October 2024 update: There might be a possible fix I haven't tried to get this to work. Check out this reddit post. It uses the goodix-fp-dump repo, which also mentions a Discord server which may give more recent intel about progress. (Btw I sold the computer so let me know if anyone get this to work.) Cheers! Edit: The script works.
This is just some notes i have related to enabling finger print reader on Linux on a Dell laptop. In the end i didn't get Kali (Debian) to work using the knowledge below. Shenzhen's source code for the fingerprint reader is closed btw >:( . If you get it to work, please give me a pull request or open an issue, and I will gladly update and clean up the resources below, thanks.
OS version | State | Date | Computer model | Comment |
Ubuntu 24.04 | Working | October 2024 | Dell XPS 15 7590 | Reddit post |
Ubuntu 23.10 | Not working | March 2024 |
According to the device list at https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/libfprint/wiki/-/wikis/Unsupported%20Devices, the Shenzhen Fingerprint Reader for device ID 27c6:5395 is not supported.
lsusb shows
Bus 001 Device 006: ID 27c6:5395 Shenzhen Goodix Technology Co.,Ltd. Fingerprint Reader
I tried the following without success:
- Download and install
from ubuntu
wget http://ubuntu.mirrors.tds.net/ubuntu/pool/main/libf/libfprint/libfprint-2-tod1_1.90.1+tod1-0ubuntu4_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i libfprint-2-tod1_1.90.1+tod1-0ubuntu4_amd64.deb
- Then install
wget http://dell.archive.canonical.com/updates/pool/public/libf/libfprint-2-tod1-goodix/libfprint-2-tod1-goodix_0.0.4-0ubuntu1somerville1_amd64.deb
$ sudo dpkg -i libfprint-2-tod1-goodix_0.0.4-0ubuntu1somerville1_amd64.deb
- Tried running some commands do fix firmware and service
sudo pam-auth-update
fwupdmgr update #Updates firmware
sudo systemctl restart fprintd.service #Restarts the fprintd service
sudo systemctl status fprintd.service #Lets check the status
fprintd-enroll #Starts the enrolling process when setting up the figngerprint
journalctl -f -u fprintd.service #any error should show here
Try https://www.reddit.com/r/Dell/comments/hq3kf3/xps_13_fingerprint_drivers_are_here/
Libfprint - goodix-fp-linux-dev - Library for fingerprint readers
libfprint - For unsupported devices, please see/edit https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/libfprint/wiki/-/wikis/Unsupported%20Devices
Libfprint-fprintd - D-Bus service to access fingerprint readers
- Libfprint - Library for fingerprint readers
Download Page for libpam-fprintd_1.94.2-2_amd64.deb on AMD64 machines - link
sudo apt install fprintd-doc fprintd libpam-fprintd
How to set up built-in fingerprint reader authentication with PAM on any Linux
sudo apt install fprintd libpam-fprintd
sudo sh -c 'cat > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/focal-dell.list << EOF
deb http://dell.archive.canonical.com/updates/ focal-dell public
# deb-src http://dell.archive.canonical.com/updates/ focal-dell public
deb http://dell.archive.canonical.com/updates/ focal-oem public
# deb-src http://dell.archive.canonical.com/updates/ focal-oem public
deb http://dell.archive.canonical.com/updates/ focal-somerville public
# deb-src http://dell.archive.canonical.com/updates/ focal-somerville public
deb http://dell.archive.canonical.com/updates/ focal-somerville-melisa public
# deb-src http://dell.archive.canonical.com/updates focal-somerville-melisa public
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys F9FDA6BED73CDC22
sudo apt update -qq
sudo apt install oem-somerville-melisa-meta libfprint-2-tod1-goodix oem-somerville-meta tlp-config -y
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:boltgolt/howdy -y
sudo apt update -qq
sudo apt install howdy -y
- https://www.reddit.com/r/Dell/comments/ixwgm0/xps_15_9500_ubuntu_popos_fingerprint_howto/
- Didnt help either http://dell.archive.canonical.com/updates/pool/public/libf/libfprint-2-tod1-broadcom/
- Hm? https://github.com/adnanjee/Goodix-GF3208
- Nope: https://www.dell.com/community/Linux-General/No-driver-for-fingerprint-scanner-Goodix-GF3208-on-Linux/m-p/6242579