Before installing AlloyCI on your server, there are some actions that you need to take in order for AlloyCI to be able to function properly.
Note: As of v0.5.0 AlloyCI also supports GitHub Enterprise v2.13 and above. Head over to the GitHub Enterprise configuration docs for how to set it up, and then return to the requirements section of this document.
In order to use your own instance of AlloyCI with, you will need to register a new GitHub App. Go to to get started.
Fill in the form with your data, and the following for the specified fields:
User authorization callback URL:
=> URL:
=> secret (optional):
=> A random string of characters
Under permissions, make sure that the following permissions are enabled and with the correct settings:
Commit Statuses:
- Read & Write
Repository Contents:
- Read & Write
Subscribe to events
Select the following checkboxes:
- Status
- Create
- Push
- Delete
Finally, select where the integration can be installed.
Once created, you will have almost everything you need to setup the environment variables for AlloyCI. GitHub will redirect you to your newly created app.
On this page, GitHub will ask you to generate a private key for your installation.
Do so, and save the generated file. The contents of this file will be used for the
environment variable. Don't lose this file, or you will have
to generate a new key.
appears on the right column, right at the end.
will be the public link to your app. This field will
only show up, if you chose to make your installation public.
The Webhook secret you selected before will go to the GITHUB_SECRET_TOKEN
Important: On this page you will also find some OAuth credentials. Unfortunately,
due to a bug in GitHub's OAuth system, we cannot use these credentials for the
variables. We will need to create
a new OAuth application in order to allow users to sign up via GitHub.
If you prefer your users to manually create an account, and then link that account to their GitHub accounts, you can use these credentials and skip the next step.
As mentioned before, if you'd like your users to create accounts via GitHub, you will need to also create a separate OAuth app. To do so, go to
Fill in the form with your information, and as Authorization callback URL
Once the app is created, you will be redirected to a page containing the client ID
and secret needed for the GITHUB_CLIENT_ID
Once you have values for all the GITHUB_*
variables, you can continue with the
next steps.
The only outside dependency needed to run AlloyCI is PostgreSQL. You can either
run this as another Docker container, or an external service. The only thing needed
for AlloyCI to connect to the database is an environment variable called DATABASE_URL
with the DB data encoded in the following format:
AlloyCI, being a Phoenix application, starts a Web Server process to serve HTTP
requests. This server is perfectly capable of handling all HTTP requests on its
own, but it is common practice to use nginx
, Apache
, or any other web server
as a proxy, specially when SSL configuration is needed.
For an example on how to configure nginx
as a reverse proxy, have a look at the
nginx.conf.example file.
There are several environment variables that AlloyCI needs to have available in order to work properly. This variables also allow you to configure AlloyCI to match your requirements.
The required variables are as follows:
Name | Description |
DATABASE_URL | Full PostgreSQL URL to the database server |
HOST | FQDN of the server running AlloyCI |
RUNNER_REGISTRATION_TOKEN | Random string used to register global runners |
SERVER_URL | Full URL via which AlloyCI will be accessible |
SECRET_KEY_BASE | 65 chars long random string used to sign cookies |
GITHUB_CLIENT_ID | OAuth Client ID of your GitHub App |
GITHUB_ENTERPRISE | If the GitHub endpoint in use is an Enterprise installation, set to true, otherwise don't add this |
GITHUB_ENDPOINT | The GitHub endpoint URL, e.g (only needed for GitHub Enterprise) |
GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET | OAuth Client Secret of your GitHub App |
GITHUB_APP_ID | The ID of the App created before |
GITHUB_APP_URL | The URL where users can add the App to their accounts |
GITHUB_PRIVATE_KEY | The full private key used to sign GitHub's auth token |
GITHUB_SECRET_TOKEN | Secret token used to verify GitHub payloads |
ENABLE_SLACK_NOTIFICATIONS | Please set it to "true" or "false" |
ENABLE_EMAIL_NOTIFICATIONS | Please set it to "true" or "false" |
ARTIFACT_SWEEP_INTERVAL | Interval, in hours, for how often the system should check for expired artifacts |
S3_STORAGE_ENABLED | If you want to use an S3 compatible storage service for the build artifacts, set to true, otherwise don't add this |
SENTRY_DSN | Set this to your Sentry DSN if you want to use it for error catching |
Add the following variables as well, depending on which notification mechanism you enabled before.
Name | Description |
SLACK_CHANNEL | Name of the Slack channel to post notifications |
SLACK_SERVICE_NAME | Name of the service, e.g. AlloyCI |
SLACK_HOOK_URL | URL of the WebHook created for notifications |
Name | Description |
SMTP_SERVER | SMTP Server to use for email connections |
SMTP_USERNAME | Username for server authentication |
SMTP_PASSWORD | Password for said username |
SMTP_SSL | Please set it to "true" or "false" |
ALLOWED_TLS_VERSIONS | e.g. "tlsv1.1,tlsv1.2" |
FROM_ADDRESS | Email address that will appear as sender |
REPLY_TO_ADDRESS | Where the user will reply |
Add the following variables if you are using an S3 service. Almost all S3 compatible providers are supported.
Name | Description |
S3_REGION | If using AWS, set the region to use here |
S3_BUCKET_NAME | Name of the S3 bucket to use |
S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID | Your S3 Access Key ID |
S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | Your S3 Secret Access Key |
S3_HOST | If using a service other than AWS, set the host here, otherwise don't add this |
S3_PORT | If using a service other than AWS, set the connection port here |
S3_HTTP_SCHEME | If using a service other than AWS, set to http:// or https:// |
The recommended way of running AlloyCI is via our Docker images. You will find
them under alloyci/alloy_ci
at DockerHub.
The easiest way to get AlloyCI up and running with Docker is to use Docker Compose.
You will find an example docker-compose.yml
that will get you most of the way there. All you need to do is replace the environment
variables with the ones matching your environment.
Copy this file to your local machine, or wherever you'd like to run Docker from,
and edit it. Once the file is ready, running docker-compose up -d
will start
all the necessary components for AlloyCI to run, and also start AlloyCI itself.
The example YAML file specifies the database requirement image, and the AlloyCI image to use.
Notice: You will need to have Docker installed and configured in order to use Docker Compose. We suggest using Docker Machine with the Digital Ocean Driver to get a cloud server up and running, and ready for production use in mere minutes. This procedure can also be used to install AlloyCI on AWS, Azure, or any other cloud server provider that supports Docker. It can also be used with Kubernetes.
Database migrations are run automatically when the application starts, so there is no need to run them manually.
Continue over to First Run to set up the admin user for your instance.
You can use nginx as a reverse proxy for AlloyCI and its Docker Container, if you don't want to directly expose the container. The setup is the same as with any other reverse proxy configuration, and you can find and example in the nginx.conf.example file.
The easiest way to deploy AlloyCI to Heroku is to use the button below:
Heroku should ask you to fill in the required environment variables. If it doesn't,
you will need to create them yourself. They are the same as the ones stated above,
plus MIX_ENV
which needs to be set to heroku
Database migrations need to be run manually. After the Heroku app has beed deployed, please run the following command from your terminal:
$ heroku run -a <app_name> "MIX_ENV=heroku mix ecto.migrate"
For the time being, you will not be able to use the artifact upload feature with Heroku, given that it does not provide permanent disk access. S3 support for artifact files is planned for the feature, certainly before 1.0 is released.
The reason why we recommend Docker as the preferred installation method is because of how Elixir applications are prepared for release. Elixir applications need to be compiled. This means that if you build your release on a macOS machine, and want to deploy it to a Linux server, the build will be incompatible. Using Docker allows us to circumvent this, because the build is created inside the same container that will be deployed to production. Nonetheless it is still possible to deploy an Elixir application without using Docker, there are just extra precautions and steps you need to take.
The guide assumes you have Elixir v1.6.1, and Erlang OTP v20 already installed and ready to run.
Notice: The following steps can be performed on your local machine or directly on the target server that will run AlloyCI in production.
Clone the code to your machine:
$ git clone
$ cd alloy_ci/
After cloning the AlloyCI repo, you need to get the dependencies required for the server to run.
$ mix deps.get
Once the Elixir dependencies are installed, you need to compile the Javascript files.
$ cd assets/
# Install all JS dependencies
$ npm install
# Compile the CSS and JS files
$ ./node_modules/brunch/bin/brunch b -p
# Generate digest file
$ cd ../ && mix phx.digest
Once the dependencies have been installed, and the asset files compiled. you are ready to build the release.
$ MIX_ENV=prod mix release --env=prod
This will build the release for the prod
environment. The release files are located at
the root of where you cloned the project, under _build/prod/rel/alloy_ci
. In order to
"deploy" the release to a remote server, you will need the compressed release file, which
is further down the directory tree, under releases/<version>/alloy_ci.tar.gz
The default configuration assumes that the target Erlang OTP is the same version as the one building the release, so it does not include the Erlang Runtime.
If you wish to include the entire Erlang VM with your release, and not worry
about the Erlang version running on your target server, under rel/config.exs
add/change the following code to:
environment :prod do
set include_erts: true
Build the release again after changing these values.
AlloyCI uses environment variables to set up its configuration, so before starting
the server, make sure your environment is set up with the variables described
above. Also you need to set REPLACE_OS_VARS=true
before starting
AlloyCI as well.
Use any of the known methods to upload the alloy_ci.tar.gz
file to your server,
like scp
, ftp
, sftp
, etc.
Once uploaded, decompress it with tar xfz alloy_ci.tar.gz
After decompressing the alloy_ci.tar.gz
file, you can start AlloyCI with the
following commands:
- Interactive:
bin/alloy_ci console
- Foreground:
bin/alloy_ci foreground
- Daemon:
bin/alloy_ci start
Database migrations are run automatically when the application starts, so there is no need to run them manually.
Build artifact files are uploaded to a directory called uploads
. It will be created, if
it doesn't exist, and it lives at the root of where the release files were decompressed, so
the directory will look like this:
├── bin
├── lib
├── releases
└── uploads
After installing AlloyCI, you will still need to setup an admin user for your
instance. In order to do this, go to /register
to register a new account. Once
the account is ready, run the following command to open a remote console to the
$ docker exec -it <container_id> bin/alloy_ci remote_console
$ heroku run -a <app_name> "MIX_ENV=heroku iex -S mix"
$ path/to/alloy_ci/bin/alloy_ci remote_console
Once the console is open, copy the following command to make the user you just created an admin:
AlloyCi.User |> AlloyCi.Repo.get(1) |> AlloyCi.User.make_admin!
Once the user has been made an admin, you'll have access to the admin menus on the WebUI. You might need to re-authenticate yourself in order to access the admin area.
Users that register on AlloyCI via the /register
form will need to manually
link their GitHub account in order to use AlloyCI properly.
Now that everything is set up, it is time to actually use AlloyCI. Adding projects is quite easy via the WebUI, but before you add one, you will need to create the configuration file needed for AlloyCI to know what to do with your project.
You need to add a .alloy-ci.json
file to the root of your
project. You can read the full documentation to see all that available features, or
you can head over to the examples to see a basic .alloy-ci.json
file for different programming languages and get a quick start.
Without Runners, there is no machine to actually run your code. Head over to the Runners documentation to see how you can install, register, and configure your Runner for AlloyCI.
Once a project has been added, AlloyCI will be notified by GitHub whenever a new
push happens on your project. With this information, AlloyCI will proceed to create
a new pipeline and configure the build jobs found on the .alloy-ci.json