- EICAR test file - A text file you can test your antivirus with, that doesn't do anything malicious.
Downloading can be done with proxychains and tor. Downloading multiple files can be done like this:
- on MacOS:
#collect IPs from logs and put them in a matrix
for url in "${virusMatrix[@]}"
proxychains4 wget $url
- Aurora - Malware similarity platform with modularity in mind.
- DetectionLab - Automate the creation of a lab environment complete with security tooling and logging best practices.
- DomainClassifier - DomainClassifier is a Python (2/3) library to extract and classify Internet domains/hostnames/IP addresses from raw unstructured text files following their DNS existence, localization or attributes.
- Findmal - A tool to find/download malware samples from various public repositories.
- Malpedia - primary goal of Malpedia is to provide a resource for rapid identification and actionable context when investigating malware.
- MalwareClassifier - Malware Classifier From Network Captures.
- Malware-analysis-and-Reverse-engineering - "Some of my publicly available Malware analysis and Reverse engineering."
- MWDB Feeds - A Modular MWDB Utility to Collect Fresh Malware Samples.
- Snake - Snake is a malware storage zoo that was built out of the need for a centralised and unified storage solution for malicious samples that could seamlessly integrate into the investigation pipeline.
- Unit42's Playbook
- WMIPersistence.vbs
Android Malware - GitHub repository of Android malware samples.
Bediger4000's PHP Malware Analysis repo - Deobfuscation and analysis of PHP malware captured by a WordPress honey pot.
Contagio Mobile – Mobile malware mini dump.
Endermanch MalwareDatabase - This repository is one of a few malware collections on the GitHub.
Fabrimagic72 malware-samples - A collection of malware samples caught by several honeypots i manage
Gr33ntii malware-collection - Author x0lzs3c
HynekPetrak javascript-malware-collection - Collection of almost 40.000 javascript malware samples.
InQuest malware-samples - A collection of malware samples and relevant dissection information, most probably referenced from https://blog.inquest.net
Javascript Malware Collection - Collection of almost 40.000 javascript malware samples
Malware4edu - Malware Samples that could be used for teaching students about malware analysis.
Malware by abshkd - This is a collection of known malware and threats found on various Linux/web servers. Also find known ways to detect.
Malware - zeltser.com - Free Malware Sample Sources for Researchers
MalwareCollection - Popular Malware-Samples for research and educational purposes.(60+ Samples!)
Malware-Database - cryptwareapps - A large repository of malware samples with 2500+ malware samples & source codes for a variety of platforms by Cryptware Apps.
MalwareDatabase - Endermanch - This repository is one of a few malware collections on the GitHub.
MalwareDatabase - Pyran1 - Malware samples for analysis, researchers, anti-virus and system protection testing (1600+ Malware-samples!). Visit official website: malwaredatabase.byethost13.com!
- MalwareDatabaseUnsorted - Malware samples for analysis, researchers, anti-virus and system protection testing.(5000+ Malware-samples!)
Malware-Exhibit - 🚀🚀 This is a 🎇🔥 REAL WORLD🔥 🎇 Malware Collection I have Compiled & analysed by researchers🔥 to understand more about Malware threats😈, analysis and mitigation🧐.
malware-samples by Cerbersec - Malware samples pulled from my Cowrie honeypot
Malware - funtimes-ninja - Malware samples from honeypots
Malware by theevilbit - Various malware RE stuff.
Malware by RamadhanAmizudin - Malware Samples. Uploaded to GitHub for those want to analyse the code. Code mostly from: http://www.malwaretech.com.
Malware by rivitna - null
Malwares code by futex - Example of malicious codes for educational purpose, don't make shit with that.
malwares-collection by petikvx - Collection of Virii - Worms - Trojan.
MalwareHashDB - Malware hashes for open source projects.
Malware samples by fabrimagic72 - A collection of malware samples caught by several honeypots i manage
Malware Samples by jstrosch - Malware samples, analysis exercises and other interesting resources.
MalwareSourceCode - Collection of malware source code for a variety of platforms in an array of different programming languages.
MalwareWorld.com - Check for Suspicious Domains and IPs.
Malware World by Carlospolop - System based on +500 blacklists and 5 external intelligences to detect internet potencially malicious hosts.
My-malware-collection by stinky-fox - "!!!WARNING!!!! Anything provided here is a real and potentially dangerous malware! Must be used with caution and only in the sandbox environment."
Objective See Collection - macOS malware samples.
OfficeMalwares - Sources Codes of many Office Malwares
Packet Total – PCAP based malware sources.
Penetrum Malware Zoo - A collection of malware that we use for testing and training.
PracticalMalwareAnalysis-Labs - Binaries for the book Practical Malware Analysis.
RAT-Collection - Remote Access Trojan collection.(260+ RAT-Builders!)
Rust-malware-gallery - A collection of malware families and malware samples which use the Rust programming language.
Shellntel's Dragon Backdoor repo - dragon.c: a sniffing, non binding, reverse down/exec, portknocking service * Based on cd00r.c by [email protected] and helldoor.c by [email protected].
URLhaus – Online and real-world malware campaign samples.
Vxunderground MalwareSourceCode - Collection of malware source code for a variety of platforms in an array of different programming languages. www.vx-underground.org
- Vx_underground - A scalable web app features LiveView authentication, user roles and permission system, and secure S3/Wasabi uploads. It calculates file hashes with Erlang crypto library and uses Oban for all most API requests for automated retries. It includes a custom Logger backend to log to Discord, has CI/CD setup and is deployed on Fly.io.
vx - Virus Exchange - Virus Exchange (VX) - Collection of malware or assembly code used for "offensive" purposed.
Ytisf theZoo - A repository of LIVE malwares for your own joy and pleasure. theZoo is a project created to make the possibility of malware analysis open and available to the public. thezoo.morirt.com
VIRUS-HUB - 病毒库、样本中心.
VirusSamples by JPaulMora - Warning: These are REAL, EVIL executables.. download at your own risk, submit your own.
- moneta - Moneta is a live usermode memory analysis tool for Windows with the capability to detect malware IOCs.