This repo contains an IntelliJ project that you can use as part of the sample end-of-year exam.
You will find the sample exam here.
You will find six questions in the exam. Among these, questions, 1, 3, 4, and 5 have coding elements, totalling eight (sub)questions, and for each of these you will find a separate Java class with FIXME notes indicating what you need to do. The number of marks per question varies. There is one unit test provided for each question with which you may test your answer. If a question is worth five marks, you will find that there are five unit tests.
Important notes:
- The exam will be entirely auto-graded, so it is important that your code passes the tests.
- The exam may be graded against (slightly) different tests.
- The exam will not involve git.
- You must copy your code into your exam in your browser.
- In the exam, the state of your exam within your web browser is continuously saved (you don't need to press a save button).