Among Us-inspired OS for the Raspberry Pi.
This was mostly inspired by (and also yoinks the icon and wallpaper from it),
Initially made by Moon1789#6969, RPiNews#0816 and the folks here at Jostro OS
- Sus
- Custom wallpaper and start menu icon
- Mostly grey colour palette
- Custom neofetch icon
- Wine + box86 preinstalled for x86 windows emulation
- piKiss and pi-apps preinstalled so you can install some games and also A M O N G U S
- (Among Us will run at ~5 fps on multiplayer play. It is a very crappy framarate, but for running a game never intended to run on on ARM linux running on a CPU the size of a thumb, it's decent.)
- You can use to test out the OS via a native VM on a RPI OS install.
- This is meant for RPI 3 and 4. If you would like to run it on a x86 system, you can do so via qemu. Download and read the instructions to find how to replace the twister os image with amogOS.
- Default username is "pi" and password is "raspberry"