See the overall rationale in the readme in the parent folder.
This sample shows a problem encountered with the new Sheet model in Messages in iOS17 and a workaround.
It uses a touch tracked in SpriteKit that captures a scribble. That code was copied from SKScribbles
Like imDataUrl the data is sent using the URL field.
Lines traced locally are drawn in blue, incoming lines in green.
The explicit Send and Clear buttons send the points last drawn or clear the known points.
To keep things simpler, only one set of points are retained for sending.
Note that this is not completely live drawing back and forth. The drawing side was got working enough to encounter the iOS17 bug. If you have imSkribble open on one phone and send a message from the other it should trigger a didReceive
and you have back-and-forth comms for some time.
See also MSMessageLiveLayout for an alternative for live messaging inside a bubble in the transcript.
The change (on instructions from DTS) is very simple. Replace the use of SKView
with a trivial subclass that prevents Pan gestures.
See MessagesCompensatingSKView.swift
class MessagesCompensatingSKView: SKView {
override func gestureRecognizerShouldBegin(_ gestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer) -> Bool {
!(gestureRecognizer is UIPanGestureRecognizer)
The deployment target is 12.1 because I have a bunch of old devices for testing. This causes some warnings about missing button features but has no runtime side-effects.
Copied imDataUrl and renamed everything.