from enum import Enum
import os
class Library(Enum):
Newsletters = 0
Literature = 1
Physics = 2
Chemistry = 3
Biology = 4
Mathematics = 5
General_Knowledge = 6
Politics = 7
Economics = 8
Magazines = 9
Technology = 10
class Book:
def __init__(self):
self.title = "" = ""
self.publication = 0
self.availability = 0
self.lib = Library.Newsletters
class PersDetail:
def __init__(self): = ""
self.roll_number = ""
self.department = ""
self.contactno = 0 = ""
self.borrowed_books = []
def add_book(details, current_index):
"""Function Adds a book to the library.
Function Arguements:
details (list): List of Book objects.
current_index (int): Index to track the current position in the details list.
Function Returns:
int: Updated current_index for the next book.
print("Enter details of the book:")
details[current_index].title = input("Title: ")
details[current_index].author = input("Author: ")
details[current_index].publication = int(input("Publication year: "))
details[current_index].lib = Library(int(input("Genre (0 for Newsletters, 1 for Literature, etc.): ")))
details[current_index].availability = 1
print("Book added successfully!")
return current_index + 1 # Increment the index for the next book
def display_all_books(details, current_index):
"""Functions Displays the details of all available books in the library.
Function Arguements:
details (list): List of Book objects.
current_index (int): Index representing the number of books in the library.
print("List of books:")
for i in range(current_index):
if details[i].availability == 1:
print("Title:", details[i].title)
print("Author:", details[i].author)
print("Publication:", details[i].publication)
print("Library:", details[i].lib)
print() # Add a newline for better readability
def fine_calculation():
""" Function Calculates and displays the fine amount for a borrowed book."""
days_borrowed = int(input("Enter the number of days the book was borrowed: "))
if days_borrowed <= 20:
print("No fine.")
fine = days_borrowed - 20
print("Fine is", fine)
def add_personal_details(perdetails, index):
"""Function Adds a personal details of a user.
Function Arguements:
perdetails (list): List of PersDetail objects.
index (int): Index to track the current user.
perdetails[index].name = input("Enter your name: ")
perdetails[index].roll_number = input("Enter your roll number: ")
perdetails[index].department = input("Enter your department: ")
perdetails[index].contactno = int(input("Enter your contact number: "))
perdetails[index].email = input("Enter your email: ")
def time_info():
"""Get login and logout time from the user.
tuple: Login and logout time in the format (Hrs:Minutes:Seconds).
login = input("Enter the login time of your entry (Hrs:Minutes:Seconds): ")
logout = input("Enter the logout time of your exit (Hrs:Minutes:Seconds): ")
return login, logout
# Initialization
details = [Book() for _ in range(NUMBOOKS)]
perdetails = [PersDetail() for _ in range(1)] # Updated to handle multiple users
choice = 0
current_index = 0 # Initialize the index for tracking added books
def view_personal_details(perdetails, user_index):
Function Arguements:
perdetails (list): List of PersDetail objects.
user_index (int): Index representing the current user.
print("Personal details:")
print("Name:", perdetails[user_index].name)
print("Roll Number:", perdetails[user_index].roll_number)
print("Department:", perdetails[user_index].department)
print("Contact Number:", perdetails[user_index].contactno)
print("Email:", perdetails[user_index].email)
def borrow_book(details, user_index):
Function Arguements:
details (list): List of Book objects.
user_index (int): Index representing the current user.
print("Enter details to borrow a book:")
title = input("Enter the title of the book: ")
for book in details:
if book.title == title and book.availability == 1:
book.availability = 0 # Mark the status of book as unavailable
print("Book borrowed successfully!")
print("Book not available.")
def return_book(details, user_index):
Function Arguements:
details (list): List of Book objects.
user_index (int): Index representing the current user.
print("Enter details to return a book:")
title = input("Enter the title of the book: ")
for book in details:
if book.title == title and book.availability == 0:
book.availability = 1 # Mark the book as available
print("Book returned successfully!")
print("You haven't borrowed this book.")
# Main program
while choice != 5:
print("Enter the appropriate choice from the following options:")
print("1 : Add a book")
print("2 : Display all books")
print("3 : Display fine")
print("4 : Entry details")
print("5 : Quit")
print("6 : Borrow a book")
print("7 : Return a book")
print("8 : View Personal Details")
choice = int(input())
if choice == 1:
print("Add a book")
current_index = add_book(details, current_index)
elif choice == 2:
print("Display all books")
display_all_books(details, current_index)
elif choice == 3:
print("Fine Calculation")
elif choice == 4:
print("Login and Logout time")
login_time, logout_time = time_info()
add_personal_details(perdetails, 0)
elif choice == 5:
print("Quitting the program")
elif choice == 6:
print("Borrow a book")
borrow_book(details, 0)
elif choice == 7:
print("Return a book")
return_book(details, 0) # Pass the user index here
elif choice == 8:
print("View Personal Details")
view_personal_details(perdetails, 0)
print("Invalid option selected. Choose appropriate options from above.")