A website must be made with Angular for the sale of tickets to events.
- User Classes and Events
- Roting to access each menu option.
- Initial loading of random information from the service.
- Correct login (Validations, show errors, service, cookie, logout...).
- Register correct (reactive form, validation, directives, show errors, pipes).
- List of events (pagination, filters, total elements, elements by pages, notice of no elements.)
- Administration of events (Delete events, communication with the service and update of new elements).
Code structure:
- Correct application folders, correct number and name of files ".html", ".css", ".ts"
- Use of correct functions, correct variable names, use of loops, conditionals.
Code documentation.
Run ng serve
for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/
. The application will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.