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183 lines (169 loc) · 12.8 KB

File metadata and controls

183 lines (169 loc) · 12.8 KB



0.9.1 - 2023-08-09


  • Dynamic scheduling now respects both EntryViews and ResourceViews.
  • Mutating a deserialized World no longer creates duplicate Archetypes, instead correctly looking up the existing deserialized Archetype.

0.9.0 - 2023-04-22


  • resource::ContainsViews now only requires a single generic parameter for indices.
  • World::view_resources() now only requires a single generic parameter for indices.
  • registry::ContainsEntity now only requires a single generic parameter for indices.
  • World::insert() now only requires a single generic parameter for indices.
  • registry::ContainsEntities now only requires a single generic parameter for indices.
  • World::extend() now only requires a single generic parameter for indices.
  • World::insert() no longer requires E to implement Entity.
  • World::extend() no longer requires E to implement Entities.
  • World::query() and World::par_query() both no longer require V and F to implement Filter.
  • registry::ContainsQuery now only requires a single generic parameter for indices.
  • registry::ContainsParQuery now only requires a single generic parameter for indices.
  • registry::ContainsViews now only requires a single generic parameter for indices.
  • World::query() now only requires a single parameter for query indices.
  • Entry::query() now only requires a single parameter for query indices.
  • World::run_system() now only requires a single parameter for query indices.
  • World::run_par_system() now only requires a single parameter for query indices.
  • World::run_schedule() now only requires a single parameter for query indices.
  • query::view::Disjoint now only requires a single parameter for indices.
  • System::run() now takes the results iterator as a generic parameter I to simplify the interface.
  • ParSystem::run() now takes the results parallel iterator as a generic parameter I to simplify the interface.
  • System and ParSystem both no longer require Filter and Views to implement Filter.
  • result::Iter no longer requires V and F to implement Filter.
  • Entry::query() no longer requires V and F to implement Filter.
  • system::schedule::Schedule now only requires a single parameter for indices.
  • World::run_system() now only requires a single parameter for schedule indices.


  • Schedules can now no longer access non-Sync components and resources.
  • Multiple calls to Entry::add() or Entry::remove() that change the shape of the entity now no longer accesses the wrong internal entity row, preventing potential undefined behavior.

0.8.2 - 2023-04-02


  • Entry::query() now requires a less-strict lifetime.

0.8.1 - 2023-04-02


  • registry::ContainsViews is now a public trait.

0.8.0 - 2023-04-02


  • view::ContainsFilter trait to indicate that a filter can be expressed over a view.


  • query::Entry::query() is now bound on Registry implementing ContainsViews<Views> over the superview Views, instead of the SubViews.
  • query::Entry::query() is now bound on Views implementing view::ContainsFilter<Filter.
  • view::SubSet is no longer required to be generic over Registry.


  • Entries can now be accessed from within System::run() and ParSystem::run().

0.7.0 - 2023-03-27


  • query::Entries struct to allow access to certain component columns through an Entry API.
  • query::Entry struct to allow access to an individual entity's components, respecting a restricting superset of views.
  • view::SubSet trait, defining one Views as a subset of another.
  • view::Disjoint trait, defining two Views as being non-conflicting.


  • Queries can now contain an EntryViews parameter, specifying component columns that can be accessed through an Entry API.
  • query::Result now includes an entries field, containing a query::Entries struct giving entry access to the components queried with EntryViews.
  • System and ParSystem now each have an EntryViews associated type.
  • System and ParSystem's run() method now takes one argument, which is simply a query::Result.
  • Scheduling now takes into account a system's EntryViews when creating stages.

0.6.1 - 2023-03-21


  • Querying with empty component views no longer iterates endlessly. It now iterates once for each entity filtered, despite no components being viewed.

0.6.0 - 2023-03-20


  • resource module containing types related to resources.
  • resource::Resource trait to define a type as a resource.
  • resource::Resources trait to define a heterogeneous list of types as a list of resources.
  • resources! macro to define a heterogeneous list of resources.
  • Resources! macro to define the type of a heterogeneous list of resources.
  • query::Result struct containing the result of a query on a World.
  • World::with_resources() function to define a World containing resources.
  • World::get() method to get an immutable reference to a resource.
  • World::get_mut() method to get a mutable reference to a resource.
  • World::view_resources() to get references to any number of resources at once.
  • resource::Null type which defines the end of a heterogeneous list of resources.
  • resource::ContainsResource trait to indicate that a heterogeneous list of resources contains a given resource.
  • resource::ContainsViews trait to indicate that a heterogeneous list of resource views is contained in a list of resources.
  • resource::Debug trait, implemented on lists of resources that implement core::fmt::Debug.
  • resource::Serialize trait, implemented on lists of resources that implement serde::Serialize.
  • resource::Deserialize trait, implemented on lists of resources that implement serde::Deserialize.


  • Running a schedule now performs optimizations at run-time. Tasks that can be are now run earlier than their compile-time scheduled stage.
  • World::query() and World::par_query() now return a query::Result struct.
  • Query has an added ResourceViews generic parameter to indicate the resources that should be viewed during the query.
  • System and ParSystem now have a ResourceViews associated type to indicate the resources that should be viewed when the system is run.
  • System::run() and ParSystem::run() have a new Self::ViewResources parameter to allow accessing those resources during execution.
  • Scheduling multiple systems now accounts for ResourceViews alongside component Views when creating stages.
  • The Debug implementation on World now requires the World's resources to implement resource::Debug.
  • The Serialize and Deserialize implementations on World now require World's resources to implement resource::Serialize and resource::Deserialize, respectively.
  • The Clone, Default, PartialEq, Eq, Send, and Sync implementations on World now require the World's resources to implement those same traits.

0.5.0 - 2023-01-18


  • Entity! macro for defining the type of an entity.
  • reserve() method on World for reserving capacity for additional entities made up of a specific set of components.


  • System::world_post_processing() and ParSystem::world_post_processing().

0.4.0 - 2022-12-03


  • Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize, and Deserialize traits are added to the registry module.
  • schedule! macro for defining a schedule.
  • Schedule! macro for defining the type of a schedule.
  • schedule::task module for defining tasks that make up schedules.
  • Clone implementation for World.


  • Send and Sync implementations of World now only require the registry to implement Registry + Send and Registry + Sync respectively.
  • Lifetime in System and ParSystem traits has been moved to the Views associated type.
  • The generic lifetimes on the system::schedule::RawTask and system::Stages traits have been removed.
  • Registry is now explicitly bound to the static lifetime. This was previously only implicit, with Registrys being made of Components which were bound to 'static.
  • Both System and ParSystem no longer require a lifetime bound on the Registry R in their run() methods.
  • Schedule has been changed from a struct to a trait.
  • Schedules now have their stages defined at compile-time.
  • registry! macro has been renamed to Registry! to indicate that it is intended to be a type-level macro.
  • views! macro has been renamed to Views! to indicate that it is intended to be a type-level macro.


  • system::Null is removed, since it is no longer needed for defining a Schedule.
  • schedule::Builder is removed, since it is no longer needed for defining a Schedule.
  • The schedule::raw_task module has been removed. There is now no distinction between a raw task and a regular task.
  • The schedule::stage module has been removed. It still exists as part of the private API, but is no longer exposed publicly.
  • The schedule::stages! macro is removed. Schedules are no longer defined in terms of their stages directly, but are defined in terms of their tasks using the schedule! and Schedule! macros.


  • Mitigated potential bug regarding the way non-root macros are exported when compiling documentation. Previously, a change in Rust's experimental macro syntax could have potentially broken usage of the library for all users. Now, a change in the syntax will only break building of the documentation (using --cfg doc_cfg), which is acceptable.
  • World::shrink_to_fit() is no longer unsound. There were issues previously with it improperly deleting archetypes.

0.3.0 - 2022-10-28 [YANKED]


  • shrink_to_fit() method on World for shrinking the World's current allocation to the minimum required for the current data.
  • ContainsComponent, ContainsEntities, ContainsEntity, ContainsParQuery, and ContainsQuery traits to indicate more specific bounds on registries.


  • Removed unnecessary generic bounds on result::Iter, result::ParIter, and entities::Batch.
  • Simplified trait bounds on System::run() and ParSystem::run(), improving usability for users implementing these traits.
  • Renamed Seal traits to Sealed to match common convention.


  • Memory is no longer leaked after clearing a populated World and then extending a previously populated archetype.
  • Traits with bounds on internal traits are now properly sealed.
  • stages! macro now correctly parses system command with no trailing comma.

0.2.0 - 2022-09-18


  • query() method on Entry for viewing components of a single entity.
  • Documentation for some associated types and enum variants that was missing.


  • query() and par_query() methods on World now require a Query parameter.
  • Performance improvements through canonicalization of heterogeneous lists instead of internal type index hash tables.
  • insert(), extend(), query(), and par_query() methods on World now check at compile-time that components are contained within the registry.
  • add() and remove() methods on Entry now check at compile-time that components are contained within the registry.

0.1.0 - 2022-08-20


  • registry! declarative macro for easily defining a heterogeneous list of components making up a registry.
  • World for containing archetypal component data, generic over a registry of components.
  • entity! and entities! declarative macro for easily defining heterogeneous lists of components making up entities.
  • insert() and extend() methods on World for storing entities of arbitrary components.
  • views! declarative macro for easily defining heterogeneous lists of views.
  • Various filter types for restricting what entities are viewed when querying.
  • query() and par_query() methods on World for viewing components of entities stored.
  • System and ParSystem traits allowing users to define systems.
  • run_system() and run_par_system() methods on World for running user-defined systems.
  • Builder API for defining a Schedule at run-time.
  • run_schedule() method on World for optimally running a schedule of systems.
  • entity::Identifier type for uniquely identifying a stored entity.
  • contains() method for checking whether an entity exists in a World.
  • remove() method for removing an existing entity in a World.
  • entry() method on World for obtaining an Entry for a contained entity.
  • add() and remove() methods on Entry for modifying an entity's components.
  • clear() method on World for removing all entities.
  • len() and is_empty() methods for determining how many entities are stored in a World.
  • serde feature to enable serialization and deserialization of World.
  • rayon feature to enable parallel processing of components through the various par_ methods.