All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Temp disabled WYRE top-up option
- Campaigns targeting include/exclude websites
- Publishers receipts payouts values
- Campaigns expiry date (
) - now 360 from creation - Campaigns end max 90 form time of creation
- Translations interpolation - return
when no args provided
- Campaigns dates validation
- Cached selectors - improved performance
- Persisted tables controls (filter, selections, page, page size, etc.) - no more filters reset
- Media components - only hooks and better events handling
- Campaigns/units advanced stats on tables
- transak
- misc bug and styles
- ENS username validation
- Stepper steps validation
- Trimmed inputs
- Getting started guide fot publishers
- Network issues detection texts
- Ad blocker and network errors detection
- ENS username string validation and info
- GA events on some buttons click
- Large video upload dropzone styles
- Dark theme
- Ability to update min and max CPM of active campaigns
- Campaigns "Paused" status
- Targeting rules
- Password error message on sign-up
- Campaign date validation
- Campaigns table sorting by CPM
- Campaign location and devices targeting validation
- Misc small bugs
- Login label and continue as button
- Ramp top up order and title
- Withdraw other tokens action
- Typo
- Transactions fees validation display
- Campaign amounts validations deposit/CPMs
- Transactions fees breakdown
- New version reload btn
- Devices targeting preview
- Devices targeting groups
- Typos
- Total and available balances (Transactions use sweeps from campaigns with sufficient balance for the fees)
- Targeting by device
- Websites DNS TXT fast instructions
- Withdraw address warnings
- "Scheduled" campaign status
- Tooltips to campaign status icons
- Styles
- MetaMask on mobile
- UserSide prop to identity meta
- Auto redirect to user side on login - from meta ot last selected by user
- New websites button with steps on websites page
- Updated trezor-connect
- Min slots CPM with included validators fee in the rules
- Tooltips styles
- Packages update, cleanup and fix
- Dropdown loading progress
- Terms and conditions link
- External link styles
- Page reloading state check
- Toast component
- Google analytics dimensions
- Intrusive notification for new release
instead google script- Cache buster
- Upgraded
pkg - migration from v4 to v5 - Using websocket for our web3 provider
- Removed react routes used twice
- Top-up page responsiveness
- Audience input on campaign details
- Removed old analytics revenue info alert
- Analytics year timeframe
- Month and year timeframes for the analytics
- Analytics start and end period limits
- Transak top-up integration
- Message for applied fees when closing campaign
- Fees breakdown
- Base fees from relayer config
- Sync user and relayed data before every web3 action
- Analytics data to be displayed for the past timefreame period
- All analytics time periods in the local timezone instead of UTC
- Removed analytics revenue cutoff
- Top-up page
- ADX token address
- MetaMask API updated
- Show balance as is - no min, no fees for outstanding balances
- No pre calculated fees for outstanding balances
- Using only our web3 node provider for read actions
- Misc ui bugs
- Misc styles
- Ramp top-up modal
- Campaign pricing bounds auto update
- Side nav layout
- MetaMask log out bug
- Slot rules on creating and updating
query param on login to filter wallet identities
- Misc minor bugs and translations
- Update
- Info link for targeting country tiers
- Default validator fee from 5% to 7%
- Advanced targeting tules moved from audience to Campaign parameters
- Autocomplete/dropdown options tooltips are now with info icon
- Misc bugs and typos
- Campaign pause/resume
- Ability to manually set and update min CPM for slots
- Ability enable/disable showing adult content on slots
- Tabs and charts styles and layout
- Quality when image is uploaded and cropped
- Layout styles on safari browsers (mac and ios)
- Recommended ad units formats
- Stats chart styles and responsiveness
- Added ability to archive Slots, Units and Audiences
- Groups by ad formats popularity at unit creation
- Ability to edit saved audience title
- Show min and max CPM at campaign details
- Show 'Pending' instead 'Active' when campaign is not deployed
- Misc labels and translations
- Fixed bug with audience inputs
- Optional
for campaign units - Non filtered targeting data for exclusion inputs
- Targeting data filtering by publishers revenue
- Better sorting in targeting inputs when there are disabled values
- Crash when cancel on campaign finance step
- Campaign pricing bounds
- Opening campaign
- Campaign update
- Audience inputs sorting
- Misc bugs
- Ability to blacklist publishers from the "by website" statistics
- Average CPM column to campaigns by website and by country statistics
- Slot demand warning on new slot preview id no active campaigns
- Opening campaign
- Misc bugs
- Targeting rules from input when all countries is selected
- Disabled values between categories and publishers when 'ALL' selected
- Hide campaign audience update btn when inactive
- Updating legacy campaigns audience
- Misc bug fixes
- Ability to pause/resume campaign
- Confirm dialog and spinner for campaign close/pause/resume buttons
- Created and Updated columns at Audiences table
- Styles
- Auto suggested CPM-s for campaigns and slots
- Sots rules
- More validations
- Toasts on items update
- Misc audience bugs
- Audience categories with min slots count filter
- Error icons on audience tabs when error
- Audience inputs Categories to Publishers and vice versa filtering
- Audience input selected values hidden instead disabled when not selected
- Misc minor bugs
- Targeting on campaign level
- Audiences page and table
- Removed targeting on Ad Units and Ad slots level
- UTM tags on campaign instead on ad unit
- Websites page - no legend
- Slot fallback update
- Autocomplete component
- removed website integration issue
- Typos
- Slot website input - UX drama hotfix
- Changelly integration
- dropped SAI
- Metamask auth bug
- Changelly BTC to DAI swap widget
- List all privileges on account info page
- Remove buttons for listed emails on login screen
- Login w/o privileges
- Css
- Publisher websites page
- Retry verification for website in slot details
- Autocomplete with creation for slot website input
- Receipts styles
- Receipts preview visible on mobile
- Misc bugs, styles and translations
- Layout and floating buttons
- Default buttons
- Misc styles
- Mobile stepper
- Misc bugs and styles
- Layout
- FAB buttons are now sticky
- Styles
- Translations
- Misc small bugs
- Slot passback data edit
- Progress on items tables loading
- Theme colors
- Misc styles
- Toasts styles and colors
- Chart stats - removed legend, hide data with click on cards
- Initial data loading
- Removed publisher verification message
- Image component bugs and styles
- Image crop
- Bug with targeting input
- Misc small bugs
- Campaigns chart analytics by time frame
- Added statistics to slots table
- Top uo page
- 'Wyre' integration
- 'PayTrie' integrations
- Removed Ledger
- All login components with hooks
- Embedded 'Roboto' font
- Tables update
- Misc small bugs
- Code and warnings cleanup
- v4.20.0
- Perception
- Nothing
- Items data moved to persist again
- Steps inputs styles - outlined (items, transactions, login)
- Steps previews - more compact with grids, better order of props
- Typos
- Styles
- Code cleanup
- Validation for ad units targeting
- Validation on campaign with "Only show ad if targeting matches" checked
- Display message for impressions but no revenue
- Preview props styled as outlined input
- Improved chart styles and usability on mobile
- Campaign close
- Targeting input styles and responsiveness
- Fixed analytics data loading
- Analytics timeframe and period selectors by side
- Analytics optimized #428 and #436
- Styles:
- Smaller max content width
- Smaller table images
- Items, analytics and channel store moved to memory store
- Analytics misc bugs
- Tables and other misc styles
- Export receipts for publishers #412
- Analytics select time period for time frames #418
- Analytics chart NOW annotation
- Date utils for date operations
- Week start aggregations with locale
- Getting started guide progress icons ans styles
- Hide getting started for each side separately
- Publisher/Advertiser color scheme
- Analytics updated on 60 seconds instead 120 (will be optimized in next version)
- Big code refactoring #417:
- Stepper accepts validation and complete functions instead passing components
- Stepper styles with
- no moreabsolute
inside - Web3 transactions steps (Withdraw tokens, Set privileges, Set ENS), new items steps (Campaigns, Slot, Unit), Item details pages (Campaigns Slots, Unit) - now are w/o HOCs, using hooks only (except for Dialog Hoc), selectors and actions. Validations using actions for the whole step/details page.
- Updated details pages layout and styles
- Layout and misc styles updated
- Updated versions of material-ui packages
- Code cleanup
- Ad units selector bug when loaded from old versions state
- Passback/fallback wording fix #425
- Country-based statistics: publisher & advertiser
- Statistic about which campaigns/units you are earning the most from
- How did you hear about AdEx field on sign up
- Notification if the Ethereum network is clogged
- Warning instead integration code in slot details when email is not confirmed
- Side switch colors
- Slot website issues - displayed with warning alerts
- Top right menu misbehavior
- Misc selectors, styles and minor bugs
- Slot websites issues
- Showing slot website host issues on slot create preview and slot details
- Slots request returns slots and websites
- Getting started styles
- Publisher revenue alert condition - hidden if there is website with no issues or any impressions
- Breadcrumbs casing (Added translations)
- Breadcrumbs - no link if only one element
- Removed misc unused variables
- Getting started styles
- Publisher revenue warning condition (show only if no impressions)
- Removed wallet backup button
- Top/Bide bars styles
- Campaign preview units table
- Misc styles, bugs, error and warnings
- Clickable breadcrumbs in top bar (better than #307)
- CTR and name on campaigns table #371
- Campaigns statistics - ad unit breakdown by impressions/clicks/CTR #362
- Link to TOS #383
- Changelog link
- Broken Navbar title replaced with breadcrumbs
- Confirm component - show cancel/confirm buttons only if labels provided
- Translations are joined when all parts are string or numbers
- Tutorials #390
- Table data selectors
- Item update validation
- Updating slots (rare case)
- App crash on receipt with invalid campaign id
- Page not found style
- Top bar styles
- Code cleanup
- Progress indication for fees in new campaign preview
- Campaigns increased ip limit
- Hotjar is removed
- Bumped
- Images sometimes are missing or wrong (fixed tables custom render functions)
- New campaigns disappear while initializing if page is refreshed
- Data loops auto stop check functions
- Possible logout on page refresh
- MetaMask account change check
- Missing data points with hour timeframe analytics chart
- Switch speed and animation between advertiser and publisher
- Getting started guide can be collapsed/expanded
- Removed revenue alert close button
- Getting started steps for publisher slots and impressions
- Dashboard alerts and content styles
- Website filed on slot creation #378
- TOS change notification
- Email validation #354
- Campaigns blank page #373
- Styles
- Code cleanup
- Missing keys for translations components args
- Components translations with tags
- Publishers revenue notice
- Getting started guide
- Publishers revenue warning alert
- Translations sanitization
- Translations interpolations (updated components args usage)
- Ui styles
- Email validation
- Misc bugs and styles
- Better validation on withdraw
- Reset transactions on logout
- Domains configuration (blocked by ad blockers)
- Refactored withdraw step
- Channels selectors and reducers
- Formatting amounts truncated to fixed instead rounded
- Fixed bug with withdraw funds from account
- Label with fees on campaign params page #350
- Average CPM calculation
- Withdraw bug
- Closing account type alert
- Publisher analytics race condition bug
- Direct redirect to sides when account created
- Email validation on account creation - checking for existing emails before registration attempt
- Hide 'hidden' filters for data export
- MetaMask network cfg
- Print/Export campaigns receipts #332
- Global and by account ui states
- Payout analytics - more accurate calculation of Expired campaigns and removed data points whit zero available earnings #345
- Campaign details z-index bug with tabs and app bar
- Withdraw with sweeping bug
- sync outstanding balances with analytics
#317 - safe calculation of validator fees
- use advanced analytics for channels clicks and impressions #335
- make data loop start method
- update identity data from relayer on dashboard load
- change
- changed help link #338
- show only targeting matches on campaign details #339
- remove facebook chat
- Metamask address verification
- Networks and tokes configuration
- Contracts configuration
- Styles to identity step
- Fee token amount field
- Toast when metmask is not on mainnet
- Possibility to select acount type
- Adex Identity support
- Coupon code validator
- Set targeting added to adunit view
- Toast on error with error message
- Grant account Login
- Adunit preview
- Campaign preview
- IPFS images handling
- Camapign max deposit validation
- Date time picker for campaign creation
- Identity owner state
- Trezor signin
- Image uploading
- Top bar
- Account page view changed
- Dashboard view
- AirSwap
- Ledger signin
- Sentry
- Legacy dapp browsers bug
- we3 node changed to infura
- Getting address balance
- Random Seed Generator
- Service worker
- Adding build to ipfs
- Updated react dependencies
- Using babel 7 and webpack 4
- Stop using yarn for npm + lock file
- MetaMask use injected ethereum instead web3
- MetaMask account change detected with the new event listener (no more interval check)
- Ledger connection
- Misc bug fixes
- DEMO mode - temp address with limited access
- Keeping state for lists order props
- Edit existing images with icon button instead with click on them
- Dashboard and misc styles
- Misc bug fixes
- Switch button to turn ON/OFF filter by tags for slot open bids
- View images in full size
- Validation on updating items
- Changed styles - more responsive design
- Misc styles and bug fixes
- Misc bug fixes
- Temp using eth.personal.sign for MetaMask instead eth_signTypedData until the issue is fixed
- Toast when copy to clipboard btn is used
- minor bug fixes
- Tags for matching/filtering between bids/ad slots/ad units
- Support for Trezor new sign algorithm
- Copy to clipboard buttons where needed
- Misc bugs and styles
- AirSwap widget to buy/sell ADX inside the dApp (from account page)
- materia-ui components
- More responsive UI (not fully yet)
- Remove react-toolbox components
- More simple UI
- Code refactoring
- Misc bugs and styles
- Statistics for bids (charts and tables)
- Dashboard statistics
- CSV export for statistics
- Misc styles and bug fixes
- Logout ot authentication error
- Authentication bug
- Page to show all user bids (by role)
- New columns for bids tables (details/reports/ad slot/ad unit)
- Bids details popup
- Popup with ad unit/slot ipfs details at bid row
- Popup for bid ipfs report
- Svg circle with text for notifications
- Validations with checkbox for transaction that are possible but don't meet the criteria (Verify bid without target reached, refund when target reached, etc.)
- Bids spilled to Ready to verify/Open/Active/Closed
- Show bids ready to verify count on side nav
- Common components for unit/slot bids
- Misc bugs and styles
- ADX exchange ABI
- Auth - getting addr stats auth type
- Basic info for wallets authentication on signup
- Translations can accept insertion of components
- Styles
- TREZOR and LEDGER hardware wallets authentication
- Transactions - new notifications
- Gas price dropdown on transactions preview
- Get current gas prices info from
- Show estimated gas costs on tx preview
- Tx preview notification for waiting user actions
- Common function to send transactions with different wallet
- Common function to sign messages wth different wallets
- Wallet logo before address on top bar
- Multiple transactions from one action sent to transactions page
- Error msgs formatter (e.g No more metamask ugly errors)
- Show each transaction when multiple for one action (e.g. Deposit to exchange) on tx preview
- Code optimization
- Getting web3
- Tx preview minor styles changes
- Misc bug fixes
- List items/bids - filter by property
- Items - archive/unarchive buttons and list controls
- Cancel button for new items/bids/transactions
- New items steps - meaningful steps names
- New translations
- Link to AdEx site in side nav
- Items - removed delete btn (now just archive, in future will be added delete btn but only for items with no related bids)
- Side nav styles
- List controls grid styles
- Anchor getUrl
- fallbackAdUrl input
- crop images bugs
- upload/edit images - crop and auto resize
- Anchor component
- Images and links - not draggable (on Firefox links are still draggable)
- Images urls
- Validations ids
- Changelog
- Separate component Save btn at Item HOC
- Notifications translations
- Item HOC re render fix
- Edit Campaign/Channel/AdSlot logo(avatar)
- Edit Ad slot fallback ad url and fallback ad image
- Translations for item actions notifications (create/remove/update etc..)
- Help link on Side navigation
- Functions from Translation component moved to service
- Item actions refactored code
- Links to AdEx ethereum contract on side navigation
- Edit Items (name, description, etc..)
- Validation for placing/accepting bids (check for available deposit)
- Deposit warning message (for multiple transactions needed)
- Webpack production config - use query hash for bundled files
- Showing pending transactions on side navigation
- New translations
- Showing pending bids actions
- Side navigation new styles
- Transactions styles and flow
- Misc bug fixes
- Code cleanup
- New translations
- Misc bug fixes