BACK END: FLASK framework: K Team (Katrina K and Kate M)
(WAVE 1)
Create database
Create models Board Model Attributes: board_id (int) The unique board id number title (string) owner (string) cards (list) The list of cards on that board
Card Model Attributes: card_id (int) The unique card id number message (string) likes_count (int) board_id (int) Foreign key to board_id in board
Create a one-to-many relationship between two models
(WAVE 2)
Create conventional RESTful CRUD routes for the models
GET /boards
POST /boards
PUT /boards/<board_id>
GET /boards/<board_id>
DELETE /boards/<board_id>
POST /boards/<board_id>/cards
DELETE /boards/<board_id>/cards/<card_id>
PATCH /boards/<board_id>/cards/<card_id>/like
PATCH /boards/<board_id>/cards/<card_id>/edit
Backend User Stories:
User can create a new board with a name (POST)
User can view single board and it's contents (GET)
User can rename a single board (PUT)
User can see all the current boards (GET)
User can delete board (DELETE)
User can add a card to a board (POST)
User can delete a card (DELETE)
User can update (like/message/etc) a card (PATCH)
FRONT END: REACT JS library: A Team (Andre P and Allison L)
Sending data to nested components through
App.js Board.js -- *props: board, onBoardSelect NewBoardForm.js -- *props: createNewBoard *state: title, owner *functions
CardList.js NewCardForm.js Card.js -
Receiving and using
within a component -
Initializing and using state within a component
Passing callback functions to child components and use them to update state
If you work on a task/feature - mark it with your last initial, and PUSH :)
WAVE 1: Layout Components (FRONT END) && Set Up DataBases and Models (BACK END)
WAVE 2: Add Events/Handlers (FRONT END) && CRUD (BACK END)
WAVE 3: Debug && Deploy (Altogether)
Great Question:
by 9:59am** What are you working on? What is complete? Where are you stuck? Feedback - provide actionable/communicative feedback <3 YES show that you understand in your feedback
10am check-in Plan a merge time together --> I AM THE WALRUS
7pm check-out What are you working on? What is complete? Where are you stuck? Feedback
How do we Push to github? *if it's pair programmed - push to main together and merge *if dev independently - push to branch and get approval before merge