2.36,-0.35l-1.99,0.63l-2.39,1.4l0.06,0.95l-0.4,0.37l-4.52,0.43l-3.02,-0.93l-2.37,0.17l0.11,-0.79l2.32,0.42l1.13,-0.88l1.99,0.2l3.21,-2.14l-0.03,-0.69l-2.97,-1.57l-1.94,0.65l-1.22,-0.74l1.71,-1.58l-0.12,-0.67l-0.36,-0.15l0.32,-0.77l1.36,-0.35l4.02,1.02l0.49,-0.3l0.35,-1.59l1.09,-0.48l3.42,1.22l1.11,-0.31l7.64,0.39l1.16,1.0l1.23,0.39Z", name: "Kyrgyzstan" }, KE: { path: "M506.26,284.69l1.87,-2.56l0.93,-2.15l-1.38,-4.08l-1.06,-1.6l2.82,-2.75l0.79,0.26l0.12,1.41l0.86,0.83l1.9,0.11l3.28,2.13l3.57,0.44l1.05,-1.12l1.96,-0.9l0.82,0.68l1.16,0.09l-1.78,2.45l0.03,9.12l1.3,1.94l-1.37,0.78l-0.67,1.03l-1.08,0.46l-0.34,1.67l-0.81,1.07l-0.45,1.55l-0.68,0.56l-3.2,-2.23l-0.35,-1.58l-8.86,-4.98l0.14,-1.6l-0.57,-1.04Z", name: "Kenya" }, SS: { path: "M481.71,263.34l1.07,-0.72l1.2,-3.18l1.36,-0.26l1.61,1.99l0.87,0.34l1.1,-0.41l1.5,0.07l0.57,0.53l2.49,0.0l0.44,-0.63l1.07,-0.4l0.45,-0.84l0.59,-0.33l1.9,1.33l1.6,-0.2l2.83,-3.33l-0.32,-2.21l1.59,-0.52l-0.24,1.6l0.3,1.83l1.35,1.18l0.2,1.87l0.35,0.41l0.02,1.53l-0.23,0.47l-1.42,0.25l-0.85,1.44l0.3,0.6l1.4,0.16l1.11,1.08l0.59,1.13l1.03,0.53l1.28,2.36l-4.41,3.98l-1.74,0.01l-1.89,0.55l-1.47,-0.52l-1.15,0.57l-2.96,-2.62l-1.3,0.49l-1.06,-0.15l-0.79,0.39l-0.82,-0.22l-1.8,-2.7l-1.91,-1.1l-0.66,-1.5l-2.62,-2.32l-0.18,-0.94l-2.37,-1.6Z", name: "S. Sudan" }, SR: { path: "M283.12,270.19l2.1,0.53l-1.08,1.95l0.2,1.72l0.93,1.49l-0.59,2.03l-0.43,0.71l-1.12,-0.42l-1.32,0.22l-0.93,-0.2l-0.46,0.26l-0.25,0.73l0.33,0.7l-0.89,-0.13l-1.39,-1.97l-0.31,-1.34l-0.97,-0.31l-0.89,-1.47l0.35,-1.61l1.45,-0.82l0.33,-1.87l2.61,0.44l0.57,-0.47l1.75,-0.16Z", name: "Suriname" }, KH: { path: "M689.52,249.39l0.49,1.45l-0.28,2.74l-4.0,1.86l-0.16,0.6l0.68,0.95l-2.06,0.17l-2.05,0.97l-1.82,-0.32l-2.12,-3.7l-0.55,-2.85l1.4,-1.85l3.02,-0.45l2.23,0.35l2.01,0.98l0.51,-0.14l0.95,-1.48l1.74,0.74Z", name: "Cambodia" }, SV: { path: "M195.8,250.13l1.4,-1.19l2.24,1.45l0.98,-0.27l0.44,0.2l-0.27,1.05l-1.14,-0.03l-3.64,-1.21Z", name: "El Salvador" }, SK: { path: "M476.82,151.17l-1.14,1.9l-2.73,-0.92l-0.82,0.2l-0.74,0.8l-3.46,0.73l-0.47,0.69l-1.76,0.33l-1.88,-1.0l-0.18,-0.81l0.38,-0.75l1.87,-0.32l1.74,-1.89l0.83,0.16l0.79,-0.34l1.51,1.04l1.34,-0.63l1.25,0.3l1.65,-0.42l1.81,0.95Z", name: "Slovakia" }, KR: { path: "M737.51,185.84l0.98,-0.1l0.87,-1.17l2.69,-0.32l0.33,-0.29l1.76,2.79l0.58,1.76l0.02,3.12l-0.8,1.32l-2.21,0.55l-1.93,1.13l-1.8,0.19l-0.2,-1.1l0.43,-2.28l-0.95,-2.56l1.43,-0.37l0.23,-0.62l-1.43,-2.06Z", name: "Korea" }, SI: { path: "M456.18,162.07l-0.51,-1.32l0.18,-1.05l1.69,0.2l1.42,-0.71l2.09,-0.07l0.62,-0.51l0.21,0.47l-1.61,0.67l-0.44,1.34l-0.66,0.24l-0.26,0.82l-1.22,-0.49l-0.84,0.46l-0.69,-0.04Z", name: "Slovenia" }, KP: { path: "M736.77,185.16l-0.92,-0.42l-0.88,0.62l-1.21,-0.88l0.96,-1.15l0.59,-2.59l-0.46,-0.74l-2.09,-0.77l1.64,-1.52l2.72,-1.58l1.58,-1.91l1.11,0.78l2.17,0.11l0.41,-0.5l-0.3,-1.22l3.52,-1.18l0.94,-1.4l0.98,1.08l-2.19,2.18l0.01,2.14l-1.06,0.54l-1.41,1.4l-1.7,0.52l-1.25,1.09l-0.14,1.98l0.94,0.45l1.15,1.04l-0.13,0.26l-2.6,0.29l-1.13,1.29l-1.22,0.08Z", name: "Dem. Rep. Korea" }, KW: { path: "M540.81,207.91l0.37,0.86l-0.17,0.76l0.6,1.53l-0.95,0.04l-0.82,-1.28l-1.57,-0.18l1.31,-1.88l1.22,0.17Z", name: "Kuwait" }, SN: { path: "M390.09,248.21l0.12,1.55l0.49,1.46l0.96,0.82l0.05,1.28l-1.26,-0.19l-0.75,0.33l-1.84,-0.61l-5.84,-0.13l-2.54,0.51l-0.22,-1.03l1.77,0.04l2.01,-0.91l1.03,0.48l1.09,0.04l1.29,-0.62l0.14,-0.58l-0.51,-0.74l-1.81,0.25l-1.13,-0.63l-0.79,0.04l-0.72,0.61l-2.31,0.06l-0.92,-1.77l-0.81,-0.64l0.64,-0.35l2.46,-3.74l1.04,0.19l1.38,-0.56l1.19,-0.02l2.72,1.37l3.03,3.48Z", name: "Senegal" }, SL: { path: "M394.46,264.11l-1.73,1.98l-0.58,1.33l-2.07,-1.06l-1.22,-1.26l-0.65,-2.39l1.16,-0.96l0.67,-1.17l1.21,-0.52l1.66,0.0l1.03,1.64l0.52,2.41Z", name: "Sierra Leone" }, KZ: { path: "M552.8,172.89l0.46,-1.27l-0.48,-1.05l-2.96,-1.19l-1.06,-2.58l-1.37,-0.87l-0.03,-0.3l1.95,0.23l0.45,-0.38l0.08,-1.96l1.75,-0.41l2.1,0.45l0.48,-0.33l0.45,-3.04l-0.45,-2.09l-0.41,-0.31l-2.42,0.15l-2.36,-0.73l-2.87,1.37l-2.17,0.61l-0.85,-0.34l0.13,-1.61l-1.6,-2.12l-2.02,-0.08l-1.78,-1.82l1.29,-2.18l-0.57,-0.95l1.62,-2.91l2.21,1.63l0.63,-0.27l0.29,-2.22l4.92,-3.43l3.71,-0.08l8.4,3.6l2.92,-1.36l3.77,-0.06l3.11,1.66l0.51,-0.11l0.6,-0.81l3.31,0.13l0.39,-0.25l0.63,-1.57l-0.17,-0.5l-3.5,-1.98l1.87,-1.27l-0.13,-1.03l1.98,-0.72l0.18,-0.62l-1.59,-2.06l0.81,-0.82l9.23,-1.18l1.33,-0.88l6.18,-1.26l2.26,-1.42l4.08,0.68l0.73,3.33l0.51,0.3l2.48,-0.8l2.79,1.02l-0.17,1.56l0.43,0.44l2.55,-0.24l4.89,-2.53l0.03,0.32l3.15,2.61l5.56,8.47l0.65,0.02l1.12,-1.46l3.15,1.74l3.76,-0.78l1.15,0.49l1.14,1.8l1.84,0.76l0.99,1.29l3.35,-0.25l1.02,1.52l-1.6,1.81l-1.93,0.28l-0.34,0.38l-0.11,3.05l-1.13,1.16l-4.75,-1.0l-0.46,0.27l-1.76,5.47l-1.1,0.59l-4.91,1.23l-0.27,0.54l2.1,4.97l-1.37,0.63l-0.23,0.41l0.13,1.13l-0.88,-0.25l-1.42,-1.13l-7.89,-0.4l-0.92,0.31l-3.73,-1.22l-1.42,0.63l-0.53,1.66l-3.72,-0.94l-1.85,0.43l-0.76,1.4l-4.65,2.62l-1.13,2.08l-0.44,0.01l-0.92,-1.4l-2.87,-0.09l-0.45,-2.14l-0.38,-0.32l-0.8,-0.01l0.0,-2.96l-3.0,-2.22l-7.31,0.58l-2.35,-2.68l-6.71,-3.69l-6.45,1.83l-0.29,0.39l0.1,10.85l-0.7,0.08l-1.62,-2.17l-1.83,-0.96l-3.11,0.59l-0.64,0.51Z", name: "Kazakhstan" }, SA: { path: "M537.53,210.34l2.0,0.24l0.9,1.32l1.49,-0.06l0.87,2.08l1.29,0.76l0.51,0.99l1.56,1.03l-0.1,1.9l0.32,0.9l1.58,2.47l0.76,0.53l0.7,-0.04l1.68,4.23l7.53,1.33l0.51,-0.29l0.77,1.25l-1.55,4.87l-7.29,2.52l-7.3,1.03l-2.34,1.17l-1.88,2.74l-0.76,0.28l-0.82,-0.78l-0.91,0.12l-2.88,-0.51l-3.51,0.25l-0.86,-0.56l-0.57,0.15l-0.66,1.27l0.16,1.11l-0.43,0.32l-0.93,-1.4l-0.33,-1.16l-1.23,-0.88l-1.27,-2.06l-0.78,-2.22l-1.73,-1.79l-1.14,-0.48l-1.54,-2.31l-0.21,-3.41l-1.44,-2.93l-1.27,-1.16l-1.33,-0.57l-1.31,-3.37l-0.77,-0.67l-0.97,-1.97l-2.8,-4.03l-1.06,-0.17l0.37,-1.96l0.2,-0.72l2.74,0.3l1.08,-0.84l0.6,-0.94l1.74,-0.35l0.65,-1.03l0.71,-0.4l0.1,-0.62l-2.06,-2.28l4.39,-1.22l0.48,-0.37l2.77,0.69l3.66,1.9l7.03,5.5l4.87,0.3Z", name: "Saudi Arabia" }, SE: { path: "M480.22,89.3l-4.03,1.17l-2.43,2.86l0.26,2.57l-8.77,6.64l-1.78,5.79l1.78,2.68l2.22,1.96l-2.07,3.77l-2.72,1.13l-0.95,6.04l-1.29,3.01l-2.74,-0.31l-0.4,0.22l-1.31,2.59l-2.34,0.13l-0.75,-3.09l-2.08,-4.03l-1.83,-4.96l1.0,-1.93l2.14,-2.7l0.83,-4.45l-1.6,-2.17l-0.15,-4.94l1.48,-3.39l2.58,-0.15l0.87,-1.59l-0.78,-1.57l3.76,-5.59l4.04,-7.48l2.17,0.01l0.39,-0.29l0.57,-2.07l4.37,0.64l0.46,-0.34l0.33,-2.56l1.1,-0.13l6.94,4.87l0.06,6.32l0.66,1.36Z", name: "Sweden" }, SD: { path: "M505.98,259.4l-0.34,-0.77l-1.17,-0.9l-0.26,-1.61l0.29,-1.81l-0.34,-0.46l-1.16,-0.17l-0.54,0.59l-1.23,0.11l-0.28,0.65l0.53,0.65l0.17,1.22l-2.44,3.0l-0.96,0.19l-2.39,-1.4l-0.95,0.52l-0.38,0.78l-1.11,0.41l-0.29,0.5l-1.94,0.0l-0.54,-0.52l-1.81,-0.09l-0.95,0.4l-2.45,-2.35l-2.07,0.54l-0.73,1.26l-0.6,2.1l-1.25,0.58l-0.75,-0.62l0.27,-2.65l-1.48,-1.78l-0.22,-1.48l-0.92,-0.96l-0.02,-1.29l-0.57,-1.16l-0.68,-0.16l0.69,-1.29l-0.18,-1.14l0.65,-0.62l0.03,-0.55l-0.36,-0.41l1.55,-2.97l1.91,0.16l0.43,-0.4l-0.1,-10.94l2.49,-0.01l0.4,-0.4l-0.0,-4.82l29.02,0.0l0.64,2.04l-0.49,0.66l0.36,2.69l0.93,3.16l2.12,1.55l-0.89,1.04l-1.72,0.39l-0.98,0.9l-1.43,5.65l0.24,1.15l-0.38,2.06l-0.96,2.38l-1.53,1.31l-1.32,2.91l-1.22,0.86l-0.37,1.34Z", name: "Sudan" }, DO: { path: "M241.8,239.2l0.05,-0.65l-0.46,-0.73l0.42,-0.44l0.19,-1.0l-0.09,-1.53l1.66,0.01l1.99,0.63l0.33,0.67l1.28,0.19l0.33,0.76l1.0,0.08l0.8,0.62l-0.45,0.51l-1.13,-0.47l-1.88,-0.01l-1.27,0.59l-0.75,-0.55l-1.01,0.54l-0.79,1.4l-0.23,-0.61Z", name: "Dominican Rep." }, DJ: { path: "M528.43,256.18l-0.45,0.66l-0.58,-0.25l-1.51,0.13l-0.18,-1.01l1.45,-1.95l0.83,0.17l0.77,-0.44l0.2,1.0l-1.2,0.51l-0.06,0.7l0.73,0.47Z", name: "Djibouti" }, DK: { path: "M452.28,129.07l-1.19,2.24l-2.13,-1.6l-0.23,-0.95l2.98,-0.95l0.57,1.26ZM447.74,126.31l-0.26,0.57l-0.88,-0.07l-1.8,2.53l0.48,1.69l-1.09,0.36l-1.61,-0.39l-0.89,-1.69l-0.07,-3.43l0.96,-1.73l2.02,-0.2l1.09,-1.07l1.33,-0.67l-0.05,1.06l-0.73,1.41l0.3,1.0l1.2,0.64Z", name: "Denmark" }, DE: { path: "M453.14,155.55l-0.55,-0.36l-1.2,-0.1l-1.87,0.57l-2.13,-0.13l-0.56,0.63l-0.86,-0.6l-0.96,0.09l-2.57,-0.93l-0.85,0.67l-1.47,-0.02l0.24,-1.75l1.23,-2.14l-0.28,-0.59l-3.52,-0.58l-0.92,-0.66l0.12,-1.2l-0.48,-0.88l0.27,-2.17l-0.37,-3.03l1.41,-0.22l0.63,-1.26l0.66,-3.19l-0.41,-1.18l0.26,-0.39l1.66,-0.15l0.33,0.54l0.62,0.07l1.7,-1.69l-0.54,-3.02l1.37,0.33l1.31,-0.37l0.31,1.18l2.25,0.71l-0.02,0.92l0.5,0.4l2.55,-0.65l1.34,-0.87l2.57,1.24l1.06,0.98l0.48,1.44l-0.57,0.74l-0.0,0.48l0.87,1.15l0.57,1.64l-0.14,1.29l0.82,1.7l-1.5,-0.07l-0.56,0.57l-4.47,2.15l-0.22,0.54l0.68,2.26l2.58,2.16l-0.66,1.11l-0.79,0.36l-0.23,0.43l0.32,1.87Z", name: "Germany" }, YE: { path: "M528.27,246.72l0.26,-0.42l-0.22,-1.01l0.19,-1.5l0.92,-0.69l-0.07,-1.35l0.39,-0.75l1.01,0.47l3.34,-0.27l3.76,0.41l0.95,0.81l1.36,-0.58l1.74,-2.62l2.18,-1.09l6.86,-0.94l2.48,5.41l-1.64,0.76l-0.56,1.9l-6.23,2.16l-2.29,1.8l-1.93,0.05l-1.41,1.02l-4.24,0.74l-1.72,1.49l-3.28,0.19l-0.52,-1.18l0.02,-1.51l-1.34,-3.29Z", name: "Yemen" }, DZ: { path: "M441.46,188.44l-0.32,1.07l0.39,2.64l-0.54,2.16l-1.58,1.82l0.37,2.39l1.91,1.55l0.18,0.8l1.42,1.03l1.84,7.23l0.12,1.16l-0.57,5.0l0.2,1.51l-0.87,0.99l-0.02,0.51l1.41,1.86l0.14,1.2l0.89,1.48l0.5,0.16l0.98,-0.41l1.73,1.08l0.82,1.23l-8.22,4.81l-7.23,5.11l-3.43,1.13l-2.3,0.21l-0.28,-1.59l-2.56,-1.09l-0.67,-1.25l-26.12,-17.86l0.01,-3.47l3.77,-1.88l2.44,-0.41l2.12,-0.75l1.08,-1.42l2.81,-1.05l0.35,-2.08l1.33,-0.29l1.04,-0.94l3.47,-0.69l0.46,-1.08l-0.1,-0.45l-0.58,-0.52l-0.82,-2.81l-0.19,-1.83l-0.78,-1.49l2.03,-1.31l2.63,-0.48l1.7,-1.22l2.31,-0.84l8.24,-0.73l1.49,0.38l2.28,-1.1l2.46,-0.02l0.92,0.6l1.35,-0.05Z", name: "Algeria" }, US: { path: "M892.72,99.2l1.31,0.53l1.41,-0.37l1.89,0.98l1.89,0.42l-1.32,0.58l-2.9,-1.53l-2.08,0.22l-0.26,-0.15l0.07,-0.67ZM183.22,150.47l0.37,1.47l1.12,0.85l4.23,0.7l2.39,0.98l2.17,-0.38l1.85,0.5l-1.55,0.65l-3.49,2.61l-0.16,0.77l0.5,0.39l2.33,-0.61l1.77,1.02l5.15,-2.4l-0.31,0.65l0.25,0.56l1.36,0.38l1.71,1.16l4.7,-0.88l0.67,0.85l1.31,0.21l0.58,0.58l-1.34,0.17l-2.18,-0.32l-3.6,0.89l-2.71,3.25l0.35,0.9l0.59,-0.0l0.55,-0.6l-1.36,4.65l0.29,3.09l0.67,1.58l0.61,0.45l1.77,-0.44l1.6,-1.96l0.14,-2.21l-0.82,-1.96l0.11,-1.13l1.19,-2.37l0.44,-0.33l0.48,0.75l0.4,-0.29l0.4,-1.37l0.6,-0.47l0.24,-0.8l1.69,0.49l1.65,1.08l-0.03,2.37l-1.27,1.13l-0.0,1.13l0.87,0.36l1.66,-1.29l0.5,0.17l0.5,2.6l-2.49,3.75l0.17,0.61l1.54,0.62l1.48,0.17l1.92,-0.44l4.72,-2.15l2.16,-1.8l-0.05,-1.24l0.75,-0.22l3.92,0.36l2.12,-1.05l0.21,-0.4l-0.28,-1.48l3.27,-2.4l8.32,-0.02l0.56,-0.82l1.9,-0.77l0.93,-1.51l0.74,-2.37l1.58,-1.98l0.92,0.62l1.47,-0.47l0.8,0.66l-0.0,4.09l1.96,2.6l-2.34,1.31l-5.37,2.09l-1.83,2.72l0.02,1.79l0.83,1.59l0.54,0.23l-6.19,0.94l-2.2,0.89l-0.23,0.48l0.45,0.29l2.99,-0.46l-2.19,0.56l-1.13,0.0l-0.15,-0.32l-0.48,0.08l-0.76,0.82l0.22,0.67l0.32,0.06l-0.41,1.62l-1.27,1.58l-1.48,-1.07l-0.49,-0.04l-0.16,0.46l0.52,1.58l0.61,0.59l0.03,0.79l-0.95,1.38l-1.21,-1.22l-0.27,-2.27l-0.35,-0.35l-0.42,0.25l-0.48,1.27l0.33,1.41l-0.97,-0.27l-0.48,0.24l0.18,0.5l1.52,0.83l0.1,2.52l0.79,0.51l0.52,3.42l-1.42,1.88l-2.47,0.8l-1.71,1.66l-1.31,0.25l-1.27,1.03l-0.43,0.99l-2.69,1.78l-2.64,3.03l-0.45,2.12l0.45,2.08l0.85,2.38l1.09,1.9l0.04,1.2l1.16,3.06l-0.18,2.69l-0.55,1.43l-0.47,0.21l-0.89,-0.23l-0.49,-1.18l-0.87,-0.56l-2.75,-5.16l0.48,-1.68l-0.72,-1.78l-2.01,-2.38l-1.12,-0.53l-2.72,1.18l-1.47,-1.35l-1.57,-0.68l-2.99,0.31l-2.17,-0.3l-2.0,0.19l-1.15,0.46l-0.19,0.58l0.39,0.63l0.14,1.34l-0.84,-0.2l-0.84,0.46l-1.58,-0.07l-2.08,-1.44l-2.09,0.33l-1.91,-0.62l-3.73,0.84l-2.39,2.07l-2.54,1.22l-1.45,1.41l-0.61,1.38l0.34,3.71l-0.29,0.02l-3.5,-1.33l-1.25,-3.11l-1.44,-1.5l-2.24,-3.56l-1.76,-1.09l-2.27,-0.01l-1.71,2.07l-1.76,-0.69l-1.16,-0.74l-1.52,-2.98l-3.93,-3.16l-4.34,-0.0l-0.4,0.4l-0.0,0.74l-6.5,0.02l-9.02,-3.14l-0.34,-0.71l-5.7,0.49l-0.43,-1.29l-1.62,-1.61l-1.14,-0.38l-0.55,-0.88l-1.28,-0.13l-1.01,-0.77l-2.22,-0.27l-0.43,-0.3l-0.36,-1.58l-2.4,-2.83l-2.01,-3.85l-0.06,-0.9l-2.92,-3.26l-0.33,-2.29l-1.3,-1.66l0.52,-2.37l-0.09,-2.57l-0.78,-2.3l0.95,-2.82l0.61,-5.68l-0.47,-4.27l-1.46,-4.08l3.19,0.79l1.26,2.83l0.69,0.08l0.69,-1.14l-1.1,-4.79l68.76,-0.0l0.4,-0.4l0.14,-0.86ZM32.44,67.52l1.73,1.97l0.55,0.05l0.99,-0.79l3.65,0.24l-0.09,0.62l0.32,0.45l3.83,0.77l2.61,-0.43l5.19,1.4l4.84,0.43l1.89,0.57l3.42,-0.7l6.14,1.87l-0.03,38.06l0.38,0.4l2.39,0.11l2.31,0.98l3.9,3.99l0.55,0.04l2.4,-2.03l2.16,-1.04l1.2,1.71l3.95,3.14l4.09,6.63l4.2,2.29l0.06,1.83l-1.02,1.23l-1.16,-1.08l-2.04,-1.03l-0.67,-2.89l-3.28,-3.03l-1.65,-3.57l-6.35,-0.32l-2.82,-1.01l-5.26,-3.85l-6.77,-2.04l-3.53,0.3l-4.81,-1.69l-3.25,-1.63l-2.78,0.8l-0.28,0.46l0.44,2.21l-3.91,0.96l-2.26,1.27l-2.3,0.65l-0.27,-1.65l1.05,-3.42l2.49,-1.09l0.16,-0.6l-0.69,-0.96l-0.55,-0.1l-3.19,2.12l-1.78,2.56l-3.55,2.61l-0.04,0.61l1.56,1.52l-2.07,2.29l-5.11,2.57l-0.77,1.66l-3.76,1.77l-0.92,1.73l-2.69,1.38l-1.81,-0.22l-6.95,3.32l-3.97,0.91l4.85,-2.5l2.59,-1.86l3.26,-0.52l1.19,-1.4l3.42,-2.1l2.59,-2.27l0.42,-2.68l1.23,-2.1l-0.04,-0.46l-0.45,-0.11l-2.68,1.03l-0.63,-0.49l-0.53,0.03l-1.05,1.04l-1.36,-1.54l-0.66,0.08l-0.32,0.62l-0.58,-1.14l-0.56,-0.16l-2.41,1.42l-1.07,-0.0l-0.17,-1.75l0.3,-1.71l-1.61,-1.33l-3.41,0.59l-1.96,-1.63l-1.57,-0.84l-0.15,-2.21l-1.7,-1.43l0.82,-1.88l1.99,-2.12l0.88,-1.92l1.71,-0.24l2.04,0.51l1.87,-1.77l1.91,0.25l1.91,-1.23l0.17,-0.43l-0.47,-1.82l-1.07,-0.7l1.39,-1.17l0.12,-0.45l-0.39,-0.26l-1.65,0.07l-2.66,0.88l-0.75,0.78l-1.92,-0.8l-3.46,0.44l-3.44,-0.91l-1.06,-1.61l-2.65,-1.99l2.91,-1.43l5.5,-2.0l1.52,0.0l-0.26,1.62l0.41,0.46l5.29,-0.16l0.3,-0.65l-2.03,-2.59l-3.14,-1.68l-1.79,-2.12l-2.4,-1.83l-3.09,-1.24l1.04,-1.69l4.23,-0.14l3.36,-2.07l0.73,-2.27l2.39,-1.99l2.42,-0.52l4.65,-1.97l2.46,0.23l3.71,-2.35l3.5,0.89ZM37.6,123.41l-2.25,1.23l-0.95,-0.69l-0.29,-1.24l3.21,-1.63l1.42,0.21l0.67,0.7l-1.8,1.42ZM31.06,234.03l0.98,0.47l0.74,0.87l-1.77,1.07l-0.44,-1.53l0.49,-0.89ZM29.34,232.07l0.18,0.05l0.08,0.05l-0.16,0.03l-0.11,-0.14ZM25.16,230.17l0.05,-0.03l0.18,0.22l-0.13,-0.01l-0.1,-0.18ZM5.89,113.26l-1.08,0.41l-2.21,-1.12l1.53,-0.4l1.62,0.28l0.14,0.83Z", name: "United States" }, UY: { path: "M286.85,372.74l-0.92,1.5l-2.59,1.44l-1.69,-0.52l-1.42,0.26l-2.39,-1.19l-1.52,0.08l-1.27,-1.3l0.16,-1.5l0.56,-0.79l-0.02,-2.73l1.21,-4.74l1.19,-0.21l2.37,2.0l1.08,0.03l4.36,3.17l1.22,1.6l-0.96,1.5l0.61,1.4Z", name: "Uruguay" }, LB: { path: "M510.37,198.01l-0.88,0.51l1.82,-3.54l0.62,0.08l0.22,0.61l-1.13,0.88l-0.65,1.47Z", name: "Lebanon" }, LA: { path: "M689.54,248.53l-1.76,-0.74l-0.49,0.15l-0.94,1.46l-1.32,-0.64l0.62,-0.98l0.11,-2.17l-2.04,-2.42l-0.25,-2.65l-1.9,-2.1l-2.15,-0.31l-0.78,0.91l-1.12,0.06l-1.05,-0.4l-2.06,1.2l-0.04,-1.59l0.61,-2.68l-0.36,-0.49l-1.35,-0.1l-0.11,-1.23l-0.96,-0.88l1.96,-1.89l0.39,0.36l1.33,0.07l0.42,-0.45l-0.34,-2.66l0.7,-0.21l1.28,1.81l1.11,2.35l0.36,0.23l2.82,0.02l0.71,1.67l-1.39,0.65l-0.72,0.93l0.13,0.6l2.91,1.51l3.6,5.25l1.88,1.78l0.56,1.62l-0.35,1.96Z", name: "Lao PDR" }, TW: { path: "M724.01,226.68l-0.74,1.48l-0.9,-1.52l-0.25,-1.74l1.38,-2.44l1.73,-1.74l0.64,0.44l-1.85,5.52Z", name: "Taiwan" }, TT: { path: "M266.64,259.32l0.28,-1.16l1.13,-0.22l-0.06,1.2l-1.35,0.18Z", name: "Trinidad and Tobago" }, TR: { path: "M513.21,175.47l3.64,1.17l3.05,-0.44l2.1,0.26l3.11,-1.56l2.46,-0.13l2.19,1.33l0.33,0.82l-0.22,1.33l0.25,0.44l2.28,1.13l-1.17,0.57l-0.21,0.45l0.75,3.2l-0.41,1.16l1.13,1.92l-0.55,0.22l-0.9,-0.67l-2.91,-0.37l-1.24,0.46l-4.23,0.41l-2.81,1.05l-1.91,0.01l-1.52,-0.53l-2.58,0.75l-0.66,-0.45l-0.62,0.3l-0.12,1.45l-0.89,0.84l-0.47,-0.67l0.79,-1.3l-0.41,-0.2l-1.43,0.23l-2.0,-0.63l-2.02,1.65l-3.51,0.3l-2.13,-1.53l-2.7,-0.1l-0.86,1.24l-1.38,0.27l-2.29,-1.44l-2.71,-0.01l-1.37,-2.65l-1.68,-1.52l1.07,-1.99l-0.09,-0.49l-1.27,-1.12l2.37,-2.41l3.7,-0.11l1.28,-2.24l4.49,0.37l3.21,-1.97l2.81,-0.82l3.99,-0.06l4.29,2.07ZM488.79,176.72l-1.72,1.31l-0.5,-0.88l1.37,-2.57l-0.7,-0.85l1.7,-0.63l1.8,0.34l0.46,1.17l1.76,0.78l-2.87,0.32l-1.3,1.01Z", name: "Turkey" }, LK: { path: "M624.16,268.99l-1.82,0.48l-0.99,-1.67l-0.42,-3.46l0.95,-3.43l1.21,0.98l2.26,4.19l-0.34,2.33l-0.85,0.58Z", name: "Sri Lanka" }, LV: { path: "M489.16,122.85l0.96,0.66l0.22,1.65l0.68,1.76l-3.65,1.7l-2.23,-1.58l-1.29,-0.26l-0.68,-0.77l-2.42,0.34l-4.16,-0.23l-2.47,0.9l0.06,-1.98l1.13,-2.06l1.95,-1.02l2.12,2.58l2.01,-0.07l0.38,-0.33l0.44,-2.52l1.76,-0.53l3.06,1.7l2.15,0.07Z", name: "Latvia" }, LT: { path: "M486.93,129.3l0.17,1.12l-1.81,0.98l-0.72,2.02l-2.47,1.18l-2.1,-0.02l-0.73,-1.05l-1.06,-0.3l-0.09,-1.87l-3.56,-1.13l-0.43,-2.36l2.48,-0.94l4.12,0.22l2.25,-0.31l0.52,0.69l1.24,0.21l2.19,1.56Z", name: "Lithuania" }, LU: { path: "M436.08,149.45l-0.48,-0.07l0.3,-1.28l0.27,0.4l-0.09,0.96Z", name: "Luxembourg" }, LR: { path: "M399.36,265.97l0.18,1.54l-0.48,0.99l0.08,0.47l2.47,1.8l-0.33,2.8l-2.65,-1.13l-5.78,-4.61l0.58,-1.32l2.1,-2.33l0.86,-0.22l0.77,1.14l-0.14,0.85l0.59,0.87l1.0,0.14l0.76,-0.99Z", name: "Liberia" }, LS: { path: "M491.06,363.48l-0.49,0.15l-1.49,-1.67l1.1,-1.43l2.19,-1.44l1.51,1.27l-0.98,1.82l-1.23,0.38l-0.62,0.93Z", name: "Lesotho" }, TH: { path: "M670.27,255.86l-1.41,3.87l0.15,2.0l0.38,0.36l1.38,0.07l0.9,2.04l0.55,2.34l1.4,1.44l1.61,0.38l0.96,0.97l-0.5,0.64l-1.1,0.2l-0.34,-1.18l-2.04,-1.1l-0.63,0.23l-0.63,-0.62l-0.48,-1.3l-2.56,-2.63l-0.73,0.41l0.95,-3.89l2.16,-4.22ZM670.67,254.77l-0.92,-2.18l-0.26,-2.61l-2.14,-3.06l0.71,-0.49l0.89,-2.59l-3.61,-5.45l0.87,-0.51l1.05,-2.58l1.74,-0.18l2.6,-1.59l0.76,0.56l0.13,1.39l0.37,0.36l1.23,0.09l-0.51,2.28l0.05,2.42l0.6,0.34l2.43,-1.42l0.77,0.39l1.47,-0.07l0.71,-0.88l1.48,0.14l1.71,1.88l0.25,2.65l1.92,2.11l-0.1,1.89l-0.61,0.86l-2.22,-0.33l-3.5,0.64l-1.6,2.12l0.36,2.58l-1.51,-0.79l-1.84,-0.01l0.28,-1.52l-0.4,-0.47l-2.21,0.01l-0.4,0.37l-0.19,2.74l-0.34,0.93Z", name: "Thailand" }, TF: { path: "M596.68,420.38l-3.2,0.18l-0.05,-1.26l0.39,-1.41l1.3,0.78l2.08,0.35l-0.52,1.36Z", name: "Fr. S. Antarctic Lands" }, TG: { path: "M422.7,257.63l-0.09,1.23l1.53,1.52l0.08,1.09l0.5,0.65l-0.11,5.62l0.49,1.47l-1.31,0.35l-1.02,-2.13l-0.18,-1.12l0.53,-2.19l-0.63,-1.16l-0.22,-3.68l-1.01,-1.4l0.07,-0.28l1.37,0.03Z", name: "Togo" }, TD: { path: "M480.25,235.49l0.12,9.57l-2.1,0.05l-1.14,1.89l-0.69,1.63l0.34,0.73l-0.66,0.91l0.24,0.89l-0.86,1.95l0.45,0.5l0.6,-0.1l0.34,0.64l0.03,1.38l0.9,1.04l-1.45,0.43l-1.27,1.03l-1.83,2.76l-2.16,1.07l-2.31,-0.15l-0.86,0.25l-0.26,0.49l0.17,0.61l-2.11,1.68l-2.85,0.87l-1.09,-0.57l-0.73,0.66l-1.12,0.1l-1.1,-3.12l-1.25,-0.64l-1.22,-1.22l0.29,-0.64l3.01,0.04l0.35,-0.6l-1.3,-2.2l-0.08,-3.31l-0.97,-1.66l0.22,-1.04l-0.38,-0.48l-1.22,-0.04l0.0,-1.25l-0.98,-1.07l0.96,-3.01l3.25,-2.65l0.13,-3.33l0.95,-5.18l0.52,-1.07l-0.1,-0.48l-0.91,-0.78l-0.2,-0.96l-0.8,-0.58l-0.55,-3.65l2.1,-1.2l19.57,9.83Z", name: "Chad" }, LY: { path: "M483.48,203.15l-0.75,1.1l0.29,1.39l-0.6,1.83l0.73,2.14l0.0,24.12l-2.48,0.01l-0.41,0.85l-19.41,-9.76l-4.41,2.28l-1.37,-1.33l-3.82,-1.1l-1.14,-1.65l-1.98,-1.23l-1.22,0.32l-0.66,-1.11l-0.17,-1.26l-1.28,-1.69l0.87,-1.19l-0.07,-4.34l0.43,-2.27l-0.86,-3.45l1.13,-0.76l0.22,-1.16l-0.2,-1.03l3.48,-2.61l0.29,-1.94l2.45,0.8l1.18,-0.21l1.98,0.44l3.15,1.18l1.37,2.54l5.72,1.67l2.64,1.35l1.61,-0.72l1.29,-1.34l-0.44,-2.34l0.66,-1.13l1.67,-1.21l1.57,-0.35l3.14,0.53l1.08,1.28l3.99,0.78l0.36,0.54Z", name: "Libya" }, AE: { path: "M550.76,223.97l1.88,-0.4l3.84,0.02l4.78,-4.75l0.19,0.36l0.26,1.58l-0.81,0.01l-0.39,0.35l-0.08,2.04l-0.81,0.63l-0.01,0.96l-0.66,0.99l-0.39,1.41l-7.08,-1.25l-0.7,-1.96Z", name: "United Arab Emirates" }, VE: { path: "M240.68,256.69l0.53,0.75l-0.02,1.06l-1.07,1.78l0.95,2.0l0.42,0.22l1.4,-0.44l0.56,-1.83l-0.77,-1.17l-0.1,-1.47l2.82,-0.93l0.26,-0.49l-0.28,-0.96l0.3,-0.28l0.66,1.31l1.96,0.26l1.4,1.22l0.08,0.68l0.39,0.35l4.81,-0.22l1.49,1.11l1.92,0.31l1.67,-0.84l0.22,-0.6l3.44,-0.14l-0.17,0.55l0.86,1.19l2.19,0.35l1.67,1.1l0.37,1.86l0.41,0.32l1.55,0.17l-1.66,1.35l-0.22,0.92l0.65,0.97l-1.67,0.54l-0.3,0.4l0.04,0.99l-0.56,0.57l-0.01,0.55l1.85,2.27l-0.66,0.69l-4.47,1.29l-0.72,0.54l-3.69,-0.9l-0.71,0.27l-0.02,0.7l0.91,0.53l-0.08,1.54l0.35,1.58l0.35,0.31l1.66,0.17l-1.3,0.52l-0.48,1.13l-2.68,0.91l-0.6,0.77l-1.57,0.13l-1.17,-1.13l-0.8,-2.52l-1.25,-1.26l1.02,-1.23l-1.29,-2.95l0.18,-1.62l1.0,-2.21l-0.2,-0.49l-1.14,-0.46l-4.02,0.36l-1.82,-2.1l-1.57,-0.33l-2.99,0.22l-1.06,-0.97l0.25,-1.23l-0.2,-1.01l-0.59,-0.69l-0.29,-1.06l-1.08,-0.39l0.78,-2.79l1.9,-2.11Z", name: "Venezuela" }, AF: { path: "M600.7,188.88l-1.57,1.3l-0.1,0.48l0.8,2.31l-1.09,1.04l-0.03,1.27l-0.48,0.71l-2.16,-0.08l-0.37,0.59l0.78,1.48l-1.38,0.69l-1.06,1.69l0.06,1.7l-0.65,0.52l-0.91,-0.21l-1.91,0.36l-0.48,0.77l-1.88,0.13l-1.4,1.56l-0.18,2.32l-2.91,1.02l-1.65,-0.23l-0.71,0.55l-1.41,-0.3l-2.41,0.39l-3.52,-1.17l1.96,-2.35l-0.21,-1.78l-0.3,-0.34l-1.63,-0.4l-0.19,-1.58l-0.75,-2.03l0.95,-1.36l-0.19,-0.6l-0.73,-0.28l1.47,-4.8l2.14,0.9l2.12,-0.36l0.74,-1.34l1.77,-0.39l1.54,-0.92l0.63,-2.31l1.87,-0.5l0.49,-0.81l0.94,0.56l2.13,0.11l2.55,0.92l1.95,-0.83l0.65,0.43l0.56,-0.13l0.69,-1.12l1.57,-0.08l0.72,-1.66l0.79,-0.74l0.8,0.39l-0.17,0.56l0.71,0.58l-0.08,2.39l1.11,0.95ZM601.37,188.71l1.73,-0.71l1.43,-1.18l4.03,0.35l-2.23,0.74l-4.95,0.8Z", name: "Afghanistan" }, IQ: { path: "M530.82,187.47l0.79,0.66l1.26,-0.28l1.46,3.08l1.63,0.94l0.14,1.23l-1.22,1.05l-0.53,2.52l1.73,2.67l3.12,1.62l1.15,1.88l-0.38,1.85l0.39,0.48l0.41,-0.0l0.02,1.07l0.76,0.94l-2.47,-0.1l-1.71,2.44l-4.31,-0.2l-7.02,-5.48l-3.73,-1.94l-2.88,-0.73l-0.85,-2.87l5.45,-3.02l0.95,-3.43l-0.19,-1.96l1.27,-0.7l1.22,-1.7l0.87,-0.36l2.69,0.34Z", name: "Iraq" }, IS: { path: "M384.14,88.06l-0.37,2.61l2.54,2.51l-2.9,2.75l-9.19,3.4l-9.25,-1.66l1.7,-1.22l-0.1,-0.7l-4.05,-1.47l2.96,-0.53l0.33,-0.43l-0.11,-1.2l-0.33,-0.36l-4.67,-0.85l1.28,-2.04l3.45,-0.56l3.77,2.72l0.44,0.02l3.64,-2.16l3.3,1.08l3.98,-2.16l3.58,0.26Z", name: "Iceland" }, IR: { path: "M533.43,187.16l-1.27,-2.15l0.42,-0.98l-0.71,-3.04l1.03,-0.5l0.33,0.83l1.26,1.35l2.05,0.51l1.11,-0.16l2.89,-2.11l0.62,-0.14l0.39,0.46l-0.72,1.2l0.06,0.49l1.56,1.53l0.65,0.04l0.67,1.81l2.56,0.83l1.87,1.48l3.69,0.49l3.91,-0.76l0.47,-0.73l2.17,-0.6l1.66,-1.54l1.51,0.08l1.18,-0.53l1.59,0.24l2.83,1.48l1.88,0.3l2.77,2.47l1.77,0.18l0.18,1.99l-1.68,5.49l0.24,0.5l0.61,0.23l-0.82,1.48l0.8,2.18l0.19,1.71l0.3,0.34l1.63,0.4l0.15,1.32l-2.15,2.35l-0.01,0.53l2.21,3.03l2.34,1.24l0.06,2.14l1.24,0.72l0.11,0.69l-3.31,1.27l-1.08,3.03l-9.68,-1.68l-0.99,-3.05l-1.43,-0.73l-2.17,0.46l-2.47,1.26l-2.83,-0.82l-2.46,-2.02l-2.41,-0.8l-3.42,-6.06l-0.48,-0.2l-1.18,0.39l-1.44,-0.82l-0.5,0.08l-0.65,0.74l-0.97,-1.01l-0.02,-1.31l-0.71,-0.39l0.26,-1.81l-1.29,-2.11l-3.13,-1.63l-1.58,-2.43l0.5,-1.9l1.31,-1.26l-0.19,-1.66l-1.74,-1.1l-1.57,-3.3Z", name: "Iran" }, AM: { path: "M536.99,182.33l-0.28,0.03l-1.23,-2.13l-0.93,0.01l-0.62,-0.66l-0.69,-0.07l-0.96,-0.81l-1.56,-0.62l0.19,-1.12l-0.26,-0.79l2.72,-0.36l1.09,1.01l-0.17,0.92l1.02,0.78l-0.47,0.62l0.08,0.56l2.04,1.23l0.04,1.4Z", name: "Armenia" }, AL: { path: "M470.32,171.8l0.74,0.03l0.92,0.89l-0.17,1.95l0.36,1.28l1.01,0.82l-1.82,2.83l-0.19,-0.61l-1.25,-0.89l-0.18,-1.2l0.53,-2.82l-0.54,-1.47l0.6,-0.83Z", name: "Albania" }, AO: { path: "M461.55,300.03l1.26,3.15l1.94,2.36l2.47,-0.53l1.25,0.32l0.44,-0.18l0.93,-1.92l1.31,-0.08l0.41,-0.44l0.47,-0.0l-0.1,0.41l0.39,0.49l2.65,-0.02l0.03,1.19l0.48,1.01l-0.34,1.52l0.18,1.55l0.83,1.04l-0.13,2.85l0.54,0.39l3.96,-0.41l-0.1,1.79l0.39,1.05l-0.24,1.43l-4.7,-0.03l-0.4,0.39l-0.12,8.13l2.92,3.49l-3.83,0.88l-5.89,-0.36l-1.88,-1.24l-10.47,0.22l-1.3,-1.01l-1.85,-0.16l-2.4,0.77l-0.15,-1.06l0.33,-2.16l1.0,-3.45l1.35,-3.2l2.24,-2.8l0.33,-2.06l-0.13,-1.53l-0.8,-1.08l-1.21,-2.87l0.87,-1.62l-1.27,-4.12l-1.17,-1.53l2.47,-0.63l7.03,0.03ZM451.71,298.87l-0.47,-1.25l1.25,-1.11l0.32,0.3l-0.99,1.03l-0.12,1.03Z", name: "Angola" }, AR: { path: "M249.29,428.93l-2.33,-0.52l-5.83,-0.43l-0.89,-1.66l0.05,-2.37l-0.45,-0.4l-1.43,0.18l-0.67,-0.91l-0.2,-3.13l1.88,-1.47l0.79,-2.04l-0.25,-1.7l1.3,-2.68l0.91,-4.15l-0.22,-1.69l0.85,-0.45l0.2,-0.44l-0.27,-1.16l-0.98,-0.68l0.59,-0.92l-0.05,-0.5l-1.04,-1.07l-0.52,-3.1l0.97,-0.86l-0.42,-3.58l1.2,-5.43l1.38,-0.98l0.16,-0.43l-0.75,-2.79l-0.01,-2.43l1.78,-1.75l0.06,-2.57l1.43,-2.85l0.01,-2.58l-0.69,-0.74l-1.09,-4.52l1.47,-2.7l-0.18,-2.79l0.85,-2.35l1.59,-2.46l1.73,-1.64l0.05,-0.52l-0.6,-0.84l0.44,-0.85l-0.07,-4.19l2.7,-1.44l0.86,-2.75l-0.21,-0.71l1.76,-2.01l2.9,0.57l1.38,1.78l0.68,-0.08l0.87,-1.87l2.39,0.09l4.95,4.77l2.17,0.49l3.0,1.92l2.47,1.0l0.25,0.82l-2.37,3.93l0.23,0.59l5.39,1.16l2.12,-0.44l2.45,-2.16l0.5,-2.38l0.76,-0.31l0.98,1.2l-0.04,1.8l-3.67,2.51l-2.85,2.66l-3.43,3.88l-1.3,5.07l0.01,2.72l-0.54,0.73l-0.36,3.28l3.14,2.64l-0.16,2.11l1.4,1.11l-0.1,1.09l-2.29,3.52l-3.55,1.49l-4.92,0.6l-2.71,-0.29l-0.43,0.51l0.5,1.65l-0.49,2.1l0.38,1.42l-1.19,0.83l-2.36,0.38l-2.3,-1.04l-1.38,0.83l0.41,3.64l1.69,0.91l1.4,-0.71l0.36,0.76l-2.04,0.86l-2.01,1.89l-0.97,4.63l-2.34,0.1l-2.09,1.78l-0.61,2.75l2.46,2.31l2.17,0.63l-0.7,2.32l-2.83,1.73l-1.73,3.86l-2.17,1.22l-1.16,1.67l0.75,3.76l1.04,1.28ZM256.71,438.88l-2.0,0.15l-1.4,-1.22l-3.82,-0.1l-0.0,-5.83l1.6,3.05l3.26,2.07l3.08,0.78l-0.71,1.1Z", name: "Argentina" }, AU: { path: "M705.8,353.26l0.26,0.04l0.17,-0.47l-0.48,-1.42l0.92,1.11l0.45,0.15l0.27,-0.39l-0.1,-1.56l-1.98,-3.63l1.09,-3.31l-0.24,-1.57l0.34,-0.62l0.38,1.06l0.43,-0.19l0.99,-1.7l1.91,-0.83l1.29,-1.15l1.81,-0.91l0.96,-0.17l0.92,0.26l1.92,-0.95l1.47,-0.28l1.03,-0.8l1.43,0.04l2.78,-0.84l1.36,-1.15l0.71,-1.45l1.41,-1.26l0.3,-2.58l1.27,-1.59l0.78,1.65l0.54,0.19l1.07,-0.51l0.15,-0.6l-0.73,-1.0l0.45,-0.71l0.78,0.39l0.58,-0.3l0.28,-1.82l1.87,-2.14l1.12,-0.39l0.28,-0.58l0.62,0.17l0.53,-0.73l1.87,-0.57l1.65,1.05l1.35,1.48l3.39,0.38l0.43,-0.54l-0.46,-1.23l1.05,-1.79l1.04,-0.61l0.14,-0.55l-0.25,-0.41l0.88,-1.17l1.31,-0.77l1.3,0.27l2.1,-0.48l0.31,-0.4l-0.05,-1.3l-0.92,-0.77l1.48,0.56l1.41,1.07l2.11,0.65l0.81,-0.2l1.4,0.7l1.69,-0.66l0.8,0.19l0.64,-0.33l0.71,0.77l-1.33,1.94l-0.71,0.07l-0.35,0.51l0.24,0.86l-1.52,2.35l0.12,1.05l2.15,1.65l1.97,0.85l3.04,2.36l1.97,0.65l0.55,0.88l2.72,0.85l1.84,-1.1l2.07,-5.97l-0.42,-3.59l0.3,-1.73l0.47,-0.87l-0.31,-0.68l1.09,-3.28l0.46,-0.47l0.4,0.71l0.16,1.51l0.65,0.52l0.16,1.04l0.85,1.21l0.12,2.38l0.9,2.0l0.57,0.18l1.3,-0.78l1.69,1.7l-0.2,1.08l0.53,2.2l0.39,1.3l0.68,0.48l0.6,1.95l-0.19,1.48l0.81,1.76l6.01,3.69l-0.11,0.76l1.38,1.58l0.95,2.77l0.58,0.22l0.72,-0.41l0.8,0.9l0.61,0.01l0.46,2.41l4.81,4.71l0.66,2.02l-0.07,3.31l1.14,2.2l-0.13,2.24l-1.1,3.68l0.03,1.64l-0.47,1.89l-1.05,2.4l-1.9,1.47l-1.72,3.51l-2.38,6.09l-0.24,2.82l-1.14,0.8l-2.85,0.15l-2.31,1.19l-2.51,2.25l-3.09,-1.57l0.3,-1.15l-0.54,-0.47l-1.5,0.63l-2.01,1.94l-7.12,-2.18l-1.48,-1.63l-1.14,-3.74l-1.45,-1.26l-1.81,-0.26l0.56,-1.18l-0.61,-2.1l-0.72,-0.1l-1.14,1.82l-0.9,0.21l0.63,-0.82l0.36,-1.55l0.92,-1.31l-0.13,-2.34l-0.7,-0.22l-2.0,2.34l-1.51,0.93l-0.94,2.01l-1.35,-0.81l-0.02,-1.52l-1.57,-2.04l-1.09,-0.88l0.24,-0.33l-0.14,-0.59l-3.21,-1.69l-1.83,-0.12l-2.54,-1.35l-4.58,0.28l-6.02,1.9l-2.53,-0.13l-2.62,1.41l-2.13,0.63l-1.49,2.6l-3.49,0.31l-2.29,-0.5l-3.48,0.43l-1.6,1.47l-0.81,-0.04l-2.37,1.63l-3.26,-0.1l-3.72,-2.21l0.04,-1.05l1.19,-0.46l0.49,-0.89l0.21,-2.97l-0.28,-1.64l-1.34,-2.86l-0.38,-1.47l0.05,-1.72l-0.95,-1.7l-0.18,-0.97l-1.01,-0.99l-0.29,-1.98l-1.13,-1.75ZM784.92,393.44l2.65,1.02l3.23,-0.96l1.09,0.14l0.15,3.06l-0.85,1.13l-0.17,1.63l-0.87,-0.24l-1.57,1.91l-1.68,-0.18l-1.4,-2.36l-0.37,-2.04l-1.39,-2.51l0.04,-0.8l1.15,0.18Z", name: "Australia" }, AT: { path: "M462.89,152.8l0.04,2.25l-1.07,0.0l-0.33,0.63l0.36,0.51l-1.04,2.13l-2.02,0.07l-1.33,0.7l-5.29,-0.99l-0.47,-0.93l-0.44,-0.21l-2.47,0.55l-0.42,0.51l-3.18,-0.81l0.43,-0.91l1.12,0.78l0.6,-0.17l0.25,-0.58l1.93,0.12l1.86,-0.56l1.0,0.08l0.68,0.57l0.62,-0.15l0.26,-0.77l-0.3,-1.78l0.8,-0.44l0.68,-1.15l1.52,0.85l0.47,-0.06l1.34,-1.25l0.64,-0.17l1.81,0.92l1.28,-0.11l0.7,0.37Z", name: "Austria" }, IN: { path: "M623.34,207.03l-1.24,1.04l-0.97,2.55l0.22,0.51l8.04,3.87l3.42,0.37l1.57,1.38l4.92,0.88l2.18,-0.04l0.38,-0.3l0.29,-1.24l-0.32,-1.64l0.14,-0.87l0.82,-0.31l0.45,2.48l2.28,1.02l1.77,-0.38l4.14,0.1l0.38,-0.36l0.18,-1.66l-0.5,-0.65l1.37,-0.29l2.25,-1.99l2.7,-1.62l1.93,0.62l1.8,-0.98l0.79,1.14l-0.68,0.91l0.26,0.63l2.42,0.36l0.09,0.47l-0.83,0.75l0.13,1.07l-1.52,-0.29l-3.24,1.86l-0.13,1.78l-1.32,2.14l-0.18,1.39l-0.93,1.82l-1.64,-0.5l-0.52,0.37l-0.09,2.63l-0.56,1.11l0.19,0.81l-0.53,0.27l-1.18,-3.73l-1.08,-0.27l-0.38,0.31l-0.24,1.0l-0.66,-0.66l0.54,-1.06l1.22,-0.34l1.15,-2.25l-0.24,-0.56l-1.57,-0.47l-4.34,-0.28l-0.18,-1.56l-0.35,-0.35l-1.11,-0.12l-1.91,-1.12l-0.56,0.17l-0.88,1.82l0.11,0.49l1.36,1.07l-1.09,0.69l-0.69,1.11l0.18,0.56l1.24,0.57l-0.32,1.54l0.85,1.94l0.36,2.01l-0.22,0.59l-4.58,0.52l-0.33,0.42l0.13,1.8l-1.17,1.36l-3.65,1.81l-2.79,3.03l-4.32,3.28l-0.18,1.27l-4.65,1.79l-0.77,2.16l0.64,5.3l-1.06,2.49l-0.01,3.94l-1.24,0.28l-1.14,1.93l0.39,0.84l-1.68,0.53l-1.04,1.83l-0.65,0.47l-2.06,-2.05l-2.1,-6.02l-2.2,-3.64l-1.05,-4.75l-2.29,-3.57l-1.76,-8.2l0.01,-3.11l-0.49,-2.53l-0.55,-0.29l-3.53,1.52l-1.53,-0.27l-2.86,-2.77l0.85,-0.67l0.08,-0.55l-0.74,-1.03l-2.67,-2.06l1.24,-1.32l5.34,0.01l0.39,-0.49l-0.5,-2.29l-1.42,-1.46l-0.27,-1.93l-1.43,-1.2l2.31,-2.37l3.05,0.06l2.62,-2.85l1.6,-2.81l2.4,-2.73l0.07,-2.04l1.97,-1.48l-0.02,-0.65l-1.93,-1.31l-0.82,-1.78l-0.8,-2.21l0.9,-0.89l3.59,0.65l2.92,-0.42l2.33,-2.19l2.31,2.85l-0.24,2.13l0.99,1.59l-0.05,0.82l-1.34,-0.28l-0.47,0.48l0.7,3.06l2.62,1.99l2.99,1.65Z", name: "India" }, TZ: { path: "M495.56,296.42l2.8,-3.12l-0.02,-0.81l-0.64,-1.3l0.68,-0.52l0.14,-1.47l-0.76,-1.25l0.31,-0.11l2.26,0.03l-0.51,2.76l0.76,1.3l0.5,0.12l1.05,-0.53l1.19,-0.12l0.61,0.24l1.43,-0.62l0.1,-0.67l-0.71,-0.62l1.57,-1.7l8.65,4.86l0.32,1.53l3.34,2.33l-1.05,2.8l0.13,1.61l1.63,1.12l-0.6,1.76l-0.01,2.33l1.89,4.03l0.57,0.43l-1.46,1.08l-2.61,0.94l-1.43,-0.04l-1.06,0.77l-2.29,0.36l-2.87,-0.68l-0.83,0.07l-0.63,-0.75l-0.31,-2.78l-1.32,-1.35l-3.25,-0.77l-3.96,-1.58l-1.18,-2.41l-0.32,-1.75l-1.76,-1.49l0.42,-1.05l-0.44,-0.89l0.08,-0.96l-0.46,-0.58l0.06,-0.56Z", name: "Tanzania" }, AZ: { path: "M539.29,175.73l1.33,0.32l1.94,-1.8l2.3,3.34l1.43,0.43l-1.26,0.15l-0.35,0.32l-0.8,3.14l-0.99,0.96l0.05,1.11l-1.26,-1.13l0.7,-1.18l-0.04,-0.47l-0.74,-0.86l-1.48,0.15l-2.34,1.71l-0.03,-1.27l-2.03,-1.35l0.47,-0.62l-0.08,-0.56l-1.03,-0.79l0.29,-0.43l-0.14,-0.58l-1.13,-0.86l1.89,0.68l1.69,0.06l0.37,-0.87l-0.81,-1.37l0.42,0.06l1.63,1.72ZM533.78,180.57l0.61,0.46l0.69,-0.0l0.59,1.15l-0.68,-0.15l-1.21,-1.45Z", name: "Azerbaijan" }, IE: { path: "M405.08,135.42l0.35,2.06l-1.75,2.78l-4.22,1.88l-2.84,-0.4l1.73,-3.0l-1.18,-3.53l4.6,-3.74l0.32,1.15l-0.49,1.74l0.4,0.51l1.47,-0.04l1.6,0.6Z", name: "Ireland" }, ID: { path: "M756.47,287.89l0.69,4.01l2.79,1.78l0.51,-0.1l2.04,-2.59l2.71,-1.43l2.05,-0.0l3.9,1.73l2.46,0.45l0.08,15.12l-1.75,-1.54l-2.54,-0.51l-0.88,0.71l-2.32,0.06l0.69,-1.33l1.45,-0.64l0.23,-0.46l-0.65,-2.74l-1.24,-2.21l-5.04,-2.29l-2.09,-0.23l-3.68,-2.27l-0.55,0.13l-0.65,1.07l-0.52,0.12l-0.55,-1.89l-1.21,-0.78l1.84,-0.62l1.72,0.05l0.39,-0.52l-0.21,-0.66l-0.38,-0.28l-3.45,-0.0l-1.13,-1.48l-2.1,-0.43l-0.52,-0.6l2.69,-0.48l1.28,-0.78l3.66,0.94l0.3,0.71ZM757.91,300.34l-0.62,0.82l-0.1,-0.8l0.59,-1.12l0.13,1.1ZM747.38,292.98l0.34,0.72l-1.22,-0.57l-4.68,-0.1l0.27,-0.62l2.78,-0.09l2.52,0.67ZM741.05,285.25l-0.67,-2.88l0.64,-2.01l0.41,0.86l1.21,0.18l0.16,0.7l-0.1,1.68l-0.84,-0.16l-0.46,0.3l-0.34,1.34ZM739.05,293.5l-0.5,0.44l-1.34,-0.36l-0.17,-0.37l1.73,-0.08l0.27,0.36ZM721.45,284.51l-0.19,1.97l2.24,2.23l0.54,0.02l1.27,-1.07l2.75,-0.5l-0.9,1.21l-2.11,0.93l-0.16,0.6l2.22,3.01l-0.3,1.07l1.36,1.74l-2.26,0.85l-0.28,-0.31l0.12,-1.19l-1.64,-1.34l0.17,-2.23l-0.56,-0.39l-1.67,0.76l-0.23,0.39l0.3,6.17l-1.1,0.25l-0.69,-0.47l0.64,-2.21l-0.39,-2.42l-0.39,-0.34l-0.8,-0.01l-0.58,-1.29l0.98,-1.6l0.35,-1.96l1.32,-3.87ZM728.59,296.27l0.38,0.49l-0.02,1.28l-0.88,0.49l-0.53,-0.47l1.04,-1.79ZM729.04,286.98l0.27,-0.05l-0.02,0.13l-0.24,-0.08ZM721.68,284.05l0.16,-0.32l1.89,-1.65l1.83,0.68l3.16,0.35l2.94,-0.1l2.39,-1.66l-1.73,2.13l-1.66,0.43l-2.41,-0.48l-4.17,0.13l-2.39,0.51ZM730.55,310.47l1.11,-1.93l2.03,-0.82l0.08,0.62l-1.45,1.67l-1.77,0.46ZM728.12,305.88l-0.1,0.38l-3.46,0.66l-2.91,-0.27l-0.0,-0.25l1.54,-0.41l1.66,0.73l1.67,-0.19l1.61,-0.65ZM722.9,310.24l-0.64,0.03l-2.26,-1.2l1.11,-0.24l1.78,1.41ZM716.26,305.77l0.88,0.51l1.28,-0.17l0.2,0.35l-4.65,0.73l0.39,-0.67l1.15,-0.02l0.75,-0.73ZM711.66,293.84l-0.38,-0.16l-2.54,1.01l-1.12,-1.44l-1.69,-0.13l-1.16,-0.75l-3.04,0.77l-1.1,-1.15l-3.31,-0.11l-0.35,-3.05l-1.35,-0.95l-1.11,-1.98l-0.33,-2.06l0.27,-2.14l0.9,-1.01l0.37,1.15l2.09,1.49l1.53,-0.48l1.82,0.08l1.38,-1.19l1.0,-0.18l2.28,0.67l2.26,-0.53l1.52,-3.64l1.01,-0.99l0.78,-2.57l4.1,0.3l-1.11,1.77l0.02,0.46l1.7,2.2l-0.23,1.39l2.07,1.71l-2.33,0.42l-0.88,1.9l0.1,2.05l-2.4,1.9l-0.06,2.45l-0.7,2.79ZM692.58,302.03l0.35,0.26l4.8,0.25l0.78,-0.97l4.17,1.09l1.13,1.68l3.69,0.45l2.13,1.04l-1.8,0.6l-2.77,-0.99l-4.8,-0.12l-5.24,-1.41l-1.84,-0.25l-1.11,0.3l-4.26,-0.97l-0.7,-1.14l-1.59,-0.13l1.18,-1.65l2.74,0.13l2.87,1.13l0.26,0.68ZM685.53,299.17l-2.22,0.04l-2.06,-2.03l-3.15,-2.01l-2.93,-3.51l-3.11,-5.33l-2.2,-2.12l-1.64,-4.06l-2.32,-1.69l-1.27,-2.07l-1.96,-1.5l-2.51,-2.65l-0.11,-0.66l4.81,0.53l2.15,2.38l3.31,2.74l2.35,2.66l2.7,0.17l1.95,1.59l1.54,2.17l1.59,0.95l-0.84,1.71l0.15,0.52l1.44,0.87l0.79,0.1l0.4,1.58l0.87,1.4l1.96,0.39l1.0,1.31l-0.6,3.01l-0.09,3.5Z", name: "Indonesia" }, UA: { path: "M492.5,162.44l1.28,-2.49l1.82,0.19l0.66,-0.23l0.09,-0.71l-0.25,-0.75l-0.79,-0.72l-0.33,-1.21l-0.86,-0.62l-0.02,-1.19l-1.13,-0.86l-1.15,-0.19l-2.04,-1.0l-1.66,0.32l-0.66,0.47l-0.92,-0.0l-0.84,0.78l-2.48,0.7l-1.18,-0.71l-3.07,-0.36l-0.89,0.43l-0.24,-0.55l-1.11,-0.7l0.35,-0.93l1.26,-1.02l-0.54,-1.23l2.04,-2.43l1.4,-0.62l0.25,-1.19l-1.04,-2.39l0.83,-0.13l1.28,-0.84l1.8,-0.07l2.47,0.26l2.86,0.81l1.88,0.06l0.86,0.44l1.04,-0.41l0.77,0.66l2.18,-0.15l0.92,0.3l0.52,-0.34l0.15,-1.53l0.56,-0.54l2.85,-0.05l0.84,-0.72l3.04,-0.18l1.23,1.46l-0.48,0.77l0.21,1.03l0.36,0.32l1.8,0.14l0.93,2.08l3.18,1.15l1.94,-0.45l1.67,1.49l1.4,-0.03l3.35,0.96l0.02,0.54l-0.96,1.59l0.47,1.97l-0.26,0.7l-2.36,0.28l-1.29,0.89l-0.23,1.38l-1.83,0.27l-1.58,0.97l-2.41,0.21l-2.16,1.17l-0.21,0.38l0.34,2.26l1.23,0.75l2.13,-0.08l-0.14,0.31l-2.65,0.53l-3.23,1.69l-0.87,-0.39l0.42,-1.1l-0.25,-0.52l-2.21,-0.73l2.35,-1.06l0.12,-0.65l-0.93,-0.82l-3.62,-0.74l-0.13,-0.89l-0.46,-0.34l-2.61,0.59l-0.91,1.69l-1.71,2.04l-0.86,-0.4l-1.62,0.27Z", name: "Ukraine" }, QA: { path: "M549.33,221.64l-0.76,-0.23l-0.14,-1.64l0.84,-1.29l0.47,0.52l0.04,1.34l-0.45,1.3Z", name: "Qatar" }, MZ: { path: "M508.58,318.75l-0.34,-2.57l0.51,-2.05l3.55,0.63l2.5,-0.38l1.02,-0.76l1.49,0.01l2.74,-0.98l1.66,-1.2l0.5,9.24l0.41,1.23l-0.68,1.67l-0.93,1.71l-1.5,1.5l-5.16,2.28l-2.78,2.73l-1.02,0.53l-1.71,1.8l-0.98,0.57l-0.35,2.41l1.16,1.94l0.49,2.17l0.43,0.31l-0.06,2.06l-0.39,1.17l0.5,0.72l-0.25,0.73l-0.92,0.83l-5.12,2.39l-1.22,1.36l0.21,1.13l0.58,0.39l-0.11,0.72l-1.22,-0.01l-0.73,-2.97l0.42,-3.09l-1.78,-5.37l2.49,-2.81l0.69,-1.89l0.44,-0.43l0.28,-1.53l-0.39,-0.93l0.59,-3.65l-0.01,-3.26l-1.49,-1.16l-1.2,-0.22l-1.74,-1.17l-1.92,0.01l-0.29,-2.08l7.06,-1.96l1.28,1.09l0.89,-0.1l0.67,0.44l0.1,0.73l-0.51,1.29l0.19,1.81l1.75,1.83l0.65,-0.13l0.71,-1.65l1.17,-0.86l-0.26,-3.47l-1.05,-1.85l-1.04,-0.94Z", name: "Mozambique" } }, height: 440.7063107441331, projection: { type: "mill", centralMeridian: 11.5 }, width: 900 }) }).call(this, n(1)) }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; n.r(t); var i = n(5), r = n.n(i), a = (n(205), function () { return Math.round(100 * Math.random()) }), o = r.a.helpers.color, l = (o(window.chartColors.red).alpha(.5).rgbString(), window.chartColors.red, a(), a(), a(), a(), a(), a(), a(), o(window.chartColors.blue).alpha(.5).rgbString(), window.chartColors.blue, a(), a(), a(), a(), a(), a(), a()), s = { type: "pie", data: { datasets: [{ data: [a(), a(), a(), a(), a()], backgroundColor: [window.chartColors.red, window.chartColors.orange, window.chartColors.yellow, window.chartColors.green, window.chartColors.blue], label: "Dataset 1" }], labels: ["Red", "Orange", "Yellow", "Green", "Blue"] }, options: { responsive: !0 } }, d = (l = { labels: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July"], datasets: [{ label: "Dataset 1", backgroundColor: window.chartColors.red, data: [a(), a(), a(), a(), a(), a(), a()] }, { label: "Dataset 2", backgroundColor: window.chartColors.blue, data: [a(), a(), a(), a(), a(), a(), a()] }, { label: "Dataset 3", backgroundColor: window.chartColors.green, data: [a(), a(), a(), a(), a(), a(), a()] }] }, { type: "radar", data: { labels: [["Eating", "Dinner"], ["Drinking", "Water"], "Sleeping", ["Designing", "Graphics"], "Coding", "Cycling", "Running"], datasets: [{ label: "My First dataset", backgroundColor: o(window.chartColors.red).alpha(.2).rgbString(), borderColor: window.chartColors.red, pointBackgroundColor: window.chartColors.red, data: [a(), a(), a(), a(), a(), a(), a()] }, { label: "My Second dataset", backgroundColor: o(window.chartColors.blue).alpha(.2).rgbString(), borderColor: window.chartColors.blue, pointBackgroundColor: window.chartColors.blue, data: [a(), a(), a(), a(), a(), a(), a()] }] }, options: { legend: { position: "top" }, title: { display: !1, text: "Chart.js Radar Chart" }, scale: { ticks: { beginAtZero: !0 } } } }), u = { type: "doughnut", data: { datasets: [{ data: [a(), a(), a(), a(), a()], backgroundColor: [window.chartColors.red, window.chartColors.orange, window.chartColors.yellow, window.chartColors.green, window.chartColors.blue], label: "Dataset 1" }], labels: ["Red", "Orange", "Yellow", "Green", "Blue"] }, options: { responsive: !0, legend: { position: "top" }, title: { display: !1, text: "Chart.js Doughnut Chart" }, animation: { animateScale: !0, animateRotate: !0 } } }, c = { type: "doughnut", data: { datasets: [{ data: [a(), a(), a(), a(), a()], backgroundColor: [window.chartColors.red, window.chartColors.orange, window.chartColors.yellow, window.chartColors.green, window.chartColors.blue], label: "Dataset 1" }], labels: ["Red", "Orange", "Yellow", "Green", "Blue"] }, options: { responsive: !0, maintainAspectRatio: !1, legend: { display: !1 }, title: { display: !1, text: "Chart.js Doughnut Chart" }, animation: { animateScale: !0, animateRotate: !0 } } }, h = { data: { datasets: [{ data: [a(), a(), a(), a(), a()], backgroundColor: [o(chartColors.red).alpha(.5).rgbString(), o(chartColors.orange).alpha(.5).rgbString(), o(chartColors.yellow).alpha(.5).rgbString(), o(chartColors.green).alpha(.5).rgbString(), o(chartColors.blue).alpha(.5).rgbString()], label: "My dataset" }], labels: ["Red", "Orange", "Yellow", "Green", "Blue"] }, options: { responsive: !0, legend: { position: "right" }, title: { display: !1, text: "Chart.js Polar Area Chart" }, scale: { ticks: { beginAtZero: !0 }, reverse: !1 }, animation: { animateRotate: !1, animateScale: !0 } } }, p = { type: "line", data: { labels: {month_list}, datasets: [{ label: "Messages", backgroundColor: window.chartColors.purple, borderColor: window.chartColors.purple, data: {monthly_messages}, fill: !1 }, { label: "Posts", fill: !1, backgroundColor: window.chartColors.green, borderColor: window.chartColors.green, data: {monthly_posts} }, { label: "Photos", fill: !1, backgroundColor: window.chartColors.blue, borderColor: window.chartColors.blue, data: {monthly_photos} }] }, options: { responsive: !0, maintainAspectRatio: !1, title: { display: !1, text: "Chart.js Line Chart" }, legend: { display: !1 }, layout: { padding: { left: 10, right: 10, top: 10, bottom: 0 } }, tooltips: { mode: "index", intersect: !1 }, hover: { mode: "nearest", intersect: !0 }, pointBackgroundColor: "#fff", pointBorderColor: window.chartColors.blue, pointBorderWidth: "2", scales: { xAxes: [{ display: !1, scaleLabel: { display: !0, labelString: "Month" } }], yAxes: [{ display: !1, scaleLabel: { display: !0, labelString: "Value" } }] } } }, f = { labels: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July"], datasets: [{ label: "Dataset 1", backgroundColor: o(window.chartColors.red).alpha(.5).rgbString(), borderColor: window.chartColors.red, borderWidth: 1, data: [a(), a(), a(), a(), a(), a(), a()] }, { label: "Dataset 2", backgroundColor: o(window.chartColors.blue).alpha(.5).rgbString(), borderColor: window.chartColors.blue, data: [a(), a(), a(), a(), a(), a(), a()] }] }; window.onload = function () { if (document.getElementById("canvas")) { var e = document.getElementById("canvas").getContext("2d"); window.myBar = new r.a(e, { type: "bar", data: l, options: { responsive: !0, legend: { position: "top" }, title: { display: !1, text: "Chart.js Bar Chart" } } }) } if (document.getElementById("chart-area")) { var t = document.getElementById("chart-area").getContext("2d"); window.myPie = new r.a(t, s) } if (document.getElementById("doughnut-chart")) { var n = document.getElementById("doughnut-chart").getContext("2d"); window.myDoughnut = new r.a(n, u) } if (document.getElementById("doughnut-chart-2")) { var i = document.getElementById("doughnut-chart-2").getContext("2d"); window.myDoughnut = new r.a(i, c) } if (document.getElementById("doughnut-chart-3")) { var a = document.getElementById("doughnut-chart-3").getContext("2d"); window.myDoughnut = new r.a(a, c) } if (document.getElementById("radar-chart") && (window.myRadar = new r.a(document.getElementById("radar-chart"), d)), 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}] } } }) } } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; n(3)._set("global", { responsive: !0, responsiveAnimationDuration: 0, maintainAspectRatio: !0, events: ["mousemove", "mouseout", "click", "touchstart", "touchmove"], hover: { onHover: null, mode: "nearest", intersect: !0, animationDuration: 400 }, onClick: null, defaultColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.1)", defaultFontColor: "#666", defaultFontFamily: "'Helvetica Neue', 'Helvetica', 'Arial', sans-serif", defaultFontSize: 12, defaultFontStyle: "normal", showLines: !0, elements: {}, layout: { padding: { top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0 } } }), e.exports = function () { var e = function (e, t) { return this.construct(e, t), this }; return e.Chart = e, e } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(12), r = { linear: function (e) { return e }, easeInQuad: function (e) { return e * e }, easeOutQuad: function (e) { return -e * (e - 2) }, easeInOutQuad: function (e) { return (e /= .5) < 1 ? .5 * e * e : -.5 * (--e * (e - 2) - 1) }, easeInCubic: function (e) { return e * e * e }, easeOutCubic: function (e) { return (e -= 1) * e * e + 1 }, easeInOutCubic: function (e) { return (e /= .5) < 1 ? .5 * e * e * e : .5 * ((e -= 2) * e * e + 2) }, easeInQuart: function (e) { return e * e * e * e }, easeOutQuart: function (e) { return -((e -= 1) * e * e * e - 1) }, easeInOutQuart: function (e) { return (e /= .5) < 1 ? .5 * e * e * e * e : -.5 * ((e -= 2) * e * e * e - 2) }, easeInQuint: function (e) { return e * e * e * e * e }, easeOutQuint: function (e) { return (e -= 1) * e * e * e * e + 1 }, easeInOutQuint: function (e) { return (e /= .5) < 1 ? .5 * e * e * e * e * e : .5 * ((e -= 2) * e * e * e * e + 2) }, easeInSine: function (e) { return 1 - Math.cos(e * (Math.PI / 2)) }, easeOutSine: function (e) { return Math.sin(e * (Math.PI / 2)) }, easeInOutSine: function (e) { return -.5 * (Math.cos(Math.PI * e) - 1) }, easeInExpo: function (e) { return 0 === e ? 0 : Math.pow(2, 10 * (e - 1)) }, easeOutExpo: function (e) { return 1 === e ? 1 : 1 - Math.pow(2, -10 * e) }, easeInOutExpo: function (e) { return 0 === e ? 0 : 1 === e ? 1 : (e /= .5) < 1 ? .5 * Math.pow(2, 10 * (e - 1)) : .5 * (2 - Math.pow(2, -10 * --e)) }, easeInCirc: function (e) { return e >= 1 ? e : -(Math.sqrt(1 - e * e) - 1) }, easeOutCirc: function (e) { return Math.sqrt(1 - (e -= 1) * e) }, easeInOutCirc: function (e) { return (e /= .5) < 1 ? -.5 * (Math.sqrt(1 - e * e) - 1) : .5 * (Math.sqrt(1 - (e -= 2) * e) + 1) }, easeInElastic: function (e) { var t = 1.70158, n = 0, i = 1; return 0 === e ? 0 : 1 === e ? 1 : (n || (n = .3), i < 1 ? (i = 1, t = n / 4) : t = n / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(1 / i), -i * Math.pow(2, 10 * (e -= 1)) * Math.sin((e - t) * (2 * Math.PI) / n)) }, easeOutElastic: function (e) { var t = 1.70158, n = 0, i = 1; return 0 === e ? 0 : 1 === e ? 1 : (n || (n = .3), i < 1 ? (i = 1, t = n / 4) : t = n / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(1 / i), i * Math.pow(2, -10 * e) * Math.sin((e - t) * (2 * Math.PI) / n) + 1) }, easeInOutElastic: function (e) { var t = 1.70158, n = 0, i = 1; return 0 === e ? 0 : 2 == (e /= .5) ? 1 : (n || (n = .45), i < 1 ? (i = 1, t = n / 4) : t = n / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(1 / i), e < 1 ? i * Math.pow(2, 10 * (e -= 1)) * Math.sin((e - t) * (2 * Math.PI) / n) * -.5 : i * Math.pow(2, -10 * (e -= 1)) * Math.sin((e - t) * (2 * Math.PI) / n) * .5 + 1) }, easeInBack: function (e) { var t = 1.70158; return e * e * ((t + 1) * e - t) }, easeOutBack: function (e) { var t = 1.70158; return (e -= 1) * e * ((t + 1) * e + t) + 1 }, easeInOutBack: function (e) { var t = 1.70158; return (e /= .5) < 1 ? e * e * ((1 + (t *= 1.525)) * e - t) * .5 : .5 * ((e -= 2) * e * ((1 + (t *= 1.525)) * e + t) + 2) }, easeInBounce: function (e) { return 1 - r.easeOutBounce(1 - e) }, easeOutBounce: function (e) { return e < 1 / 2.75 ? 7.5625 * e * e : e < 2 / 2.75 ? 7.5625 * (e -= 1.5 / 2.75) * e + .75 : e < 2.5 / 2.75 ? 7.5625 * (e -= 2.25 / 2.75) * e + .9375 : 7.5625 * (e -= 2.625 / 2.75) * e + .984375 }, easeInOutBounce: function (e) { return e < .5 ? .5 * r.easeInBounce(2 * e) : .5 * r.easeOutBounce(2 * e - 1) + .5 } }; e.exports = { effects: r }, i.easingEffects = r }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(12); t = e.exports = { clear: function (e) { e.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, e.width, e.height) }, roundedRect: function (e, t, n, i, r, a) { if (a) { var o = Math.min(a, r / 2 - 1e-7, i / 2 - 1e-7); e.moveTo(t + o, n), e.lineTo(t + i - o, n), e.arcTo(t + i, n, t + i, n + o, o), e.lineTo(t + i, n + r - o), e.arcTo(t + i, n + r, t + i - o, n + r, o), e.lineTo(t + o, n + r), e.arcTo(t, n + r, t, n + r - o, o), e.lineTo(t, n + o), e.arcTo(t, n, t + o, n, o), e.closePath(), e.moveTo(t, n) } else e.rect(t, n, i, r) }, drawPoint: function (e, t, n, i, r, a) { var o, l, s, d, u, c; if (a = a || 0, !t || "object" != typeof t || "[object HTMLImageElement]" !== (o = t.toString()) && "[object HTMLCanvasElement]" !== o) { if (!(isNaN(n) || n <= 0)) { switch (e.save(), e.translate(i, r), e.rotate(a * Math.PI / 180), e.beginPath(), t) { default: e.arc(0, 0, n, 0, 2 * Math.PI), e.closePath(); break; case "triangle": u = (l = 3 * n / Math.sqrt(3)) * Math.sqrt(3) / 2, e.moveTo(-l / 2, u / 3), e.lineTo(l / 2, u / 3), e.lineTo(0, -2 * u / 3), e.closePath(); break; case "rect": c = 1 / Math.SQRT2 * n, e.rect(-c, -c, 2 * c, 2 * c); break; case "rectRounded": var h = n / Math.SQRT2, p = -h, f = -h, m = Math.SQRT2 * n; this.roundedRect(e, p, f, m, m, .425 * n); break; case "rectRot": c = 1 / Math.SQRT2 * n, e.moveTo(-c, 0), e.lineTo(0, c), e.lineTo(c, 0), e.lineTo(0, -c), e.closePath(); break; case "cross": e.moveTo(0, n), e.lineTo(0, -n), e.moveTo(-n, 0), e.lineTo(n, 0); break; case "crossRot": s = Math.cos(Math.PI / 4) * n, d = Math.sin(Math.PI / 4) * n, e.moveTo(-s, -d), e.lineTo(s, d), e.moveTo(-s, d), e.lineTo(s, -d); break; case "star": e.moveTo(0, n), e.lineTo(0, -n), e.moveTo(-n, 0), e.lineTo(n, 0), s = Math.cos(Math.PI / 4) * n, d = Math.sin(Math.PI / 4) * n, e.moveTo(-s, -d), e.lineTo(s, d), e.moveTo(-s, d), e.lineTo(s, -d); break; case "line": e.moveTo(-n, 0), e.lineTo(n, 0); break; case "dash": e.moveTo(0, 0), e.lineTo(n, 0) }e.fill(), e.stroke(), e.restore() } } else e.drawImage(t, i - t.width / 2, r - t.height / 2, t.width, t.height) }, clipArea: function (e, t) { e.save(), e.beginPath(), e.rect(t.left, t.top, t.right - t.left, t.bottom - t.top), e.clip() }, unclipArea: function (e) { e.restore() }, lineTo: function (e, t, n, i) { if (n.steppedLine) return "after" === n.steppedLine && !i || "after" !== n.steppedLine && i ? e.lineTo(t.x, n.y) : e.lineTo(n.x, t.y), void e.lineTo(n.x, n.y); n.tension ? e.bezierCurveTo(i ? t.controlPointPreviousX : t.controlPointNextX, i ? t.controlPointPreviousY : t.controlPointNextY, i ? n.controlPointNextX : n.controlPointPreviousX, i ? n.controlPointNextY : n.controlPointPreviousY, n.x, n.y) : e.lineTo(n.x, n.y) } }; i.clear = t.clear, i.drawRoundedRectangle = function (e) { e.beginPath(), t.roundedRect.apply(t, arguments) } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(12); e.exports = { toLineHeight: function (e, t) { var n = ("" + e).match(/^(normal|(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)(px|em|%)?)$/); if (!n || "normal" === n[1]) return 1.2 * t; switch (e = +n[2], n[3]) { case "px": return e; case "%": e /= 100 }return t * e }, toPadding: function (e) { var t, n, r, a; return i.isObject(e) ? (t = +e.top || 0, n = +e.right || 0, r = +e.bottom || 0, a = +e.left || 0) : t = n = r = a = +e || 0, { top: t, right: n, bottom: r, left: a, height: t + r, width: a + n } }, resolve: function (e, t, n) { var r, a, o; for (r = 0, a = e.length; r < a; ++r)if (void 0 !== (o = e[r]) && (void 0 !== t && "function" == typeof o && (o = o(t)), void 0 !== n && i.isArray(o) && (o = o[n]), void 0 !== o)) return o } } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(138), r = n(3), a = n(2), o = n(7); e.exports = function () { function e(e, t, n) { var i; return "string" == typeof e ? (i = parseInt(e, 10), -1 !== e.indexOf("%") && (i = i / 100 * t.parentNode[n])) : i = e, i } function t(e) { return null != e && "none" !== e } function n(n, i, r) { var o = document.defaultView, l = a._getParentNode(n), s = o.getComputedStyle(n)[i], d = o.getComputedStyle(l)[i], u = t(s), c = t(d), h = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; return u || c ? Math.min(u ? e(s, n, r) : h, c ? e(d, l, r) : h) : "none" } a.configMerge = function () { return a.merge(a.clone(arguments[0]), [].slice.call(arguments, 1), { merger: function (e, t, n, i) { var r = t[e] || {}, l = n[e]; "scales" === e ? t[e] = a.scaleMerge(r, l) : "scale" === e ? t[e] = a.merge(r, [o.getScaleDefaults(l.type), l]) : a._merger(e, t, n, i) } }) }, a.scaleMerge = function () { return a.merge(a.clone(arguments[0]), [].slice.call(arguments, 1), { merger: function (e, t, n, i) { if ("xAxes" === e || "yAxes" === e) { var r, l, s, d = n[e].length; for (t[e] || (t[e] = []), r = 0; r < d; ++r)s = n[e][r], l = a.valueOrDefault(s.type, "xAxes" === e ? "category" : "linear"), r >= t[e].length && t[e].push({}), !t[e][r].type || s.type && s.type !== t[e][r].type ? a.merge(t[e][r], [o.getScaleDefaults(l), s]) : a.merge(t[e][r], s) } else a._merger(e, t, n, i) } }) }, a.where = function (e, t) { if (a.isArray(e) && Array.prototype.filter) return e.filter(t); var n = []; return a.each(e, function (e) { t(e) && n.push(e) }), n }, a.findIndex = Array.prototype.findIndex ? function (e, t, n) { return e.findIndex(t, n) } : function (e, t, n) { n = void 0 === n ? e : n; for (var i = 0, r = e.length; i < r; ++i)if (t.call(n, e[i], i, e)) return i; return -1 }, a.findNextWhere = function (e, t, n) { a.isNullOrUndef(n) && (n = -1); for (var i = n + 1; i < e.length; i++) { var r = e[i]; if (t(r)) return r } }, a.findPreviousWhere = function (e, t, n) { a.isNullOrUndef(n) && (n = e.length); for (var i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var r = e[i]; if (t(r)) return r } }, a.isNumber = function (e) { return !isNaN(parseFloat(e)) && isFinite(e) }, a.almostEquals = function (e, t, n) { return Math.abs(e - t) < n }, a.almostWhole = function (e, t) { var n = Math.round(e); return n - t < e && n + t > e }, a.max = function (e) { return e.reduce(function (e, t) { return isNaN(t) ? e : Math.max(e, t) }, Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) }, a.min = function (e) { return e.reduce(function (e, t) { return isNaN(t) ? e : Math.min(e, t) }, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) }, a.sign = Math.sign ? function (e) { return Math.sign(e) } : function (e) { return 0 === (e = +e) || isNaN(e) ? e : e > 0 ? 1 : -1 }, a.log10 = Math.log10 ? function (e) { return Math.log10(e) } : function (e) { var t = Math.log(e) * Math.LOG10E, n = Math.round(t); return e === Math.pow(10, n) ? n : t }, a.toRadians = function (e) { return e * (Math.PI / 180) }, a.toDegrees = function (e) { return e * (180 / Math.PI) }, a.getAngleFromPoint = function (e, t) { var n = t.x - e.x, i = t.y - e.y, r = Math.sqrt(n * n + i * i), a = Math.atan2(i, n); return a < -.5 * Math.PI && (a += 2 * Math.PI), { angle: a, distance: r } }, a.distanceBetweenPoints = function (e, t) { return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(t.x - e.x, 2) + Math.pow(t.y - e.y, 2)) }, a.aliasPixel = function (e) { return e % 2 == 0 ? 0 : .5 }, a.splineCurve = function (e, t, n, i) { var r = e.skip ? t : e, a = t, o = n.skip ? t : n, l = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(a.x - r.x, 2) + Math.pow(a.y - r.y, 2)), s = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(o.x - a.x, 2) + Math.pow(o.y - a.y, 2)), d = l / (l + s), u = s / (l + s), c = i * (d = isNaN(d) ? 0 : d), h = i * (u = isNaN(u) ? 0 : u); return { previous: { x: a.x - c * (o.x - r.x), y: a.y - c * (o.y - r.y) }, next: { x: a.x + h * (o.x - r.x), y: a.y + h * (o.y - r.y) } } }, a.EPSILON = Number.EPSILON || 1e-14, a.splineCurveMonotone = function (e) { var t, n, i, r, o, l, s, d, u, c = (e || []).map(function (e) { return { model: e._model, deltaK: 0, mK: 0 } }), h = c.length; for (t = 0; t < h; ++t)if (!(i = c[t]).model.skip) { if (n = t > 0 ? c[t - 1] : null, (r = t < h - 1 ? c[t + 1] : null) && !r.model.skip) { var p = r.model.x - i.model.x; i.deltaK = 0 !== p ? (r.model.y - i.model.y) / p : 0 } !n || n.model.skip ? i.mK = i.deltaK : !r || r.model.skip ? i.mK = n.deltaK : this.sign(n.deltaK) !== this.sign(i.deltaK) ? i.mK = 0 : i.mK = (n.deltaK + i.deltaK) / 2 } for (t = 0; t < h - 1; ++t)i = c[t], r = c[t + 1], i.model.skip || r.model.skip || (a.almostEquals(i.deltaK, 0, this.EPSILON) ? i.mK = r.mK = 0 : (o = i.mK / i.deltaK, l = r.mK / i.deltaK, (d = Math.pow(o, 2) + Math.pow(l, 2)) <= 9 || (s = 3 / Math.sqrt(d), i.mK = o * s * i.deltaK, r.mK = l * s * i.deltaK))); for (t = 0; t < h; ++t)(i = c[t]).model.skip || (n = t > 0 ? c[t - 1] : null, r = t < h - 1 ? c[t + 1] : null, n && !n.model.skip && (u = (i.model.x - n.model.x) / 3, i.model.controlPointPreviousX = i.model.x - u, i.model.controlPointPreviousY = i.model.y - u * i.mK), r && !r.model.skip && (u = (r.model.x - i.model.x) / 3, i.model.controlPointNextX = i.model.x + u, i.model.controlPointNextY = i.model.y + u * i.mK)) }, a.nextItem = function (e, t, n) { return n ? t >= e.length - 1 ? e[0] : e[t + 1] : t >= e.length - 1 ? e[e.length - 1] : e[t + 1] }, a.previousItem = function (e, t, n) { return n ? t <= 0 ? e[e.length - 1] : e[t - 1] : t <= 0 ? e[0] : e[t - 1] }, a.niceNum = function (e, t) { var n = Math.floor(a.log10(e)), i = e / Math.pow(10, n); return (t ? i < 1.5 ? 1 : i < 3 ? 2 : i < 7 ? 5 : 10 : i <= 1 ? 1 : i <= 2 ? 2 : i <= 5 ? 5 : 10) * Math.pow(10, n) }, a.requestAnimFrame = "undefined" == typeof window ? function (e) { e() } : window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function (e) { return window.setTimeout(e, 1e3 / 60) }, a.getRelativePosition = function (e, t) { var n, i, r = e.originalEvent || e, o = e.target || e.srcElement, l = o.getBoundingClientRect(), s = r.touches; s && s.length > 0 ? (n = s[0].clientX, i = s[0].clientY) : (n = r.clientX, i = r.clientY); var d = parseFloat(a.getStyle(o, "padding-left")), u = parseFloat(a.getStyle(o, "padding-top")), c = parseFloat(a.getStyle(o, "padding-right")), h = parseFloat(a.getStyle(o, "padding-bottom")), p = l.right - l.left - d - c, f = l.bottom - l.top - u - h; return { x: n = Math.round((n - l.left - d) / p * o.width / t.currentDevicePixelRatio), y: i = Math.round((i - l.top - u) / f * o.height / t.currentDevicePixelRatio) } }, a.getConstraintWidth = function (e) { return n(e, "max-width", "clientWidth") }, a.getConstraintHeight = function (e) { return n(e, "max-height", "clientHeight") }, a._calculatePadding = function (e, t, n) { return (t = a.getStyle(e, t)).indexOf("%") > -1 ? n / parseInt(t, 10) : parseInt(t, 10) }, a._getParentNode = function (e) { var t = e.parentNode; return t && t.host && (t = t.host), t }, a.getMaximumWidth = function (e) { var t = a._getParentNode(e); if (!t) return e.clientWidth; var n = t.clientWidth, i = n - a._calculatePadding(t, "padding-left", n) - a._calculatePadding(t, "padding-right", n), r = a.getConstraintWidth(e); return isNaN(r) ? i : Math.min(i, r) }, a.getMaximumHeight = function (e) { var t = a._getParentNode(e); if (!t) return e.clientHeight; var n = t.clientHeight, i = n - a._calculatePadding(t, "padding-top", n) - a._calculatePadding(t, "padding-bottom", n), r = a.getConstraintHeight(e); return isNaN(r) ? i : Math.min(i, r) }, a.getStyle = function (e, t) { return e.currentStyle ? e.currentStyle[t] : document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(e, null).getPropertyValue(t) }, a.retinaScale = function (e, t) { var n = e.currentDevicePixelRatio = t || "undefined" != typeof window && window.devicePixelRatio || 1; if (1 !== n) { var i = e.canvas, r = e.height, a = e.width; i.height = r * n, i.width = a * n, e.ctx.scale(n, n), i.style.height || i.style.width || (i.style.height = r + "px", i.style.width = a + "px") } }, a.fontString = function (e, t, n) { return t + " " + e + "px " + n }, a.longestText = function (e, t, n, i) { var r = (i = i || {}).data = i.data || {}, o = i.garbageCollect = i.garbageCollect || []; i.font !== t && (r = i.data = {}, o = i.garbageCollect = [], i.font = t), e.font = t; var l = 0; a.each(n, function (t) { null != t && !0 !== a.isArray(t) ? l = a.measureText(e, r, o, l, t) : a.isArray(t) && a.each(t, function (t) { null == t || a.isArray(t) || (l = a.measureText(e, r, o, l, t)) }) }); var s = o.length / 2; if (s > n.length) { for (var d = 0; d < s; d++)delete r[o[d]]; o.splice(0, s) } return l }, a.measureText = function (e, t, n, i, r) { var a = t[r]; return a || (a = t[r] = e.measureText(r).width, n.push(r)), a > i && (i = a), i }, a.numberOfLabelLines = function (e) { var t = 1; return a.each(e, function (e) { a.isArray(e) && e.length > t && (t = e.length) }), t }, a.color = i ? function (e) { return e instanceof CanvasGradient && (e = r.global.defaultColor), i(e) } : function (e) { return console.error("Color.js not found!"), e }, a.getHoverColor = function (e) { return e instanceof CanvasPattern ? e : a.color(e).saturate(.5).darken(.1).rgbString() } } }, function (e, t, n) { var i = n(170), r = function () { return new d }; for (var a in i) { r[a + "Raw"] = function (e) { return function (t) { return "number" == typeof t && (t = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)), i[e](t) } }(a); var o = /(\w+)2(\w+)/.exec(a), l = o[1], s = o[2]; (r[l] = r[l] || {})[s] = r[a] = function (e) { return function (t) { "number" == typeof t && (t = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)); var n = i[e](t); if ("string" == typeof n || void 0 === n) return n; for (var r = 0; r < n.length; r++)n[r] = Math.round(n[r]); return n } }(a) } var d = function () { this.convs = {} }; d.prototype.routeSpace = function (e, t) { var n = t[0]; return void 0 === n ? this.getValues(e) : ("number" == typeof n && (n = Array.prototype.slice.call(t)), this.setValues(e, n)) }, d.prototype.setValues = function (e, t) { return this.space = e, this.convs = {}, this.convs[e] = t, this }, d.prototype.getValues = function (e) { var t = this.convs[e]; if (!t) { var n = this.space, i = this.convs[n]; t = r[n][e](i), this.convs[e] = t } return t }, ["rgb", "hsl", "hsv", "cmyk", "keyword"].forEach(function (e) { d.prototype[e] = function (t) { return this.routeSpace(e, arguments) } }), e.exports = r }, function (e, t) { function n(e) { var t, n, i = e[0] / 255, r = e[1] / 255, a = e[2] / 255, o = Math.min(i, r, a), l = Math.max(i, r, a), s = l - o; return l == o ? t = 0 : i == l ? t = (r - a) / s : r == l ? t = 2 + (a - i) / s : a == l && (t = 4 + (i - r) / s), (t = Math.min(60 * t, 360)) < 0 && (t += 360), n = (o + l) / 2, [t, 100 * (l == o ? 0 : n <= .5 ? s / (l + o) : s / (2 - l - o)), 100 * n] } function i(e) { var t, n, i = e[0], r = e[1], a = e[2], o = Math.min(i, r, a), l = Math.max(i, r, a), s = l - o; return n = 0 == l ? 0 : s / l * 1e3 / 10, l == o ? t = 0 : i == l ? t = (r - a) / s : r == l ? t = 2 + (a - i) / s : a == l && (t = 4 + (i - r) / s), (t = Math.min(60 * t, 360)) < 0 && (t += 360), [t, n, l / 255 * 1e3 / 10] } function a(e) { var t = e[0], i = e[1], r = e[2]; return [n(e)[0], 100 * (1 / 255 * Math.min(t, Math.min(i, r))), 100 * (r = 1 - 1 / 255 * Math.max(t, Math.max(i, r)))] } function o(e) { var t, n = e[0] / 255, i = e[1] / 255, r = e[2] / 255; return [100 * ((1 - n - (t = Math.min(1 - n, 1 - i, 1 - r))) / (1 - t) || 0), 100 * ((1 - i - t) / (1 - t) || 0), 100 * ((1 - r - t) / (1 - t) || 0), 100 * t] } function l(e) { return D[JSON.stringify(e)] } function s(e) { var t = e[0] / 255, n = e[1] / 255, i = e[2] / 255; return [100 * (.4124 * (t = t > .04045 ? Math.pow((t + .055) / 1.055, 2.4) : t / 12.92) + .3576 * (n = n > .04045 ? Math.pow((n + .055) / 1.055, 2.4) : n / 12.92) + .1805 * (i = i > .04045 ? Math.pow((i + .055) / 1.055, 2.4) : i / 12.92)), 100 * (.2126 * t + .7152 * n + .0722 * i), 100 * (.0193 * t + .1192 * n + .9505 * i)] } function d(e) { var t = s(e), n = t[0], i = t[1], r = t[2]; return i /= 100, r /= 108.883, n = (n /= 95.047) > .008856 ? Math.pow(n, 1 / 3) : 7.787 * n + 16 / 116, [116 * (i = i > .008856 ? Math.pow(i, 1 / 3) : 7.787 * i + 16 / 116) - 16, 500 * (n - i), 200 * (i - (r = r > .008856 ? Math.pow(r, 1 / 3) : 7.787 * r + 16 / 116))] } function u(e) { var t, n, i, r, a, o = e[0] / 360, l = e[1] / 100, s = e[2] / 100; if (0 == l) return [a = 255 * s, a, a]; t = 2 * s - (n = s < .5 ? s * (1 + l) : s + l - s * l), r = [0, 0, 0]; for (var d = 0; d < 3; d++)(i = o + 1 / 3 * -(d - 1)) < 0 && i++, i > 1 && i--, a = 6 * i < 1 ? t + 6 * (n - t) * i : 2 * i < 1 ? n : 3 * i < 2 ? t + (n - t) * (2 / 3 - i) * 6 : t, r[d] = 255 * a; return r } function c(e) { var t = e[0] / 60, n = e[1] / 100, i = e[2] / 100, r = Math.floor(t) % 6, a = t - Math.floor(t), o = 255 * i * (1 - n), l = 255 * i * (1 - n * a), s = 255 * i * (1 - n * (1 - a)); i *= 255; switch (r) { case 0: return [i, s, o]; case 1: return [l, i, o]; case 2: return [o, i, s]; case 3: return [o, l, i]; case 4: return [s, o, i]; case 5: return [i, o, l] } } function h(e) { var t, n, i, a, o = e[0] / 360, l = e[1] / 100, s = e[2] / 100, d = l + s; switch (d > 1 && (l /= d, s /= d), i = 6 * o - (t = Math.floor(6 * o)), 0 != (1 & t) && (i = 1 - i), a = l + i * ((n = 1 - s) - l), t) { default: case 6: case 0: r = n, g = a, b = l; break; case 1: r = a, g = n, b = l; break; case 2: r = l, g = n, b = a; break; case 3: r = l, g = a, b = n; break; case 4: r = a, g = l, b = n; break; case 5: r = n, g = l, b = a }return [255 * r, 255 * g, 255 * b] } function p(e) { var t = e[0] / 100, n = e[1] / 100, i = e[2] / 100, r = e[3] / 100; return [255 * (1 - Math.min(1, t * (1 - r) + r)), 255 * (1 - Math.min(1, n * (1 - r) + r)), 255 * (1 - Math.min(1, i * (1 - r) + r))] } function f(e) { var t, n, i, r = e[0] / 100, a = e[1] / 100, o = e[2] / 100; return n = -.9689 * r + 1.8758 * a + .0415 * o, i = .0557 * r + -.204 * a + 1.057 * o, t = (t = 3.2406 * r + -1.5372 * a + -.4986 * o) > .0031308 ? 1.055 * Math.pow(t, 1 / 2.4) - .055 : t *= 12.92, n = n > .0031308 ? 1.055 * Math.pow(n, 1 / 2.4) - .055 : n *= 12.92, i = i > .0031308 ? 1.055 * Math.pow(i, 1 / 2.4) - .055 : i *= 12.92, [255 * (t = Math.min(Math.max(0, t), 1)), 255 * (n = Math.min(Math.max(0, n), 1)), 255 * (i = Math.min(Math.max(0, i), 1))] } function m(e) { var t = e[0], n = e[1], i = e[2]; return n /= 100, i /= 108.883, t = (t /= 95.047) > .008856 ? Math.pow(t, 1 / 3) : 7.787 * t + 16 / 116, [116 * (n = n > .008856 ? Math.pow(n, 1 / 3) : 7.787 * n + 16 / 116) - 16, 500 * (t - n), 200 * (n - (i = i > .008856 ? Math.pow(i, 1 / 3) : 7.787 * i + 16 / 116))] } function _(e) { var t, n, i, r, a = e[0], o = e[1], l = e[2]; return a <= 8 ? r = (n = 100 * a / 903.3) / 100 * 7.787 + 16 / 116 : (n = 100 * Math.pow((a + 16) / 116, 3), r = Math.pow(n / 100, 1 / 3)), [t = t / 95.047 <= .008856 ? t = 95.047 * (o / 500 + r - 16 / 116) / 7.787 : 95.047 * Math.pow(o / 500 + r, 3), n, i = i / 108.883 <= .008859 ? i = 108.883 * (r - l / 200 - 16 / 116) / 7.787 : 108.883 * Math.pow(r - l / 200, 3)] } function y(e) { var t, n = e[0], i = e[1], r = e[2]; return (t = 360 * Math.atan2(r, i) / 2 / Math.PI) < 0 && (t += 360), [n, Math.sqrt(i * i + r * r), t] } function v(e) { return f(_(e)) } function M(e) { var t, n = e[0], i = e[1]; return t = e[2] / 360 * 2 * Math.PI, [n, i * Math.cos(t), i * Math.sin(t)] } function w(e) { return L[e] } e.exports = { rgb2hsl: n, rgb2hsv: i, rgb2hwb: a, rgb2cmyk: o, rgb2keyword: l, rgb2xyz: s, rgb2lab: d, rgb2lch: function (e) { return y(d(e)) }, hsl2rgb: u, hsl2hsv: function (e) { var t = e[0], n = e[1] / 100, i = e[2] / 100; if (0 === i) return [0, 0, 0]; return [t, 100 * (2 * (n *= (i *= 2) <= 1 ? i : 2 - i) / (i + n)), 100 * ((i + n) / 2)] }, hsl2hwb: function (e) { return a(u(e)) }, hsl2cmyk: function (e) { return o(u(e)) }, hsl2keyword: function (e) { return l(u(e)) }, hsv2rgb: c, hsv2hsl: function (e) { var t, n, i = e[0], r = e[1] / 100, a = e[2] / 100; return t = r * a, [i, 100 * (t = (t /= (n = (2 - r) * a) <= 1 ? n : 2 - n) || 0), 100 * (n /= 2)] }, hsv2hwb: function (e) { return a(c(e)) }, hsv2cmyk: function (e) { return o(c(e)) }, hsv2keyword: function (e) { return l(c(e)) }, hwb2rgb: h, hwb2hsl: function (e) { return n(h(e)) }, hwb2hsv: function (e) { return i(h(e)) }, hwb2cmyk: function (e) { return o(h(e)) }, hwb2keyword: function (e) { return l(h(e)) }, cmyk2rgb: p, cmyk2hsl: function (e) { return n(p(e)) }, cmyk2hsv: function (e) { return i(p(e)) }, cmyk2hwb: function (e) { return a(p(e)) }, cmyk2keyword: function (e) { return l(p(e)) }, keyword2rgb: w, keyword2hsl: function (e) { return n(w(e)) }, keyword2hsv: function (e) { return i(w(e)) }, keyword2hwb: function (e) { return a(w(e)) }, keyword2cmyk: function (e) { return o(w(e)) }, keyword2lab: function (e) { return d(w(e)) }, keyword2xyz: function (e) { return s(w(e)) }, xyz2rgb: f, xyz2lab: m, xyz2lch: function (e) { return y(m(e)) }, lab2xyz: _, lab2rgb: v, lab2lch: y, lch2lab: M, lch2xyz: function (e) { return _(M(e)) }, lch2rgb: function (e) { return v(M(e)) } }; var L = { aliceblue: [240, 248, 255], antiquewhite: [250, 235, 215], aqua: [0, 255, 255], aquamarine: [127, 255, 212], azure: [240, 255, 255], beige: [245, 245, 220], bisque: [255, 228, 196], black: [0, 0, 0], blanchedalmond: [255, 235, 205], blue: [0, 0, 255], blueviolet: [138, 43, 226], brown: [165, 42, 42], burlywood: [222, 184, 135], cadetblue: [95, 158, 160], chartreuse: [127, 255, 0], chocolate: [210, 105, 30], coral: [255, 127, 80], cornflowerblue: [100, 149, 237], cornsilk: [255, 248, 220], crimson: [220, 20, 60], cyan: [0, 255, 255], darkblue: [0, 0, 139], darkcyan: [0, 139, 139], darkgoldenrod: [184, 134, 11], darkgray: [169, 169, 169], darkgreen: [0, 100, 0], darkgrey: [169, 169, 169], darkkhaki: [189, 183, 107], darkmagenta: [139, 0, 139], darkolivegreen: [85, 107, 47], darkorange: [255, 140, 0], darkorchid: [153, 50, 204], darkred: [139, 0, 0], darksalmon: [233, 150, 122], darkseagreen: [143, 188, 143], darkslateblue: [72, 61, 139], darkslategray: [47, 79, 79], darkslategrey: [47, 79, 79], darkturquoise: [0, 206, 209], darkviolet: [148, 0, 211], deeppink: [255, 20, 147], deepskyblue: [0, 191, 255], dimgray: [105, 105, 105], dimgrey: [105, 105, 105], dodgerblue: [30, 144, 255], firebrick: [178, 34, 34], floralwhite: [255, 250, 240], forestgreen: [34, 139, 34], fuchsia: [255, 0, 255], gainsboro: [220, 220, 220], ghostwhite: [248, 248, 255], gold: [255, 215, 0], goldenrod: [218, 165, 32], gray: [128, 128, 128], green: [0, 128, 0], greenyellow: [173, 255, 47], grey: [128, 128, 128], honeydew: [240, 255, 240], hotpink: [255, 105, 180], indianred: [205, 92, 92], indigo: [75, 0, 130], ivory: [255, 255, 240], khaki: [240, 230, 140], lavender: [230, 230, 250], lavenderblush: [255, 240, 245], lawngreen: [124, 252, 0], lemonchiffon: [255, 250, 205], lightblue: [173, 216, 230], lightcoral: [240, 128, 128], lightcyan: [224, 255, 255], lightgoldenrodyellow: [250, 250, 210], lightgray: [211, 211, 211], lightgreen: [144, 238, 144], lightgrey: [211, 211, 211], lightpink: [255, 182, 193], lightsalmon: [255, 160, 122], lightseagreen: [32, 178, 170], lightskyblue: [135, 206, 250], lightslategray: [119, 136, 153], lightslategrey: [119, 136, 153], lightsteelblue: [176, 196, 222], lightyellow: [255, 255, 224], lime: [0, 255, 0], limegreen: [50, 205, 50], linen: [250, 240, 230], magenta: [255, 0, 255], maroon: [128, 0, 0], mediumaquamarine: [102, 205, 170], mediumblue: [0, 0, 205], mediumorchid: [186, 85, 211], mediumpurple: [147, 112, 219], mediumseagreen: [60, 179, 113], mediumslateblue: [123, 104, 238], mediumspringgreen: [0, 250, 154], mediumturquoise: [72, 209, 204], mediumvioletred: [199, 21, 133], midnightblue: [25, 25, 112], mintcream: [245, 255, 250], mistyrose: [255, 228, 225], moccasin: [255, 228, 181], navajowhite: [255, 222, 173], navy: [0, 0, 128], oldlace: [253, 245, 230], olive: [128, 128, 0], olivedrab: [107, 142, 35], orange: [255, 165, 0], orangered: [255, 69, 0], orchid: [218, 112, 214], palegoldenrod: [238, 232, 170], palegreen: [152, 251, 152], paleturquoise: [175, 238, 238], palevioletred: [219, 112, 147], papayawhip: [255, 239, 213], peachpuff: [255, 218, 185], peru: [205, 133, 63], pink: [255, 192, 203], plum: [221, 160, 221], powderblue: [176, 224, 230], purple: [128, 0, 128], rebeccapurple: [102, 51, 153], red: [255, 0, 0], rosybrown: [188, 143, 143], royalblue: [65, 105, 225], saddlebrown: [139, 69, 19], salmon: [250, 128, 114], sandybrown: [244, 164, 96], seagreen: [46, 139, 87], seashell: [255, 245, 238], sienna: [160, 82, 45], silver: [192, 192, 192], skyblue: [135, 206, 235], slateblue: [106, 90, 205], slategray: [112, 128, 144], slategrey: [112, 128, 144], snow: [255, 250, 250], springgreen: [0, 255, 127], steelblue: [70, 130, 180], tan: [210, 180, 140], teal: [0, 128, 128], thistle: [216, 191, 216], tomato: [255, 99, 71], turquoise: [64, 224, 208], violet: [238, 130, 238], wheat: [245, 222, 179], white: [255, 255, 255], whitesmoke: [245, 245, 245], yellow: [255, 255, 0], yellowgreen: [154, 205, 50] }, D = {}; for (var T in L) D[JSON.stringify(L[T])] = T }, function (e, t, n) { var i = n(172); function r(e) { if (e) { var t = [0, 0, 0], n = 1, r = e.match(/^#([a-fA-F0-9]{3})$/i); if (r) { r = r[1]; for (var a = 0; a < t.length; a++)t[a] = parseInt(r[a] + r[a], 16) } else if (r = e.match(/^#([a-fA-F0-9]{6})$/i)) { r = r[1]; for (a = 0; a < t.length; a++)t[a] = parseInt(r.slice(2 * a, 2 * a + 2), 16) } else if (r = e.match(/^rgba?\(\s*([+-]?\d+)\s*,\s*([+-]?\d+)\s*,\s*([+-]?\d+)\s*(?:,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\s*)?\)$/i)) { for (a = 0; a < t.length; a++)t[a] = parseInt(r[a + 1]); n = parseFloat(r[4]) } else if (r = e.match(/^rgba?\(\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\%\s*,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\%\s*,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\%\s*(?:,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\s*)?\)$/i)) { for (a = 0; a < t.length; a++)t[a] = Math.round(2.55 * parseFloat(r[a + 1])); n = parseFloat(r[4]) } else if (r = e.match(/(\w+)/)) { if ("transparent" == r[1]) return [0, 0, 0, 0]; if (!(t = i[r[1]])) return } for (a = 0; a < t.length; a++)t[a] = u(t[a], 0, 255); return n = n || 0 == n ? u(n, 0, 1) : 1, t[3] = n, t } } function a(e) { if (e) { var t = e.match(/^hsla?\(\s*([+-]?\d+)(?:deg)?\s*,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)%\s*,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)%\s*(?:,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\s*)?\)/); if (t) { var n = parseFloat(t[4]); return [u(parseInt(t[1]), 0, 360), u(parseFloat(t[2]), 0, 100), u(parseFloat(t[3]), 0, 100), u(isNaN(n) ? 1 : n, 0, 1)] } } } function o(e) { if (e) { var t = e.match(/^hwb\(\s*([+-]?\d+)(?:deg)?\s*,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)%\s*,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)%\s*(?:,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\s*)?\)/); if (t) { var n = parseFloat(t[4]); return [u(parseInt(t[1]), 0, 360), u(parseFloat(t[2]), 0, 100), u(parseFloat(t[3]), 0, 100), u(isNaN(n) ? 1 : n, 0, 1)] } } } function l(e, t) { return void 0 === t && (t = void 0 !== e[3] ? e[3] : 1), "rgba(" + e[0] + ", " + e[1] + ", " + e[2] + ", " + t + ")" } function s(e, t) { return "rgba(" + Math.round(e[0] / 255 * 100) + "%, " + Math.round(e[1] / 255 * 100) + "%, " + Math.round(e[2] / 255 * 100) + "%, " + (t || e[3] || 1) + ")" } function d(e, t) { return void 0 === t && (t = void 0 !== e[3] ? e[3] : 1), "hsla(" + e[0] + ", " + e[1] + "%, " + e[2] + "%, " + t + ")" } function u(e, t, n) { return Math.min(Math.max(t, e), n) } function c(e) { var t = e.toString(16).toUpperCase(); return t.length < 2 ? "0" + t : t } e.exports = { getRgba: r, getHsla: a, getRgb: function (e) { var t = r(e); return t && t.slice(0, 3) }, getHsl: function (e) { var t = a(e); return t && t.slice(0, 3) }, getHwb: o, getAlpha: function (e) { var t = r(e); if (t) return t[3]; if (t = a(e)) return t[3]; if (t = o(e)) return t[3] }, hexString: function (e) { return "#" + c(e[0]) + c(e[1]) + c(e[2]) }, rgbString: function (e, t) { if (t < 1 || e[3] && e[3] < 1) return l(e, t); return "rgb(" + e[0] + ", " + e[1] + ", " + e[2] + ")" }, rgbaString: l, percentString: function (e, t) { if (t < 1 || e[3] && e[3] < 1) return s(e, t); var n = Math.round(e[0] / 255 * 100), i = Math.round(e[1] / 255 * 100), r = Math.round(e[2] / 255 * 100); return "rgb(" + n + "%, " + i + "%, " + r + "%)" }, percentaString: s, hslString: function (e, t) { if (t < 1 || e[3] && e[3] < 1) return d(e, t); return "hsl(" + e[0] + ", " + e[1] + "%, " + e[2] + "%)" }, hslaString: d, hwbString: function (e, t) { void 0 === t && (t = void 0 !== e[3] ? e[3] : 1); return "hwb(" + e[0] + ", " + e[1] + "%, " + e[2] + "%" + (void 0 !== t && 1 !== t ? ", " + t : "") + ")" }, keyword: function (e) { return h[e.slice(0, 3)] } }; var h = {}; for (var p in i) h[i[p]] = p }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; e.exports = { aliceblue: [240, 248, 255], antiquewhite: [250, 235, 215], aqua: [0, 255, 255], aquamarine: [127, 255, 212], azure: [240, 255, 255], beige: [245, 245, 220], bisque: [255, 228, 196], black: [0, 0, 0], blanchedalmond: [255, 235, 205], blue: [0, 0, 255], blueviolet: [138, 43, 226], brown: [165, 42, 42], burlywood: [222, 184, 135], cadetblue: [95, 158, 160], chartreuse: [127, 255, 0], chocolate: [210, 105, 30], coral: [255, 127, 80], cornflowerblue: [100, 149, 237], cornsilk: [255, 248, 220], crimson: [220, 20, 60], cyan: [0, 255, 255], darkblue: [0, 0, 139], darkcyan: [0, 139, 139], darkgoldenrod: [184, 134, 11], darkgray: [169, 169, 169], darkgreen: [0, 100, 0], darkgrey: [169, 169, 169], darkkhaki: [189, 183, 107], darkmagenta: [139, 0, 139], darkolivegreen: [85, 107, 47], darkorange: [255, 140, 0], darkorchid: [153, 50, 204], darkred: [139, 0, 0], darksalmon: [233, 150, 122], darkseagreen: [143, 188, 143], darkslateblue: [72, 61, 139], darkslategray: [47, 79, 79], darkslategrey: [47, 79, 79], darkturquoise: [0, 206, 209], darkviolet: [148, 0, 211], deeppink: [255, 20, 147], deepskyblue: [0, 191, 255], dimgray: [105, 105, 105], dimgrey: [105, 105, 105], dodgerblue: [30, 144, 255], firebrick: [178, 34, 34], floralwhite: [255, 250, 240], forestgreen: [34, 139, 34], fuchsia: [255, 0, 255], gainsboro: [220, 220, 220], ghostwhite: [248, 248, 255], gold: [255, 215, 0], goldenrod: [218, 165, 32], gray: [128, 128, 128], green: [0, 128, 0], greenyellow: [173, 255, 47], grey: [128, 128, 128], honeydew: [240, 255, 240], hotpink: [255, 105, 180], indianred: [205, 92, 92], indigo: [75, 0, 130], ivory: [255, 255, 240], khaki: [240, 230, 140], lavender: [230, 230, 250], lavenderblush: [255, 240, 245], lawngreen: [124, 252, 0], lemonchiffon: [255, 250, 205], lightblue: [173, 216, 230], lightcoral: [240, 128, 128], lightcyan: [224, 255, 255], lightgoldenrodyellow: [250, 250, 210], lightgray: [211, 211, 211], lightgreen: [144, 238, 144], lightgrey: [211, 211, 211], lightpink: [255, 182, 193], lightsalmon: [255, 160, 122], lightseagreen: [32, 178, 170], lightskyblue: [135, 206, 250], lightslategray: [119, 136, 153], lightslategrey: [119, 136, 153], lightsteelblue: [176, 196, 222], lightyellow: [255, 255, 224], lime: [0, 255, 0], limegreen: [50, 205, 50], linen: [250, 240, 230], magenta: [255, 0, 255], maroon: [128, 0, 0], mediumaquamarine: [102, 205, 170], mediumblue: [0, 0, 205], mediumorchid: [186, 85, 211], mediumpurple: [147, 112, 219], mediumseagreen: [60, 179, 113], mediumslateblue: [123, 104, 238], mediumspringgreen: [0, 250, 154], mediumturquoise: [72, 209, 204], mediumvioletred: [199, 21, 133], midnightblue: [25, 25, 112], mintcream: [245, 255, 250], mistyrose: [255, 228, 225], moccasin: [255, 228, 181], navajowhite: [255, 222, 173], navy: [0, 0, 128], oldlace: [253, 245, 230], olive: [128, 128, 0], olivedrab: [107, 142, 35], orange: [255, 165, 0], orangered: [255, 69, 0], orchid: [218, 112, 214], palegoldenrod: [238, 232, 170], palegreen: [152, 251, 152], paleturquoise: [175, 238, 238], palevioletred: [219, 112, 147], papayawhip: [255, 239, 213], peachpuff: [255, 218, 185], peru: [205, 133, 63], pink: [255, 192, 203], plum: [221, 160, 221], powderblue: [176, 224, 230], purple: [128, 0, 128], rebeccapurple: [102, 51, 153], red: [255, 0, 0], rosybrown: [188, 143, 143], royalblue: [65, 105, 225], saddlebrown: [139, 69, 19], salmon: [250, 128, 114], sandybrown: [244, 164, 96], seagreen: [46, 139, 87], seashell: [255, 245, 238], sienna: [160, 82, 45], silver: [192, 192, 192], skyblue: [135, 206, 235], slateblue: [106, 90, 205], slategray: [112, 128, 144], slategrey: [112, 128, 144], snow: [255, 250, 250], springgreen: [0, 255, 127], steelblue: [70, 130, 180], tan: [210, 180, 140], teal: [0, 128, 128], thistle: [216, 191, 216], tomato: [255, 99, 71], turquoise: [64, 224, 208], violet: [238, 130, 238], wheat: [245, 222, 179], white: [255, 255, 255], whitesmoke: [245, 245, 245], yellow: [255, 255, 0], yellowgreen: [154, 205, 50] } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(3), r = n(6), a = n(2); i._set("global", { elements: { arc: { backgroundColor: i.global.defaultColor, borderColor: "#fff", borderWidth: 2 } } }), e.exports = r.extend({ inLabelRange: function (e) { var t = this._view; return !!t && Math.pow(e - t.x, 2) < Math.pow(t.radius + t.hoverRadius, 2) }, inRange: function (e, t) { var n = this._view; if (n) { for (var i = a.getAngleFromPoint(n, { x: e, y: t }), r = i.angle, o = i.distance, l = n.startAngle, s = n.endAngle; s < l;)s += 2 * Math.PI; for (; r > s;)r -= 2 * Math.PI; for (; r < l;)r += 2 * Math.PI; var d = r >= l && r <= s, u = o >= n.innerRadius && o <= n.outerRadius; return d && u } return !1 }, getCenterPoint: function () { var e = this._view, t = (e.startAngle + e.endAngle) / 2, n = (e.innerRadius + e.outerRadius) / 2; return { x: e.x + Math.cos(t) * n, y: e.y + Math.sin(t) * n } }, getArea: function () { var e = this._view; return Math.PI * ((e.endAngle - e.startAngle) / (2 * Math.PI)) * (Math.pow(e.outerRadius, 2) - Math.pow(e.innerRadius, 2)) }, tooltipPosition: function () { var e = this._view, t = e.startAngle + (e.endAngle - e.startAngle) / 2, n = (e.outerRadius - e.innerRadius) / 2 + e.innerRadius; return { x: e.x + Math.cos(t) * n, y: e.y + Math.sin(t) * n } }, draw: function () { var e = this._chart.ctx, t = this._view, n = t.startAngle, i = t.endAngle; e.beginPath(), e.arc(t.x, t.y, t.outerRadius, n, i), e.arc(t.x, t.y, t.innerRadius, i, n, !0), e.closePath(), e.strokeStyle = t.borderColor, e.lineWidth = t.borderWidth, e.fillStyle = t.backgroundColor, e.fill(), e.lineJoin = "bevel", t.borderWidth && e.stroke() } }) }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(3), r = n(6), a = n(2), o = i.global; i._set("global", { elements: { line: { tension: .4, backgroundColor: o.defaultColor, borderWidth: 3, borderColor: o.defaultColor, borderCapStyle: "butt", borderDash: [], borderDashOffset: 0, borderJoinStyle: "miter", capBezierPoints: !0, fill: !0 } } }), e.exports = r.extend({ draw: function () { var e, t, n, i, r = this._view, l = this._chart.ctx, s = r.spanGaps, d = this._children.slice(), u = o.elements.line, c = -1; for (this._loop && d.length && d.push(d[0]), l.save(), l.lineCap = r.borderCapStyle || u.borderCapStyle, l.setLineDash && l.setLineDash(r.borderDash || u.borderDash), l.lineDashOffset = r.borderDashOffset || u.borderDashOffset, l.lineJoin = r.borderJoinStyle || u.borderJoinStyle, l.lineWidth = r.borderWidth || u.borderWidth, l.strokeStyle = r.borderColor || o.defaultColor, l.beginPath(), c = -1, e = 0; e < d.length; ++e)t = d[e], n = a.previousItem(d, e), i = t._view, 0 === e ? i.skip || (l.moveTo(i.x, i.y), c = e) : (n = -1 === c ? n : d[c], i.skip || (c !== e - 1 && !s || -1 === c ? l.moveTo(i.x, i.y) : a.canvas.lineTo(l, n._view, t._view), c = e)); l.stroke(), l.restore() } }) }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(3), r = n(6), a = n(2), o = i.global.defaultColor; function l(e) { var t = this._view; return !!t && Math.abs(e - t.x) < t.radius + t.hitRadius } i._set("global", { elements: { point: { radius: 3, pointStyle: "circle", backgroundColor: o, borderColor: o, borderWidth: 1, hitRadius: 1, hoverRadius: 4, hoverBorderWidth: 1 } } }), e.exports = r.extend({ inRange: function (e, t) { var n = this._view; return !!n && Math.pow(e - n.x, 2) + Math.pow(t - n.y, 2) < Math.pow(n.hitRadius + n.radius, 2) }, inLabelRange: l, inXRange: l, inYRange: function (e) { var t = this._view; return !!t && Math.abs(e - t.y) < t.radius + t.hitRadius }, getCenterPoint: function () { var e = this._view; return { x: e.x, y: e.y } }, getArea: function () { return Math.PI * Math.pow(this._view.radius, 2) }, tooltipPosition: function () { var e = this._view; return { x: e.x, y: e.y, padding: e.radius + e.borderWidth } }, draw: function (e) { var t = this._view, n = this._model, r = this._chart.ctx, l = t.pointStyle, s = t.rotation, d = t.radius, u = t.x, c = t.y; t.skip || (void 0 === e || n.x >= e.left && 1.01 * e.right >= n.x && n.y >= e.top && 1.01 * e.bottom >= n.y) && (r.strokeStyle = t.borderColor || o, r.lineWidth = a.valueOrDefault(t.borderWidth, i.global.elements.point.borderWidth), r.fillStyle = t.backgroundColor || o, a.canvas.drawPoint(r, l, d, u, c, s)) } }) }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(3), r = n(6); function a(e) { return void 0 !== e._view.width } function o(e) { var t, n, i, r, o = e._view; if (a(e)) { var l = o.width / 2; t = o.x - l, n = o.x + l, i = Math.min(o.y, o.base), r = Math.max(o.y, o.base) } else { var s = o.height / 2; t = Math.min(o.x, o.base), n = Math.max(o.x, o.base), i = o.y - s, r = o.y + s } return { left: t, top: i, right: n, bottom: r } } i._set("global", { elements: { rectangle: { backgroundColor: i.global.defaultColor, borderColor: i.global.defaultColor, borderSkipped: "bottom", borderWidth: 0 } } }), e.exports = r.extend({ draw: function () { var e, t, n, i, r, a, o, l = this._chart.ctx, s = this._view, d = s.borderWidth; if (s.horizontal ? (e = s.base, t = s.x, n = s.y - s.height / 2, i = s.y + s.height / 2, r = t > e ? 1 : -1, a = 1, o = s.borderSkipped || "left") : (e = s.x - s.width / 2, t = s.x + s.width / 2, n = s.y, r = 1, a = (i = s.base) > n ? 1 : -1, o = s.borderSkipped || "bottom"), d) { var u = Math.min(Math.abs(e - t), Math.abs(n - i)), c = (d = d > u ? u : d) / 2, h = e + ("left" !== o ? c * r : 0), p = t + ("right" !== o ? -c * r : 0), f = n + ("top" !== o ? c * a : 0), m = i + ("bottom" !== o ? -c * a : 0); h !== p && (n = f, i = m), f !== m && (e = h, t = p) } l.beginPath(), l.fillStyle = s.backgroundColor, l.strokeStyle = s.borderColor, l.lineWidth = d; var g = [[e, i], [e, n], [t, n], [t, i]], _ = ["bottom", "left", "top", "right"].indexOf(o, 0); function y(e) { return g[(_ + e) % 4] } -1 === _ && (_ = 0); var v = y(0); l.moveTo(v[0], v[1]); for (var M = 1; M < 4; M++)v = y(M), l.lineTo(v[0], v[1]); l.fill(), d && l.stroke() }, height: function () { var e = this._view; return e.base - e.y }, inRange: function (e, t) { var n = !1; if (this._view) { var i = o(this); n = e >= i.left && e <= i.right && t >= i.top && t <= i.bottom } return n }, inLabelRange: function (e, t) { if (!this._view) return !1; var n = o(this); return a(this) ? e >= n.left && e <= n.right : t >= n.top && t <= n.bottom }, inXRange: function (e) { var t = o(this); return e >= t.left && e <= t.right }, inYRange: function (e) { var t = o(this); return e >= t.top && e <= t.bottom }, getCenterPoint: function () { var e, t, n = this._view; return a(this) ? (e = n.x, t = (n.y + n.base) / 2) : (e = (n.x + n.base) / 2, t = n.y), { x: e, y: t } }, getArea: function () { var e = this._view; return e.width * Math.abs(e.y - e.base) }, tooltipPosition: function () { var e = this._view; return { x: e.x, y: e.y } } }) }, function (e, t) { e.exports = { acquireContext: function (e) { return e && e.canvas && (e = e.canvas), e && e.getContext("2d") || null } } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(2), r = "$chartjs", a = "chartjs-", o = a + "render-monitor", l = a + "render-animation", s = ["animationstart", "webkitAnimationStart"], d = { touchstart: "mousedown", touchmove: "mousemove", touchend: "mouseup", pointerenter: "mouseenter", pointerdown: "mousedown", pointermove: "mousemove", pointerup: "mouseup", pointerleave: "mouseout", pointerout: "mouseout" }; function u(e, t) { var n = i.getStyle(e, t), r = n && n.match(/^(\d+)(\.\d+)?px$/); return r ? Number(r[1]) : void 0 } var c = !!function () { var e = !1; try { var t = Object.defineProperty({}, "passive", { get: function () { e = !0 } }); window.addEventListener("e", null, t) } catch (e) { } return e }() && { passive: !0 }; function h(e, t, n) { e.addEventListener(t, n, c) } function p(e, t, n) { e.removeEventListener(t, n, c) } function f(e, t, n, i, r) { return { type: e, chart: t, native: r || null, x: void 0 !== n ? n : null, y: void 0 !== i ? i : null } } function m(e, t, n) { var d, u, c, p, m = e[r] || (e[r] = {}), g = m.resizer = function (e) { var t = document.createElement("div"), n = a + "size-monitor", i = "position:absolute;left:0;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;overflow:hidden;pointer-events:none;visibility:hidden;z-index:-1;"; t.style.cssText = i, t.className = n, t.innerHTML = '
'; var r = t.childNodes[0], o = t.childNodes[1]; t._reset = function () { r.scrollLeft = 1e6, r.scrollTop = 1e6, o.scrollLeft = 1e6, o.scrollTop = 1e6 }; var l = function () { t._reset(), e() }; return h(r, "scroll", l.bind(r, "expand")), h(o, "scroll", l.bind(o, "shrink")), t }((d = function () { if (m.resizer) return t(f("resize", n)) }, c = !1, p = [], function () { p = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments), u = u || this, c || (c = !0, i.requestAnimFrame.call(window, function () { c = !1, d.apply(u, p) })) })); !function (e, t) { var n = e[r] || (e[r] = {}), a = n.renderProxy = function (e) { e.animationName === l && t() }; i.each(s, function (t) { h(e, t, a) }), n.reflow = !!e.offsetParent, e.classList.add(o) }(e, function () { if (m.resizer) { var t = e.parentNode; t && t !== g.parentNode && t.insertBefore(g, t.firstChild), g._reset() } }) } function g(e) { var t = e[r] || {}, n = t.resizer; delete t.resizer, function (e) { var t = e[r] || {}, n = t.renderProxy; n && (i.each(s, function (t) { p(e, t, n) }), delete t.renderProxy), e.classList.remove(o) }(e), n && n.parentNode && n.parentNode.removeChild(n) } e.exports = { _enabled: "undefined" != typeof window && "undefined" != typeof document, initialize: function () { var e, t, n, i = "from{opacity:0.99}to{opacity:1}"; t = "@-webkit-keyframes " + l + "{" + i + "}@keyframes " + l + "{" + i + "}." + o + "{-webkit-animation:" + l + " 0.001s;animation:" + l + " 0.001s;}", n = (e = this)._style || document.createElement("style"), e._style || (e._style = n, t = "/* Chart.js */\n" + t, n.setAttribute("type", "text/css"), document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(n)), n.appendChild(document.createTextNode(t)) }, acquireContext: function (e, t) { "string" == typeof e ? e = document.getElementById(e) : e.length && (e = e[0]), e && e.canvas && (e = e.canvas); var n = e && e.getContext && e.getContext("2d"); return n && n.canvas === e ? (function (e, t) { var n = e.style, i = e.getAttribute("height"), a = e.getAttribute("width"); if (e[r] = { initial: { height: i, width: a, style: { display: n.display, height: n.height, width: n.width } } }, n.display = n.display || "block", null === a || "" === a) { var o = u(e, "width"); void 0 !== o && (e.width = o) } if (null === i || "" === i) if ("" === e.style.height) e.height = e.width / (t.options.aspectRatio || 2); else { var l = u(e, "height"); void 0 !== o && (e.height = l) } }(e, t), n) : null }, releaseContext: function (e) { var t = e.canvas; if (t[r]) { var n = t[r].initial;["height", "width"].forEach(function (e) { var r = n[e]; i.isNullOrUndef(r) ? t.removeAttribute(e) : t.setAttribute(e, r) }), i.each(n.style || {}, function (e, n) { t.style[n] = e }), t.width = t.width, delete t[r] } }, addEventListener: function (e, t, n) { var a = e.canvas; if ("resize" !== t) { var o = n[r] || (n[r] = {}); h(a, t, (o.proxies || (o.proxies = {}))[e.id + "_" + t] = function (t) { n(function (e, t) { var n = d[e.type] || e.type, r = i.getRelativePosition(e, t); return f(n, t, r.x, r.y, e) }(t, e)) }) } else m(a, n, e) }, removeEventListener: function (e, t, n) { var i = e.canvas; if ("resize" !== t) { var a = ((n[r] || {}).proxies || {})[e.id + "_" + t]; a && p(i, t, a) } else g(i) } }, i.addEvent = h, i.removeEvent = p }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(139), r = n(140), a = n(3), o = n(2), l = n(141), s = n(9), d = n(142), u = n(143), c = n(7), h = n(144); e.exports = function (e) { function t(e) { return "top" === e || "bottom" === e } e.types = {}, e.instances = {}, e.controllers = {}, o.extend(e.prototype, { construct: function (t, n) { var i = this; n = function (e) { var t = (e = e || {}).data = e.data || {}; return t.datasets = t.datasets || [], t.labels = t.labels || [], e.options = o.configMerge(a.global, a[e.type], e.options || {}), e }(n); var r = d.acquireContext(t, n), l = r && r.canvas, s = l && l.height, u = l && l.width; i.id = o.uid(), i.ctx = r, i.canvas = l, i.config = n, i.width = u, i.height = s, i.aspectRatio = s ? u / s : null, i.options = n.options, i._bufferedRender = !1, i.chart = i, i.controller = i, e.instances[i.id] = i, Object.defineProperty(i, "data", { get: function () { return i.config.data }, set: function (e) { i.config.data = e } }), r && l ? (i.initialize(), i.update()) : console.error("Failed to create chart: can't acquire context from the given item") }, initialize: function () { var e = this; return u.notify(e, "beforeInit"), o.retinaScale(e, e.options.devicePixelRatio), e.bindEvents(), e.options.responsive && e.resize(!0), e.ensureScalesHaveIDs(), e.buildOrUpdateScales(), e.initToolTip(), u.notify(e, "afterInit"), e }, clear: function () { return o.canvas.clear(this), this }, stop: function () { return r.cancelAnimation(this), this }, resize: function (e) { var t = this, n = t.options, i = t.canvas, r = n.maintainAspectRatio && t.aspectRatio || null, a = Math.max(0, Math.floor(o.getMaximumWidth(i))), l = Math.max(0, Math.floor(r ? a / r : o.getMaximumHeight(i))); if ((t.width !== a || t.height !== l) && (i.width = t.width = a, i.height = t.height = l, i.style.width = a + "px", i.style.height = l + "px", o.retinaScale(t, n.devicePixelRatio), !e)) { var s = { width: a, height: l }; u.notify(t, "resize", [s]), t.options.onResize && t.options.onResize(t, s), t.stop(), t.update({ duration: t.options.responsiveAnimationDuration }) } }, ensureScalesHaveIDs: function () { var e = this.options, t = e.scales || {}, n = e.scale; o.each(t.xAxes, function (e, t) { e.id = e.id || "x-axis-" + t }), o.each(t.yAxes, function (e, t) { e.id = e.id || "y-axis-" + t }), n && (n.id = n.id || "scale") }, buildOrUpdateScales: function () { var e = this, n = e.options, i = e.scales || {}, r = [], a = Object.keys(i).reduce(function (e, t) { return e[t] = !1, e }, {}); n.scales && (r = r.concat((n.scales.xAxes || []).map(function (e) { return { options: e, dtype: "category", dposition: "bottom" } }), (n.scales.yAxes || []).map(function (e) { return { options: e, dtype: "linear", dposition: "left" } }))), n.scale && r.push({ options: n.scale, dtype: "radialLinear", isDefault: !0, dposition: "chartArea" }), o.each(r, function (n) { var r = n.options, l = r.id, s = o.valueOrDefault(r.type, n.dtype); t(r.position) !== t(n.dposition) && (r.position = n.dposition), a[l] = !0; var d = null; if (l in i && i[l].type === s) (d = i[l]).options = r, d.ctx = e.ctx, d.chart = e; else { var u = c.getScaleConstructor(s); if (!u) return; d = new u({ id: l, type: s, options: r, ctx: e.ctx, chart: e }), i[d.id] = d } d.mergeTicksOptions(), n.isDefault && (e.scale = d) }), o.each(a, function (e, t) { e || delete i[t] }), e.scales = i, c.addScalesToLayout(this) }, buildOrUpdateControllers: function () { var t = this, n = [], i = []; return o.each(t.data.datasets, function (r, a) { var o = t.getDatasetMeta(a), l = r.type || t.config.type; if (o.type && o.type !== l && (t.destroyDatasetMeta(a), o = t.getDatasetMeta(a)), o.type = l, n.push(o.type), o.controller) o.controller.updateIndex(a), o.controller.linkScales(); else { var s = e.controllers[o.type]; if (void 0 === s) throw new Error('"' + o.type + '" is not a chart type.'); o.controller = new s(t, a), i.push(o.controller) } }, t), i }, resetElements: function () { var e = this; o.each(e.data.datasets, function (t, n) { e.getDatasetMeta(n).controller.reset() }, e) }, reset: function () { this.resetElements(), this.tooltip.initialize() }, update: function (t) { var n, i, r = this; if (t && "object" == typeof t || (t = { duration: t, lazy: arguments[1] }), i = (n = r).options, o.each(n.scales, function (e) { s.removeBox(n, e) }), i = o.configMerge(e.defaults.global, e.defaults[n.config.type], i), n.options = n.config.options = i, n.ensureScalesHaveIDs(), n.buildOrUpdateScales(), n.tooltip._options = i.tooltips, n.tooltip.initialize(), u._invalidate(r), !1 !== u.notify(r, "beforeUpdate")) { r.tooltip._data = r.data; var a = r.buildOrUpdateControllers(); o.each(r.data.datasets, function (e, t) { r.getDatasetMeta(t).controller.buildOrUpdateElements() }, r), r.updateLayout(), r.options.animation && r.options.animation.duration && o.each(a, function (e) { e.reset() }), r.updateDatasets(), r.tooltip.initialize(), r.lastActive = [], u.notify(r, "afterUpdate"), r._bufferedRender ? r._bufferedRequest = { duration: t.duration, easing: t.easing, lazy: t.lazy } : r.render(t) } }, updateLayout: function () { !1 !== u.notify(this, "beforeLayout") && (s.update(this, this.width, this.height), u.notify(this, "afterScaleUpdate"), u.notify(this, "afterLayout")) }, updateDatasets: function () { if (!1 !== u.notify(this, "beforeDatasetsUpdate")) { for (var e = 0, t = this.data.datasets.length; e < t; ++e)this.updateDataset(e); u.notify(this, "afterDatasetsUpdate") } }, updateDataset: function (e) { var t = this.getDatasetMeta(e), n = { meta: t, index: e }; !1 !== u.notify(this, "beforeDatasetUpdate", [n]) && (t.controller.update(), u.notify(this, "afterDatasetUpdate", [n])) }, render: function (e) { var t = this; e && "object" == typeof e || (e = { duration: e, lazy: arguments[1] }); var n = e.duration, a = e.lazy; if (!1 !== u.notify(t, "beforeRender")) { var l = t.options.animation, s = function (e) { u.notify(t, "afterRender"), o.callback(l && l.onComplete, [e], t) }; if (l && (void 0 !== n && 0 !== n || void 0 === n && 0 !== l.duration)) { var d = new i({ numSteps: (n || l.duration) / 16.66, easing: e.easing || l.easing, render: function (e, t) { var n = o.easing.effects[t.easing], i = t.currentStep, r = i / t.numSteps; e.draw(n(r), r, i) }, onAnimationProgress: l.onProgress, onAnimationComplete: s }); r.addAnimation(t, d, n, a) } else t.draw(), s(new i({ numSteps: 0, chart: t })); return t } }, draw: function (e) { var t = this; t.clear(), o.isNullOrUndef(e) && (e = 1), t.transition(e), t.width <= 0 || t.height <= 0 || !1 !== u.notify(t, "beforeDraw", [e]) && (o.each(t.boxes, function (e) { e.draw(t.chartArea) }, t), t.scale && t.scale.draw(), t.drawDatasets(e), t._drawTooltip(e), u.notify(t, "afterDraw", [e])) }, transition: function (e) { for (var t = 0, n = (this.data.datasets || []).length; t < n; ++t)this.isDatasetVisible(t) && this.getDatasetMeta(t).controller.transition(e); this.tooltip.transition(e) }, drawDatasets: function (e) { var t = this; if (!1 !== u.notify(t, "beforeDatasetsDraw", [e])) { for (var n = (t.data.datasets || []).length - 1; n >= 0; --n)t.isDatasetVisible(n) && t.drawDataset(n, e); u.notify(t, "afterDatasetsDraw", [e]) } }, drawDataset: function (e, t) { var n = this.getDatasetMeta(e), i = { meta: n, index: e, easingValue: t }; !1 !== u.notify(this, "beforeDatasetDraw", [i]) && (n.controller.draw(t), u.notify(this, "afterDatasetDraw", [i])) }, _drawTooltip: function (e) { var t = this.tooltip, n = { tooltip: t, easingValue: e }; !1 !== u.notify(this, "beforeTooltipDraw", [n]) && (t.draw(), u.notify(this, "afterTooltipDraw", [n])) }, getElementAtEvent: function (e) { return l.modes.single(this, e) }, getElementsAtEvent: function (e) { return l.modes.label(this, e, { intersect: !0 }) }, getElementsAtXAxis: function (e) { return l.modes["x-axis"](this, e, { intersect: !0 }) }, getElementsAtEventForMode: function (e, t, n) { var i = l.modes[t]; return "function" == typeof i ? i(this, e, n) : [] }, getDatasetAtEvent: function (e) { return l.modes.dataset(this, e, { intersect: !0 }) }, getDatasetMeta: function (e) { var t = this.data.datasets[e]; t._meta || (t._meta = {}); var n = t._meta[this.id]; return n || (n = t._meta[this.id] = { type: null, data: [], dataset: null, controller: null, hidden: null, xAxisID: null, yAxisID: null }), n }, getVisibleDatasetCount: function () { for (var e = 0, t = 0, n = this.data.datasets.length; t < n; ++t)this.isDatasetVisible(t) && e++; return e }, isDatasetVisible: function (e) { var t = this.getDatasetMeta(e); return "boolean" == typeof t.hidden ? !t.hidden : !this.data.datasets[e].hidden }, generateLegend: function () { return this.options.legendCallback(this) }, destroyDatasetMeta: function (e) { var t = this.id, n = this.data.datasets[e], i = n._meta && n._meta[t]; i && (i.controller.destroy(), delete n._meta[t]) }, destroy: function () { var t, n, i = this, r = i.canvas; for (i.stop(), t = 0, n = i.data.datasets.length; t < n; ++t)i.destroyDatasetMeta(t); r && (i.unbindEvents(), o.canvas.clear(i), d.releaseContext(i.ctx), i.canvas = null, i.ctx = null), u.notify(i, "destroy"), delete e.instances[i.id] }, toBase64Image: function () { return this.canvas.toDataURL.apply(this.canvas, arguments) }, initToolTip: function () { var e = this; e.tooltip = new h({ _chart: e, _chartInstance: e, _data: e.data, _options: e.options.tooltips }, e) }, bindEvents: function () { var e = this, t = e._listeners = {}, n = function () { e.eventHandler.apply(e, arguments) }; o.each(e.options.events, function (i) { d.addEventListener(e, i, n), t[i] = n }), e.options.responsive && (n = function () { e.resize() }, d.addEventListener(e, "resize", n), t.resize = n) }, unbindEvents: function () { var e = this, t = e._listeners; t && (delete e._listeners, o.each(t, function (t, n) { d.removeEventListener(e, n, t) })) }, updateHoverStyle: function (e, t, n) { var i, r, a, o = n ? "setHoverStyle" : "removeHoverStyle"; for (r = 0, a = e.length; r < a; ++r)(i = e[r]) && this.getDatasetMeta(i._datasetIndex).controller[o](i) }, eventHandler: function (e) { var t = this, n = t.tooltip; if (!1 !== u.notify(t, "beforeEvent", [e])) { t._bufferedRender = !0, t._bufferedRequest = null; var i = t.handleEvent(e); n && (i = n._start ? n.handleEvent(e) : i | n.handleEvent(e)), u.notify(t, "afterEvent", [e]); var r = t._bufferedRequest; return r ? t.render(r) : i && !t.animating && (t.stop(), t.render({ duration: t.options.hover.animationDuration, lazy: !0 })), t._bufferedRender = !1, t._bufferedRequest = null, t } }, handleEvent: function (e) { var t, n = this, i = n.options || {}, r = i.hover; return n.lastActive = n.lastActive || [], "mouseout" === e.type ? n.active = [] : n.active = n.getElementsAtEventForMode(e, r.mode, r), o.callback(i.onHover || i.hover.onHover, [e.native, n.active], n), "mouseup" !== e.type && "click" !== e.type || i.onClick && i.onClick.call(n, e.native, n.active), n.lastActive.length && n.updateHoverStyle(n.lastActive, r.mode, !1), n.active.length && r.mode && n.updateHoverStyle(n.active, r.mode, !0), t = !o.arrayEquals(n.active, n.lastActive), n.lastActive = n.active, t } }), e.Controller = e } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(2); e.exports = function (e) { var t = ["push", "pop", "shift", "splice", "unshift"]; function n(e, n) { var i = e._chartjs; if (i) { var r = i.listeners, a = r.indexOf(n); -1 !== a && r.splice(a, 1), r.length > 0 || (t.forEach(function (t) { delete e[t] }), delete e._chartjs) } } e.DatasetController = function (e, t) { this.initialize(e, t) }, i.extend(e.DatasetController.prototype, { datasetElementType: null, dataElementType: null, initialize: function (e, t) { this.chart = e, this.index = t, this.linkScales(), this.addElements() }, updateIndex: function (e) { this.index = e }, linkScales: function () { var e = this, t = e.getMeta(), n = e.getDataset(); null !== t.xAxisID && t.xAxisID in e.chart.scales || (t.xAxisID = n.xAxisID || e.chart.options.scales.xAxes[0].id), null !== t.yAxisID && t.yAxisID in e.chart.scales || (t.yAxisID = n.yAxisID || e.chart.options.scales.yAxes[0].id) }, getDataset: function () { return this.chart.data.datasets[this.index] }, getMeta: function () { return this.chart.getDatasetMeta(this.index) }, getScaleForId: function (e) { return this.chart.scales[e] }, reset: function () { this.update(!0) }, destroy: function () { this._data && n(this._data, this) }, createMetaDataset: function () { var e = this.datasetElementType; return e && new e({ _chart: this.chart, _datasetIndex: this.index }) }, createMetaData: function (e) { var t = this.dataElementType; return t && new t({ _chart: this.chart, _datasetIndex: this.index, _index: e }) }, addElements: function () { var e, t, n = this.getMeta(), i = this.getDataset().data || [], r = n.data; for (e = 0, t = i.length; e < t; ++e)r[e] = r[e] || this.createMetaData(e); n.dataset = n.dataset || this.createMetaDataset() }, addElementAndReset: function (e) { var t = this.createMetaData(e); this.getMeta().data.splice(e, 0, t), this.updateElement(t, e, !0) }, buildOrUpdateElements: function () { var e, r, a = this, o = a.getDataset(), l = o.data || (o.data = []); a._data !== l && (a._data && n(a._data, a), r = a, (e = l)._chartjs ? e._chartjs.listeners.push(r) : (Object.defineProperty(e, "_chartjs", { configurable: !0, enumerable: !1, value: { listeners: [r] } }), t.forEach(function (t) { var n = "onData" + t.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + t.slice(1), r = e[t]; Object.defineProperty(e, t, { configurable: !0, enumerable: !1, value: function () { var t = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments), a = r.apply(this, t); return i.each(e._chartjs.listeners, function (e) { "function" == typeof e[n] && e[n].apply(e, t) }), a } }) })), a._data = l), a.resyncElements() }, update: i.noop, transition: function (e) { for (var t = this.getMeta(), n = t.data || [], i = n.length, r = 0; r < i; ++r)n[r].transition(e); t.dataset && t.dataset.transition(e) }, draw: function () { var e = this.getMeta(), t = e.data || [], n = t.length, i = 0; for (e.dataset && e.dataset.draw(); i < n; ++i)t[i].draw() }, removeHoverStyle: function (e) { i.merge(e._model, e.$previousStyle || {}), delete e.$previousStyle }, setHoverStyle: function (e) { var t = this.chart.data.datasets[e._datasetIndex], n = e._index, r = e.custom || {}, a = i.valueAtIndexOrDefault, o = i.getHoverColor, l = e._model; e.$previousStyle = { backgroundColor: l.backgroundColor, borderColor: l.borderColor, borderWidth: l.borderWidth }, l.backgroundColor = r.hoverBackgroundColor ? r.hoverBackgroundColor : a(t.hoverBackgroundColor, n, o(l.backgroundColor)), l.borderColor = r.hoverBorderColor ? r.hoverBorderColor : a(t.hoverBorderColor, n, o(l.borderColor)), l.borderWidth = r.hoverBorderWidth ? r.hoverBorderWidth : a(t.hoverBorderWidth, n, l.borderWidth) }, resyncElements: function () { var e = this.getMeta(), t = this.getDataset().data, n = e.data.length, i = t.length; i < n ? e.data.splice(i, n - i) : i > n && this.insertElements(n, i - n) }, insertElements: function (e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t; ++n)this.addElementAndReset(e + n) }, onDataPush: function () { this.insertElements(this.getDataset().data.length - 1, arguments.length) }, onDataPop: function () { this.getMeta().data.pop() }, onDataShift: function () { this.getMeta().data.shift() }, onDataSplice: function (e, t) { this.getMeta().data.splice(e, t), this.insertElements(e, arguments.length - 2) }, onDataUnshift: function () { this.insertElements(0, arguments.length) } }), e.DatasetController.extend = i.inherits } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(2), r = n(10); e.exports = function (e) { var t = i.noop; e.LinearScaleBase = r.extend({ getRightValue: function (e) { return "string" == typeof e ? +e : r.prototype.getRightValue.call(this, e) }, handleTickRangeOptions: function () { var e = this, t = e.options.ticks; if (t.beginAtZero) { var n = i.sign(e.min), r = i.sign(e.max); n < 0 && r < 0 ? e.max = 0 : n > 0 && r > 0 && (e.min = 0) } var a = void 0 !== t.min || void 0 !== t.suggestedMin, o = void 0 !== t.max || void 0 !== t.suggestedMax; void 0 !== t.min ? e.min = t.min : void 0 !== t.suggestedMin && (null === e.min ? e.min = t.suggestedMin : e.min = Math.min(e.min, t.suggestedMin)), void 0 !== t.max ? e.max = t.max : void 0 !== t.suggestedMax && (null === e.max ? e.max = t.suggestedMax : e.max = Math.max(e.max, t.suggestedMax)), a !== o && e.min >= e.max && (a ? e.max = e.min + 1 : e.min = e.max - 1), e.min === e.max && (e.max++, t.beginAtZero || e.min--) }, getTickLimit: t, handleDirectionalChanges: t, buildTicks: function () { var e = this, t = e.options.ticks, n = e.getTickLimit(), r = { maxTicks: n = Math.max(2, n), min: t.min, max: t.max, precision: t.precision, stepSize: i.valueOrDefault(t.fixedStepSize, t.stepSize) }, a = e.ticks = function (e, t) { var n, r, a, o = []; if (e.stepSize && e.stepSize > 0) a = e.stepSize; else { var l = i.niceNum(t.max - t.min, !1); a = i.niceNum(l / (e.maxTicks - 1), !0), void 0 !== (r = e.precision) && (n = Math.pow(10, r), a = Math.ceil(a * n) / n) } var s = Math.floor(t.min / a) * a, d = Math.ceil(t.max / a) * a; i.isNullOrUndef(e.min) || i.isNullOrUndef(e.max) || !e.stepSize || i.almostWhole((e.max - e.min) / e.stepSize, a / 1e3) && (s = e.min, d = e.max); var u = (d - s) / a; u = i.almostEquals(u, Math.round(u), a / 1e3) ? Math.round(u) : Math.ceil(u), r = 1, a < 1 && (r = Math.pow(10, 1 - Math.floor(i.log10(a))), s = Math.round(s * r) / r, d = Math.round(d * r) / r), o.push(void 0 !== e.min ? e.min : s); for (var c = 1; c < u; ++c)o.push(Math.round((s + c * a) * r) / r); return o.push(void 0 !== e.max ? e.max : d), o }(r, e); e.handleDirectionalChanges(), e.max = i.max(a), e.min = i.min(a), t.reverse ? (a.reverse(), e.start = e.max, e.end = e.min) : (e.start = e.min, e.end = e.max) }, convertTicksToLabels: function () { var e = this; e.ticksAsNumbers = e.ticks.slice(), e.zeroLineIndex = e.ticks.indexOf(0), r.prototype.convertTicksToLabels.call(e) } }) } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(10), r = n(7); e.exports = function () { var e = i.extend({ getLabels: function () { var e = this.chart.data; return this.options.labels || (this.isHorizontal() ? e.xLabels : e.yLabels) || e.labels }, determineDataLimits: function () { var e, t = this, n = t.getLabels(); t.minIndex = 0, t.maxIndex = n.length - 1, void 0 !== t.options.ticks.min && (e = n.indexOf(t.options.ticks.min), t.minIndex = -1 !== e ? e : t.minIndex), void 0 !== t.options.ticks.max && (e = n.indexOf(t.options.ticks.max), t.maxIndex = -1 !== e ? e : t.maxIndex), t.min = n[t.minIndex], t.max = n[t.maxIndex] }, buildTicks: function () { var e = this, t = e.getLabels(); e.ticks = 0 === e.minIndex && e.maxIndex === t.length - 1 ? t : t.slice(e.minIndex, e.maxIndex + 1) }, getLabelForIndex: function (e, t) { var n = this, i = n.chart.data, r = n.isHorizontal(); return i.yLabels && !r ? n.getRightValue(i.datasets[t].data[e]) : n.ticks[e - n.minIndex] }, getPixelForValue: function (e, t) { var n, i = this, r = i.options.offset, a = Math.max(i.maxIndex + 1 - i.minIndex - (r ? 0 : 1), 1); if (null != e && (n = i.isHorizontal() ? e.x : e.y), void 0 !== n || void 0 !== e && isNaN(t)) { e = n || e; var o = i.getLabels().indexOf(e); t = -1 !== o ? o : t } if (i.isHorizontal()) { var l = i.width / a, s = l * (t - i.minIndex); return r && (s += l / 2), i.left + Math.round(s) } var d = i.height / a, u = d * (t - i.minIndex); return r && (u += d / 2), i.top + Math.round(u) }, getPixelForTick: function (e) { return this.getPixelForValue(this.ticks[e], e + this.minIndex, null) }, getValueForPixel: function (e) { var t = this, n = t.options.offset, i = Math.max(t._ticks.length - (n ? 0 : 1), 1), r = t.isHorizontal(), a = (r ? t.width : t.height) / i; return e -= r ? t.left : t.top, n && (e -= a / 2), (e <= 0 ? 0 : Math.round(e / a)) + t.minIndex }, getBasePixel: function () { return this.bottom } }); r.registerScaleType("category", e, { position: "bottom" }) } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(3), r = n(2), a = n(7), o = n(11); e.exports = function (e) { var t = { position: "left", ticks: { callback: o.formatters.linear } }, n = e.LinearScaleBase.extend({ determineDataLimits: function () { var e = this, t = e.options, n = e.chart, i = n.data.datasets, a = e.isHorizontal(); function o(t) { return a ? t.xAxisID === e.id : t.yAxisID === e.id } e.min = null, e.max = null; var l = t.stacked; if (void 0 === l && r.each(i, function (e, t) { if (!l) { var i = n.getDatasetMeta(t); n.isDatasetVisible(t) && o(i) && void 0 !== i.stack && (l = !0) } }), t.stacked || l) { var s = {}; r.each(i, function (i, a) { var l = n.getDatasetMeta(a), d = [l.type, void 0 === t.stacked && void 0 === l.stack ? a : "", l.stack].join("."); void 0 === s[d] && (s[d] = { positiveValues: [], negativeValues: [] }); var u = s[d].positiveValues, c = s[d].negativeValues; n.isDatasetVisible(a) && o(l) && r.each(i.data, function (n, i) { var r = +e.getRightValue(n); isNaN(r) || l.data[i].hidden || (u[i] = u[i] || 0, c[i] = c[i] || 0, t.relativePoints ? u[i] = 100 : r < 0 ? c[i] += r : u[i] += r) }) }), r.each(s, function (t) { var n = t.positiveValues.concat(t.negativeValues), i = r.min(n), a = r.max(n); e.min = null === e.min ? i : Math.min(e.min, i), e.max = null === e.max ? a : Math.max(e.max, a) }) } else r.each(i, function (t, i) { var a = n.getDatasetMeta(i); n.isDatasetVisible(i) && o(a) && r.each(t.data, function (t, n) { var i = +e.getRightValue(t); isNaN(i) || a.data[n].hidden || (null === e.min ? e.min = i : i < e.min && (e.min = i), null === e.max ? e.max = i : i > e.max && (e.max = i)) }) }); e.min = isFinite(e.min) && !isNaN(e.min) ? e.min : 0, e.max = isFinite(e.max) && !isNaN(e.max) ? e.max : 1, this.handleTickRangeOptions() }, getTickLimit: function () { var e, t = this.options.ticks; if (this.isHorizontal()) e = Math.min(t.maxTicksLimit ? t.maxTicksLimit : 11, Math.ceil(this.width / 50)); else { var n = r.valueOrDefault(t.fontSize, i.global.defaultFontSize); e = Math.min(t.maxTicksLimit ? t.maxTicksLimit : 11, Math.ceil(this.height / (2 * n))) } return e }, handleDirectionalChanges: function () { this.isHorizontal() || this.ticks.reverse() }, getLabelForIndex: function (e, t) { return +this.getRightValue(this.chart.data.datasets[t].data[e]) }, getPixelForValue: function (e) { var t = this, n = t.start, i = +t.getRightValue(e), r = t.end - n; return t.isHorizontal() ? t.left + t.width / r * (i - n) : t.bottom - t.height / r * (i - n) }, getValueForPixel: function (e) { var t = this, n = t.isHorizontal(), i = n ? t.width : t.height, r = (n ? e - t.left : t.bottom - e) / i; return t.start + (t.end - t.start) * r }, getPixelForTick: function (e) { return this.getPixelForValue(this.ticksAsNumbers[e]) } }); a.registerScaleType("linear", n, t) } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(2), r = n(10), a = n(7), o = n(11); e.exports = function (e) { var t = { position: "left", ticks: { callback: o.formatters.logarithmic } }, n = r.extend({ determineDataLimits: function () { var e = this, t = e.options, n = e.chart, r = n.data.datasets, a = e.isHorizontal(); function o(t) { return a ? t.xAxisID === e.id : t.yAxisID === e.id } e.min = null, e.max = null, e.minNotZero = null; var l = t.stacked; if (void 0 === l && i.each(r, function (e, t) { if (!l) { var i = n.getDatasetMeta(t); n.isDatasetVisible(t) && o(i) && void 0 !== i.stack && (l = !0) } }), t.stacked || l) { var s = {}; i.each(r, function (r, a) { var l = n.getDatasetMeta(a), d = [l.type, void 0 === t.stacked && void 0 === l.stack ? a : "", l.stack].join("."); n.isDatasetVisible(a) && o(l) && (void 0 === s[d] && (s[d] = []), i.each(r.data, function (t, n) { var i = s[d], r = +e.getRightValue(t); isNaN(r) || l.data[n].hidden || r < 0 || (i[n] = i[n] || 0, i[n] += r) })) }), i.each(s, function (t) { if (t.length > 0) { var n = i.min(t), r = i.max(t); e.min = null === e.min ? n : Math.min(e.min, n), e.max = null === e.max ? r : Math.max(e.max, r) } }) } else i.each(r, function (t, r) { var a = n.getDatasetMeta(r); n.isDatasetVisible(r) && o(a) && i.each(t.data, function (t, n) { var i = +e.getRightValue(t); isNaN(i) || a.data[n].hidden || i < 0 || (null === e.min ? e.min = i : i < e.min && (e.min = i), null === e.max ? e.max = i : i > e.max && (e.max = i), 0 !== i && (null === e.minNotZero || i < e.minNotZero) && (e.minNotZero = i)) }) }); this.handleTickRangeOptions() }, handleTickRangeOptions: function () { var e = this, t = e.options.ticks, n = i.valueOrDefault; e.min = n(t.min, e.min), e.max = n(t.max, e.max), e.min === e.max && (0 !== e.min && null !== e.min ? (e.min = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(i.log10(e.min)) - 1), e.max = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(i.log10(e.max)) + 1)) : (e.min = 1, e.max = 10)), null === e.min && (e.min = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(i.log10(e.max)) - 1)), null === e.max && (e.max = 0 !== e.min ? Math.pow(10, Math.floor(i.log10(e.min)) + 1) : 10), null === e.minNotZero && (e.min > 0 ? e.minNotZero = e.min : e.max < 1 ? e.minNotZero = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(i.log10(e.max))) : e.minNotZero = 1) }, buildTicks: function () { var e = this, t = e.options.ticks, n = !e.isHorizontal(), r = { min: t.min, max: t.max }, a = e.ticks = function (e, t) { var n, r, a = [], o = i.valueOrDefault, l = o(e.min, Math.pow(10, Math.floor(i.log10(t.min)))), s = Math.floor(i.log10(t.max)), d = Math.ceil(t.max / Math.pow(10, s)); 0 === l ? (n = Math.floor(i.log10(t.minNotZero)), r = Math.floor(t.minNotZero / Math.pow(10, n)), a.push(l), l = r * Math.pow(10, n)) : (n = Math.floor(i.log10(l)), r = Math.floor(l / Math.pow(10, n))); var u = n < 0 ? Math.pow(10, Math.abs(n)) : 1; do { a.push(l), 10 == ++r && (r = 1, u = ++n >= 0 ? 1 : u), l = Math.round(r * Math.pow(10, n) * u) / u } while (n < s || n === s && r < d); var c = o(e.max, l); return a.push(c), a }(r, e); e.max = i.max(a), e.min = i.min(a), t.reverse ? (n = !n, e.start = e.max, e.end = e.min) : (e.start = e.min, e.end = e.max), n && a.reverse() }, convertTicksToLabels: function () { this.tickValues = this.ticks.slice(), r.prototype.convertTicksToLabels.call(this) }, getLabelForIndex: function (e, t) { return +this.getRightValue(this.chart.data.datasets[t].data[e]) }, getPixelForTick: function (e) { return this.getPixelForValue(this.tickValues[e]) }, _getFirstTickValue: function (e) { var t = Math.floor(i.log10(e)); return Math.floor(e / Math.pow(10, t)) * Math.pow(10, t) }, getPixelForValue: function (t) { var n, r, a, o, l, s = this, d = s.options.ticks.reverse, u = i.log10, c = s._getFirstTickValue(s.minNotZero), h = 0; return t = +s.getRightValue(t), d ? (a = s.end, o = s.start, l = -1) : (a = s.start, o = s.end, l = 1), s.isHorizontal() ? (n = s.width, r = d ? s.right : s.left) : (n = s.height, l *= -1, r = d ? s.top : s.bottom), t !== a && (0 === a && (n -= h = i.getValueOrDefault(s.options.ticks.fontSize, e.defaults.global.defaultFontSize), a = c), 0 !== t && (h += n / (u(o) - u(a)) * (u(t) - u(a))), r += l * h), r }, getValueForPixel: function (t) { var n, r, a, o, l = this, s = l.options.ticks.reverse, d = i.log10, u = l._getFirstTickValue(l.minNotZero); if (s ? (r = l.end, a = l.start) : (r = l.start, a = l.end), l.isHorizontal() ? (n = l.width, o = s ? l.right - t : t - l.left) : (n = l.height, o = s ? t - l.top : l.bottom - t), o !== r) { if (0 === r) { var c = i.getValueOrDefault(l.options.ticks.fontSize, e.defaults.global.defaultFontSize); o -= c, n -= c, r = u } o *= d(a) - d(r), o /= n, o = Math.pow(10, d(r) + o) } return o } }); a.registerScaleType("logarithmic", n, t) } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(3), r = n(2), a = n(7), o = n(11); e.exports = function (e) { var t = i.global, n = { display: !0, animate: !0, position: "chartArea", angleLines: { display: !0, color: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)", lineWidth: 1 }, gridLines: { circular: !1 }, ticks: { showLabelBackdrop: !0, backdropColor: "rgba(255,255,255,0.75)", backdropPaddingY: 2, backdropPaddingX: 2, callback: o.formatters.linear }, pointLabels: { display: !0, fontSize: 10, callback: function (e) { return e } } }; function l(e) { var t = e.options; return t.angleLines.display || t.pointLabels.display ? e.chart.data.labels.length : 0 } function s(e) { var n = e.options.pointLabels, i = r.valueOrDefault(n.fontSize, t.defaultFontSize), a = r.valueOrDefault(n.fontStyle, t.defaultFontStyle), o = r.valueOrDefault(n.fontFamily, t.defaultFontFamily); return { size: i, style: a, family: o, font: r.fontString(i, a, o) } } function d(e, t, n, i, r) { return e === i || e === r ? { start: t - n / 2, end: t + n / 2 } : e < i || e > r ? { start: t - n - 5, end: t } : { start: t, end: t + n + 5 } } function u(e) { return 0 === e || 180 === e ? "center" : e < 180 ? "left" : "right" } function c(e, t, n, i) { if (r.isArray(t)) for (var a = n.y, o = 1.5 * i, l = 0; l < t.length; ++l)e.fillText(t[l], n.x, a), a += o; else e.fillText(t, n.x, n.y) } function h(e, t, n) { 90 === e || 270 === e ? n.y -= t.h / 2 : (e > 270 || e < 90) && (n.y -= t.h) } function p(e) { return r.isNumber(e) ? e : 0 } var f = e.LinearScaleBase.extend({ setDimensions: function () { var e = this, n = e.options, i = n.ticks; e.width = e.maxWidth, e.height = e.maxHeight, e.xCenter = Math.round(e.width / 2), e.yCenter = Math.round(e.height / 2); var a = r.min([e.height, e.width]), o = r.valueOrDefault(i.fontSize, t.defaultFontSize); e.drawingArea = n.display ? a / 2 - (o / 2 + i.backdropPaddingY) : a / 2 }, determineDataLimits: function () { var e = this, t = e.chart, n = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, i = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; r.each(t.data.datasets, function (a, o) { if (t.isDatasetVisible(o)) { var l = t.getDatasetMeta(o); r.each(a.data, function (t, r) { var a = +e.getRightValue(t); isNaN(a) || l.data[r].hidden || (n = Math.min(a, n), i = Math.max(a, i)) }) } }), e.min = n === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY ? 0 : n, e.max = i === Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY ? 0 : i, e.handleTickRangeOptions() }, getTickLimit: function () { var e = this.options.ticks, n = r.valueOrDefault(e.fontSize, t.defaultFontSize); return Math.min(e.maxTicksLimit ? e.maxTicksLimit : 11, Math.ceil(this.drawingArea / (1.5 * n))) }, convertTicksToLabels: function () { var t = this; e.LinearScaleBase.prototype.convertTicksToLabels.call(t), t.pointLabels = t.chart.data.labels.map(t.options.pointLabels.callback, t) }, getLabelForIndex: function (e, t) { return +this.getRightValue(this.chart.data.datasets[t].data[e]) }, fit: function () { var e, t; this.options.pointLabels.display ? function (e) { var t, n, i, a = s(e), o = Math.min(e.height / 2, e.width / 2), u = { r: e.width, l: 0, t: e.height, b: 0 }, c = {}; e.ctx.font = a.font, e._pointLabelSizes = []; var h, p, f, m = l(e); for (t = 0; t < m; t++) { i = e.getPointPosition(t, o), h = e.ctx, p = a.size, f = e.pointLabels[t] || "", n = r.isArray(f) ? { w: r.longestText(h, h.font, f), h: f.length * p + 1.5 * (f.length - 1) * p } : { w: h.measureText(f).width, h: p }, e._pointLabelSizes[t] = n; var g = e.getIndexAngle(t), _ = r.toDegrees(g) % 360, y = d(_, i.x, n.w, 0, 180), v = d(_, i.y, n.h, 90, 270); y.start < u.l && (u.l = y.start, c.l = g), y.end > u.r && (u.r = y.end, c.r = g), v.start < u.t && (u.t = v.start, c.t = g), v.end > u.b && (u.b = v.end, c.b = g) } e.setReductions(o, u, c) }(this) : (e = this, t = Math.min(e.height / 2, e.width / 2), e.drawingArea = Math.round(t), e.setCenterPoint(0, 0, 0, 0)) }, setReductions: function (e, t, n) { var i = t.l / Math.sin(n.l), r = Math.max(t.r - this.width, 0) / Math.sin(n.r), a = -t.t / Math.cos(n.t), o = -Math.max(t.b - this.height, 0) / Math.cos(n.b); i = p(i), r = p(r), a = p(a), o = p(o), this.drawingArea = Math.min(Math.round(e - (i + r) / 2), Math.round(e - (a + o) / 2)), this.setCenterPoint(i, r, a, o) }, setCenterPoint: function (e, t, n, i) { var r = this, a = r.width - t - r.drawingArea, o = e + r.drawingArea, l = n + r.drawingArea, s = r.height - i - r.drawingArea; r.xCenter = Math.round((o + a) / 2 + r.left), r.yCenter = Math.round((l + s) / 2 + r.top) }, getIndexAngle: function (e) { return e * (2 * Math.PI / l(this)) + (this.chart.options && this.chart.options.startAngle ? this.chart.options.startAngle : 0) * Math.PI * 2 / 360 }, getDistanceFromCenterForValue: function (e) { var t = this; if (null === e) return 0; var n = t.drawingArea / (t.max - t.min); return t.options.ticks.reverse ? (t.max - e) * n : (e - t.min) * n }, getPointPosition: function (e, t) { var n = this.getIndexAngle(e) - Math.PI / 2; return { x: Math.round(Math.cos(n) * t) + this.xCenter, y: Math.round(Math.sin(n) * t) + this.yCenter } }, getPointPositionForValue: function (e, t) { return this.getPointPosition(e, this.getDistanceFromCenterForValue(t)) }, getBasePosition: function () { var e = this.min, t = this.max; return this.getPointPositionForValue(0, this.beginAtZero ? 0 : e < 0 && t < 0 ? t : e > 0 && t > 0 ? e : 0) }, draw: function () { var e = this, n = e.options, i = n.gridLines, a = n.ticks, o = r.valueOrDefault; if (n.display) { var d = e.ctx, p = this.getIndexAngle(0), f = o(a.fontSize, t.defaultFontSize), m = o(a.fontStyle, t.defaultFontStyle), g = o(a.fontFamily, t.defaultFontFamily), _ = r.fontString(f, m, g); r.each(e.ticks, function (n, s) { if (s > 0 || a.reverse) { var u = e.getDistanceFromCenterForValue(e.ticksAsNumbers[s]); if (i.display && 0 !== s && function (e, t, n, i) { var a = e.ctx; if (a.strokeStyle = r.valueAtIndexOrDefault(t.color, i - 1), a.lineWidth = r.valueAtIndexOrDefault(t.lineWidth, i - 1), e.options.gridLines.circular) a.beginPath(), a.arc(e.xCenter, e.yCenter, n, 0, 2 * Math.PI), a.closePath(), a.stroke(); else { var o = l(e); if (0 === o) return; a.beginPath(); var s = e.getPointPosition(0, n); a.moveTo(s.x, s.y); for (var d = 1; d < o; d++)s = e.getPointPosition(d, n), a.lineTo(s.x, s.y); a.closePath(), a.stroke() } }(e, i, u, s), a.display) { var c = o(a.fontColor, t.defaultFontColor); if (d.font = _, d.save(), d.translate(e.xCenter, e.yCenter), d.rotate(p), a.showLabelBackdrop) { var h = d.measureText(n).width; d.fillStyle = a.backdropColor, d.fillRect(-h / 2 - a.backdropPaddingX, -u - f / 2 - a.backdropPaddingY, h + 2 * a.backdropPaddingX, f + 2 * a.backdropPaddingY) } d.textAlign = "center", d.textBaseline = "middle", d.fillStyle = c, d.fillText(n, 0, -u), d.restore() } } }), (n.angleLines.display || n.pointLabels.display) && function (e) { var n = e.ctx, i = e.options, a = i.angleLines, o = i.pointLabels; n.lineWidth = a.lineWidth, n.strokeStyle = a.color; var d = e.getDistanceFromCenterForValue(i.ticks.reverse ? e.min : e.max), p = s(e); n.textBaseline = "top"; for (var f = l(e) - 1; f >= 0; f--) { if (a.display) { var m = e.getPointPosition(f, d); n.beginPath(), n.moveTo(e.xCenter, e.yCenter), n.lineTo(m.x, m.y), n.stroke(), n.closePath() } if (o.display) { var g = e.getPointPosition(f, d + 5), _ = r.valueAtIndexOrDefault(o.fontColor, f, t.defaultFontColor); n.font = p.font, n.fillStyle = _; var y = e.getIndexAngle(f), v = r.toDegrees(y); n.textAlign = u(v), h(v, e._pointLabelSizes[f], g), c(n, e.pointLabels[f] || "", g, p.size) } } }(e) } } }); a.registerScaleType("radialLinear", f, n) } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(0); i = "function" == typeof i ? i : window.moment; var r = n(3), a = n(2), o = n(10), l = n(7), s = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER || -9007199254740991, d = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || 9007199254740991, u = { millisecond: { common: !0, size: 1, steps: [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 250, 500] }, second: { common: !0, size: 1e3, steps: [1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30] }, minute: { common: !0, size: 6e4, steps: [1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30] }, hour: { common: !0, size: 36e5, steps: [1, 2, 3, 6, 12] }, day: { common: !0, size: 864e5, steps: [1, 2, 5] }, week: { common: !1, size: 6048e5, steps: [1, 2, 3, 4] }, month: { common: !0, size: 2628e6, steps: [1, 2, 3] }, quarter: { common: !1, size: 7884e6, steps: [1, 2, 3, 4] }, year: { common: !0, size: 3154e7 } }, c = Object.keys(u); function h(e, t) { return e - t } function p(e) { var t, n, i, r = {}, a = []; for (t = 0, n = e.length; t < n; ++t)r[i = e[t]] || (r[i] = !0, a.push(i)); return a } function f(e, t, n, i) { var r = function (e, t, n) { for (var i, r, a, o = 0, l = e.length - 1; o >= 0 && o <= l;) { if (r = e[(i = o + l >> 1) - 1] || null, a = e[i], !r) return { lo: null, hi: a }; if (a[t] < n) o = i + 1; else { if (!(r[t] > n)) return { lo: r, hi: a }; l = i - 1 } } return { lo: a, hi: null } }(e, t, n), a = r.lo ? r.hi ? r.lo : e[e.length - 2] : e[0], o = r.lo ? r.hi ? r.hi : e[e.length - 1] : e[1], l = o[t] - a[t], s = l ? (n - a[t]) / l : 0, d = (o[i] - a[i]) * s; return a[i] + d } function m(e, t) { var n = t.parser, r = t.parser || t.format; return "function" == typeof n ? n(e) : "string" == typeof e && "string" == typeof r ? i(e, r) : (e instanceof i || (e = i(e)), e.isValid() ? e : "function" == typeof r ? r(e) : e) } function g(e, t) { if (a.isNullOrUndef(e)) return null; var n = t.options.time, i = m(t.getRightValue(e), n); return i.isValid() ? (n.round && i.startOf(n.round), i.valueOf()) : null } function _(e) { for (var t = c.indexOf(e) + 1, n = c.length; t < n; ++t)if (u[c[t]].common) return c[t] } function y(e, t, n, r) { var o, l = r.time, s = l.unit || function (e, t, n, i) { var r, a, o, l = c.length; for (r = c.indexOf(e); r < l - 1; ++r)if (o = (a = u[c[r]]).steps ? a.steps[a.steps.length - 1] : d, a.common && Math.ceil((n - t) / (o * a.size)) <= i) return c[r]; return c[l - 1] }(l.minUnit, e, t, n), h = _(s), p = a.valueOrDefault(l.stepSize, l.unitStepSize), f = "week" === s && l.isoWeekday, m = r.ticks.major.enabled, g = u[s], y = i(e), v = i(t), M = []; for (p || (p = function (e, t, n, i) { var r, a, o, l = t - e, s = u[n], d = s.size, c = s.steps; if (!c) return Math.ceil(l / (i * d)); for (r = 0, a = c.length; r < a && (o = c[r], !(Math.ceil(l / (d * o)) <= i)); ++r); return o }(e, t, s, n)), f && (y = y.isoWeekday(f), v = v.isoWeekday(f)), y = y.startOf(f ? "day" : s), (v = v.startOf(f ? "day" : s)) < t && v.add(1, s), o = i(y), m && h && !f && !l.round && (o.startOf(h), o.add(~~((y - o) / (g.size * p)) * p, s)); o < v; o.add(p, s))M.push(+o); return M.push(+o), M } e.exports = function () { var e = o.extend({ initialize: function () { if (!i) throw new Error("Chart.js - Moment.js could not be found! You must include it before Chart.js to use the time scale. Download at https://momentjs.com"); this.mergeTicksOptions(), o.prototype.initialize.call(this) }, update: function () { var e = this.options; return e.time && e.time.format && console.warn("options.time.format is deprecated and replaced by options.time.parser."), o.prototype.update.apply(this, arguments) }, getRightValue: function (e) { return e && void 0 !== e.t && (e = e.t), o.prototype.getRightValue.call(this, e) }, determineDataLimits: function () { var e, t, n, r, o, l, u = this, c = u.chart, f = u.options.time, m = f.unit || "day", _ = d, y = s, v = [], M = [], b = []; for (e = 0, n = c.data.labels.length; e < n; ++e)b.push(g(c.data.labels[e], u)); for (e = 0, n = (c.data.datasets || []).length; e < n; ++e)if (c.isDatasetVisible(e)) if (o = c.data.datasets[e].data, a.isObject(o[0])) for (M[e] = [], t = 0, r = o.length; t < r; ++t)l = g(o[t], u), v.push(l), M[e][t] = l; else v.push.apply(v, b), M[e] = b.slice(0); else M[e] = []; b.length && (b = p(b).sort(h), _ = Math.min(_, b[0]), y = Math.max(y, b[b.length - 1])), v.length && (v = p(v).sort(h), _ = Math.min(_, v[0]), y = Math.max(y, v[v.length - 1])), _ = g(f.min, u) || _, y = g(f.max, u) || y, _ = _ === d ? +i().startOf(m) : _, y = y === s ? +i().endOf(m) + 1 : y, u.min = Math.min(_, y), u.max = Math.max(_ + 1, y), u._horizontal = u.isHorizontal(), u._table = [], u._timestamps = { data: v, datasets: M, labels: b } }, buildTicks: function () { var e, t, n, r = this, a = r.min, o = r.max, l = r.options, s = l.time, d = [], h = []; switch (l.ticks.source) { case "data": d = r._timestamps.data; break; case "labels": d = r._timestamps.labels; break; case "auto": default: d = y(a, o, r.getLabelCapacity(a), l) }for ("ticks" === l.bounds && d.length && (a = d[0], o = d[d.length - 1]), a = g(s.min, r) || a, o = g(s.max, r) || o, e = 0, t = d.length; e < t; ++e)(n = d[e]) >= a && n <= o && h.push(n); return r.min = a, r.max = o, r._unit = s.unit || function (e, t, n, r) { var a, o, l = i.duration(i(r).diff(i(n))); for (a = c.length - 1; a >= c.indexOf(t); a--)if (o = c[a], u[o].common && l.as(o) >= e.length) return o; return c[t ? c.indexOf(t) : 0] }(h, s.minUnit, r.min, r.max), r._majorUnit = _(r._unit), r._table = function (e, t, n, i) { if ("linear" === i || !e.length) return [{ time: t, pos: 0 }, { time: n, pos: 1 }]; var r, a, o, l, s, d = [], u = [t]; for (r = 0, a = e.length; r < a; ++r)(l = e[r]) > t && l < n && u.push(l); for (u.push(n), r = 0, a = u.length; r < a; ++r)s = u[r + 1], o = u[r - 1], l = u[r], void 0 !== o && void 0 !== s && Math.round((s + o) / 2) === l || d.push({ time: l, pos: r / (a - 1) }); return d }(r._timestamps.data, a, o, l.distribution), r._offsets = function (e, t, n, i, r) { var a, o, l = 0, s = 0; return r.offset && t.length && (r.time.min || (a = t.length > 1 ? t[1] : i, o = t[0], l = (f(e, "time", a, "pos") - f(e, "time", o, "pos")) / 2), r.time.max || (a = t[t.length - 1], o = t.length > 1 ? t[t.length - 2] : n, s = (f(e, "time", a, "pos") - f(e, "time", o, "pos")) / 2)), { left: l, right: s } }(r._table, h, a, o, l), r._labelFormat = function (e, t) { var n, i, r, a = e.length; for (n = 0; n < a; n++) { if (0 !== (i = m(e[n], t)).millisecond()) return "MMM D, YYYY h:mm:ss.SSS a"; 0 === i.second() && 0 === i.minute() && 0 === i.hour() || (r = !0) } return r ? "MMM D, YYYY h:mm:ss a" : "MMM D, YYYY" }(r._timestamps.data, s), function (e, t) { var n, r, a, o, l = []; for (n = 0, r = e.length; n < r; ++n)a = e[n], o = !!t && a === +i(a).startOf(t), l.push({ value: a, major: o }); return l }(h, r._majorUnit) }, getLabelForIndex: function (e, t) { var n = this.chart.data, i = this.options.time, r = n.labels && e < n.labels.length ? n.labels[e] : "", o = n.datasets[t].data[e]; return a.isObject(o) && (r = this.getRightValue(o)), i.tooltipFormat ? m(r, i).format(i.tooltipFormat) : "string" == typeof r ? r : m(r, i).format(this._labelFormat) }, tickFormatFunction: function (e, t, n, i) { var r = this.options, o = e.valueOf(), l = r.time.displayFormats, s = l[this._unit], d = this._majorUnit, u = l[d], c = e.clone().startOf(d).valueOf(), h = r.ticks.major, p = h.enabled && d && u && o === c, f = e.format(i || (p ? u : s)), m = p ? h : r.ticks.minor, g = a.valueOrDefault(m.callback, m.userCallback); return g ? g(f, t, n) : f }, convertTicksToLabels: function (e) { var t, n, r = []; for (t = 0, n = e.length; t < n; ++t)r.push(this.tickFormatFunction(i(e[t].value), t, e)); return r }, getPixelForOffset: function (e) { var t = this, n = t._horizontal ? t.width : t.height, i = t._horizontal ? t.left : t.top, r = f(t._table, "time", e, "pos"); return i + n * (t._offsets.left + r) / (t._offsets.left + 1 + t._offsets.right) }, getPixelForValue: function (e, t, n) { var i = null; if (void 0 !== t && void 0 !== n && (i = this._timestamps.datasets[n][t]), null === i && (i = g(e, this)), null !== i) return this.getPixelForOffset(i) }, getPixelForTick: function (e) { var t = this.getTicks(); return e >= 0 && e < t.length ? this.getPixelForOffset(t[e].value) : null }, getValueForPixel: function (e) { var t = this, n = t._horizontal ? t.width : t.height, r = t._horizontal ? t.left : t.top, a = (n ? (e - r) / n : 0) * (t._offsets.left + 1 + t._offsets.left) - t._offsets.right, o = f(t._table, "pos", a, "time"); return i(o) }, getLabelWidth: function (e) { var t = this.options.ticks, n = this.ctx.measureText(e).width, i = a.toRadians(t.maxRotation), o = Math.cos(i), l = Math.sin(i); return n * o + a.valueOrDefault(t.fontSize, r.global.defaultFontSize) * l }, getLabelCapacity: function (e) { var t = this, n = t.options.time.displayFormats.millisecond, r = t.tickFormatFunction(i(e), 0, [], n), a = t.getLabelWidth(r), o = t.isHorizontal() ? t.width : t.height, l = Math.floor(o / a); return l > 0 ? l : 1 } }); l.registerScaleType("time", e, { position: "bottom", distribution: "linear", bounds: "data", time: { parser: !1, format: !1, unit: !1, round: !1, displayFormat: !1, isoWeekday: !1, minUnit: "millisecond", displayFormats: { millisecond: "h:mm:ss.SSS a", second: "h:mm:ss a", minute: "h:mm a", hour: "hA", day: "MMM D", week: "ll", month: "MMM YYYY", quarter: "[Q]Q - YYYY", year: "YYYY" } }, ticks: { autoSkip: !1, source: "auto", major: { enabled: !1 } } }) } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(3), r = n(8), a = n(2); i._set("bar", { hover: { mode: "label" }, scales: { xAxes: [{ type: "category", categoryPercentage: .8, barPercentage: .9, offset: !0, gridLines: { offsetGridLines: !0 } }], yAxes: [{ type: "linear" }] } }), i._set("horizontalBar", { hover: { mode: "index", axis: "y" }, scales: { xAxes: [{ type: "linear", position: "bottom" }], yAxes: [{ position: "left", type: "category", categoryPercentage: .8, barPercentage: .9, offset: !0, gridLines: { offsetGridLines: !0 } }] }, elements: { rectangle: { borderSkipped: "left" } }, tooltips: { callbacks: { title: function (e, t) { var n = ""; return e.length > 0 && (e[0].yLabel ? n = e[0].yLabel : t.labels.length > 0 && e[0].index < t.labels.length && (n = t.labels[e[0].index])), n }, label: function (e, t) { return (t.datasets[e.datasetIndex].label || "") + ": " + e.xLabel } }, mode: "index", axis: "y" } }), e.exports = function (e) { e.controllers.bar = e.DatasetController.extend({ dataElementType: r.Rectangle, initialize: function () { var t; e.DatasetController.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments), (t = this.getMeta()).stack = this.getDataset().stack, t.bar = !0 }, update: function (e) { var t, n, i = this.getMeta().data; for (this._ruler = this.getRuler(), t = 0, n = i.length; t < n; ++t)this.updateElement(i[t], t, e) }, updateElement: function (e, t, n) { var i = this, r = i.chart, o = i.getMeta(), l = i.getDataset(), s = e.custom || {}, d = r.options.elements.rectangle; e._xScale = i.getScaleForId(o.xAxisID), e._yScale = i.getScaleForId(o.yAxisID), e._datasetIndex = i.index, e._index = t, e._model = { datasetLabel: l.label, label: r.data.labels[t], borderSkipped: s.borderSkipped ? s.borderSkipped : d.borderSkipped, backgroundColor: s.backgroundColor ? s.backgroundColor : a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(l.backgroundColor, t, d.backgroundColor), borderColor: s.borderColor ? s.borderColor : a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(l.borderColor, t, d.borderColor), borderWidth: s.borderWidth ? s.borderWidth : a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(l.borderWidth, t, d.borderWidth) }, i.updateElementGeometry(e, t, n), e.pivot() }, updateElementGeometry: function (e, t, n) { var i = this, r = e._model, a = i.getValueScale(), o = a.getBasePixel(), l = a.isHorizontal(), s = i._ruler || i.getRuler(), d = i.calculateBarValuePixels(i.index, t), u = i.calculateBarIndexPixels(i.index, t, s); r.horizontal = l, r.base = n ? o : d.base, r.x = l ? n ? o : d.head : u.center, r.y = l ? u.center : n ? o : d.head, r.height = l ? u.size : void 0, r.width = l ? void 0 : u.size }, getValueScaleId: function () { return this.getMeta().yAxisID }, getIndexScaleId: function () { return this.getMeta().xAxisID }, getValueScale: function () { return this.getScaleForId(this.getValueScaleId()) }, getIndexScale: function () { return this.getScaleForId(this.getIndexScaleId()) }, _getStacks: function (e) { var t, n, i = this.chart, r = this.getIndexScale().options.stacked, a = void 0 === e ? i.data.datasets.length : e + 1, o = []; for (t = 0; t < a; ++t)(n = i.getDatasetMeta(t)).bar && i.isDatasetVisible(t) && (!1 === r || !0 === r && -1 === o.indexOf(n.stack) || void 0 === r && (void 0 === n.stack || -1 === o.indexOf(n.stack))) && o.push(n.stack); return o }, getStackCount: function () { return this._getStacks().length }, getStackIndex: function (e, t) { var n = this._getStacks(e), i = void 0 !== t ? n.indexOf(t) : -1; return -1 === i ? n.length - 1 : i }, getRuler: function () { var e, t, n = this.getIndexScale(), i = this.getStackCount(), r = this.index, o = n.isHorizontal(), l = o ? n.left : n.top, s = l + (o ? n.width : n.height), d = []; for (e = 0, t = this.getMeta().data.length; e < t; ++e)d.push(n.getPixelForValue(null, e, r)); return { min: a.isNullOrUndef(n.options.barThickness) ? function (e, t) { var n, i, r, a, o = e.isHorizontal() ? e.width : e.height, l = e.getTicks(); for (r = 1, a = t.length; r < a; ++r)o = Math.min(o, t[r] - t[r - 1]); for (r = 0, a = l.length; r < a; ++r)i = e.getPixelForTick(r), o = r > 0 ? Math.min(o, i - n) : o, n = i; return o }(n, d) : -1, pixels: d, start: l, end: s, stackCount: i, scale: n } }, calculateBarValuePixels: function (e, t) { var n, i, r, a, o, l, s = this.chart, d = this.getMeta(), u = this.getValueScale(), c = s.data.datasets, h = u.getRightValue(c[e].data[t]), p = u.options.stacked, f = d.stack, m = 0; if (p || void 0 === p && void 0 !== f) for (n = 0; n < e; ++n)(i = s.getDatasetMeta(n)).bar && i.stack === f && i.controller.getValueScaleId() === u.id && s.isDatasetVisible(n) && (r = u.getRightValue(c[n].data[t]), (h < 0 && r < 0 || h >= 0 && r > 0) && (m += r)); return a = u.getPixelForValue(m), { size: l = ((o = u.getPixelForValue(m + h)) - a) / 2, base: a, head: o, center: o + l / 2 } }, calculateBarIndexPixels: function (e, t, n) { var i = n.scale.options, r = "flex" === i.barThickness ? function (e, t, n) { var i, r = t.pixels, a = r[e], o = e > 0 ? r[e - 1] : null, l = e < r.length - 1 ? r[e + 1] : null, s = n.categoryPercentage; return null === o && (o = a - (null === l ? t.end - a : l - a)), null === l && (l = a + a - o), i = a - (a - o) / 2 * s, { chunk: (l - o) / 2 * s / t.stackCount, ratio: n.barPercentage, start: i } }(t, n, i) : function (e, t, n) { var i, r, o = n.barThickness, l = t.stackCount, s = t.pixels[e]; return a.isNullOrUndef(o) ? (i = t.min * n.categoryPercentage, r = n.barPercentage) : (i = o * l, r = 1), { chunk: i / l, ratio: r, start: s - i / 2 } }(t, n, i), o = this.getStackIndex(e, this.getMeta().stack), l = r.start + r.chunk * o + r.chunk / 2, s = Math.min(a.valueOrDefault(i.maxBarThickness, 1 / 0), r.chunk * r.ratio); return { base: l - s / 2, head: l + s / 2, center: l, size: s } }, draw: function () { var e = this.chart, t = this.getValueScale(), n = this.getMeta().data, i = this.getDataset(), r = n.length, o = 0; for (a.canvas.clipArea(e.ctx, e.chartArea); o < r; ++o)isNaN(t.getRightValue(i.data[o])) || n[o].draw(); a.canvas.unclipArea(e.ctx) } }), e.controllers.horizontalBar = e.controllers.bar.extend({ getValueScaleId: function () { return this.getMeta().xAxisID }, getIndexScaleId: function () { return this.getMeta().yAxisID } }) } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(3), r = n(8), a = n(2); i._set("bubble", { hover: { mode: "single" }, scales: { xAxes: [{ type: "linear", position: "bottom", id: "x-axis-0" }], yAxes: [{ type: "linear", position: "left", id: "y-axis-0" }] }, tooltips: { callbacks: { title: function () { return "" }, label: function (e, t) { var n = t.datasets[e.datasetIndex].label || "", i = t.datasets[e.datasetIndex].data[e.index]; return n + ": (" + e.xLabel + ", " + e.yLabel + ", " + i.r + ")" } } } }), e.exports = function (e) { e.controllers.bubble = e.DatasetController.extend({ dataElementType: r.Point, update: function (e) { var t = this, n = t.getMeta().data; a.each(n, function (n, i) { t.updateElement(n, i, e) }) }, updateElement: function (e, t, n) { var i = this, r = i.getMeta(), a = e.custom || {}, o = i.getScaleForId(r.xAxisID), l = i.getScaleForId(r.yAxisID), s = i._resolveElementOptions(e, t), d = i.getDataset().data[t], u = i.index, c = n ? o.getPixelForDecimal(.5) : o.getPixelForValue("object" == typeof d ? d : NaN, t, u), h = n ? l.getBasePixel() : l.getPixelForValue(d, t, u); e._xScale = o, e._yScale = l, e._options = s, e._datasetIndex = u, e._index = t, e._model = { backgroundColor: s.backgroundColor, borderColor: s.borderColor, borderWidth: s.borderWidth, hitRadius: s.hitRadius, pointStyle: s.pointStyle, rotation: s.rotation, radius: n ? 0 : s.radius, skip: a.skip || isNaN(c) || isNaN(h), x: c, y: h }, e.pivot() }, setHoverStyle: function (e) { var t = e._model, n = e._options; e.$previousStyle = { backgroundColor: t.backgroundColor, borderColor: t.borderColor, borderWidth: t.borderWidth, radius: t.radius }, t.backgroundColor = a.valueOrDefault(n.hoverBackgroundColor, a.getHoverColor(n.backgroundColor)), t.borderColor = a.valueOrDefault(n.hoverBorderColor, a.getHoverColor(n.borderColor)), t.borderWidth = a.valueOrDefault(n.hoverBorderWidth, n.borderWidth), t.radius = n.radius + n.hoverRadius }, _resolveElementOptions: function (e, t) { var n, i, r, o = this.chart, l = o.data.datasets[this.index], s = e.custom || {}, d = o.options.elements.point, u = a.options.resolve, c = l.data[t], h = {}, p = { chart: o, dataIndex: t, dataset: l, datasetIndex: this.index }, f = ["backgroundColor", "borderColor", "borderWidth", "hoverBackgroundColor", "hoverBorderColor", "hoverBorderWidth", "hoverRadius", "hitRadius", "pointStyle", "rotation"]; for (n = 0, i = f.length; n < i; ++n)h[r = f[n]] = u([s[r], l[r], d[r]], p, t); return h.radius = u([s.radius, c ? c.r : void 0, l.radius, d.radius], p, t), h } }) } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(3), r = n(8), a = n(2); i._set("doughnut", { animation: { animateRotate: !0, animateScale: !1 }, hover: { mode: "single" }, legendCallback: function (e) { var t = []; t.push('
'); var n = e.data, i = n.datasets, r = n.labels; if (i.length) for (var a = 0; a < i[0].data.length; ++a)t.push('- '), r[a] && t.push(r[a]), t.push("
"); return t.push("
"), t.join("") }, legend: { labels: { generateLabels: function (e) { var t = e.data; return t.labels.length && t.datasets.length ? t.labels.map(function (n, i) { var r = e.getDatasetMeta(0), o = t.datasets[0], l = r.data[i], s = l && l.custom || {}, d = a.valueAtIndexOrDefault, u = e.options.elements.arc; return { text: n, fillStyle: s.backgroundColor ? s.backgroundColor : d(o.backgroundColor, i, u.backgroundColor), strokeStyle: s.borderColor ? s.borderColor : d(o.borderColor, i, u.borderColor), lineWidth: s.borderWidth ? s.borderWidth : d(o.borderWidth, i, u.borderWidth), hidden: isNaN(o.data[i]) || r.data[i].hidden, index: i } }) : [] } }, onClick: function (e, t) { var n, i, r, a = t.index, o = this.chart; for (n = 0, i = (o.data.datasets || []).length; n < i; ++n)(r = o.getDatasetMeta(n)).data[a] && (r.data[a].hidden = !r.data[a].hidden); o.update() } }, cutoutPercentage: 50, rotation: -.5 * Math.PI, circumference: 2 * Math.PI, tooltips: { callbacks: { title: function () { return "" }, label: function (e, t) { var n = t.labels[e.index], i = ": " + t.datasets[e.datasetIndex].data[e.index]; return a.isArray(n) ? (n = n.slice())[0] += i : n += i, n } } } }), i._set("pie", a.clone(i.doughnut)), i._set("pie", { cutoutPercentage: 0 }), e.exports = function (e) { e.controllers.doughnut = e.controllers.pie = e.DatasetController.extend({ dataElementType: r.Arc, linkScales: a.noop, getRingIndex: function (e) { for (var t = 0, n = 0; n < e; ++n)this.chart.isDatasetVisible(n) && ++t; return t }, update: function (e) { var t = this, n = t.chart, i = n.chartArea, r = n.options, o = r.elements.arc, l = i.right - i.left - o.borderWidth, s = i.bottom - i.top - o.borderWidth, d = Math.min(l, s), u = { x: 0, y: 0 }, c = t.getMeta(), h = r.cutoutPercentage, p = r.circumference; if (p < 2 * Math.PI) { var f = r.rotation % (2 * Math.PI), m = (f += 2 * Math.PI * (f >= Math.PI ? -1 : f < -Math.PI ? 1 : 0)) + p, g = { x: Math.cos(f), y: Math.sin(f) }, _ = { x: Math.cos(m), y: Math.sin(m) }, y = f <= 0 && m >= 0 || f <= 2 * Math.PI && 2 * Math.PI <= m, v = f <= .5 * Math.PI && .5 * Math.PI <= m || f <= 2.5 * Math.PI && 2.5 * Math.PI <= m, M = f <= -Math.PI && -Math.PI <= m || f <= Math.PI && Math.PI <= m, b = f <= .5 * -Math.PI && .5 * -Math.PI <= m || f <= 1.5 * Math.PI && 1.5 * Math.PI <= m, w = h / 100, L = { x: M ? -1 : Math.min(g.x * (g.x < 0 ? 1 : w), _.x * (_.x < 0 ? 1 : w)), y: b ? -1 : Math.min(g.y * (g.y < 0 ? 1 : w), _.y * (_.y < 0 ? 1 : w)) }, D = { x: y ? 1 : Math.max(g.x * (g.x > 0 ? 1 : w), _.x * (_.x > 0 ? 1 : w)), y: v ? 1 : Math.max(g.y * (g.y > 0 ? 1 : w), _.y * (_.y > 0 ? 1 : w)) }, T = { width: .5 * (D.x - L.x), height: .5 * (D.y - L.y) }; d = Math.min(l / T.width, s / T.height), u = { x: -.5 * (D.x + L.x), y: -.5 * (D.y + L.y) } } n.borderWidth = t.getMaxBorderWidth(c.data), n.outerRadius = Math.max((d - n.borderWidth) / 2, 0), n.innerRadius = Math.max(h ? n.outerRadius / 100 * h : 0, 0), n.radiusLength = (n.outerRadius - n.innerRadius) / n.getVisibleDatasetCount(), n.offsetX = u.x * n.outerRadius, n.offsetY = u.y * n.outerRadius, c.total = t.calculateTotal(), t.outerRadius = n.outerRadius - n.radiusLength * t.getRingIndex(t.index), t.innerRadius = Math.max(t.outerRadius - n.radiusLength, 0), a.each(c.data, function (n, i) { t.updateElement(n, i, e) }) }, updateElement: function (e, t, n) { var i = this, r = i.chart, o = r.chartArea, l = r.options, s = l.animation, d = (o.left + o.right) / 2, u = (o.top + o.bottom) / 2, c = l.rotation, h = l.rotation, p = i.getDataset(), f = n && s.animateRotate ? 0 : e.hidden ? 0 : i.calculateCircumference(p.data[t]) * (l.circumference / (2 * Math.PI)), m = n && s.animateScale ? 0 : i.innerRadius, g = n && s.animateScale ? 0 : i.outerRadius, _ = a.valueAtIndexOrDefault; a.extend(e, { _datasetIndex: i.index, _index: t, _model: { x: d + r.offsetX, y: u + r.offsetY, startAngle: c, endAngle: h, circumference: f, outerRadius: g, innerRadius: m, label: _(p.label, t, r.data.labels[t]) } }); var y = e._model, v = e.custom || {}, M = a.valueAtIndexOrDefault, b = this.chart.options.elements.arc; y.backgroundColor = v.backgroundColor ? v.backgroundColor : M(p.backgroundColor, t, b.backgroundColor), y.borderColor = v.borderColor ? v.borderColor : M(p.borderColor, t, b.borderColor), y.borderWidth = v.borderWidth ? v.borderWidth : M(p.borderWidth, t, b.borderWidth), n && s.animateRotate || (y.startAngle = 0 === t ? l.rotation : i.getMeta().data[t - 1]._model.endAngle, y.endAngle = y.startAngle + y.circumference), e.pivot() }, calculateTotal: function () { var e, t = this.getDataset(), n = this.getMeta(), i = 0; return a.each(n.data, function (n, r) { e = t.data[r], isNaN(e) || n.hidden || (i += Math.abs(e)) }), i }, calculateCircumference: function (e) { var t = this.getMeta().total; return t > 0 && !isNaN(e) ? 2 * Math.PI * (Math.abs(e) / t) : 0 }, getMaxBorderWidth: function (e) { for (var t, n, i = 0, r = this.index, a = e.length, o = 0; o < a; o++)t = e[o]._model ? e[o]._model.borderWidth : 0, i = (n = e[o]._chart ? e[o]._chart.config.data.datasets[r].hoverBorderWidth : 0) > (i = t > i ? t : i) ? n : i; return i } }) } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(3), r = n(8), a = n(2); i._set("line", { showLines: !0, spanGaps: !1, hover: { mode: "label" }, scales: { xAxes: [{ type: "category", id: "x-axis-0" }], yAxes: [{ type: "linear", id: "y-axis-0" }] } }), e.exports = function (e) { function t(e, t) { return a.valueOrDefault(e.showLine, t.showLines) } e.controllers.line = e.DatasetController.extend({ datasetElementType: r.Line, dataElementType: r.Point, update: function (e) { var n, i, r, o = this, l = o.getMeta(), s = l.dataset, d = l.data || [], u = o.chart.options, c = u.elements.line, h = o.getScaleForId(l.yAxisID), p = o.getDataset(), f = t(p, u); for (f && (r = s.custom || {}, void 0 !== p.tension && void 0 === p.lineTension && (p.lineTension = p.tension), s._scale = h, s._datasetIndex = o.index, s._children = d, s._model = { spanGaps: p.spanGaps ? p.spanGaps : u.spanGaps, tension: r.tension ? r.tension : a.valueOrDefault(p.lineTension, c.tension), backgroundColor: r.backgroundColor ? r.backgroundColor : p.backgroundColor || c.backgroundColor, borderWidth: r.borderWidth ? r.borderWidth : p.borderWidth || c.borderWidth, borderColor: r.borderColor ? r.borderColor : p.borderColor || c.borderColor, borderCapStyle: r.borderCapStyle ? r.borderCapStyle : p.borderCapStyle || c.borderCapStyle, borderDash: r.borderDash ? r.borderDash : p.borderDash || c.borderDash, borderDashOffset: r.borderDashOffset ? r.borderDashOffset : p.borderDashOffset || c.borderDashOffset, borderJoinStyle: r.borderJoinStyle ? r.borderJoinStyle : p.borderJoinStyle || c.borderJoinStyle, fill: r.fill ? r.fill : void 0 !== p.fill ? p.fill : c.fill, steppedLine: r.steppedLine ? r.steppedLine : a.valueOrDefault(p.steppedLine, c.stepped), cubicInterpolationMode: r.cubicInterpolationMode ? r.cubicInterpolationMode : a.valueOrDefault(p.cubicInterpolationMode, c.cubicInterpolationMode) }, s.pivot()), n = 0, i = d.length; n < i; ++n)o.updateElement(d[n], n, e); for (f && 0 !== s._model.tension && o.updateBezierControlPoints(), n = 0, i = d.length; n < i; ++n)d[n].pivot() }, getPointBackgroundColor: function (e, t) { var n = this.chart.options.elements.point.backgroundColor, i = this.getDataset(), r = e.custom || {}; return r.backgroundColor ? n = r.backgroundColor : i.pointBackgroundColor ? n = a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(i.pointBackgroundColor, t, n) : i.backgroundColor && (n = i.backgroundColor), n }, getPointBorderColor: function (e, t) { var n = this.chart.options.elements.point.borderColor, i = this.getDataset(), r = e.custom || {}; return r.borderColor ? n = r.borderColor : i.pointBorderColor ? n = a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(i.pointBorderColor, t, n) : i.borderColor && (n = i.borderColor), n }, getPointBorderWidth: function (e, t) { var n = this.chart.options.elements.point.borderWidth, i = this.getDataset(), r = e.custom || {}; return isNaN(r.borderWidth) ? !isNaN(i.pointBorderWidth) || a.isArray(i.pointBorderWidth) ? n = a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(i.pointBorderWidth, t, n) : isNaN(i.borderWidth) || (n = i.borderWidth) : n = r.borderWidth, n }, getPointRotation: function (e, t) { var n = this.chart.options.elements.point.rotation, i = this.getDataset(), r = e.custom || {}; return isNaN(r.rotation) ? isNaN(i.pointRotation) && !a.isArray(i.pointRotation) || (n = a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(i.pointRotation, t, n)) : n = r.rotation, n }, updateElement: function (e, t, n) { var i, r, o = this, l = o.getMeta(), s = e.custom || {}, d = o.getDataset(), u = o.index, c = d.data[t], h = o.getScaleForId(l.yAxisID), p = o.getScaleForId(l.xAxisID), f = o.chart.options.elements.point; void 0 !== d.radius && void 0 === d.pointRadius && (d.pointRadius = d.radius), void 0 !== d.hitRadius && void 0 === d.pointHitRadius && (d.pointHitRadius = d.hitRadius), i = p.getPixelForValue("object" == typeof c ? c : NaN, t, u), r = n ? h.getBasePixel() : o.calculatePointY(c, t, u), e._xScale = p, e._yScale = h, e._datasetIndex = u, e._index = t, e._model = { x: i, y: r, skip: s.skip || isNaN(i) || isNaN(r), radius: s.radius || a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(d.pointRadius, t, f.radius), pointStyle: s.pointStyle || a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(d.pointStyle, t, f.pointStyle), rotation: o.getPointRotation(e, t), backgroundColor: o.getPointBackgroundColor(e, t), borderColor: o.getPointBorderColor(e, t), borderWidth: o.getPointBorderWidth(e, t), tension: l.dataset._model ? l.dataset._model.tension : 0, steppedLine: !!l.dataset._model && l.dataset._model.steppedLine, hitRadius: s.hitRadius || a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(d.pointHitRadius, t, f.hitRadius) } }, calculatePointY: function (e, t, n) { var i, r, a, o = this.chart, l = this.getMeta(), s = this.getScaleForId(l.yAxisID), d = 0, u = 0; if (s.options.stacked) { for (i = 0; i < n; i++)if (r = o.data.datasets[i], "line" === (a = o.getDatasetMeta(i)).type && a.yAxisID === s.id && o.isDatasetVisible(i)) { var c = Number(s.getRightValue(r.data[t])); c < 0 ? u += c || 0 : d += c || 0 } var h = Number(s.getRightValue(e)); return h < 0 ? s.getPixelForValue(u + h) : s.getPixelForValue(d + h) } return s.getPixelForValue(e) }, updateBezierControlPoints: function () { var e, t, n, i, r = this.getMeta(), o = this.chart.chartArea, l = r.data || []; function s(e, t, n) { return Math.max(Math.min(e, n), t) } if (r.dataset._model.spanGaps && (l = l.filter(function (e) { return !e._model.skip })), "monotone" === r.dataset._model.cubicInterpolationMode) a.splineCurveMonotone(l); else for (e = 0, t = l.length; e < t; ++e)n = l[e]._model, i = a.splineCurve(a.previousItem(l, e)._model, n, a.nextItem(l, e)._model, r.dataset._model.tension), n.controlPointPreviousX = i.previous.x, n.controlPointPreviousY = i.previous.y, n.controlPointNextX = i.next.x, n.controlPointNextY = i.next.y; if (this.chart.options.elements.line.capBezierPoints) for (e = 0, t = l.length; e < t; ++e)(n = l[e]._model).controlPointPreviousX = s(n.controlPointPreviousX, o.left, o.right), n.controlPointPreviousY = s(n.controlPointPreviousY, o.top, o.bottom), n.controlPointNextX = s(n.controlPointNextX, o.left, o.right), n.controlPointNextY = s(n.controlPointNextY, o.top, o.bottom) }, draw: function () { var e, n = this.chart, i = this.getMeta(), r = i.data || [], o = n.chartArea, l = r.length, s = 0; for (t(this.getDataset(), n.options) && (e = (i.dataset._model.borderWidth || 0) / 2, a.canvas.clipArea(n.ctx, { left: o.left, right: o.right, top: o.top - e, bottom: o.bottom + e }), i.dataset.draw(), a.canvas.unclipArea(n.ctx)); s < l; ++s)r[s].draw(o) }, setHoverStyle: function (e) { var t = this.chart.data.datasets[e._datasetIndex], n = e._index, i = e.custom || {}, r = e._model; e.$previousStyle = { backgroundColor: r.backgroundColor, borderColor: r.borderColor, borderWidth: r.borderWidth, radius: r.radius }, r.backgroundColor = i.hoverBackgroundColor || a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(t.pointHoverBackgroundColor, n, a.getHoverColor(r.backgroundColor)), r.borderColor = i.hoverBorderColor || a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(t.pointHoverBorderColor, n, a.getHoverColor(r.borderColor)), r.borderWidth = i.hoverBorderWidth || a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(t.pointHoverBorderWidth, n, r.borderWidth), r.radius = i.hoverRadius || a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(t.pointHoverRadius, n, this.chart.options.elements.point.hoverRadius) } }) } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(3), r = n(8), a = n(2); i._set("polarArea", { scale: { type: "radialLinear", angleLines: { display: !1 }, gridLines: { circular: !0 }, pointLabels: { display: !1 }, ticks: { beginAtZero: !0 } }, animation: { animateRotate: !0, animateScale: !0 }, startAngle: -.5 * Math.PI, legendCallback: function (e) { var t = []; t.push('
'); var n = e.data, i = n.datasets, r = n.labels; if (i.length) for (var a = 0; a < i[0].data.length; ++a)t.push('- '), r[a] && t.push(r[a]), t.push("
"); return t.push("
"), t.join("") }, legend: { labels: { generateLabels: function (e) { var t = e.data; return t.labels.length && t.datasets.length ? t.labels.map(function (n, i) { var r = e.getDatasetMeta(0), o = t.datasets[0], l = r.data[i].custom || {}, s = a.valueAtIndexOrDefault, d = e.options.elements.arc; return { text: n, fillStyle: l.backgroundColor ? l.backgroundColor : s(o.backgroundColor, i, d.backgroundColor), strokeStyle: l.borderColor ? l.borderColor : s(o.borderColor, i, d.borderColor), lineWidth: l.borderWidth ? l.borderWidth : s(o.borderWidth, i, d.borderWidth), hidden: isNaN(o.data[i]) || r.data[i].hidden, index: i } }) : [] } }, onClick: function (e, t) { var n, i, r, a = t.index, o = this.chart; for (n = 0, i = (o.data.datasets || []).length; n < i; ++n)(r = o.getDatasetMeta(n)).data[a].hidden = !r.data[a].hidden; o.update() } }, tooltips: { callbacks: { title: function () { return "" }, label: function (e, t) { return t.labels[e.index] + ": " + e.yLabel } } } }), e.exports = function (e) { e.controllers.polarArea = e.DatasetController.extend({ dataElementType: r.Arc, linkScales: a.noop, update: function (e) { var t, n, i, r = this, o = r.getDataset(), l = r.getMeta(), s = r.chart.options.startAngle || 0, d = r._starts = [], u = r._angles = []; for (r._updateRadius(), l.count = r.countVisibleElements(), t = 0, n = o.data.length; t < n; t++)d[t] = s, i = r._computeAngle(t), u[t] = i, s += i; a.each(l.data, function (t, n) { r.updateElement(t, n, e) }) }, _updateRadius: function () { var e = this, t = e.chart, n = t.chartArea, i = t.options, r = i.elements.arc, a = Math.min(n.right - n.left, n.bottom - n.top); t.outerRadius = Math.max((a - r.borderWidth / 2) / 2, 0), t.innerRadius = Math.max(i.cutoutPercentage ? t.outerRadius / 100 * i.cutoutPercentage : 1, 0), t.radiusLength = (t.outerRadius - t.innerRadius) / t.getVisibleDatasetCount(), e.outerRadius = t.outerRadius - t.radiusLength * e.index, e.innerRadius = e.outerRadius - t.radiusLength }, updateElement: function (e, t, n) { var i = this, r = i.chart, o = i.getDataset(), l = r.options, s = l.animation, d = r.scale, u = r.data.labels, c = d.xCenter, h = d.yCenter, p = l.startAngle, f = e.hidden ? 0 : d.getDistanceFromCenterForValue(o.data[t]), m = i._starts[t], g = m + (e.hidden ? 0 : i._angles[t]), _ = s.animateScale ? 0 : d.getDistanceFromCenterForValue(o.data[t]); a.extend(e, { _datasetIndex: i.index, _index: t, _scale: d, _model: { x: c, y: h, innerRadius: 0, outerRadius: n ? _ : f, startAngle: n && s.animateRotate ? p : m, endAngle: n && s.animateRotate ? p : g, label: a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(u, t, u[t]) } }); var y = this.chart.options.elements.arc, v = e.custom || {}, M = a.valueAtIndexOrDefault, b = e._model; b.backgroundColor = v.backgroundColor ? v.backgroundColor : M(o.backgroundColor, t, y.backgroundColor), b.borderColor = v.borderColor ? v.borderColor : M(o.borderColor, t, y.borderColor), b.borderWidth = v.borderWidth ? v.borderWidth : M(o.borderWidth, t, y.borderWidth), e.pivot() }, countVisibleElements: function () { var e = this.getDataset(), t = this.getMeta(), n = 0; return a.each(t.data, function (t, i) { isNaN(e.data[i]) || t.hidden || n++ }), n }, _computeAngle: function (e) { var t = this, n = this.getMeta().count, i = t.getDataset(), r = t.getMeta(); if (isNaN(i.data[e]) || r.data[e].hidden) return 0; var o = { chart: t.chart, dataIndex: e, dataset: i, datasetIndex: t.index }; return a.options.resolve([t.chart.options.elements.arc.angle, 2 * Math.PI / n], o, e) } }) } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(3), r = n(8), a = n(2); i._set("radar", { scale: { type: "radialLinear" }, elements: { line: { tension: 0 } } }), e.exports = function (e) { e.controllers.radar = e.DatasetController.extend({ datasetElementType: r.Line, dataElementType: r.Point, linkScales: a.noop, update: function (e) { var t = this, n = t.getMeta(), i = n.dataset, r = n.data, o = i.custom || {}, l = t.getDataset(), s = t.chart.options.elements.line, d = t.chart.scale; void 0 !== l.tension && void 0 === l.lineTension && (l.lineTension = l.tension), a.extend(n.dataset, { _datasetIndex: t.index, _scale: d, _children: r, _loop: !0, _model: { tension: o.tension ? o.tension : a.valueOrDefault(l.lineTension, s.tension), backgroundColor: o.backgroundColor ? o.backgroundColor : l.backgroundColor || s.backgroundColor, borderWidth: o.borderWidth ? o.borderWidth : l.borderWidth || s.borderWidth, borderColor: o.borderColor ? o.borderColor : l.borderColor || s.borderColor, fill: o.fill ? o.fill : void 0 !== l.fill ? l.fill : s.fill, borderCapStyle: o.borderCapStyle ? o.borderCapStyle : l.borderCapStyle || s.borderCapStyle, borderDash: o.borderDash ? o.borderDash : l.borderDash || s.borderDash, borderDashOffset: o.borderDashOffset ? o.borderDashOffset : l.borderDashOffset || s.borderDashOffset, borderJoinStyle: o.borderJoinStyle ? o.borderJoinStyle : l.borderJoinStyle || s.borderJoinStyle } }), n.dataset.pivot(), a.each(r, function (n, i) { t.updateElement(n, i, e) }, t), t.updateBezierControlPoints() }, updateElement: function (e, t, n) { var i = this, r = e.custom || {}, o = i.getDataset(), l = i.chart.scale, s = i.chart.options.elements.point, d = l.getPointPositionForValue(t, o.data[t]); void 0 !== o.radius && void 0 === o.pointRadius && (o.pointRadius = o.radius), void 0 !== o.hitRadius && void 0 === o.pointHitRadius && (o.pointHitRadius = o.hitRadius), a.extend(e, { _datasetIndex: i.index, _index: t, _scale: l, _model: { x: n ? l.xCenter : d.x, y: n ? l.yCenter : d.y, tension: r.tension ? r.tension : a.valueOrDefault(o.lineTension, i.chart.options.elements.line.tension), radius: r.radius ? r.radius : a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(o.pointRadius, t, s.radius), backgroundColor: r.backgroundColor ? r.backgroundColor : a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(o.pointBackgroundColor, t, s.backgroundColor), borderColor: r.borderColor ? r.borderColor : a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(o.pointBorderColor, t, s.borderColor), borderWidth: r.borderWidth ? r.borderWidth : a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(o.pointBorderWidth, t, s.borderWidth), pointStyle: r.pointStyle ? r.pointStyle : a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(o.pointStyle, t, s.pointStyle), rotation: r.rotation ? r.rotation : a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(o.pointRotation, t, s.rotation), hitRadius: r.hitRadius ? r.hitRadius : a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(o.pointHitRadius, t, s.hitRadius) } }), e._model.skip = r.skip ? r.skip : isNaN(e._model.x) || isNaN(e._model.y) }, updateBezierControlPoints: function () { var e = this.chart.chartArea, t = this.getMeta(); a.each(t.data, function (n, i) { var r = n._model, o = a.splineCurve(a.previousItem(t.data, i, !0)._model, r, a.nextItem(t.data, i, !0)._model, r.tension); r.controlPointPreviousX = Math.max(Math.min(o.previous.x, e.right), e.left), r.controlPointPreviousY = Math.max(Math.min(o.previous.y, e.bottom), e.top), r.controlPointNextX = Math.max(Math.min(o.next.x, e.right), e.left), r.controlPointNextY = Math.max(Math.min(o.next.y, e.bottom), e.top), n.pivot() }) }, setHoverStyle: function (e) { var t = this.chart.data.datasets[e._datasetIndex], n = e.custom || {}, i = e._index, r = e._model; e.$previousStyle = { backgroundColor: r.backgroundColor, borderColor: r.borderColor, borderWidth: r.borderWidth, radius: r.radius }, r.radius = n.hoverRadius ? n.hoverRadius : a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(t.pointHoverRadius, i, this.chart.options.elements.point.hoverRadius), r.backgroundColor = n.hoverBackgroundColor ? n.hoverBackgroundColor : a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(t.pointHoverBackgroundColor, i, a.getHoverColor(r.backgroundColor)), r.borderColor = n.hoverBorderColor ? n.hoverBorderColor : a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(t.pointHoverBorderColor, i, a.getHoverColor(r.borderColor)), r.borderWidth = n.hoverBorderWidth ? n.hoverBorderWidth : a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(t.pointHoverBorderWidth, i, r.borderWidth) } }) } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; n(3)._set("scatter", { hover: { mode: "single" }, scales: { xAxes: [{ id: "x-axis-1", type: "linear", position: "bottom" }], yAxes: [{ id: "y-axis-1", type: "linear", position: "left" }] }, showLines: !1, tooltips: { callbacks: { title: function () { return "" }, label: function (e) { return "(" + e.xLabel + ", " + e.yLabel + ")" } } } }), e.exports = function (e) { e.controllers.scatter = e.controllers.line } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; e.exports = function (e) { e.Bar = function (t, n) { return n.type = "bar", new e(t, n) } } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; e.exports = function (e) { e.Bubble = function (t, n) { return n.type = "bubble", new e(t, n) } } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; e.exports = function (e) { e.Doughnut = function (t, n) { return n.type = "doughnut", new e(t, n) } } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; e.exports = function (e) { e.Line = function (t, n) { return n.type = "line", new e(t, n) } } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; e.exports = function (e) { e.PolarArea = function (t, n) { return n.type = "polarArea", new e(t, n) } } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; e.exports = function (e) { e.Radar = function (t, n) { return n.type = "radar", new e(t, n) } } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; e.exports = function (e) { e.Scatter = function (t, n) { return n.type = "scatter", new e(t, n) } } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; e.exports = {}, e.exports.filler = n(202), e.exports.legend = n(203), e.exports.title = n(204) }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(3), r = n(8), a = n(2); i._set("global", { plugins: { filler: { propagate: !0 } } }); var o = { dataset: function (e) { var t = e.fill, n = e.chart, i = n.getDatasetMeta(t), r = i && n.isDatasetVisible(t) && i.dataset._children || [], a = r.length || 0; return a ? function (e, t) { return t < a && r[t]._view || null } : null }, boundary: function (e) { var t = e.boundary, n = t ? t.x : null, i = t ? t.y : null; return function (e) { return { x: null === n ? e.x : n, y: null === i ? e.y : i } } } }; function l(e, t, n) { var i, r = e._model || {}, a = r.fill; if (void 0 === a && (a = !!r.backgroundColor), !1 === a || null === a) return !1; if (!0 === a) return "origin"; if (i = parseFloat(a, 10), isFinite(i) && Math.floor(i) === i) return "-" !== a[0] && "+" !== a[0] || (i = t + i), !(i === t || i < 0 || i >= n) && i; switch (a) { case "bottom": return "start"; case "top": return "end"; case "zero": return "origin"; case "origin": case "start": case "end": return a; default: return !1 } } function s(e) { var t, n = e.el._model || {}, i = e.el._scale || {}, r = e.fill, a = null; if (isFinite(r)) return null; if ("start" === r ? a = void 0 === n.scaleBottom ? i.bottom : n.scaleBottom : "end" === r ? a = void 0 === n.scaleTop ? i.top : n.scaleTop : void 0 !== n.scaleZero ? a = n.scaleZero : i.getBasePosition ? a = i.getBasePosition() : i.getBasePixel && (a = i.getBasePixel()), null != a) { if (void 0 !== a.x && void 0 !== a.y) return a; if ("number" == typeof a && isFinite(a)) return { x: (t = i.isHorizontal()) ? a : null, y: t ? null : a } } return null } function d(e, t, n) { var i, r = e[t].fill, a = [t]; if (!n) return r; for (; !1 !== r && -1 === a.indexOf(r);) { if (!isFinite(r)) return r; if (!(i = e[r])) return !1; if (i.visible) return r; a.push(r), r = i.fill } return !1 } function u(e) { var t = e.fill, n = "dataset"; return !1 === t ? null : (isFinite(t) || (n = "boundary"), o[n](e)) } function c(e) { return e && !e.skip } function h(e, t, n, i, r) { var o; if (i && r) { for (e.moveTo(t[0].x, t[0].y), o = 1; o < i; ++o)a.canvas.lineTo(e, t[o - 1], t[o]); for (e.lineTo(n[r - 1].x, n[r - 1].y), o = r - 1; o > 0; --o)a.canvas.lineTo(e, n[o], n[o - 1], !0) } } e.exports = { id: "filler", afterDatasetsUpdate: function (e, t) { var n, i, a, o, c = (e.data.datasets || []).length, h = t.propagate, p = []; for (i = 0; i < c; ++i)o = null, (a = (n = e.getDatasetMeta(i)).dataset) && a._model && a instanceof r.Line && (o = { visible: e.isDatasetVisible(i), fill: l(a, i, c), chart: e, el: a }), n.$filler = o, p.push(o); for (i = 0; i < c; ++i)(o = p[i]) && (o.fill = d(p, i, h), o.boundary = s(o), o.mapper = u(o)) }, beforeDatasetDraw: function (e, t) { var n = t.meta.$filler; if (n) { var r = e.ctx, o = n.el, l = o._view, s = o._children || [], d = n.mapper, u = l.backgroundColor || i.global.defaultColor; d && u && s.length && (a.canvas.clipArea(r, e.chartArea), function (e, t, n, i, r, a) { var o, l, s, d, u, p, f, m = t.length, g = i.spanGaps, _ = [], y = [], v = 0, M = 0; for (e.beginPath(), o = 0, l = m + !!a; o < l; ++o)u = n(d = t[s = o % m]._view, s, i), p = c(d), f = c(u), p && f ? (v = _.push(d), M = y.push(u)) : v && M && (g ? (p && _.push(d), f && y.push(u)) : (h(e, _, y, v, M), v = M = 0, _ = [], y = [])); h(e, _, y, v, M), e.closePath(), e.fillStyle = r, e.fill() }(r, s, d, l, u, o._loop), a.canvas.unclipArea(r)) } } } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(3), r = n(6), a = n(2), o = n(9), l = a.noop; function s(e, t) { return e.usePointStyle ? t * Math.SQRT2 : e.boxWidth } i._set("global", { legend: { display: !0, position: "top", fullWidth: !0, reverse: !1, weight: 1e3, onClick: function (e, t) { var n = t.datasetIndex, i = this.chart, r = i.getDatasetMeta(n); r.hidden = null === r.hidden ? !i.data.datasets[n].hidden : null, i.update() }, onHover: null, labels: { boxWidth: 40, padding: 10, generateLabels: function (e) { var t = e.data; return a.isArray(t.datasets) ? t.datasets.map(function (t, n) { return { text: t.label, fillStyle: a.isArray(t.backgroundColor) ? t.backgroundColor[0] : t.backgroundColor, hidden: !e.isDatasetVisible(n), lineCap: t.borderCapStyle, lineDash: t.borderDash, lineDashOffset: t.borderDashOffset, lineJoin: t.borderJoinStyle, lineWidth: t.borderWidth, strokeStyle: t.borderColor, pointStyle: t.pointStyle, datasetIndex: n } }, this) : [] } } }, legendCallback: function (e) { var t = []; t.push('
'); for (var n = 0; n < e.data.datasets.length; n++)t.push('- '), e.data.datasets[n].label && t.push(e.data.datasets[n].label), t.push("
"); return t.push("
"), t.join("") } }); var d = r.extend({ initialize: function (e) { a.extend(this, e), this.legendHitBoxes = [], this.doughnutMode = !1 }, beforeUpdate: l, update: function (e, t, n) { var i = this; return i.beforeUpdate(), i.maxWidth = e, i.maxHeight = t, i.margins = n, i.beforeSetDimensions(), i.setDimensions(), i.afterSetDimensions(), i.beforeBuildLabels(), i.buildLabels(), i.afterBuildLabels(), i.beforeFit(), i.fit(), i.afterFit(), i.afterUpdate(), i.minSize }, afterUpdate: l, beforeSetDimensions: l, setDimensions: function () { var e = this; e.isHorizontal() ? (e.width = e.maxWidth, e.left = 0, e.right = e.width) : (e.height = e.maxHeight, e.top = 0, e.bottom = e.height), e.paddingLeft = 0, e.paddingTop = 0, e.paddingRight = 0, e.paddingBottom = 0, e.minSize = { width: 0, height: 0 } }, afterSetDimensions: l, beforeBuildLabels: l, buildLabels: function () { var e = this, t = e.options.labels || {}, n = a.callback(t.generateLabels, [e.chart], e) || []; t.filter && (n = n.filter(function (n) { return t.filter(n, e.chart.data) })), e.options.reverse && n.reverse(), e.legendItems = n }, afterBuildLabels: l, beforeFit: l, fit: function () { var e = this, t = e.options, n = t.labels, r = t.display, o = e.ctx, l = i.global, d = a.valueOrDefault, u = d(n.fontSize, l.defaultFontSize), c = d(n.fontStyle, l.defaultFontStyle), h = d(n.fontFamily, l.defaultFontFamily), p = a.fontString(u, c, h), f = e.legendHitBoxes = [], m = e.minSize, g = e.isHorizontal(); if (g ? (m.width = e.maxWidth, m.height = r ? 10 : 0) : (m.width = r ? 10 : 0, m.height = e.maxHeight), r) if (o.font = p, g) { var _ = e.lineWidths = [0], y = e.legendItems.length ? u + n.padding : 0; o.textAlign = "left", o.textBaseline = "top", a.each(e.legendItems, function (t, i) { var r = s(n, u) + u / 2 + o.measureText(t.text).width; _[_.length - 1] + r + n.padding >= e.width && (y += u + n.padding, _[_.length] = e.left), f[i] = { left: 0, top: 0, width: r, height: u }, _[_.length - 1] += r + n.padding }), m.height += y } else { var v = n.padding, M = e.columnWidths = [], b = n.padding, w = 0, L = 0, D = u + v; a.each(e.legendItems, function (e, t) { var i = s(n, u) + u / 2 + o.measureText(e.text).width; L + D > m.height && (b += w + n.padding, M.push(w), w = 0, L = 0), w = Math.max(w, i), L += D, f[t] = { left: 0, top: 0, width: i, height: u } }), b += w, M.push(w), m.width += b } e.width = m.width, e.height = m.height }, afterFit: l, isHorizontal: function () { return "top" === this.options.position || "bottom" === this.options.position }, draw: function () { var e = this, t = e.options, n = t.labels, r = i.global, o = r.elements.line, l = e.width, d = e.lineWidths; if (t.display) { var u, c = e.ctx, h = a.valueOrDefault, p = h(n.fontColor, r.defaultFontColor), f = h(n.fontSize, r.defaultFontSize), m = h(n.fontStyle, r.defaultFontStyle), g = h(n.fontFamily, r.defaultFontFamily), _ = a.fontString(f, m, g); c.textAlign = "left", c.textBaseline = "middle", c.lineWidth = .5, c.strokeStyle = p, c.fillStyle = p, c.font = _; var y = s(n, f), v = e.legendHitBoxes, M = e.isHorizontal(); u = M ? { x: e.left + (l - d[0]) / 2, y: e.top + n.padding, line: 0 } : { x: e.left + n.padding, y: e.top + n.padding, line: 0 }; var b = f + n.padding; a.each(e.legendItems, function (i, s) { var p = c.measureText(i.text).width, m = y + f / 2 + p, g = u.x, _ = u.y; M ? g + m >= l && (_ = u.y += b, u.line++, g = u.x = e.left + (l - d[u.line]) / 2) : _ + b > e.bottom && (g = u.x = g + e.columnWidths[u.line] + n.padding, _ = u.y = e.top + n.padding, u.line++), function (e, n, i) { if (!(isNaN(y) || y <= 0)) { c.save(), c.fillStyle = h(i.fillStyle, r.defaultColor), c.lineCap = h(i.lineCap, o.borderCapStyle), c.lineDashOffset = h(i.lineDashOffset, o.borderDashOffset), c.lineJoin = h(i.lineJoin, o.borderJoinStyle), c.lineWidth = h(i.lineWidth, o.borderWidth), c.strokeStyle = h(i.strokeStyle, r.defaultColor); var l = 0 === h(i.lineWidth, o.borderWidth); if (c.setLineDash && c.setLineDash(h(i.lineDash, o.borderDash)), t.labels && t.labels.usePointStyle) { var s = f * Math.SQRT2 / 2, d = s / Math.SQRT2, u = e + d, p = n + d; a.canvas.drawPoint(c, i.pointStyle, s, u, p) } else l || c.strokeRect(e, n, y, f), c.fillRect(e, n, y, f); c.restore() } }(g, _, i), v[s].left = g, v[s].top = _, function (e, t, n, i) { var r = f / 2, a = y + r + e, o = t + r; c.fillText(n.text, a, o), n.hidden && (c.beginPath(), c.lineWidth = 2, c.moveTo(a, o), c.lineTo(a + i, o), c.stroke()) }(g, _, i, p), M ? u.x += m + n.padding : u.y += b }) } }, handleEvent: function (e) { var t = this, n = t.options, i = "mouseup" === e.type ? "click" : e.type, r = !1; if ("mousemove" === i) { if (!n.onHover) return } else { if ("click" !== i) return; if (!n.onClick) return } var a = e.x, o = e.y; if (a >= t.left && a <= t.right && o >= t.top && o <= t.bottom) for (var l = t.legendHitBoxes, s = 0; s < l.length; ++s) { var d = l[s]; if (a >= d.left && a <= d.left + d.width && o >= d.top && o <= d.top + d.height) { if ("click" === i) { n.onClick.call(t, e.native, t.legendItems[s]), r = !0; break } if ("mousemove" === i) { n.onHover.call(t, e.native, t.legendItems[s]), r = !0; break } } } return r } }); function u(e, t) { var n = new d({ ctx: e.ctx, options: t, chart: e }); o.configure(e, n, t), o.addBox(e, n), e.legend = n } e.exports = { id: "legend", _element: d, beforeInit: function (e) { var t = e.options.legend; t && u(e, t) }, beforeUpdate: function (e) { var t = e.options.legend, n = e.legend; t ? (a.mergeIf(t, i.global.legend), n ? (o.configure(e, n, t), n.options = t) : u(e, t)) : n && (o.removeBox(e, n), delete e.legend) }, afterEvent: function (e, t) { var n = e.legend; n && n.handleEvent(t) } } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(3), r = n(6), a = n(2), o = n(9), l = a.noop; i._set("global", { title: { display: !1, fontStyle: "bold", fullWidth: !0, lineHeight: 1.2, padding: 10, position: "top", text: "", weight: 2e3 } }); var s = r.extend({ initialize: function (e) { a.extend(this, e), this.legendHitBoxes = [] }, beforeUpdate: l, update: function (e, t, n) { var i = this; return i.beforeUpdate(), i.maxWidth = e, i.maxHeight = t, i.margins = n, i.beforeSetDimensions(), i.setDimensions(), i.afterSetDimensions(), i.beforeBuildLabels(), i.buildLabels(), i.afterBuildLabels(), i.beforeFit(), i.fit(), i.afterFit(), i.afterUpdate(), i.minSize }, afterUpdate: l, beforeSetDimensions: l, setDimensions: function () { var e = this; e.isHorizontal() ? (e.width = e.maxWidth, e.left = 0, e.right = e.width) : (e.height = e.maxHeight, e.top = 0, e.bottom = e.height), e.paddingLeft = 0, e.paddingTop = 0, e.paddingRight = 0, e.paddingBottom = 0, e.minSize = { width: 0, height: 0 } }, afterSetDimensions: l, beforeBuildLabels: l, buildLabels: l, afterBuildLabels: l, beforeFit: l, fit: function () { var e = this, t = a.valueOrDefault, n = e.options, r = n.display, o = t(n.fontSize, i.global.defaultFontSize), l = e.minSize, s = a.isArray(n.text) ? n.text.length : 1, d = a.options.toLineHeight(n.lineHeight, o), u = r ? s * d + 2 * n.padding : 0; e.isHorizontal() ? (l.width = e.maxWidth, l.height = u) : (l.width = u, l.height = e.maxHeight), e.width = l.width, e.height = l.height }, afterFit: l, isHorizontal: function () { var e = this.options.position; return "top" === e || "bottom" === e }, draw: function () { var e = this, t = e.ctx, n = a.valueOrDefault, r = e.options, o = i.global; if (r.display) { var l, s, d, u = n(r.fontSize, o.defaultFontSize), c = n(r.fontStyle, o.defaultFontStyle), h = n(r.fontFamily, o.defaultFontFamily), p = a.fontString(u, c, h), f = a.options.toLineHeight(r.lineHeight, u), m = f / 2 + r.padding, g = 0, _ = e.top, y = e.left, v = e.bottom, M = e.right; t.fillStyle = n(r.fontColor, o.defaultFontColor), t.font = p, e.isHorizontal() ? (s = y + (M - y) / 2, d = _ + m, l = M - y) : (s = "left" === r.position ? y + m : M - m, d = _ + (v - _) / 2, l = v - _, g = Math.PI * ("left" === r.position ? -.5 : .5)), t.save(), t.translate(s, d), t.rotate(g), t.textAlign = "center", t.textBaseline = "middle"; var b = r.text; if (a.isArray(b)) for (var w = 0, L = 0; L < b.length; ++L)t.fillText(b[L], 0, w, l), w += f; else t.fillText(b, 0, 0, l); t.restore() } } }); function d(e, t) { var n = new s({ ctx: e.ctx, options: t, chart: e }); o.configure(e, n, t), o.addBox(e, n), e.titleBlock = n } e.exports = { id: "title", _element: s, beforeInit: function (e) { var t = e.options.title; t && d(e, t) }, beforeUpdate: function (e) { var t = e.options.title, n = e.titleBlock; t ? (a.mergeIf(t, i.global.title), n ? (o.configure(e, n, t), n.options = t) : d(e, t)) : n && (o.removeBox(e, n), delete e.titleBlock) } } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i, r, a, o, l, s, d, u, c, h, p; window.chartColors = { red: "#dc3545", orange: "#fd7e14", yellow: "#ffc107", green: "#28a745", blue: "#007bff", purple: "#6f42c1", grey: "#6c757d" }, u = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"], c = ["#4dc9f6", "#f67019", "#f53794", "#537bc4", "#acc236", "#166a8f", "#00a950", "#58595b", "#8549ba"], h = (i = this).Samples || (i.Samples = {}), p = i.Color, h.utils = { srand: function (e) { this._seed = e }, rand: function (e, t) { var n = this._seed; return e = void 0 === e ? 0 : e, t = void 0 === t ? 1 : t, this._seed = (9301 * n + 49297) % 233280, e + this._seed / 233280 * (t - e) }, numbers: function (e) { var t, n, i = e || {}, r = i.min || 0, a = i.max || 1, o = i.from || [], l = i.count || 8, s = i.decimals || 8, d = i.continuity || 1, u = Math.pow(10, s) || 0, c = []; for (t = 0; t < l; ++t)n = (o[t] || 0) + this.rand(r, a), this.rand() <= d ? c.push(Math.round(u * n) / u) : c.push(null); return c }, labels: function (e) { var t, n = e || {}, i = n.min || 0, r = n.max || 100, a = (r - i) / (n.count || 8), o = n.decimals || 8, l = Math.pow(10, o) || 0, s = n.prefix || "", d = []; for (t = i; t < r; t += a)d.push(s + Math.round(l * t) / l); return d }, months: function (e) { var t, n, i = e || {}, r = i.count || 12, a = i.section, o = []; for (t = 0; t < r; ++t)n = u[Math.ceil(t) % 12], o.push(n.substring(0, a)); return o }, color: function (e) { return c[e % c.length] }, transparentize: function (e, t) { var n = void 0 === t ? .5 : 1 - t; return p(e).alpha(n).rgbString() } }, window.randomScalingFactor = function () { return Math.round(h.utils.rand(-100, 100)) }, h.utils.srand(Date.now()), document.location.hostname.match(/^(www\.)?chartjs\.org$/) && (r = window, a = document, o = "script", l = "ga", r.GoogleAnalyticsObject = l, r.ga = r.ga || function () { (r.ga.q = r.ga.q || []).push(arguments) }, r.ga.l = 1 * new Date, s = a.createElement(o), d = a.getElementsByTagName(o)[0], s.async = 1, s.src = "//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js", d.parentNode.insertBefore(s, d), ga("create", "UA-28909194-3", "auto"), ga("send", "pageview")) }, function (e, t) { }]);
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function r(e) { var t = a(e); return n(t) } function a(e) { var t = i[e]; if (!(t + 1)) { var n = new Error("Cannot find module '" + e + "'"); throw n.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND", n } return t } r.keys = function () { return Object.keys(i) }, r.resolve = a, e.exports = r, r.id = 159 }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; n.r(t), function (e) { n(161); var t = n(145), i = n.n(t); n(162); e(document).ready(function () { if (e(function () { var t = { AF: 16.63, AL: 11.58, DZ: 158.97 }; setTimeout(function () { e("#world-map-gdp").vectorMap({ map: "world_mill", series: { regions: [{ values: t, scale: ["#C8EEFF", "#0071A4"], normalizeFunction: "polynomial" }] }, onRegionTipShow: function (e, n, i) { n.html(n.html() + " (GDP - " + t[i] + ")") } }) }, 2e3) }), document.getElementById("gmap-example")) new i.a({ el: "#gmap-example", lat: -12.043333, lng: -77.028333, width: "100%", height: "300px" }) }) }.call(this, n(1)) }, function (e, t, n) { (function (i, r) { var a, o, l, s; s = { set: { colors: 1, values: 1, backgroundColor: 1, scaleColors: 1, normalizeFunction: 1, focus: 1 }, get: { selectedRegions: 1, selectedMarkers: 1, mapObject: 1, regionName: 1 } }, i.fn.vectorMap = function (e) { var t = this.children(".jvectormap-container").data("mapObject"); if ("addMap" === e) d.Map.maps[arguments[1]] = arguments[2]; else { if (("set" === e || "get" === e) && s[e][arguments[1]]) return t[e + (arguments[1].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + arguments[1].substr(1))].apply(t, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2)); (e = e || {}).container = this, t = new d.Map(e) } return this }, o = [n(1)], void 0 === (l = "function" == typeof (a = function (e) { function t(t) { var o = t || window.event, l = s.call(arguments, 1), d = 0, u = 0, c = 0, h = 0; if ((t = e.event.fix(o)).type = "mousewheel", "detail" in o && (c = -1 * o.detail), "wheelDelta" in o && (c = o.wheelDelta), "wheelDeltaY" in o && (c = o.wheelDeltaY), "wheelDeltaX" in o && (u = -1 * o.wheelDeltaX), "axis" in o && o.axis === o.HORIZONTAL_AXIS && (u = -1 * c, c = 0), d = 0 === c ? u : c, "deltaY" in o && (c = -1 * o.deltaY, d = c), "deltaX" in o && (u = o.deltaX, 0 === c && (d = -1 * u)), 0 !== c || 0 !== u) { if (1 === o.deltaMode) { var p = e.data(this, "mousewheel-line-height"); d *= p, c *= p, u *= p } else if (2 === o.deltaMode) { var f = e.data(this, "mousewheel-page-height"); d *= f, c *= f, u *= f } return h = Math.max(Math.abs(c), Math.abs(u)), (!a || a > h) && (a = h, i(o, h) && (a /= 40)), i(o, h) && (d /= 40, u /= 40, c /= 40), d = Math[d >= 1 ? "floor" : "ceil"](d / a), u = Math[u >= 1 ? "floor" : "ceil"](u / a), c = Math[c >= 1 ? "floor" : "ceil"](c / a), t.deltaX = u, t.deltaY = c, t.deltaFactor = a, t.deltaMode = 0, l.unshift(t, d, u, c), r && clearTimeout(r), r = setTimeout(n, 200), (e.event.dispatch || e.event.handle).apply(this, l) } } function n() { a = null } function i(e, t) { return u.settings.adjustOldDeltas && "mousewheel" === e.type && t % 120 == 0 } var r, a, o = ["wheel", "mousewheel", "DOMMouseScroll", "MozMousePixelScroll"], l = "onwheel" in document || document.documentMode >= 9 ? ["wheel"] : ["mousewheel", "DomMouseScroll", "MozMousePixelScroll"], s = Array.prototype.slice; if (e.event.fixHooks) for (var d = o.length; d;)e.event.fixHooks[o[--d]] = e.event.mouseHooks; var u = e.event.special.mousewheel = { version: "3.1.9", setup: function () { if (this.addEventListener) for (var n = l.length; n;)this.addEventListener(l[--n], t, !1); else this.onmousewheel = t; e.data(this, "mousewheel-line-height", u.getLineHeight(this)), e.data(this, "mousewheel-page-height", u.getPageHeight(this)) }, teardown: function () { if (this.removeEventListener) for (var e = l.length; e;)this.removeEventListener(l[--e], t, !1); else this.onmousewheel = null }, getLineHeight: function (t) { return parseInt(e(t)["offsetParent" in e.fn ? "offsetParent" : "parent"]().css("fontSize"), 10) }, getPageHeight: function (t) { return e(t).height() }, settings: { adjustOldDeltas: !0 } }; e.fn.extend({ mousewheel: function (e) { return e ? this.bind("mousewheel", e) : this.trigger("mousewheel") }, unmousewheel: function (e) { return this.unbind("mousewheel", e) } }) }) ? a.apply(t, o) : a) || (e.exports = l); var d = { inherits: function (e, t) { function n() { } n.prototype = t.prototype, e.prototype = new n, e.prototype.constructor = e, e.parentClass = t }, mixin: function (e, t) { var n; for (n in t.prototype) t.prototype.hasOwnProperty(n) && (e.prototype[n] = t.prototype[n]) }, min: function (e) { var t, n = Number.MAX_VALUE; if (e instanceof Array) for (t = 0; t < e.length; t++)e[t] < n && (n = e[t]); else for (t in e) e[t] < n && (n = e[t]); return n }, max: function (e) { var t, n = Number.MIN_VALUE; if (e instanceof Array) for (t = 0; t < e.length; t++)e[t] > n && (n = e[t]); else for (t in e) e[t] > n && (n = e[t]); return n }, keys: function (e) { var t, n = []; for (t in e) n.push(t); return n }, values: function (e) { var t, n, i = []; for (n = 0; n < arguments.length; n++)for (t in e = arguments[n]) i.push(e[t]); return i }, whenImageLoaded: function (e) { var t = new d.$.Deferred, n = d.$("
"); return n.error(function () { t.reject() }).load(function () { t.resolve(n) }), n.attr("src", e), t }, isImageUrl: function (e) { return /\.\w{3,4}$/.test(e) } }; d.$ = i, Array.prototype.indexOf || (Array.prototype.indexOf = function (e, t) { var n; if (null == this) throw new TypeError('"this" is null or not defined'); var i = Object(this), r = i.length >>> 0; if (0 === r) return -1; var a = +t || 0; if (Math.abs(a) === 1 / 0 && (a = 0), a >= r) return -1; for (n = Math.max(a >= 0 ? a : r - Math.abs(a), 0); r > n;) { if (n in i && i[n] === e) return n; n++ } return -1 }), d.AbstractElement = function (e, t) { this.node = this.createElement(e), this.name = e, this.properties = {}, t && this.set(t) }, d.AbstractElement.prototype.set = function (e, t) { var n; if ("object" == typeof e) for (n in e) this.properties[n] = e[n], this.applyAttr(n, e[n]); else this.properties[e] = t, this.applyAttr(e, t) }, d.AbstractElement.prototype.get = function (e) { return this.properties[e] }, d.AbstractElement.prototype.applyAttr = function (e, t) { this.node.setAttribute(e, t) }, d.AbstractElement.prototype.remove = function () { d.$(this.node).remove() }, d.AbstractCanvasElement = function (e, t, n) { this.container = e, this.setSize(t, n), this.rootElement = new d[this.classPrefix + "GroupElement"], this.node.appendChild(this.rootElement.node), this.container.appendChild(this.node) }, d.AbstractCanvasElement.prototype.add = function (e, t) { (t = t || this.rootElement).add(e), e.canvas = this }, d.AbstractCanvasElement.prototype.addPath = function (e, t, n) { var i = new d[this.classPrefix + "PathElement"](e, t); return this.add(i, n), i }, d.AbstractCanvasElement.prototype.addCircle = function (e, t, n) { var i = new d[this.classPrefix + "CircleElement"](e, t); return this.add(i, n), i }, d.AbstractCanvasElement.prototype.addImage = function (e, t, n) { var i = new d[this.classPrefix + "ImageElement"](e, t); return this.add(i, n), i }, d.AbstractCanvasElement.prototype.addText = function (e, t, n) { var i = new d[this.classPrefix + "TextElement"](e, t); return this.add(i, n), i }, d.AbstractCanvasElement.prototype.addGroup = function (e) { var t = new d[this.classPrefix + "GroupElement"]; return e ? e.node.appendChild(t.node) : this.node.appendChild(t.node), t.canvas = this, t }, d.AbstractShapeElement = function (e, t, n) { this.style = n || {}, this.style.current = this.style.current || {}, this.isHovered = !1, this.isSelected = !1, this.updateStyle() }, d.AbstractShapeElement.prototype.setStyle = function (e, t) { var n = {}; "object" == typeof e ? n = e : n[e] = t, d.$.extend(this.style.current, n), this.updateStyle() }, d.AbstractShapeElement.prototype.updateStyle = function () { var e = {}; d.AbstractShapeElement.mergeStyles(e, this.style.initial), d.AbstractShapeElement.mergeStyles(e, this.style.current), this.isHovered && d.AbstractShapeElement.mergeStyles(e, this.style.hover), this.isSelected && (d.AbstractShapeElement.mergeStyles(e, this.style.selected), this.isHovered && d.AbstractShapeElement.mergeStyles(e, this.style.selectedHover)), this.set(e) }, d.AbstractShapeElement.mergeStyles = function (e, t) { var n; for (n in t = t || {}) null === t[n] ? delete e[n] : e[n] = t[n] }, d.SVGElement = function () { d.SVGElement.parentClass.apply(this, arguments) }, d.inherits(d.SVGElement, d.AbstractElement), d.SVGElement.svgns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", d.SVGElement.prototype.createElement = function (e) { return document.createElementNS(d.SVGElement.svgns, e) }, d.SVGElement.prototype.addClass = function (e) { this.node.setAttribute("class", e) }, d.SVGElement.prototype.getElementCtr = function (e) { return d["SVG" + e] }, d.SVGElement.prototype.getBBox = function () { return this.node.getBBox() }, d.SVGGroupElement = function () { d.SVGGroupElement.parentClass.call(this, "g") }, d.inherits(d.SVGGroupElement, d.SVGElement), d.SVGGroupElement.prototype.add = function (e) { this.node.appendChild(e.node) }, d.SVGCanvasElement = function () { this.classPrefix = "SVG", d.SVGCanvasElement.parentClass.call(this, "svg"), this.defsElement = new d.SVGElement("defs"), this.node.appendChild(this.defsElement.node), d.AbstractCanvasElement.apply(this, arguments) }, d.inherits(d.SVGCanvasElement, d.SVGElement), d.mixin(d.SVGCanvasElement, d.AbstractCanvasElement), d.SVGCanvasElement.prototype.setSize = function (e, t) { this.width = e, this.height = t, this.node.setAttribute("width", e), this.node.setAttribute("height", t) }, d.SVGCanvasElement.prototype.applyTransformParams = function (e, t, n) { this.scale = e, this.transX = t, this.transY = n, this.rootElement.node.setAttribute("transform", "scale(" + e + ") translate(" + t + ", " + n + ")") }, d.SVGShapeElement = function (e, t) { d.SVGShapeElement.parentClass.call(this, e, t), d.AbstractShapeElement.apply(this, arguments) }, d.inherits(d.SVGShapeElement, d.SVGElement), d.mixin(d.SVGShapeElement, d.AbstractShapeElement), d.SVGShapeElement.prototype.applyAttr = function (e, t) { var n, i, r = this; "fill" === e && d.isImageUrl(t) ? d.SVGShapeElement.images[t] ? this.applyAttr("fill", "url(#image" + d.SVGShapeElement.images[t] + ")") : d.whenImageLoaded(t).then(function (e) { (i = new d.SVGElement("image")).node.setAttributeNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", "href", t), i.applyAttr("x", "0"), i.applyAttr("y", "0"), i.applyAttr("width", e[0].width), i.applyAttr("height", e[0].height), (n = new d.SVGElement("pattern")).applyAttr("id", "image" + d.SVGShapeElement.imageCounter), n.applyAttr("x", 0), n.applyAttr("y", 0), n.applyAttr("width", e[0].width / 2), n.applyAttr("height", e[0].height / 2), n.applyAttr("viewBox", "0 0 " + e[0].width + " " + e[0].height), n.applyAttr("patternUnits", "userSpaceOnUse"), n.node.appendChild(i.node), r.canvas.defsElement.node.appendChild(n.node), d.SVGShapeElement.images[t] = d.SVGShapeElement.imageCounter++, r.applyAttr("fill", "url(#image" + d.SVGShapeElement.images[t] + ")") }) : d.SVGShapeElement.parentClass.prototype.applyAttr.apply(this, arguments) }, d.SVGShapeElement.imageCounter = 1, d.SVGShapeElement.images = {}, d.SVGPathElement = function (e, t) { d.SVGPathElement.parentClass.call(this, "path", e, t), this.node.setAttribute("fill-rule", "evenodd") }, d.inherits(d.SVGPathElement, d.SVGShapeElement), d.SVGCircleElement = function (e, t) { d.SVGCircleElement.parentClass.call(this, "circle", e, t) }, d.inherits(d.SVGCircleElement, d.SVGShapeElement), d.SVGImageElement = function (e, t) { d.SVGImageElement.parentClass.call(this, "image", e, t) }, d.inherits(d.SVGImageElement, d.SVGShapeElement), d.SVGImageElement.prototype.applyAttr = function (e, t) { var n = this; "image" == e ? d.whenImageLoaded(t).then(function (e) { n.node.setAttributeNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", "href", t), n.width = e[0].width, n.height = e[0].height, n.applyAttr("width", n.width), n.applyAttr("height", n.height), n.applyAttr("x", n.cx - n.width / 2), n.applyAttr("y", n.cy - n.height / 2), d.$(n.node).trigger("imageloaded", [e]) }) : "cx" == e ? (this.cx = t, this.width && this.applyAttr("x", t - this.width / 2)) : "cy" == e ? (this.cy = t, this.height && this.applyAttr("y", t - this.height / 2)) : d.SVGImageElement.parentClass.prototype.applyAttr.apply(this, arguments) }, d.SVGTextElement = function (e, t) { d.SVGTextElement.parentClass.call(this, "text", e, t) }, d.inherits(d.SVGTextElement, d.SVGShapeElement), d.SVGTextElement.prototype.applyAttr = function (e, t) { "text" === e ? this.node.textContent = t : d.SVGTextElement.parentClass.prototype.applyAttr.apply(this, arguments) }, d.VMLElement = function () { d.VMLElement.VMLInitialized || d.VMLElement.initializeVML(), d.VMLElement.parentClass.apply(this, arguments) }, d.inherits(d.VMLElement, d.AbstractElement), d.VMLElement.VMLInitialized = !1, d.VMLElement.initializeVML = function () { try { document.namespaces.rvml || document.namespaces.add("rvml", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"), d.VMLElement.prototype.createElement = function (e) { return document.createElement("
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this.node.path = d.VMLPathElement.pathSvgToVml(t) : d.VMLShapeElement.prototype.applyAttr.call(this, e, t) }, d.VMLPathElement.pathSvgToVml = function (e) { var t, n, i = 0, r = 0; return (e = e.replace(/(-?\d+)e(-?\d+)/g, "0")).replace(/([MmLlHhVvCcSs])\s*((?:-?\d*(?:\.\d+)?\s*,?\s*)+)/g, function (e, a, o) { (o = o.replace(/(\d)-/g, "$1,-").replace(/^\s+/g, "").replace(/\s+$/g, "").replace(/\s+/g, ",").split(","))[0] || o.shift(); for (var l = 0, s = o.length; s > l; l++)o[l] = Math.round(100 * o[l]); switch (a) { case "m": return i += o[0], r += o[1], "t" + o.join(","); case "M": return i = o[0], r = o[1], "m" + o.join(","); case "l": return i += o[0], r += o[1], "r" + o.join(","); case "L": return i = o[0], r = o[1], "l" + o.join(","); case "h": return i += o[0], "r" + o[0] + ",0"; case "H": return "l" + (i = o[0]) + "," + r; case "v": return r += o[0], "r0," + o[0]; case "V": return r = o[0], "l" + i + "," + r; case "c": return t = i + o[o.length - 4], n = r + o[o.length - 3], i += o[o.length - 2], r += o[o.length - 1], "v" + o.join(","); case "C": return t = o[o.length - 4], n = o[o.length - 3], i = o[o.length - 2], r = o[o.length - 1], "c" + o.join(","); case "s": return o.unshift(r - n), o.unshift(i - t), t = i + o[o.length - 4], n = r + o[o.length - 3], i += o[o.length - 2], r += o[o.length - 1], "v" + o.join(","); case "S": return o.unshift(r + r - n), o.unshift(i + i - t), t = o[o.length - 4], n = o[o.length - 3], i = o[o.length - 2], r = o[o.length - 1], "c" + o.join(",") }return "" }).replace(/z/g, "e") }, d.VMLCircleElement = function (e, t) { d.VMLCircleElement.parentClass.call(this, "oval", e, t) }, d.inherits(d.VMLCircleElement, d.VMLShapeElement), d.VMLCircleElement.prototype.applyAttr = function (e, t) { switch (e) { case "r": this.node.style.width = 2 * t + "px", this.node.style.height = 2 * t + "px", this.applyAttr("cx", this.get("cx") || 0), this.applyAttr("cy", this.get("cy") || 0); break; case "cx": if (!t) return; this.node.style.left = t - (this.get("r") || 0) + "px"; break; case "cy": if (!t) return; this.node.style.top = t - (this.get("r") || 0) + "px"; break; default: d.VMLCircleElement.parentClass.prototype.applyAttr.call(this, e, t) } }, d.VectorCanvas = function (e, t, n) { return this.mode = window.SVGAngle ? "svg" : "vml", this.impl = "svg" == this.mode ? new d.SVGCanvasElement(e, t, n) : new d.VMLCanvasElement(e, t, n), this.impl.mode = this.mode, this.impl }, d.SimpleScale = function (e) { this.scale = e }, d.SimpleScale.prototype.getValue = function (e) { return e }, d.OrdinalScale = function (e) { this.scale = e }, d.OrdinalScale.prototype.getValue = function (e) { return this.scale[e] }, d.OrdinalScale.prototype.getTicks = function () { var e, t = []; for (e in this.scale) t.push({ label: e, value: this.scale[e] }); return t }, d.NumericScale = function (e, t, n, i) { this.scale = [], t = t || "linear", e && this.setScale(e), t && this.setNormalizeFunction(t), void 0 !== n && this.setMin(n), void 0 !== i && this.setMax(i) }, d.NumericScale.prototype = { setMin: function (e) { this.clearMinValue = e, this.minValue = "function" == typeof this.normalize ? this.normalize(e) : e }, setMax: function (e) { this.clearMaxValue = e, this.maxValue = "function" == typeof this.normalize ? this.normalize(e) : e }, setScale: function (e) { var t; for (this.scale = [], t = 0; t < e.length; t++)this.scale[t] = [e[t]] }, setNormalizeFunction: function (e) { "polynomial" === e ? this.normalize = function (e) { return Math.pow(e, .2) } : "linear" === e ? delete this.normalize : this.normalize = e, this.setMin(this.clearMinValue), this.setMax(this.clearMaxValue) }, getValue: function (e) { var t, n, i = [], r = 0, a = 0; for ("function" == typeof this.normalize && (e = this.normalize(e)), a = 0; a < this.scale.length - 1; a++)t = this.vectorLength(this.vectorSubtract(this.scale[a + 1], this.scale[a])), i.push(t), r += t; for (n = (this.maxValue - this.minValue) / r, a = 0; a < i.length; a++)i[a] *= n; for (a = 0, e -= this.minValue; e - i[a] >= 0;)e -= i[a], a++; return this.vectorToNum(a == this.scale.length - 1 ? this.scale[a] : this.vectorAdd(this.scale[a], this.vectorMult(this.vectorSubtract(this.scale[a + 1], this.scale[a]), e / i[a]))) }, vectorToNum: function (e) { var t, n = 0; for (t = 0; t < e.length; t++)n += Math.round(e[t]) * Math.pow(256, e.length - t - 1); return n }, vectorSubtract: function (e, t) { var n, i = []; for (n = 0; n < e.length; n++)i[n] = e[n] - t[n]; return i }, vectorAdd: function (e, t) { var n, i = []; for (n = 0; n < e.length; n++)i[n] = e[n] + t[n]; return i }, vectorMult: function (e, t) { var n, i = []; for (n = 0; n < e.length; n++)i[n] = e[n] * t; return i }, vectorLength: function (e) { var t, n = 0; for (t = 0; t < e.length; t++)n += e[t] * e[t]; return Math.sqrt(n) }, getTicks: function () { var e, t, n = [this.clearMinValue, this.clearMaxValue], i = n[1] - n[0], r = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log(i / 5) / Math.LN10)), a = 5 / i * r, o = []; for (.15 >= a ? r *= 10 : .35 >= a ? r *= 5 : .75 >= a && (r *= 2), n[0] = Math.floor(n[0] / r) * r, n[1] = Math.ceil(n[1] / r) * r, e = n[0]; e <= n[1];)t = e == n[0] ? this.clearMinValue : e == n[1] ? this.clearMaxValue : e, o.push({ label: e, value: this.getValue(t) }), e += r; return o } }, d.ColorScale = function () { d.ColorScale.parentClass.apply(this, arguments) }, d.inherits(d.ColorScale, d.NumericScale), d.ColorScale.prototype.setScale = function (e) { var t; for (t = 0; t < e.length; t++)this.scale[t] = d.ColorScale.rgbToArray(e[t]) }, d.ColorScale.prototype.getValue = function (e) { return d.ColorScale.numToRgb(d.ColorScale.parentClass.prototype.getValue.call(this, e)) }, d.ColorScale.arrayToRgb = function (e) { var t, n, i = "#"; for (n = 0; n < e.length; n++)i += 1 == (t = e[n].toString(16)).length ? "0" + t : t; return i }, d.ColorScale.numToRgb = function (e) { for (e = e.toString(16); e.length < 6;)e = "0" + e; return "#" + e }, d.ColorScale.rgbToArray = function (e) { return e = e.substr(1), [parseInt(e.substr(0, 2), 16), parseInt(e.substr(2, 2), 16), parseInt(e.substr(4, 2), 16)] }, d.Legend = function (e) { this.params = e || {}, this.map = this.params.map, this.series = this.params.series, this.body = d.$(""), this.body.addClass("jvectormap-legend"), this.params.cssClass && this.body.addClass(this.params.cssClass), e.vertical ? this.map.legendCntVertical.append(this.body) : this.map.legendCntHorizontal.append(this.body), this.render() }, d.Legend.prototype.render = function () { var e, t, n, i, r = this.series.scale.getTicks(), a = d.$("").addClass("jvectormap-legend-inner"); for (this.body.html(""), this.params.title && this.body.append(d.$("").addClass("jvectormap-legend-title").html(this.params.title)), this.body.append(a), e = 0; e < r.length; e++) { switch (t = d.$("").addClass("jvectormap-legend-tick"), n = d.$("").addClass("jvectormap-legend-tick-sample"), this.series.params.attribute) { case "fill": d.isImageUrl(r[e].value) ? n.css("background", "url(" + r[e].value + ")") : n.css("background", r[e].value); break; case "stroke": n.css("background", r[e].value); break; case "image": n.css("background", "url(" + r[e].value + ") no-repeat center center"); break; case "r": d.$("").css({ "border-radius": r[e].value, border: this.map.params.markerStyle.initial["stroke-width"] + "px " + this.map.params.markerStyle.initial.stroke + " solid", width: 2 * r[e].value + "px", height: 2 * r[e].value + "px", background: this.map.params.markerStyle.initial.fill }).appendTo(n) }t.append(n), i = r[e].label, this.params.labelRender && (i = this.params.labelRender(i)), t.append(d.$("" + i + "
").addClass("jvectormap-legend-tick-text")), a.append(t) } a.append(d.$("").css("clear", "both")) }, d.DataSeries = function (e, t, n) { var i; (e = e || {}).attribute = e.attribute || "fill", this.elements = t, this.params = e, this.map = n, e.attributes && this.setAttributes(e.attributes), d.$.isArray(e.scale) ? (i = "fill" === e.attribute || "stroke" === e.attribute ? d.ColorScale : d.NumericScale, this.scale = new i(e.scale, e.normalizeFunction, e.min, e.max)) : this.scale = e.scale ? new d.OrdinalScale(e.scale) : new d.SimpleScale(e.scale), this.values = e.values || {}, this.setValues(this.values), this.params.legend && (this.legend = new d.Legend(r.extend({ map: this.map, series: this }, this.params.legend))) }, d.DataSeries.prototype = { setAttributes: function (e, t) { var n, i = e; if ("string" == typeof e) this.elements[e] && this.elements[e].setStyle(this.params.attribute, t); else for (n in i) this.elements[n] && this.elements[n].element.setStyle(this.params.attribute, i[n]) }, setValues: function (e) { var t, n, i = -Number.MAX_VALUE, r = Number.MAX_VALUE, a = {}; if (this.scale instanceof d.OrdinalScale || this.scale instanceof d.SimpleScale) for (n in e) a[n] = e[n] ? this.scale.getValue(e[n]) : this.elements[n].element.style.initial[this.params.attribute]; else { if (void 0 === this.params.min || void 0 === this.params.max) for (n in e) (t = parseFloat(e[n])) > i && (i = t), r > t && (r = t); for (n in void 0 === this.params.min ? (this.scale.setMin(r), this.params.min = r) : this.scale.setMin(this.params.min), void 0 === this.params.max ? (this.scale.setMax(i), this.params.max = i) : this.scale.setMax(this.params.max), e) "indexOf" != n && (t = parseFloat(e[n]), a[n] = isNaN(t) ? this.elements[n].element.style.initial[this.params.attribute] : this.scale.getValue(t)) } this.setAttributes(a), d.$.extend(this.values, e) }, clear: function () { var e, t = {}; for (e in this.values) this.elements[e] && (t[e] = this.elements[e].element.shape.style.initial[this.params.attribute]); this.setAttributes(t), this.values = {} }, setScale: function (e) { this.scale.setScale(e), this.values && this.setValues(this.values) }, setNormalizeFunction: function (e) { this.scale.setNormalizeFunction(e), this.values && this.setValues(this.values) } }, d.Proj = { degRad: 180 / Math.PI, radDeg: Math.PI / 180, radius: 6381372, sgn: function (e) { return e > 0 ? 1 : 0 > e ? -1 : e }, mill: function (e, t, n) { return { x: this.radius * (t - n) * this.radDeg, y: -this.radius * Math.log(Math.tan((45 + .4 * e) * this.radDeg)) / .8 } }, mill_inv: function (e, t, n) { return { lat: (2.5 * Math.atan(Math.exp(.8 * t / this.radius)) - 5 * Math.PI / 8) * this.degRad, lng: (n * this.radDeg + e / this.radius) * this.degRad } }, merc: function (e, t, n) { return { x: this.radius * (t - n) * this.radDeg, y: -this.radius * Math.log(Math.tan(Math.PI / 4 + e * Math.PI / 360)) } }, merc_inv: function (e, t, n) { return { lat: (2 * Math.atan(Math.exp(t / this.radius)) - Math.PI / 2) * this.degRad, lng: (n * this.radDeg + e / this.radius) * this.degRad } }, aea: function (e, t, n) { var i = n * this.radDeg, r = 29.5 * this.radDeg, a = 45.5 * this.radDeg, o = e * this.radDeg, l = t * this.radDeg, s = (Math.sin(r) + Math.sin(a)) / 2, d = Math.cos(r) * Math.cos(r) + 2 * s * Math.sin(r), u = s * (l - i), c = Math.sqrt(d - 2 * s * Math.sin(o)) / s, h = Math.sqrt(d - 2 * s * Math.sin(0)) / s; return { x: c * Math.sin(u) * this.radius, y: -(h - c * Math.cos(u)) * this.radius } }, aea_inv: function (e, t, n) { var i = e / this.radius, r = t / this.radius, a = n * this.radDeg, o = 29.5 * this.radDeg, l = 45.5 * this.radDeg, s = (Math.sin(o) + Math.sin(l)) / 2, d = Math.cos(o) * Math.cos(o) + 2 * s * Math.sin(o), u = Math.sqrt(d - 2 * s * Math.sin(0)) / s, c = Math.sqrt(i * i + (u - r) * (u - r)), h = Math.atan(i / (u - r)); return { lat: Math.asin((d - c * c * s * s) / (2 * s)) * this.degRad, lng: (a + h / s) * this.degRad } }, lcc: function (e, t, n) { var i = n * this.radDeg, r = t * this.radDeg, a = 33 * this.radDeg, o = 45 * this.radDeg, l = e * this.radDeg, s = Math.log(Math.cos(a) * (1 / Math.cos(o))) / Math.log(Math.tan(Math.PI / 4 + o / 2) * (1 / Math.tan(Math.PI / 4 + a / 2))), d = Math.cos(a) * Math.pow(Math.tan(Math.PI / 4 + a / 2), s) / s, u = d * Math.pow(1 / Math.tan(Math.PI / 4 + l / 2), s), c = d * Math.pow(1 / Math.tan(Math.PI / 4 + 0), s); return { x: u * Math.sin(s * (r - i)) * this.radius, y: -(c - u * Math.cos(s * (r - i))) * this.radius } }, lcc_inv: function (e, t, n) { var i = e / this.radius, r = t / this.radius, a = n * this.radDeg, o = 33 * this.radDeg, l = 45 * this.radDeg, s = Math.log(Math.cos(o) * (1 / Math.cos(l))) / Math.log(Math.tan(Math.PI / 4 + l / 2) * (1 / Math.tan(Math.PI / 4 + o / 2))), d = Math.cos(o) * Math.pow(Math.tan(Math.PI / 4 + o / 2), s) / s, u = d * Math.pow(1 / Math.tan(Math.PI / 4 + 0), s), c = this.sgn(s) * Math.sqrt(i * i + (u - r) * (u - r)), h = Math.atan(i / (u - r)); return { lat: (2 * Math.atan(Math.pow(d / c, 1 / s)) - Math.PI / 2) * this.degRad, lng: (a + h / s) * this.degRad } } }, d.MapObject = function () { }, d.MapObject.prototype.getLabelText = function (e) { return this.config.label ? "function" == typeof this.config.label.render ? this.config.label.render(e) : e : null }, d.MapObject.prototype.getLabelOffsets = function (e) { var t; return this.config.label && ("function" == typeof this.config.label.offsets ? t = this.config.label.offsets(e) : "object" == typeof this.config.label.offsets && (t = this.config.label.offsets[e])), t || [0, 0] }, d.MapObject.prototype.setHovered = function (e) { this.isHovered !== e && (this.isHovered = e, this.shape.isHovered = e, this.shape.updateStyle(), this.label && (this.label.isHovered = e, this.label.updateStyle())) }, d.MapObject.prototype.setSelected = function (e) { this.isSelected !== e && (this.isSelected = e, this.shape.isSelected = e, this.shape.updateStyle(), this.label && (this.label.isSelected = e, this.label.updateStyle()), d.$(this.shape).trigger("selected", [e])) }, d.MapObject.prototype.setStyle = function () { this.shape.setStyle.apply(this.shape, arguments) }, d.MapObject.prototype.remove = function () { this.shape.remove(), this.label && this.label.remove() }, d.Region = function (e) { var t, n, i, r; this.config = e, this.map = this.config.map, r = e.canvas.addGroup(e.canvas.rootElement), this.shape = e.canvas.addPath({ d: e.path }, e.style, r), e.canvas.addPath({ d: e.path, "data-code": e.code }, { initial: { fill: "transparent", stroke: "transparent", "stroke-width": e.margin } }, r).addClass("jvectormap-region jvectormap-element"), t = this.shape.getBBox(), n = this.getLabelText(e.code), this.config.label && n && (i = this.getLabelOffsets(e.code), this.labelX = t.x + t.width / 2 + i[0], this.labelY = t.y + t.height / 2 + i[1], this.label = e.canvas.addText({ text: n, "text-anchor": "middle", "alignment-baseline": "central", x: this.labelX, y: this.labelY, "data-code": e.code }, e.labelStyle, e.labelsGroup), this.label.addClass("jvectormap-region jvectormap-element")) }, d.inherits(d.Region, d.MapObject), d.Region.prototype.updateLabelPosition = function () { this.label && this.label.set({ x: this.labelX * this.map.scale + this.map.transX * this.map.scale, y: this.labelY * this.map.scale + this.map.transY * this.map.scale }) }, d.Marker = function (e) { var t; this.config = e, this.map = this.config.map, this.isImage = !!this.config.style.initial.image, this.createShape(), t = this.getLabelText(e.index), this.config.label && t && (this.offsets = this.getLabelOffsets(e.index), this.labelX = e.cx / this.map.scale - this.map.transX, this.labelY = e.cy / this.map.scale - this.map.transY, this.label = e.canvas.addText({ text: t, "data-index": e.index, dy: "0.6ex", x: this.labelX, y: this.labelY }, e.labelStyle, e.labelsGroup), this.label.addClass("jvectormap-marker jvectormap-element")) }, d.inherits(d.Marker, d.MapObject), d.Marker.prototype.createShape = function () { var e = this; this.shape && this.shape.remove(), this.shape = this.config.canvas[this.isImage ? "addImage" : "addCircle"]({ "data-index": this.config.index, cx: this.config.cx, cy: this.config.cy }, this.config.style, this.config.group), this.shape.addClass("jvectormap-marker jvectormap-element"), this.isImage && d.$(this.shape.node).on("imageloaded", function () { e.updateLabelPosition() }) }, d.Marker.prototype.updateLabelPosition = function () { this.label && this.label.set({ x: this.labelX * this.map.scale + this.offsets[0] + this.map.transX * this.map.scale + 5 + (this.isImage ? (this.shape.width || 0) / 2 : this.shape.properties.r), y: this.labelY * this.map.scale + this.map.transY * this.map.scale + this.offsets[1] }) }, d.Marker.prototype.setStyle = function (e) { var t; d.Marker.parentClass.prototype.setStyle.apply(this, arguments), "r" === e && this.updateLabelPosition(), (t = !!this.shape.get("image")) != this.isImage && (this.isImage = t, this.config.style = d.$.extend(!0, {}, this.shape.style), this.createShape()) }, d.Map = function (e) { var t, n = this; if (this.params = d.$.extend(!0, {}, d.Map.defaultParams, e), !d.Map.maps[this.params.map]) throw new Error("Attempt to use map which was not loaded: " + this.params.map); for (t in this.mapData = d.Map.maps[this.params.map], this.markers = {}, this.regions = {}, this.regionsColors = {}, this.regionsData = {}, this.container = d.$("").addClass("jvectormap-container"), this.params.container && this.params.container.append(this.container), this.container.data("mapObject", this), this.defaultWidth = this.mapData.width, this.defaultHeight = this.mapData.height, this.setBackgroundColor(this.params.backgroundColor), this.onResize = function () { n.updateSize() }, d.$(window).resize(this.onResize), d.Map.apiEvents) this.params[t] && this.container.bind(d.Map.apiEvents[t] + ".jvectormap", this.params[t]); this.canvas = new d.VectorCanvas(this.container[0], this.width, this.height), this.params.bindTouchEvents && ("ontouchstart" in window || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch ? this.bindContainerTouchEvents() : window.MSGesture && this.bindContainerPointerEvents()), this.bindContainerEvents(), this.bindElementEvents(), this.createTip(), this.params.zoomButtons && this.bindZoomButtons(), this.createRegions(), this.createMarkers(this.params.markers || {}), this.updateSize(), this.params.focusOn && ("string" == typeof this.params.focusOn ? this.params.focusOn = { region: this.params.focusOn } : d.$.isArray(this.params.focusOn) && (this.params.focusOn = { regions: this.params.focusOn }), this.setFocus(this.params.focusOn)), this.params.selectedRegions && this.setSelectedRegions(this.params.selectedRegions), this.params.selectedMarkers && this.setSelectedMarkers(this.params.selectedMarkers), this.legendCntHorizontal = d.$("
").addClass("jvectormap-legend-cnt jvectormap-legend-cnt-h"), this.legendCntVertical = d.$("
").addClass("jvectormap-legend-cnt jvectormap-legend-cnt-v"), this.container.append(this.legendCntHorizontal), this.container.append(this.legendCntVertical), this.params.series && this.createSeries() }, d.Map.prototype = { transX: 0, transY: 0, scale: 1, baseTransX: 0, baseTransY: 0, baseScale: 1, width: 0, height: 0, setBackgroundColor: function (e) { this.container.css("background-color", e) }, resize: function () { var e = this.baseScale; this.width / this.height > this.defaultWidth / this.defaultHeight ? (this.baseScale = this.height / this.defaultHeight, this.baseTransX = Math.abs(this.width - this.defaultWidth * this.baseScale) / (2 * this.baseScale)) : (this.baseScale = this.width / this.defaultWidth, this.baseTransY = Math.abs(this.height - this.defaultHeight * this.baseScale) / (2 * this.baseScale)), this.scale *= this.baseScale / e, this.transX *= this.baseScale / e, this.transY *= this.baseScale / e }, updateSize: function () { this.width = this.container.width(), this.height = this.container.height(), this.resize(), this.canvas.setSize(this.width, this.height), this.applyTransform() }, reset: function () { var e, t; for (e in this.series) for (t = 0; t < this.series[e].length; t++)this.series[e][t].clear(); this.scale = this.baseScale, this.transX = this.baseTransX, this.transY = this.baseTransY, this.applyTransform() }, applyTransform: function () { var e, t, n, i; this.defaultWidth * this.scale <= this.width ? (e = (this.width - this.defaultWidth * this.scale) / (2 * this.scale), n = (this.width - this.defaultWidth * this.scale) / (2 * this.scale)) : (e = 0, n = (this.width - this.defaultWidth * this.scale) / this.scale), this.defaultHeight * this.scale <= this.height ? (t = (this.height - this.defaultHeight * this.scale) / (2 * this.scale), i = (this.height - this.defaultHeight * this.scale) / (2 * this.scale)) : (t = 0, i = (this.height - this.defaultHeight * this.scale) / this.scale), this.transY > t ? this.transY = t : this.transY < i && (this.transY = i), this.transX > e ? this.transX = e : this.transX < n && (this.transX = n), this.canvas.applyTransformParams(this.scale, this.transX, this.transY), this.markers && this.repositionMarkers(), this.repositionLabels(), this.container.trigger("viewportChange", [this.scale / this.baseScale, this.transX, this.transY]) }, bindContainerEvents: function () { var e, t, n = !1, i = this; this.params.panOnDrag && (this.container.mousemove(function (r) { return n && (i.transX -= (e - r.pageX) / i.scale, i.transY -= (t - r.pageY) / i.scale, i.applyTransform(), e = r.pageX, t = r.pageY), !1 }).mousedown(function (i) { return n = !0, e = i.pageX, t = i.pageY, !1 }), this.onContainerMouseUp = function () { n = !1 }, d.$("body").mouseup(this.onContainerMouseUp)), this.params.zoomOnScroll && this.container.mousewheel(function (e) { var t = d.$(i.container).offset(), n = e.pageX - t.left, r = e.pageY - t.top, a = Math.pow(1 + i.params.zoomOnScrollSpeed / 1e3, e.deltaFactor * e.deltaY); i.tip.hide(), i.setScale(i.scale * a, n, r), e.preventDefault() }) }, bindContainerTouchEvents: function () { var e, t, n, i, r, a, o, l = this, s = function (s) { var u, c, h, p, f = s.originalEvent.touches; "touchstart" == s.type && (o = 0), 1 == f.length ? (1 == o && (h = l.transX, p = l.transY, l.transX -= (n - f[0].pageX) / l.scale, l.transY -= (i - f[0].pageY) / l.scale, l.applyTransform(), l.tip.hide(), (h != l.transX || p != l.transY) && s.preventDefault()), n = f[0].pageX, i = f[0].pageY) : 2 == f.length && (2 == o ? (c = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(f[0].pageX - f[1].pageX, 2) + Math.pow(f[0].pageY - f[1].pageY, 2)) / t, l.setScale(e * c, r, a), l.tip.hide(), s.preventDefault()) : (u = d.$(l.container).offset(), r = f[0].pageX > f[1].pageX ? f[1].pageX + (f[0].pageX - f[1].pageX) / 2 : f[0].pageX + (f[1].pageX - f[0].pageX) / 2, a = f[0].pageY > f[1].pageY ? f[1].pageY + (f[0].pageY - f[1].pageY) / 2 : f[0].pageY + (f[1].pageY - f[0].pageY) / 2, r -= u.left, a -= u.top, e = l.scale, t = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(f[0].pageX - f[1].pageX, 2) + Math.pow(f[0].pageY - f[1].pageY, 2)))), o = f.length }; d.$(this.container).bind("touchstart", s), d.$(this.container).bind("touchmove", s) }, bindContainerPointerEvents: function () { var e = this, t = new MSGesture, n = this.container[0]; t.target = n, n.addEventListener("MSGestureChange", function (t) { var n, i; (0 != t.translationX || 0 != t.translationY) && (n = e.transX, i = e.transY, e.transX += t.translationX / e.scale, e.transY += t.translationY / e.scale, e.applyTransform(), e.tip.hide(), (n != e.transX || i != e.transY) && t.preventDefault()), 1 != t.scale && (e.setScale(e.scale * t.scale, t.offsetX, t.offsetY), e.tip.hide(), t.preventDefault()) }, !1), n.addEventListener("pointerdown", function (e) { t.addPointer(e.pointerId) }, !1) }, bindElementEvents: function () { var e, t, n, i = this; this.container.mousemove(function (i) { Math.abs(e - i.pageX) + Math.abs(t - i.pageY) > 2 && (n = !0) }), this.container.delegate("[class~='jvectormap-element']", "mouseover mouseout", function (e) { var t = -1 === (d.$(this).attr("class").baseVal || d.$(this).attr("class")).indexOf("jvectormap-region") ? "marker" : "region", n = d.$(this).attr("region" == t ? "data-code" : "data-index"), r = "region" == t ? i.regions[n].element : i.markers[n].element, a = "region" == t ? i.mapData.paths[n].name : i.markers[n].config.name || "", o = d.$.Event(t + "TipShow.jvectormap"), l = d.$.Event(t + "Over.jvectormap"); "mouseover" == e.type ? (i.container.trigger(l, [n]), l.isDefaultPrevented() || r.setHovered(!0), i.tip.text(a), i.container.trigger(o, [i.tip, n]), o.isDefaultPrevented() || (i.tip.show(), i.tipWidth = i.tip.width(), i.tipHeight = i.tip.height())) : (r.setHovered(!1), i.tip.hide(), i.container.trigger(t + "Out.jvectormap", [n])) }), this.container.delegate("[class~='jvectormap-element']", "mousedown", function (i) { e = i.pageX, t = i.pageY, n = !1 }), this.container.delegate("[class~='jvectormap-element']", "mouseup", function () { var e = -1 === (d.$(this).attr("class").baseVal ? d.$(this).attr("class").baseVal : d.$(this).attr("class")).indexOf("jvectormap-region") ? "marker" : "region", t = d.$(this).attr("region" == e ? "data-code" : "data-index"), r = d.$.Event(e + "Click.jvectormap"), a = "region" == e ? i.regions[t].element : i.markers[t].element; n || (i.container.trigger(r, [t]), ("region" === e && i.params.regionsSelectable || "marker" === e && i.params.markersSelectable) && (r.isDefaultPrevented() || (i.params[e + "sSelectableOne"] && i.clearSelected(e + "s"), a.setSelected(!a.isSelected)))) }) }, bindZoomButtons: function () { var e = this; d.$("
").addClass("jvectormap-zoomin").text("+").appendTo(this.container), d.$("
").addClass("jvectormap-zoomout").html("−").appendTo(this.container), this.container.find(".jvectormap-zoomin").click(function () { e.setScale(e.scale * e.params.zoomStep, e.width / 2, e.height / 2, !1, e.params.zoomAnimate) }), this.container.find(".jvectormap-zoomout").click(function () { e.setScale(e.scale / e.params.zoomStep, e.width / 2, e.height / 2, !1, e.params.zoomAnimate) }) }, createTip: function () { var e = this; this.tip = d.$("
").addClass("jvectormap-tip").appendTo(d.$("body")), this.container.mousemove(function (t) { var n = t.pageX - 15 - e.tipWidth, i = t.pageY - 15 - e.tipHeight; 5 > n && (n = t.pageX + 15), 5 > i && (i = t.pageY + 15), e.tip.css({ left: n, top: i }) }) }, setScale: function (e, t, n, i, r) { var a, o, l, s, u, c, h, p, f, m = d.$.Event("zoom.jvectormap"), g = this, _ = 0, y = Math.abs(Math.round(60 * (e - this.scale) / Math.max(e, this.scale))), v = new d.$.Deferred; return e > this.params.zoomMax * this.baseScale ? e = this.params.zoomMax * this.baseScale : e < this.params.zoomMin * this.baseScale && (e = this.params.zoomMin * this.baseScale), void 0 !== t && void 0 !== n && (zoomStep = e / this.scale, i ? (p = t + this.defaultWidth * (this.width / (this.defaultWidth * e)) / 2, f = n + this.defaultHeight * (this.height / (this.defaultHeight * e)) / 2) : (p = this.transX - (zoomStep - 1) / e * t, f = this.transY - (zoomStep - 1) / e * n)), r && y > 0 ? (o = this.scale, l = (e - o) / y, s = this.transX * this.scale, c = this.transY * this.scale, u = (p * e - s) / y, h = (f * e - c) / y, a = setInterval(function () { _ += 1, g.scale = o + l * _, g.transX = (s + u * _) / g.scale, g.transY = (c + h * _) / g.scale, g.applyTransform(), _ == y && (clearInterval(a), g.container.trigger(m, [e / g.baseScale]), v.resolve()) }, 10)) : (this.transX = p, this.transY = f, this.scale = e, this.applyTransform(), this.container.trigger(m, [e / this.baseScale]), v.resolve()), v }, setFocus: function (e) { var t, n, i, r, a; if ((e = e || {}).region ? i = [e.region] : e.regions && (i = e.regions), i) { for (r = 0; r < i.length; r++)this.regions[i[r]] && ((n = this.regions[i[r]].element.shape.getBBox()) && (void 0 === t ? t = n : t = { x: Math.min(t.x, n.x), y: Math.min(t.y, n.y), width: Math.max(t.x + t.width, n.x + n.width) - Math.min(t.x, n.x), height: Math.max(t.y + t.height, n.y + n.height) - Math.min(t.y, n.y) })); return this.setScale(Math.min(this.width / t.width, this.height / t.height), -(t.x + t.width / 2), -(t.y + t.height / 2), !0, e.animate) } return e.lat && e.lng ? (a = this.latLngToPoint(e.lat, e.lng), e.x = this.transX - a.x / this.scale, e.y = this.transY - a.y / this.scale) : e.x && e.y && (e.x *= -this.defaultWidth, e.y *= -this.defaultHeight), this.setScale(e.scale * this.baseScale, e.x, e.y, !0, e.animate) }, getSelected: function (e) { var t, n = []; for (t in this[e]) this[e][t].element.isSelected && n.push(t); return n }, getSelectedRegions: function () { return this.getSelected("regions") }, getSelectedMarkers: function () { return this.getSelected("markers") }, setSelected: function (e, t) { var n; if ("object" != typeof t && (t = [t]), d.$.isArray(t)) for (n = 0; n < t.length; n++)this[e][t[n]].element.setSelected(!0); else for (n in t) this[e][n].element.setSelected(!!t[n]) }, setSelectedRegions: function (e) { this.setSelected("regions", e) }, setSelectedMarkers: function (e) { this.setSelected("markers", e) }, clearSelected: function (e) { var t, n = {}, i = this.getSelected(e); for (t = 0; t < i.length; t++)n[i[t]] = !1; this.setSelected(e, n) }, clearSelectedRegions: function () { this.clearSelected("regions") }, clearSelectedMarkers: function () { this.clearSelected("markers") }, getMapObject: function () { return this }, getRegionName: function (e) { return this.mapData.paths[e].name }, createRegions: function () { var e, t, n = this; for (e in this.regionLabelsGroup = this.regionLabelsGroup || this.canvas.addGroup(), this.mapData.paths) t = new d.Region({ map: this, path: this.mapData.paths[e].path, code: e, style: d.$.extend(!0, {}, this.params.regionStyle), margin: this.params.regionMargin, labelStyle: d.$.extend(!0, {}, this.params.regionLabelStyle), canvas: this.canvas, labelsGroup: this.regionLabelsGroup, label: "vml" != this.canvas.mode ? this.params.labels && this.params.labels.regions : null }), d.$(t.shape).bind("selected", function (e, t) { n.container.trigger("regionSelected.jvectormap", [d.$(this.node).attr("data-code"), t, n.getSelectedRegions()]) }), this.regions[e] = { element: t, config: this.mapData.paths[e] } }, createMarkers: function (e) { var t, n, i, r, a, o = this; if (this.markersGroup = this.markersGroup || this.canvas.addGroup(), this.markerLabelsGroup = this.markerLabelsGroup || this.canvas.addGroup(), d.$.isArray(e)) for (a = e.slice(), e = {}, t = 0; t < a.length; t++)e[t] = a[t]; for (t in e) r = e[t] instanceof Array ? { latLng: e[t] } : e[t], !1 !== (i = this.getMarkerPosition(r)) && (n = new d.Marker({ map: this, style: d.$.extend(!0, {}, this.params.markerStyle, { initial: r.style || {} }), labelStyle: d.$.extend(!0, {}, this.params.markerLabelStyle), index: t, cx: i.x, cy: i.y, group: this.markersGroup, canvas: this.canvas, labelsGroup: this.markerLabelsGroup, label: "vml" != this.canvas.mode ? this.params.labels && this.params.labels.markers : null }), d.$(n.shape).bind("selected", function (e, t) { o.container.trigger("markerSelected.jvectormap", [d.$(this.node).attr("data-index"), t, o.getSelectedMarkers()]) }), this.markers[t] && this.removeMarkers([t]), this.markers[t] = { element: n, config: r }) }, repositionMarkers: function () { var e, t; for (e in this.markers) !1 !== (t = this.getMarkerPosition(this.markers[e].config)) && this.markers[e].element.setStyle({ cx: t.x, cy: t.y }) }, repositionLabels: function () { var e; for (e in this.regions) this.regions[e].element.updateLabelPosition(); for (e in this.markers) this.markers[e].element.updateLabelPosition() }, getMarkerPosition: function (e) { return d.Map.maps[this.params.map].projection ? this.latLngToPoint.apply(this, e.latLng || [0, 0]) : { x: e.coords[0] * this.scale + this.transX * this.scale, y: e.coords[1] * this.scale + this.transY * this.scale } }, addMarker: function (e, t, n) { var i, r, a = {}, o = []; n = n || []; for (a[e] = t, r = 0; r < n.length; r++)i = {}, void 0 !== n[r] && (i[e] = n[r]), o.push(i); this.addMarkers(a, o) }, addMarkers: function (e, t) { var n; for (t = t || [], this.createMarkers(e), n = 0; n < t.length; n++)this.series.markers[n].setValues(t[n] || {}) }, removeMarkers: function (e) { var t; for (t = 0; t < e.length; t++)this.markers[e[t]].element.remove(), delete this.markers[e[t]] }, removeAllMarkers: function () { var e, t = []; for (e in this.markers) t.push(e); this.removeMarkers(t) }, latLngToPoint: function (e, t) { var n, i, r, a = d.Map.maps[this.params.map].projection, o = a.centralMeridian; return -180 + o > t && (t += 360), n = d.Proj[a.type](e, t, o), !!(i = this.getInsetForPoint(n.x, n.y)) && (r = i.bbox, n.x = (n.x - r[0].x) / (r[1].x - r[0].x) * i.width * this.scale, n.y = (n.y - r[0].y) / (r[1].y - r[0].y) * i.height * this.scale, { x: n.x + this.transX * this.scale + i.left * this.scale, y: n.y + this.transY * this.scale + i.top * this.scale }) }, pointToLatLng: function (e, t) { var n, i, r, a, o, l = d.Map.maps[this.params.map].projection, s = l.centralMeridian, u = d.Map.maps[this.params.map].insets; for (n = 0; n < u.length; n++)if (r = (i = u[n]).bbox, a = e - (this.transX * this.scale + i.left * this.scale), o = t - (this.transY * this.scale + i.top * this.scale), a = a / (i.width * this.scale) * (r[1].x - r[0].x) + r[0].x, o = o / (i.height * this.scale) * (r[1].y - r[0].y) + r[0].y, a > r[0].x && a < r[1].x && o > r[0].y && o < r[1].y) return d.Proj[l.type + "_inv"](a, -o, s); return !1 }, getInsetForPoint: function (e, t) { var n, i, r = d.Map.maps[this.params.map].insets; for (n = 0; n < r.length; n++)if (e > (i = r[n].bbox)[0].x && e < i[1].x && t > i[0].y && t < i[1].y) return r[n] }, createSeries: function () { var e, t; for (t in this.series = { markers: [], regions: [] }, this.params.series) for (e = 0; e < this.params.series[t].length; e++)this.series[t][e] = new d.DataSeries(this.params.series[t][e], this[t], this) }, remove: function () { this.tip.remove(), this.container.remove(), d.$(window).unbind("resize", this.onResize), d.$("body").unbind("mouseup", this.onContainerMouseUp) } }, d.Map.maps = {}, d.Map.defaultParams = { map: "world_mill_en", backgroundColor: "#505050", zoomButtons: !0, zoomOnScroll: !0, zoomOnScrollSpeed: 3, panOnDrag: !0, zoomMax: 8, zoomMin: 1, zoomStep: 1.6, zoomAnimate: !0, regionsSelectable: !1, markersSelectable: !1, bindTouchEvents: !0, regionStyle: { initial: { fill: "white", "fill-opacity": 1, stroke: "none", "stroke-width": 0, "stroke-opacity": 1 }, hover: { "fill-opacity": .8, cursor: "pointer" }, selected: { fill: "yellow" }, selectedHover: {} }, regionMargin: 0, regionLabelStyle: { initial: { "font-family": "Verdana", "font-size": "12", "font-weight": "bold", cursor: "default", fill: "black" }, hover: { cursor: "pointer" } }, markerStyle: { initial: { fill: "grey", stroke: "#505050", "fill-opacity": 1, "stroke-width": 1, "stroke-opacity": 1, r: 5 }, hover: { stroke: "black", "stroke-width": 2, cursor: "pointer" }, selected: { fill: "blue" }, selectedHover: {} }, markerLabelStyle: { initial: { "font-family": "Verdana", "font-size": "12", "font-weight": "bold", cursor: "default", fill: "black" }, hover: { cursor: "pointer" } } }, d.Map.apiEvents = { onRegionTipShow: "regionTipShow", onRegionOver: "regionOver", onRegionOut: "regionOut", onRegionClick: "regionClick", onRegionSelected: "regionSelected", onMarkerTipShow: "markerTipShow", onMarkerOver: "markerOver", onMarkerOut: "markerOut", onMarkerClick: "markerClick", onMarkerSelected: "markerSelected", onViewportChange: "viewportChange" }, d.MultiMap = function (e) { var t = this; this.maps = {}, this.params = d.$.extend(!0, {}, d.MultiMap.defaultParams, e), this.params.maxLevel = this.params.maxLevel || Number.MAX_VALUE, this.params.main = this.params.main || {}, this.params.main.multiMapLevel = 0, this.history = [this.addMap(this.params.main.map, this.params.main)], this.defaultProjection = this.history[0].mapData.projection.type, this.mapsLoaded = {}, this.params.container.css({ position: "relative" }), this.backButton = d.$("
").addClass("jvectormap-goback").text("Back").appendTo(this.params.container), this.backButton.hide(), this.backButton.click(function () { t.goBack() }), this.spinner = d.$("
").addClass("jvectormap-spinner").appendTo(this.params.container), this.spinner.hide() }, d.MultiMap.prototype = { addMap: function (e, t) { var n = d.$("
").css({ width: "100%", height: "100%" }); return this.params.container.append(n), this.maps[e] = new d.Map(d.$.extend(t, { container: n })), this.params.maxLevel > t.multiMapLevel && this.maps[e].container.on("regionClick.jvectormap", { scope: this }, function (e, t) { var n = e.data.scope, i = n.params.mapNameByCode(t, n); n.drillDownPromise && "pending" === n.drillDownPromise.state() || n.drillDown(i, t) }), this.maps[e] }, downloadMap: function (e) { var t = this, n = d.$.Deferred(); return this.mapsLoaded[e] ? n.resolve() : d.$.get(this.params.mapUrlByCode(e, this)).then(function () { t.mapsLoaded[e] = !0, n.resolve() }, function () { n.reject() }), n }, drillDown: function (e, t) { var n = this.history[this.history.length - 1], i = this, r = n.setFocus({ region: t, animate: !0 }), a = this.downloadMap(t); r.then(function () { "pending" === a.state() && i.spinner.show() }), a.always(function () { i.spinner.hide() }), this.drillDownPromise = d.$.when(a, r), this.drillDownPromise.then(function () { n.params.container.hide(), i.maps[e] ? i.maps[e].params.container.show() : i.addMap(e, { map: e, multiMapLevel: n.params.multiMapLevel + 1 }), i.history.push(i.maps[e]), i.backButton.show() }) }, goBack: function () { var e = this.history.pop(), t = this.history[this.history.length - 1], n = this; e.setFocus({ scale: 1, x: .5, y: .5, animate: !0 }).then(function () { e.params.container.hide(), t.params.container.show(), t.updateSize(), 1 === n.history.length && n.backButton.hide(), t.setFocus({ scale: 1, x: .5, y: .5, animate: !0 }) }) } }, d.MultiMap.defaultParams = { mapNameByCode: function (e, t) { return e.toLowerCase() + "_" + t.defaultProjection + "_en" }, mapUrlByCode: function (e, t) { return "jquery-jvectormap-data-" + e.toLowerCase() + "-" + t.defaultProjection + "-en.js" } } }).call(this, n(1), n(1)) }, function (e, t, n) { (function (e) { e.fn.vectorMap("addMap", "world_mill", { insets: [{ width: 900, top: 0, height: 440.7063107441331, bbox: [{ y: -12671671.123330014, x: -20004297.151525836 }, { y: 6930392.025135122, x: 20026572.394749384 }], left: 0 }], paths: { BD: { path: "M651.84,230.21l-0.6,-2.0l-1.36,-1.71l-2.31,-0.11l-0.41,0.48l0.2,0.94l-0.53,0.99l-0.72,-0.36l-0.68,0.35l-1.2,-0.36l-0.37,-2.0l-0.81,-1.86l0.39,-1.46l-0.22,-0.47l-1.14,-0.53l0.29,-0.5l1.48,-0.94l0.03,-0.65l-1.55,-1.22l0.55,-1.14l1.61,0.94l1.04,0.15l0.18,1.54l0.34,0.35l5.64,0.63l-0.84,1.64l-1.22,0.34l-0.77,1.51l0.07,0.47l1.37,1.37l0.67,-0.19l0.42,-1.39l1.21,3.84l-0.03,1.21l-0.33,-0.15l-0.4,0.28Z", name: "Bangladesh" }, BE: { path: "M429.29,144.05l1.91,0.24l2.1,-0.63l2.63,1.99l-0.21,1.66l-0.69,0.4l-0.18,1.2l-1.66,-1.13l-1.39,0.15l-2.73,-2.7l-1.17,-0.18l-0.16,-0.52l1.54,-0.5Z", name: "Belgium" }, BF: { path: "M421.42,247.64l-0.11,0.95l0.34,1.16l1.4,1.71l0.07,1.1l0.32,0.37l2.55,0.51l-0.04,1.28l-0.38,0.53l-1.07,0.21l-0.72,1.18l-0.63,0.21l-3.22,-0.25l-0.94,0.39l-5.4,-0.05l-0.39,0.38l0.16,2.73l-1.23,-0.43l-1.17,0.1l-0.89,0.57l-2.27,-1.72l-0.13,-1.11l0.61,-0.96l0.02,-0.93l1.87,-1.98l0.44,-1.81l0.43,-0.39l1.28,0.26l1.05,-0.52l0.47,-0.73l1.84,-1.09l0.55,-0.83l2.2,-1.0l1.15,-0.3l0.72,0.45l1.13,-0.01Z", name: "Burkina Faso" }, BG: { path: "M491.65,168.18l-0.86,0.88l-0.91,2.17l0.48,1.34l-1.6,-0.24l-2.55,0.95l-0.28,1.51l-1.8,0.22l-2.0,-1.0l-1.92,0.79l-1.42,-0.07l-0.15,-1.63l-1.05,-0.97l0.0,-0.8l1.2,-1.57l0.01,-0.56l-1.14,-1.23l-0.05,-0.94l0.88,0.97l0.88,-0.2l1.91,0.47l3.68,0.16l1.42,-0.81l2.72,-0.66l2.55,1.24Z", name: "Bulgaria" }, BA: { path: "M463.49,163.65l2.1,0.5l1.72,-0.03l1.52,0.68l-0.36,0.78l0.08,0.45l1.04,1.02l-0.25,0.98l-1.81,1.15l-0.38,1.38l-1.67,-0.87l-0.89,-1.2l-2.11,-1.83l-1.63,-2.22l0.23,-0.57l0.48,0.38l0.55,-0.06l0.43,-0.51l0.94,-0.06Z", name: "Bosnia and Herz." }, BN: { path: "M707.48,273.58l0.68,-0.65l1.41,-0.91l-0.15,1.63l-0.81,-0.05l-0.61,0.58l-0.53,-0.6Z", name: "Brunei" }, BO: { path: "M263.83,340.69l-3.09,-0.23l-0.38,0.23l-0.7,1.52l-1.31,-1.53l-3.28,-0.64l-2.37,2.4l-1.31,0.26l-0.88,-3.26l-1.3,-2.86l0.74,-2.37l-0.13,-0.43l-1.2,-1.01l-0.37,-1.89l-1.08,-1.55l1.45,-2.56l-0.96,-2.33l0.47,-1.06l-0.34,-0.73l0.91,-1.32l0.16,-3.84l0.5,-1.18l-1.81,-3.41l2.46,0.07l0.8,-0.85l3.4,-1.91l2.66,-0.35l-0.19,1.38l0.3,1.07l-0.05,1.97l2.72,2.27l2.88,0.49l0.89,0.86l1.79,0.58l0.98,0.7l1.71,0.05l1.17,0.61l0.6,2.7l-0.7,0.54l0.96,2.99l0.37,0.28l4.3,0.1l-0.25,1.2l0.27,1.02l1.43,0.9l0.5,1.35l-0.41,1.86l-0.65,1.08l0.12,1.35l-2.69,-1.65l-2.4,-0.03l-4.36,0.76l-1.49,2.5l-0.11,1.52l-0.75,2.37Z", name: "Bolivia" }, JP: { path: "M781.12,166.87l1.81,0.68l1.62,-0.97l0.39,2.42l-3.35,0.75l-2.23,2.88l-3.63,-1.9l-0.56,0.2l-1.26,3.05l-2.16,0.03l-0.29,-2.51l1.08,-2.03l2.45,-0.16l0.37,-0.33l1.25,-5.94l2.47,2.71l2.03,1.12ZM773.56,187.34l-0.91,2.22l0.37,1.52l-1.14,1.75l-3.02,1.26l-4.58,0.27l-3.34,3.01l-1.25,-0.8l-0.09,-1.9l-0.46,-0.38l-4.35,0.62l-3.0,1.32l-2.85,0.05l-0.37,0.27l0.13,0.44l2.32,1.89l-1.54,4.34l-1.26,0.9l-0.79,-0.7l0.56,-2.27l-0.21,-0.45l-1.47,-0.75l-0.74,-1.4l2.12,-0.84l1.26,-1.7l2.45,-1.42l1.83,-1.91l4.78,-0.81l2.6,0.57l0.44,-0.21l2.39,-4.66l1.29,1.06l0.5,0.01l5.1,-4.02l1.69,-3.73l-0.38,-3.4l0.9,-1.61l2.14,-0.44l1.23,3.72l-0.07,2.18l-2.23,2.84l-0.04,3.16ZM757.78,196.26l0.19,0.56l-1.01,1.21l-1.16,-0.68l-1.28,0.65l-0.69,1.45l-1.02,-0.5l0.01,-0.93l1.14,-1.38l1.57,0.14l0.85,-0.98l1.4,0.46Z", name: "Japan" }, BI: { path: "M495.45,295.49l-1.08,-2.99l1.14,-0.11l0.64,-1.19l0.76,0.09l0.65,1.83l-2.1,2.36Z", name: "Burundi" }, BJ: { path: "M429.57,255.75l-0.05,0.8l0.5,1.34l-0.42,0.86l0.17,0.79l-1.81,2.12l-0.57,1.76l-0.08,5.42l-1.41,0.2l-0.48,-1.36l0.11,-5.71l-0.52,-0.7l-0.2,-1.35l-1.48,-1.48l0.21,-0.9l0.89,-0.43l0.42,-0.92l1.27,-0.36l1.22,-1.34l0.61,-0.0l1.62,1.24Z", name: "Benin" }, BT: { path: "M650.32,213.86l0.84,0.71l-0.12,1.1l-3.76,-0.11l-1.57,0.4l-1.93,-0.87l1.48,-1.96l1.13,-0.57l1.63,0.57l1.33,0.08l0.99,0.65Z", name: "Bhutan" }, JM: { path: "M228.38,239.28l-0.8,0.4l-2.26,-1.06l0.84,-0.23l2.14,0.3l1.17,0.56l-1.08,0.03Z", name: "Jamaica" }, BW: { path: "M483.92,330.07l2.27,4.01l2.83,2.86l0.96,0.31l0.78,2.43l2.13,0.61l1.02,0.76l-3.0,1.64l-2.32,2.02l-1.54,2.69l-1.52,0.45l-0.64,1.94l-1.34,0.52l-1.85,-0.12l-1.21,-0.74l-1.35,-0.3l-1.22,0.62l-0.75,1.37l-2.31,1.9l-1.4,0.21l-0.35,-0.59l0.16,-1.75l-1.48,-2.54l-0.62,-0.43l-0.0,-7.1l2.08,-0.08l0.39,-0.4l0.07,-8.9l5.19,-0.93l0.8,0.89l0.51,0.07l1.5,-0.95l2.21,-0.49Z", name: "Botswana" }, BR: { path: "M259.98,275.05l3.24,0.7l0.65,-0.53l4.55,-1.32l1.08,-1.06l-0.02,-0.63l0.55,-0.05l0.28,0.28l-0.26,0.87l0.22,0.48l0.73,0.32l0.4,0.81l-0.62,0.86l-0.4,2.13l0.82,2.56l1.69,1.43l1.43,0.2l3.17,-1.68l3.18,0.3l0.65,-0.75l-0.27,-0.92l1.9,-0.09l2.39,0.99l1.06,-0.61l0.84,0.78l1.2,-0.18l1.18,-1.06l0.84,-1.94l1.36,-2.11l0.37,-0.05l1.89,5.45l1.33,0.59l0.05,1.28l-1.77,1.94l0.02,0.56l1.02,0.87l4.07,0.36l0.08,2.16l0.66,0.29l1.74,-1.5l6.97,2.32l1.02,1.22l-0.35,1.18l0.49,0.5l2.81,-0.74l4.77,1.3l3.75,-0.08l3.57,2.0l3.29,2.86l1.93,0.72l2.12,0.12l0.71,0.62l1.21,4.51l-0.95,3.98l-4.72,5.06l-1.64,2.92l-1.72,2.05l-0.8,0.3l-0.72,2.03l0.18,4.75l-0.94,5.53l-0.81,1.13l-0.43,3.36l-2.55,3.5l-0.4,2.51l-1.86,1.04l-0.67,1.53l-2.54,0.01l-3.94,1.01l-1.83,1.2l-2.87,0.82l-3.03,2.19l-2.2,2.83l-0.36,2.0l0.4,1.58l-0.44,2.6l-0.51,1.2l-1.77,1.54l-2.75,4.78l-3.83,3.42l-1.24,2.74l-1.18,1.15l-0.36,-0.83l0.95,-1.14l0.01,-0.5l-1.52,-1.97l-4.56,-3.32l-1.03,-0.0l-2.38,-2.02l-0.81,-0.0l5.34,-5.45l3.77,-2.58l0.22,-2.46l-1.35,-1.81l-0.91,0.07l0.58,-2.33l0.01,-1.54l-1.11,-0.83l-1.75,0.3l-0.44,-3.11l-0.52,-0.95l-1.88,-0.88l-1.24,0.47l-2.17,-0.41l0.15,-3.21l-0.62,-1.34l0.66,-0.73l-0.22,-1.34l0.66,-1.13l0.44,-2.04l-0.61,-1.83l-1.4,-0.86l-0.2,-0.75l0.34,-1.39l-0.38,-0.5l-4.52,-0.1l-0.72,-2.22l0.59,-0.42l-0.03,-1.1l-0.5,-0.87l-0.32,-1.7l-1.45,-0.76l-1.63,-0.02l-1.05,-0.72l-1.6,-0.48l-1.13,-0.99l-2.69,-0.4l-2.47,-2.06l0.13,-4.35l-0.45,-0.45l-3.46,0.5l-3.44,1.94l-0.6,0.74l-2.9,-0.17l-1.47,0.42l-0.72,-0.18l0.15,-3.52l-0.63,-0.34l-1.94,1.41l-1.87,-0.06l-0.83,-1.18l-1.37,-0.26l0.21,-1.01l-1.35,-1.49l-0.88,-1.91l0.56,-0.6l-0.0,-0.81l1.29,-0.62l0.22,-0.43l-0.22,-1.19l0.61,-0.91l0.15,-0.99l2.65,-1.58l1.99,-0.47l0.42,-0.36l2.06,0.11l0.42,-0.33l1.19,-8.0l-0.41,-1.56l-1.1,-1.0l0.01,-1.33l1.91,-0.42l0.08,-0.96l-0.33,-0.43l-1.14,-0.2l-0.02,-0.83l4.47,0.05l0.82,-0.67l0.82,1.81l0.8,0.07l1.15,1.1l2.26,-0.05l0.71,-0.83l2.78,-0.96l0.48,-1.13l1.6,-0.64l0.24,-0.47l-0.48,-0.82l-1.83,-0.19l-0.36,-3.22Z", name: "Brazil" }, BS: { path: "M226.4,223.87l-0.48,-1.15l-0.84,-0.75l0.36,-1.11l0.95,1.95l0.01,1.06ZM225.56,216.43l-1.87,0.29l-0.04,-0.22l0.74,-0.14l1.17,0.06Z", name: "Bahamas" }, BY: { path: "M493.84,128.32l0.29,0.7l0.49,0.23l1.19,-0.38l2.09,0.72l0.19,1.26l-0.45,1.24l1.57,2.26l0.89,0.59l0.17,0.81l1.58,0.56l0.4,0.5l-0.53,0.41l-1.87,-0.11l-0.73,0.38l-0.13,0.52l1.04,2.74l-1.91,0.26l-0.89,0.99l-0.11,1.18l-2.73,-0.04l-0.53,-0.62l-0.52,-0.08l-0.75,0.46l-0.91,-0.42l-1.92,-0.07l-2.75,-0.79l-2.6,-0.28l-2.0,0.07l-1.5,0.92l-0.67,0.07l-0.08,-1.22l-0.59,-1.19l1.36,-0.88l0.01,-1.35l-0.7,-1.41l-0.07,-1.0l2.16,-0.02l2.72,-1.3l0.75,-2.04l1.91,-1.04l0.2,-0.41l-0.19,-1.25l3.8,-1.78l2.3,0.77Z", name: "Belarus" }, BZ: { path: "M198.03,244.38l0.1,-4.49l0.69,-0.06l0.74,-1.3l0.34,0.28l-0.4,1.3l0.17,0.58l-0.34,2.25l-1.3,1.42Z", name: "Belize" }, RU: { path: "M491.55,115.25l2.55,-1.85l-0.01,-0.65l-2.2,-1.5l7.32,-6.76l1.03,-2.11l-0.13,-0.49l-3.46,-2.52l0.86,-2.7l-2.11,-2.81l1.56,-3.67l-2.77,-4.52l2.15,-2.99l-0.08,-0.55l-3.65,-2.73l0.3,-2.54l1.81,-0.37l4.26,-1.77l2.42,-1.45l4.06,2.61l6.79,1.04l9.34,4.85l1.78,1.88l0.14,2.46l-2.55,2.02l-3.9,1.06l-11.07,-3.14l-2.06,0.53l-0.13,0.7l3.94,2.94l0.31,5.86l0.26,0.36l5.14,2.24l0.58,-0.29l0.32,-1.94l-1.35,-1.78l1.13,-1.09l6.13,2.42l2.11,-0.98l0.18,-0.56l-1.51,-2.67l5.41,-3.76l2.07,0.22l2.26,1.41l0.57,-0.16l1.46,-2.87l-0.05,-0.44l-1.92,-2.32l1.12,-2.32l-1.32,-2.27l5.87,1.16l1.04,1.75l-2.59,0.43l-0.33,0.4l0.02,2.36l2.46,1.83l3.87,-0.91l0.86,-2.8l13.69,-5.65l0.99,0.11l-1.92,2.06l0.23,0.67l3.11,0.45l2.0,-1.48l4.56,-0.12l3.64,-1.73l2.65,2.44l0.56,-0.01l2.85,-2.88l-0.01,-0.57l-2.35,-2.29l0.9,-1.01l7.14,1.3l3.41,1.36l9.05,4.97l0.51,-0.11l1.67,-2.27l-0.05,-0.53l-2.43,-2.21l-0.06,-0.78l-0.34,-0.36l-2.52,-0.36l0.64,-1.93l-1.32,-3.46l-0.06,-1.21l4.48,-4.06l1.69,-4.29l1.6,-0.81l6.23,1.18l0.44,2.21l-2.29,3.64l0.06,0.5l1.47,1.39l0.76,3.0l-0.56,6.03l2.69,2.82l-0.96,2.57l-4.86,5.95l0.23,0.64l2.86,0.61l0.42,-0.17l0.93,-1.4l2.64,-1.03l0.87,-2.24l2.09,-1.96l0.07,-0.5l-1.36,-2.28l1.09,-2.69l-0.32,-0.55l-2.47,-0.33l-0.5,-2.06l1.94,-4.38l-0.06,-0.42l-2.96,-3.4l4.12,-2.88l0.16,-0.4l-0.51,-2.93l0.54,-0.05l1.13,2.25l-0.96,4.35l0.27,0.47l2.68,0.84l0.5,-0.51l-1.02,-2.99l3.79,-1.66l5.01,-0.24l4.53,2.61l0.48,-0.06l0.07,-0.48l-2.18,-3.82l-0.23,-4.67l3.98,-0.9l5.97,0.21l5.49,-0.64l0.27,-0.65l-1.83,-2.31l2.56,-2.9l2.87,-0.17l4.8,-2.47l6.54,-0.67l1.03,-1.42l6.25,-0.45l2.32,1.11l5.53,-2.7l4.5,0.08l0.39,-0.28l0.66,-2.15l2.26,-2.12l5.69,-2.11l3.21,1.29l-2.46,0.94l-0.25,0.42l0.34,0.35l5.41,0.77l0.61,2.33l0.58,0.25l2.2,-1.22l7.13,0.07l5.51,2.47l1.79,1.72l-0.53,2.24l-9.16,4.15l-1.97,1.52l0.16,0.71l6.77,1.91l2.16,-0.78l1.13,2.74l0.67,0.11l1.01,-1.15l3.81,-0.73l7.7,0.77l0.54,1.99l0.36,0.29l10.47,0.71l0.43,-0.38l0.13,-3.23l4.87,0.78l3.95,-0.02l3.83,2.4l1.03,2.71l-1.35,1.79l0.02,0.5l3.15,3.64l4.07,1.96l0.53,-0.18l2.23,-4.47l3.95,1.93l4.16,-1.21l4.73,1.39l2.05,-1.26l3.94,0.62l0.43,-0.55l-1.68,-4.02l2.89,-1.8l22.31,3.03l2.16,2.75l6.55,3.51l10.29,-0.81l4.82,0.73l1.85,1.66l-0.29,3.08l0.25,0.41l3.08,1.26l3.56,-0.88l4.35,-0.11l4.8,0.87l4.57,-0.47l4.23,3.79l0.43,0.07l3.1,-1.4l0.16,-0.6l-1.88,-2.62l0.85,-1.52l7.71,1.21l5.22,-0.26l7.09,2.09l9.59,5.22l6.35,4.11l-0.2,2.38l1.88,1.41l0.6,-0.42l-0.48,-2.53l6.15,0.57l4.4,3.51l-1.97,1.43l-4.0,0.41l-0.36,0.39l-0.06,3.79l-0.74,0.62l-2.07,-0.11l-1.91,-1.39l-3.14,-1.11l-0.78,-1.85l-2.72,-0.68l-2.63,0.49l-1.04,-1.1l0.46,-1.31l-0.5,-0.51l-3.0,0.98l-0.22,0.58l0.99,1.7l-1.21,1.48l-3.04,1.68l-3.12,-0.28l-0.4,0.23l0.09,0.46l2.2,2.09l1.46,3.2l1.15,1.1l0.24,1.33l-0.42,0.67l-4.63,-0.77l-6.96,2.9l-2.19,0.44l-7.6,5.06l-0.84,1.45l-3.61,-2.37l-6.24,2.82l-0.94,-1.15l-0.53,-0.08l-2.28,1.52l-3.2,-0.49l-0.44,0.27l-0.78,2.37l-3.05,3.78l0.09,1.47l0.29,0.36l2.54,0.72l-0.29,4.53l-1.97,0.11l-0.35,0.26l-1.07,2.94l0.8,1.45l-3.91,1.58l-1.05,3.95l-3.48,0.77l-0.3,0.3l-0.72,3.29l-3.09,2.65l-0.7,-1.74l-2.44,-12.44l1.16,-4.71l2.04,-2.06l0.22,-1.64l3.8,-0.86l4.46,-4.61l4.28,-3.81l4.48,-3.01l2.17,-5.63l-0.42,-0.54l-3.04,0.33l-1.77,3.31l-5.86,3.86l-1.86,-4.25l-0.45,-0.23l-6.46,1.3l-6.47,6.44l-0.01,0.55l1.58,1.74l-8.24,1.17l0.15,-2.2l-0.34,-0.42l-3.89,-0.56l-3.25,1.81l-7.62,-0.62l-8.45,1.19l-17.71,15.41l0.22,0.7l3.74,0.41l1.36,2.17l2.43,0.76l1.88,-1.68l2.4,0.2l3.4,3.54l0.08,2.6l-1.95,3.42l-0.21,3.9l-1.1,5.06l-3.71,4.54l-0.87,2.21l-8.29,8.89l-3.19,1.7l-1.32,0.03l-1.45,-1.36l-0.49,-0.04l-2.27,1.5l0.41,-3.65l-0.59,-2.47l1.75,-0.89l2.91,0.53l0.42,-0.2l1.68,-3.03l0.87,-3.46l0.97,-1.18l1.32,-2.88l-0.45,-0.56l-4.14,0.95l-2.19,1.25l-3.41,-0.0l-1.06,-2.93l-2.97,-2.3l-4.28,-1.06l-1.75,-5.07l-2.66,-5.01l-2.29,-1.29l-3.75,-1.01l-3.44,0.08l-3.18,0.62l-2.24,1.77l0.05,0.66l1.18,0.69l0.02,1.43l-1.33,1.05l-2.26,3.51l-0.04,1.43l-3.16,1.84l-2.82,-1.16l-3.01,0.23l-1.35,-1.07l-1.5,-0.35l-3.9,2.31l-3.22,0.52l-2.27,0.79l-3.05,-0.51l-2.21,0.03l-1.48,-1.6l-2.6,-1.63l-2.63,-0.43l-5.46,1.01l-3.23,-1.25l-0.72,-2.57l-5.2,-1.24l-2.75,-1.36l-0.5,0.12l-2.59,3.45l0.84,2.1l-2.06,1.93l-3.41,-0.77l-2.42,-0.12l-1.83,-1.54l-2.53,-0.05l-2.42,-0.98l-3.86,1.57l-4.72,2.78l-3.3,0.75l-1.55,-1.92l-3.0,0.41l-1.11,-1.33l-1.62,-0.59l-1.31,-1.94l-1.38,-0.6l-3.7,0.79l-3.31,-1.83l-0.51,0.11l-0.99,1.29l-5.29,-8.05l-2.96,-2.48l0.65,-0.77l0.01,-0.51l-0.5,-0.11l-6.2,3.21l-1.84,0.15l0.15,-1.39l-0.26,-0.42l-3.22,-1.17l-2.46,0.7l-0.69,-3.16l-0.32,-0.31l-4.5,-0.75l-2.47,1.47l-6.19,1.27l-1.29,0.86l-9.51,1.3l-1.15,1.17l-0.03,0.53l1.47,1.9l-1.89,0.69l-0.22,0.56l0.31,0.6l-2.11,1.44l0.03,0.68l3.75,2.12l-0.39,0.98l-3.23,-0.13l-0.86,0.86l-3.09,-1.59l-3.97,0.07l-2.66,1.35l-8.32,-3.56l-4.07,0.06l-5.39,3.68l-0.39,2.0l-2.03,-1.5l-0.59,0.13l-2.0,3.59l0.57,0.93l-1.28,2.16l0.06,0.48l2.13,2.17l1.95,0.04l1.37,1.82l-0.23,1.46l0.25,0.43l0.83,0.33l-0.8,1.31l-2.49,0.62l-2.49,3.2l0.0,0.49l2.17,2.78l-0.15,2.18l2.5,3.24l-1.58,1.59l-0.7,-0.13l-1.63,-1.72l-2.29,-0.84l-0.94,-1.31l-2.34,-0.63l-1.48,0.4l-0.43,-0.47l-3.51,-1.48l-5.76,-1.01l-0.45,0.19l-2.89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name: "Russia" }, RW: { path: "M497.0,288.25l0.71,1.01l-0.11,1.09l-1.63,0.03l-1.04,1.39l-0.83,-0.11l0.51,-1.2l0.08,-1.34l0.42,-0.41l0.7,0.14l1.19,-0.61Z", name: "Rwanda" }, RS: { path: "M469.4,163.99l0.42,-0.5l-0.01,-0.52l-1.15,-1.63l1.43,-0.62l1.33,0.12l1.17,1.06l0.46,1.13l1.34,0.64l0.35,1.35l1.46,0.9l0.76,-0.29l0.2,0.69l-0.48,0.78l0.22,1.12l1.05,1.22l-0.77,0.8l-0.37,1.52l-1.21,0.08l0.24,-0.64l-0.39,-0.54l-2.08,-1.64l-0.9,0.05l-0.48,0.94l-2.12,-1.37l0.53,-1.6l-1.11,-1.37l0.51,-1.1l-0.41,-0.57Z", name: "Serbia" }, TL: { path: "M734.55,307.93l-0.1,-0.97l4.5,-0.86l-2.82,1.28l-1.59,0.55Z", name: "Timor-Leste" }, TM: { path: "M553.03,173.76l-0.04,0.34l-0.09,-0.22l0.13,-0.12ZM555.87,172.66l0.45,-0.1l1.48,0.74l2.06,2.43l4.07,-0.18l0.38,-0.51l-0.32,-1.19l1.92,-0.94l1.91,-1.59l2.94,1.39l0.43,2.47l1.19,0.67l2.58,-0.13l0.62,0.4l1.32,3.12l4.54,3.44l2.67,1.45l3.06,1.14l-0.04,1.05l-1.33,-0.75l-0.59,0.19l-0.32,0.84l-2.2,0.81l-0.46,2.13l-1.21,0.74l-1.91,0.42l-0.73,1.33l-1.56,0.31l-2.22,-0.94l-0.2,-2.17l-0.38,-0.36l-1.73,-0.09l-2.76,-2.46l-2.14,-0.4l-2.84,-1.48l-1.78,-0.27l-1.24,0.53l-1.57,-0.08l-2.0,1.69l-1.7,0.43l-0.36,-1.58l0.36,-2.98l-0.22,-0.4l-1.65,-0.84l0.54,-1.69l-0.34,-0.52l-1.22,-0.13l0.36,-1.64l2.22,0.59l2.2,-0.95l0.12,-0.65l-1.77,-1.74l-0.66,-1.57Z", name: "Turkmenistan" }, TJ: { path: "M597.75,178.82l-2.54,-0.44l-0.47,0.34l-0.24,1.7l0.43,0.45l2.64,-0.22l3.18,0.95l4.39,-0.41l0.56,2.37l0.52,0.29l0.67,-0.24l1.11,0.49l0.21,2.13l-3.76,-0.21l-1.8,1.32l-1.76,0.74l-0.61,-0.58l0.21,-2.23l-0.64,-0.49l-0.07,-0.93l-1.36,-0.66l-0.45,0.07l-1.08,1.01l-0.55,1.48l-1.31,-0.05l-0.95,1.16l-0.9,-0.35l-1.86,0.74l1.26,-2.83l-0.54,-2.17l-1.67,-0.82l0.33,-0.66l2.18,-0.04l1.19,-1.63l0.76,-1.79l2.43,-0.5l-0.26,1.0l0.73,1.05Z", name: "Tajikistan" }, RO: { path: "M487.53,154.23l0.6,0.24l2.87,3.98l-0.17,2.69l0.45,1.42l1.32,0.81l1.35,-0.42l0.76,0.36l0.02,0.31l-0.83,0.45l-0.59,-0.22l-0.54,0.3l-0.62,3.3l-1.0,-0.22l-2.07,-1.13l-2.95,0.71l-1.25,0.76l-3.51,-0.15l-1.89,-0.47l-0.87,0.16l-0.82,-1.3l0.29,-0.26l-0.06,-0.64l-1.09,-0.34l-0.56,0.5l-1.05,-0.64l-0.39,-1.39l-1.36,-0.65l-0.35,-1.0l-0.83,-0.75l1.54,-0.54l2.66,-4.21l2.4,-1.24l2.96,0.34l1.48,0.73l0.79,-0.45l1.78,-0.3l0.75,-0.74l0.79,0.0Z", name: "Romania" }, GW: { path: "M386.23,253.6l-0.29,0.84l0.15,0.6l-2.21,0.59l-0.86,0.96l-1.04,-0.83l-1.09,-0.23l-0.54,-1.06l-0.66,-0.49l2.41,-0.48l4.13,0.1Z", name: "Guinea-Bissau" }, GT: { path: "M195.08,249.77l-2.48,-0.37l-1.03,-0.45l-1.14,-0.89l0.3,-0.99l-0.24,-0.68l0.96,-1.66l2.98,-0.01l0.4,-0.37l-0.19,-1.28l-1.67,-1.4l0.51,-0.4l0.0,-1.05l3.85,0.02l-0.21,4.53l0.4,0.43l1.46,0.38l-1.48,0.98l-0.35,0.7l0.12,0.57l-2.2,1.96Z", name: "Guatemala" }, GR: { path: "M487.07,174.59l-0.59,1.43l-0.37,0.21l-2.84,-0.35l-3.03,0.77l-0.18,0.68l1.28,1.23l-0.61,0.23l-1.14,0.0l-1.2,-1.39l-0.63,0.03l-0.53,1.01l0.56,1.76l1.03,1.19l-0.56,0.38l-0.05,0.62l2.52,2.12l0.02,0.87l-1.78,-0.59l-0.48,0.56l0.5,1.0l-1.07,0.2l-0.3,0.53l0.75,2.01l-0.98,0.02l-1.84,-1.12l-1.37,-4.2l-2.21,-2.95l-0.11,-0.56l1.04,-1.28l0.2,-0.95l0.85,-0.66l0.03,-0.46l1.32,-0.21l1.01,-0.64l1.22,0.05l0.65,-0.56l2.26,-0.0l1.82,-0.75l1.85,1.0l2.28,-0.28l0.35,-0.39l0.01,-0.77l0.34,0.22ZM480.49,192.16l0.58,0.4l-0.68,-0.12l0.11,-0.28ZM482.52,192.82l2.51,0.06l0.24,0.32l-1.99,0.13l-0.77,-0.51Z", name: "Greece" }, GQ: { path: "M448.79,279.62l0.02,2.22l-4.09,0.0l0.69,-2.27l3.38,0.05Z", name: "Eq. Guinea" }, GY: { path: "M277.42,270.07l-0.32,1.83l-1.32,0.57l-0.23,0.46l-0.28,2.0l1.11,1.82l0.83,0.19l0.32,1.25l1.13,1.62l-1.21,-0.19l-1.08,0.71l-1.77,0.5l-0.44,0.46l-0.86,-0.09l-1.32,-1.01l-0.77,-2.27l0.36,-1.9l0.68,-1.23l-0.57,-1.17l-0.74,-0.43l0.12,-1.16l-0.9,-0.69l-1.1,0.09l-1.31,-1.48l0.53,-0.72l-0.04,-0.84l1.99,-0.86l0.05,-0.59l-0.71,-0.78l0.14,-0.57l1.66,-1.24l1.36,0.77l1.41,1.49l0.06,1.15l0.37,0.38l0.8,0.05l2.06,1.86Z", name: "Guyana" }, GE: { path: "M521.71,168.93l5.29,0.89l4.07,2.01l1.41,-0.44l2.07,0.56l0.68,1.1l1.07,0.55l-0.12,0.59l0.98,1.29l-1.01,-0.13l-1.81,-0.83l-0.94,0.47l-3.23,0.43l-2.29,-1.39l-2.33,0.05l0.21,-0.97l-0.76,-2.26l-1.45,-1.12l-1.43,-0.39l-0.41,-0.42Z", name: "Georgia" }, GB: { path: "M412.61,118.72l-2.19,3.22l-0.0,0.45l5.13,-0.3l-0.53,2.37l-2.2,3.12l0.29,0.63l2.37,0.21l2.33,4.3l1.76,0.69l2.2,5.12l2.94,0.77l-0.23,1.62l-1.15,0.88l-0.1,0.52l0.82,1.42l-1.86,1.43l-3.3,-0.02l-4.12,0.87l-1.04,-0.58l-0.47,0.06l-1.51,1.41l-2.12,-0.34l-1.86,1.18l-0.6,-0.29l3.19,-3.0l2.16,-0.69l0.28,-0.41l-0.34,-0.36l-3.73,-0.53l-0.4,-0.76l2.2,-0.87l0.17,-0.61l-1.26,-1.67l0.36,-1.7l3.38,0.28l0.43,-0.33l0.37,-1.99l-1.79,-2.49l-3.11,-0.72l-0.38,-0.59l0.79,-1.35l-0.04,-0.46l-0.82,-0.97l-0.61,0.01l-0.68,0.84l-0.1,-2.34l-1.23,-1.88l0.85,-3.47l1.77,-2.68l1.85,0.26l2.17,-0.22ZM406.26,132.86l-1.01,1.77l-1.57,-0.59l-1.16,0.01l0.37,-1.54l-0.39,-1.39l1.45,-0.1l2.3,1.84Z", name: "United Kingdom" }, GA: { path: "M453.24,279.52l-0.08,0.98l0.7,1.29l2.36,0.24l-0.98,2.63l1.18,1.79l0.25,1.78l-0.29,1.52l-0.6,0.93l-1.84,-0.09l-1.23,-1.11l-0.66,0.23l-0.15,0.84l-1.42,0.26l-1.02,0.7l-0.11,0.52l0.77,1.35l-1.34,0.97l-3.94,-4.3l-1.44,-2.45l0.06,-0.6l0.54,-0.81l1.05,-3.46l4.17,-0.07l0.4,-0.4l-0.02,-2.66l2.39,0.21l1.25,-0.27Z", name: "Gabon" }, GN: { path: "M391.8,254.11l0.47,0.8l1.11,-0.32l0.98,0.7l1.07,0.2l2.26,-1.22l0.64,0.44l1.13,1.56l-0.48,1.4l0.8,0.3l-0.08,0.48l0.46,0.68l-0.35,1.36l1.05,2.61l-1.0,0.69l0.03,1.41l-0.72,-0.06l-1.08,1.0l-0.24,-0.27l0.07,-1.11l-1.05,-1.54l-1.79,0.21l-0.35,-2.01l-1.6,-2.18l-2.0,-0.0l-1.31,0.54l-1.95,2.18l-1.86,-2.19l-1.2,-0.78l-0.3,-1.11l-0.8,-0.85l0.65,-0.72l0.81,-0.03l1.64,-0.8l0.23,-1.87l2.67,0.64l0.89,-0.3l1.21,0.15Z", name: "Guinea" }, GM: { path: "M379.31,251.39l0.1,-0.35l2.43,-0.07l0.74,-0.61l0.51,-0.03l0.77,0.49l-1.03,-0.3l-1.87,0.9l-1.65,-0.04ZM384.03,250.91l0.91,0.05l0.75,-0.24l-0.59,0.31l-1.08,-0.13Z", name: "Gambia" }, GL: { path: "M353.02,1.2l14.69,4.67l-3.68,1.89l-22.97,0.86l-0.36,0.27l0.12,0.43l1.55,1.18l8.79,-0.66l7.48,2.07l4.86,-1.77l1.66,1.73l-2.53,3.19l-0.01,0.48l0.46,0.15l6.35,-2.2l12.06,-2.31l7.24,1.13l1.09,1.99l-9.79,4.01l-1.44,1.32l-7.87,0.98l-0.35,0.41l0.38,0.38l5.07,0.24l-2.53,3.58l-2.07,3.81l0.08,6.05l2.57,3.11l-3.22,0.2l-4.12,1.66l-0.05,0.72l4.45,2.65l0.51,3.75l-2.3,0.4l-0.25,0.64l2.79,3.69l-4.82,0.31l-0.36,0.29l0.16,0.44l2.62,1.8l-0.59,1.22l-3.3,0.7l-3.45,0.01l-0.29,0.68l3.03,3.12l0.02,1.34l-4.4,-1.73l-1.72,1.35l0.15,0.66l3.31,1.15l3.13,2.71l0.81,3.16l-3.85,0.75l-4.89,-4.26l-0.47,-0.03l-0.17,0.44l0.79,2.86l-2.71,2.21l-0.13,0.44l0.37,0.27l8.73,0.34l-12.32,6.64l-7.24,1.48l-2.94,0.08l-2.69,1.75l-3.43,4.41l-5.24,2.84l-1.73,0.18l-7.12,2.1l-2.15,2.52l-0.13,2.99l-1.19,2.45l-4.01,3.09l-0.14,0.44l0.97,2.9l-2.28,6.48l-3.1,0.2l-3.83,-3.07l-4.86,-0.02l-2.25,-1.93l-1.7,-3.79l-4.3,-4.84l-1.21,-2.49l-0.44,-3.8l-3.32,-3.63l0.84,-2.86l-1.56,-1.7l2.28,-4.6l3.83,-1.74l1.03,-1.96l0.52,-3.47l-0.59,-0.41l-4.17,2.21l-2.07,0.58l-2.72,-1.28l-0.15,-2.71l0.85,-2.09l2.01,-0.06l5.06,1.2l0.46,-0.23l-0.14,-0.49l-6.54,-4.47l-2.67,0.55l-1.58,-0.86l2.56,-4.01l-0.03,-0.48l-1.5,-1.74l-4.98,-8.5l-3.13,-1.96l0.03,-1.88l-0.24,-0.37l-6.85,-3.02l-5.36,-0.38l-12.7,0.58l-2.78,-1.57l-3.66,-2.77l5.73,-1.45l5.0,-0.28l0.38,-0.38l-0.35,-0.41l-10.67,-1.38l-5.3,-2.06l0.25,-1.54l18.41,-5.26l1.22,-2.27l-0.25,-0.55l-6.14,-1.86l1.68,-1.77l8.55,-4.03l3.59,-0.63l0.3,-0.54l-0.88,-2.27l5.47,-1.47l7.65,-0.95l7.55,-0.05l3.04,1.85l6.48,-3.27l5.81,2.22l3.56,0.5l5.16,1.94l0.5,-0.21l-0.17,-0.52l-5.71,-3.13l0.28,-2.13l8.12,-3.6l8.7,0.28l3.35,-2.34l8.71,-0.6l19.93,0.8Z", name: "Greenland" }, GH: { path: "M420.53,257.51l-0.01,0.72l0.96,1.2l0.24,3.73l0.59,0.95l-0.51,2.1l0.19,1.41l1.02,2.21l-6.97,2.84l-1.8,-0.57l0.04,-0.89l-1.02,-2.04l0.61,-2.65l1.07,-2.32l-0.96,-6.47l5.01,0.07l0.94,-0.39l0.61,0.11Z", name: "Ghana" }, OM: { path: "M568.09,230.93l-0.91,1.67l-1.22,0.04l-0.6,0.76l-0.41,1.51l0.27,1.58l-1.16,0.05l-1.56,0.97l-0.76,1.74l-1.62,0.05l-0.98,0.65l-0.17,1.15l-0.89,0.52l-1.49,-0.18l-2.4,0.94l-2.47,-5.4l7.35,-2.71l1.67,-5.23l-1.12,-2.09l0.05,-0.83l0.67,-1.0l0.07,-1.05l0.9,-0.42l-0.05,-2.07l0.7,-0.01l1.0,1.62l1.51,1.08l3.3,0.84l1.73,2.29l0.81,0.37l-1.23,2.35l-0.99,0.79Z", name: "Oman" }, TN: { path: "M448.1,188.24l-1.0,1.27l-0.02,1.32l0.84,0.88l-0.28,2.09l-1.53,1.32l-0.12,0.42l0.48,1.54l1.42,0.32l0.53,1.11l0.9,0.52l-0.11,1.67l-3.54,2.64l-0.1,2.38l-0.58,0.3l-0.96,-4.45l-1.54,-1.25l-0.16,-0.78l-1.92,-1.56l-0.18,-1.76l1.51,-1.62l0.59,-2.34l-0.38,-2.78l0.42,-1.21l2.45,-1.05l1.29,0.26l-0.06,1.11l0.58,0.38l1.47,-0.73Z", name: "Tunisia" }, JO: { path: "M518.64,201.38l-5.14,1.56l-0.19,0.65l2.16,2.39l-0.89,1.14l-1.71,0.34l-1.71,1.8l-2.34,-0.37l1.21,-4.32l0.56,-4.07l2.8,0.94l4.46,-2.71l0.79,2.66Z", name: "Jordan" }, HR: { path: "M455.59,162.84l1.09,0.07l-0.82,0.94l-0.27,-1.01ZM456.96,162.92l0.62,-0.41l1.73,0.45l0.42,-0.4l-0.01,-0.59l0.86,-0.52l0.2,-1.05l1.63,-0.68l2.57,1.68l2.07,0.6l0.87,-0.31l1.05,1.57l-0.52,0.63l-1.05,-0.56l-1.68,0.04l-2.1,-0.5l-1.29,0.06l-0.57,0.49l-0.59,-0.47l-0.62,0.16l-0.46,1.7l1.79,2.42l2.79,2.75l-1.18,-0.87l-2.21,-0.87l-1.67,-1.78l0.13,-0.63l-1.05,-1.19l-0.32,-1.27l-1.42,-0.43Z", name: "Croatia" }, HT: { path: "M237.05,238.38l-1.16,0.43l-0.91,-0.55l0.05,-0.2l2.02,0.31ZM237.53,238.43l1.06,0.12l-0.05,0.01l-1.01,-0.12ZM239.25,238.45l0.79,-0.51l0.06,-0.62l-1.02,-1.0l0.02,-0.82l-0.3,-0.4l-0.93,-0.32l3.16,0.45l0.02,1.84l-0.48,0.34l-0.08,0.58l0.54,0.72l-1.78,-0.26Z", name: "Haiti" }, HU: { path: "M462.08,157.89l0.65,-1.59l-0.09,-0.44l0.64,-0.0l0.39,-0.34l0.1,-0.69l1.75,0.87l2.32,-0.37l0.43,-0.66l3.49,-0.78l0.69,-0.78l0.57,-0.14l2.57,0.93l0.67,-0.23l1.03,0.65l0.08,0.37l-1.42,0.71l-2.59,4.14l-1.8,0.53l-1.68,-0.1l-2.74,1.23l-1.85,-0.54l-2.54,-1.66l-0.66,-1.1Z", name: "Hungary" }, HN: { path: "M199.6,249.52l-1.7,-1.21l0.06,-0.94l3.04,-2.14l2.37,0.28l1.27,-0.09l1.1,-0.52l1.3,0.28l1.14,-0.25l1.38,0.37l2.23,1.37l-2.36,0.93l-1.23,-0.39l-0.88,1.3l-1.28,0.99l-0.98,-0.22l-0.42,0.52l-0.96,0.05l-0.36,0.41l0.04,0.88l-0.52,0.6l-0.3,0.04l-0.3,-0.55l-0.66,-0.31l0.11,-0.67l-0.48,-0.65l-0.87,-0.26l-0.73,0.2Z", name: "Honduras" }, PR: { path: "M256.17,238.73l-0.26,0.27l-2.83,0.05l-0.07,-0.55l1.95,-0.1l1.22,0.33Z", name: "Puerto Rico" }, PS: { path: "M509.21,203.07l0.1,-0.06l-0.02,0.03l-0.09,0.03ZM509.36,202.91l-0.02,-0.63l-0.33,-0.16l0.31,-1.09l0.24,0.1l-0.2,1.78Z", name: "Palestine" }, PT: { path: "M401.84,187.38l-0.64,0.47l-1.13,-0.35l-0.91,0.17l0.28,-1.78l-0.24,-1.78l-1.25,-0.56l-0.45,-0.84l0.17,-1.66l1.01,-1.18l0.69,-2.92l-0.04,-1.39l-0.59,-1.9l1.3,-0.85l0.84,1.35l3.1,-0.3l0.46,0.99l-1.05,0.94l-0.03,2.16l-0.41,0.57l-0.08,1.1l-0.79,0.18l-0.26,0.59l0.91,1.6l-0.63,1.75l0.76,1.09l-1.1,1.52l0.07,1.05Z", name: "Portugal" }, PY: { path: "M274.9,336.12l0.74,1.52l-0.16,3.45l0.32,0.41l2.64,0.5l1.11,-0.47l1.4,0.59l0.36,0.6l0.53,3.42l1.27,0.4l0.98,-0.38l0.51,0.27l-0.0,1.18l-1.21,5.32l-2.09,1.9l-1.8,0.4l-4.71,-0.98l2.2,-3.63l-0.32,-1.5l-2.78,-1.28l-3.03,-1.94l-2.07,-0.44l-4.34,-4.06l0.91,-2.9l0.08,-1.42l1.07,-2.04l4.13,-0.72l2.18,0.03l2.05,1.17l0.03,0.59Z", name: "Paraguay" }, PA: { path: "M213.8,263.68l0.26,-1.52l-0.36,-0.26l-0.01,-0.49l0.44,-0.1l0.93,1.4l1.26,0.03l0.77,0.49l1.38,-0.23l2.51,-1.11l0.86,-0.72l3.45,0.85l1.4,1.18l0.41,1.74l-0.21,0.34l-0.53,-0.12l-0.47,0.29l-0.16,0.6l-0.68,-1.28l0.45,-0.49l-0.19,-0.66l-0.47,-0.13l-0.54,-0.84l-1.5,-0.75l-1.1,0.16l-0.75,0.99l-1.62,0.84l-0.18,0.96l0.85,0.97l-0.58,0.45l-0.69,0.08l-0.34,-1.18l-1.27,0.03l-0.71,-1.05l-2.59,-0.46Z", name: "Panama" }, PG: { path: "M808.58,298.86l2.54,2.56l-0.13,0.26l-0.33,0.12l-0.87,-0.78l-1.22,-2.16ZM801.41,293.04l0.5,0.29l0.26,0.27l-0.49,-0.35l-0.27,-0.21ZM803.17,294.58l0.59,0.5l0.08,1.06l-0.29,-0.91l-0.38,-0.65ZM796.68,298.41l0.52,0.75l1.43,-0.19l2.27,-1.81l-0.01,-1.43l1.12,0.16l-0.04,1.1l-0.7,1.28l-1.12,0.18l-0.62,0.79l-2.46,1.11l-1.17,-0.0l-3.08,-1.25l3.41,0.0l0.45,-0.68ZM789.15,303.55l2.31,1.8l1.59,2.61l1.34,0.13l-0.06,0.66l0.31,0.43l1.06,0.24l0.06,0.65l2.25,1.05l-1.22,0.13l-0.72,-0.63l-4.56,-0.65l-3.22,-2.87l-1.49,-2.34l-3.27,-1.1l-2.38,0.72l-1.59,0.86l-0.2,0.42l0.27,1.55l-1.55,0.68l-1.36,-0.4l-2.21,-0.09l-0.08,-15.41l8.39,2.93l2.95,2.4l0.6,1.64l4.02,1.49l0.31,0.68l-1.76,0.21l-0.33,0.52l0.55,1.68Z", name: "Papua New Guinea" }, PE: { path: "M244.96,295.21l-1.26,-0.07l-0.57,0.42l-1.93,0.45l-2.98,1.75l-0.36,1.36l-0.58,0.8l0.12,1.37l-1.24,0.59l-0.22,1.22l-0.62,0.84l1.04,2.27l1.28,1.44l-0.41,0.84l0.32,0.57l1.48,0.13l1.16,1.37l2.21,0.07l1.63,-1.08l-0.13,3.02l0.3,0.4l1.14,0.29l1.31,-0.34l1.9,3.59l-0.48,0.85l-0.17,3.85l-0.94,1.59l0.35,0.75l-0.47,1.07l0.98,1.97l-2.1,3.82l-0.98,0.5l-2.17,-1.28l-0.39,-1.16l-4.95,-2.58l-4.46,-2.79l-1.84,-1.51l-0.91,-1.84l0.3,-0.96l-2.11,-3.33l-4.82,-9.68l-1.04,-1.2l-0.87,-1.94l-3.4,-2.48l0.58,-1.18l-1.13,-2.23l0.66,-1.49l1.45,-1.15l-0.6,0.98l0.07,0.92l0.47,0.36l1.74,0.03l0.97,1.17l0.54,0.07l1.42,-1.03l0.6,-1.84l1.42,-2.02l3.04,-1.04l2.73,-2.62l0.86,-1.74l-0.1,-1.87l1.44,1.02l0.9,1.25l1.06,0.59l1.7,2.73l1.86,0.31l1.45,-0.61l0.96,0.39l1.36,-0.19l1.45,0.89l-1.4,2.21l0.31,0.61l0.59,0.05l0.47,0.5Z", name: "Peru" }, PK: { path: "M615.09,192.34l-1.83,1.81l-2.6,0.39l-3.73,-0.68l-1.58,1.33l-0.09,0.42l1.77,4.39l1.7,1.23l-1.69,1.27l-0.12,2.14l-2.33,2.64l-1.6,2.8l-2.46,2.67l-3.03,-0.07l-2.76,2.83l0.05,0.6l1.5,1.11l0.26,1.9l1.44,1.5l0.37,1.68l-5.01,-0.01l-1.78,1.7l-1.42,-0.52l-0.76,-1.87l-2.27,-2.15l-11.61,0.86l0.71,-2.34l3.43,-1.32l0.25,-0.44l-0.21,-1.24l-1.2,-0.65l-0.28,-2.46l-2.29,-1.14l-1.28,-1.94l2.82,0.94l2.62,-0.38l1.42,0.33l0.76,-0.56l1.71,0.19l3.25,-1.14l0.27,-0.36l0.08,-2.19l1.18,-1.32l1.68,0.0l0.58,-0.82l1.6,-0.3l1.19,0.16l0.98,-0.78l0.02,-1.88l0.93,-1.47l1.48,-0.66l0.19,-0.55l-0.66,-1.25l2.04,-0.11l0.69,-1.01l-0.02,-1.16l1.11,-1.06l-0.17,-1.78l-0.49,-1.03l1.15,-0.98l5.42,-0.91l2.6,-0.82l1.6,1.16l0.97,2.34l3.45,0.97Z", name: "Pakistan" }, PH: { path: "M737.01,263.84l0.39,2.97l-0.44,1.18l-0.55,-1.53l-0.67,-0.14l-1.17,1.28l0.65,2.09l-0.42,0.69l-2.48,-1.23l-0.57,-1.49l0.65,-1.03l-0.1,-0.54l-1.59,-1.19l-0.56,0.08l-0.65,0.87l-1.23,0.0l-1.58,0.97l0.83,-1.8l2.56,-1.42l0.65,0.84l0.45,0.13l1.9,-0.69l0.56,-1.11l1.5,-0.06l0.38,-0.43l-0.09,-1.19l1.21,0.71l0.36,2.02ZM733.59,256.58l0.05,0.75l0.08,0.26l-0.8,-0.42l-0.18,-0.71l0.85,0.12ZM734.08,256.1l-0.12,-1.12l-1.0,-1.27l1.36,0.03l0.53,0.73l0.51,2.04l-1.27,-0.4ZM733.76,257.68l0.38,0.98l-0.32,0.15l-0.07,-1.13ZM724.65,238.43l1.46,0.7l0.72,-0.31l-0.32,1.17l0.79,1.71l-0.57,1.84l-1.53,1.04l-0.39,2.25l0.56,2.04l1.63,0.57l1.16,-0.27l2.71,1.23l-0.19,1.08l0.76,0.84l-0.08,0.36l-1.4,-0.9l-0.88,-1.27l-0.66,0.0l-0.38,0.55l-1.6,-1.31l-2.15,0.36l-0.87,-0.39l0.07,-0.61l0.66,-0.55l-0.01,-0.62l-0.75,-0.59l-0.72,0.44l-0.74,-0.87l-0.39,-2.49l0.32,0.27l0.66,-0.28l0.26,-3.97l0.7,-2.02l1.14,0.0ZM731.03,258.87l-0.88,0.85l-1.19,1.94l-1.05,-1.19l0.93,-1.1l0.32,-1.47l0.52,-0.06l-0.27,1.15l0.22,0.45l0.49,-0.12l1.0,-1.32l-0.08,0.85ZM726.83,255.78l0.83,0.38l1.17,-0.0l-0.02,0.48l-2.0,1.4l0.03,-2.26ZM724.81,252.09l-0.38,1.27l-1.42,-1.95l1.2,0.05l0.6,0.63ZM716.55,261.82l1.1,-0.95l0.03,-0.03l-0.28,0.36l-0.85,0.61ZM719.22,259.06l0.04,-0.06l0.8,-1.53l0.16,0.75l-1.0,0.84Z", name: "Philippines" }, PL: { path: "M468.44,149.42l-1.11,-1.54l-1.86,-0.33l-0.48,-1.05l-1.72,-0.37l-0.65,0.69l-0.72,-0.36l0.11,-0.61l-0.33,-0.46l-1.75,-0.27l-1.04,-0.93l-0.94,-1.94l0.16,-1.22l-0.62,-1.8l-0.78,-1.07l0.57,-1.04l-0.48,-1.43l1.41,-0.83l6.91,-2.71l2.14,0.5l0.52,0.91l5.51,0.44l4.55,-0.05l1.07,0.31l0.48,0.84l0.15,1.58l0.65,1.2l-0.01,0.99l-1.27,0.58l-0.19,0.54l0.73,1.48l0.08,1.55l1.2,2.76l-0.17,0.58l-1.23,0.44l-2.27,2.72l0.18,0.95l-1.97,-1.03l-1.98,0.4l-1.36,-0.28l-1.24,0.58l-1.07,-0.97l-1.16,0.24Z", name: "Poland" }, ZM: { path: "M481.47,313.3l0.39,0.31l2.52,0.14l0.99,1.17l2.01,0.35l1.4,-0.64l0.69,1.17l1.78,0.33l1.84,2.35l2.23,0.18l0.4,-0.43l-0.21,-2.74l-0.62,-0.3l-0.48,0.32l-1.98,-1.17l0.72,-5.29l-0.51,-1.18l0.57,-1.3l3.68,-0.62l0.26,0.63l1.21,0.63l0.9,-0.22l2.16,0.67l1.33,0.71l1.07,1.02l0.56,1.87l-0.88,2.7l0.43,2.09l-0.73,0.87l-0.76,2.37l0.59,0.68l-6.6,1.83l-0.29,0.44l0.19,1.45l-1.68,0.35l-1.43,1.02l-0.38,0.87l-0.87,0.26l-3.48,3.69l-4.16,-0.53l-1.52,-1.0l-1.77,-0.13l-1.83,0.52l-3.04,-3.4l0.11,-7.59l4.82,0.03l0.39,-0.49l-0.18,-0.76l0.33,-0.83l-0.4,-1.36l0.24,-1.05Z", name: "Zambia" }, EH: { path: "M384.42,230.28l0.25,-0.79l1.06,-1.29l0.8,-3.51l3.38,-2.78l0.7,-1.81l0.06,4.84l-1.98,0.2l-0.94,1.59l0.39,3.56l-3.7,-0.01ZM392.01,218.1l0.7,-1.8l1.77,-0.24l2.09,0.34l0.95,-0.62l1.28,-0.07l-0.0,2.51l-6.79,-0.12Z", name: "W. Sahara" }, EE: { path: "M485.71,115.04l2.64,0.6l2.56,0.11l-1.6,1.91l0.61,3.54l-0.81,0.87l-1.78,-0.01l-3.22,-1.76l-1.8,0.45l0.21,-1.53l-0.58,-0.41l-0.69,0.34l-1.26,-1.03l-0.17,-1.63l2.83,-0.92l3.05,-0.52Z", name: "Estonia" }, EG: { path: "M492.06,205.03l1.46,0.42l2.95,-1.64l2.04,-0.21l1.53,0.3l0.59,1.19l0.69,0.04l0.41,-0.64l1.81,0.58l1.95,0.16l1.04,-0.51l1.42,4.08l-2.03,4.54l-1.66,-1.77l-1.76,-3.85l-0.64,-0.12l-0.36,0.67l1.04,2.88l3.44,6.95l1.78,3.04l2.03,2.65l-0.36,0.53l0.23,2.01l2.7,2.19l-28.41,0.0l0.0,-18.96l-0.73,-2.2l0.59,-1.56l-0.32,-1.26l0.68,-0.99l3.06,-0.04l4.82,1.52Z", name: "Egypt" }, ZA: { path: "M467.14,373.21l-0.13,-1.96l-0.68,-1.56l0.7,-0.68l-0.13,-2.33l-4.56,-8.19l0.77,-0.86l0.6,0.45l0.69,1.31l2.83,0.72l1.5,-0.26l2.24,-1.39l0.19,-9.55l1.35,2.3l-0.21,1.5l0.61,1.2l0.4,0.19l1.79,-0.27l2.6,-2.07l0.69,-1.32l0.96,-0.48l2.19,1.04l2.04,0.13l1.77,-0.65l0.85,-2.12l1.38,-0.33l1.59,-2.76l2.15,-1.89l3.41,-1.87l2.0,0.45l1.02,-0.28l0.99,0.2l1.75,5.29l-0.38,3.25l-0.81,-0.23l-1.0,0.46l-0.87,1.68l-0.05,1.16l1.97,1.84l1.47,-0.29l0.69,-1.18l1.09,0.01l-0.76,3.69l-0.58,1.09l-2.2,1.79l-3.17,4.76l-2.8,2.83l-3.57,2.88l-2.53,1.05l-1.22,0.14l-0.51,0.7l-1.18,-0.32l-1.39,0.5l-2.59,-0.52l-1.61,0.33l-1.18,-0.11l-2.55,1.1l-2.1,0.44l-1.6,1.07l-0.85,0.05l-0.93,-0.89l-0.93,-0.15l-0.97,-1.13l-0.25,0.05ZM491.45,364.19l0.62,-0.93l1.48,-0.59l1.18,-2.19l-0.07,-0.49l-1.99,-1.69l-1.66,0.56l-1.43,1.14l-1.34,1.73l0.02,0.51l1.88,2.11l1.31,-0.16Z", name: "South Africa" }, EC: { path: "M231.86,285.53l0.29,1.59l-0.69,1.45l-2.61,2.51l-3.13,1.11l-1.53,2.18l-0.49,1.68l-1.0,0.73l-1.02,-1.11l-1.78,-0.16l0.67,-1.15l-0.24,-0.86l1.25,-2.13l-0.54,-1.09l-0.67,-0.08l-0.72,0.87l-0.87,-0.64l0.35,-0.69l-0.36,-1.96l0.81,-0.51l0.45,-1.51l0.92,-1.57l-0.07,-0.97l2.65,-1.33l2.75,1.35l0.77,1.05l2.12,0.35l0.76,-0.32l1.96,1.21Z", name: "Ecuador" }, IT: { path: "M451.59,158.63l3.48,0.94l-0.21,1.17l0.3,0.83l-1.49,-0.24l-2.04,1.1l-0.21,0.39l0.13,1.45l-0.25,1.12l0.82,1.57l2.39,1.63l1.31,2.54l2.79,2.43l2.05,0.08l0.21,0.23l-0.39,0.33l0.09,0.67l4.05,1.97l2.17,1.76l-0.16,0.36l-1.17,-1.08l-2.18,-0.49l-0.44,0.2l-1.05,1.91l0.14,0.54l1.57,0.95l-0.19,0.98l-1.06,0.33l-1.25,2.34l-0.37,0.08l0.0,-0.33l1.0,-2.45l-1.73,-3.17l-1.12,-0.51l-0.88,-1.33l-1.51,-0.51l-1.27,-1.25l-1.75,-0.18l-4.12,-3.21l-1.62,-1.65l-1.03,-3.19l-3.53,-1.36l-1.3,0.51l-1.69,1.41l0.16,-0.72l-0.28,-0.47l-1.14,-0.33l-0.53,-1.96l0.72,-0.78l0.04,-0.48l-0.65,-1.17l0.8,0.39l1.4,-0.23l1.11,-0.84l0.52,0.35l1.19,-0.1l0.75,-1.2l1.53,0.33l1.36,-0.56l0.35,-1.14l1.08,0.32l0.68,-0.64l1.98,-0.44l0.42,0.82ZM459.19,184.75l-0.65,1.65l0.32,1.05l-0.31,0.89l-1.5,-0.85l-4.5,-1.67l0.19,-0.82l2.67,0.23l3.78,-0.48ZM443.93,176.05l1.18,1.66l-0.3,3.32l-1.06,-0.01l-0.77,0.73l-0.53,-0.44l-0.1,-3.37l-0.39,-1.22l1.04,0.01l0.92,-0.68Z", name: "Italy" }, VN: { path: "M690.56,230.25l-2.7,1.82l-2.09,2.46l-0.63,1.95l4.31,6.45l2.32,1.65l1.43,1.94l1.11,4.59l-0.32,4.24l-1.93,1.54l-2.84,1.61l-2.11,2.15l-2.73,2.06l-0.59,-1.05l0.63,-1.53l-0.13,-0.47l-1.34,-1.04l1.51,-0.71l2.55,-0.18l0.3,-0.63l-0.82,-1.14l4.0,-2.07l0.31,-3.05l-0.57,-1.77l0.42,-2.66l-0.73,-1.97l-1.86,-1.76l-3.63,-5.29l-2.72,-1.46l0.36,-0.47l1.5,-0.64l0.21,-0.52l-0.97,-2.27l-0.37,-0.24l-2.83,-0.02l-2.24,-3.9l0.83,-0.4l4.39,-0.29l2.06,-1.31l1.15,0.89l1.88,0.4l-0.17,1.51l1.35,1.16l1.67,0.45Z", name: "Vietnam" }, SB: { path: "M826.69,311.6l-0.61,0.09l-0.2,-0.33l0.37,0.15l0.44,0.09ZM824.18,307.38l-0.26,-0.3l-0.31,-0.91l0.03,0.0l0.54,1.21ZM823.04,309.33l-1.66,-0.22l-0.2,-0.52l1.16,0.28l0.69,0.46ZM819.28,304.68l1.14,0.65l0.02,0.03l-0.81,-0.44l-0.35,-0.23Z", name: "Solomon Is." }, ET: { path: "M516.04,247.79l1.1,0.84l1.63,-0.45l0.68,0.47l1.63,0.03l2.01,0.94l1.73,1.66l1.64,2.07l-1.52,2.04l0.16,1.72l0.39,0.38l2.05,0.0l-0.36,1.03l2.86,3.58l8.32,3.08l1.31,0.02l-6.32,6.75l-3.1,0.11l-2.36,1.77l-1.47,0.04l-0.86,0.79l-1.38,-0.0l-1.32,-0.81l-2.29,1.05l-0.76,0.98l-3.29,-0.41l-3.07,-2.07l-1.8,-0.07l-0.62,-0.6l0.0,-1.24l-0.28,-0.38l-1.15,-0.37l-1.4,-2.59l-1.19,-0.68l-0.47,-1.0l-1.27,-1.23l-1.16,-0.22l0.43,-0.72l1.45,-0.28l0.41,-0.95l-0.03,-2.21l0.68,-2.44l1.05,-0.63l1.43,-3.06l1.57,-1.37l1.02,-2.51l0.35,-1.88l2.52,0.46l0.44,-0.24l0.58,-1.43Z", name: "Ethiopia" }, SO: { path: "M525.13,288.48l-1.13,-1.57l-0.03,-8.86l2.66,-3.38l1.67,-0.13l2.13,-1.69l3.41,-0.23l7.08,-7.55l2.91,-3.69l0.08,-4.82l2.98,-0.67l1.24,-0.86l0.45,-0.0l-0.2,3.0l-1.21,3.62l-2.73,5.97l-2.13,3.65l-5.03,6.16l-8.56,6.4l-2.78,3.08l-0.8,1.56Z", name: "Somalia" }, ZW: { path: "M498.91,341.09l-1.11,-0.22l-0.92,0.28l-2.09,-0.44l-1.5,-1.11l-1.89,-0.43l-0.62,-1.4l-0.01,-0.84l-0.3,-0.38l-0.97,-0.25l-2.71,-2.74l-1.92,-3.32l3.83,0.45l3.73,-3.82l1.08,-0.44l0.26,-0.77l1.25,-0.9l1.41,-0.26l0.5,0.89l1.99,-0.05l1.72,1.17l1.11,0.17l1.05,0.66l0.01,2.99l-0.59,3.76l0.38,0.86l-0.23,1.23l-0.39,0.35l-0.63,1.81l-2.43,2.75Z", name: "Zimbabwe" }, ES: { path: "M416.0,169.21l1.07,1.17l4.61,1.38l1.06,-0.57l2.6,1.26l2.71,-0.3l0.09,1.12l-2.14,1.8l-3.11,0.61l-0.31,0.31l-0.2,0.89l-1.54,1.69l-0.97,2.4l0.84,1.74l-1.32,1.27l-0.48,1.68l-1.88,0.65l-1.66,2.07l-5.36,-0.01l-1.79,1.08l-0.89,0.98l-0.88,-0.17l-0.79,-0.82l-0.68,-1.59l-2.37,-0.63l-0.11,-0.5l1.21,-1.82l-0.77,-1.13l0.61,-1.68l-0.76,-1.62l0.87,-0.49l0.09,-1.25l0.42,-0.6l0.03,-2.11l0.99,-0.69l0.13,-0.5l-1.03,-1.73l-1.46,-0.11l-0.61,0.38l-1.06,0.0l-0.52,-1.23l-0.53,-0.21l-1.32,0.67l-0.01,-1.49l-0.75,-0.96l3.03,-1.88l2.99,0.53l3.32,-0.02l2.63,0.51l6.01,-0.06Z", name: "Spain" }, ER: { path: "M520.38,246.23l3.42,2.43l3.5,3.77l0.84,0.54l-0.95,-0.01l-3.51,-3.89l-2.33,-1.15l-1.73,-0.07l-0.91,-0.51l-1.26,0.51l-1.34,-1.02l-0.61,0.17l-0.66,1.61l-2.35,-0.43l-0.17,-0.67l1.29,-5.29l0.61,-0.61l1.95,-0.53l0.87,-1.01l1.17,2.41l0.68,2.33l1.49,1.43Z", name: "Eritrea" }, ME: { path: "M468.91,172.53l-1.22,-1.02l0.47,-1.81l0.89,-0.72l2.26,1.51l-0.5,0.57l-0.75,-0.27l-1.14,1.73Z", name: "Montenegro" }, MD: { path: "M488.41,153.73l1.4,-0.27l1.72,0.93l1.07,0.15l0.85,0.65l-0.14,0.84l0.96,0.85l1.12,2.47l-1.15,-0.07l-0.66,-0.41l-0.52,0.25l-0.09,0.86l-1.08,1.89l-0.27,-0.86l0.25,-1.34l-0.16,-1.6l-3.29,-4.34Z", name: "Moldova" }, MG: { path: "M545.91,319.14l0.4,3.03l0.62,1.21l-0.21,1.02l-0.57,-0.8l-0.69,-0.01l-0.47,0.76l0.41,2.12l-0.18,0.87l-0.73,0.78l-0.15,2.14l-4.71,15.2l-1.06,2.88l-3.92,1.64l-3.12,-1.49l-0.6,-1.21l-0.19,-2.4l-0.86,-2.05l-0.21,-1.77l0.38,-1.62l1.21,-0.75l0.01,-0.76l1.19,-2.04l0.23,-1.66l-1.06,-2.99l-0.19,-2.21l0.81,-1.33l0.32,-1.46l4.63,-1.22l3.44,-3.0l0.85,-1.4l-0.08,-0.7l0.78,-0.04l1.38,-1.77l0.13,-1.64l0.45,-0.61l1.16,1.69l0.59,1.6Z", name: "Madagascar" }, MA: { path: "M378.78,230.02l0.06,-0.59l0.92,-0.73l0.82,-1.37l-0.09,-1.04l0.79,-1.7l1.31,-1.58l0.96,-0.59l0.66,-1.55l0.09,-1.47l0.81,-1.48l1.72,-1.07l1.55,-2.69l1.16,-0.96l2.44,-0.39l1.94,-1.82l1.31,-0.78l2.09,-2.28l-0.51,-3.65l1.24,-3.7l1.5,-1.75l4.46,-2.57l2.37,-4.47l1.44,0.01l1.68,1.21l2.32,-0.19l3.47,0.65l0.8,1.54l0.16,1.71l0.86,2.96l0.56,0.59l-0.26,0.61l-3.05,0.44l-1.26,1.05l-1.33,0.22l-0.33,0.37l-0.09,1.78l-2.68,1.0l-1.07,1.42l-4.47,1.13l-4.04,2.01l-0.54,4.64l-1.15,0.06l-0.92,0.61l-1.96,-0.35l-2.42,0.54l-0.74,1.9l-0.86,0.4l-1.14,3.26l-3.53,3.01l-0.8,3.55l-0.96,1.1l-0.29,0.82l-4.95,0.18Z", name: "Morocco" }, UZ: { path: "M598.64,172.75l-1.63,1.52l0.06,0.64l1.85,1.12l1.97,-0.64l2.21,1.17l-2.52,1.68l-2.59,-0.22l-0.18,-0.41l0.46,-1.23l-0.45,-0.53l-3.35,0.69l-2.1,3.51l-1.87,-0.12l-1.03,1.51l0.22,0.55l1.64,0.62l0.46,1.83l-1.19,2.49l-2.66,-0.53l0.05,-1.36l-0.26,-0.39l-3.3,-1.23l-2.56,-1.4l-4.4,-3.34l-1.34,-3.14l-1.08,-0.6l-2.58,0.13l-0.69,-0.44l-0.47,-2.52l-3.37,-1.6l-0.43,0.05l-2.07,1.72l-2.1,1.01l-0.21,0.47l0.28,1.01l-1.91,0.03l-0.09,-10.5l5.99,-1.7l6.19,3.54l2.71,2.84l7.05,-0.67l2.71,2.01l-0.17,2.81l0.39,0.42l0.9,0.02l0.44,2.14l0.38,0.32l2.94,0.09l0.95,1.42l1.28,-0.24l1.05,-2.04l4.43,-2.5Z", name: "Uzbekistan" }, MM: { path: "M673.9,230.21l-1.97,1.57l-0.57,0.96l-1.4,0.6l-1.36,1.05l-1.99,0.36l-1.08,2.66l-0.91,0.4l-0.19,0.55l1.21,2.27l2.52,3.43l-0.79,1.91l-0.74,0.41l-0.17,0.52l0.65,1.37l1.61,1.95l0.25,2.58l0.9,2.13l-1.92,3.57l0.68,-2.25l-0.81,-1.74l0.19,-2.65l-1.05,-1.53l-1.24,-6.17l-1.12,-2.26l-0.6,-0.13l-4.34,3.02l-2.39,-0.65l0.77,-2.84l-0.52,-2.61l-1.91,-2.96l0.25,-0.75l-0.29,-0.51l-1.33,-0.3l-1.61,-1.93l-0.1,-1.3l0.82,-0.24l0.04,-1.64l1.02,-0.52l0.21,-0.45l-0.23,-0.95l0.54,-0.96l0.08,-2.22l1.46,0.45l0.47,-0.2l1.12,-2.19l0.16,-1.35l1.33,-2.16l-0.0,-1.52l2.89,-1.66l1.63,0.44l0.5,-0.44l-0.17,-1.4l0.64,-0.36l0.08,-1.04l0.77,-0.11l0.71,1.35l1.06,0.69l-0.03,3.86l-2.38,2.37l-0.3,3.15l0.46,0.43l2.28,-0.38l0.51,2.08l1.47,0.67l-0.6,1.8l0.19,0.48l2.97,1.48l1.64,-0.55l0.02,0.32Z", name: "Myanmar" }, ML: { path: "M392.61,254.08l-0.19,-2.37l-0.99,-0.87l-0.44,-1.3l-0.09,-1.28l0.81,-0.58l0.35,-1.24l2.37,0.65l1.31,-0.47l0.86,0.15l0.66,-0.56l9.83,-0.04l0.38,-0.28l0.56,-1.8l-0.44,-0.65l-2.35,-21.95l3.27,-0.04l16.7,11.38l0.74,1.31l2.5,1.09l0.02,1.38l0.44,0.39l2.34,-0.21l0.01,5.38l-1.28,1.61l-0.26,1.49l-5.31,0.57l-1.07,0.92l-2.9,0.1l-0.86,-0.48l-1.38,0.36l-2.4,1.08l-0.6,0.87l-1.85,1.09l-0.43,0.7l-0.79,0.39l-1.44,-0.21l-0.81,0.84l-0.34,1.64l-1.91,2.02l-0.06,1.03l-0.67,1.22l0.13,1.16l-0.97,0.39l-0.23,-0.64l-0.52,-0.24l-1.35,0.4l-0.34,0.55l-2.69,-0.28l-0.37,-0.35l-0.02,-0.9l-0.65,-0.35l0.45,-0.64l-0.03,-0.53l-2.12,-2.44l-0.76,-0.01l-2.0,1.16l-0.78,-0.15l-0.8,-0.67l-1.21,0.23Z", name: "Mali" }, MN: { path: "M676.61,146.48l3.81,1.68l5.67,-1.0l2.37,0.41l2.34,1.5l1.79,1.75l2.29,-0.03l3.12,0.52l2.47,-0.81l3.41,-0.59l3.53,-2.21l1.25,0.29l1.53,1.13l2.27,-0.21l-2.66,5.01l0.64,1.68l0.47,0.21l1.32,-0.38l2.38,0.48l2.02,-1.11l1.76,0.89l2.06,2.02l-0.13,0.53l-1.72,-0.29l-3.77,0.46l-1.88,0.99l-1.76,1.99l-3.71,1.17l-2.45,1.6l-3.83,-0.87l-0.41,0.17l-1.31,1.99l1.04,2.24l-1.52,0.9l-1.74,1.57l-2.79,1.02l-3.78,0.13l-4.05,1.05l-2.77,1.52l-1.16,-0.85l-2.94,0.0l-3.62,-1.79l-2.58,-0.49l-3.4,0.41l-5.12,-0.67l-2.63,0.06l-1.31,-1.6l-1.4,-3.0l-1.48,-0.33l-3.13,-1.94l-6.16,-0.93l-0.71,-1.06l0.86,-3.82l-1.93,-2.71l-3.5,-1.18l-1.95,-1.58l-0.5,-1.72l2.34,-0.52l4.75,-2.8l3.62,-1.47l2.18,0.97l2.46,0.05l1.81,1.53l2.46,0.12l3.95,0.71l2.43,-2.28l0.08,-0.48l-0.9,-1.72l2.24,-2.98l2.62,1.27l4.94,1.17l0.43,2.24Z", name: "Mongolia" }, MK: { path: "M472.8,173.98l0.49,-0.71l3.57,-0.71l1.0,0.77l0.13,1.45l-0.65,0.53l-1.15,-0.05l-1.12,0.67l-1.39,0.22l-0.79,-0.55l-0.29,-1.03l0.19,-0.6Z", name: "Macedonia" }, MW: { path: "M505.5,309.31l0.85,1.95l0.15,2.86l-0.69,1.65l0.71,1.8l0.06,1.28l0.49,0.64l0.07,1.06l0.4,0.55l0.8,-0.23l0.55,0.61l0.69,-0.21l0.34,0.6l0.19,2.94l-1.04,0.62l-0.54,1.25l-1.11,-1.08l-0.16,-1.56l0.51,-1.31l-0.32,-1.3l-0.99,-0.65l-0.82,0.12l-2.36,-1.64l0.63,-1.96l0.82,-1.18l-0.46,-2.01l0.9,-2.86l-0.94,-2.51l0.96,0.18l0.29,0.4Z", name: "Malawi" }, MR: { path: "M407.36,220.66l-2.58,0.03l-0.39,0.44l2.42,22.56l0.36,0.43l-0.39,1.24l-9.75,0.04l-0.56,0.53l-0.91,-0.11l-1.27,0.45l-1.61,-0.66l-0.97,0.03l-0.36,0.29l-0.38,1.35l-0.42,0.23l-2.93,-3.4l-2.96,-1.52l-1.62,-0.03l-1.27,0.54l-1.12,-0.2l-0.65,0.4l-0.08,-0.49l0.68,-1.29l0.31,-2.43l-0.57,-3.91l0.23,-1.21l-0.69,-1.5l-1.15,-1.02l0.25,-0.39l9.58,0.02l0.4,-0.45l-0.46,-3.68l0.47,-1.04l2.12,-0.21l0.36,-0.4l-0.08,-6.4l7.81,0.13l0.41,-0.4l0.01,-3.31l7.76,5.35Z", name: "Mauritania" }, UG: { path: "M498.55,276.32l0.7,-0.46l1.65,0.5l1.96,-0.57l1.7,0.01l1.45,-0.98l0.91,1.33l1.33,3.95l-2.57,4.03l-1.46,-0.4l-2.54,0.91l-1.37,1.61l-0.01,0.81l-2.42,-0.01l-2.26,1.01l-0.17,-1.59l0.58,-1.04l0.14,-1.94l1.37,-2.28l1.78,-1.58l-0.17,-0.65l-0.72,-0.24l0.13,-2.43Z", name: "Uganda" }, MY: { path: "M717.47,273.46l-1.39,0.65l-2.12,-0.41l-2.88,-0.0l-0.38,0.28l-0.84,2.75l-0.99,0.96l-1.21,3.29l-1.73,0.45l-2.45,-0.68l-1.39,0.31l-1.33,1.15l-1.59,-0.14l-1.41,0.44l-1.44,-1.19l-0.18,-0.73l1.34,0.53l1.93,-0.47l0.75,-2.22l4.02,-1.03l2.75,-3.21l0.82,0.94l0.64,-0.05l0.4,-0.65l0.96,0.06l0.42,-0.36l0.24,-2.68l1.81,-1.64l1.21,-1.86l0.63,-0.01l1.07,1.05l0.34,1.28l3.44,1.35l-0.06,0.35l-1.37,0.1l-0.35,0.54l0.32,0.88ZM673.68,269.59l0.17,1.09l0.47,0.33l1.65,-0.3l0.87,-0.94l1.61,1.52l0.98,1.56l-0.12,2.81l0.41,2.29l0.95,0.9l0.88,2.44l-1.27,0.12l-5.1,-3.67l-0.34,-1.29l-1.37,-1.59l-0.33,-1.97l-0.88,-1.4l0.25,-1.68l-0.46,-1.05l1.63,0.84Z", name: "Malaysia" }, MX: { path: "M133.12,200.41l0.2,0.47l9.63,3.33l6.96,-0.02l0.4,-0.4l0.0,-0.74l3.77,0.0l3.55,2.93l1.39,2.83l1.52,1.04l2.08,0.82l0.47,-0.14l1.46,-2.0l1.73,-0.04l1.59,0.98l2.05,3.35l1.47,1.56l1.26,3.14l2.18,1.02l2.26,0.58l-1.18,3.72l-0.42,5.04l1.79,4.89l1.62,1.89l0.61,1.52l1.2,1.42l2.55,0.66l1.37,1.1l7.54,-1.89l1.86,-1.3l1.14,-4.3l4.1,-1.21l3.57,-0.11l0.32,0.3l-0.06,0.94l-1.26,1.45l-0.67,1.71l0.38,0.7l-0.72,2.27l-0.49,-0.3l-1.0,0.08l-1.0,1.39l-0.47,-0.11l-0.53,0.47l-4.26,-0.02l-0.4,0.4l-0.0,1.06l-1.1,0.26l0.1,0.44l1.82,1.44l0.56,0.91l-3.19,0.21l-1.21,2.09l0.24,0.72l-0.2,0.44l-2.24,-2.18l-1.45,-0.93l-2.22,-0.69l-1.52,0.22l-3.07,1.16l-10.55,-3.85l-2.86,-1.96l-3.78,-0.92l-1.08,-1.19l-2.62,-1.43l-1.18,-1.54l-0.38,-0.81l0.66,-0.63l-0.18,-0.53l0.52,-0.76l0.01,-0.91l-2.0,-3.82l-2.21,-2.63l-2.53,-2.09l-1.19,-1.62l-2.2,-1.17l-0.3,-0.43l0.34,-1.48l-0.21,-0.45l-1.23,-0.6l-1.36,-1.2l-0.59,-1.78l-1.54,-0.47l-2.44,-2.55l-0.16,-0.9l-1.33,-2.03l-0.84,-1.99l-0.16,-1.33l-1.81,-1.1l-0.97,0.05l-1.31,-0.7l-0.57,0.22l-0.4,1.12l0.72,3.77l3.51,3.89l0.28,0.78l0.53,0.26l0.41,1.43l1.33,1.73l1.58,1.41l0.8,2.39l1.43,2.41l0.13,1.32l0.37,0.36l1.04,0.08l1.67,2.28l-0.85,0.76l-0.66,-1.51l-1.68,-1.54l-2.91,-1.87l0.06,-1.82l-0.54,-1.68l-2.91,-2.03l-0.55,0.09l-1.95,-1.1l-0.88,-0.94l0.68,-0.08l0.93,-1.01l0.08,-1.78l-1.93,-1.94l-1.46,-0.77l-3.75,-7.56l4.88,-0.42Z", name: "Mexico" }, IL: { path: "M507.76,203.05l0.4,-0.78l0.18,0.4l-0.33,1.03l0.52,0.44l0.68,-0.22l-0.86,3.6l-1.16,-3.32l0.59,-0.74l-0.03,-0.41ZM508.73,200.34l0.37,-1.02l0.64,0.0l0.52,-0.51l-0.49,1.53l-0.56,-0.24l-0.48,0.23Z", name: "Israel" }, FR: { path: "M444.48,172.62l-0.64,1.78l-0.58,-0.31l-0.49,-1.72l0.4,-0.89l1.0,-0.72l0.3,1.85ZM429.64,147.1l1.78,1.58l1.46,-0.13l2.1,1.42l1.35,0.27l1.23,0.83l3.04,0.5l-1.03,1.85l-0.3,2.12l-0.41,0.32l-0.95,-0.24l-0.5,0.43l0.06,0.61l-1.81,1.92l-0.04,1.42l0.55,0.38l0.88,-0.36l0.61,0.97l-0.03,1.0l0.57,0.91l-0.75,1.09l0.65,2.39l1.27,0.57l-0.18,0.82l-2.01,1.53l-4.77,-0.8l-3.82,1.0l-0.53,1.85l-2.49,0.34l-2.71,-1.31l-1.16,0.57l-4.31,-1.29l-0.72,-0.86l1.19,-1.78l0.39,-6.45l-2.58,-3.3l-1.9,-1.66l-3.72,-1.23l-0.19,-1.72l2.81,-0.61l4.12,0.81l0.47,-0.48l-0.6,-2.77l1.94,0.95l5.83,-2.54l0.92,-2.74l1.6,-0.49l0.24,0.78l1.36,0.33l1.05,1.19ZM289.01,278.39l-0.81,0.8l-0.78,0.12l-0.5,-0.66l-0.56,-0.1l-0.91,0.6l-0.46,-0.22l1.09,-2.96l-0.96,-1.77l-0.17,-1.49l1.07,-1.77l2.32,0.75l2.51,2.01l0.3,0.74l-2.14,3.96Z", name: "France" }, XS: { path: "M531.15,258.94l1.51,0.12l5.13,-0.95l5.3,-1.48l-0.01,4.4l-2.67,3.39l-1.85,0.01l-8.04,-2.94l-2.55,-3.17l1.12,-1.71l2.04,2.34Z", name: "Somaliland" }, FI: { path: "M492.17,76.39l-0.23,3.5l3.52,2.63l-2.08,2.88l-0.02,0.44l2.8,4.56l-1.59,3.31l2.16,3.24l-0.94,2.39l0.14,0.47l3.44,2.51l-0.77,1.62l-7.52,6.95l-4.5,0.31l-4.38,1.37l-3.8,0.74l-1.44,-1.96l-2.17,-1.11l0.5,-3.66l-1.16,-3.33l1.09,-2.08l2.21,-2.42l5.67,-4.32l1.64,-0.83l0.21,-0.42l-0.46,-2.02l-3.38,-1.89l-0.75,-1.43l-0.22,-6.74l-6.79,-4.8l0.8,-0.62l2.54,2.12l3.46,-0.12l3.0,0.96l2.51,-2.11l1.17,-3.08l3.55,-1.38l2.76,1.53l-0.95,2.79Z", name: "Finland" }, FJ: { path: "M869.95,326.98l-1.21,0.41l-0.08,-0.23l2.97,-1.21l-0.14,0.42l-1.54,0.61ZM867.58,329.25l0.43,0.37l-0.27,0.88l-1.24,0.28l-1.04,-0.24l-0.14,-0.66l0.63,-0.58l0.92,0.26l0.7,-0.31Z", name: "Fiji" }, FK: { path: "M274.36,425.85l1.44,1.08l-0.47,0.73l-3.0,0.89l-0.96,-1.0l-0.52,-0.05l-1.83,1.29l-0.73,-0.88l2.46,-1.64l1.93,0.76l1.67,-1.19Z", name: "Falkland Is." }, NI: { path: "M202.33,252.67l0.81,-0.18l1.03,-1.02l-0.04,-0.88l0.68,-0.0l0.63,-0.54l0.97,0.22l1.53,-1.26l0.58,-0.99l1.17,0.34l2.41,-0.94l0.13,1.32l-0.81,1.94l0.1,2.74l-0.36,0.37l-0.11,1.75l-0.47,0.81l0.18,1.14l-1.73,-0.85l-0.71,0.27l-1.47,-0.6l-0.52,0.16l-4.01,-3.81Z", name: "Nicaragua" }, NL: { path: "M430.31,143.39l0.6,-0.5l2.13,-4.8l3.2,-1.33l1.74,0.08l0.33,0.8l-0.59,2.92l-0.5,0.99l-1.26,0.0l-0.4,0.45l0.33,2.7l-2.2,-1.78l-2.62,0.58l-0.75,-0.11Z", name: "Netherlands" }, NO: { path: "M491.44,67.41l6.8,2.89l-2.29,0.86l-0.15,0.65l2.33,2.38l-4.98,1.79l0.84,-2.45l-0.18,-0.48l-3.55,-1.8l-3.89,1.52l-1.42,3.38l-2.12,1.72l-2.64,-1.0l-3.11,0.21l-2.66,-2.22l-0.5,-0.01l-1.41,1.1l-1.44,0.17l-0.35,0.35l-0.32,2.47l-4.32,-0.64l-0.44,0.29l-0.58,2.11l-2.45,0.2l-4.15,7.68l-3.88,5.76l0.78,1.62l-0.64,1.16l-2.24,-0.06l-0.38,0.24l-1.66,3.89l0.15,5.17l1.57,2.04l-0.78,4.16l-2.02,2.48l-0.85,1.63l-1.3,-1.75l-0.58,-0.07l-4.87,4.19l-3.1,0.79l-3.16,-1.7l-0.85,-3.77l-0.77,-8.55l2.14,-2.31l6.55,-3.27l5.02,-4.17l10.63,-13.84l10.98,-8.7l5.35,-1.91l4.34,0.12l3.69,-3.64l4.49,0.19l4.37,-0.89ZM484.55,20.04l4.26,1.75l-3.1,2.55l-7.1,0.65l-7.08,-0.9l-0.37,-1.31l-0.37,-0.29l-3.44,-0.1l-2.08,-2.0l6.87,-1.44l3.9,1.31l2.39,-1.64l6.13,1.4ZM481.69,33.93l-4.45,1.74l-3.54,-0.99l1.12,-0.9l0.05,-0.58l-1.06,-1.22l4.22,-0.89l1.09,1.97l2.57,0.87ZM466.44,24.04l7.43,3.77l-5.41,1.86l-1.58,4.08l-2.26,1.2l-1.12,4.11l-2.61,0.18l-4.79,-2.86l1.84,-1.54l-0.1,-0.68l-3.69,-1.53l-4.77,-4.51l-1.73,-3.89l6.11,-1.82l1.54,1.92l3.57,-0.08l1.2,-1.96l3.32,-0.18l3.05,1.92Z", name: "Norway" }, NA: { path: "M474.26,330.66l-0.97,0.04l-0.38,0.4l-0.07,8.9l-2.09,0.08l-0.39,0.4l-0.0,17.42l-1.98,1.23l-1.17,0.17l-2.44,-0.66l-0.48,-1.13l-0.99,-0.74l-0.54,0.05l-0.9,1.01l-1.53,-1.68l-0.93,-1.88l-1.99,-8.56l-0.06,-3.12l-0.33,-1.52l-2.3,-3.34l-1.91,-4.83l-1.96,-2.43l-0.12,-1.57l2.33,-0.79l1.43,0.07l1.81,1.13l10.23,-0.25l1.84,1.23l5.87,0.35ZM474.66,330.64l6.51,-1.6l1.9,0.39l-1.69,0.4l-1.31,0.83l-1.12,-0.94l-4.29,0.92Z", name: "Namibia" }, VU: { path: "M839.04,322.8l0.22,1.14l-0.44,0.03l-0.2,-1.45l0.42,0.27Z", name: "Vanuatu" }, NC: { path: "M838.78,341.24l-0.33,0.22l-2.9,-1.75l-3.26,-3.37l1.65,0.83l4.85,4.07Z", name: "New Caledonia" }, NE: { path: "M454.75,226.53l1.33,1.37l0.48,0.07l1.27,-0.7l0.53,3.52l0.94,0.83l0.17,0.92l0.81,0.69l-0.44,0.95l-0.96,5.26l-0.13,3.22l-3.04,2.31l-1.22,3.57l1.02,1.24l-0.0,1.46l0.39,0.4l1.13,0.04l-0.9,1.25l-1.47,-2.42l-0.86,-0.29l-2.09,1.37l-1.74,-0.67l-1.45,-0.17l-0.85,0.35l-1.36,-0.07l-1.64,1.09l-1.06,0.05l-2.94,-1.28l-1.44,0.59l-1.01,-0.03l-0.97,-0.94l-2.7,-0.98l-2.69,0.3l-0.87,0.64l-0.47,1.6l-0.75,1.16l-0.12,1.53l-1.57,-1.1l-1.31,0.24l0.03,-0.81l-0.32,-0.41l-2.59,-0.52l-0.15,-1.16l-1.35,-1.6l-0.29,-1.0l0.13,-0.84l1.29,-0.08l1.08,-0.92l3.31,-0.22l2.22,-0.41l0.32,-0.34l0.2,-1.47l1.39,-1.88l-0.01,-5.66l3.36,-1.12l7.24,-5.12l8.42,-4.92l3.69,1.06Z", name: "Niger" }, NG: { path: "M456.32,253.89l0.64,0.65l-0.28,1.04l-2.11,2.01l-2.03,5.18l-1.37,1.16l-1.15,3.18l-1.33,0.66l-1.46,-0.97l-1.21,0.16l-1.38,1.36l-0.91,0.24l-1.79,4.06l-2.33,0.81l-1.11,-0.07l-0.86,0.5l-1.71,-0.05l-1.19,-1.39l-0.89,-1.89l-1.77,-1.66l-3.95,-0.08l0.07,-5.21l0.42,-1.43l1.95,-2.3l-0.14,-0.91l0.43,-1.18l-0.53,-1.41l0.25,-2.92l0.72,-1.07l0.32,-1.34l0.46,-0.39l2.47,-0.28l2.34,0.89l1.15,1.02l1.28,0.04l1.22,-0.58l3.03,1.27l1.49,-0.14l1.36,-1.0l1.33,0.07l0.82,-0.35l3.45,0.8l1.82,-1.32l1.84,2.67l0.66,0.16Z", name: "Nigeria" }, NZ: { path: "M857.8,379.65l1.86,3.12l0.44,0.18l0.3,-0.38l0.03,-1.23l0.38,0.27l0.57,2.31l2.02,0.94l1.81,0.27l1.57,-1.06l0.7,0.18l-1.15,3.59l-1.98,0.11l-0.74,1.2l0.2,1.11l-2.42,3.98l-1.49,0.92l-1.04,-0.85l1.21,-2.05l-0.81,-2.01l-2.63,-1.25l0.04,-0.57l1.82,-1.19l0.43,-2.34l-0.16,-2.03l-0.95,-1.82l-0.06,-0.72l-3.11,-3.64l-0.79,-1.52l1.56,1.45l1.76,0.66l0.65,2.34ZM853.83,393.59l0.57,1.24l0.59,0.16l1.42,-0.97l0.46,0.79l0.0,1.03l-2.47,3.48l-1.26,1.2l-0.06,0.5l0.55,0.87l-1.41,0.07l-2.33,1.38l-2.03,5.02l-3.02,2.16l-2.06,-0.06l-1.71,-1.04l-2.47,-0.2l-0.27,-0.73l1.22,-2.1l3.05,-2.94l1.62,-0.59l4.02,-2.82l1.57,-1.67l1.07,-2.16l0.88,-0.7l0.48,-1.75l1.24,-0.97l0.35,0.79Z", name: "New Zealand" }, NP: { path: "M641.14,213.62l0.01,3.19l-1.74,0.04l-4.8,-0.86l-1.58,-1.39l-3.37,-0.34l-7.65,-3.7l0.8,-2.09l2.33,-1.7l1.77,0.75l2.49,1.76l1.38,0.41l0.99,1.35l1.9,0.52l1.99,1.17l5.49,0.9Z", name: "Nepal" }, XK: { path: "M472.77,172.64l-1.08,-1.29l0.96,-0.77l0.29,-0.83l1.98,1.64l-0.36,0.67l-1.79,0.58Z", name: "Kosovo" }, CI: { path: "M407.4,259.27l0.86,0.42l0.56,0.9l1.13,0.53l1.19,-0.61l0.97,-0.08l1.42,0.54l0.6,3.24l-1.03,2.08l-0.65,2.84l1.06,2.33l-0.06,0.53l-2.54,-0.47l-1.66,0.03l-3.06,0.46l-4.11,1.6l0.32,-3.06l-1.18,-1.31l-1.32,-0.66l0.42,-0.85l-0.2,-1.4l0.5,-0.67l0.01,-1.59l0.84,-0.32l0.26,-0.5l-1.15,-3.01l0.12,-0.5l0.51,-0.25l0.66,0.31l1.93,0.02l0.67,-0.71l0.71,-0.14l0.25,0.69l0.57,0.22l1.4,-0.61Z", name: "Côte d'Ivoire" }, CH: { path: "M444.62,156.35l-0.29,0.87l0.18,0.53l1.13,0.58l1.0,0.1l-0.1,0.65l-0.79,0.38l-1.72,-0.37l-0.45,0.23l-0.45,1.04l-0.75,0.06l-0.84,-0.4l-1.32,1.0l-0.96,0.12l-0.88,-0.55l-0.81,-1.3l-0.49,-0.16l-0.63,0.26l0.02,-0.65l1.71,-1.66l0.1,-0.56l0.93,0.08l0.58,-0.46l1.99,0.02l0.66,-0.61l2.19,0.79Z", name: "Switzerland" }, CO: { path: "M242.07,254.93l-1.7,0.59l-0.59,1.18l-1.7,1.69l-0.38,1.93l-0.67,1.43l0.31,0.57l1.03,0.13l0.25,0.9l0.57,0.64l-0.04,2.34l1.64,1.42l3.16,-0.24l1.26,0.28l1.67,2.06l0.41,0.13l4.09,-0.39l0.45,0.22l-0.92,1.95l-0.2,1.8l0.52,1.83l0.75,1.05l-1.12,1.1l0.07,0.63l0.84,0.51l0.74,1.29l-0.39,-0.45l-0.59,-0.01l-0.71,0.74l-4.71,-0.05l-0.4,0.41l0.03,1.57l0.33,0.39l1.11,0.2l-1.68,0.4l-0.29,0.38l-0.01,1.82l1.16,1.14l0.34,1.25l-1.05,7.05l-1.04,-0.87l1.26,-1.99l-0.13,-0.56l-2.18,-1.23l-1.38,0.2l-1.14,-0.38l-1.27,0.61l-1.55,-0.26l-1.38,-2.46l-1.23,-0.75l-0.85,-1.2l-1.67,-1.19l-0.86,0.13l-2.11,-1.32l-1.01,0.31l-1.8,-0.29l-0.52,-0.91l-3.09,-1.68l0.77,-0.52l-0.1,-1.12l0.41,-0.64l1.34,-0.32l2.0,-2.88l-0.11,-0.57l-0.66,-0.43l0.39,-1.38l-0.52,-2.1l0.49,-0.83l-0.4,-2.13l-0.97,-1.35l0.17,-0.66l0.86,-0.08l0.47,-0.75l-0.46,-1.63l1.41,-0.07l1.8,-1.69l0.93,-0.24l0.3,-0.38l0.45,-2.76l1.22,-1.0l1.44,-0.04l0.45,-0.5l1.91,0.12l2.93,-1.84l1.15,-1.14l0.91,0.46l-0.25,0.45Z", name: "Colombia" }, CN: { path: "M740.23,148.97l4.57,1.3l2.8,2.17l0.98,2.9l0.38,0.27l3.8,0.0l2.32,-1.28l3.29,-0.75l-0.96,2.09l-1.02,1.28l-0.85,3.4l-1.52,2.73l-2.76,-0.5l-2.4,1.13l-0.21,0.45l0.64,2.57l-0.32,3.2l-0.94,0.06l-0.37,0.89l-0.91,-1.01l-0.64,0.07l-0.92,1.57l-3.73,1.25l-0.26,0.48l0.26,1.06l-1.5,-0.08l-1.09,-0.86l-0.56,0.06l-1.67,2.06l-2.7,1.56l-2.03,1.88l-3.4,0.83l-1.93,1.4l-1.15,0.34l0.33,-0.7l-0.41,-0.89l1.79,-1.79l0.02,-0.54l-1.32,-1.56l-0.48,-0.1l-2.24,1.09l-2.83,2.06l-1.51,1.83l-2.28,0.13l-1.55,1.49l-0.04,0.5l1.32,1.97l2.0,0.58l0.31,1.35l1.98,0.84l3.0,-1.96l2.0,1.02l1.49,0.11l0.22,0.83l-3.37,0.86l-1.12,1.48l-2.5,1.52l-1.29,1.99l0.14,0.56l2.57,1.48l0.97,2.7l3.17,4.63l-0.03,1.66l-1.35,0.65l-0.2,0.51l0.6,1.47l1.4,0.91l-0.89,3.82l-1.43,0.38l-3.85,6.44l-2.27,3.11l-6.78,4.57l-2.73,0.29l-1.45,1.04l-0.62,-0.61l-0.55,-0.01l-1.36,1.25l-3.39,1.27l-2.61,0.4l-1.1,2.79l-0.81,0.09l-0.49,-1.42l0.5,-0.85l-0.25,-0.59l-3.36,-0.84l-1.3,0.4l-2.31,-0.62l-0.94,-0.84l0.33,-1.28l-0.3,-0.49l-2.19,-0.46l-1.13,-0.93l-0.47,-0.02l-2.06,1.36l-4.29,0.28l-2.76,1.05l-0.28,0.43l0.32,2.53l-0.59,-0.03l-0.19,-1.34l-0.55,-0.34l-1.68,0.7l-2.46,-1.23l0.62,-1.87l-0.26,-0.51l-1.37,-0.44l-0.54,-2.22l-0.45,-0.3l-2.13,0.35l0.24,-2.48l2.39,-2.4l0.03,-4.31l-1.19,-0.92l-0.78,-1.49l-0.41,-0.21l-1.41,0.19l-1.98,-0.3l0.46,-1.07l-1.17,-1.7l-0.55,-0.11l-1.63,1.05l-2.25,-0.57l-2.89,1.73l-2.25,1.98l-1.75,0.29l-1.17,-0.71l-3.31,-0.65l-1.48,0.79l-1.04,1.27l-0.12,-1.17l-0.54,-0.34l-1.44,0.54l-5.55,-0.86l-1.98,-1.16l-1.89,-0.54l-0.99,-1.35l-1.34,-0.37l-2.55,-1.79l-2.01,-0.84l-1.21,0.56l-5.57,-3.45l-0.53,-2.31l1.19,0.25l0.48,-0.37l0.08,-1.42l-0.98,-1.56l0.15,-2.44l-2.69,-3.32l-4.12,-1.23l-0.67,-2.0l-1.92,-1.48l-0.38,-0.7l-0.51,-3.01l-1.52,-0.66l-0.7,0.13l-0.48,-2.05l0.55,-0.51l-0.09,-0.82l2.03,-1.19l1.6,-0.54l2.56,0.38l0.42,-0.22l0.85,-1.7l3.0,-0.33l1.1,-1.26l4.05,-1.77l0.39,-0.91l-0.17,-1.44l1.45,-0.67l0.2,-0.52l-2.07,-4.9l4.51,-1.12l1.37,-0.73l1.89,-5.51l4.98,0.86l1.51,-1.7l0.11,-2.87l1.99,-0.38l1.83,-2.06l0.49,-0.13l0.68,2.08l2.23,1.77l3.44,1.16l1.55,2.29l-0.92,3.49l0.96,1.67l6.54,1.13l2.95,1.87l1.47,0.35l1.06,2.62l1.53,1.91l3.05,0.08l5.14,0.67l3.37,-0.41l2.36,0.43l3.65,1.8l3.06,0.04l1.45,0.88l2.87,-1.59l3.95,-1.02l3.83,-0.14l3.06,-1.14l1.77,-1.6l1.72,-1.01l0.17,-0.49l-1.1,-2.05l1.02,-1.54l4.02,0.8l2.45,-1.61l3.76,-1.19l1.96,-2.13l1.63,-0.83l3.51,-0.4l1.92,0.34l0.46,-0.3l0.17,-1.5l-2.27,-2.22l-2.11,-1.09l-2.18,1.11l-2.32,-0.47l-1.29,0.32l-0.4,-0.82l2.73,-5.16l3.02,1.06l3.53,-2.06l0.18,-1.68l2.16,-3.35l1.49,-1.35l-0.03,-1.85l-1.07,-0.85l1.54,-1.26l2.98,-0.59l3.23,-0.09l3.64,0.99l2.04,1.16l3.29,6.71l0.92,3.19ZM696.92,237.31l-1.87,1.08l-1.63,-0.64l-0.06,-1.79l1.03,-0.98l2.58,-0.69l1.16,0.05l0.3,0.54l-0.98,1.06l-0.53,1.37Z", name: "China" }, CM: { path: "M457.92,257.49l1.05,1.91l-1.4,0.16l-1.05,-0.23l-0.45,0.22l-0.54,1.19l0.08,0.45l1.48,1.47l1.05,0.45l1.01,2.46l-1.52,2.99l-0.68,0.68l-0.13,3.69l2.38,3.84l1.09,0.8l0.24,2.48l-3.67,-1.14l-11.27,-0.13l0.23,-1.79l-0.98,-1.66l-1.19,-0.54l-0.44,-0.97l-0.6,-0.42l1.71,-4.27l0.75,-0.13l1.38,-1.36l0.65,-0.03l1.71,0.99l1.93,-1.12l1.14,-3.18l1.38,-1.17l2.0,-5.14l2.17,-2.13l0.3,-1.64l-0.86,-0.88l0.03,-0.33l0.94,1.28l0.07,3.22Z", name: "Cameroon" }, CL: { path: "M246.5,429.18l-3.14,1.83l-0.57,3.16l-0.64,0.05l-2.68,-1.06l-2.82,-2.33l-3.04,-1.89l-0.69,-1.85l0.63,-2.14l-1.21,-2.11l-0.31,-5.37l1.01,-2.91l2.57,-2.38l-0.18,-0.68l-3.16,-0.77l2.05,-2.47l0.77,-4.65l2.32,0.9l0.54,-0.29l1.31,-6.31l-0.22,-0.44l-1.68,-0.8l-0.56,0.28l-0.7,3.36l-0.81,-0.22l1.56,-9.41l1.15,-2.24l-0.71,-2.82l-0.18,-2.84l1.01,-0.33l3.26,-9.14l1.07,-4.22l-0.56,-4.21l0.74,-2.34l-0.29,-3.27l1.46,-3.34l2.04,-16.59l-0.66,-7.76l1.03,-0.53l0.54,-0.9l0.79,1.14l0.32,1.78l1.25,1.16l-0.69,2.55l1.33,2.9l0.97,3.59l0.46,0.29l1.5,-0.3l0.11,0.23l-0.76,2.44l-2.57,1.23l-0.23,0.37l0.08,4.33l-0.46,0.77l0.56,1.21l-1.58,1.51l-1.68,2.62l-0.89,2.47l0.2,2.7l-1.48,2.73l1.12,5.09l0.64,0.61l-0.01,2.29l-1.38,2.68l0.01,2.4l-1.89,2.04l0.02,2.75l0.69,2.57l-1.43,1.13l-1.26,5.68l0.39,3.51l-0.97,0.89l0.58,3.5l1.02,1.14l-0.65,1.02l0.15,0.57l1.0,0.53l0.16,0.69l-1.03,0.85l0.26,1.75l-0.89,4.03l-1.31,2.66l0.24,1.75l-0.71,1.83l-1.99,1.7l0.3,3.67l0.88,1.19l1.58,0.01l0.01,2.21l1.04,1.95l5.98,0.63ZM248.69,430.79l0.0,7.33l0.4,0.4l3.52,0.05l-0.44,0.75l-1.94,0.98l-2.49,-0.37l-1.88,-1.06l-2.55,-0.49l-5.59,-3.71l-2.38,-2.63l4.1,2.48l3.32,1.23l0.45,-0.12l1.29,-1.57l0.83,-2.32l2.05,-1.24l1.31,0.29Z", name: "Chile" }, XC: { path: "M504.91,192.87l0.34,0.01l0.27,-0.07l-0.29,0.26l-0.31,-0.2Z", name: "N. Cyprus" }, CA: { path: "M280.06,145.6l-1.67,2.88l0.07,0.49l0.5,0.04l1.46,-0.98l1.0,0.42l-0.56,0.72l0.17,0.62l2.22,0.89l1.35,-0.71l1.95,0.78l-0.66,2.01l0.5,0.51l1.32,-0.42l0.98,3.17l-0.91,2.41l-0.8,0.08l-1.23,-0.45l0.47,-2.25l-0.89,-0.83l-0.48,0.06l-2.78,2.63l-0.34,-0.02l1.02,-0.85l-0.14,-0.69l-2.4,-0.77l-7.4,0.08l-0.17,-0.41l1.3,-0.94l0.02,-0.64l-0.73,-0.58l1.85,-1.74l2.57,-5.16l1.47,-1.79l1.99,-1.05l0.46,0.06l-1.53,2.45ZM68.32,74.16l4.13,0.95l4.02,2.14l2.61,0.4l2.47,-1.89l2.88,-1.31l3.85,0.48l3.71,-1.94l3.82,-1.04l1.56,1.68l0.49,0.08l1.87,-1.04l0.65,-1.98l1.24,0.35l4.16,3.94l0.54,0.01l2.75,-2.49l0.26,2.59l0.49,0.35l3.08,-0.73l1.04,-1.27l2.73,0.23l3.83,1.86l5.86,1.61l3.47,0.75l2.44,-0.26l2.73,1.78l-2.98,1.81l-0.19,0.41l0.31,0.32l4.53,0.92l6.87,-0.5l2.0,-0.69l2.49,2.39l0.53,0.02l2.72,-2.16l-0.02,-0.64l-2.16,-1.54l1.15,-1.06l4.83,-0.61l1.84,0.95l2.48,2.31l3.01,-0.23l4.55,1.92l3.85,-0.67l3.61,0.1l0.41,-0.44l-0.25,-2.36l1.79,-0.61l3.49,1.32l-0.01,3.77l0.31,0.39l0.45,-0.22l1.48,-3.16l1.74,0.1l0.41,-0.3l1.13,-4.37l-2.78,-3.11l-2.8,-1.74l0.19,-4.64l2.71,-3.07l2.98,0.67l2.41,1.95l3.19,4.8l-1.99,1.97l0.21,0.68l4.33,0.84l-0.01,4.15l0.25,0.37l0.44,-0.09l3.07,-3.15l2.54,2.39l-0.61,3.33l2.42,2.88l0.61,0.0l2.61,-3.08l1.88,-3.82l0.17,-4.58l6.72,0.94l3.13,2.04l0.13,1.82l-1.76,2.19l-0.01,0.49l1.66,2.16l-0.26,1.71l-4.68,2.8l-3.28,0.61l-2.47,-1.2l-0.55,0.23l-0.73,2.04l-2.38,3.43l-0.74,1.77l-2.74,2.57l-3.44,0.25l-2.21,1.78l-0.28,2.53l-2.82,0.55l-3.12,3.22l-2.72,4.31l-1.03,3.17l-0.14,4.31l0.33,0.41l3.44,0.57l2.24,5.95l0.45,0.23l3.4,-0.69l4.52,1.51l2.43,1.31l1.91,1.73l3.1,0.96l2.62,1.46l6.6,0.54l-0.35,2.74l0.81,3.53l1.81,3.78l3.83,3.3l0.45,0.04l2.1,-1.28l1.37,-3.69l-1.31,-5.38l-1.45,-1.58l3.57,-1.47l2.84,-2.46l1.52,-2.8l-0.25,-2.55l-1.7,-3.07l-2.85,-2.61l2.8,-3.95l-1.08,-3.37l-0.79,-5.67l1.36,-0.7l6.76,1.41l2.12,-0.96l5.12,3.36l1.05,1.61l4.08,0.26l-0.06,2.87l0.83,4.7l0.3,0.32l2.16,0.54l1.73,2.06l0.5,0.09l3.63,-2.03l2.52,-4.19l1.26,-1.32l7.6,11.72l-0.92,2.04l0.16,0.51l3.3,1.97l2.22,1.98l4.1,0.98l1.43,0.99l0.95,2.79l2.1,0.68l0.84,1.08l0.17,3.45l-3.37,2.26l-4.22,1.24l-3.06,2.63l-4.06,0.51l-5.35,-0.69l-6.39,0.2l-2.3,2.41l-3.26,1.51l-6.47,7.15l-0.06,0.48l0.44,0.19l2.13,-0.52l4.17,-4.24l5.12,-2.62l3.52,-0.3l1.69,1.21l-2.12,2.21l0.81,3.47l1.02,2.61l3.47,1.6l4.14,-0.45l2.15,-2.8l0.26,1.48l1.14,0.8l-2.56,1.69l-5.5,1.82l-2.54,1.27l-2.74,2.15l-1.4,-0.16l-0.07,-2.01l4.14,-2.44l0.18,-0.45l-0.39,-0.29l-6.63,0.45l-1.39,-1.49l-0.14,-4.43l-1.11,-0.91l-1.82,0.39l-0.66,-0.66l-0.6,0.03l-1.91,2.39l-0.82,2.52l-0.8,1.27l-1.67,0.56l-0.46,0.76l-8.31,0.07l-1.21,0.62l-2.35,1.97l-0.71,-0.14l-1.37,0.96l-1.12,-0.48l-4.74,1.26l-0.9,1.17l0.21,0.62l1.73,0.3l-1.81,0.31l-1.85,0.81l-2.11,-0.13l-2.95,1.78l-0.69,-0.09l1.39,-2.1l1.73,-1.21l0.1,-2.29l1.16,-1.99l0.49,0.53l2.03,0.42l1.2,-1.16l0.02,-0.47l-2.66,-3.51l-2.28,-0.61l-5.64,-0.71l-0.4,-0.57l-0.79,0.13l0.2,-0.41l-0.22,-0.55l-0.68,-0.26l0.19,-1.26l-0.78,-0.73l0.31,-0.64l-0.29,-0.57l-2.6,-0.44l-0.75,-1.63l-0.94,-0.66l-4.31,-0.65l-1.13,1.19l-1.48,0.59l-0.85,1.06l-2.83,-0.76l-2.09,0.39l-2.39,-0.97l-4.24,-0.7l-0.57,-0.4l-0.41,-1.63l-0.4,-0.3l-0.85,0.02l-0.39,0.4l-0.01,0.85l-69.13,-0.01l-6.51,-4.52l-4.5,-1.38l-1.26,-2.66l0.33,-1.93l-0.23,-0.43l-3.01,-1.35l-0.55,-2.77l-2.89,-2.38l-0.04,-1.45l1.39,-1.83l-0.28,-2.55l-4.16,-2.2l-4.07,-6.6l-4.02,-3.22l-1.3,-1.88l-0.5,-0.13l-2.51,1.21l-2.23,1.87l-3.85,-3.88l-2.44,-1.04l-2.22,-0.13l0.03,-37.49ZM260.37,148.65l3.04,0.76l2.26,1.2l-3.78,-0.95l-1.53,-1.01ZM249.4,3.81l6.68,0.49l5.32,0.79l4.26,1.57l-0.07,1.1l-5.85,2.53l-6.02,1.21l-2.39,1.39l-0.18,0.45l0.39,0.29l4.01,-0.02l-4.65,2.82l-4.2,1.74l-4.19,4.59l-5.03,0.92l-1.67,1.15l-7.47,0.59l-0.37,0.37l0.32,0.42l2.41,0.49l-0.81,0.47l-0.12,0.59l1.83,2.41l-2.02,1.59l-3.81,1.51l-1.32,2.16l-3.38,1.53l-0.22,0.48l0.35,1.19l0.4,0.29l3.88,-0.18l0.03,0.61l-6.33,2.95l-6.41,-1.4l-7.43,0.79l-3.72,-0.62l-4.4,-0.25l-0.23,-1.83l4.29,-1.11l0.28,-0.51l-1.1,-3.45l1.0,-0.25l6.58,2.28l0.47,-0.16l-0.05,-0.49l-3.41,-3.45l-3.58,-0.98l1.48,-1.55l4.34,-1.29l0.97,-2.19l-0.16,-0.48l-3.42,-2.13l-0.81,-2.26l6.2,0.22l2.24,0.58l3.91,-2.1l0.2,-0.43l-0.35,-0.32l-5.64,-0.67l-8.73,0.36l-4.26,-1.9l-2.12,-2.4l-2.78,-1.66l-0.41,-1.52l3.31,-1.03l2.93,-0.2l4.91,-0.99l3.7,-2.27l2.87,0.3l2.62,1.67l0.56,-0.14l1.82,-3.2l3.13,-0.94l4.44,-0.69l7.53,-0.26l1.48,0.67l7.19,-1.06l10.8,0.79ZM203.85,57.54l0.01,0.42l1.97,2.97l0.68,-0.02l2.24,-3.72l5.95,-1.86l4.01,4.64l-0.35,2.91l0.5,0.43l4.95,-1.36l2.32,-1.8l5.31,2.28l3.27,2.11l0.3,1.84l0.48,0.33l4.42,-0.99l2.64,2.87l5.97,1.77l2.06,1.72l2.11,3.71l-4.19,1.86l-0.01,0.73l5.9,2.83l3.94,0.94l3.78,3.95l3.46,0.25l-0.63,2.37l-4.11,4.47l-2.76,-1.56l-3.9,-3.94l-3.59,0.41l-0.33,0.34l-0.19,2.72l2.63,2.38l3.42,1.89l0.94,0.97l1.55,3.75l-0.7,2.29l-2.74,-0.92l-6.25,-3.15l-0.51,0.13l0.05,0.52l6.07,5.69l0.18,0.59l-6.09,-1.39l-5.31,-2.24l-2.63,-1.66l0.6,-0.77l-0.12,-0.6l-7.39,-4.01l-0.59,0.37l0.03,0.79l-6.73,0.6l-1.69,-1.1l1.36,-2.46l4.51,-0.07l5.15,-0.52l0.31,-0.6l-0.74,-1.3l0.78,-1.84l3.21,-4.05l-0.67,-2.35l-1.11,-1.6l-3.84,-2.1l-4.35,-1.28l0.91,-0.63l0.06,-0.61l-2.65,-2.75l-2.34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name: "Canada" }, CG: { path: "M466.72,276.48l-0.1,1.03l-1.25,2.97l-0.19,3.62l-0.46,1.78l-0.23,0.63l-1.61,1.19l-1.21,1.39l-1.09,2.43l0.04,2.09l-3.25,3.24l-0.5,-0.24l-0.5,-0.83l-1.36,-0.02l-0.98,0.89l-1.68,-0.99l-1.54,1.24l-1.52,-1.96l1.57,-1.14l0.11,-0.52l-0.77,-1.35l2.1,-0.66l0.39,-0.73l1.05,0.82l2.21,0.11l1.12,-1.37l0.37,-1.81l-0.27,-2.09l-1.13,-1.5l1.0,-2.69l-0.13,-0.45l-0.92,-0.58l-1.6,0.17l-0.51,-0.94l0.1,-0.61l2.75,0.09l3.97,1.24l0.51,-0.33l0.17,-1.28l1.24,-2.21l1.28,-1.14l2.76,0.49Z", name: "Congo" }, CF: { path: "M461.16,278.2l-0.26,-1.19l-1.09,-0.77l-0.84,-1.17l-0.29,-1.0l-1.04,-1.15l0.08,-3.43l0.58,-0.49l1.16,-2.35l1.85,-0.17l0.61,-0.62l0.97,0.58l3.15,-0.96l2.48,-1.92l0.02,-0.96l2.81,0.02l2.36,-1.17l1.93,-2.85l1.16,-0.93l1.11,-0.3l0.27,0.86l1.34,1.47l-0.39,2.01l0.3,1.01l4.01,2.75l0.17,0.93l2.63,2.31l0.6,1.44l2.08,1.4l-3.84,-0.21l-1.94,0.88l-1.23,-0.49l-2.67,1.2l-1.29,-0.18l-0.51,0.36l-0.6,1.22l-3.35,-0.65l-1.57,-0.91l-2.42,-0.83l-1.45,0.91l-0.97,1.27l-0.26,1.56l-3.22,-0.43l-1.49,1.33l-0.94,1.62Z", name: "Central African Rep." }, CD: { path: "M487.01,272.38l2.34,-0.14l1.35,1.84l1.34,0.45l0.86,-0.39l1.21,0.12l1.07,-0.41l0.54,0.89l2.04,1.54l-0.14,2.72l0.7,0.54l-1.38,1.13l-1.53,2.54l-0.17,2.05l-0.59,1.08l-0.02,1.72l-0.72,0.84l-0.66,3.01l0.63,1.32l-0.44,4.26l0.64,1.47l-0.37,1.22l0.86,1.8l1.53,1.41l0.3,1.26l0.44,0.5l-4.08,0.75l-0.92,1.81l0.51,1.34l-0.74,5.43l0.17,0.38l2.45,1.46l0.54,-0.1l0.12,1.62l-1.28,-0.01l-1.85,-2.35l-1.94,-0.45l-0.48,-1.13l-0.55,-0.2l-1.41,0.74l-1.71,-0.3l-1.01,-1.18l-2.49,-0.19l-0.44,-0.77l-1.98,-0.21l-2.88,0.36l0.11,-2.41l-0.85,-1.13l-0.16,-1.36l0.32,-1.73l-0.46,-0.89l-0.04,-1.49l-0.4,-0.39l-2.53,0.02l0.1,-0.41l-0.39,-0.49l-1.28,0.01l-0.43,0.45l-1.62,0.32l-0.83,1.79l-1.09,-0.28l-2.4,0.52l-1.37,-1.91l-1.3,-3.3l-0.38,-0.27l-7.39,-0.03l-2.46,0.42l0.5,-0.45l0.37,-1.47l0.66,-0.38l0.92,0.08l0.73,-0.82l0.87,0.02l0.31,0.68l1.4,0.36l3.59,-3.63l0.01,-2.23l1.02,-2.29l2.69,-2.39l0.43,-0.99l0.49,-1.96l0.17,-3.51l1.25,-2.95l0.36,-3.14l0.86,-1.13l1.1,-0.66l3.57,1.73l3.65,0.73l0.46,-0.21l0.8,-1.46l1.24,0.19l2.61,-1.17l0.81,0.44l1.04,-0.03l0.59,-0.66l0.7,-0.16l1.81,0.25Z", name: "Dem. Rep. Congo" }, CZ: { path: "M458.46,144.88l1.22,1.01l1.47,0.23l0.13,0.93l1.36,0.68l0.54,-0.2l0.24,-0.55l1.15,0.25l0.53,1.09l1.68,0.18l0.6,0.84l-1.04,0.73l-0.96,1.28l-1.6,0.17l-0.55,0.56l-1.04,-0.46l-1.05,0.15l-2.12,-0.96l-1.05,0.34l-1.2,1.12l-1.56,-0.87l-2.57,-2.1l-0.53,-1.88l4.7,-2.52l0.71,0.26l0.9,-0.28Z", name: "Czech Rep." }, CY: { path: "M504.36,193.47l0.43,0.28l-1.28,0.57l-0.92,-0.28l-0.24,-0.46l2.01,-0.13Z", name: "Cyprus" }, CR: { path: "M211.34,258.05l0.48,0.99l1.6,1.6l-0.54,0.45l0.29,1.42l-0.25,1.19l-1.09,-0.59l-0.05,-1.25l-2.46,-1.42l-0.28,-0.77l-0.66,-0.45l-0.45,-0.0l-0.11,1.04l-1.32,-0.95l0.31,-1.3l-0.36,-0.6l0.31,-0.27l1.42,0.58l1.29,-0.14l0.56,0.56l0.74,0.17l0.55,-0.27Z", name: "Costa Rica" }, CU: { path: "M221.21,227.25l1.27,1.02l2.19,-0.28l4.43,3.33l2.08,0.43l-0.1,0.38l0.36,0.5l1.75,0.1l1.48,0.84l-3.11,0.51l-4.15,-0.03l0.77,-0.67l-0.04,-0.64l-1.2,-0.74l-1.49,-0.16l-0.7,-0.61l-0.56,-1.4l-0.4,-0.25l-1.34,0.1l-2.2,-0.66l-0.88,-0.58l-3.18,-0.4l-0.27,-0.16l0.58,-0.74l-0.36,-0.29l-2.72,-0.05l-1.7,1.29l-0.91,0.03l-0.61,0.69l-1.01,0.22l1.11,-1.29l1.01,-0.52l3.69,-1.01l3.98,0.21l2.21,0.84Z", name: "Cuba" }, SZ: { path: "M500.35,351.36l0.5,2.04l-0.38,0.89l-1.05,0.21l-1.23,-1.2l-0.02,-0.64l0.83,-1.57l1.34,0.27Z", name: "Swaziland" }, SY: { path: "M511.0,199.79l0.05,-1.33l0.54,-1.36l1.28,-0.99l0.13,-0.45l-0.41,-1.11l-1.14,-0.36l-0.19,-1.74l0.52,-1.0l1.29,-1.21l0.2,-1.18l0.59,0.23l2.62,-0.76l1.36,0.52l2.06,-0.01l2.95,-1.08l3.25,-0.26l-0.67,0.94l-1.28,0.66l-0.21,0.4l0.23,2.01l-0.88,3.19l-10.15,5.73l-2.15,-0.85Z", name: "Syria" }, KG: { path: "M621.35,172.32l-3.87,1.69l-0.96,1.18l-3.04,0.34l-1.13,1.86l-2.36,-0.35l-1.99,0.63l-2.39,1.4l0.06,0.95l-0.4,0.37l-4.52,0.43l-3.02,-0.93l-2.37,0.17l0.11,-0.79l2.32,0.42l1.13,-0.88l1.99,0.2l3.21,-2.14l-0.03,-0.69l-2.97,-1.57l-1.94,0.65l-1.22,-0.74l1.71,-1.58l-0.12,-0.67l-0.36,-0.15l0.32,-0.77l1.36,-0.35l4.02,1.02l0.49,-0.3l0.35,-1.59l1.09,-0.48l3.42,1.22l1.11,-0.31l7.64,0.39l1.16,1.0l1.23,0.39Z", name: "Kyrgyzstan" }, KE: { path: "M506.26,284.69l1.87,-2.56l0.93,-2.15l-1.38,-4.08l-1.06,-1.6l2.82,-2.75l0.79,0.26l0.12,1.41l0.86,0.83l1.9,0.11l3.28,2.13l3.57,0.44l1.05,-1.12l1.96,-0.9l0.82,0.68l1.16,0.09l-1.78,2.45l0.03,9.12l1.3,1.94l-1.37,0.78l-0.67,1.03l-1.08,0.46l-0.34,1.67l-0.81,1.07l-0.45,1.55l-0.68,0.56l-3.2,-2.23l-0.35,-1.58l-8.86,-4.98l0.14,-1.6l-0.57,-1.04Z", name: "Kenya" }, SS: { path: "M481.71,263.34l1.07,-0.72l1.2,-3.18l1.36,-0.26l1.61,1.99l0.87,0.34l1.1,-0.41l1.5,0.07l0.57,0.53l2.49,0.0l0.44,-0.63l1.07,-0.4l0.45,-0.84l0.59,-0.33l1.9,1.33l1.6,-0.2l2.83,-3.33l-0.32,-2.21l1.59,-0.52l-0.24,1.6l0.3,1.83l1.35,1.18l0.2,1.87l0.35,0.41l0.02,1.53l-0.23,0.47l-1.42,0.25l-0.85,1.44l0.3,0.6l1.4,0.16l1.11,1.08l0.59,1.13l1.03,0.53l1.28,2.36l-4.41,3.98l-1.74,0.01l-1.89,0.55l-1.47,-0.52l-1.15,0.57l-2.96,-2.62l-1.3,0.49l-1.06,-0.15l-0.79,0.39l-0.82,-0.22l-1.8,-2.7l-1.91,-1.1l-0.66,-1.5l-2.62,-2.32l-0.18,-0.94l-2.37,-1.6Z", name: "S. Sudan" }, SR: { path: "M283.12,270.19l2.1,0.53l-1.08,1.95l0.2,1.72l0.93,1.49l-0.59,2.03l-0.43,0.71l-1.12,-0.42l-1.32,0.22l-0.93,-0.2l-0.46,0.26l-0.25,0.73l0.33,0.7l-0.89,-0.13l-1.39,-1.97l-0.31,-1.34l-0.97,-0.31l-0.89,-1.47l0.35,-1.61l1.45,-0.82l0.33,-1.87l2.61,0.44l0.57,-0.47l1.75,-0.16Z", name: "Suriname" }, KH: { path: "M689.52,249.39l0.49,1.45l-0.28,2.74l-4.0,1.86l-0.16,0.6l0.68,0.95l-2.06,0.17l-2.05,0.97l-1.82,-0.32l-2.12,-3.7l-0.55,-2.85l1.4,-1.85l3.02,-0.45l2.23,0.35l2.01,0.98l0.51,-0.14l0.95,-1.48l1.74,0.74Z", name: "Cambodia" }, SV: { path: "M195.8,250.13l1.4,-1.19l2.24,1.45l0.98,-0.27l0.44,0.2l-0.27,1.05l-1.14,-0.03l-3.64,-1.21Z", name: "El Salvador" }, SK: { path: "M476.82,151.17l-1.14,1.9l-2.73,-0.92l-0.82,0.2l-0.74,0.8l-3.46,0.73l-0.47,0.69l-1.76,0.33l-1.88,-1.0l-0.18,-0.81l0.38,-0.75l1.87,-0.32l1.74,-1.89l0.83,0.16l0.79,-0.34l1.51,1.04l1.34,-0.63l1.25,0.3l1.65,-0.42l1.81,0.95Z", name: "Slovakia" }, KR: { path: "M737.51,185.84l0.98,-0.1l0.87,-1.17l2.69,-0.32l0.33,-0.29l1.76,2.79l0.58,1.76l0.02,3.12l-0.8,1.32l-2.21,0.55l-1.93,1.13l-1.8,0.19l-0.2,-1.1l0.43,-2.28l-0.95,-2.56l1.43,-0.37l0.23,-0.62l-1.43,-2.06Z", name: "Korea" }, SI: { path: "M456.18,162.07l-0.51,-1.32l0.18,-1.05l1.69,0.2l1.42,-0.71l2.09,-0.07l0.62,-0.51l0.21,0.47l-1.61,0.67l-0.44,1.34l-0.66,0.24l-0.26,0.82l-1.22,-0.49l-0.84,0.46l-0.69,-0.04Z", name: "Slovenia" }, KP: { path: "M736.77,185.16l-0.92,-0.42l-0.88,0.62l-1.21,-0.88l0.96,-1.15l0.59,-2.59l-0.46,-0.74l-2.09,-0.77l1.64,-1.52l2.72,-1.58l1.58,-1.91l1.11,0.78l2.17,0.11l0.41,-0.5l-0.3,-1.22l3.52,-1.18l0.94,-1.4l0.98,1.08l-2.19,2.18l0.01,2.14l-1.06,0.54l-1.41,1.4l-1.7,0.52l-1.25,1.09l-0.14,1.98l0.94,0.45l1.15,1.04l-0.13,0.26l-2.6,0.29l-1.13,1.29l-1.22,0.08Z", name: "Dem. Rep. Korea" }, KW: { path: "M540.81,207.91l0.37,0.86l-0.17,0.76l0.6,1.53l-0.95,0.04l-0.82,-1.28l-1.57,-0.18l1.31,-1.88l1.22,0.17Z", name: "Kuwait" }, SN: { path: "M390.09,248.21l0.12,1.55l0.49,1.46l0.96,0.82l0.05,1.28l-1.26,-0.19l-0.75,0.33l-1.84,-0.61l-5.84,-0.13l-2.54,0.51l-0.22,-1.03l1.77,0.04l2.01,-0.91l1.03,0.48l1.09,0.04l1.29,-0.62l0.14,-0.58l-0.51,-0.74l-1.81,0.25l-1.13,-0.63l-0.79,0.04l-0.72,0.61l-2.31,0.06l-0.92,-1.77l-0.81,-0.64l0.64,-0.35l2.46,-3.74l1.04,0.19l1.38,-0.56l1.19,-0.02l2.72,1.37l3.03,3.48Z", name: "Senegal" }, SL: { path: "M394.46,264.11l-1.73,1.98l-0.58,1.33l-2.07,-1.06l-1.22,-1.26l-0.65,-2.39l1.16,-0.96l0.67,-1.17l1.21,-0.52l1.66,0.0l1.03,1.64l0.52,2.41Z", name: "Sierra Leone" }, KZ: { path: "M552.8,172.89l0.46,-1.27l-0.48,-1.05l-2.96,-1.19l-1.06,-2.58l-1.37,-0.87l-0.03,-0.3l1.95,0.23l0.45,-0.38l0.08,-1.96l1.75,-0.41l2.1,0.45l0.48,-0.33l0.45,-3.04l-0.45,-2.09l-0.41,-0.31l-2.42,0.15l-2.36,-0.73l-2.87,1.37l-2.17,0.61l-0.85,-0.34l0.13,-1.61l-1.6,-2.12l-2.02,-0.08l-1.78,-1.82l1.29,-2.18l-0.57,-0.95l1.62,-2.91l2.21,1.63l0.63,-0.27l0.29,-2.22l4.92,-3.43l3.71,-0.08l8.4,3.6l2.92,-1.36l3.77,-0.06l3.11,1.66l0.51,-0.11l0.6,-0.81l3.31,0.13l0.39,-0.25l0.63,-1.57l-0.17,-0.5l-3.5,-1.98l1.87,-1.27l-0.13,-1.03l1.98,-0.72l0.18,-0.62l-1.59,-2.06l0.81,-0.82l9.23,-1.18l1.33,-0.88l6.18,-1.26l2.26,-1.42l4.08,0.68l0.73,3.33l0.51,0.3l2.48,-0.8l2.79,1.02l-0.17,1.56l0.43,0.44l2.55,-0.24l4.89,-2.53l0.03,0.32l3.15,2.61l5.56,8.47l0.65,0.02l1.12,-1.46l3.15,1.74l3.76,-0.78l1.15,0.49l1.14,1.8l1.84,0.76l0.99,1.29l3.35,-0.25l1.02,1.52l-1.6,1.81l-1.93,0.28l-0.34,0.38l-0.11,3.05l-1.13,1.16l-4.75,-1.0l-0.46,0.27l-1.76,5.47l-1.1,0.59l-4.91,1.23l-0.27,0.54l2.1,4.97l-1.37,0.63l-0.23,0.41l0.13,1.13l-0.88,-0.25l-1.42,-1.13l-7.89,-0.4l-0.92,0.31l-3.73,-1.22l-1.42,0.63l-0.53,1.66l-3.72,-0.94l-1.85,0.43l-0.76,1.4l-4.65,2.62l-1.13,2.08l-0.44,0.01l-0.92,-1.4l-2.87,-0.09l-0.45,-2.14l-0.38,-0.32l-0.8,-0.01l0.0,-2.96l-3.0,-2.22l-7.31,0.58l-2.35,-2.68l-6.71,-3.69l-6.45,1.83l-0.29,0.39l0.1,10.85l-0.7,0.08l-1.62,-2.17l-1.83,-0.96l-3.11,0.59l-0.64,0.51Z", name: "Kazakhstan" }, SA: { path: "M537.53,210.34l2.0,0.24l0.9,1.32l1.49,-0.06l0.87,2.08l1.29,0.76l0.51,0.99l1.56,1.03l-0.1,1.9l0.32,0.9l1.58,2.47l0.76,0.53l0.7,-0.04l1.68,4.23l7.53,1.33l0.51,-0.29l0.77,1.25l-1.55,4.87l-7.29,2.52l-7.3,1.03l-2.34,1.17l-1.88,2.74l-0.76,0.28l-0.82,-0.78l-0.91,0.12l-2.88,-0.51l-3.51,0.25l-0.86,-0.56l-0.57,0.15l-0.66,1.27l0.16,1.11l-0.43,0.32l-0.93,-1.4l-0.33,-1.16l-1.23,-0.88l-1.27,-2.06l-0.78,-2.22l-1.73,-1.79l-1.14,-0.48l-1.54,-2.31l-0.21,-3.41l-1.44,-2.93l-1.27,-1.16l-1.33,-0.57l-1.31,-3.37l-0.77,-0.67l-0.97,-1.97l-2.8,-4.03l-1.06,-0.17l0.37,-1.96l0.2,-0.72l2.74,0.3l1.08,-0.84l0.6,-0.94l1.74,-0.35l0.65,-1.03l0.71,-0.4l0.1,-0.62l-2.06,-2.28l4.39,-1.22l0.48,-0.37l2.77,0.69l3.66,1.9l7.03,5.5l4.87,0.3Z", name: "Saudi Arabia" }, SE: { path: "M480.22,89.3l-4.03,1.17l-2.43,2.86l0.26,2.57l-8.77,6.64l-1.78,5.79l1.78,2.68l2.22,1.96l-2.07,3.77l-2.72,1.13l-0.95,6.04l-1.29,3.01l-2.74,-0.31l-0.4,0.22l-1.31,2.59l-2.34,0.13l-0.75,-3.09l-2.08,-4.03l-1.83,-4.96l1.0,-1.93l2.14,-2.7l0.83,-4.45l-1.6,-2.17l-0.15,-4.94l1.48,-3.39l2.58,-0.15l0.87,-1.59l-0.78,-1.57l3.76,-5.59l4.04,-7.48l2.17,0.01l0.39,-0.29l0.57,-2.07l4.37,0.64l0.46,-0.34l0.33,-2.56l1.1,-0.13l6.94,4.87l0.06,6.32l0.66,1.36Z", name: "Sweden" }, SD: { path: "M505.98,259.4l-0.34,-0.77l-1.17,-0.9l-0.26,-1.61l0.29,-1.81l-0.34,-0.46l-1.16,-0.17l-0.54,0.59l-1.23,0.11l-0.28,0.65l0.53,0.65l0.17,1.22l-2.44,3.0l-0.96,0.19l-2.39,-1.4l-0.95,0.52l-0.38,0.78l-1.11,0.41l-0.29,0.5l-1.94,0.0l-0.54,-0.52l-1.81,-0.09l-0.95,0.4l-2.45,-2.35l-2.07,0.54l-0.73,1.26l-0.6,2.1l-1.25,0.58l-0.75,-0.62l0.27,-2.65l-1.48,-1.78l-0.22,-1.48l-0.92,-0.96l-0.02,-1.29l-0.57,-1.16l-0.68,-0.16l0.69,-1.29l-0.18,-1.14l0.65,-0.62l0.03,-0.55l-0.36,-0.41l1.55,-2.97l1.91,0.16l0.43,-0.4l-0.1,-10.94l2.49,-0.01l0.4,-0.4l-0.0,-4.82l29.02,0.0l0.64,2.04l-0.49,0.66l0.36,2.69l0.93,3.16l2.12,1.55l-0.89,1.04l-1.72,0.39l-0.98,0.9l-1.43,5.65l0.24,1.15l-0.38,2.06l-0.96,2.38l-1.53,1.31l-1.32,2.91l-1.22,0.86l-0.37,1.34Z", name: "Sudan" }, DO: { path: "M241.8,239.2l0.05,-0.65l-0.46,-0.73l0.42,-0.44l0.19,-1.0l-0.09,-1.53l1.66,0.01l1.99,0.63l0.33,0.67l1.28,0.19l0.33,0.76l1.0,0.08l0.8,0.62l-0.45,0.51l-1.13,-0.47l-1.88,-0.01l-1.27,0.59l-0.75,-0.55l-1.01,0.54l-0.79,1.4l-0.23,-0.61Z", name: "Dominican Rep." }, DJ: { path: "M528.43,256.18l-0.45,0.66l-0.58,-0.25l-1.51,0.13l-0.18,-1.01l1.45,-1.95l0.83,0.17l0.77,-0.44l0.2,1.0l-1.2,0.51l-0.06,0.7l0.73,0.47Z", name: "Djibouti" }, DK: { path: "M452.28,129.07l-1.19,2.24l-2.13,-1.6l-0.23,-0.95l2.98,-0.95l0.57,1.26ZM447.74,126.31l-0.26,0.57l-0.88,-0.07l-1.8,2.53l0.48,1.69l-1.09,0.36l-1.61,-0.39l-0.89,-1.69l-0.07,-3.43l0.96,-1.73l2.02,-0.2l1.09,-1.07l1.33,-0.67l-0.05,1.06l-0.73,1.41l0.3,1.0l1.2,0.64Z", name: "Denmark" }, DE: { path: "M453.14,155.55l-0.55,-0.36l-1.2,-0.1l-1.87,0.57l-2.13,-0.13l-0.56,0.63l-0.86,-0.6l-0.96,0.09l-2.57,-0.93l-0.85,0.67l-1.47,-0.02l0.24,-1.75l1.23,-2.14l-0.28,-0.59l-3.52,-0.58l-0.92,-0.66l0.12,-1.2l-0.48,-0.88l0.27,-2.17l-0.37,-3.03l1.41,-0.22l0.63,-1.26l0.66,-3.19l-0.41,-1.18l0.26,-0.39l1.66,-0.15l0.33,0.54l0.62,0.07l1.7,-1.69l-0.54,-3.02l1.37,0.33l1.31,-0.37l0.31,1.18l2.25,0.71l-0.02,0.92l0.5,0.4l2.55,-0.65l1.34,-0.87l2.57,1.24l1.06,0.98l0.48,1.44l-0.57,0.74l-0.0,0.48l0.87,1.15l0.57,1.64l-0.14,1.29l0.82,1.7l-1.5,-0.07l-0.56,0.57l-4.47,2.15l-0.22,0.54l0.68,2.26l2.58,2.16l-0.66,1.11l-0.79,0.36l-0.23,0.43l0.32,1.87Z", name: "Germany" }, YE: { path: "M528.27,246.72l0.26,-0.42l-0.22,-1.01l0.19,-1.5l0.92,-0.69l-0.07,-1.35l0.39,-0.75l1.01,0.47l3.34,-0.27l3.76,0.41l0.95,0.81l1.36,-0.58l1.74,-2.62l2.18,-1.09l6.86,-0.94l2.48,5.41l-1.64,0.76l-0.56,1.9l-6.23,2.16l-2.29,1.8l-1.93,0.05l-1.41,1.02l-4.24,0.74l-1.72,1.49l-3.28,0.19l-0.52,-1.18l0.02,-1.51l-1.34,-3.29Z", name: "Yemen" }, DZ: { path: "M441.46,188.44l-0.32,1.07l0.39,2.64l-0.54,2.16l-1.58,1.82l0.37,2.39l1.91,1.55l0.18,0.8l1.42,1.03l1.84,7.23l0.12,1.16l-0.57,5.0l0.2,1.51l-0.87,0.99l-0.02,0.51l1.41,1.86l0.14,1.2l0.89,1.48l0.5,0.16l0.98,-0.41l1.73,1.08l0.82,1.23l-8.22,4.81l-7.23,5.11l-3.43,1.13l-2.3,0.21l-0.28,-1.59l-2.56,-1.09l-0.67,-1.25l-26.12,-17.86l0.01,-3.47l3.77,-1.88l2.44,-0.41l2.12,-0.75l1.08,-1.42l2.81,-1.05l0.35,-2.08l1.33,-0.29l1.04,-0.94l3.47,-0.69l0.46,-1.08l-0.1,-0.45l-0.58,-0.52l-0.82,-2.81l-0.19,-1.83l-0.78,-1.49l2.03,-1.31l2.63,-0.48l1.7,-1.22l2.31,-0.84l8.24,-0.73l1.49,0.38l2.28,-1.1l2.46,-0.02l0.92,0.6l1.35,-0.05Z", name: "Algeria" }, US: { path: "M892.72,99.2l1.31,0.53l1.41,-0.37l1.89,0.98l1.89,0.42l-1.32,0.58l-2.9,-1.53l-2.08,0.22l-0.26,-0.15l0.07,-0.67ZM183.22,150.47l0.37,1.47l1.12,0.85l4.23,0.7l2.39,0.98l2.17,-0.38l1.85,0.5l-1.55,0.65l-3.49,2.61l-0.16,0.77l0.5,0.39l2.33,-0.61l1.77,1.02l5.15,-2.4l-0.31,0.65l0.25,0.56l1.36,0.38l1.71,1.16l4.7,-0.88l0.67,0.85l1.31,0.21l0.58,0.58l-1.34,0.17l-2.18,-0.32l-3.6,0.89l-2.71,3.25l0.35,0.9l0.59,-0.0l0.55,-0.6l-1.36,4.65l0.29,3.09l0.67,1.58l0.61,0.45l1.77,-0.44l1.6,-1.96l0.14,-2.21l-0.82,-1.96l0.11,-1.13l1.19,-2.37l0.44,-0.33l0.48,0.75l0.4,-0.29l0.4,-1.37l0.6,-0.47l0.24,-0.8l1.69,0.49l1.65,1.08l-0.03,2.37l-1.27,1.13l-0.0,1.13l0.87,0.36l1.66,-1.29l0.5,0.17l0.5,2.6l-2.49,3.75l0.17,0.61l1.54,0.62l1.48,0.17l1.92,-0.44l4.72,-2.15l2.16,-1.8l-0.05,-1.24l0.75,-0.22l3.92,0.36l2.12,-1.05l0.21,-0.4l-0.28,-1.48l3.27,-2.4l8.32,-0.02l0.56,-0.82l1.9,-0.77l0.93,-1.51l0.74,-2.37l1.58,-1.98l0.92,0.62l1.47,-0.47l0.8,0.66l-0.0,4.09l1.96,2.6l-2.34,1.31l-5.37,2.09l-1.83,2.72l0.02,1.79l0.83,1.59l0.54,0.23l-6.19,0.94l-2.2,0.89l-0.23,0.48l0.45,0.29l2.99,-0.46l-2.19,0.56l-1.13,0.0l-0.15,-0.32l-0.48,0.08l-0.76,0.82l0.22,0.67l0.32,0.06l-0.41,1.62l-1.27,1.58l-1.48,-1.07l-0.49,-0.04l-0.16,0.46l0.52,1.58l0.61,0.59l0.03,0.79l-0.95,1.38l-1.21,-1.22l-0.27,-2.27l-0.35,-0.35l-0.42,0.25l-0.48,1.27l0.33,1.41l-0.97,-0.27l-0.48,0.24l0.18,0.5l1.52,0.83l0.1,2.52l0.79,0.51l0.52,3.42l-1.42,1.88l-2.47,0.8l-1.71,1.66l-1.31,0.25l-1.27,1.03l-0.43,0.99l-2.69,1.78l-2.64,3.03l-0.45,2.12l0.45,2.08l0.85,2.38l1.09,1.9l0.04,1.2l1.16,3.06l-0.18,2.69l-0.55,1.43l-0.47,0.21l-0.89,-0.23l-0.49,-1.18l-0.87,-0.56l-2.75,-5.16l0.48,-1.68l-0.72,-1.78l-2.01,-2.38l-1.12,-0.53l-2.72,1.18l-1.47,-1.35l-1.57,-0.68l-2.99,0.31l-2.17,-0.3l-2.0,0.19l-1.15,0.46l-0.19,0.58l0.39,0.63l0.14,1.34l-0.84,-0.2l-0.84,0.46l-1.58,-0.07l-2.08,-1.44l-2.09,0.33l-1.91,-0.62l-3.73,0.84l-2.39,2.07l-2.54,1.22l-1.45,1.41l-0.61,1.38l0.34,3.71l-0.29,0.02l-3.5,-1.33l-1.25,-3.11l-1.44,-1.5l-2.24,-3.56l-1.76,-1.09l-2.27,-0.01l-1.71,2.07l-1.76,-0.69l-1.16,-0.74l-1.52,-2.98l-3.93,-3.16l-4.34,-0.0l-0.4,0.4l-0.0,0.74l-6.5,0.02l-9.02,-3.14l-0.34,-0.71l-5.7,0.49l-0.43,-1.29l-1.62,-1.61l-1.14,-0.38l-0.55,-0.88l-1.28,-0.13l-1.01,-0.77l-2.22,-0.27l-0.43,-0.3l-0.36,-1.58l-2.4,-2.83l-2.01,-3.85l-0.06,-0.9l-2.92,-3.26l-0.33,-2.29l-1.3,-1.66l0.52,-2.37l-0.09,-2.57l-0.78,-2.3l0.95,-2.82l0.61,-5.68l-0.47,-4.27l-1.46,-4.08l3.19,0.79l1.26,2.83l0.69,0.08l0.69,-1.14l-1.1,-4.79l68.76,-0.0l0.4,-0.4l0.14,-0.86ZM32.44,67.52l1.73,1.97l0.55,0.05l0.99,-0.79l3.65,0.24l-0.09,0.62l0.32,0.45l3.83,0.77l2.61,-0.43l5.19,1.4l4.84,0.43l1.89,0.57l3.42,-0.7l6.14,1.87l-0.03,38.06l0.38,0.4l2.39,0.11l2.31,0.98l3.9,3.99l0.55,0.04l2.4,-2.03l2.16,-1.04l1.2,1.71l3.95,3.14l4.09,6.63l4.2,2.29l0.06,1.83l-1.02,1.23l-1.16,-1.08l-2.04,-1.03l-0.67,-2.89l-3.28,-3.03l-1.65,-3.57l-6.35,-0.32l-2.82,-1.01l-5.26,-3.85l-6.77,-2.04l-3.53,0.3l-4.81,-1.69l-3.25,-1.63l-2.78,0.8l-0.28,0.46l0.44,2.21l-3.91,0.96l-2.26,1.27l-2.3,0.65l-0.27,-1.65l1.05,-3.42l2.49,-1.09l0.16,-0.6l-0.69,-0.96l-0.55,-0.1l-3.19,2.12l-1.78,2.56l-3.55,2.61l-0.04,0.61l1.56,1.52l-2.07,2.29l-5.11,2.57l-0.77,1.66l-3.76,1.77l-0.92,1.73l-2.69,1.38l-1.81,-0.22l-6.95,3.32l-3.97,0.91l4.85,-2.5l2.59,-1.86l3.26,-0.52l1.19,-1.4l3.42,-2.1l2.59,-2.27l0.42,-2.68l1.23,-2.1l-0.04,-0.46l-0.45,-0.11l-2.68,1.03l-0.63,-0.49l-0.53,0.03l-1.05,1.04l-1.36,-1.54l-0.66,0.08l-0.32,0.62l-0.58,-1.14l-0.56,-0.16l-2.41,1.42l-1.07,-0.0l-0.17,-1.75l0.3,-1.71l-1.61,-1.33l-3.41,0.59l-1.96,-1.63l-1.57,-0.84l-0.15,-2.21l-1.7,-1.43l0.82,-1.88l1.99,-2.12l0.88,-1.92l1.71,-0.24l2.04,0.51l1.87,-1.77l1.91,0.25l1.91,-1.23l0.17,-0.43l-0.47,-1.82l-1.07,-0.7l1.39,-1.17l0.12,-0.45l-0.39,-0.26l-1.65,0.07l-2.66,0.88l-0.75,0.78l-1.92,-0.8l-3.46,0.44l-3.44,-0.91l-1.06,-1.61l-2.65,-1.99l2.91,-1.43l5.5,-2.0l1.52,0.0l-0.26,1.62l0.41,0.46l5.29,-0.16l0.3,-0.65l-2.03,-2.59l-3.14,-1.68l-1.79,-2.12l-2.4,-1.83l-3.09,-1.24l1.04,-1.69l4.23,-0.14l3.36,-2.07l0.73,-2.27l2.39,-1.99l2.42,-0.52l4.65,-1.97l2.46,0.23l3.71,-2.35l3.5,0.89ZM37.6,123.41l-2.25,1.23l-0.95,-0.69l-0.29,-1.24l3.21,-1.63l1.42,0.21l0.67,0.7l-1.8,1.42ZM31.06,234.03l0.98,0.47l0.74,0.87l-1.77,1.07l-0.44,-1.53l0.49,-0.89ZM29.34,232.07l0.18,0.05l0.08,0.05l-0.16,0.03l-0.11,-0.14ZM25.16,230.17l0.05,-0.03l0.18,0.22l-0.13,-0.01l-0.1,-0.18ZM5.89,113.26l-1.08,0.41l-2.21,-1.12l1.53,-0.4l1.62,0.28l0.14,0.83Z", name: "United States" }, UY: { path: "M286.85,372.74l-0.92,1.5l-2.59,1.44l-1.69,-0.52l-1.42,0.26l-2.39,-1.19l-1.52,0.08l-1.27,-1.3l0.16,-1.5l0.56,-0.79l-0.02,-2.73l1.21,-4.74l1.19,-0.21l2.37,2.0l1.08,0.03l4.36,3.17l1.22,1.6l-0.96,1.5l0.61,1.4Z", name: "Uruguay" }, LB: { path: "M510.37,198.01l-0.88,0.51l1.82,-3.54l0.62,0.08l0.22,0.61l-1.13,0.88l-0.65,1.47Z", name: "Lebanon" }, LA: { path: "M689.54,248.53l-1.76,-0.74l-0.49,0.15l-0.94,1.46l-1.32,-0.64l0.62,-0.98l0.11,-2.17l-2.04,-2.42l-0.25,-2.65l-1.9,-2.1l-2.15,-0.31l-0.78,0.91l-1.12,0.06l-1.05,-0.4l-2.06,1.2l-0.04,-1.59l0.61,-2.68l-0.36,-0.49l-1.35,-0.1l-0.11,-1.23l-0.96,-0.88l1.96,-1.89l0.39,0.36l1.33,0.07l0.42,-0.45l-0.34,-2.66l0.7,-0.21l1.28,1.81l1.11,2.35l0.36,0.23l2.82,0.02l0.71,1.67l-1.39,0.65l-0.72,0.93l0.13,0.6l2.91,1.51l3.6,5.25l1.88,1.78l0.56,1.62l-0.35,1.96Z", name: "Lao PDR" }, TW: { path: "M724.01,226.68l-0.74,1.48l-0.9,-1.52l-0.25,-1.74l1.38,-2.44l1.73,-1.74l0.64,0.44l-1.85,5.52Z", name: "Taiwan" }, TT: { path: "M266.64,259.32l0.28,-1.16l1.13,-0.22l-0.06,1.2l-1.35,0.18Z", name: "Trinidad and Tobago" }, TR: { path: "M513.21,175.47l3.64,1.17l3.05,-0.44l2.1,0.26l3.11,-1.56l2.46,-0.13l2.19,1.33l0.33,0.82l-0.22,1.33l0.25,0.44l2.28,1.13l-1.17,0.57l-0.21,0.45l0.75,3.2l-0.41,1.16l1.13,1.92l-0.55,0.22l-0.9,-0.67l-2.91,-0.37l-1.24,0.46l-4.23,0.41l-2.81,1.05l-1.91,0.01l-1.52,-0.53l-2.58,0.75l-0.66,-0.45l-0.62,0.3l-0.12,1.45l-0.89,0.84l-0.47,-0.67l0.79,-1.3l-0.41,-0.2l-1.43,0.23l-2.0,-0.63l-2.02,1.65l-3.51,0.3l-2.13,-1.53l-2.7,-0.1l-0.86,1.24l-1.38,0.27l-2.29,-1.44l-2.71,-0.01l-1.37,-2.65l-1.68,-1.52l1.07,-1.99l-0.09,-0.49l-1.27,-1.12l2.37,-2.41l3.7,-0.11l1.28,-2.24l4.49,0.37l3.21,-1.97l2.81,-0.82l3.99,-0.06l4.29,2.07ZM488.79,176.72l-1.72,1.31l-0.5,-0.88l1.37,-2.57l-0.7,-0.85l1.7,-0.63l1.8,0.34l0.46,1.17l1.76,0.78l-2.87,0.32l-1.3,1.01Z", name: "Turkey" }, LK: { path: "M624.16,268.99l-1.82,0.48l-0.99,-1.67l-0.42,-3.46l0.95,-3.43l1.21,0.98l2.26,4.19l-0.34,2.33l-0.85,0.58Z", name: "Sri Lanka" }, LV: { path: "M489.16,122.85l0.96,0.66l0.22,1.65l0.68,1.76l-3.65,1.7l-2.23,-1.58l-1.29,-0.26l-0.68,-0.77l-2.42,0.34l-4.16,-0.23l-2.47,0.9l0.06,-1.98l1.13,-2.06l1.95,-1.02l2.12,2.58l2.01,-0.07l0.38,-0.33l0.44,-2.52l1.76,-0.53l3.06,1.7l2.15,0.07Z", name: "Latvia" }, LT: { path: "M486.93,129.3l0.17,1.12l-1.81,0.98l-0.72,2.02l-2.47,1.18l-2.1,-0.02l-0.73,-1.05l-1.06,-0.3l-0.09,-1.87l-3.56,-1.13l-0.43,-2.36l2.48,-0.94l4.12,0.22l2.25,-0.31l0.52,0.69l1.24,0.21l2.19,1.56Z", name: "Lithuania" }, LU: { path: "M436.08,149.45l-0.48,-0.07l0.3,-1.28l0.27,0.4l-0.09,0.96Z", name: "Luxembourg" }, LR: { path: "M399.36,265.97l0.18,1.54l-0.48,0.99l0.08,0.47l2.47,1.8l-0.33,2.8l-2.65,-1.13l-5.78,-4.61l0.58,-1.32l2.1,-2.33l0.86,-0.22l0.77,1.14l-0.14,0.85l0.59,0.87l1.0,0.14l0.76,-0.99Z", name: "Liberia" }, LS: { path: "M491.06,363.48l-0.49,0.15l-1.49,-1.67l1.1,-1.43l2.19,-1.44l1.51,1.27l-0.98,1.82l-1.23,0.38l-0.62,0.93Z", name: "Lesotho" }, TH: { path: "M670.27,255.86l-1.41,3.87l0.15,2.0l0.38,0.36l1.38,0.07l0.9,2.04l0.55,2.34l1.4,1.44l1.61,0.38l0.96,0.97l-0.5,0.64l-1.1,0.2l-0.34,-1.18l-2.04,-1.1l-0.63,0.23l-0.63,-0.62l-0.48,-1.3l-2.56,-2.63l-0.73,0.41l0.95,-3.89l2.16,-4.22ZM670.67,254.77l-0.92,-2.18l-0.26,-2.61l-2.14,-3.06l0.71,-0.49l0.89,-2.59l-3.61,-5.45l0.87,-0.51l1.05,-2.58l1.74,-0.18l2.6,-1.59l0.76,0.56l0.13,1.39l0.37,0.36l1.23,0.09l-0.51,2.28l0.05,2.42l0.6,0.34l2.43,-1.42l0.77,0.39l1.47,-0.07l0.71,-0.88l1.48,0.14l1.71,1.88l0.25,2.65l1.92,2.11l-0.1,1.89l-0.61,0.86l-2.22,-0.33l-3.5,0.64l-1.6,2.12l0.36,2.58l-1.51,-0.79l-1.84,-0.01l0.28,-1.52l-0.4,-0.47l-2.21,0.01l-0.4,0.37l-0.19,2.74l-0.34,0.93Z", name: "Thailand" }, TF: { path: "M596.68,420.38l-3.2,0.18l-0.05,-1.26l0.39,-1.41l1.3,0.78l2.08,0.35l-0.52,1.36Z", name: "Fr. S. Antarctic Lands" }, TG: { path: "M422.7,257.63l-0.09,1.23l1.53,1.52l0.08,1.09l0.5,0.65l-0.11,5.62l0.49,1.47l-1.31,0.35l-1.02,-2.13l-0.18,-1.12l0.53,-2.19l-0.63,-1.16l-0.22,-3.68l-1.01,-1.4l0.07,-0.28l1.37,0.03Z", name: "Togo" }, TD: { path: "M480.25,235.49l0.12,9.57l-2.1,0.05l-1.14,1.89l-0.69,1.63l0.34,0.73l-0.66,0.91l0.24,0.89l-0.86,1.95l0.45,0.5l0.6,-0.1l0.34,0.64l0.03,1.38l0.9,1.04l-1.45,0.43l-1.27,1.03l-1.83,2.76l-2.16,1.07l-2.31,-0.15l-0.86,0.25l-0.26,0.49l0.17,0.61l-2.11,1.68l-2.85,0.87l-1.09,-0.57l-0.73,0.66l-1.12,0.1l-1.1,-3.12l-1.25,-0.64l-1.22,-1.22l0.29,-0.64l3.01,0.04l0.35,-0.6l-1.3,-2.2l-0.08,-3.31l-0.97,-1.66l0.22,-1.04l-0.38,-0.48l-1.22,-0.04l0.0,-1.25l-0.98,-1.07l0.96,-3.01l3.25,-2.65l0.13,-3.33l0.95,-5.18l0.52,-1.07l-0.1,-0.48l-0.91,-0.78l-0.2,-0.96l-0.8,-0.58l-0.55,-3.65l2.1,-1.2l19.57,9.83Z", name: "Chad" }, LY: { path: "M483.48,203.15l-0.75,1.1l0.29,1.39l-0.6,1.83l0.73,2.14l0.0,24.12l-2.48,0.01l-0.41,0.85l-19.41,-9.76l-4.41,2.28l-1.37,-1.33l-3.82,-1.1l-1.14,-1.65l-1.98,-1.23l-1.22,0.32l-0.66,-1.11l-0.17,-1.26l-1.28,-1.69l0.87,-1.19l-0.07,-4.34l0.43,-2.27l-0.86,-3.45l1.13,-0.76l0.22,-1.16l-0.2,-1.03l3.48,-2.61l0.29,-1.94l2.45,0.8l1.18,-0.21l1.98,0.44l3.15,1.18l1.37,2.54l5.72,1.67l2.64,1.35l1.61,-0.72l1.29,-1.34l-0.44,-2.34l0.66,-1.13l1.67,-1.21l1.57,-0.35l3.14,0.53l1.08,1.28l3.99,0.78l0.36,0.54Z", name: "Libya" }, AE: { path: "M550.76,223.97l1.88,-0.4l3.84,0.02l4.78,-4.75l0.19,0.36l0.26,1.58l-0.81,0.01l-0.39,0.35l-0.08,2.04l-0.81,0.63l-0.01,0.96l-0.66,0.99l-0.39,1.41l-7.08,-1.25l-0.7,-1.96Z", name: "United Arab Emirates" }, VE: { path: "M240.68,256.69l0.53,0.75l-0.02,1.06l-1.07,1.78l0.95,2.0l0.42,0.22l1.4,-0.44l0.56,-1.83l-0.77,-1.17l-0.1,-1.47l2.82,-0.93l0.26,-0.49l-0.28,-0.96l0.3,-0.28l0.66,1.31l1.96,0.26l1.4,1.22l0.08,0.68l0.39,0.35l4.81,-0.22l1.49,1.11l1.92,0.31l1.67,-0.84l0.22,-0.6l3.44,-0.14l-0.17,0.55l0.86,1.19l2.19,0.35l1.67,1.1l0.37,1.86l0.41,0.32l1.55,0.17l-1.66,1.35l-0.22,0.92l0.65,0.97l-1.67,0.54l-0.3,0.4l0.04,0.99l-0.56,0.57l-0.01,0.55l1.85,2.27l-0.66,0.69l-4.47,1.29l-0.72,0.54l-3.69,-0.9l-0.71,0.27l-0.02,0.7l0.91,0.53l-0.08,1.54l0.35,1.58l0.35,0.31l1.66,0.17l-1.3,0.52l-0.48,1.13l-2.68,0.91l-0.6,0.77l-1.57,0.13l-1.17,-1.13l-0.8,-2.52l-1.25,-1.26l1.02,-1.23l-1.29,-2.95l0.18,-1.62l1.0,-2.21l-0.2,-0.49l-1.14,-0.46l-4.02,0.36l-1.82,-2.1l-1.57,-0.33l-2.99,0.22l-1.06,-0.97l0.25,-1.23l-0.2,-1.01l-0.59,-0.69l-0.29,-1.06l-1.08,-0.39l0.78,-2.79l1.9,-2.11Z", name: "Venezuela" }, AF: { path: "M600.7,188.88l-1.57,1.3l-0.1,0.48l0.8,2.31l-1.09,1.04l-0.03,1.27l-0.48,0.71l-2.16,-0.08l-0.37,0.59l0.78,1.48l-1.38,0.69l-1.06,1.69l0.06,1.7l-0.65,0.52l-0.91,-0.21l-1.91,0.36l-0.48,0.77l-1.88,0.13l-1.4,1.56l-0.18,2.32l-2.91,1.02l-1.65,-0.23l-0.71,0.55l-1.41,-0.3l-2.41,0.39l-3.52,-1.17l1.96,-2.35l-0.21,-1.78l-0.3,-0.34l-1.63,-0.4l-0.19,-1.58l-0.75,-2.03l0.95,-1.36l-0.19,-0.6l-0.73,-0.28l1.47,-4.8l2.14,0.9l2.12,-0.36l0.74,-1.34l1.77,-0.39l1.54,-0.92l0.63,-2.31l1.87,-0.5l0.49,-0.81l0.94,0.56l2.13,0.11l2.55,0.92l1.95,-0.83l0.65,0.43l0.56,-0.13l0.69,-1.12l1.57,-0.08l0.72,-1.66l0.79,-0.74l0.8,0.39l-0.17,0.56l0.71,0.58l-0.08,2.39l1.11,0.95ZM601.37,188.71l1.73,-0.71l1.43,-1.18l4.03,0.35l-2.23,0.74l-4.95,0.8Z", name: "Afghanistan" }, IQ: { path: "M530.82,187.47l0.79,0.66l1.26,-0.28l1.46,3.08l1.63,0.94l0.14,1.23l-1.22,1.05l-0.53,2.52l1.73,2.67l3.12,1.62l1.15,1.88l-0.38,1.85l0.39,0.48l0.41,-0.0l0.02,1.07l0.76,0.94l-2.47,-0.1l-1.71,2.44l-4.31,-0.2l-7.02,-5.48l-3.73,-1.94l-2.88,-0.73l-0.85,-2.87l5.45,-3.02l0.95,-3.43l-0.19,-1.96l1.27,-0.7l1.22,-1.7l0.87,-0.36l2.69,0.34Z", name: "Iraq" }, IS: { path: "M384.14,88.06l-0.37,2.61l2.54,2.51l-2.9,2.75l-9.19,3.4l-9.25,-1.66l1.7,-1.22l-0.1,-0.7l-4.05,-1.47l2.96,-0.53l0.33,-0.43l-0.11,-1.2l-0.33,-0.36l-4.67,-0.85l1.28,-2.04l3.45,-0.56l3.77,2.72l0.44,0.02l3.64,-2.16l3.3,1.08l3.98,-2.16l3.58,0.26Z", name: "Iceland" }, IR: { path: "M533.43,187.16l-1.27,-2.15l0.42,-0.98l-0.71,-3.04l1.03,-0.5l0.33,0.83l1.26,1.35l2.05,0.51l1.11,-0.16l2.89,-2.11l0.62,-0.14l0.39,0.46l-0.72,1.2l0.06,0.49l1.56,1.53l0.65,0.04l0.67,1.81l2.56,0.83l1.87,1.48l3.69,0.49l3.91,-0.76l0.47,-0.73l2.17,-0.6l1.66,-1.54l1.51,0.08l1.18,-0.53l1.59,0.24l2.83,1.48l1.88,0.3l2.77,2.47l1.77,0.18l0.18,1.99l-1.68,5.49l0.24,0.5l0.61,0.23l-0.82,1.48l0.8,2.18l0.19,1.71l0.3,0.34l1.63,0.4l0.15,1.32l-2.15,2.35l-0.01,0.53l2.21,3.03l2.34,1.24l0.06,2.14l1.24,0.72l0.11,0.69l-3.31,1.27l-1.08,3.03l-9.68,-1.68l-0.99,-3.05l-1.43,-0.73l-2.17,0.46l-2.47,1.26l-2.83,-0.82l-2.46,-2.02l-2.41,-0.8l-3.42,-6.06l-0.48,-0.2l-1.18,0.39l-1.44,-0.82l-0.5,0.08l-0.65,0.74l-0.97,-1.01l-0.02,-1.31l-0.71,-0.39l0.26,-1.81l-1.29,-2.11l-3.13,-1.63l-1.58,-2.43l0.5,-1.9l1.31,-1.26l-0.19,-1.66l-1.74,-1.1l-1.57,-3.3Z", name: "Iran" }, AM: { path: "M536.99,182.33l-0.28,0.03l-1.23,-2.13l-0.93,0.01l-0.62,-0.66l-0.69,-0.07l-0.96,-0.81l-1.56,-0.62l0.19,-1.12l-0.26,-0.79l2.72,-0.36l1.09,1.01l-0.17,0.92l1.02,0.78l-0.47,0.62l0.08,0.56l2.04,1.23l0.04,1.4Z", name: "Armenia" }, AL: { path: "M470.32,171.8l0.74,0.03l0.92,0.89l-0.17,1.95l0.36,1.28l1.01,0.82l-1.82,2.83l-0.19,-0.61l-1.25,-0.89l-0.18,-1.2l0.53,-2.82l-0.54,-1.47l0.6,-0.83Z", name: "Albania" }, AO: { path: "M461.55,300.03l1.26,3.15l1.94,2.36l2.47,-0.53l1.25,0.32l0.44,-0.18l0.93,-1.92l1.31,-0.08l0.41,-0.44l0.47,-0.0l-0.1,0.41l0.39,0.49l2.65,-0.02l0.03,1.19l0.48,1.01l-0.34,1.52l0.18,1.55l0.83,1.04l-0.13,2.85l0.54,0.39l3.96,-0.41l-0.1,1.79l0.39,1.05l-0.24,1.43l-4.7,-0.03l-0.4,0.39l-0.12,8.13l2.92,3.49l-3.83,0.88l-5.89,-0.36l-1.88,-1.24l-10.47,0.22l-1.3,-1.01l-1.85,-0.16l-2.4,0.77l-0.15,-1.06l0.33,-2.16l1.0,-3.45l1.35,-3.2l2.24,-2.8l0.33,-2.06l-0.13,-1.53l-0.8,-1.08l-1.21,-2.87l0.87,-1.62l-1.27,-4.12l-1.17,-1.53l2.47,-0.63l7.03,0.03ZM451.71,298.87l-0.47,-1.25l1.25,-1.11l0.32,0.3l-0.99,1.03l-0.12,1.03Z", name: "Angola" }, AR: { path: "M249.29,428.93l-2.33,-0.52l-5.83,-0.43l-0.89,-1.66l0.05,-2.37l-0.45,-0.4l-1.43,0.18l-0.67,-0.91l-0.2,-3.13l1.88,-1.47l0.79,-2.04l-0.25,-1.7l1.3,-2.68l0.91,-4.15l-0.22,-1.69l0.85,-0.45l0.2,-0.44l-0.27,-1.16l-0.98,-0.68l0.59,-0.92l-0.05,-0.5l-1.04,-1.07l-0.52,-3.1l0.97,-0.86l-0.42,-3.58l1.2,-5.43l1.38,-0.98l0.16,-0.43l-0.75,-2.79l-0.01,-2.43l1.78,-1.75l0.06,-2.57l1.43,-2.85l0.01,-2.58l-0.69,-0.74l-1.09,-4.52l1.47,-2.7l-0.18,-2.79l0.85,-2.35l1.59,-2.46l1.73,-1.64l0.05,-0.52l-0.6,-0.84l0.44,-0.85l-0.07,-4.19l2.7,-1.44l0.86,-2.75l-0.21,-0.71l1.76,-2.01l2.9,0.57l1.38,1.78l0.68,-0.08l0.87,-1.87l2.39,0.09l4.95,4.77l2.17,0.49l3.0,1.92l2.47,1.0l0.25,0.82l-2.37,3.93l0.23,0.59l5.39,1.16l2.12,-0.44l2.45,-2.16l0.5,-2.38l0.76,-0.31l0.98,1.2l-0.04,1.8l-3.67,2.51l-2.85,2.66l-3.43,3.88l-1.3,5.07l0.01,2.72l-0.54,0.73l-0.36,3.28l3.14,2.64l-0.16,2.11l1.4,1.11l-0.1,1.09l-2.29,3.52l-3.55,1.49l-4.92,0.6l-2.71,-0.29l-0.43,0.51l0.5,1.65l-0.49,2.1l0.38,1.42l-1.19,0.83l-2.36,0.38l-2.3,-1.04l-1.38,0.83l0.41,3.64l1.69,0.91l1.4,-0.71l0.36,0.76l-2.04,0.86l-2.01,1.89l-0.97,4.63l-2.34,0.1l-2.09,1.78l-0.61,2.75l2.46,2.31l2.17,0.63l-0.7,2.32l-2.83,1.73l-1.73,3.86l-2.17,1.22l-1.16,1.67l0.75,3.76l1.04,1.28ZM256.71,438.88l-2.0,0.15l-1.4,-1.22l-3.82,-0.1l-0.0,-5.83l1.6,3.05l3.26,2.07l3.08,0.78l-0.71,1.1Z", name: "Argentina" }, AU: { path: "M705.8,353.26l0.26,0.04l0.17,-0.47l-0.48,-1.42l0.92,1.11l0.45,0.15l0.27,-0.39l-0.1,-1.56l-1.98,-3.63l1.09,-3.31l-0.24,-1.57l0.34,-0.62l0.38,1.06l0.43,-0.19l0.99,-1.7l1.91,-0.83l1.29,-1.15l1.81,-0.91l0.96,-0.17l0.92,0.26l1.92,-0.95l1.47,-0.28l1.03,-0.8l1.43,0.04l2.78,-0.84l1.36,-1.15l0.71,-1.45l1.41,-1.26l0.3,-2.58l1.27,-1.59l0.78,1.65l0.54,0.19l1.07,-0.51l0.15,-0.6l-0.73,-1.0l0.45,-0.71l0.78,0.39l0.58,-0.3l0.28,-1.82l1.87,-2.14l1.12,-0.39l0.28,-0.58l0.62,0.17l0.53,-0.73l1.87,-0.57l1.65,1.05l1.35,1.48l3.39,0.38l0.43,-0.54l-0.46,-1.23l1.05,-1.79l1.04,-0.61l0.14,-0.55l-0.25,-0.41l0.88,-1.17l1.31,-0.77l1.3,0.27l2.1,-0.48l0.31,-0.4l-0.05,-1.3l-0.92,-0.77l1.48,0.56l1.41,1.07l2.11,0.65l0.81,-0.2l1.4,0.7l1.69,-0.66l0.8,0.19l0.64,-0.33l0.71,0.77l-1.33,1.94l-0.71,0.07l-0.35,0.51l0.24,0.86l-1.52,2.35l0.12,1.05l2.15,1.65l1.97,0.85l3.04,2.36l1.97,0.65l0.55,0.88l2.72,0.85l1.84,-1.1l2.07,-5.97l-0.42,-3.59l0.3,-1.73l0.47,-0.87l-0.31,-0.68l1.09,-3.28l0.46,-0.47l0.4,0.71l0.16,1.51l0.65,0.52l0.16,1.04l0.85,1.21l0.12,2.38l0.9,2.0l0.57,0.18l1.3,-0.78l1.69,1.7l-0.2,1.08l0.53,2.2l0.39,1.3l0.68,0.48l0.6,1.95l-0.19,1.48l0.81,1.76l6.01,3.69l-0.11,0.76l1.38,1.58l0.95,2.77l0.58,0.22l0.72,-0.41l0.8,0.9l0.61,0.01l0.46,2.41l4.81,4.71l0.66,2.02l-0.07,3.31l1.14,2.2l-0.13,2.24l-1.1,3.68l0.03,1.64l-0.47,1.89l-1.05,2.4l-1.9,1.47l-1.72,3.51l-2.38,6.09l-0.24,2.82l-1.14,0.8l-2.85,0.15l-2.31,1.19l-2.51,2.25l-3.09,-1.57l0.3,-1.15l-0.54,-0.47l-1.5,0.63l-2.01,1.94l-7.12,-2.18l-1.48,-1.63l-1.14,-3.74l-1.45,-1.26l-1.81,-0.26l0.56,-1.18l-0.61,-2.1l-0.72,-0.1l-1.14,1.82l-0.9,0.21l0.63,-0.82l0.36,-1.55l0.92,-1.31l-0.13,-2.34l-0.7,-0.22l-2.0,2.34l-1.51,0.93l-0.94,2.01l-1.35,-0.81l-0.02,-1.52l-1.57,-2.04l-1.09,-0.88l0.24,-0.33l-0.14,-0.59l-3.21,-1.69l-1.83,-0.12l-2.54,-1.35l-4.58,0.28l-6.02,1.9l-2.53,-0.13l-2.62,1.41l-2.13,0.63l-1.49,2.6l-3.49,0.31l-2.29,-0.5l-3.48,0.43l-1.6,1.47l-0.81,-0.04l-2.37,1.63l-3.26,-0.1l-3.72,-2.21l0.04,-1.05l1.19,-0.46l0.49,-0.89l0.21,-2.97l-0.28,-1.64l-1.34,-2.86l-0.38,-1.47l0.05,-1.72l-0.95,-1.7l-0.18,-0.97l-1.01,-0.99l-0.29,-1.98l-1.13,-1.75ZM784.92,393.44l2.65,1.02l3.23,-0.96l1.09,0.14l0.15,3.06l-0.85,1.13l-0.17,1.63l-0.87,-0.24l-1.57,1.91l-1.68,-0.18l-1.4,-2.36l-0.37,-2.04l-1.39,-2.51l0.04,-0.8l1.15,0.18Z", name: "Australia" }, AT: { path: "M462.89,152.8l0.04,2.25l-1.07,0.0l-0.33,0.63l0.36,0.51l-1.04,2.13l-2.02,0.07l-1.33,0.7l-5.29,-0.99l-0.47,-0.93l-0.44,-0.21l-2.47,0.55l-0.42,0.51l-3.18,-0.81l0.43,-0.91l1.12,0.78l0.6,-0.17l0.25,-0.58l1.93,0.12l1.86,-0.56l1.0,0.08l0.68,0.57l0.62,-0.15l0.26,-0.77l-0.3,-1.78l0.8,-0.44l0.68,-1.15l1.52,0.85l0.47,-0.06l1.34,-1.25l0.64,-0.17l1.81,0.92l1.28,-0.11l0.7,0.37Z", name: "Austria" }, IN: { path: "M623.34,207.03l-1.24,1.04l-0.97,2.55l0.22,0.51l8.04,3.87l3.42,0.37l1.57,1.38l4.92,0.88l2.18,-0.04l0.38,-0.3l0.29,-1.24l-0.32,-1.64l0.14,-0.87l0.82,-0.31l0.45,2.48l2.28,1.02l1.77,-0.38l4.14,0.1l0.38,-0.36l0.18,-1.66l-0.5,-0.65l1.37,-0.29l2.25,-1.99l2.7,-1.62l1.93,0.62l1.8,-0.98l0.79,1.14l-0.68,0.91l0.26,0.63l2.42,0.36l0.09,0.47l-0.83,0.75l0.13,1.07l-1.52,-0.29l-3.24,1.86l-0.13,1.78l-1.32,2.14l-0.18,1.39l-0.93,1.82l-1.64,-0.5l-0.52,0.37l-0.09,2.63l-0.56,1.11l0.19,0.81l-0.53,0.27l-1.18,-3.73l-1.08,-0.27l-0.38,0.31l-0.24,1.0l-0.66,-0.66l0.54,-1.06l1.22,-0.34l1.15,-2.25l-0.24,-0.56l-1.57,-0.47l-4.34,-0.28l-0.18,-1.56l-0.35,-0.35l-1.11,-0.12l-1.91,-1.12l-0.56,0.17l-0.88,1.82l0.11,0.49l1.36,1.07l-1.09,0.69l-0.69,1.11l0.18,0.56l1.24,0.57l-0.32,1.54l0.85,1.94l0.36,2.01l-0.22,0.59l-4.58,0.52l-0.33,0.42l0.13,1.8l-1.17,1.36l-3.65,1.81l-2.79,3.03l-4.32,3.28l-0.18,1.27l-4.65,1.79l-0.77,2.16l0.64,5.3l-1.06,2.49l-0.01,3.94l-1.24,0.28l-1.14,1.93l0.39,0.84l-1.68,0.53l-1.04,1.83l-0.65,0.47l-2.06,-2.05l-2.1,-6.02l-2.2,-3.64l-1.05,-4.75l-2.29,-3.57l-1.76,-8.2l0.01,-3.11l-0.49,-2.53l-0.55,-0.29l-3.53,1.52l-1.53,-0.27l-2.86,-2.77l0.85,-0.67l0.08,-0.55l-0.74,-1.03l-2.67,-2.06l1.24,-1.32l5.34,0.01l0.39,-0.49l-0.5,-2.29l-1.42,-1.46l-0.27,-1.93l-1.43,-1.2l2.31,-2.37l3.05,0.06l2.62,-2.85l1.6,-2.81l2.4,-2.73l0.07,-2.04l1.97,-1.48l-0.02,-0.65l-1.93,-1.31l-0.82,-1.78l-0.8,-2.21l0.9,-0.89l3.59,0.65l2.92,-0.42l2.33,-2.19l2.31,2.85l-0.24,2.13l0.99,1.59l-0.05,0.82l-1.34,-0.28l-0.47,0.48l0.7,3.06l2.62,1.99l2.99,1.65Z", name: "India" }, TZ: { path: "M495.56,296.42l2.8,-3.12l-0.02,-0.81l-0.64,-1.3l0.68,-0.52l0.14,-1.47l-0.76,-1.25l0.31,-0.11l2.26,0.03l-0.51,2.76l0.76,1.3l0.5,0.12l1.05,-0.53l1.19,-0.12l0.61,0.24l1.43,-0.62l0.1,-0.67l-0.71,-0.62l1.57,-1.7l8.65,4.86l0.32,1.53l3.34,2.33l-1.05,2.8l0.13,1.61l1.63,1.12l-0.6,1.76l-0.01,2.33l1.89,4.03l0.57,0.43l-1.46,1.08l-2.61,0.94l-1.43,-0.04l-1.06,0.77l-2.29,0.36l-2.87,-0.68l-0.83,0.07l-0.63,-0.75l-0.31,-2.78l-1.32,-1.35l-3.25,-0.77l-3.96,-1.58l-1.18,-2.41l-0.32,-1.75l-1.76,-1.49l0.42,-1.05l-0.44,-0.89l0.08,-0.96l-0.46,-0.58l0.06,-0.56Z", name: "Tanzania" }, AZ: { path: "M539.29,175.73l1.33,0.32l1.94,-1.8l2.3,3.34l1.43,0.43l-1.26,0.15l-0.35,0.32l-0.8,3.14l-0.99,0.96l0.05,1.11l-1.26,-1.13l0.7,-1.18l-0.04,-0.47l-0.74,-0.86l-1.48,0.15l-2.34,1.71l-0.03,-1.27l-2.03,-1.35l0.47,-0.62l-0.08,-0.56l-1.03,-0.79l0.29,-0.43l-0.14,-0.58l-1.13,-0.86l1.89,0.68l1.69,0.06l0.37,-0.87l-0.81,-1.37l0.42,0.06l1.63,1.72ZM533.78,180.57l0.61,0.46l0.69,-0.0l0.59,1.15l-0.68,-0.15l-1.21,-1.45Z", name: "Azerbaijan" }, IE: { path: "M405.08,135.42l0.35,2.06l-1.75,2.78l-4.22,1.88l-2.84,-0.4l1.73,-3.0l-1.18,-3.53l4.6,-3.74l0.32,1.15l-0.49,1.74l0.4,0.51l1.47,-0.04l1.6,0.6Z", name: "Ireland" }, ID: { path: "M756.47,287.89l0.69,4.01l2.79,1.78l0.51,-0.1l2.04,-2.59l2.71,-1.43l2.05,-0.0l3.9,1.73l2.46,0.45l0.08,15.12l-1.75,-1.54l-2.54,-0.51l-0.88,0.71l-2.32,0.06l0.69,-1.33l1.45,-0.64l0.23,-0.46l-0.65,-2.74l-1.24,-2.21l-5.04,-2.29l-2.09,-0.23l-3.68,-2.27l-0.55,0.13l-0.65,1.07l-0.52,0.12l-0.55,-1.89l-1.21,-0.78l1.84,-0.62l1.72,0.05l0.39,-0.52l-0.21,-0.66l-0.38,-0.28l-3.45,-0.0l-1.13,-1.48l-2.1,-0.43l-0.52,-0.6l2.69,-0.48l1.28,-0.78l3.66,0.94l0.3,0.71ZM757.91,300.34l-0.62,0.82l-0.1,-0.8l0.59,-1.12l0.13,1.1ZM747.38,292.98l0.34,0.72l-1.22,-0.57l-4.68,-0.1l0.27,-0.62l2.78,-0.09l2.52,0.67ZM741.05,285.25l-0.67,-2.88l0.64,-2.01l0.41,0.86l1.21,0.18l0.16,0.7l-0.1,1.68l-0.84,-0.16l-0.46,0.3l-0.34,1.34ZM739.05,293.5l-0.5,0.44l-1.34,-0.36l-0.17,-0.37l1.73,-0.08l0.27,0.36ZM721.45,284.51l-0.19,1.97l2.24,2.23l0.54,0.02l1.27,-1.07l2.75,-0.5l-0.9,1.21l-2.11,0.93l-0.16,0.6l2.22,3.01l-0.3,1.07l1.36,1.74l-2.26,0.85l-0.28,-0.31l0.12,-1.19l-1.64,-1.34l0.17,-2.23l-0.56,-0.39l-1.67,0.76l-0.23,0.39l0.3,6.17l-1.1,0.25l-0.69,-0.47l0.64,-2.21l-0.39,-2.42l-0.39,-0.34l-0.8,-0.01l-0.58,-1.29l0.98,-1.6l0.35,-1.96l1.32,-3.87ZM728.59,296.27l0.38,0.49l-0.02,1.28l-0.88,0.49l-0.53,-0.47l1.04,-1.79ZM729.04,286.98l0.27,-0.05l-0.02,0.13l-0.24,-0.08ZM721.68,284.05l0.16,-0.32l1.89,-1.65l1.83,0.68l3.16,0.35l2.94,-0.1l2.39,-1.66l-1.73,2.13l-1.66,0.43l-2.41,-0.48l-4.17,0.13l-2.39,0.51ZM730.55,310.47l1.11,-1.93l2.03,-0.82l0.08,0.62l-1.45,1.67l-1.77,0.46ZM728.12,305.88l-0.1,0.38l-3.46,0.66l-2.91,-0.27l-0.0,-0.25l1.54,-0.41l1.66,0.73l1.67,-0.19l1.61,-0.65ZM722.9,310.24l-0.64,0.03l-2.26,-1.2l1.11,-0.24l1.78,1.41ZM716.26,305.77l0.88,0.51l1.28,-0.17l0.2,0.35l-4.65,0.73l0.39,-0.67l1.15,-0.02l0.75,-0.73ZM711.66,293.84l-0.38,-0.16l-2.54,1.01l-1.12,-1.44l-1.69,-0.13l-1.16,-0.75l-3.04,0.77l-1.1,-1.15l-3.31,-0.11l-0.35,-3.05l-1.35,-0.95l-1.11,-1.98l-0.33,-2.06l0.27,-2.14l0.9,-1.01l0.37,1.15l2.09,1.49l1.53,-0.48l1.82,0.08l1.38,-1.19l1.0,-0.18l2.28,0.67l2.26,-0.53l1.52,-3.64l1.01,-0.99l0.78,-2.57l4.1,0.3l-1.11,1.77l0.02,0.46l1.7,2.2l-0.23,1.39l2.07,1.71l-2.33,0.42l-0.88,1.9l0.1,2.05l-2.4,1.9l-0.06,2.45l-0.7,2.79ZM692.58,302.03l0.35,0.26l4.8,0.25l0.78,-0.97l4.17,1.09l1.13,1.68l3.69,0.45l2.13,1.04l-1.8,0.6l-2.77,-0.99l-4.8,-0.12l-5.24,-1.41l-1.84,-0.25l-1.11,0.3l-4.26,-0.97l-0.7,-1.14l-1.59,-0.13l1.18,-1.65l2.74,0.13l2.87,1.13l0.26,0.68ZM685.53,299.17l-2.22,0.04l-2.06,-2.03l-3.15,-2.01l-2.93,-3.51l-3.11,-5.33l-2.2,-2.12l-1.64,-4.06l-2.32,-1.69l-1.27,-2.07l-1.96,-1.5l-2.51,-2.65l-0.11,-0.66l4.81,0.53l2.15,2.38l3.31,2.74l2.35,2.66l2.7,0.17l1.95,1.59l1.54,2.17l1.59,0.95l-0.84,1.71l0.15,0.52l1.44,0.87l0.79,0.1l0.4,1.58l0.87,1.4l1.96,0.39l1.0,1.31l-0.6,3.01l-0.09,3.5Z", name: "Indonesia" }, UA: { path: "M492.5,162.44l1.28,-2.49l1.82,0.19l0.66,-0.23l0.09,-0.71l-0.25,-0.75l-0.79,-0.72l-0.33,-1.21l-0.86,-0.62l-0.02,-1.19l-1.13,-0.86l-1.15,-0.19l-2.04,-1.0l-1.66,0.32l-0.66,0.47l-0.92,-0.0l-0.84,0.78l-2.48,0.7l-1.18,-0.71l-3.07,-0.36l-0.89,0.43l-0.24,-0.55l-1.11,-0.7l0.35,-0.93l1.26,-1.02l-0.54,-1.23l2.04,-2.43l1.4,-0.62l0.25,-1.19l-1.04,-2.39l0.83,-0.13l1.28,-0.84l1.8,-0.07l2.47,0.26l2.86,0.81l1.88,0.06l0.86,0.44l1.04,-0.41l0.77,0.66l2.18,-0.15l0.92,0.3l0.52,-0.34l0.15,-1.53l0.56,-0.54l2.85,-0.05l0.84,-0.72l3.04,-0.18l1.23,1.46l-0.48,0.77l0.21,1.03l0.36,0.32l1.8,0.14l0.93,2.08l3.18,1.15l1.94,-0.45l1.67,1.49l1.4,-0.03l3.35,0.96l0.02,0.54l-0.96,1.59l0.47,1.97l-0.26,0.7l-2.36,0.28l-1.29,0.89l-0.23,1.38l-1.83,0.27l-1.58,0.97l-2.41,0.21l-2.16,1.17l-0.21,0.38l0.34,2.26l1.23,0.75l2.13,-0.08l-0.14,0.31l-2.65,0.53l-3.23,1.69l-0.87,-0.39l0.42,-1.1l-0.25,-0.52l-2.21,-0.73l2.35,-1.06l0.12,-0.65l-0.93,-0.82l-3.62,-0.74l-0.13,-0.89l-0.46,-0.34l-2.61,0.59l-0.91,1.69l-1.71,2.04l-0.86,-0.4l-1.62,0.27Z", name: "Ukraine" }, QA: { path: "M549.33,221.64l-0.76,-0.23l-0.14,-1.64l0.84,-1.29l0.47,0.52l0.04,1.34l-0.45,1.3Z", name: "Qatar" }, MZ: { path: "M508.58,318.75l-0.34,-2.57l0.51,-2.05l3.55,0.63l2.5,-0.38l1.02,-0.76l1.49,0.01l2.74,-0.98l1.66,-1.2l0.5,9.24l0.41,1.23l-0.68,1.67l-0.93,1.71l-1.5,1.5l-5.16,2.28l-2.78,2.73l-1.02,0.53l-1.71,1.8l-0.98,0.57l-0.35,2.41l1.16,1.94l0.49,2.17l0.43,0.31l-0.06,2.06l-0.39,1.17l0.5,0.72l-0.25,0.73l-0.92,0.83l-5.12,2.39l-1.22,1.36l0.21,1.13l0.58,0.39l-0.11,0.72l-1.22,-0.01l-0.73,-2.97l0.42,-3.09l-1.78,-5.37l2.49,-2.81l0.69,-1.89l0.44,-0.43l0.28,-1.53l-0.39,-0.93l0.59,-3.65l-0.01,-3.26l-1.49,-1.16l-1.2,-0.22l-1.74,-1.17l-1.92,0.01l-0.29,-2.08l7.06,-1.96l1.28,1.09l0.89,-0.1l0.67,0.44l0.1,0.73l-0.51,1.29l0.19,1.81l1.75,1.83l0.65,-0.13l0.71,-1.65l1.17,-0.86l-0.26,-3.47l-1.05,-1.85l-1.04,-0.94Z", name: "Mozambique" } }, height: 440.7063107441331, projection: { type: "mill", centralMeridian: 11.5 }, width: 900 }) }).call(this, n(1)) }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; n.r(t); var i = n(5), r = n.n(i), a = (n(205), function () { return Math.round(100 * Math.random()) }), o = r.a.helpers.color, l = (o(window.chartColors.red).alpha(.5).rgbString(), window.chartColors.red, a(), a(), a(), a(), a(), a(), a(), o(window.chartColors.blue).alpha(.5).rgbString(), window.chartColors.blue, a(), a(), a(), a(), a(), a(), a()), s = { type: "pie", data: { datasets: [{ data: [a(), a(), a(), a(), a()], backgroundColor: [window.chartColors.red, window.chartColors.orange, window.chartColors.yellow, window.chartColors.green, window.chartColors.blue], label: "Dataset 1" }], labels: ["Red", "Orange", "Yellow", "Green", "Blue"] }, options: { responsive: !0 } }, d = (l = { labels: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July"], datasets: [{ label: "Dataset 1", backgroundColor: window.chartColors.red, data: [a(), a(), a(), a(), a(), a(), a()] }, { label: "Dataset 2", backgroundColor: window.chartColors.blue, data: [a(), a(), a(), a(), a(), a(), a()] }, { label: "Dataset 3", backgroundColor: window.chartColors.green, data: [a(), a(), a(), a(), a(), a(), a()] }] }, { type: "radar", data: { labels: {interest_categories}, datasets: [{ label: "{user_name}", backgroundColor: o(window.chartColors.yellow).alpha(.2).rgbString(), borderColor: window.chartColors.yellow, pointBackgroundColor: window.chartColors.yellow, data: {interest_count} }] }, options: { legend: { position: "top" }, title: { display: !1, text: "Chart.js Radar Chart" }, scale: { ticks: { beginAtZero: !0 } } } }), u = { type: "doughnut", data: { datasets: [{ data: [a(), a(), a(), a(), a()], backgroundColor: [window.chartColors.red, window.chartColors.orange, window.chartColors.yellow, window.chartColors.green, window.chartColors.blue], label: "Dataset 1" }], labels: ["Red", "Orange", "Yellow", "Green", "Blue"] }, options: { responsive: !0, legend: { position: "top" }, title: { display: !1, text: "Chart.js Doughnut Chart" }, animation: { animateScale: !0, animateRotate: !0 } } }, c = { type: "doughnut", data: { datasets: [{ data: [a(), a(), a(), a(), a()], backgroundColor: [window.chartColors.red, window.chartColors.orange, window.chartColors.yellow, window.chartColors.green, window.chartColors.blue], label: "Dataset 1" }], labels: ["Red", "Orange", "Yellow", "Green", "Blue"] }, options: { responsive: !0, maintainAspectRatio: !1, legend: { display: !1 }, title: { display: !1, text: "Chart.js Doughnut Chart" }, animation: { animateScale: !0, animateRotate: !0 } } }, h = { data: { datasets: [{ data: [a(), a(), a(), a(), a()], backgroundColor: [o(chartColors.red).alpha(.5).rgbString(), o(chartColors.orange).alpha(.5).rgbString(), o(chartColors.yellow).alpha(.5).rgbString(), o(chartColors.green).alpha(.5).rgbString(), o(chartColors.blue).alpha(.5).rgbString()], label: "My dataset" }], labels: ["Red", "Orange", "Yellow", "Green", "Blue"] }, options: { responsive: !0, legend: { position: "right" }, title: { display: !1, text: "Chart.js Polar Area Chart" }, scale: { ticks: { beginAtZero: !0 }, reverse: !1 }, animation: { animateRotate: !1, animateScale: !0 } } }, p = { type: "line", data: { labels: {month_list}, datasets: [{ label: "Messages", backgroundColor: window.chartColors.purple, borderColor: window.chartColors.purple, data: {monthly_messages}, fill: !1 }, { label: "Posts", fill: !1, backgroundColor: window.chartColors.green, borderColor: window.chartColors.green, data: {monthly_posts} }, { label: "Photos", fill: !1, backgroundColor: window.chartColors.blue, borderColor: window.chartColors.blue, data: {monthly_photos} }] }, options: { responsive: !0, maintainAspectRatio: !1, title: { display: !1, text: "Chart.js Line Chart" }, legend: { display: !1 }, layout: { padding: { left: 10, right: 10, top: 10, bottom: 0 } }, tooltips: { mode: "index", intersect: !1 }, hover: { mode: "nearest", intersect: !0 }, pointBackgroundColor: "#fff", pointBorderColor: window.chartColors.blue, pointBorderWidth: "2", scales: { xAxes: [{ display: !1, scaleLabel: { display: !0, labelString: "Month" } }], yAxes: [{ display: !1, scaleLabel: { display: !0, labelString: "Value" } }] } } }, f = { labels: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July"], datasets: [{ label: "Dataset 1", backgroundColor: o(window.chartColors.red).alpha(.5).rgbString(), borderColor: window.chartColors.red, borderWidth: 1, data: [a(), a(), a(), a(), a(), a(), a()] }, { label: "Dataset 2", backgroundColor: o(window.chartColors.blue).alpha(.5).rgbString(), borderColor: window.chartColors.blue, data: [a(), a(), a(), a(), a(), a(), a()] }] }; window.onload = function () { if (document.getElementById("canvas")) { var e = document.getElementById("canvas").getContext("2d"); window.myBar = new r.a(e, { type: "bar", data: l, options: { responsive: !0, legend: { position: "top" }, title: { display: !1, text: "Chart.js Bar Chart" } } }) } if (document.getElementById("chart-area")) { var t = document.getElementById("chart-area").getContext("2d"); window.myPie = new r.a(t, s) } if (document.getElementById("doughnut-chart")) { var n = document.getElementById("doughnut-chart").getContext("2d"); window.myDoughnut = new r.a(n, u) } if (document.getElementById("doughnut-chart-2")) { var i = document.getElementById("doughnut-chart-2").getContext("2d"); window.myDoughnut = new r.a(i, c) } if (document.getElementById("doughnut-chart-3")) { var a = document.getElementById("doughnut-chart-3").getContext("2d"); window.myDoughnut = new r.a(a, c) } if (document.getElementById("radar-chart") && (window.myRadar = new r.a(document.getElementById("radar-chart"), d)), document.getElementById("polar-chart")) { var o = document.getElementById("polar-chart"); window.myPolarArea = r.a.PolarArea(o, h) } if (document.getElementById("line-chart")) { var m = document.getElementById("line-chart").getContext("2d"); window.myLine = new r.a(m, p) } if (document.getElementById("chart-horiz-bar")) { var g = document.getElementById("chart-horiz-bar").getContext("2d"); window.myHorizontalBar = new r.a(g, { type: "horizontalBar", data: f, options: { elements: { rectangle: { borderWidth: 2 } }, responsive: !0, legend: { position: "right" }, title: { display: !1, text: "Chart.js Horizontal Bar Chart" } } }) } if (document.getElementById("stacked-bars-chart")) { var _ = document.getElementById("stacked-bars-chart").getContext("2d"); window.myBar = new r.a(_, { type: "bar", data: l, options: { title: { display: !0, text: "Chart.js Bar Chart - Stacked" }, tooltips: { mode: "index", intersect: !1 }, responsive: !0, scales: { xAxes: [{ stacked: !0 }], yAxes: [{ stacked: !0 }] } } }) } } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; n(3)._set("global", { responsive: !0, responsiveAnimationDuration: 0, maintainAspectRatio: !0, events: ["mousemove", "mouseout", "click", "touchstart", "touchmove"], hover: { onHover: null, mode: "nearest", intersect: !0, animationDuration: 400 }, onClick: null, defaultColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.1)", defaultFontColor: "#666", defaultFontFamily: "'Helvetica Neue', 'Helvetica', 'Arial', sans-serif", defaultFontSize: 12, defaultFontStyle: "normal", showLines: !0, elements: {}, layout: { padding: { top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0 } } }), e.exports = function () { var e = function (e, t) { return this.construct(e, t), this }; return e.Chart = e, e } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(12), r = { linear: function (e) { return e }, easeInQuad: function (e) { return e * e }, easeOutQuad: function (e) { return -e * (e - 2) }, easeInOutQuad: function (e) { return (e /= .5) < 1 ? .5 * e * e : -.5 * (--e * (e - 2) - 1) }, easeInCubic: function (e) { return e * e * e }, easeOutCubic: function (e) { return (e -= 1) * e * e + 1 }, easeInOutCubic: function (e) { return (e /= .5) < 1 ? .5 * e * e * e : .5 * ((e -= 2) * e * e + 2) }, easeInQuart: function (e) { return e * e * e * e }, easeOutQuart: function (e) { return -((e -= 1) * e * e * e - 1) }, easeInOutQuart: function (e) { return (e /= .5) < 1 ? .5 * e * e * e * e : -.5 * ((e -= 2) * e * e * e - 2) }, easeInQuint: function (e) { return e * e * e * e * e }, easeOutQuint: function (e) { return (e -= 1) * e * e * e * e + 1 }, easeInOutQuint: function (e) { return (e /= .5) < 1 ? .5 * e * e * e * e * e : .5 * ((e -= 2) * e * e * e * e + 2) }, easeInSine: function (e) { return 1 - Math.cos(e * (Math.PI / 2)) }, easeOutSine: function (e) { return Math.sin(e * (Math.PI / 2)) }, easeInOutSine: function (e) { return -.5 * (Math.cos(Math.PI * e) - 1) }, easeInExpo: function (e) { return 0 === e ? 0 : Math.pow(2, 10 * (e - 1)) }, easeOutExpo: function (e) { return 1 === e ? 1 : 1 - Math.pow(2, -10 * e) }, easeInOutExpo: function (e) { return 0 === e ? 0 : 1 === e ? 1 : (e /= .5) < 1 ? .5 * Math.pow(2, 10 * (e - 1)) : .5 * (2 - Math.pow(2, -10 * --e)) }, easeInCirc: function (e) { return e >= 1 ? e : -(Math.sqrt(1 - e * e) - 1) }, easeOutCirc: function (e) { return Math.sqrt(1 - (e -= 1) * e) }, easeInOutCirc: function (e) { return (e /= .5) < 1 ? -.5 * (Math.sqrt(1 - e * e) - 1) : .5 * (Math.sqrt(1 - (e -= 2) * e) + 1) }, easeInElastic: function (e) { var t = 1.70158, n = 0, i = 1; return 0 === e ? 0 : 1 === e ? 1 : (n || (n = .3), i < 1 ? (i = 1, t = n / 4) : t = n / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(1 / i), -i * Math.pow(2, 10 * (e -= 1)) * Math.sin((e - t) * (2 * Math.PI) / n)) }, easeOutElastic: function (e) { var t = 1.70158, n = 0, i = 1; return 0 === e ? 0 : 1 === e ? 1 : (n || (n = .3), i < 1 ? (i = 1, t = n / 4) : t = n / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(1 / i), i * Math.pow(2, -10 * e) * Math.sin((e - t) * (2 * Math.PI) / n) + 1) }, easeInOutElastic: function (e) { var t = 1.70158, n = 0, i = 1; return 0 === e ? 0 : 2 == (e /= .5) ? 1 : (n || (n = .45), i < 1 ? (i = 1, t = n / 4) : t = n / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(1 / i), e < 1 ? i * Math.pow(2, 10 * (e -= 1)) * Math.sin((e - t) * (2 * Math.PI) / n) * -.5 : i * Math.pow(2, -10 * (e -= 1)) * Math.sin((e - t) * (2 * Math.PI) / n) * .5 + 1) }, easeInBack: function (e) { var t = 1.70158; return e * e * ((t + 1) * e - t) }, easeOutBack: function (e) { var t = 1.70158; return (e -= 1) * e * ((t + 1) * e + t) + 1 }, easeInOutBack: function (e) { var t = 1.70158; return (e /= .5) < 1 ? e * e * ((1 + (t *= 1.525)) * e - t) * .5 : .5 * ((e -= 2) * e * ((1 + (t *= 1.525)) * e + t) + 2) }, easeInBounce: function (e) { return 1 - r.easeOutBounce(1 - e) }, easeOutBounce: function (e) { return e < 1 / 2.75 ? 7.5625 * e * e : e < 2 / 2.75 ? 7.5625 * (e -= 1.5 / 2.75) * e + .75 : e < 2.5 / 2.75 ? 7.5625 * (e -= 2.25 / 2.75) * e + .9375 : 7.5625 * (e -= 2.625 / 2.75) * e + .984375 }, easeInOutBounce: function (e) { return e < .5 ? .5 * r.easeInBounce(2 * e) : .5 * r.easeOutBounce(2 * e - 1) + .5 } }; e.exports = { effects: r }, i.easingEffects = r }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(12); t = e.exports = { clear: function (e) { e.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, e.width, e.height) }, roundedRect: function (e, t, n, i, r, a) { if (a) { var o = Math.min(a, r / 2 - 1e-7, i / 2 - 1e-7); e.moveTo(t + o, n), e.lineTo(t + i - o, n), e.arcTo(t + i, n, t + i, n + o, o), e.lineTo(t + i, n + r - o), e.arcTo(t + i, n + r, t + i - o, n + r, o), e.lineTo(t + o, n + r), e.arcTo(t, n + r, t, n + r - o, o), e.lineTo(t, n + o), e.arcTo(t, n, t + o, n, o), e.closePath(), e.moveTo(t, n) } else e.rect(t, n, i, r) }, drawPoint: function (e, t, n, i, r, a) { var o, l, s, d, u, c; if (a = a || 0, !t || "object" != typeof t || "[object HTMLImageElement]" !== (o = t.toString()) && "[object HTMLCanvasElement]" !== o) { if (!(isNaN(n) || n <= 0)) { switch (e.save(), e.translate(i, r), e.rotate(a * Math.PI / 180), e.beginPath(), t) { default: e.arc(0, 0, n, 0, 2 * Math.PI), e.closePath(); break; case "triangle": u = (l = 3 * n / Math.sqrt(3)) * Math.sqrt(3) / 2, e.moveTo(-l / 2, u / 3), e.lineTo(l / 2, u / 3), e.lineTo(0, -2 * u / 3), e.closePath(); break; case "rect": c = 1 / Math.SQRT2 * n, e.rect(-c, -c, 2 * c, 2 * c); break; case "rectRounded": var h = n / Math.SQRT2, p = -h, f = -h, m = Math.SQRT2 * n; this.roundedRect(e, p, f, m, m, .425 * n); break; case "rectRot": c = 1 / Math.SQRT2 * n, e.moveTo(-c, 0), e.lineTo(0, c), e.lineTo(c, 0), e.lineTo(0, -c), e.closePath(); break; case "cross": e.moveTo(0, n), e.lineTo(0, -n), e.moveTo(-n, 0), e.lineTo(n, 0); break; case "crossRot": s = Math.cos(Math.PI / 4) * n, d = Math.sin(Math.PI / 4) * n, e.moveTo(-s, -d), e.lineTo(s, d), e.moveTo(-s, d), e.lineTo(s, -d); break; case "star": e.moveTo(0, n), e.lineTo(0, -n), e.moveTo(-n, 0), e.lineTo(n, 0), s = Math.cos(Math.PI / 4) * n, d = Math.sin(Math.PI / 4) * n, e.moveTo(-s, -d), e.lineTo(s, d), e.moveTo(-s, d), e.lineTo(s, -d); break; case "line": e.moveTo(-n, 0), e.lineTo(n, 0); break; case "dash": e.moveTo(0, 0), e.lineTo(n, 0) }e.fill(), e.stroke(), e.restore() } } else e.drawImage(t, i - t.width / 2, r - t.height / 2, t.width, t.height) }, clipArea: function (e, t) { e.save(), e.beginPath(), e.rect(t.left, t.top, t.right - t.left, t.bottom - t.top), e.clip() }, unclipArea: function (e) { e.restore() }, lineTo: function (e, t, n, i) { if (n.steppedLine) return "after" === n.steppedLine && !i || "after" !== n.steppedLine && i ? e.lineTo(t.x, n.y) : e.lineTo(n.x, t.y), void e.lineTo(n.x, n.y); n.tension ? e.bezierCurveTo(i ? t.controlPointPreviousX : t.controlPointNextX, i ? t.controlPointPreviousY : t.controlPointNextY, i ? n.controlPointNextX : n.controlPointPreviousX, i ? n.controlPointNextY : n.controlPointPreviousY, n.x, n.y) : e.lineTo(n.x, n.y) } }; i.clear = t.clear, i.drawRoundedRectangle = function (e) { e.beginPath(), t.roundedRect.apply(t, arguments) } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(12); e.exports = { toLineHeight: function (e, t) { var n = ("" + e).match(/^(normal|(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)(px|em|%)?)$/); if (!n || "normal" === n[1]) return 1.2 * t; switch (e = +n[2], n[3]) { case "px": return e; case "%": e /= 100 }return t * e }, toPadding: function (e) { var t, n, r, a; return i.isObject(e) ? (t = +e.top || 0, n = +e.right || 0, r = +e.bottom || 0, a = +e.left || 0) : t = n = r = a = +e || 0, { top: t, right: n, bottom: r, left: a, height: t + r, width: a + n } }, resolve: function (e, t, n) { var r, a, o; for (r = 0, a = e.length; r < a; ++r)if (void 0 !== (o = e[r]) && (void 0 !== t && "function" == typeof o && (o = o(t)), void 0 !== n && i.isArray(o) && (o = o[n]), void 0 !== o)) return o } } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(138), r = n(3), a = n(2), o = n(7); e.exports = function () { function e(e, t, n) { var i; return "string" == typeof e ? (i = parseInt(e, 10), -1 !== e.indexOf("%") && (i = i / 100 * t.parentNode[n])) : i = e, i } function t(e) { return null != e && "none" !== e } function n(n, i, r) { var o = document.defaultView, l = a._getParentNode(n), s = o.getComputedStyle(n)[i], d = o.getComputedStyle(l)[i], u = t(s), c = t(d), h = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; return u || c ? Math.min(u ? e(s, n, r) : h, c ? e(d, l, r) : h) : "none" } a.configMerge = function () { return a.merge(a.clone(arguments[0]), [].slice.call(arguments, 1), { merger: function (e, t, n, i) { var r = t[e] || {}, l = n[e]; "scales" === e ? t[e] = a.scaleMerge(r, l) : "scale" === e ? t[e] = a.merge(r, [o.getScaleDefaults(l.type), l]) : a._merger(e, t, n, i) } }) }, a.scaleMerge = function () { return a.merge(a.clone(arguments[0]), [].slice.call(arguments, 1), { merger: function (e, t, n, i) { if ("xAxes" === e || "yAxes" === e) { var r, l, s, d = n[e].length; for (t[e] || (t[e] = []), r = 0; r < d; ++r)s = n[e][r], l = a.valueOrDefault(s.type, "xAxes" === e ? "category" : "linear"), r >= t[e].length && t[e].push({}), !t[e][r].type || s.type && s.type !== t[e][r].type ? a.merge(t[e][r], [o.getScaleDefaults(l), s]) : a.merge(t[e][r], s) } else a._merger(e, t, n, i) } }) }, a.where = function (e, t) { if (a.isArray(e) && Array.prototype.filter) return e.filter(t); var n = []; return a.each(e, function (e) { t(e) && n.push(e) }), n }, a.findIndex = Array.prototype.findIndex ? function (e, t, n) { return e.findIndex(t, n) } : function (e, t, n) { n = void 0 === n ? e : n; for (var i = 0, r = e.length; i < r; ++i)if (t.call(n, e[i], i, e)) return i; return -1 }, a.findNextWhere = function (e, t, n) { a.isNullOrUndef(n) && (n = -1); for (var i = n + 1; i < e.length; i++) { var r = e[i]; if (t(r)) return r } }, a.findPreviousWhere = function (e, t, n) { a.isNullOrUndef(n) && (n = e.length); for (var i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var r = e[i]; if (t(r)) return r } }, a.isNumber = function (e) { return !isNaN(parseFloat(e)) && isFinite(e) }, a.almostEquals = function (e, t, n) { return Math.abs(e - t) < n }, a.almostWhole = function (e, t) { var n = Math.round(e); return n - t < e && n + t > e }, a.max = function (e) { return e.reduce(function (e, t) { return isNaN(t) ? e : Math.max(e, t) }, Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) }, a.min = function (e) { return e.reduce(function (e, t) { return isNaN(t) ? e : Math.min(e, t) }, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) }, a.sign = Math.sign ? function (e) { return Math.sign(e) } : function (e) { return 0 === (e = +e) || isNaN(e) ? e : e > 0 ? 1 : -1 }, a.log10 = Math.log10 ? function (e) { return Math.log10(e) } : function (e) { var t = Math.log(e) * Math.LOG10E, n = Math.round(t); return e === Math.pow(10, n) ? n : t }, a.toRadians = function (e) { return e * (Math.PI / 180) }, a.toDegrees = function (e) { return e * (180 / Math.PI) }, a.getAngleFromPoint = function (e, t) { var n = t.x - e.x, i = t.y - e.y, r = Math.sqrt(n * n + i * i), a = Math.atan2(i, n); return a < -.5 * Math.PI && (a += 2 * Math.PI), { angle: a, distance: r } }, a.distanceBetweenPoints = function (e, t) { return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(t.x - e.x, 2) + Math.pow(t.y - e.y, 2)) }, a.aliasPixel = function (e) { return e % 2 == 0 ? 0 : .5 }, a.splineCurve = function (e, t, n, i) { var r = e.skip ? t : e, a = t, o = n.skip ? t : n, l = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(a.x - r.x, 2) + Math.pow(a.y - r.y, 2)), s = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(o.x - a.x, 2) + Math.pow(o.y - a.y, 2)), d = l / (l + s), u = s / (l + s), c = i * (d = isNaN(d) ? 0 : d), h = i * (u = isNaN(u) ? 0 : u); return { previous: { x: a.x - c * (o.x - r.x), y: a.y - c * (o.y - r.y) }, next: { x: a.x + h * (o.x - r.x), y: a.y + h * (o.y - r.y) } } }, a.EPSILON = Number.EPSILON || 1e-14, a.splineCurveMonotone = function (e) { var t, n, i, r, o, l, s, d, u, c = (e || []).map(function (e) { return { model: e._model, deltaK: 0, mK: 0 } }), h = c.length; for (t = 0; t < h; ++t)if (!(i = c[t]).model.skip) { if (n = t > 0 ? c[t - 1] : null, (r = t < h - 1 ? c[t + 1] : null) && !r.model.skip) { var p = r.model.x - i.model.x; i.deltaK = 0 !== p ? (r.model.y - i.model.y) / p : 0 } !n || n.model.skip ? i.mK = i.deltaK : !r || r.model.skip ? i.mK = n.deltaK : this.sign(n.deltaK) !== this.sign(i.deltaK) ? i.mK = 0 : i.mK = (n.deltaK + i.deltaK) / 2 } for (t = 0; t < h - 1; ++t)i = c[t], r = c[t + 1], i.model.skip || r.model.skip || (a.almostEquals(i.deltaK, 0, this.EPSILON) ? i.mK = r.mK = 0 : (o = i.mK / i.deltaK, l = r.mK / i.deltaK, (d = Math.pow(o, 2) + Math.pow(l, 2)) <= 9 || (s = 3 / Math.sqrt(d), i.mK = o * s * i.deltaK, r.mK = l * s * i.deltaK))); for (t = 0; t < h; ++t)(i = c[t]).model.skip || (n = t > 0 ? c[t - 1] : null, r = t < h - 1 ? c[t + 1] : null, n && !n.model.skip && (u = (i.model.x - n.model.x) / 3, i.model.controlPointPreviousX = i.model.x - u, i.model.controlPointPreviousY = i.model.y - u * i.mK), r && !r.model.skip && (u = (r.model.x - i.model.x) / 3, i.model.controlPointNextX = i.model.x + u, i.model.controlPointNextY = i.model.y + u * i.mK)) }, a.nextItem = function (e, t, n) { return n ? t >= e.length - 1 ? e[0] : e[t + 1] : t >= e.length - 1 ? e[e.length - 1] : e[t + 1] }, a.previousItem = function (e, t, n) { return n ? t <= 0 ? e[e.length - 1] : e[t - 1] : t <= 0 ? e[0] : e[t - 1] }, a.niceNum = function (e, t) { var n = Math.floor(a.log10(e)), i = e / Math.pow(10, n); return (t ? i < 1.5 ? 1 : i < 3 ? 2 : i < 7 ? 5 : 10 : i <= 1 ? 1 : i <= 2 ? 2 : i <= 5 ? 5 : 10) * Math.pow(10, n) }, a.requestAnimFrame = "undefined" == typeof window ? function (e) { e() } : window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function (e) { return window.setTimeout(e, 1e3 / 60) }, a.getRelativePosition = function (e, t) { var n, i, r = e.originalEvent || e, o = e.target || e.srcElement, l = o.getBoundingClientRect(), s = r.touches; s && s.length > 0 ? (n = s[0].clientX, i = s[0].clientY) : (n = r.clientX, i = r.clientY); var d = parseFloat(a.getStyle(o, "padding-left")), u = parseFloat(a.getStyle(o, "padding-top")), c = parseFloat(a.getStyle(o, "padding-right")), h = parseFloat(a.getStyle(o, "padding-bottom")), p = l.right - l.left - d - c, f = l.bottom - l.top - u - h; return { x: n = Math.round((n - l.left - d) / p * o.width / t.currentDevicePixelRatio), y: i = Math.round((i - l.top - u) / f * o.height / t.currentDevicePixelRatio) } }, a.getConstraintWidth = function (e) { return n(e, "max-width", "clientWidth") }, a.getConstraintHeight = function (e) { return n(e, "max-height", "clientHeight") }, a._calculatePadding = function (e, t, n) { return (t = a.getStyle(e, t)).indexOf("%") > -1 ? n / parseInt(t, 10) : parseInt(t, 10) }, a._getParentNode = function (e) { var t = e.parentNode; return t && t.host && (t = t.host), t }, a.getMaximumWidth = function (e) { var t = a._getParentNode(e); if (!t) return e.clientWidth; var n = t.clientWidth, i = n - a._calculatePadding(t, "padding-left", n) - a._calculatePadding(t, "padding-right", n), r = a.getConstraintWidth(e); return isNaN(r) ? i : Math.min(i, r) }, a.getMaximumHeight = function (e) { var t = a._getParentNode(e); if (!t) return e.clientHeight; var n = t.clientHeight, i = n - a._calculatePadding(t, "padding-top", n) - a._calculatePadding(t, "padding-bottom", n), r = a.getConstraintHeight(e); return isNaN(r) ? i : Math.min(i, r) }, a.getStyle = function (e, t) { return e.currentStyle ? e.currentStyle[t] : document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(e, null).getPropertyValue(t) }, a.retinaScale = function (e, t) { var n = e.currentDevicePixelRatio = t || "undefined" != typeof window && window.devicePixelRatio || 1; if (1 !== n) { var i = e.canvas, r = e.height, a = e.width; i.height = r * n, i.width = a * n, e.ctx.scale(n, n), i.style.height || i.style.width || (i.style.height = r + "px", i.style.width = a + "px") } }, a.fontString = function (e, t, n) { return t + " " + e + "px " + n }, a.longestText = function (e, t, n, i) { var r = (i = i || {}).data = i.data || {}, o = i.garbageCollect = i.garbageCollect || []; i.font !== t && (r = i.data = {}, o = i.garbageCollect = [], i.font = t), e.font = t; var l = 0; a.each(n, function (t) { null != t && !0 !== a.isArray(t) ? l = a.measureText(e, r, o, l, t) : a.isArray(t) && a.each(t, function (t) { null == t || a.isArray(t) || (l = a.measureText(e, r, o, l, t)) }) }); var s = o.length / 2; if (s > n.length) { for (var d = 0; d < s; d++)delete r[o[d]]; o.splice(0, s) } return l }, a.measureText = function (e, t, n, i, r) { var a = t[r]; return a || (a = t[r] = e.measureText(r).width, n.push(r)), a > i && (i = a), i }, a.numberOfLabelLines = function (e) { var t = 1; return a.each(e, function (e) { a.isArray(e) && e.length > t && (t = e.length) }), t }, a.color = i ? function (e) { return e instanceof CanvasGradient && (e = r.global.defaultColor), i(e) } : function (e) { return console.error("Color.js not found!"), e }, a.getHoverColor = function (e) { return e instanceof CanvasPattern ? e : a.color(e).saturate(.5).darken(.1).rgbString() } } }, function (e, t, n) { var i = n(170), r = function () { return new d }; for (var a in i) { r[a + "Raw"] = function (e) { return function (t) { return "number" == typeof t && (t = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)), i[e](t) } }(a); var o = /(\w+)2(\w+)/.exec(a), l = o[1], s = o[2]; (r[l] = r[l] || {})[s] = r[a] = function (e) { return function (t) { "number" == typeof t && (t = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)); var n = i[e](t); if ("string" == typeof n || void 0 === n) return n; for (var r = 0; r < n.length; r++)n[r] = Math.round(n[r]); return n } }(a) } var d = function () { this.convs = {} }; d.prototype.routeSpace = function (e, t) { var n = t[0]; return void 0 === n ? this.getValues(e) : ("number" == typeof n && (n = Array.prototype.slice.call(t)), this.setValues(e, n)) }, d.prototype.setValues = function (e, t) { return this.space = e, this.convs = {}, this.convs[e] = t, this }, d.prototype.getValues = function (e) { var t = this.convs[e]; if (!t) { var n = this.space, i = this.convs[n]; t = r[n][e](i), this.convs[e] = t } return t }, ["rgb", "hsl", "hsv", "cmyk", "keyword"].forEach(function (e) { d.prototype[e] = function (t) { return this.routeSpace(e, arguments) } }), e.exports = r }, function (e, t) { function n(e) { var t, n, i = e[0] / 255, r = e[1] / 255, a = e[2] / 255, o = Math.min(i, r, a), l = Math.max(i, r, a), s = l - o; return l == o ? t = 0 : i == l ? t = (r - a) / s : r == l ? t = 2 + (a - i) / s : a == l && (t = 4 + (i - r) / s), (t = Math.min(60 * t, 360)) < 0 && (t += 360), n = (o + l) / 2, [t, 100 * (l == o ? 0 : n <= .5 ? s / (l + o) : s / (2 - l - o)), 100 * n] } function i(e) { var t, n, i = e[0], r = e[1], a = e[2], o = Math.min(i, r, a), l = Math.max(i, r, a), s = l - o; return n = 0 == l ? 0 : s / l * 1e3 / 10, l == o ? t = 0 : i == l ? t = (r - a) / s : r == l ? t = 2 + (a - i) / s : a == l && (t = 4 + (i - r) / s), (t = Math.min(60 * t, 360)) < 0 && (t += 360), [t, n, l / 255 * 1e3 / 10] } function a(e) { var t = e[0], i = e[1], r = e[2]; return [n(e)[0], 100 * (1 / 255 * Math.min(t, Math.min(i, r))), 100 * (r = 1 - 1 / 255 * Math.max(t, Math.max(i, r)))] } function o(e) { var t, n = e[0] / 255, i = e[1] / 255, r = e[2] / 255; return [100 * ((1 - n - (t = Math.min(1 - n, 1 - i, 1 - r))) / (1 - t) || 0), 100 * ((1 - i - t) / (1 - t) || 0), 100 * ((1 - r - t) / (1 - t) || 0), 100 * t] } function l(e) { return D[JSON.stringify(e)] } function s(e) { var t = e[0] / 255, n = e[1] / 255, i = e[2] / 255; return [100 * (.4124 * (t = t > .04045 ? Math.pow((t + .055) / 1.055, 2.4) : t / 12.92) + .3576 * (n = n > .04045 ? Math.pow((n + .055) / 1.055, 2.4) : n / 12.92) + .1805 * (i = i > .04045 ? Math.pow((i + .055) / 1.055, 2.4) : i / 12.92)), 100 * (.2126 * t + .7152 * n + .0722 * i), 100 * (.0193 * t + .1192 * n + .9505 * i)] } function d(e) { var t = s(e), n = t[0], i = t[1], r = t[2]; return i /= 100, r /= 108.883, n = (n /= 95.047) > .008856 ? Math.pow(n, 1 / 3) : 7.787 * n + 16 / 116, [116 * (i = i > .008856 ? Math.pow(i, 1 / 3) : 7.787 * i + 16 / 116) - 16, 500 * (n - i), 200 * (i - (r = r > .008856 ? Math.pow(r, 1 / 3) : 7.787 * r + 16 / 116))] } function u(e) { var t, n, i, r, a, o = e[0] / 360, l = e[1] / 100, s = e[2] / 100; if (0 == l) return [a = 255 * s, a, a]; t = 2 * s - (n = s < .5 ? s * (1 + l) : s + l - s * l), r = [0, 0, 0]; for (var d = 0; d < 3; d++)(i = o + 1 / 3 * -(d - 1)) < 0 && i++, i > 1 && i--, a = 6 * i < 1 ? t + 6 * (n - t) * i : 2 * i < 1 ? n : 3 * i < 2 ? t + (n - t) * (2 / 3 - i) * 6 : t, r[d] = 255 * a; return r } function c(e) { var t = e[0] / 60, n = e[1] / 100, i = e[2] / 100, r = Math.floor(t) % 6, a = t - Math.floor(t), o = 255 * i * (1 - n), l = 255 * i * (1 - n * a), s = 255 * i * (1 - n * (1 - a)); i *= 255; switch (r) { case 0: return [i, s, o]; case 1: return [l, i, o]; case 2: return [o, i, s]; case 3: return [o, l, i]; case 4: return [s, o, i]; case 5: return [i, o, l] } } function h(e) { var t, n, i, a, o = e[0] / 360, l = e[1] / 100, s = e[2] / 100, d = l + s; switch (d > 1 && (l /= d, s /= d), i = 6 * o - (t = Math.floor(6 * o)), 0 != (1 & t) && (i = 1 - i), a = l + i * ((n = 1 - s) - l), t) { default: case 6: case 0: r = n, g = a, b = l; break; case 1: r = a, g = n, b = l; break; case 2: r = l, g = n, b = a; break; case 3: r = l, g = a, b = n; break; case 4: r = a, g = l, b = n; break; case 5: r = n, g = l, b = a }return [255 * r, 255 * g, 255 * b] } function p(e) { var t = e[0] / 100, n = e[1] / 100, i = e[2] / 100, r = e[3] / 100; return [255 * (1 - Math.min(1, t * (1 - r) + r)), 255 * (1 - Math.min(1, n * (1 - r) + r)), 255 * (1 - Math.min(1, i * (1 - r) + r))] } function f(e) { var t, n, i, r = e[0] / 100, a = e[1] / 100, o = e[2] / 100; return n = -.9689 * r + 1.8758 * a + .0415 * o, i = .0557 * r + -.204 * a + 1.057 * o, t = (t = 3.2406 * r + -1.5372 * a + -.4986 * o) > .0031308 ? 1.055 * Math.pow(t, 1 / 2.4) - .055 : t *= 12.92, n = n > .0031308 ? 1.055 * Math.pow(n, 1 / 2.4) - .055 : n *= 12.92, i = i > .0031308 ? 1.055 * Math.pow(i, 1 / 2.4) - .055 : i *= 12.92, [255 * (t = Math.min(Math.max(0, t), 1)), 255 * (n = Math.min(Math.max(0, n), 1)), 255 * (i = Math.min(Math.max(0, i), 1))] } function m(e) { var t = e[0], n = e[1], i = e[2]; return n /= 100, i /= 108.883, t = (t /= 95.047) > .008856 ? Math.pow(t, 1 / 3) : 7.787 * t + 16 / 116, [116 * (n = n > .008856 ? Math.pow(n, 1 / 3) : 7.787 * n + 16 / 116) - 16, 500 * (t - n), 200 * (n - (i = i > .008856 ? Math.pow(i, 1 / 3) : 7.787 * i + 16 / 116))] } function _(e) { var t, n, i, r, a = e[0], o = e[1], l = e[2]; return a <= 8 ? r = (n = 100 * a / 903.3) / 100 * 7.787 + 16 / 116 : (n = 100 * Math.pow((a + 16) / 116, 3), r = Math.pow(n / 100, 1 / 3)), [t = t / 95.047 <= .008856 ? t = 95.047 * (o / 500 + r - 16 / 116) / 7.787 : 95.047 * Math.pow(o / 500 + r, 3), n, i = i / 108.883 <= .008859 ? i = 108.883 * (r - l / 200 - 16 / 116) / 7.787 : 108.883 * Math.pow(r - l / 200, 3)] } function y(e) { var t, n = e[0], i = e[1], r = e[2]; return (t = 360 * Math.atan2(r, i) / 2 / Math.PI) < 0 && (t += 360), [n, Math.sqrt(i * i + r * r), t] } function v(e) { return f(_(e)) } function M(e) { var t, n = e[0], i = e[1]; return t = e[2] / 360 * 2 * Math.PI, [n, i * Math.cos(t), i * Math.sin(t)] } function w(e) { return L[e] } e.exports = { rgb2hsl: n, rgb2hsv: i, rgb2hwb: a, rgb2cmyk: o, rgb2keyword: l, rgb2xyz: s, rgb2lab: d, rgb2lch: function (e) { return y(d(e)) }, hsl2rgb: u, hsl2hsv: function (e) { var t = e[0], n = e[1] / 100, i = e[2] / 100; if (0 === i) return [0, 0, 0]; return [t, 100 * (2 * (n *= (i *= 2) <= 1 ? i : 2 - i) / (i + n)), 100 * ((i + n) / 2)] }, hsl2hwb: function (e) { return a(u(e)) }, hsl2cmyk: function (e) { return o(u(e)) }, hsl2keyword: function (e) { return l(u(e)) }, hsv2rgb: c, hsv2hsl: function (e) { var t, n, i = e[0], r = e[1] / 100, a = e[2] / 100; return t = r * a, [i, 100 * (t = (t /= (n = (2 - r) * a) <= 1 ? n : 2 - n) || 0), 100 * (n /= 2)] }, hsv2hwb: function (e) { return a(c(e)) }, hsv2cmyk: function (e) { return o(c(e)) }, hsv2keyword: function (e) { return l(c(e)) }, hwb2rgb: h, hwb2hsl: function (e) { return n(h(e)) }, hwb2hsv: function (e) { return i(h(e)) }, hwb2cmyk: function (e) { return o(h(e)) }, hwb2keyword: function (e) { return l(h(e)) }, cmyk2rgb: p, cmyk2hsl: function (e) { return n(p(e)) }, cmyk2hsv: function (e) { return i(p(e)) }, cmyk2hwb: function (e) { return a(p(e)) }, cmyk2keyword: function (e) { return l(p(e)) }, keyword2rgb: w, keyword2hsl: function (e) { return n(w(e)) }, keyword2hsv: function (e) { return i(w(e)) }, keyword2hwb: function (e) { return a(w(e)) }, keyword2cmyk: function (e) { return o(w(e)) }, keyword2lab: function (e) { return d(w(e)) }, keyword2xyz: function (e) { return s(w(e)) }, xyz2rgb: f, xyz2lab: m, xyz2lch: function (e) { return y(m(e)) }, lab2xyz: _, lab2rgb: v, lab2lch: y, lch2lab: M, lch2xyz: function (e) { return _(M(e)) }, lch2rgb: function (e) { return v(M(e)) } }; var L = { aliceblue: [240, 248, 255], antiquewhite: [250, 235, 215], aqua: [0, 255, 255], aquamarine: [127, 255, 212], azure: [240, 255, 255], beige: [245, 245, 220], bisque: [255, 228, 196], black: [0, 0, 0], blanchedalmond: [255, 235, 205], blue: [0, 0, 255], blueviolet: [138, 43, 226], brown: [165, 42, 42], burlywood: [222, 184, 135], cadetblue: [95, 158, 160], chartreuse: [127, 255, 0], chocolate: [210, 105, 30], coral: [255, 127, 80], cornflowerblue: [100, 149, 237], cornsilk: [255, 248, 220], crimson: [220, 20, 60], cyan: [0, 255, 255], darkblue: [0, 0, 139], darkcyan: [0, 139, 139], darkgoldenrod: [184, 134, 11], darkgray: [169, 169, 169], darkgreen: [0, 100, 0], darkgrey: [169, 169, 169], darkkhaki: [189, 183, 107], darkmagenta: [139, 0, 139], darkolivegreen: [85, 107, 47], darkorange: [255, 140, 0], darkorchid: [153, 50, 204], darkred: [139, 0, 0], darksalmon: [233, 150, 122], darkseagreen: [143, 188, 143], darkslateblue: [72, 61, 139], darkslategray: [47, 79, 79], darkslategrey: [47, 79, 79], darkturquoise: [0, 206, 209], darkviolet: [148, 0, 211], deeppink: [255, 20, 147], deepskyblue: [0, 191, 255], dimgray: [105, 105, 105], dimgrey: [105, 105, 105], dodgerblue: [30, 144, 255], firebrick: [178, 34, 34], floralwhite: [255, 250, 240], forestgreen: [34, 139, 34], fuchsia: [255, 0, 255], gainsboro: [220, 220, 220], ghostwhite: [248, 248, 255], gold: [255, 215, 0], goldenrod: [218, 165, 32], gray: [128, 128, 128], green: [0, 128, 0], greenyellow: [173, 255, 47], grey: [128, 128, 128], honeydew: [240, 255, 240], hotpink: [255, 105, 180], indianred: [205, 92, 92], indigo: [75, 0, 130], ivory: [255, 255, 240], khaki: [240, 230, 140], lavender: [230, 230, 250], lavenderblush: [255, 240, 245], lawngreen: [124, 252, 0], lemonchiffon: [255, 250, 205], lightblue: [173, 216, 230], lightcoral: [240, 128, 128], lightcyan: [224, 255, 255], lightgoldenrodyellow: [250, 250, 210], lightgray: [211, 211, 211], lightgreen: [144, 238, 144], lightgrey: [211, 211, 211], lightpink: [255, 182, 193], lightsalmon: [255, 160, 122], lightseagreen: [32, 178, 170], lightskyblue: [135, 206, 250], lightslategray: [119, 136, 153], lightslategrey: [119, 136, 153], lightsteelblue: [176, 196, 222], lightyellow: [255, 255, 224], lime: [0, 255, 0], limegreen: [50, 205, 50], linen: [250, 240, 230], magenta: [255, 0, 255], maroon: [128, 0, 0], mediumaquamarine: [102, 205, 170], mediumblue: [0, 0, 205], mediumorchid: [186, 85, 211], mediumpurple: [147, 112, 219], mediumseagreen: [60, 179, 113], mediumslateblue: [123, 104, 238], mediumspringgreen: [0, 250, 154], mediumturquoise: [72, 209, 204], mediumvioletred: [199, 21, 133], midnightblue: [25, 25, 112], mintcream: [245, 255, 250], mistyrose: [255, 228, 225], moccasin: [255, 228, 181], navajowhite: [255, 222, 173], navy: [0, 0, 128], oldlace: [253, 245, 230], olive: [128, 128, 0], olivedrab: [107, 142, 35], orange: [255, 165, 0], orangered: [255, 69, 0], orchid: [218, 112, 214], palegoldenrod: [238, 232, 170], palegreen: [152, 251, 152], paleturquoise: [175, 238, 238], palevioletred: [219, 112, 147], papayawhip: [255, 239, 213], peachpuff: [255, 218, 185], peru: [205, 133, 63], pink: [255, 192, 203], plum: [221, 160, 221], powderblue: [176, 224, 230], purple: [128, 0, 128], rebeccapurple: [102, 51, 153], red: [255, 0, 0], rosybrown: [188, 143, 143], royalblue: [65, 105, 225], saddlebrown: [139, 69, 19], salmon: [250, 128, 114], sandybrown: [244, 164, 96], seagreen: [46, 139, 87], seashell: [255, 245, 238], sienna: [160, 82, 45], silver: [192, 192, 192], skyblue: [135, 206, 235], slateblue: [106, 90, 205], slategray: [112, 128, 144], slategrey: [112, 128, 144], snow: [255, 250, 250], springgreen: [0, 255, 127], steelblue: [70, 130, 180], tan: [210, 180, 140], teal: [0, 128, 128], thistle: [216, 191, 216], tomato: [255, 99, 71], turquoise: [64, 224, 208], violet: [238, 130, 238], wheat: [245, 222, 179], white: [255, 255, 255], whitesmoke: [245, 245, 245], yellow: [255, 255, 0], yellowgreen: [154, 205, 50] }, D = {}; for (var T in L) D[JSON.stringify(L[T])] = T }, function (e, t, n) { var i = n(172); function r(e) { if (e) { var t = [0, 0, 0], n = 1, r = e.match(/^#([a-fA-F0-9]{3})$/i); if (r) { r = r[1]; for (var a = 0; a < t.length; a++)t[a] = parseInt(r[a] + r[a], 16) } else if (r = e.match(/^#([a-fA-F0-9]{6})$/i)) { r = r[1]; for (a = 0; a < t.length; a++)t[a] = parseInt(r.slice(2 * a, 2 * a + 2), 16) } else if (r = e.match(/^rgba?\(\s*([+-]?\d+)\s*,\s*([+-]?\d+)\s*,\s*([+-]?\d+)\s*(?:,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\s*)?\)$/i)) { for (a = 0; a < t.length; a++)t[a] = parseInt(r[a + 1]); n = parseFloat(r[4]) } else if (r = e.match(/^rgba?\(\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\%\s*,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\%\s*,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\%\s*(?:,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\s*)?\)$/i)) { for (a = 0; a < t.length; a++)t[a] = Math.round(2.55 * parseFloat(r[a + 1])); n = parseFloat(r[4]) } else if (r = e.match(/(\w+)/)) { if ("transparent" == r[1]) return [0, 0, 0, 0]; if (!(t = i[r[1]])) return } for (a = 0; a < t.length; a++)t[a] = u(t[a], 0, 255); return n = n || 0 == n ? u(n, 0, 1) : 1, t[3] = n, t } } function a(e) { if (e) { var t = e.match(/^hsla?\(\s*([+-]?\d+)(?:deg)?\s*,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)%\s*,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)%\s*(?:,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\s*)?\)/); if (t) { var n = parseFloat(t[4]); return [u(parseInt(t[1]), 0, 360), u(parseFloat(t[2]), 0, 100), u(parseFloat(t[3]), 0, 100), u(isNaN(n) ? 1 : n, 0, 1)] } } } function o(e) { if (e) { var t = e.match(/^hwb\(\s*([+-]?\d+)(?:deg)?\s*,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)%\s*,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)%\s*(?:,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\s*)?\)/); if (t) { var n = parseFloat(t[4]); return [u(parseInt(t[1]), 0, 360), u(parseFloat(t[2]), 0, 100), u(parseFloat(t[3]), 0, 100), u(isNaN(n) ? 1 : n, 0, 1)] } } } function l(e, t) { return void 0 === t && (t = void 0 !== e[3] ? e[3] : 1), "rgba(" + e[0] + ", " + e[1] + ", " + e[2] + ", " + t + ")" } function s(e, t) { return "rgba(" + Math.round(e[0] / 255 * 100) + "%, " + Math.round(e[1] / 255 * 100) + "%, " + Math.round(e[2] / 255 * 100) + "%, " + (t || e[3] || 1) + ")" } function d(e, t) { return void 0 === t && (t = void 0 !== e[3] ? e[3] : 1), "hsla(" + e[0] + ", " + e[1] + "%, " + e[2] + "%, " + t + ")" } function u(e, t, n) { return Math.min(Math.max(t, e), n) } function c(e) { var t = e.toString(16).toUpperCase(); return t.length < 2 ? "0" + t : t } e.exports = { getRgba: r, getHsla: a, getRgb: function (e) { var t = r(e); return t && t.slice(0, 3) }, getHsl: function (e) { var t = a(e); return t && t.slice(0, 3) }, getHwb: o, getAlpha: function (e) { var t = r(e); if (t) return t[3]; if (t = a(e)) return t[3]; if (t = o(e)) return t[3] }, hexString: function (e) { return "#" + c(e[0]) + c(e[1]) + c(e[2]) }, rgbString: function (e, t) { if (t < 1 || e[3] && e[3] < 1) return l(e, t); return "rgb(" + e[0] + ", " + e[1] + ", " + e[2] + ")" }, rgbaString: l, percentString: function (e, t) { if (t < 1 || e[3] && e[3] < 1) return s(e, t); var n = Math.round(e[0] / 255 * 100), i = Math.round(e[1] / 255 * 100), r = Math.round(e[2] / 255 * 100); return "rgb(" + n + "%, " + i + "%, " + r + "%)" }, percentaString: s, hslString: function (e, t) { if (t < 1 || e[3] && e[3] < 1) return d(e, t); return "hsl(" + e[0] + ", " + e[1] + "%, " + e[2] + "%)" }, hslaString: d, hwbString: function (e, t) { void 0 === t && (t = void 0 !== e[3] ? e[3] : 1); return "hwb(" + e[0] + ", " + e[1] + "%, " + e[2] + "%" + (void 0 !== t && 1 !== t ? ", " + t : "") + ")" }, keyword: function (e) { return h[e.slice(0, 3)] } }; var h = {}; for (var p in i) h[i[p]] = p }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; e.exports = { aliceblue: [240, 248, 255], antiquewhite: [250, 235, 215], aqua: [0, 255, 255], aquamarine: [127, 255, 212], azure: [240, 255, 255], beige: [245, 245, 220], bisque: [255, 228, 196], black: [0, 0, 0], blanchedalmond: [255, 235, 205], blue: [0, 0, 255], blueviolet: [138, 43, 226], brown: [165, 42, 42], burlywood: [222, 184, 135], cadetblue: [95, 158, 160], chartreuse: [127, 255, 0], chocolate: [210, 105, 30], coral: [255, 127, 80], cornflowerblue: [100, 149, 237], cornsilk: [255, 248, 220], crimson: [220, 20, 60], cyan: [0, 255, 255], darkblue: [0, 0, 139], darkcyan: [0, 139, 139], darkgoldenrod: [184, 134, 11], darkgray: [169, 169, 169], darkgreen: [0, 100, 0], darkgrey: [169, 169, 169], darkkhaki: [189, 183, 107], darkmagenta: [139, 0, 139], darkolivegreen: [85, 107, 47], darkorange: [255, 140, 0], darkorchid: [153, 50, 204], darkred: [139, 0, 0], darksalmon: [233, 150, 122], darkseagreen: [143, 188, 143], darkslateblue: [72, 61, 139], darkslategray: [47, 79, 79], darkslategrey: [47, 79, 79], darkturquoise: [0, 206, 209], darkviolet: [148, 0, 211], deeppink: [255, 20, 147], deepskyblue: [0, 191, 255], dimgray: [105, 105, 105], dimgrey: [105, 105, 105], dodgerblue: [30, 144, 255], firebrick: [178, 34, 34], floralwhite: [255, 250, 240], forestgreen: [34, 139, 34], fuchsia: [255, 0, 255], gainsboro: [220, 220, 220], ghostwhite: [248, 248, 255], gold: [255, 215, 0], goldenrod: [218, 165, 32], gray: [128, 128, 128], green: [0, 128, 0], greenyellow: [173, 255, 47], grey: [128, 128, 128], honeydew: [240, 255, 240], hotpink: [255, 105, 180], indianred: [205, 92, 92], indigo: [75, 0, 130], ivory: [255, 255, 240], khaki: [240, 230, 140], lavender: [230, 230, 250], lavenderblush: [255, 240, 245], lawngreen: [124, 252, 0], lemonchiffon: [255, 250, 205], lightblue: [173, 216, 230], lightcoral: [240, 128, 128], lightcyan: [224, 255, 255], lightgoldenrodyellow: [250, 250, 210], lightgray: [211, 211, 211], lightgreen: [144, 238, 144], lightgrey: [211, 211, 211], lightpink: [255, 182, 193], lightsalmon: [255, 160, 122], lightseagreen: [32, 178, 170], lightskyblue: [135, 206, 250], lightslategray: [119, 136, 153], lightslategrey: [119, 136, 153], lightsteelblue: [176, 196, 222], lightyellow: [255, 255, 224], lime: [0, 255, 0], limegreen: [50, 205, 50], linen: [250, 240, 230], magenta: [255, 0, 255], maroon: [128, 0, 0], mediumaquamarine: [102, 205, 170], mediumblue: [0, 0, 205], mediumorchid: [186, 85, 211], mediumpurple: [147, 112, 219], mediumseagreen: [60, 179, 113], mediumslateblue: [123, 104, 238], mediumspringgreen: [0, 250, 154], mediumturquoise: [72, 209, 204], mediumvioletred: [199, 21, 133], midnightblue: [25, 25, 112], mintcream: [245, 255, 250], mistyrose: [255, 228, 225], moccasin: [255, 228, 181], navajowhite: [255, 222, 173], navy: [0, 0, 128], oldlace: [253, 245, 230], olive: [128, 128, 0], olivedrab: [107, 142, 35], orange: [255, 165, 0], orangered: [255, 69, 0], orchid: [218, 112, 214], palegoldenrod: [238, 232, 170], palegreen: [152, 251, 152], paleturquoise: [175, 238, 238], palevioletred: [219, 112, 147], papayawhip: [255, 239, 213], peachpuff: [255, 218, 185], peru: [205, 133, 63], pink: [255, 192, 203], plum: [221, 160, 221], powderblue: [176, 224, 230], purple: [128, 0, 128], rebeccapurple: [102, 51, 153], red: [255, 0, 0], rosybrown: [188, 143, 143], royalblue: [65, 105, 225], saddlebrown: [139, 69, 19], salmon: [250, 128, 114], sandybrown: [244, 164, 96], seagreen: [46, 139, 87], seashell: [255, 245, 238], sienna: [160, 82, 45], silver: [192, 192, 192], skyblue: [135, 206, 235], slateblue: [106, 90, 205], slategray: [112, 128, 144], slategrey: [112, 128, 144], snow: [255, 250, 250], springgreen: [0, 255, 127], steelblue: [70, 130, 180], tan: [210, 180, 140], teal: [0, 128, 128], thistle: [216, 191, 216], tomato: [255, 99, 71], turquoise: [64, 224, 208], violet: [238, 130, 238], wheat: [245, 222, 179], white: [255, 255, 255], whitesmoke: [245, 245, 245], yellow: [255, 255, 0], yellowgreen: [154, 205, 50] } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(3), r = n(6), a = n(2); i._set("global", { elements: { arc: { backgroundColor: i.global.defaultColor, borderColor: "#fff", borderWidth: 2 } } }), e.exports = r.extend({ inLabelRange: function (e) { var t = this._view; return !!t && Math.pow(e - t.x, 2) < Math.pow(t.radius + t.hoverRadius, 2) }, inRange: function (e, t) { var n = this._view; if (n) { for (var i = a.getAngleFromPoint(n, { x: e, y: t }), r = i.angle, o = i.distance, l = n.startAngle, s = n.endAngle; s < l;)s += 2 * Math.PI; for (; r > s;)r -= 2 * Math.PI; for (; r < l;)r += 2 * Math.PI; var d = r >= l && r <= s, u = o >= n.innerRadius && o <= n.outerRadius; return d && u } return !1 }, getCenterPoint: function () { var e = this._view, t = (e.startAngle + e.endAngle) / 2, n = (e.innerRadius + e.outerRadius) / 2; return { x: e.x + Math.cos(t) * n, y: e.y + Math.sin(t) * n } }, getArea: function () { var e = this._view; return Math.PI * ((e.endAngle - e.startAngle) / (2 * Math.PI)) * (Math.pow(e.outerRadius, 2) - Math.pow(e.innerRadius, 2)) }, tooltipPosition: function () { var e = this._view, t = e.startAngle + (e.endAngle - e.startAngle) / 2, n = (e.outerRadius - e.innerRadius) / 2 + e.innerRadius; return { x: e.x + Math.cos(t) * n, y: e.y + Math.sin(t) * n } }, draw: function () { var e = this._chart.ctx, t = this._view, n = t.startAngle, i = t.endAngle; e.beginPath(), e.arc(t.x, t.y, t.outerRadius, n, i), e.arc(t.x, t.y, t.innerRadius, i, n, !0), e.closePath(), e.strokeStyle = t.borderColor, e.lineWidth = t.borderWidth, e.fillStyle = t.backgroundColor, e.fill(), e.lineJoin = "bevel", t.borderWidth && e.stroke() } }) }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(3), r = n(6), a = n(2), o = i.global; i._set("global", { elements: { line: { tension: .4, backgroundColor: o.defaultColor, borderWidth: 3, borderColor: o.defaultColor, borderCapStyle: "butt", borderDash: [], borderDashOffset: 0, borderJoinStyle: "miter", capBezierPoints: !0, fill: !0 } } }), e.exports = r.extend({ draw: function () { var e, t, n, i, r = this._view, l = this._chart.ctx, s = r.spanGaps, d = this._children.slice(), u = o.elements.line, c = -1; for (this._loop && d.length && d.push(d[0]), l.save(), l.lineCap = r.borderCapStyle || u.borderCapStyle, l.setLineDash && l.setLineDash(r.borderDash || u.borderDash), l.lineDashOffset = r.borderDashOffset || u.borderDashOffset, l.lineJoin = r.borderJoinStyle || u.borderJoinStyle, l.lineWidth = r.borderWidth || u.borderWidth, l.strokeStyle = r.borderColor || o.defaultColor, l.beginPath(), c = -1, e = 0; e < d.length; ++e)t = d[e], n = a.previousItem(d, e), i = t._view, 0 === e ? i.skip || (l.moveTo(i.x, i.y), c = e) : (n = -1 === c ? n : d[c], i.skip || (c !== e - 1 && !s || -1 === c ? l.moveTo(i.x, i.y) : a.canvas.lineTo(l, n._view, t._view), c = e)); l.stroke(), l.restore() } }) }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(3), r = n(6), a = n(2), o = i.global.defaultColor; function l(e) { var t = this._view; return !!t && Math.abs(e - t.x) < t.radius + t.hitRadius } i._set("global", { elements: { point: { radius: 3, pointStyle: "circle", backgroundColor: o, borderColor: o, borderWidth: 1, hitRadius: 1, hoverRadius: 4, hoverBorderWidth: 1 } } }), e.exports = r.extend({ inRange: function (e, t) { var n = this._view; return !!n && Math.pow(e - n.x, 2) + Math.pow(t - n.y, 2) < Math.pow(n.hitRadius + n.radius, 2) }, inLabelRange: l, inXRange: l, inYRange: function (e) { var t = this._view; return !!t && Math.abs(e - t.y) < t.radius + t.hitRadius }, getCenterPoint: function () { var e = this._view; return { x: e.x, y: e.y } }, getArea: function () { return Math.PI * Math.pow(this._view.radius, 2) }, tooltipPosition: function () { var e = this._view; return { x: e.x, y: e.y, padding: e.radius + e.borderWidth } }, draw: function (e) { var t = this._view, n = this._model, r = this._chart.ctx, l = t.pointStyle, s = t.rotation, d = t.radius, u = t.x, c = t.y; t.skip || (void 0 === e || n.x >= e.left && 1.01 * e.right >= n.x && n.y >= e.top && 1.01 * e.bottom >= n.y) && (r.strokeStyle = t.borderColor || o, r.lineWidth = a.valueOrDefault(t.borderWidth, i.global.elements.point.borderWidth), r.fillStyle = t.backgroundColor || o, a.canvas.drawPoint(r, l, d, u, c, s)) } }) }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(3), r = n(6); function a(e) { return void 0 !== e._view.width } function o(e) { var t, n, i, r, o = e._view; if (a(e)) { var l = o.width / 2; t = o.x - l, n = o.x + l, i = Math.min(o.y, o.base), r = Math.max(o.y, o.base) } else { var s = o.height / 2; t = Math.min(o.x, o.base), n = Math.max(o.x, o.base), i = o.y - s, r = o.y + s } return { left: t, top: i, right: n, bottom: r } } i._set("global", { elements: { rectangle: { backgroundColor: i.global.defaultColor, borderColor: i.global.defaultColor, borderSkipped: "bottom", borderWidth: 0 } } }), e.exports = r.extend({ draw: function () { var e, t, n, i, r, a, o, l = this._chart.ctx, s = this._view, d = s.borderWidth; if (s.horizontal ? (e = s.base, t = s.x, n = s.y - s.height / 2, i = s.y + s.height / 2, r = t > e ? 1 : -1, a = 1, o = s.borderSkipped || "left") : (e = s.x - s.width / 2, t = s.x + s.width / 2, n = s.y, r = 1, a = (i = s.base) > n ? 1 : -1, o = s.borderSkipped || "bottom"), d) { var u = Math.min(Math.abs(e - t), Math.abs(n - i)), c = (d = d > u ? u : d) / 2, h = e + ("left" !== o ? c * r : 0), p = t + ("right" !== o ? -c * r : 0), f = n + ("top" !== o ? c * a : 0), m = i + ("bottom" !== o ? -c * a : 0); h !== p && (n = f, i = m), f !== m && (e = h, t = p) } l.beginPath(), l.fillStyle = s.backgroundColor, l.strokeStyle = s.borderColor, l.lineWidth = d; var g = [[e, i], [e, n], [t, n], [t, i]], _ = ["bottom", "left", "top", "right"].indexOf(o, 0); function y(e) { return g[(_ + e) % 4] } -1 === _ && (_ = 0); var v = y(0); l.moveTo(v[0], v[1]); for (var M = 1; M < 4; M++)v = y(M), l.lineTo(v[0], v[1]); l.fill(), d && l.stroke() }, height: function () { var e = this._view; return e.base - e.y }, inRange: function (e, t) { var n = !1; if (this._view) { var i = o(this); n = e >= i.left && e <= i.right && t >= i.top && t <= i.bottom } return n }, inLabelRange: function (e, t) { if (!this._view) return !1; var n = o(this); return a(this) ? e >= n.left && e <= n.right : t >= n.top && t <= n.bottom }, inXRange: function (e) { var t = o(this); return e >= t.left && e <= t.right }, inYRange: function (e) { var t = o(this); return e >= t.top && e <= t.bottom }, getCenterPoint: function () { var e, t, n = this._view; return a(this) ? (e = n.x, t = (n.y + n.base) / 2) : (e = (n.x + n.base) / 2, t = n.y), { x: e, y: t } }, getArea: function () { var e = this._view; return e.width * Math.abs(e.y - e.base) }, tooltipPosition: function () { var e = this._view; return { x: e.x, y: e.y } } }) }, function (e, t) { e.exports = { acquireContext: function (e) { return e && e.canvas && (e = e.canvas), e && e.getContext("2d") || null } } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(2), r = "$chartjs", a = "chartjs-", o = a + "render-monitor", l = a + "render-animation", s = ["animationstart", "webkitAnimationStart"], d = { touchstart: "mousedown", touchmove: "mousemove", touchend: "mouseup", pointerenter: "mouseenter", pointerdown: "mousedown", pointermove: "mousemove", pointerup: "mouseup", pointerleave: "mouseout", pointerout: "mouseout" }; function u(e, t) { var n = i.getStyle(e, t), r = n && n.match(/^(\d+)(\.\d+)?px$/); return r ? Number(r[1]) : void 0 } var c = !!function () { var e = !1; try { var t = Object.defineProperty({}, "passive", { get: function () { e = !0 } }); window.addEventListener("e", null, t) } catch (e) { } return e }() && { passive: !0 }; function h(e, t, n) { e.addEventListener(t, n, c) } function p(e, t, n) { e.removeEventListener(t, n, c) } function f(e, t, n, i, r) { return { type: e, chart: t, native: r || null, x: void 0 !== n ? n : null, y: void 0 !== i ? i : null } } function m(e, t, n) { var d, u, c, p, m = e[r] || (e[r] = {}), g = m.resizer = function (e) { var t = document.createElement("div"), n = a + "size-monitor", i = "position:absolute;left:0;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;overflow:hidden;pointer-events:none;visibility:hidden;z-index:-1;"; t.style.cssText = i, t.className = n, t.innerHTML = '
'; var r = t.childNodes[0], o = t.childNodes[1]; t._reset = function () { r.scrollLeft = 1e6, r.scrollTop = 1e6, o.scrollLeft = 1e6, o.scrollTop = 1e6 }; var l = function () { t._reset(), e() }; return h(r, "scroll", l.bind(r, "expand")), h(o, "scroll", l.bind(o, "shrink")), t }((d = function () { if (m.resizer) return t(f("resize", n)) }, c = !1, p = [], function () { p = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments), u = u || this, c || (c = !0, i.requestAnimFrame.call(window, function () { c = !1, d.apply(u, p) })) })); !function (e, t) { var n = e[r] || (e[r] = {}), a = n.renderProxy = function (e) { e.animationName === l && t() }; i.each(s, function (t) { h(e, t, a) }), n.reflow = !!e.offsetParent, e.classList.add(o) }(e, function () { if (m.resizer) { var t = e.parentNode; t && t !== g.parentNode && t.insertBefore(g, t.firstChild), g._reset() } }) } function g(e) { var t = e[r] || {}, n = t.resizer; delete t.resizer, function (e) { var t = e[r] || {}, n = t.renderProxy; n && (i.each(s, function (t) { p(e, t, n) }), delete t.renderProxy), e.classList.remove(o) }(e), n && n.parentNode && n.parentNode.removeChild(n) } e.exports = { _enabled: "undefined" != typeof window && "undefined" != typeof document, initialize: function () { var e, t, n, i = "from{opacity:0.99}to{opacity:1}"; t = "@-webkit-keyframes " + l + "{" + i + "}@keyframes " + l + "{" + i + "}." + o + "{-webkit-animation:" + l + " 0.001s;animation:" + l + " 0.001s;}", n = (e = this)._style || document.createElement("style"), e._style || (e._style = n, t = "/* Chart.js */\n" + t, n.setAttribute("type", "text/css"), document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(n)), n.appendChild(document.createTextNode(t)) }, acquireContext: function (e, t) { "string" == typeof e ? e = document.getElementById(e) : e.length && (e = e[0]), e && e.canvas && (e = e.canvas); var n = e && e.getContext && e.getContext("2d"); return n && n.canvas === e ? (function (e, t) { var n = e.style, i = e.getAttribute("height"), a = e.getAttribute("width"); if (e[r] = { initial: { height: i, width: a, style: { display: n.display, height: n.height, width: n.width } } }, n.display = n.display || "block", null === a || "" === a) { var o = u(e, "width"); void 0 !== o && (e.width = o) } if (null === i || "" === i) if ("" === e.style.height) e.height = e.width / (t.options.aspectRatio || 2); else { var l = u(e, "height"); void 0 !== o && (e.height = l) } }(e, t), n) : null }, releaseContext: function (e) { var t = e.canvas; if (t[r]) { var n = t[r].initial;["height", "width"].forEach(function (e) { var r = n[e]; i.isNullOrUndef(r) ? t.removeAttribute(e) : t.setAttribute(e, r) }), i.each(n.style || {}, function (e, n) { t.style[n] = e }), t.width = t.width, delete t[r] } }, addEventListener: function (e, t, n) { var a = e.canvas; if ("resize" !== t) { var o = n[r] || (n[r] = {}); h(a, t, (o.proxies || (o.proxies = {}))[e.id + "_" + t] = function (t) { n(function (e, t) { var n = d[e.type] || e.type, r = i.getRelativePosition(e, t); return f(n, t, r.x, r.y, e) }(t, e)) }) } else m(a, n, e) }, removeEventListener: function (e, t, n) { var i = e.canvas; if ("resize" !== t) { var a = ((n[r] || {}).proxies || {})[e.id + "_" + t]; a && p(i, t, a) } else g(i) } }, i.addEvent = h, i.removeEvent = p }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(139), r = n(140), a = n(3), o = n(2), l = n(141), s = n(9), d = n(142), u = n(143), c = n(7), h = n(144); e.exports = function (e) { function t(e) { return "top" === e || "bottom" === e } e.types = {}, e.instances = {}, e.controllers = {}, o.extend(e.prototype, { construct: function (t, n) { var i = this; n = function (e) { var t = (e = e || {}).data = e.data || {}; return t.datasets = t.datasets || [], t.labels = t.labels || [], e.options = o.configMerge(a.global, a[e.type], e.options || {}), e }(n); var r = d.acquireContext(t, n), l = r && r.canvas, s = l && l.height, u = l && l.width; i.id = o.uid(), i.ctx = r, i.canvas = l, i.config = n, i.width = u, i.height = s, i.aspectRatio = s ? u / s : null, i.options = n.options, i._bufferedRender = !1, i.chart = i, i.controller = i, e.instances[i.id] = i, Object.defineProperty(i, "data", { get: function () { return i.config.data }, set: function (e) { i.config.data = e } }), r && l ? (i.initialize(), i.update()) : console.error("Failed to create chart: can't acquire context from the given item") }, initialize: function () { var e = this; return u.notify(e, "beforeInit"), o.retinaScale(e, e.options.devicePixelRatio), e.bindEvents(), e.options.responsive && e.resize(!0), e.ensureScalesHaveIDs(), e.buildOrUpdateScales(), e.initToolTip(), u.notify(e, "afterInit"), e }, clear: function () { return o.canvas.clear(this), this }, stop: function () { return r.cancelAnimation(this), this }, resize: function (e) { var t = this, n = t.options, i = t.canvas, r = n.maintainAspectRatio && t.aspectRatio || null, a = Math.max(0, Math.floor(o.getMaximumWidth(i))), l = Math.max(0, Math.floor(r ? a / r : o.getMaximumHeight(i))); if ((t.width !== a || t.height !== l) && (i.width = t.width = a, i.height = t.height = l, i.style.width = a + "px", i.style.height = l + "px", o.retinaScale(t, n.devicePixelRatio), !e)) { var s = { width: a, height: l }; u.notify(t, "resize", [s]), t.options.onResize && t.options.onResize(t, s), t.stop(), t.update({ duration: t.options.responsiveAnimationDuration }) } }, ensureScalesHaveIDs: function () { var e = this.options, t = e.scales || {}, n = e.scale; o.each(t.xAxes, function (e, t) { e.id = e.id || "x-axis-" + t }), o.each(t.yAxes, function (e, t) { e.id = e.id || "y-axis-" + t }), n && (n.id = n.id || "scale") }, buildOrUpdateScales: function () { var e = this, n = e.options, i = e.scales || {}, r = [], a = Object.keys(i).reduce(function (e, t) { return e[t] = !1, e }, {}); n.scales && (r = r.concat((n.scales.xAxes || []).map(function (e) { return { options: e, dtype: "category", dposition: "bottom" } }), (n.scales.yAxes || []).map(function (e) { return { options: e, dtype: "linear", dposition: "left" } }))), n.scale && r.push({ options: n.scale, dtype: "radialLinear", isDefault: !0, dposition: "chartArea" }), o.each(r, function (n) { var r = n.options, l = r.id, s = o.valueOrDefault(r.type, n.dtype); t(r.position) !== t(n.dposition) && (r.position = n.dposition), a[l] = !0; var d = null; if (l in i && i[l].type === s) (d = i[l]).options = r, d.ctx = e.ctx, d.chart = e; else { var u = c.getScaleConstructor(s); if (!u) return; d = new u({ id: l, type: s, options: r, ctx: e.ctx, chart: e }), i[d.id] = d } d.mergeTicksOptions(), n.isDefault && (e.scale = d) }), o.each(a, function (e, t) { e || delete i[t] }), e.scales = i, c.addScalesToLayout(this) }, buildOrUpdateControllers: function () { var t = this, n = [], i = []; return o.each(t.data.datasets, function (r, a) { var o = t.getDatasetMeta(a), l = r.type || t.config.type; if (o.type && o.type !== l && (t.destroyDatasetMeta(a), o = t.getDatasetMeta(a)), o.type = l, n.push(o.type), o.controller) o.controller.updateIndex(a), o.controller.linkScales(); else { var s = e.controllers[o.type]; if (void 0 === s) throw new Error('"' + o.type + '" is not a chart type.'); o.controller = new s(t, a), i.push(o.controller) } }, t), i }, resetElements: function () { var e = this; o.each(e.data.datasets, function (t, n) { e.getDatasetMeta(n).controller.reset() }, e) }, reset: function () { this.resetElements(), this.tooltip.initialize() }, update: function (t) { var n, i, r = this; if (t && "object" == typeof t || (t = { duration: t, lazy: arguments[1] }), i = (n = r).options, o.each(n.scales, function (e) { s.removeBox(n, e) }), i = o.configMerge(e.defaults.global, e.defaults[n.config.type], i), n.options = n.config.options = i, n.ensureScalesHaveIDs(), n.buildOrUpdateScales(), n.tooltip._options = i.tooltips, n.tooltip.initialize(), u._invalidate(r), !1 !== u.notify(r, "beforeUpdate")) { r.tooltip._data = r.data; var a = r.buildOrUpdateControllers(); o.each(r.data.datasets, function (e, t) { r.getDatasetMeta(t).controller.buildOrUpdateElements() }, r), r.updateLayout(), r.options.animation && r.options.animation.duration && o.each(a, function (e) { e.reset() }), r.updateDatasets(), r.tooltip.initialize(), r.lastActive = [], u.notify(r, "afterUpdate"), r._bufferedRender ? r._bufferedRequest = { duration: t.duration, easing: t.easing, lazy: t.lazy } : r.render(t) } }, updateLayout: function () { !1 !== u.notify(this, "beforeLayout") && (s.update(this, this.width, this.height), u.notify(this, "afterScaleUpdate"), u.notify(this, "afterLayout")) }, updateDatasets: function () { if (!1 !== u.notify(this, "beforeDatasetsUpdate")) { for (var e = 0, t = this.data.datasets.length; e < t; ++e)this.updateDataset(e); u.notify(this, "afterDatasetsUpdate") } }, updateDataset: function (e) { var t = this.getDatasetMeta(e), n = { meta: t, index: e }; !1 !== u.notify(this, "beforeDatasetUpdate", [n]) && (t.controller.update(), u.notify(this, "afterDatasetUpdate", [n])) }, render: function (e) { var t = this; e && "object" == typeof e || (e = { duration: e, lazy: arguments[1] }); var n = e.duration, a = e.lazy; if (!1 !== u.notify(t, "beforeRender")) { var l = t.options.animation, s = function (e) { u.notify(t, "afterRender"), o.callback(l && l.onComplete, [e], t) }; if (l && (void 0 !== n && 0 !== n || void 0 === n && 0 !== l.duration)) { var d = new i({ numSteps: (n || l.duration) / 16.66, easing: e.easing || l.easing, render: function (e, t) { var n = o.easing.effects[t.easing], i = t.currentStep, r = i / t.numSteps; e.draw(n(r), r, i) }, onAnimationProgress: l.onProgress, onAnimationComplete: s }); r.addAnimation(t, d, n, a) } else t.draw(), s(new i({ numSteps: 0, chart: t })); return t } }, draw: function (e) { var t = this; t.clear(), o.isNullOrUndef(e) && (e = 1), t.transition(e), t.width <= 0 || t.height <= 0 || !1 !== u.notify(t, "beforeDraw", [e]) && (o.each(t.boxes, function (e) { e.draw(t.chartArea) }, t), t.scale && t.scale.draw(), t.drawDatasets(e), t._drawTooltip(e), u.notify(t, "afterDraw", [e])) }, transition: function (e) { for (var t = 0, n = (this.data.datasets || []).length; t < n; ++t)this.isDatasetVisible(t) && this.getDatasetMeta(t).controller.transition(e); this.tooltip.transition(e) }, drawDatasets: function (e) { var t = this; if (!1 !== u.notify(t, "beforeDatasetsDraw", [e])) { for (var n = (t.data.datasets || []).length - 1; n >= 0; --n)t.isDatasetVisible(n) && t.drawDataset(n, e); u.notify(t, "afterDatasetsDraw", [e]) } }, drawDataset: function (e, t) { var n = this.getDatasetMeta(e), i = { meta: n, index: e, easingValue: t }; !1 !== u.notify(this, "beforeDatasetDraw", [i]) && (n.controller.draw(t), u.notify(this, "afterDatasetDraw", [i])) }, _drawTooltip: function (e) { var t = this.tooltip, n = { tooltip: t, easingValue: e }; !1 !== u.notify(this, "beforeTooltipDraw", [n]) && (t.draw(), u.notify(this, "afterTooltipDraw", [n])) }, getElementAtEvent: function (e) { return l.modes.single(this, e) }, getElementsAtEvent: function (e) { return l.modes.label(this, e, { intersect: !0 }) }, getElementsAtXAxis: function (e) { return l.modes["x-axis"](this, e, { intersect: !0 }) }, getElementsAtEventForMode: function (e, t, n) { var i = l.modes[t]; return "function" == typeof i ? i(this, e, n) : [] }, getDatasetAtEvent: function (e) { return l.modes.dataset(this, e, { intersect: !0 }) }, getDatasetMeta: function (e) { var t = this.data.datasets[e]; t._meta || (t._meta = {}); var n = t._meta[this.id]; return n || (n = t._meta[this.id] = { type: null, data: [], dataset: null, controller: null, hidden: null, xAxisID: null, yAxisID: null }), n }, getVisibleDatasetCount: function () { for (var e = 0, t = 0, n = this.data.datasets.length; t < n; ++t)this.isDatasetVisible(t) && e++; return e }, isDatasetVisible: function (e) { var t = this.getDatasetMeta(e); return "boolean" == typeof t.hidden ? !t.hidden : !this.data.datasets[e].hidden }, generateLegend: function () { return this.options.legendCallback(this) }, destroyDatasetMeta: function (e) { var t = this.id, n = this.data.datasets[e], i = n._meta && n._meta[t]; i && (i.controller.destroy(), delete n._meta[t]) }, destroy: function () { var t, n, i = this, r = i.canvas; for (i.stop(), t = 0, n = i.data.datasets.length; t < n; ++t)i.destroyDatasetMeta(t); r && (i.unbindEvents(), o.canvas.clear(i), d.releaseContext(i.ctx), i.canvas = null, i.ctx = null), u.notify(i, "destroy"), delete e.instances[i.id] }, toBase64Image: function () { return this.canvas.toDataURL.apply(this.canvas, arguments) }, initToolTip: function () { var e = this; e.tooltip = new h({ _chart: e, _chartInstance: e, _data: e.data, _options: e.options.tooltips }, e) }, bindEvents: function () { var e = this, t = e._listeners = {}, n = function () { e.eventHandler.apply(e, arguments) }; o.each(e.options.events, function (i) { d.addEventListener(e, i, n), t[i] = n }), e.options.responsive && (n = function () { e.resize() }, d.addEventListener(e, "resize", n), t.resize = n) }, unbindEvents: function () { var e = this, t = e._listeners; t && (delete e._listeners, o.each(t, function (t, n) { d.removeEventListener(e, n, t) })) }, updateHoverStyle: function (e, t, n) { var i, r, a, o = n ? "setHoverStyle" : "removeHoverStyle"; for (r = 0, a = e.length; r < a; ++r)(i = e[r]) && this.getDatasetMeta(i._datasetIndex).controller[o](i) }, eventHandler: function (e) { var t = this, n = t.tooltip; if (!1 !== u.notify(t, "beforeEvent", [e])) { t._bufferedRender = !0, t._bufferedRequest = null; var i = t.handleEvent(e); n && (i = n._start ? n.handleEvent(e) : i | n.handleEvent(e)), u.notify(t, "afterEvent", [e]); var r = t._bufferedRequest; return r ? t.render(r) : i && !t.animating && (t.stop(), t.render({ duration: t.options.hover.animationDuration, lazy: !0 })), t._bufferedRender = !1, t._bufferedRequest = null, t } }, handleEvent: function (e) { var t, n = this, i = n.options || {}, r = i.hover; return n.lastActive = n.lastActive || [], "mouseout" === e.type ? n.active = [] : n.active = n.getElementsAtEventForMode(e, r.mode, r), o.callback(i.onHover || i.hover.onHover, [e.native, n.active], n), "mouseup" !== e.type && "click" !== e.type || i.onClick && i.onClick.call(n, e.native, n.active), n.lastActive.length && n.updateHoverStyle(n.lastActive, r.mode, !1), n.active.length && r.mode && n.updateHoverStyle(n.active, r.mode, !0), t = !o.arrayEquals(n.active, n.lastActive), n.lastActive = n.active, t } }), e.Controller = e } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(2); e.exports = function (e) { var t = ["push", "pop", "shift", "splice", "unshift"]; function n(e, n) { var i = e._chartjs; if (i) { var r = i.listeners, a = r.indexOf(n); -1 !== a && r.splice(a, 1), r.length > 0 || (t.forEach(function (t) { delete e[t] }), delete e._chartjs) } } e.DatasetController = function (e, t) { this.initialize(e, t) }, i.extend(e.DatasetController.prototype, { datasetElementType: null, dataElementType: null, initialize: function (e, t) { this.chart = e, this.index = t, this.linkScales(), this.addElements() }, updateIndex: function (e) { this.index = e }, linkScales: function () { var e = this, t = e.getMeta(), n = e.getDataset(); null !== t.xAxisID && t.xAxisID in e.chart.scales || (t.xAxisID = n.xAxisID || e.chart.options.scales.xAxes[0].id), null !== t.yAxisID && t.yAxisID in e.chart.scales || (t.yAxisID = n.yAxisID || e.chart.options.scales.yAxes[0].id) }, getDataset: function () { return this.chart.data.datasets[this.index] }, getMeta: function () { return this.chart.getDatasetMeta(this.index) }, getScaleForId: function (e) { return this.chart.scales[e] }, reset: function () { this.update(!0) }, destroy: function () { this._data && n(this._data, this) }, createMetaDataset: function () { var e = this.datasetElementType; return e && new e({ _chart: this.chart, _datasetIndex: this.index }) }, createMetaData: function (e) { var t = this.dataElementType; return t && new t({ _chart: this.chart, _datasetIndex: this.index, _index: e }) }, addElements: function () { var e, t, n = this.getMeta(), i = this.getDataset().data || [], r = n.data; for (e = 0, t = i.length; e < t; ++e)r[e] = r[e] || this.createMetaData(e); n.dataset = n.dataset || this.createMetaDataset() }, addElementAndReset: function (e) { var t = this.createMetaData(e); this.getMeta().data.splice(e, 0, t), this.updateElement(t, e, !0) }, buildOrUpdateElements: function () { var e, r, a = this, o = a.getDataset(), l = o.data || (o.data = []); a._data !== l && (a._data && n(a._data, a), r = a, (e = l)._chartjs ? e._chartjs.listeners.push(r) : (Object.defineProperty(e, "_chartjs", { configurable: !0, enumerable: !1, value: { listeners: [r] } }), t.forEach(function (t) { var n = "onData" + t.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + t.slice(1), r = e[t]; Object.defineProperty(e, t, { configurable: !0, enumerable: !1, value: function () { var t = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments), a = r.apply(this, t); return i.each(e._chartjs.listeners, function (e) { "function" == typeof e[n] && e[n].apply(e, t) }), a } }) })), a._data = l), a.resyncElements() }, update: i.noop, transition: function (e) { for (var t = this.getMeta(), n = t.data || [], i = n.length, r = 0; r < i; ++r)n[r].transition(e); t.dataset && t.dataset.transition(e) }, draw: function () { var e = this.getMeta(), t = e.data || [], n = t.length, i = 0; for (e.dataset && e.dataset.draw(); i < n; ++i)t[i].draw() }, removeHoverStyle: function (e) { i.merge(e._model, e.$previousStyle || {}), delete e.$previousStyle }, setHoverStyle: function (e) { var t = this.chart.data.datasets[e._datasetIndex], n = e._index, r = e.custom || {}, a = i.valueAtIndexOrDefault, o = i.getHoverColor, l = e._model; e.$previousStyle = { backgroundColor: l.backgroundColor, borderColor: l.borderColor, borderWidth: l.borderWidth }, l.backgroundColor = r.hoverBackgroundColor ? r.hoverBackgroundColor : a(t.hoverBackgroundColor, n, o(l.backgroundColor)), l.borderColor = r.hoverBorderColor ? r.hoverBorderColor : a(t.hoverBorderColor, n, o(l.borderColor)), l.borderWidth = r.hoverBorderWidth ? r.hoverBorderWidth : a(t.hoverBorderWidth, n, l.borderWidth) }, resyncElements: function () { var e = this.getMeta(), t = this.getDataset().data, n = e.data.length, i = t.length; i < n ? e.data.splice(i, n - i) : i > n && this.insertElements(n, i - n) }, insertElements: function (e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t; ++n)this.addElementAndReset(e + n) }, onDataPush: function () { this.insertElements(this.getDataset().data.length - 1, arguments.length) }, onDataPop: function () { this.getMeta().data.pop() }, onDataShift: function () { this.getMeta().data.shift() }, onDataSplice: function (e, t) { this.getMeta().data.splice(e, t), this.insertElements(e, arguments.length - 2) }, onDataUnshift: function () { this.insertElements(0, arguments.length) } }), e.DatasetController.extend = i.inherits } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(2), r = n(10); e.exports = function (e) { var t = i.noop; e.LinearScaleBase = r.extend({ getRightValue: function (e) { return "string" == typeof e ? +e : r.prototype.getRightValue.call(this, e) }, handleTickRangeOptions: function () { var e = this, t = e.options.ticks; if (t.beginAtZero) { var n = i.sign(e.min), r = i.sign(e.max); n < 0 && r < 0 ? e.max = 0 : n > 0 && r > 0 && (e.min = 0) } var a = void 0 !== t.min || void 0 !== t.suggestedMin, o = void 0 !== t.max || void 0 !== t.suggestedMax; void 0 !== t.min ? e.min = t.min : void 0 !== t.suggestedMin && (null === e.min ? e.min = t.suggestedMin : e.min = Math.min(e.min, t.suggestedMin)), void 0 !== t.max ? e.max = t.max : void 0 !== t.suggestedMax && (null === e.max ? e.max = t.suggestedMax : e.max = Math.max(e.max, t.suggestedMax)), a !== o && e.min >= e.max && (a ? e.max = e.min + 1 : e.min = e.max - 1), e.min === e.max && (e.max++, t.beginAtZero || e.min--) }, getTickLimit: t, handleDirectionalChanges: t, buildTicks: function () { var e = this, t = e.options.ticks, n = e.getTickLimit(), r = { maxTicks: n = Math.max(2, n), min: t.min, max: t.max, precision: t.precision, stepSize: i.valueOrDefault(t.fixedStepSize, t.stepSize) }, a = e.ticks = function (e, t) { var n, r, a, o = []; if (e.stepSize && e.stepSize > 0) a = e.stepSize; else { var l = i.niceNum(t.max - t.min, !1); a = i.niceNum(l / (e.maxTicks - 1), !0), void 0 !== (r = e.precision) && (n = Math.pow(10, r), a = Math.ceil(a * n) / n) } var s = Math.floor(t.min / a) * a, d = Math.ceil(t.max / a) * a; i.isNullOrUndef(e.min) || i.isNullOrUndef(e.max) || !e.stepSize || i.almostWhole((e.max - e.min) / e.stepSize, a / 1e3) && (s = e.min, d = e.max); var u = (d - s) / a; u = i.almostEquals(u, Math.round(u), a / 1e3) ? Math.round(u) : Math.ceil(u), r = 1, a < 1 && (r = Math.pow(10, 1 - Math.floor(i.log10(a))), s = Math.round(s * r) / r, d = Math.round(d * r) / r), o.push(void 0 !== e.min ? e.min : s); for (var c = 1; c < u; ++c)o.push(Math.round((s + c * a) * r) / r); return o.push(void 0 !== e.max ? e.max : d), o }(r, e); e.handleDirectionalChanges(), e.max = i.max(a), e.min = i.min(a), t.reverse ? (a.reverse(), e.start = e.max, e.end = e.min) : (e.start = e.min, e.end = e.max) }, convertTicksToLabels: function () { var e = this; e.ticksAsNumbers = e.ticks.slice(), e.zeroLineIndex = e.ticks.indexOf(0), r.prototype.convertTicksToLabels.call(e) } }) } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(10), r = n(7); e.exports = function () { var e = i.extend({ getLabels: function () { var e = this.chart.data; return this.options.labels || (this.isHorizontal() ? e.xLabels : e.yLabels) || e.labels }, determineDataLimits: function () { var e, t = this, n = t.getLabels(); t.minIndex = 0, t.maxIndex = n.length - 1, void 0 !== t.options.ticks.min && (e = n.indexOf(t.options.ticks.min), t.minIndex = -1 !== e ? e : t.minIndex), void 0 !== t.options.ticks.max && (e = n.indexOf(t.options.ticks.max), t.maxIndex = -1 !== e ? e : t.maxIndex), t.min = n[t.minIndex], t.max = n[t.maxIndex] }, buildTicks: function () { var e = this, t = e.getLabels(); e.ticks = 0 === e.minIndex && e.maxIndex === t.length - 1 ? t : t.slice(e.minIndex, e.maxIndex + 1) }, getLabelForIndex: function (e, t) { var n = this, i = n.chart.data, r = n.isHorizontal(); return i.yLabels && !r ? n.getRightValue(i.datasets[t].data[e]) : n.ticks[e - n.minIndex] }, getPixelForValue: function (e, t) { var n, i = this, r = i.options.offset, a = Math.max(i.maxIndex + 1 - i.minIndex - (r ? 0 : 1), 1); if (null != e && (n = i.isHorizontal() ? e.x : e.y), void 0 !== n || void 0 !== e && isNaN(t)) { e = n || e; var o = i.getLabels().indexOf(e); t = -1 !== o ? o : t } if (i.isHorizontal()) { var l = i.width / a, s = l * (t - i.minIndex); return r && (s += l / 2), i.left + Math.round(s) } var d = i.height / a, u = d * (t - i.minIndex); return r && (u += d / 2), i.top + Math.round(u) }, getPixelForTick: function (e) { return this.getPixelForValue(this.ticks[e], e + this.minIndex, null) }, getValueForPixel: function (e) { var t = this, n = t.options.offset, i = Math.max(t._ticks.length - (n ? 0 : 1), 1), r = t.isHorizontal(), a = (r ? t.width : t.height) / i; return e -= r ? t.left : t.top, n && (e -= a / 2), (e <= 0 ? 0 : Math.round(e / a)) + t.minIndex }, getBasePixel: function () { return this.bottom } }); r.registerScaleType("category", e, { position: "bottom" }) } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(3), r = n(2), a = n(7), o = n(11); e.exports = function (e) { var t = { position: "left", ticks: { callback: o.formatters.linear } }, n = e.LinearScaleBase.extend({ determineDataLimits: function () { var e = this, t = e.options, n = e.chart, i = n.data.datasets, a = e.isHorizontal(); function o(t) { return a ? t.xAxisID === e.id : t.yAxisID === e.id } e.min = null, e.max = null; var l = t.stacked; if (void 0 === l && r.each(i, function (e, t) { if (!l) { var i = n.getDatasetMeta(t); n.isDatasetVisible(t) && o(i) && void 0 !== i.stack && (l = !0) } }), t.stacked || l) { var s = {}; r.each(i, function (i, a) { var l = n.getDatasetMeta(a), d = [l.type, void 0 === t.stacked && void 0 === l.stack ? a : "", l.stack].join("."); void 0 === s[d] && (s[d] = { positiveValues: [], negativeValues: [] }); var u = s[d].positiveValues, c = s[d].negativeValues; n.isDatasetVisible(a) && o(l) && r.each(i.data, function (n, i) { var r = +e.getRightValue(n); isNaN(r) || l.data[i].hidden || (u[i] = u[i] || 0, c[i] = c[i] || 0, t.relativePoints ? u[i] = 100 : r < 0 ? c[i] += r : u[i] += r) }) }), r.each(s, function (t) { var n = t.positiveValues.concat(t.negativeValues), i = r.min(n), a = r.max(n); e.min = null === e.min ? i : Math.min(e.min, i), e.max = null === e.max ? a : Math.max(e.max, a) }) } else r.each(i, function (t, i) { var a = n.getDatasetMeta(i); n.isDatasetVisible(i) && o(a) && r.each(t.data, function (t, n) { var i = +e.getRightValue(t); isNaN(i) || a.data[n].hidden || (null === e.min ? e.min = i : i < e.min && (e.min = i), null === e.max ? e.max = i : i > e.max && (e.max = i)) }) }); e.min = isFinite(e.min) && !isNaN(e.min) ? e.min : 0, e.max = isFinite(e.max) && !isNaN(e.max) ? e.max : 1, this.handleTickRangeOptions() }, getTickLimit: function () { var e, t = this.options.ticks; if (this.isHorizontal()) e = Math.min(t.maxTicksLimit ? t.maxTicksLimit : 11, Math.ceil(this.width / 50)); else { var n = r.valueOrDefault(t.fontSize, i.global.defaultFontSize); e = Math.min(t.maxTicksLimit ? t.maxTicksLimit : 11, Math.ceil(this.height / (2 * n))) } return e }, handleDirectionalChanges: function () { this.isHorizontal() || this.ticks.reverse() }, getLabelForIndex: function (e, t) { return +this.getRightValue(this.chart.data.datasets[t].data[e]) }, getPixelForValue: function (e) { var t = this, n = t.start, i = +t.getRightValue(e), r = t.end - n; return t.isHorizontal() ? t.left + t.width / r * (i - n) : t.bottom - t.height / r * (i - n) }, getValueForPixel: function (e) { var t = this, n = t.isHorizontal(), i = n ? t.width : t.height, r = (n ? e - t.left : t.bottom - e) / i; return t.start + (t.end - t.start) * r }, getPixelForTick: function (e) { return this.getPixelForValue(this.ticksAsNumbers[e]) } }); a.registerScaleType("linear", n, t) } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(2), r = n(10), a = n(7), o = n(11); e.exports = function (e) { var t = { position: "left", ticks: { callback: o.formatters.logarithmic } }, n = r.extend({ determineDataLimits: function () { var e = this, t = e.options, n = e.chart, r = n.data.datasets, a = e.isHorizontal(); function o(t) { return a ? t.xAxisID === e.id : t.yAxisID === e.id } e.min = null, e.max = null, e.minNotZero = null; var l = t.stacked; if (void 0 === l && i.each(r, function (e, t) { if (!l) { var i = n.getDatasetMeta(t); n.isDatasetVisible(t) && o(i) && void 0 !== i.stack && (l = !0) } }), t.stacked || l) { var s = {}; i.each(r, function (r, a) { var l = n.getDatasetMeta(a), d = [l.type, void 0 === t.stacked && void 0 === l.stack ? a : "", l.stack].join("."); n.isDatasetVisible(a) && o(l) && (void 0 === s[d] && (s[d] = []), i.each(r.data, function (t, n) { var i = s[d], r = +e.getRightValue(t); isNaN(r) || l.data[n].hidden || r < 0 || (i[n] = i[n] || 0, i[n] += r) })) }), i.each(s, function (t) { if (t.length > 0) { var n = i.min(t), r = i.max(t); e.min = null === e.min ? n : Math.min(e.min, n), e.max = null === e.max ? r : Math.max(e.max, r) } }) } else i.each(r, function (t, r) { var a = n.getDatasetMeta(r); n.isDatasetVisible(r) && o(a) && i.each(t.data, function (t, n) { var i = +e.getRightValue(t); isNaN(i) || a.data[n].hidden || i < 0 || (null === e.min ? e.min = i : i < e.min && (e.min = i), null === e.max ? e.max = i : i > e.max && (e.max = i), 0 !== i && (null === e.minNotZero || i < e.minNotZero) && (e.minNotZero = i)) }) }); this.handleTickRangeOptions() }, handleTickRangeOptions: function () { var e = this, t = e.options.ticks, n = i.valueOrDefault; e.min = n(t.min, e.min), e.max = n(t.max, e.max), e.min === e.max && (0 !== e.min && null !== e.min ? (e.min = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(i.log10(e.min)) - 1), e.max = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(i.log10(e.max)) + 1)) : (e.min = 1, e.max = 10)), null === e.min && (e.min = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(i.log10(e.max)) - 1)), null === e.max && (e.max = 0 !== e.min ? Math.pow(10, Math.floor(i.log10(e.min)) + 1) : 10), null === e.minNotZero && (e.min > 0 ? e.minNotZero = e.min : e.max < 1 ? e.minNotZero = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(i.log10(e.max))) : e.minNotZero = 1) }, buildTicks: function () { var e = this, t = e.options.ticks, n = !e.isHorizontal(), r = { min: t.min, max: t.max }, a = e.ticks = function (e, t) { var n, r, a = [], o = i.valueOrDefault, l = o(e.min, Math.pow(10, Math.floor(i.log10(t.min)))), s = Math.floor(i.log10(t.max)), d = Math.ceil(t.max / Math.pow(10, s)); 0 === l ? (n = Math.floor(i.log10(t.minNotZero)), r = Math.floor(t.minNotZero / Math.pow(10, n)), a.push(l), l = r * Math.pow(10, n)) : (n = Math.floor(i.log10(l)), r = Math.floor(l / Math.pow(10, n))); var u = n < 0 ? Math.pow(10, Math.abs(n)) : 1; do { a.push(l), 10 == ++r && (r = 1, u = ++n >= 0 ? 1 : u), l = Math.round(r * Math.pow(10, n) * u) / u } while (n < s || n === s && r < d); var c = o(e.max, l); return a.push(c), a }(r, e); e.max = i.max(a), e.min = i.min(a), t.reverse ? (n = !n, e.start = e.max, e.end = e.min) : (e.start = e.min, e.end = e.max), n && a.reverse() }, convertTicksToLabels: function () { this.tickValues = this.ticks.slice(), r.prototype.convertTicksToLabels.call(this) }, getLabelForIndex: function (e, t) { return +this.getRightValue(this.chart.data.datasets[t].data[e]) }, getPixelForTick: function (e) { return this.getPixelForValue(this.tickValues[e]) }, _getFirstTickValue: function (e) { var t = Math.floor(i.log10(e)); return Math.floor(e / Math.pow(10, t)) * Math.pow(10, t) }, getPixelForValue: function (t) { var n, r, a, o, l, s = this, d = s.options.ticks.reverse, u = i.log10, c = s._getFirstTickValue(s.minNotZero), h = 0; return t = +s.getRightValue(t), d ? (a = s.end, o = s.start, l = -1) : (a = s.start, o = s.end, l = 1), s.isHorizontal() ? (n = s.width, r = d ? s.right : s.left) : (n = s.height, l *= -1, r = d ? s.top : s.bottom), t !== a && (0 === a && (n -= h = i.getValueOrDefault(s.options.ticks.fontSize, e.defaults.global.defaultFontSize), a = c), 0 !== t && (h += n / (u(o) - u(a)) * (u(t) - u(a))), r += l * h), r }, getValueForPixel: function (t) { var n, r, a, o, l = this, s = l.options.ticks.reverse, d = i.log10, u = l._getFirstTickValue(l.minNotZero); if (s ? (r = l.end, a = l.start) : (r = l.start, a = l.end), l.isHorizontal() ? (n = l.width, o = s ? l.right - t : t - l.left) : (n = l.height, o = s ? t - l.top : l.bottom - t), o !== r) { if (0 === r) { var c = i.getValueOrDefault(l.options.ticks.fontSize, e.defaults.global.defaultFontSize); o -= c, n -= c, r = u } o *= d(a) - d(r), o /= n, o = Math.pow(10, d(r) + o) } return o } }); a.registerScaleType("logarithmic", n, t) } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(3), r = n(2), a = n(7), o = n(11); e.exports = function (e) { var t = i.global, n = { display: !0, animate: !0, position: "chartArea", angleLines: { display: !0, color: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)", lineWidth: 1 }, gridLines: { circular: !1 }, ticks: { showLabelBackdrop: !0, backdropColor: "rgba(255,255,255,0.75)", backdropPaddingY: 2, backdropPaddingX: 2, callback: o.formatters.linear }, pointLabels: { display: !0, fontSize: 10, callback: function (e) { return e } } }; function l(e) { var t = e.options; return t.angleLines.display || t.pointLabels.display ? e.chart.data.labels.length : 0 } function s(e) { var n = e.options.pointLabels, i = r.valueOrDefault(n.fontSize, t.defaultFontSize), a = r.valueOrDefault(n.fontStyle, t.defaultFontStyle), o = r.valueOrDefault(n.fontFamily, t.defaultFontFamily); return { size: i, style: a, family: o, font: r.fontString(i, a, o) } } function d(e, t, n, i, r) { return e === i || e === r ? { start: t - n / 2, end: t + n / 2 } : e < i || e > r ? { start: t - n - 5, end: t } : { start: t, end: t + n + 5 } } function u(e) { return 0 === e || 180 === e ? "center" : e < 180 ? "left" : "right" } function c(e, t, n, i) { if (r.isArray(t)) for (var a = n.y, o = 1.5 * i, l = 0; l < t.length; ++l)e.fillText(t[l], n.x, a), a += o; else e.fillText(t, n.x, n.y) } function h(e, t, n) { 90 === e || 270 === e ? n.y -= t.h / 2 : (e > 270 || e < 90) && (n.y -= t.h) } function p(e) { return r.isNumber(e) ? e : 0 } var f = e.LinearScaleBase.extend({ setDimensions: function () { var e = this, n = e.options, i = n.ticks; e.width = e.maxWidth, e.height = e.maxHeight, e.xCenter = Math.round(e.width / 2), e.yCenter = Math.round(e.height / 2); var a = r.min([e.height, e.width]), o = r.valueOrDefault(i.fontSize, t.defaultFontSize); e.drawingArea = n.display ? a / 2 - (o / 2 + i.backdropPaddingY) : a / 2 }, determineDataLimits: function () { var e = this, t = e.chart, n = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, i = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; r.each(t.data.datasets, function (a, o) { if (t.isDatasetVisible(o)) { var l = t.getDatasetMeta(o); r.each(a.data, function (t, r) { var a = +e.getRightValue(t); isNaN(a) || l.data[r].hidden || (n = Math.min(a, n), i = Math.max(a, i)) }) } }), e.min = n === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY ? 0 : n, e.max = i === Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY ? 0 : i, e.handleTickRangeOptions() }, getTickLimit: function () { var e = this.options.ticks, n = r.valueOrDefault(e.fontSize, t.defaultFontSize); return Math.min(e.maxTicksLimit ? e.maxTicksLimit : 11, Math.ceil(this.drawingArea / (1.5 * n))) }, convertTicksToLabels: function () { var t = this; e.LinearScaleBase.prototype.convertTicksToLabels.call(t), t.pointLabels = t.chart.data.labels.map(t.options.pointLabels.callback, t) }, getLabelForIndex: function (e, t) { return +this.getRightValue(this.chart.data.datasets[t].data[e]) }, fit: function () { var e, t; this.options.pointLabels.display ? function (e) { var t, n, i, a = s(e), o = Math.min(e.height / 2, e.width / 2), u = { r: e.width, l: 0, t: e.height, b: 0 }, c = {}; e.ctx.font = a.font, e._pointLabelSizes = []; var h, p, f, m = l(e); for (t = 0; t < m; t++) { i = e.getPointPosition(t, o), h = e.ctx, p = a.size, f = e.pointLabels[t] || "", n = r.isArray(f) ? { w: r.longestText(h, h.font, f), h: f.length * p + 1.5 * (f.length - 1) * p } : { w: h.measureText(f).width, h: p }, e._pointLabelSizes[t] = n; var g = e.getIndexAngle(t), _ = r.toDegrees(g) % 360, y = d(_, i.x, n.w, 0, 180), v = d(_, i.y, n.h, 90, 270); y.start < u.l && (u.l = y.start, c.l = g), y.end > u.r && (u.r = y.end, c.r = g), v.start < u.t && (u.t = v.start, c.t = g), v.end > u.b && (u.b = v.end, c.b = g) } e.setReductions(o, u, c) }(this) : (e = this, t = Math.min(e.height / 2, e.width / 2), e.drawingArea = Math.round(t), e.setCenterPoint(0, 0, 0, 0)) }, setReductions: function (e, t, n) { var i = t.l / Math.sin(n.l), r = Math.max(t.r - this.width, 0) / Math.sin(n.r), a = -t.t / Math.cos(n.t), o = -Math.max(t.b - this.height, 0) / Math.cos(n.b); i = p(i), r = p(r), a = p(a), o = p(o), this.drawingArea = Math.min(Math.round(e - (i + r) / 2), Math.round(e - (a + o) / 2)), this.setCenterPoint(i, r, a, o) }, setCenterPoint: function (e, t, n, i) { var r = this, a = r.width - t - r.drawingArea, o = e + r.drawingArea, l = n + r.drawingArea, s = r.height - i - r.drawingArea; r.xCenter = Math.round((o + a) / 2 + r.left), r.yCenter = Math.round((l + s) / 2 + r.top) }, getIndexAngle: function (e) { return e * (2 * Math.PI / l(this)) + (this.chart.options && this.chart.options.startAngle ? this.chart.options.startAngle : 0) * Math.PI * 2 / 360 }, getDistanceFromCenterForValue: function (e) { var t = this; if (null === e) return 0; var n = t.drawingArea / (t.max - t.min); return t.options.ticks.reverse ? (t.max - e) * n : (e - t.min) * n }, getPointPosition: function (e, t) { var n = this.getIndexAngle(e) - Math.PI / 2; return { x: Math.round(Math.cos(n) * t) + this.xCenter, y: Math.round(Math.sin(n) * t) + this.yCenter } }, getPointPositionForValue: function (e, t) { return this.getPointPosition(e, this.getDistanceFromCenterForValue(t)) }, getBasePosition: function () { var e = this.min, t = this.max; return this.getPointPositionForValue(0, this.beginAtZero ? 0 : e < 0 && t < 0 ? t : e > 0 && t > 0 ? e : 0) }, draw: function () { var e = this, n = e.options, i = n.gridLines, a = n.ticks, o = r.valueOrDefault; if (n.display) { var d = e.ctx, p = this.getIndexAngle(0), f = o(a.fontSize, t.defaultFontSize), m = o(a.fontStyle, t.defaultFontStyle), g = o(a.fontFamily, t.defaultFontFamily), _ = r.fontString(f, m, g); r.each(e.ticks, function (n, s) { if (s > 0 || a.reverse) { var u = e.getDistanceFromCenterForValue(e.ticksAsNumbers[s]); if (i.display && 0 !== s && function (e, t, n, i) { var a = e.ctx; if (a.strokeStyle = r.valueAtIndexOrDefault(t.color, i - 1), a.lineWidth = r.valueAtIndexOrDefault(t.lineWidth, i - 1), e.options.gridLines.circular) a.beginPath(), a.arc(e.xCenter, e.yCenter, n, 0, 2 * Math.PI), a.closePath(), a.stroke(); else { var o = l(e); if (0 === o) return; a.beginPath(); var s = e.getPointPosition(0, n); a.moveTo(s.x, s.y); for (var d = 1; d < o; d++)s = e.getPointPosition(d, n), a.lineTo(s.x, s.y); a.closePath(), a.stroke() } }(e, i, u, s), a.display) { var c = o(a.fontColor, t.defaultFontColor); if (d.font = _, d.save(), d.translate(e.xCenter, e.yCenter), d.rotate(p), a.showLabelBackdrop) { var h = d.measureText(n).width; d.fillStyle = a.backdropColor, d.fillRect(-h / 2 - a.backdropPaddingX, -u - f / 2 - a.backdropPaddingY, h + 2 * a.backdropPaddingX, f + 2 * a.backdropPaddingY) } d.textAlign = "center", d.textBaseline = "middle", d.fillStyle = c, d.fillText(n, 0, -u), d.restore() } } }), (n.angleLines.display || n.pointLabels.display) && function (e) { var n = e.ctx, i = e.options, a = i.angleLines, o = i.pointLabels; n.lineWidth = a.lineWidth, n.strokeStyle = a.color; var d = e.getDistanceFromCenterForValue(i.ticks.reverse ? e.min : e.max), p = s(e); n.textBaseline = "top"; for (var f = l(e) - 1; f >= 0; f--) { if (a.display) { var m = e.getPointPosition(f, d); n.beginPath(), n.moveTo(e.xCenter, e.yCenter), n.lineTo(m.x, m.y), n.stroke(), n.closePath() } if (o.display) { var g = e.getPointPosition(f, d + 5), _ = r.valueAtIndexOrDefault(o.fontColor, f, t.defaultFontColor); n.font = p.font, n.fillStyle = _; var y = e.getIndexAngle(f), v = r.toDegrees(y); n.textAlign = u(v), h(v, e._pointLabelSizes[f], g), c(n, e.pointLabels[f] || "", g, p.size) } } }(e) } } }); a.registerScaleType("radialLinear", f, n) } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(0); i = "function" == typeof i ? i : window.moment; var r = n(3), a = n(2), o = n(10), l = n(7), s = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER || -9007199254740991, d = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || 9007199254740991, u = { millisecond: { common: !0, size: 1, steps: [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 250, 500] }, second: { common: !0, size: 1e3, steps: [1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30] }, minute: { common: !0, size: 6e4, steps: [1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30] }, hour: { common: !0, size: 36e5, steps: [1, 2, 3, 6, 12] }, day: { common: !0, size: 864e5, steps: [1, 2, 5] }, week: { common: !1, size: 6048e5, steps: [1, 2, 3, 4] }, month: { common: !0, size: 2628e6, steps: [1, 2, 3] }, quarter: { common: !1, size: 7884e6, steps: [1, 2, 3, 4] }, year: { common: !0, size: 3154e7 } }, c = Object.keys(u); function h(e, t) { return e - t } function p(e) { var t, n, i, r = {}, a = []; for (t = 0, n = e.length; t < n; ++t)r[i = e[t]] || (r[i] = !0, a.push(i)); return a } function f(e, t, n, i) { var r = function (e, t, n) { for (var i, r, a, o = 0, l = e.length - 1; o >= 0 && o <= l;) { if (r = e[(i = o + l >> 1) - 1] || null, a = e[i], !r) return { lo: null, hi: a }; if (a[t] < n) o = i + 1; else { if (!(r[t] > n)) return { lo: r, hi: a }; l = i - 1 } } return { lo: a, hi: null } }(e, t, n), a = r.lo ? r.hi ? r.lo : e[e.length - 2] : e[0], o = r.lo ? r.hi ? r.hi : e[e.length - 1] : e[1], l = o[t] - a[t], s = l ? (n - a[t]) / l : 0, d = (o[i] - a[i]) * s; return a[i] + d } function m(e, t) { var n = t.parser, r = t.parser || t.format; return "function" == typeof n ? n(e) : "string" == typeof e && "string" == typeof r ? i(e, r) : (e instanceof i || (e = i(e)), e.isValid() ? e : "function" == typeof r ? r(e) : e) } function g(e, t) { if (a.isNullOrUndef(e)) return null; var n = t.options.time, i = m(t.getRightValue(e), n); return i.isValid() ? (n.round && i.startOf(n.round), i.valueOf()) : null } function _(e) { for (var t = c.indexOf(e) + 1, n = c.length; t < n; ++t)if (u[c[t]].common) return c[t] } function y(e, t, n, r) { var o, l = r.time, s = l.unit || function (e, t, n, i) { var r, a, o, l = c.length; for (r = c.indexOf(e); r < l - 1; ++r)if (o = (a = u[c[r]]).steps ? a.steps[a.steps.length - 1] : d, a.common && Math.ceil((n - t) / (o * a.size)) <= i) return c[r]; return c[l - 1] }(l.minUnit, e, t, n), h = _(s), p = a.valueOrDefault(l.stepSize, l.unitStepSize), f = "week" === s && l.isoWeekday, m = r.ticks.major.enabled, g = u[s], y = i(e), v = i(t), M = []; for (p || (p = function (e, t, n, i) { var r, a, o, l = t - e, s = u[n], d = s.size, c = s.steps; if (!c) return Math.ceil(l / (i * d)); for (r = 0, a = c.length; r < a && (o = c[r], !(Math.ceil(l / (d * o)) <= i)); ++r); return o }(e, t, s, n)), f && (y = y.isoWeekday(f), v = v.isoWeekday(f)), y = y.startOf(f ? "day" : s), (v = v.startOf(f ? "day" : s)) < t && v.add(1, s), o = i(y), m && h && !f && !l.round && (o.startOf(h), o.add(~~((y - o) / (g.size * p)) * p, s)); o < v; o.add(p, s))M.push(+o); return M.push(+o), M } e.exports = function () { var e = o.extend({ initialize: function () { if (!i) throw new Error("Chart.js - Moment.js could not be found! You must include it before Chart.js to use the time scale. Download at https://momentjs.com"); this.mergeTicksOptions(), o.prototype.initialize.call(this) }, update: function () { var e = this.options; return e.time && e.time.format && console.warn("options.time.format is deprecated and replaced by options.time.parser."), o.prototype.update.apply(this, arguments) }, getRightValue: function (e) { return e && void 0 !== e.t && (e = e.t), o.prototype.getRightValue.call(this, e) }, determineDataLimits: function () { var e, t, n, r, o, l, u = this, c = u.chart, f = u.options.time, m = f.unit || "day", _ = d, y = s, v = [], M = [], b = []; for (e = 0, n = c.data.labels.length; e < n; ++e)b.push(g(c.data.labels[e], u)); for (e = 0, n = (c.data.datasets || []).length; e < n; ++e)if (c.isDatasetVisible(e)) if (o = c.data.datasets[e].data, a.isObject(o[0])) for (M[e] = [], t = 0, r = o.length; t < r; ++t)l = g(o[t], u), v.push(l), M[e][t] = l; else v.push.apply(v, b), M[e] = b.slice(0); else M[e] = []; b.length && (b = p(b).sort(h), _ = Math.min(_, b[0]), y = Math.max(y, b[b.length - 1])), v.length && (v = p(v).sort(h), _ = Math.min(_, v[0]), y = Math.max(y, v[v.length - 1])), _ = g(f.min, u) || _, y = g(f.max, u) || y, _ = _ === d ? +i().startOf(m) : _, y = y === s ? +i().endOf(m) + 1 : y, u.min = Math.min(_, y), u.max = Math.max(_ + 1, y), u._horizontal = u.isHorizontal(), u._table = [], u._timestamps = { data: v, datasets: M, labels: b } }, buildTicks: function () { var e, t, n, r = this, a = r.min, o = r.max, l = r.options, s = l.time, d = [], h = []; switch (l.ticks.source) { case "data": d = r._timestamps.data; break; case "labels": d = r._timestamps.labels; break; case "auto": default: d = y(a, o, r.getLabelCapacity(a), l) }for ("ticks" === l.bounds && d.length && (a = d[0], o = d[d.length - 1]), a = g(s.min, r) || a, o = g(s.max, r) || o, e = 0, t = d.length; e < t; ++e)(n = d[e]) >= a && n <= o && h.push(n); return r.min = a, r.max = o, r._unit = s.unit || function (e, t, n, r) { var a, o, l = i.duration(i(r).diff(i(n))); for (a = c.length - 1; a >= c.indexOf(t); a--)if (o = c[a], u[o].common && l.as(o) >= e.length) return o; return c[t ? c.indexOf(t) : 0] }(h, s.minUnit, r.min, r.max), r._majorUnit = _(r._unit), r._table = function (e, t, n, i) { if ("linear" === i || !e.length) return [{ time: t, pos: 0 }, { time: n, pos: 1 }]; var r, a, o, l, s, d = [], u = [t]; for (r = 0, a = e.length; r < a; ++r)(l = e[r]) > t && l < n && u.push(l); for (u.push(n), r = 0, a = u.length; r < a; ++r)s = u[r + 1], o = u[r - 1], l = u[r], void 0 !== o && void 0 !== s && Math.round((s + o) / 2) === l || d.push({ time: l, pos: r / (a - 1) }); return d }(r._timestamps.data, a, o, l.distribution), r._offsets = function (e, t, n, i, r) { var a, o, l = 0, s = 0; return r.offset && t.length && (r.time.min || (a = t.length > 1 ? t[1] : i, o = t[0], l = (f(e, "time", a, "pos") - f(e, "time", o, "pos")) / 2), r.time.max || (a = t[t.length - 1], o = t.length > 1 ? t[t.length - 2] : n, s = (f(e, "time", a, "pos") - f(e, "time", o, "pos")) / 2)), { left: l, right: s } }(r._table, h, a, o, l), r._labelFormat = function (e, t) { var n, i, r, a = e.length; for (n = 0; n < a; n++) { if (0 !== (i = m(e[n], t)).millisecond()) return "MMM D, YYYY h:mm:ss.SSS a"; 0 === i.second() && 0 === i.minute() && 0 === i.hour() || (r = !0) } return r ? "MMM D, YYYY h:mm:ss a" : "MMM D, YYYY" }(r._timestamps.data, s), function (e, t) { var n, r, a, o, l = []; for (n = 0, r = e.length; n < r; ++n)a = e[n], o = !!t && a === +i(a).startOf(t), l.push({ value: a, major: o }); return l }(h, r._majorUnit) }, getLabelForIndex: function (e, t) { var n = this.chart.data, i = this.options.time, r = n.labels && e < n.labels.length ? n.labels[e] : "", o = n.datasets[t].data[e]; return a.isObject(o) && (r = this.getRightValue(o)), i.tooltipFormat ? m(r, i).format(i.tooltipFormat) : "string" == typeof r ? r : m(r, i).format(this._labelFormat) }, tickFormatFunction: function (e, t, n, i) { var r = this.options, o = e.valueOf(), l = r.time.displayFormats, s = l[this._unit], d = this._majorUnit, u = l[d], c = e.clone().startOf(d).valueOf(), h = r.ticks.major, p = h.enabled && d && u && o === c, f = e.format(i || (p ? u : s)), m = p ? h : r.ticks.minor, g = a.valueOrDefault(m.callback, m.userCallback); return g ? g(f, t, n) : f }, convertTicksToLabels: function (e) { var t, n, r = []; for (t = 0, n = e.length; t < n; ++t)r.push(this.tickFormatFunction(i(e[t].value), t, e)); return r }, getPixelForOffset: function (e) { var t = this, n = t._horizontal ? t.width : t.height, i = t._horizontal ? t.left : t.top, r = f(t._table, "time", e, "pos"); return i + n * (t._offsets.left + r) / (t._offsets.left + 1 + t._offsets.right) }, getPixelForValue: function (e, t, n) { var i = null; if (void 0 !== t && void 0 !== n && (i = this._timestamps.datasets[n][t]), null === i && (i = g(e, this)), null !== i) return this.getPixelForOffset(i) }, getPixelForTick: function (e) { var t = this.getTicks(); return e >= 0 && e < t.length ? this.getPixelForOffset(t[e].value) : null }, getValueForPixel: function (e) { var t = this, n = t._horizontal ? t.width : t.height, r = t._horizontal ? t.left : t.top, a = (n ? (e - r) / n : 0) * (t._offsets.left + 1 + t._offsets.left) - t._offsets.right, o = f(t._table, "pos", a, "time"); return i(o) }, getLabelWidth: function (e) { var t = this.options.ticks, n = this.ctx.measureText(e).width, i = a.toRadians(t.maxRotation), o = Math.cos(i), l = Math.sin(i); return n * o + a.valueOrDefault(t.fontSize, r.global.defaultFontSize) * l }, getLabelCapacity: function (e) { var t = this, n = t.options.time.displayFormats.millisecond, r = t.tickFormatFunction(i(e), 0, [], n), a = t.getLabelWidth(r), o = t.isHorizontal() ? t.width : t.height, l = Math.floor(o / a); return l > 0 ? l : 1 } }); l.registerScaleType("time", e, { position: "bottom", distribution: "linear", bounds: "data", time: { parser: !1, format: !1, unit: !1, round: !1, displayFormat: !1, isoWeekday: !1, minUnit: "millisecond", displayFormats: { millisecond: "h:mm:ss.SSS a", second: "h:mm:ss a", minute: "h:mm a", hour: "hA", day: "MMM D", week: "ll", month: "MMM YYYY", quarter: "[Q]Q - YYYY", year: "YYYY" } }, ticks: { autoSkip: !1, source: "auto", major: { enabled: !1 } } }) } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(3), r = n(8), a = n(2); i._set("bar", { hover: { mode: "label" }, scales: { xAxes: [{ type: "category", categoryPercentage: .8, barPercentage: .9, offset: !0, gridLines: { offsetGridLines: !0 } }], yAxes: [{ type: "linear" }] } }), i._set("horizontalBar", { hover: { mode: "index", axis: "y" }, scales: { xAxes: [{ type: "linear", position: "bottom" }], yAxes: [{ position: "left", type: "category", categoryPercentage: .8, barPercentage: .9, offset: !0, gridLines: { offsetGridLines: !0 } }] }, elements: { rectangle: { borderSkipped: "left" } }, tooltips: { callbacks: { title: function (e, t) { var n = ""; return e.length > 0 && (e[0].yLabel ? n = e[0].yLabel : t.labels.length > 0 && e[0].index < t.labels.length && (n = t.labels[e[0].index])), n }, label: function (e, t) { return (t.datasets[e.datasetIndex].label || "") + ": " + e.xLabel } }, mode: "index", axis: "y" } }), e.exports = function (e) { e.controllers.bar = e.DatasetController.extend({ dataElementType: r.Rectangle, initialize: function () { var t; e.DatasetController.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments), (t = this.getMeta()).stack = this.getDataset().stack, t.bar = !0 }, update: function (e) { var t, n, i = this.getMeta().data; for (this._ruler = this.getRuler(), t = 0, n = i.length; t < n; ++t)this.updateElement(i[t], t, e) }, updateElement: function (e, t, n) { var i = this, r = i.chart, o = i.getMeta(), l = i.getDataset(), s = e.custom || {}, d = r.options.elements.rectangle; e._xScale = i.getScaleForId(o.xAxisID), e._yScale = i.getScaleForId(o.yAxisID), e._datasetIndex = i.index, e._index = t, e._model = { datasetLabel: l.label, label: r.data.labels[t], borderSkipped: s.borderSkipped ? s.borderSkipped : d.borderSkipped, backgroundColor: s.backgroundColor ? s.backgroundColor : a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(l.backgroundColor, t, d.backgroundColor), borderColor: s.borderColor ? s.borderColor : a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(l.borderColor, t, d.borderColor), borderWidth: s.borderWidth ? s.borderWidth : a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(l.borderWidth, t, d.borderWidth) }, i.updateElementGeometry(e, t, n), e.pivot() }, updateElementGeometry: function (e, t, n) { var i = this, r = e._model, a = i.getValueScale(), o = a.getBasePixel(), l = a.isHorizontal(), s = i._ruler || i.getRuler(), d = i.calculateBarValuePixels(i.index, t), u = i.calculateBarIndexPixels(i.index, t, s); r.horizontal = l, r.base = n ? o : d.base, r.x = l ? n ? o : d.head : u.center, r.y = l ? u.center : n ? o : d.head, r.height = l ? u.size : void 0, r.width = l ? void 0 : u.size }, getValueScaleId: function () { return this.getMeta().yAxisID }, getIndexScaleId: function () { return this.getMeta().xAxisID }, getValueScale: function () { return this.getScaleForId(this.getValueScaleId()) }, getIndexScale: function () { return this.getScaleForId(this.getIndexScaleId()) }, _getStacks: function (e) { var t, n, i = this.chart, r = this.getIndexScale().options.stacked, a = void 0 === e ? i.data.datasets.length : e + 1, o = []; for (t = 0; t < a; ++t)(n = i.getDatasetMeta(t)).bar && i.isDatasetVisible(t) && (!1 === r || !0 === r && -1 === o.indexOf(n.stack) || void 0 === r && (void 0 === n.stack || -1 === o.indexOf(n.stack))) && o.push(n.stack); return o }, getStackCount: function () { return this._getStacks().length }, getStackIndex: function (e, t) { var n = this._getStacks(e), i = void 0 !== t ? n.indexOf(t) : -1; return -1 === i ? n.length - 1 : i }, getRuler: function () { var e, t, n = this.getIndexScale(), i = this.getStackCount(), r = this.index, o = n.isHorizontal(), l = o ? n.left : n.top, s = l + (o ? n.width : n.height), d = []; for (e = 0, t = this.getMeta().data.length; e < t; ++e)d.push(n.getPixelForValue(null, e, r)); return { min: a.isNullOrUndef(n.options.barThickness) ? function (e, t) { var n, i, r, a, o = e.isHorizontal() ? e.width : e.height, l = e.getTicks(); for (r = 1, a = t.length; r < a; ++r)o = Math.min(o, t[r] - t[r - 1]); for (r = 0, a = l.length; r < a; ++r)i = e.getPixelForTick(r), o = r > 0 ? Math.min(o, i - n) : o, n = i; return o }(n, d) : -1, pixels: d, start: l, end: s, stackCount: i, scale: n } }, calculateBarValuePixels: function (e, t) { var n, i, r, a, o, l, s = this.chart, d = this.getMeta(), u = this.getValueScale(), c = s.data.datasets, h = u.getRightValue(c[e].data[t]), p = u.options.stacked, f = d.stack, m = 0; if (p || void 0 === p && void 0 !== f) for (n = 0; n < e; ++n)(i = s.getDatasetMeta(n)).bar && i.stack === f && i.controller.getValueScaleId() === u.id && s.isDatasetVisible(n) && (r = u.getRightValue(c[n].data[t]), (h < 0 && r < 0 || h >= 0 && r > 0) && (m += r)); return a = u.getPixelForValue(m), { size: l = ((o = u.getPixelForValue(m + h)) - a) / 2, base: a, head: o, center: o + l / 2 } }, calculateBarIndexPixels: function (e, t, n) { var i = n.scale.options, r = "flex" === i.barThickness ? function (e, t, n) { var i, r = t.pixels, a = r[e], o = e > 0 ? r[e - 1] : null, l = e < r.length - 1 ? r[e + 1] : null, s = n.categoryPercentage; return null === o && (o = a - (null === l ? t.end - a : l - a)), null === l && (l = a + a - o), i = a - (a - o) / 2 * s, { chunk: (l - o) / 2 * s / t.stackCount, ratio: n.barPercentage, start: i } }(t, n, i) : function (e, t, n) { var i, r, o = n.barThickness, l = t.stackCount, s = t.pixels[e]; return a.isNullOrUndef(o) ? (i = t.min * n.categoryPercentage, r = n.barPercentage) : (i = o * l, r = 1), { chunk: i / l, ratio: r, start: s - i / 2 } }(t, n, i), o = this.getStackIndex(e, this.getMeta().stack), l = r.start + r.chunk * o + r.chunk / 2, s = Math.min(a.valueOrDefault(i.maxBarThickness, 1 / 0), r.chunk * r.ratio); return { base: l - s / 2, head: l + s / 2, center: l, size: s } }, draw: function () { var e = this.chart, t = this.getValueScale(), n = this.getMeta().data, i = this.getDataset(), r = n.length, o = 0; for (a.canvas.clipArea(e.ctx, e.chartArea); o < r; ++o)isNaN(t.getRightValue(i.data[o])) || n[o].draw(); a.canvas.unclipArea(e.ctx) } }), e.controllers.horizontalBar = e.controllers.bar.extend({ getValueScaleId: function () { return this.getMeta().xAxisID }, getIndexScaleId: function () { return this.getMeta().yAxisID } }) } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(3), r = n(8), a = n(2); i._set("bubble", { hover: { mode: "single" }, scales: { xAxes: [{ type: "linear", position: "bottom", id: "x-axis-0" }], yAxes: [{ type: "linear", position: "left", id: "y-axis-0" }] }, tooltips: { callbacks: { title: function () { return "" }, label: function (e, t) { var n = t.datasets[e.datasetIndex].label || "", i = t.datasets[e.datasetIndex].data[e.index]; return n + ": (" + e.xLabel + ", " + e.yLabel + ", " + i.r + ")" } } } }), e.exports = function (e) { e.controllers.bubble = e.DatasetController.extend({ dataElementType: r.Point, update: function (e) { var t = this, n = t.getMeta().data; a.each(n, function (n, i) { t.updateElement(n, i, e) }) }, updateElement: function (e, t, n) { var i = this, r = i.getMeta(), a = e.custom || {}, o = i.getScaleForId(r.xAxisID), l = i.getScaleForId(r.yAxisID), s = i._resolveElementOptions(e, t), d = i.getDataset().data[t], u = i.index, c = n ? o.getPixelForDecimal(.5) : o.getPixelForValue("object" == typeof d ? d : NaN, t, u), h = n ? l.getBasePixel() : l.getPixelForValue(d, t, u); e._xScale = o, e._yScale = l, e._options = s, e._datasetIndex = u, e._index = t, e._model = { backgroundColor: s.backgroundColor, borderColor: s.borderColor, borderWidth: s.borderWidth, hitRadius: s.hitRadius, pointStyle: s.pointStyle, rotation: s.rotation, radius: n ? 0 : s.radius, skip: a.skip || isNaN(c) || isNaN(h), x: c, y: h }, e.pivot() }, setHoverStyle: function (e) { var t = e._model, n = e._options; e.$previousStyle = { backgroundColor: t.backgroundColor, borderColor: t.borderColor, borderWidth: t.borderWidth, radius: t.radius }, t.backgroundColor = a.valueOrDefault(n.hoverBackgroundColor, a.getHoverColor(n.backgroundColor)), t.borderColor = a.valueOrDefault(n.hoverBorderColor, a.getHoverColor(n.borderColor)), t.borderWidth = a.valueOrDefault(n.hoverBorderWidth, n.borderWidth), t.radius = n.radius + n.hoverRadius }, _resolveElementOptions: function (e, t) { var n, i, r, o = this.chart, l = o.data.datasets[this.index], s = e.custom || {}, d = o.options.elements.point, u = a.options.resolve, c = l.data[t], h = {}, p = { chart: o, dataIndex: t, dataset: l, datasetIndex: this.index }, f = ["backgroundColor", "borderColor", "borderWidth", "hoverBackgroundColor", "hoverBorderColor", "hoverBorderWidth", "hoverRadius", "hitRadius", "pointStyle", "rotation"]; for (n = 0, i = f.length; n < i; ++n)h[r = f[n]] = u([s[r], l[r], d[r]], p, t); return h.radius = u([s.radius, c ? c.r : void 0, l.radius, d.radius], p, t), h } }) } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(3), r = n(8), a = n(2); i._set("doughnut", { animation: { animateRotate: !0, animateScale: !1 }, hover: { mode: "single" }, legendCallback: function (e) { var t = []; t.push('
'); var n = e.data, i = n.datasets, r = n.labels; if (i.length) for (var a = 0; a < i[0].data.length; ++a)t.push('- '), r[a] && t.push(r[a]), t.push("
"); return t.push("
"), t.join("") }, legend: { labels: { generateLabels: function (e) { var t = e.data; return t.labels.length && t.datasets.length ? t.labels.map(function (n, i) { var r = e.getDatasetMeta(0), o = t.datasets[0], l = r.data[i], s = l && l.custom || {}, d = a.valueAtIndexOrDefault, u = e.options.elements.arc; return { text: n, fillStyle: s.backgroundColor ? s.backgroundColor : d(o.backgroundColor, i, u.backgroundColor), strokeStyle: s.borderColor ? s.borderColor : d(o.borderColor, i, u.borderColor), lineWidth: s.borderWidth ? s.borderWidth : d(o.borderWidth, i, u.borderWidth), hidden: isNaN(o.data[i]) || r.data[i].hidden, index: i } }) : [] } }, onClick: function (e, t) { var n, i, r, a = t.index, o = this.chart; for (n = 0, i = (o.data.datasets || []).length; n < i; ++n)(r = o.getDatasetMeta(n)).data[a] && (r.data[a].hidden = !r.data[a].hidden); o.update() } }, cutoutPercentage: 50, rotation: -.5 * Math.PI, circumference: 2 * Math.PI, tooltips: { callbacks: { title: function () { return "" }, label: function (e, t) { var n = t.labels[e.index], i = ": " + t.datasets[e.datasetIndex].data[e.index]; return a.isArray(n) ? (n = n.slice())[0] += i : n += i, n } } } }), i._set("pie", a.clone(i.doughnut)), i._set("pie", { cutoutPercentage: 0 }), e.exports = function (e) { e.controllers.doughnut = e.controllers.pie = e.DatasetController.extend({ dataElementType: r.Arc, linkScales: a.noop, getRingIndex: function (e) { for (var t = 0, n = 0; n < e; ++n)this.chart.isDatasetVisible(n) && ++t; return t }, update: function (e) { var t = this, n = t.chart, i = n.chartArea, r = n.options, o = r.elements.arc, l = i.right - i.left - o.borderWidth, s = i.bottom - i.top - o.borderWidth, d = Math.min(l, s), u = { x: 0, y: 0 }, c = t.getMeta(), h = r.cutoutPercentage, p = r.circumference; if (p < 2 * Math.PI) { var f = r.rotation % (2 * Math.PI), m = (f += 2 * Math.PI * (f >= Math.PI ? -1 : f < -Math.PI ? 1 : 0)) + p, g = { x: Math.cos(f), y: Math.sin(f) }, _ = { x: Math.cos(m), y: Math.sin(m) }, y = f <= 0 && m >= 0 || f <= 2 * Math.PI && 2 * Math.PI <= m, v = f <= .5 * Math.PI && .5 * Math.PI <= m || f <= 2.5 * Math.PI && 2.5 * Math.PI <= m, M = f <= -Math.PI && -Math.PI <= m || f <= Math.PI && Math.PI <= m, b = f <= .5 * -Math.PI && .5 * -Math.PI <= m || f <= 1.5 * Math.PI && 1.5 * Math.PI <= m, w = h / 100, L = { x: M ? -1 : Math.min(g.x * (g.x < 0 ? 1 : w), _.x * (_.x < 0 ? 1 : w)), y: b ? -1 : Math.min(g.y * (g.y < 0 ? 1 : w), _.y * (_.y < 0 ? 1 : w)) }, D = { x: y ? 1 : Math.max(g.x * (g.x > 0 ? 1 : w), _.x * (_.x > 0 ? 1 : w)), y: v ? 1 : Math.max(g.y * (g.y > 0 ? 1 : w), _.y * (_.y > 0 ? 1 : w)) }, T = { width: .5 * (D.x - L.x), height: .5 * (D.y - L.y) }; d = Math.min(l / T.width, s / T.height), u = { x: -.5 * (D.x + L.x), y: -.5 * (D.y + L.y) } } n.borderWidth = t.getMaxBorderWidth(c.data), n.outerRadius = Math.max((d - n.borderWidth) / 2, 0), n.innerRadius = Math.max(h ? n.outerRadius / 100 * h : 0, 0), n.radiusLength = (n.outerRadius - n.innerRadius) / n.getVisibleDatasetCount(), n.offsetX = u.x * n.outerRadius, n.offsetY = u.y * n.outerRadius, c.total = t.calculateTotal(), t.outerRadius = n.outerRadius - n.radiusLength * t.getRingIndex(t.index), t.innerRadius = Math.max(t.outerRadius - n.radiusLength, 0), a.each(c.data, function (n, i) { t.updateElement(n, i, e) }) }, updateElement: function (e, t, n) { var i = this, r = i.chart, o = r.chartArea, l = r.options, s = l.animation, d = (o.left + o.right) / 2, u = (o.top + o.bottom) / 2, c = l.rotation, h = l.rotation, p = i.getDataset(), f = n && s.animateRotate ? 0 : e.hidden ? 0 : i.calculateCircumference(p.data[t]) * (l.circumference / (2 * Math.PI)), m = n && s.animateScale ? 0 : i.innerRadius, g = n && s.animateScale ? 0 : i.outerRadius, _ = a.valueAtIndexOrDefault; a.extend(e, { _datasetIndex: i.index, _index: t, _model: { x: d + r.offsetX, y: u + r.offsetY, startAngle: c, endAngle: h, circumference: f, outerRadius: g, innerRadius: m, label: _(p.label, t, r.data.labels[t]) } }); var y = e._model, v = e.custom || {}, M = a.valueAtIndexOrDefault, b = this.chart.options.elements.arc; y.backgroundColor = v.backgroundColor ? v.backgroundColor : M(p.backgroundColor, t, b.backgroundColor), y.borderColor = v.borderColor ? v.borderColor : M(p.borderColor, t, b.borderColor), y.borderWidth = v.borderWidth ? v.borderWidth : M(p.borderWidth, t, b.borderWidth), n && s.animateRotate || (y.startAngle = 0 === t ? l.rotation : i.getMeta().data[t - 1]._model.endAngle, y.endAngle = y.startAngle + y.circumference), e.pivot() }, calculateTotal: function () { var e, t = this.getDataset(), n = this.getMeta(), i = 0; return a.each(n.data, function (n, r) { e = t.data[r], isNaN(e) || n.hidden || (i += Math.abs(e)) }), i }, calculateCircumference: function (e) { var t = this.getMeta().total; return t > 0 && !isNaN(e) ? 2 * Math.PI * (Math.abs(e) / t) : 0 }, getMaxBorderWidth: function (e) { for (var t, n, i = 0, r = this.index, a = e.length, o = 0; o < a; o++)t = e[o]._model ? e[o]._model.borderWidth : 0, i = (n = e[o]._chart ? e[o]._chart.config.data.datasets[r].hoverBorderWidth : 0) > (i = t > i ? t : i) ? n : i; return i } }) } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(3), r = n(8), a = n(2); i._set("line", { showLines: !0, spanGaps: !1, hover: { mode: "label" }, scales: { xAxes: [{ type: "category", id: "x-axis-0" }], yAxes: [{ type: "linear", id: "y-axis-0" }] } }), e.exports = function (e) { function t(e, t) { return a.valueOrDefault(e.showLine, t.showLines) } e.controllers.line = e.DatasetController.extend({ datasetElementType: r.Line, dataElementType: r.Point, update: function (e) { var n, i, r, o = this, l = o.getMeta(), s = l.dataset, d = l.data || [], u = o.chart.options, c = u.elements.line, h = o.getScaleForId(l.yAxisID), p = o.getDataset(), f = t(p, u); for (f && (r = s.custom || {}, void 0 !== p.tension && void 0 === p.lineTension && (p.lineTension = p.tension), s._scale = h, s._datasetIndex = o.index, s._children = d, s._model = { spanGaps: p.spanGaps ? p.spanGaps : u.spanGaps, tension: r.tension ? r.tension : a.valueOrDefault(p.lineTension, c.tension), backgroundColor: r.backgroundColor ? r.backgroundColor : p.backgroundColor || c.backgroundColor, borderWidth: r.borderWidth ? r.borderWidth : p.borderWidth || c.borderWidth, borderColor: r.borderColor ? r.borderColor : p.borderColor || c.borderColor, borderCapStyle: r.borderCapStyle ? r.borderCapStyle : p.borderCapStyle || c.borderCapStyle, borderDash: r.borderDash ? r.borderDash : p.borderDash || c.borderDash, borderDashOffset: r.borderDashOffset ? r.borderDashOffset : p.borderDashOffset || c.borderDashOffset, borderJoinStyle: r.borderJoinStyle ? r.borderJoinStyle : p.borderJoinStyle || c.borderJoinStyle, fill: r.fill ? r.fill : void 0 !== p.fill ? p.fill : c.fill, steppedLine: r.steppedLine ? r.steppedLine : a.valueOrDefault(p.steppedLine, c.stepped), cubicInterpolationMode: r.cubicInterpolationMode ? r.cubicInterpolationMode : a.valueOrDefault(p.cubicInterpolationMode, c.cubicInterpolationMode) }, s.pivot()), n = 0, i = d.length; n < i; ++n)o.updateElement(d[n], n, e); for (f && 0 !== s._model.tension && o.updateBezierControlPoints(), n = 0, i = d.length; n < i; ++n)d[n].pivot() }, getPointBackgroundColor: function (e, t) { var n = this.chart.options.elements.point.backgroundColor, i = this.getDataset(), r = e.custom || {}; return r.backgroundColor ? n = r.backgroundColor : i.pointBackgroundColor ? n = a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(i.pointBackgroundColor, t, n) : i.backgroundColor && (n = i.backgroundColor), n }, getPointBorderColor: function (e, t) { var n = this.chart.options.elements.point.borderColor, i = this.getDataset(), r = e.custom || {}; return r.borderColor ? n = r.borderColor : i.pointBorderColor ? n = a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(i.pointBorderColor, t, n) : i.borderColor && (n = i.borderColor), n }, getPointBorderWidth: function (e, t) { var n = this.chart.options.elements.point.borderWidth, i = this.getDataset(), r = e.custom || {}; return isNaN(r.borderWidth) ? !isNaN(i.pointBorderWidth) || a.isArray(i.pointBorderWidth) ? n = a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(i.pointBorderWidth, t, n) : isNaN(i.borderWidth) || (n = i.borderWidth) : n = r.borderWidth, n }, getPointRotation: function (e, t) { var n = this.chart.options.elements.point.rotation, i = this.getDataset(), r = e.custom || {}; return isNaN(r.rotation) ? isNaN(i.pointRotation) && !a.isArray(i.pointRotation) || (n = a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(i.pointRotation, t, n)) : n = r.rotation, n }, updateElement: function (e, t, n) { var i, r, o = this, l = o.getMeta(), s = e.custom || {}, d = o.getDataset(), u = o.index, c = d.data[t], h = o.getScaleForId(l.yAxisID), p = o.getScaleForId(l.xAxisID), f = o.chart.options.elements.point; void 0 !== d.radius && void 0 === d.pointRadius && (d.pointRadius = d.radius), void 0 !== d.hitRadius && void 0 === d.pointHitRadius && (d.pointHitRadius = d.hitRadius), i = p.getPixelForValue("object" == typeof c ? c : NaN, t, u), r = n ? h.getBasePixel() : o.calculatePointY(c, t, u), e._xScale = p, e._yScale = h, e._datasetIndex = u, e._index = t, e._model = { x: i, y: r, skip: s.skip || isNaN(i) || isNaN(r), radius: s.radius || a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(d.pointRadius, t, f.radius), pointStyle: s.pointStyle || a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(d.pointStyle, t, f.pointStyle), rotation: o.getPointRotation(e, t), backgroundColor: o.getPointBackgroundColor(e, t), borderColor: o.getPointBorderColor(e, t), borderWidth: o.getPointBorderWidth(e, t), tension: l.dataset._model ? l.dataset._model.tension : 0, steppedLine: !!l.dataset._model && l.dataset._model.steppedLine, hitRadius: s.hitRadius || a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(d.pointHitRadius, t, f.hitRadius) } }, calculatePointY: function (e, t, n) { var i, r, a, o = this.chart, l = this.getMeta(), s = this.getScaleForId(l.yAxisID), d = 0, u = 0; if (s.options.stacked) { for (i = 0; i < n; i++)if (r = o.data.datasets[i], "line" === (a = o.getDatasetMeta(i)).type && a.yAxisID === s.id && o.isDatasetVisible(i)) { var c = Number(s.getRightValue(r.data[t])); c < 0 ? u += c || 0 : d += c || 0 } var h = Number(s.getRightValue(e)); return h < 0 ? s.getPixelForValue(u + h) : s.getPixelForValue(d + h) } return s.getPixelForValue(e) }, updateBezierControlPoints: function () { var e, t, n, i, r = this.getMeta(), o = this.chart.chartArea, l = r.data || []; function s(e, t, n) { return Math.max(Math.min(e, n), t) } if (r.dataset._model.spanGaps && (l = l.filter(function (e) { return !e._model.skip })), "monotone" === r.dataset._model.cubicInterpolationMode) a.splineCurveMonotone(l); else for (e = 0, t = l.length; e < t; ++e)n = l[e]._model, i = a.splineCurve(a.previousItem(l, e)._model, n, a.nextItem(l, e)._model, r.dataset._model.tension), n.controlPointPreviousX = i.previous.x, n.controlPointPreviousY = i.previous.y, n.controlPointNextX = i.next.x, n.controlPointNextY = i.next.y; if (this.chart.options.elements.line.capBezierPoints) for (e = 0, t = l.length; e < t; ++e)(n = l[e]._model).controlPointPreviousX = s(n.controlPointPreviousX, o.left, o.right), n.controlPointPreviousY = s(n.controlPointPreviousY, o.top, o.bottom), n.controlPointNextX = s(n.controlPointNextX, o.left, o.right), n.controlPointNextY = s(n.controlPointNextY, o.top, o.bottom) }, draw: function () { var e, n = this.chart, i = this.getMeta(), r = i.data || [], o = n.chartArea, l = r.length, s = 0; for (t(this.getDataset(), n.options) && (e = (i.dataset._model.borderWidth || 0) / 2, a.canvas.clipArea(n.ctx, { left: o.left, right: o.right, top: o.top - e, bottom: o.bottom + e }), i.dataset.draw(), a.canvas.unclipArea(n.ctx)); s < l; ++s)r[s].draw(o) }, setHoverStyle: function (e) { var t = this.chart.data.datasets[e._datasetIndex], n = e._index, i = e.custom || {}, r = e._model; e.$previousStyle = { backgroundColor: r.backgroundColor, borderColor: r.borderColor, borderWidth: r.borderWidth, radius: r.radius }, r.backgroundColor = i.hoverBackgroundColor || a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(t.pointHoverBackgroundColor, n, a.getHoverColor(r.backgroundColor)), r.borderColor = i.hoverBorderColor || a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(t.pointHoverBorderColor, n, a.getHoverColor(r.borderColor)), r.borderWidth = i.hoverBorderWidth || a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(t.pointHoverBorderWidth, n, r.borderWidth), r.radius = i.hoverRadius || a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(t.pointHoverRadius, n, this.chart.options.elements.point.hoverRadius) } }) } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(3), r = n(8), a = n(2); i._set("polarArea", { scale: { type: "radialLinear", angleLines: { display: !1 }, gridLines: { circular: !0 }, pointLabels: { display: !1 }, ticks: { beginAtZero: !0 } }, animation: { animateRotate: !0, animateScale: !0 }, startAngle: -.5 * Math.PI, legendCallback: function (e) { var t = []; t.push('
'); var n = e.data, i = n.datasets, r = n.labels; if (i.length) for (var a = 0; a < i[0].data.length; ++a)t.push('- '), r[a] && t.push(r[a]), t.push("
"); return t.push("
"), t.join("") }, legend: { labels: { generateLabels: function (e) { var t = e.data; return t.labels.length && t.datasets.length ? t.labels.map(function (n, i) { var r = e.getDatasetMeta(0), o = t.datasets[0], l = r.data[i].custom || {}, s = a.valueAtIndexOrDefault, d = e.options.elements.arc; return { text: n, fillStyle: l.backgroundColor ? l.backgroundColor : s(o.backgroundColor, i, d.backgroundColor), strokeStyle: l.borderColor ? l.borderColor : s(o.borderColor, i, d.borderColor), lineWidth: l.borderWidth ? l.borderWidth : s(o.borderWidth, i, d.borderWidth), hidden: isNaN(o.data[i]) || r.data[i].hidden, index: i } }) : [] } }, onClick: function (e, t) { var n, i, r, a = t.index, o = this.chart; for (n = 0, i = (o.data.datasets || []).length; n < i; ++n)(r = o.getDatasetMeta(n)).data[a].hidden = !r.data[a].hidden; o.update() } }, tooltips: { callbacks: { title: function () { return "" }, label: function (e, t) { return t.labels[e.index] + ": " + e.yLabel } } } }), e.exports = function (e) { e.controllers.polarArea = e.DatasetController.extend({ dataElementType: r.Arc, linkScales: a.noop, update: function (e) { var t, n, i, r = this, o = r.getDataset(), l = r.getMeta(), s = r.chart.options.startAngle || 0, d = r._starts = [], u = r._angles = []; for (r._updateRadius(), l.count = r.countVisibleElements(), t = 0, n = o.data.length; t < n; t++)d[t] = s, i = r._computeAngle(t), u[t] = i, s += i; a.each(l.data, function (t, n) { r.updateElement(t, n, e) }) }, _updateRadius: function () { var e = this, t = e.chart, n = t.chartArea, i = t.options, r = i.elements.arc, a = Math.min(n.right - n.left, n.bottom - n.top); t.outerRadius = Math.max((a - r.borderWidth / 2) / 2, 0), t.innerRadius = Math.max(i.cutoutPercentage ? t.outerRadius / 100 * i.cutoutPercentage : 1, 0), t.radiusLength = (t.outerRadius - t.innerRadius) / t.getVisibleDatasetCount(), e.outerRadius = t.outerRadius - t.radiusLength * e.index, e.innerRadius = e.outerRadius - t.radiusLength }, updateElement: function (e, t, n) { var i = this, r = i.chart, o = i.getDataset(), l = r.options, s = l.animation, d = r.scale, u = r.data.labels, c = d.xCenter, h = d.yCenter, p = l.startAngle, f = e.hidden ? 0 : d.getDistanceFromCenterForValue(o.data[t]), m = i._starts[t], g = m + (e.hidden ? 0 : i._angles[t]), _ = s.animateScale ? 0 : d.getDistanceFromCenterForValue(o.data[t]); a.extend(e, { _datasetIndex: i.index, _index: t, _scale: d, _model: { x: c, y: h, innerRadius: 0, outerRadius: n ? _ : f, startAngle: n && s.animateRotate ? p : m, endAngle: n && s.animateRotate ? p : g, label: a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(u, t, u[t]) } }); var y = this.chart.options.elements.arc, v = e.custom || {}, M = a.valueAtIndexOrDefault, b = e._model; b.backgroundColor = v.backgroundColor ? v.backgroundColor : M(o.backgroundColor, t, y.backgroundColor), b.borderColor = v.borderColor ? v.borderColor : M(o.borderColor, t, y.borderColor), b.borderWidth = v.borderWidth ? v.borderWidth : M(o.borderWidth, t, y.borderWidth), e.pivot() }, countVisibleElements: function () { var e = this.getDataset(), t = this.getMeta(), n = 0; return a.each(t.data, function (t, i) { isNaN(e.data[i]) || t.hidden || n++ }), n }, _computeAngle: function (e) { var t = this, n = this.getMeta().count, i = t.getDataset(), r = t.getMeta(); if (isNaN(i.data[e]) || r.data[e].hidden) return 0; var o = { chart: t.chart, dataIndex: e, dataset: i, datasetIndex: t.index }; return a.options.resolve([t.chart.options.elements.arc.angle, 2 * Math.PI / n], o, e) } }) } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(3), r = n(8), a = n(2); i._set("radar", { scale: { type: "radialLinear" }, elements: { line: { tension: 0 } } }), e.exports = function (e) { e.controllers.radar = e.DatasetController.extend({ datasetElementType: r.Line, dataElementType: r.Point, linkScales: a.noop, update: function (e) { var t = this, n = t.getMeta(), i = n.dataset, r = n.data, o = i.custom || {}, l = t.getDataset(), s = t.chart.options.elements.line, d = t.chart.scale; void 0 !== l.tension && void 0 === l.lineTension && (l.lineTension = l.tension), a.extend(n.dataset, { _datasetIndex: t.index, _scale: d, _children: r, _loop: !0, _model: { tension: o.tension ? o.tension : a.valueOrDefault(l.lineTension, s.tension), backgroundColor: o.backgroundColor ? o.backgroundColor : l.backgroundColor || s.backgroundColor, borderWidth: o.borderWidth ? o.borderWidth : l.borderWidth || s.borderWidth, borderColor: o.borderColor ? o.borderColor : l.borderColor || s.borderColor, fill: o.fill ? o.fill : void 0 !== l.fill ? l.fill : s.fill, borderCapStyle: o.borderCapStyle ? o.borderCapStyle : l.borderCapStyle || s.borderCapStyle, borderDash: o.borderDash ? o.borderDash : l.borderDash || s.borderDash, borderDashOffset: o.borderDashOffset ? o.borderDashOffset : l.borderDashOffset || s.borderDashOffset, borderJoinStyle: o.borderJoinStyle ? o.borderJoinStyle : l.borderJoinStyle || s.borderJoinStyle } }), n.dataset.pivot(), a.each(r, function (n, i) { t.updateElement(n, i, e) }, t), t.updateBezierControlPoints() }, updateElement: function (e, t, n) { var i = this, r = e.custom || {}, o = i.getDataset(), l = i.chart.scale, s = i.chart.options.elements.point, d = l.getPointPositionForValue(t, o.data[t]); void 0 !== o.radius && void 0 === o.pointRadius && (o.pointRadius = o.radius), void 0 !== o.hitRadius && void 0 === o.pointHitRadius && (o.pointHitRadius = o.hitRadius), a.extend(e, { _datasetIndex: i.index, _index: t, _scale: l, _model: { x: n ? l.xCenter : d.x, y: n ? l.yCenter : d.y, tension: r.tension ? r.tension : a.valueOrDefault(o.lineTension, i.chart.options.elements.line.tension), radius: r.radius ? r.radius : a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(o.pointRadius, t, s.radius), backgroundColor: r.backgroundColor ? r.backgroundColor : a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(o.pointBackgroundColor, t, s.backgroundColor), borderColor: r.borderColor ? r.borderColor : a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(o.pointBorderColor, t, s.borderColor), borderWidth: r.borderWidth ? r.borderWidth : a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(o.pointBorderWidth, t, s.borderWidth), pointStyle: r.pointStyle ? r.pointStyle : a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(o.pointStyle, t, s.pointStyle), rotation: r.rotation ? r.rotation : a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(o.pointRotation, t, s.rotation), hitRadius: r.hitRadius ? r.hitRadius : a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(o.pointHitRadius, t, s.hitRadius) } }), e._model.skip = r.skip ? r.skip : isNaN(e._model.x) || isNaN(e._model.y) }, updateBezierControlPoints: function () { var e = this.chart.chartArea, t = this.getMeta(); a.each(t.data, function (n, i) { var r = n._model, o = a.splineCurve(a.previousItem(t.data, i, !0)._model, r, a.nextItem(t.data, i, !0)._model, r.tension); r.controlPointPreviousX = Math.max(Math.min(o.previous.x, e.right), e.left), r.controlPointPreviousY = Math.max(Math.min(o.previous.y, e.bottom), e.top), r.controlPointNextX = Math.max(Math.min(o.next.x, e.right), e.left), r.controlPointNextY = Math.max(Math.min(o.next.y, e.bottom), e.top), n.pivot() }) }, setHoverStyle: function (e) { var t = this.chart.data.datasets[e._datasetIndex], n = e.custom || {}, i = e._index, r = e._model; e.$previousStyle = { backgroundColor: r.backgroundColor, borderColor: r.borderColor, borderWidth: r.borderWidth, radius: r.radius }, r.radius = n.hoverRadius ? n.hoverRadius : a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(t.pointHoverRadius, i, this.chart.options.elements.point.hoverRadius), r.backgroundColor = n.hoverBackgroundColor ? n.hoverBackgroundColor : a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(t.pointHoverBackgroundColor, i, a.getHoverColor(r.backgroundColor)), r.borderColor = n.hoverBorderColor ? n.hoverBorderColor : a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(t.pointHoverBorderColor, i, a.getHoverColor(r.borderColor)), r.borderWidth = n.hoverBorderWidth ? n.hoverBorderWidth : a.valueAtIndexOrDefault(t.pointHoverBorderWidth, i, r.borderWidth) } }) } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; n(3)._set("scatter", { hover: { mode: "single" }, scales: { xAxes: [{ id: "x-axis-1", type: "linear", position: "bottom" }], yAxes: [{ id: "y-axis-1", type: "linear", position: "left" }] }, showLines: !1, tooltips: { callbacks: { title: function () { return "" }, label: function (e) { return "(" + e.xLabel + ", " + e.yLabel + ")" } } } }), e.exports = function (e) { e.controllers.scatter = e.controllers.line } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; e.exports = function (e) { e.Bar = function (t, n) { return n.type = "bar", new e(t, n) } } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; e.exports = function (e) { e.Bubble = function (t, n) { return n.type = "bubble", new e(t, n) } } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; e.exports = function (e) { e.Doughnut = function (t, n) { return n.type = "doughnut", new e(t, n) } } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; e.exports = function (e) { e.Line = function (t, n) { return n.type = "line", new e(t, n) } } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; e.exports = function (e) { e.PolarArea = function (t, n) { return n.type = "polarArea", new e(t, n) } } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; e.exports = function (e) { e.Radar = function (t, n) { return n.type = "radar", new e(t, n) } } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; e.exports = function (e) { e.Scatter = function (t, n) { return n.type = "scatter", new e(t, n) } } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; e.exports = {}, e.exports.filler = n(202), e.exports.legend = n(203), e.exports.title = n(204) }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(3), r = n(8), a = n(2); i._set("global", { plugins: { filler: { propagate: !0 } } }); var o = { dataset: function (e) { var t = e.fill, n = e.chart, i = n.getDatasetMeta(t), r = i && n.isDatasetVisible(t) && i.dataset._children || [], a = r.length || 0; return a ? function (e, t) { return t < a && r[t]._view || null } : null }, boundary: function (e) { var t = e.boundary, n = t ? t.x : null, i = t ? t.y : null; return function (e) { return { x: null === n ? e.x : n, y: null === i ? e.y : i } } } }; function l(e, t, n) { var i, r = e._model || {}, a = r.fill; if (void 0 === a && (a = !!r.backgroundColor), !1 === a || null === a) return !1; if (!0 === a) return "origin"; if (i = parseFloat(a, 10), isFinite(i) && Math.floor(i) === i) return "-" !== a[0] && "+" !== a[0] || (i = t + i), !(i === t || i < 0 || i >= n) && i; switch (a) { case "bottom": return "start"; case "top": return "end"; case "zero": return "origin"; case "origin": case "start": case "end": return a; default: return !1 } } function s(e) { var t, n = e.el._model || {}, i = e.el._scale || {}, r = e.fill, a = null; if (isFinite(r)) return null; if ("start" === r ? a = void 0 === n.scaleBottom ? i.bottom : n.scaleBottom : "end" === r ? a = void 0 === n.scaleTop ? i.top : n.scaleTop : void 0 !== n.scaleZero ? a = n.scaleZero : i.getBasePosition ? a = i.getBasePosition() : i.getBasePixel && (a = i.getBasePixel()), null != a) { if (void 0 !== a.x && void 0 !== a.y) return a; if ("number" == typeof a && isFinite(a)) return { x: (t = i.isHorizontal()) ? a : null, y: t ? null : a } } return null } function d(e, t, n) { var i, r = e[t].fill, a = [t]; if (!n) return r; for (; !1 !== r && -1 === a.indexOf(r);) { if (!isFinite(r)) return r; if (!(i = e[r])) return !1; if (i.visible) return r; a.push(r), r = i.fill } return !1 } function u(e) { var t = e.fill, n = "dataset"; return !1 === t ? null : (isFinite(t) || (n = "boundary"), o[n](e)) } function c(e) { return e && !e.skip } function h(e, t, n, i, r) { var o; if (i && r) { for (e.moveTo(t[0].x, t[0].y), o = 1; o < i; ++o)a.canvas.lineTo(e, t[o - 1], t[o]); for (e.lineTo(n[r - 1].x, n[r - 1].y), o = r - 1; o > 0; --o)a.canvas.lineTo(e, n[o], n[o - 1], !0) } } e.exports = { id: "filler", afterDatasetsUpdate: function (e, t) { var n, i, a, o, c = (e.data.datasets || []).length, h = t.propagate, p = []; for (i = 0; i < c; ++i)o = null, (a = (n = e.getDatasetMeta(i)).dataset) && a._model && a instanceof r.Line && (o = { visible: e.isDatasetVisible(i), fill: l(a, i, c), chart: e, el: a }), n.$filler = o, p.push(o); for (i = 0; i < c; ++i)(o = p[i]) && (o.fill = d(p, i, h), o.boundary = s(o), o.mapper = u(o)) }, beforeDatasetDraw: function (e, t) { var n = t.meta.$filler; if (n) { var r = e.ctx, o = n.el, l = o._view, s = o._children || [], d = n.mapper, u = l.backgroundColor || i.global.defaultColor; d && u && s.length && (a.canvas.clipArea(r, e.chartArea), function (e, t, n, i, r, a) { var o, l, s, d, u, p, f, m = t.length, g = i.spanGaps, _ = [], y = [], v = 0, M = 0; for (e.beginPath(), o = 0, l = m + !!a; o < l; ++o)u = n(d = t[s = o % m]._view, s, i), p = c(d), f = c(u), p && f ? (v = _.push(d), M = y.push(u)) : v && M && (g ? (p && _.push(d), f && y.push(u)) : (h(e, _, y, v, M), v = M = 0, _ = [], y = [])); h(e, _, y, v, M), e.closePath(), e.fillStyle = r, e.fill() }(r, s, d, l, u, o._loop), a.canvas.unclipArea(r)) } } } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(3), r = n(6), a = n(2), o = n(9), l = a.noop; function s(e, t) { return e.usePointStyle ? t * Math.SQRT2 : e.boxWidth } i._set("global", { legend: { display: !0, position: "top", fullWidth: !0, reverse: !1, weight: 1e3, onClick: function (e, t) { var n = t.datasetIndex, i = this.chart, r = i.getDatasetMeta(n); r.hidden = null === r.hidden ? !i.data.datasets[n].hidden : null, i.update() }, onHover: null, labels: { boxWidth: 40, padding: 10, generateLabels: function (e) { var t = e.data; return a.isArray(t.datasets) ? t.datasets.map(function (t, n) { return { text: t.label, fillStyle: a.isArray(t.backgroundColor) ? t.backgroundColor[0] : t.backgroundColor, hidden: !e.isDatasetVisible(n), lineCap: t.borderCapStyle, lineDash: t.borderDash, lineDashOffset: t.borderDashOffset, lineJoin: t.borderJoinStyle, lineWidth: t.borderWidth, strokeStyle: t.borderColor, pointStyle: t.pointStyle, datasetIndex: n } }, this) : [] } } }, legendCallback: function (e) { var t = []; t.push('
'); for (var n = 0; n < e.data.datasets.length; n++)t.push('- '), e.data.datasets[n].label && t.push(e.data.datasets[n].label), t.push("
"); return t.push("
"), t.join("") } }); var d = r.extend({ initialize: function (e) { a.extend(this, e), this.legendHitBoxes = [], this.doughnutMode = !1 }, beforeUpdate: l, update: function (e, t, n) { var i = this; return i.beforeUpdate(), i.maxWidth = e, i.maxHeight = t, i.margins = n, i.beforeSetDimensions(), i.setDimensions(), i.afterSetDimensions(), i.beforeBuildLabels(), i.buildLabels(), i.afterBuildLabels(), i.beforeFit(), i.fit(), i.afterFit(), i.afterUpdate(), i.minSize }, afterUpdate: l, beforeSetDimensions: l, setDimensions: function () { var e = this; e.isHorizontal() ? (e.width = e.maxWidth, e.left = 0, e.right = e.width) : (e.height = e.maxHeight, e.top = 0, e.bottom = e.height), e.paddingLeft = 0, e.paddingTop = 0, e.paddingRight = 0, e.paddingBottom = 0, e.minSize = { width: 0, height: 0 } }, afterSetDimensions: l, beforeBuildLabels: l, buildLabels: function () { var e = this, t = e.options.labels || {}, n = a.callback(t.generateLabels, [e.chart], e) || []; t.filter && (n = n.filter(function (n) { return t.filter(n, e.chart.data) })), e.options.reverse && n.reverse(), e.legendItems = n }, afterBuildLabels: l, beforeFit: l, fit: function () { var e = this, t = e.options, n = t.labels, r = t.display, o = e.ctx, l = i.global, d = a.valueOrDefault, u = d(n.fontSize, l.defaultFontSize), c = d(n.fontStyle, l.defaultFontStyle), h = d(n.fontFamily, l.defaultFontFamily), p = a.fontString(u, c, h), f = e.legendHitBoxes = [], m = e.minSize, g = e.isHorizontal(); if (g ? (m.width = e.maxWidth, m.height = r ? 10 : 0) : (m.width = r ? 10 : 0, m.height = e.maxHeight), r) if (o.font = p, g) { var _ = e.lineWidths = [0], y = e.legendItems.length ? u + n.padding : 0; o.textAlign = "left", o.textBaseline = "top", a.each(e.legendItems, function (t, i) { var r = s(n, u) + u / 2 + o.measureText(t.text).width; _[_.length - 1] + r + n.padding >= e.width && (y += u + n.padding, _[_.length] = e.left), f[i] = { left: 0, top: 0, width: r, height: u }, _[_.length - 1] += r + n.padding }), m.height += y } else { var v = n.padding, M = e.columnWidths = [], b = n.padding, w = 0, L = 0, D = u + v; a.each(e.legendItems, function (e, t) { var i = s(n, u) + u / 2 + o.measureText(e.text).width; L + D > m.height && (b += w + n.padding, M.push(w), w = 0, L = 0), w = Math.max(w, i), L += D, f[t] = { left: 0, top: 0, width: i, height: u } }), b += w, M.push(w), m.width += b } e.width = m.width, e.height = m.height }, afterFit: l, isHorizontal: function () { return "top" === this.options.position || "bottom" === this.options.position }, draw: function () { var e = this, t = e.options, n = t.labels, r = i.global, o = r.elements.line, l = e.width, d = e.lineWidths; if (t.display) { var u, c = e.ctx, h = a.valueOrDefault, p = h(n.fontColor, r.defaultFontColor), f = h(n.fontSize, r.defaultFontSize), m = h(n.fontStyle, r.defaultFontStyle), g = h(n.fontFamily, r.defaultFontFamily), _ = a.fontString(f, m, g); c.textAlign = "left", c.textBaseline = "middle", c.lineWidth = .5, c.strokeStyle = p, c.fillStyle = p, c.font = _; var y = s(n, f), v = e.legendHitBoxes, M = e.isHorizontal(); u = M ? { x: e.left + (l - d[0]) / 2, y: e.top + n.padding, line: 0 } : { x: e.left + n.padding, y: e.top + n.padding, line: 0 }; var b = f + n.padding; a.each(e.legendItems, function (i, s) { var p = c.measureText(i.text).width, m = y + f / 2 + p, g = u.x, _ = u.y; M ? g + m >= l && (_ = u.y += b, u.line++, g = u.x = e.left + (l - d[u.line]) / 2) : _ + b > e.bottom && (g = u.x = g + e.columnWidths[u.line] + n.padding, _ = u.y = e.top + n.padding, u.line++), function (e, n, i) { if (!(isNaN(y) || y <= 0)) { c.save(), c.fillStyle = h(i.fillStyle, r.defaultColor), c.lineCap = h(i.lineCap, o.borderCapStyle), c.lineDashOffset = h(i.lineDashOffset, o.borderDashOffset), c.lineJoin = h(i.lineJoin, o.borderJoinStyle), c.lineWidth = h(i.lineWidth, o.borderWidth), c.strokeStyle = h(i.strokeStyle, r.defaultColor); var l = 0 === h(i.lineWidth, o.borderWidth); if (c.setLineDash && c.setLineDash(h(i.lineDash, o.borderDash)), t.labels && t.labels.usePointStyle) { var s = f * Math.SQRT2 / 2, d = s / Math.SQRT2, u = e + d, p = n + d; a.canvas.drawPoint(c, i.pointStyle, s, u, p) } else l || c.strokeRect(e, n, y, f), c.fillRect(e, n, y, f); c.restore() } }(g, _, i), v[s].left = g, v[s].top = _, function (e, t, n, i) { var r = f / 2, a = y + r + e, o = t + r; c.fillText(n.text, a, o), n.hidden && (c.beginPath(), c.lineWidth = 2, c.moveTo(a, o), c.lineTo(a + i, o), c.stroke()) }(g, _, i, p), M ? u.x += m + n.padding : u.y += b }) } }, handleEvent: function (e) { var t = this, n = t.options, i = "mouseup" === e.type ? "click" : e.type, r = !1; if ("mousemove" === i) { if (!n.onHover) return } else { if ("click" !== i) return; if (!n.onClick) return } var a = e.x, o = e.y; if (a >= t.left && a <= t.right && o >= t.top && o <= t.bottom) for (var l = t.legendHitBoxes, s = 0; s < l.length; ++s) { var d = l[s]; if (a >= d.left && a <= d.left + d.width && o >= d.top && o <= d.top + d.height) { if ("click" === i) { n.onClick.call(t, e.native, t.legendItems[s]), r = !0; break } if ("mousemove" === i) { n.onHover.call(t, e.native, t.legendItems[s]), r = !0; break } } } return r } }); function u(e, t) { var n = new d({ ctx: e.ctx, options: t, chart: e }); o.configure(e, n, t), o.addBox(e, n), e.legend = n } e.exports = { id: "legend", _element: d, beforeInit: function (e) { var t = e.options.legend; t && u(e, t) }, beforeUpdate: function (e) { var t = e.options.legend, n = e.legend; t ? (a.mergeIf(t, i.global.legend), n ? (o.configure(e, n, t), n.options = t) : u(e, t)) : n && (o.removeBox(e, n), delete e.legend) }, afterEvent: function (e, t) { var n = e.legend; n && n.handleEvent(t) } } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n(3), r = n(6), a = n(2), o = n(9), l = a.noop; i._set("global", { title: { display: !1, fontStyle: "bold", fullWidth: !0, lineHeight: 1.2, padding: 10, position: "top", text: "", weight: 2e3 } }); var s = r.extend({ initialize: function (e) { a.extend(this, e), this.legendHitBoxes = [] }, beforeUpdate: l, update: function (e, t, n) { var i = this; return i.beforeUpdate(), i.maxWidth = e, i.maxHeight = t, i.margins = n, i.beforeSetDimensions(), i.setDimensions(), i.afterSetDimensions(), i.beforeBuildLabels(), i.buildLabels(), i.afterBuildLabels(), i.beforeFit(), i.fit(), i.afterFit(), i.afterUpdate(), i.minSize }, afterUpdate: l, beforeSetDimensions: l, setDimensions: function () { var e = this; e.isHorizontal() ? (e.width = e.maxWidth, e.left = 0, e.right = e.width) : (e.height = e.maxHeight, e.top = 0, e.bottom = e.height), e.paddingLeft = 0, e.paddingTop = 0, e.paddingRight = 0, e.paddingBottom = 0, e.minSize = { width: 0, height: 0 } }, afterSetDimensions: l, beforeBuildLabels: l, buildLabels: l, afterBuildLabels: l, beforeFit: l, fit: function () { var e = this, t = a.valueOrDefault, n = e.options, r = n.display, o = t(n.fontSize, i.global.defaultFontSize), l = e.minSize, s = a.isArray(n.text) ? n.text.length : 1, d = a.options.toLineHeight(n.lineHeight, o), u = r ? s * d + 2 * n.padding : 0; e.isHorizontal() ? (l.width = e.maxWidth, l.height = u) : (l.width = u, l.height = e.maxHeight), e.width = l.width, e.height = l.height }, afterFit: l, isHorizontal: function () { var e = this.options.position; return "top" === e || "bottom" === e }, draw: function () { var e = this, t = e.ctx, n = a.valueOrDefault, r = e.options, o = i.global; if (r.display) { var l, s, d, u = n(r.fontSize, o.defaultFontSize), c = n(r.fontStyle, o.defaultFontStyle), h = n(r.fontFamily, o.defaultFontFamily), p = a.fontString(u, c, h), f = a.options.toLineHeight(r.lineHeight, u), m = f / 2 + r.padding, g = 0, _ = e.top, y = e.left, v = e.bottom, M = e.right; t.fillStyle = n(r.fontColor, o.defaultFontColor), t.font = p, e.isHorizontal() ? (s = y + (M - y) / 2, d = _ + m, l = M - y) : (s = "left" === r.position ? y + m : M - m, d = _ + (v - _) / 2, l = v - _, g = Math.PI * ("left" === r.position ? -.5 : .5)), t.save(), t.translate(s, d), t.rotate(g), t.textAlign = "center", t.textBaseline = "middle"; var b = r.text; if (a.isArray(b)) for (var w = 0, L = 0; L < b.length; ++L)t.fillText(b[L], 0, w, l), w += f; else t.fillText(b, 0, 0, l); t.restore() } } }); function d(e, t) { var n = new s({ ctx: e.ctx, options: t, chart: e }); o.configure(e, n, t), o.addBox(e, n), e.titleBlock = n } e.exports = { id: "title", _element: s, beforeInit: function (e) { var t = e.options.title; t && d(e, t) }, beforeUpdate: function (e) { var t = e.options.title, n = e.titleBlock; t ? (a.mergeIf(t, i.global.title), n ? (o.configure(e, n, t), n.options = t) : d(e, t)) : n && (o.removeBox(e, n), delete e.titleBlock) } } }, function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i, r, a, o, l, s, d, u, c, h, p; window.chartColors = { red: "#dc3545", orange: "#fd7e14", yellow: "#ffc107", green: "#28a745", blue: "#007bff", purple: "#6f42c1", grey: "#6c757d" }, u = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"], c = ["#4dc9f6", "#f67019", "#f53794", "#537bc4", "#acc236", "#166a8f", "#00a950", "#58595b", "#8549ba"], h = (i = this).Samples || (i.Samples = {}), p = i.Color, h.utils = { srand: function (e) { this._seed = e }, rand: function (e, t) { var n = this._seed; return e = void 0 === e ? 0 : e, t = void 0 === t ? 1 : t, this._seed = (9301 * n + 49297) % 233280, e + this._seed / 233280 * (t - e) }, numbers: function (e) { var t, n, i = e || {}, r = i.min || 0, a = i.max || 1, o = i.from || [], l = i.count || 8, s = i.decimals || 8, d = i.continuity || 1, u = Math.pow(10, s) || 0, c = []; for (t = 0; t < l; ++t)n = (o[t] || 0) + this.rand(r, a), this.rand() <= d ? c.push(Math.round(u * n) / u) : c.push(null); return c }, labels: function (e) { var t, n = e || {}, i = n.min || 0, r = n.max || 100, a = (r - i) / (n.count || 8), o = n.decimals || 8, l = Math.pow(10, o) || 0, s = n.prefix || "", d = []; for (t = i; t < r; t += a)d.push(s + Math.round(l * t) / l); return d }, months: function (e) { var t, n, i = e || {}, r = i.count || 12, a = i.section, o = []; for (t = 0; t < r; ++t)n = u[Math.ceil(t) % 12], o.push(n.substring(0, a)); return o }, color: function (e) { return c[e % c.length] }, transparentize: function (e, t) { var n = void 0 === t ? .5 : 1 - t; return p(e).alpha(n).rgbString() } }, window.randomScalingFactor = function () { return Math.round(h.utils.rand(-100, 100)) }, h.utils.srand(Date.now()), document.location.hostname.match(/^(www\.)?chartjs\.org$/) && (r = window, a = document, o = "script", l = "ga", r.GoogleAnalyticsObject = l, r.ga = r.ga || function () { (r.ga.q = r.ga.q || []).push(arguments) }, r.ga.l = 1 * new Date, s = a.createElement(o), d = a.getElementsByTagName(o)[0], s.async = 1, s.src = "//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js", d.parentNode.insertBefore(s, d), ga("create", "UA-28909194-3", "auto"), ga("send", "pageview")) }, function (e, t) { }]);
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diff --git a/report_template/index.html b/report_template/index.html
index edddf44..4daef02 100644
--- a/report_template/index.html
+++ b/report_template/index.html
@@ -176,19 +176,6 @@