Extract weather data from any weatherXM station via api calls in Home Assistant.
- weather condition (sunny, cloudy, partly cloudy, rainy).
- temperature
- temperature real feel
- humidity
- wind speed km/h - m/h
- wind gust km/h - m/h
- pressure hpa
- wind direction
- wind direction cardinal
- precipitation
- uv_index
- icon
- icon color
- navigate to WeatheXM Explorer.
- pick the station you want.
- in the website url copy the highlighted text after the # (in yellow).
replace the (*****) with the text you copied.
we need this url for the api call.
now paste the folowing code to your sensors.yaml and replace the url in line 3 with yours.
make sure you add this line to your configuration.yaml sensor:
!include sensors.yaml
if the station you want is the second one in the HEX, then change the [0] with [1] in line 6.
restart Home assistant and you're done, now weather station data is avalible in your home assistant and you're free to use it.