diff --git a/content/authentication/_index.nb.md b/content/authentication/_index.nb.md
index 54c6802a080..e45bd66f961 100644
--- a/content/authentication/_index.nb.md
+++ b/content/authentication/_index.nb.md
@@ -5,64 +5,55 @@ tags: [platform, authentication]
toc: true
weight: 1
-The authentication component is not an ID-provider and only create authentication sessions based on external ID-providers.
-The authentication component creates JWT tokens with claims about user and system.
-The claims are based on the authentication information coming from the ID-providers.
-## Token exchange for Altinn Portal
-When a user logs in to the Altinn Portal (Legacy Solution) it gets a Cookie containing information about the logged-in user. This cookie is
-a [propiaritary format for ASP.NET](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/301240/how-to-implement-forms-based-authentication-in-your-asp-net-applicatio) (Full Framework)
-and can only be understood with application based on .NET Framework having access to the symmetric encryption key.
-The Altinn Platform is based on .ASP.NET Core and can`t understand the cookie.
-To allow for a user accessing an App in Altinn Apps or a component in Altinn Platform the current platform will
-expose an API that can decrypt an ASP.NET cookie and return user information to the Authentication component in Altinn Platform.
-## Token exchange for maskinporten
-Organizations authenticated in maskinporten can exchange their JWT token for a valid Altinn Platform JWT token to be used against Altinn Apps and Altinn Platform.
-## Token exchange for ID-porten
-End users authenticated through ID-porten can exchange their JWT token for a valid Altinn Platform JWT token to be used agains Altinn Apps and Altinn Platform.
-The solution is available at https://platform.altinn.cloud/authentication/api/v1.
-## Authenticate user
-The authentication resource enables authenticating a user and redirecting it to another Altinn-url.
-If the user is not authenticated already it will be sent to the login page before redirecting the user to its final destination {url}.
-GET /authentication?goto={url}
-## Refresh a valid JwtToken
-GET /refresh
-## Exchange a JWT token from an external token provider
-Accepted providers include: `maskinporten` and `id-porten`.
-Request must include a bearer token in the authorization header.
-Set test equal to true if retrieving a token for Testdepartementet.
-(This ony works with maskinporten as the token provider.)
-{{%notice info%}}
-A token from id-porten contains both an id-token and and access-token.
-Only the access token it to be exhanged using this endpoint.
-{{% /notice%}}
-GET /exchange/{tokenProvider}?test={bool}
-## Architecture
-The [application construction components](/authentication/architecture/)
-for details how this component is constructued.
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diff --git a/content/authorization/guides/integrating-link-service/_index.md b/content/authorization/guides/integrating-link-service/_index.md
index 126e97bbc54..52ef92e0f56 100644
--- a/content/authorization/guides/integrating-link-service/_index.md
+++ b/content/authorization/guides/integrating-link-service/_index.md
@@ -23,6 +23,14 @@ To access Altinn's API, the service owner needs the following
This can be ordered from Altinn servicesdesk@altinn.no
+When API scopes are assigned to the organization, an integration in Maskinporten can be set up and assigned the scopes.
+By authenticating against Maskinporten with the relevant client, one then receives a token that is authorized for these APIs.
+This Maskinporten token must be exchanged for an Altinn token.
+The setup of the Maskinporten client and the exchange process are described [here](/api/authentication/maskinporten/).
## Set up access management in your own application
In the application that offers the service, the service owner must set up access management for when users access functionality