1.12.0 (2024-07-16)
- snaphot: [BLA-794] added snapshot for initial selected values (6edfb5c)
- Modal: [BLA-803] Add slot for icons in modal header (4a9bce2)
- Modal: [BLA-803] Add slot for icons in modal header (5709fa4)
- Multiselect Dropdown: [BLA-794] added a prop to set initial selected values (3a5006e)
1.11.1 (2024-06-18)
- docker: [BLA-816] added network alias for snapshot tests (14ada18)
- snapshot: [BLA-816] updated snapshots (ae4f650)
- snapshot: [BLA-816] updated snapshots with icons (61207ef)
1.11.0 (2024-06-04)
- Docker: [BLA-761] Add visual regression stage on pull request, for testing (bde5a8f)
- Docker: [BLA-761] Revert visual regression stage on pull request (32d0be8)
- Docker: [BLA-761] Update docker image (952e4bc)
- Icon-100: [BLA-773] Update build path for icon-100 (be0a8d8)
- icons: [BLA-752] Fix icon hide alignment (a8c9c9a)
- Input: [BLA-719] Fix styles in Input (42f9889)
- Input: [BLA-719] Update snapshot for input component. (f02661d)
- Input: [BLA-719] Updates snapshot tests (0592757)
- snapshot: [BLA-697] Fix snapshot test (6ded2f9)
- snapshot: [BLA-697] Fix snapshot test (e989b50)
- snapshots: [BLA-772] Enable visual regression on pipeline (b7eb949)
- snapshots: [BLA-772] Fix snapshot test (5e3b4f5)
- snapshots: [BLA-772] Updates snapshot tests and enable visual regression on pipeline (d6e0fc7)
- Calendar: [BLA-693] Fix conflicts (bd283d0)
- Calender: [BLA-693] Add accessibility for calender days component (85e6200)
- Calender: [BLA-693] add aria label for icons (5a9c766)
- Calender: [BLA-693] Add background color to the calendar (6616b89)
- Calender: [BLA-693] Add focus to 1st day of month for other months (487d1a9)
- Calender: [BLA-693] Adds accessibilty (8f2bfce)
- Calender: [BLA-693] Adds disable and cross button features (3bf1d0f)
- Calender: [BLA-693] Adds documentation for calendar component (d880031)
- Calender: [BLA-693] Adds e2e test (2b4f7c2)
- Calender: [BLA-693] Adds interaction to default state of the calendar (1ce8c7e)
- Calender: [BLA-693] Adds lint fix (db2ed00)
- Calender: [BLA-693] Adds property description for calander header component (4b4f9b2)
- Calender: [BLA-693] Adds snapshots for calendar component (50085af)
- Calender: [BLA-693] Adds spec test (50450fb)
- Calender: [BLA-693] Adds style changes (62ad2d6)
- Calender: [BLA-693] Changes the tokens ad css fixes (b5ff341)
- Calender: [BLA-693] Emit event when date is selected from calender days component (67b2ee0)
- Calender: [BLA-693] Fixes days of the month and adds styles (8d296e6)
- Calender: [BLA-693] Import b2b tokens in css file (33fd3b0)
- Calender: [BLA-693] Lint changes (a0f39ae)
- Calender: [BLA-693] lint fix (06764e7)
- Calender: [BLA-693] Lint fix (eb14f47)
- Calender: [BLA-693] Makes cursor as pointer on hover effect on dates (93d731c)
- Calender: [BLA-693] Makes the calender component to be open when close icon is clicked (0c10bf8)
- Calender: [BLA-693] Moves focus to today's date by default (68f312b)
- Calender: [BLA-693] Refactor and css enhancements (376f952)
- Calender: [BLA-693] Refactor events (137e118)
- Calender: [BLA-693] Style changes for calender and close icon (4ccff6b)
- Calender: [BLA-693] undo changes on package-lock (f4b72f5)
- Chip: [BLA-768] added type and label style props for chip (0391ab4)
- datepicker: [BLA-693] Adds date selection to date picker component (9d3048e)
- Icon-50: [BLA-697] Implements Icon-50 component (#480) (0ab55aa)
1.10.1 (2024-05-09)
- icons: [BLA-752] Removed hide icon's dimensions (73938d7)
1.10.0 (2024-05-07)
- Docker: [BLA-761] Add visual regression stage on pull request, for testing (19e6468)
- Docker: [BLA-761] Revert visual regression stage on pull request (b54b4ec)
- Docker: [BLA-761] Update docker image (5c50bbb)
- Flyout Menu: added expansion to the left for longer text (f072b18)
- icons: [BLA-752] Fix icon hide alignment (ff06108)
- Input List: removed focus change issue after refocusing clear icon (359b5d2)
- Input: [BLA-719] Fix styles in Input (839a856)
- Input: [BLA-719] Update snapshot for input component. (b8eb72b)
- Input: [BLA-719] Updates snapshot tests (74eea57)
- Toggle Switch: removed label margin for left facing label (329a6c0)
- Tokens: [BLA-667] updated normal font weight from 400 to 500 (ba9966f)
- Icon 100: [BLA-696] added icon 100 component (760c9d2)
- Icon: [BLA-651] added size 50 icons from otto_icon_library (0bc2be9)
- Icon: [BLA-680] added focusable prop to icon for menu (7c1f94a)
- Table: [BLA-742] | updates b2b-table docs to not use accordion table (8ccfe4a)
- Toggle Switch: [BLA-631] | Adds docs for toggle-switch (3190f9c)
- Toggle Switch: [BLA-631] | Adds e2e test and storybook for toggle-switch (3c0666d)
- Toggle Switch: [BLA-631] | Adds toggle-switch component (9e1e5bf)
- Toggle Switch: [BLA-631] | Adds toggle-switch icon (3289fee)
- Toggle Switch: [BLA-631] | implements review comments (3a24648)
1.9.0 (2024-02-15)
- Headline: [B2BDS-255] updated lineheight to improve multiline appearance (1c34f6e)
- Icon: added inheritable color for warning hint icon (b5a547e)
- Icon: added inheritable color for warning hint icon (dfebdfc)
- input-list: [BLA-626] fixes input list with text bug (0131ef2)
- Multiselect: filtered select all now adds to preselection (a965baf)
- Button: [B2BDS-215] width prop and pressed state for button (995a8cc)
- Icon: [B2BDS-245] changed ellipsis icon to filled in version (27c731f)
- Icon: added trend left and trend right icon (f01c855)
- Icon: added warning-hint icon (32c916f)
- Icon: added warning-hint icon (a1823b5)
- Multiselect Dropdown: [B2BDS-219] added multiselect dropdown component (3ab3d0a)
- Progress Bar: [BLA-627] added progress bar component (271089f)
- Table: [B2BDS-192] colspan size for cells and headers (96df9d1)
- Toggle Chip: [B2BDS-233] added toggle chip (96bb108)
1.9.0-beta.2 (2023-11-28)
- Icon: added inheritable color for warning hint icon (dfebdfc)
1.9.0-beta.1 (2023-11-27)
- Icon: added warning-hint icon (a1823b5)
1.8.2 (2023-12-01)
- Anchor: [B2BDS-237] added forced stacking context to avoid host element hiding anchor (35d235c)
1.8.1 (2023-11-22)
- Chip: fixed hover state for closeable chip (e904bb0)
1.8.0 (2023-11-22)
- alert: [B2BDS-218] Align error icon on the top for long text (610ec59)
- updated docker ignore to not include dist (b74cb8d)
- Icon: [B2BDS-223] added carrier logos (7e769af)
1.7.0 (2023-10-26)
- Vue Setup:
must now be imported from@otto-de/b2b-core-components/dist/loader
- [B2BDS-211] Apply disabled style for a button with href (2bd2aba)
- Dropdown: [B2BDS-222] moved dropdown out of shadow dom to prevent async data issues (9c4d435)
- Tab Group: [B2BDS-225] removed error in tab group when router is used (9194ced)
- table: [B2BDS-213] Vertically align checkbox in selectable rows (05c7001)
- breadcrumb: add breadcrumb component from #80 (cd03882)
- breadcrumb: add breadcrumb component from #80 (b1217c2)
- Breadcrumb: added active state (8796d99)
- Breadcrumb: added breadcrumb component (bc9a2d0)
- core: [B2BDS-208] Add chip component (8ee9700)
- core: [B2BDS-208] Fix chip without icon story (23cbf61)
- table: [B2BDS-195] Add alignments to table header with sorting (40450f2)
1.6.1 (2023-08-22)
- Table: table sorting arrows now display correctly again (4074cca)
1.6.0 (2023-08-22)
- Checkbox Group: [B2BDS-205] group disabled state now reliable (4a0dbcb)
- Input Group: individual elements now correctly disabled in rerenders (453ca16)
- Checkbox Group: [B2BDS-205] individual checkboxes in a group can be disabled (cecc895)
- Checkbox: [B2BDS-166] indeterminate state for checkbox (3f3b2ba)
- Table: [B2BDS-166] selectable rows (f8248d9)
1.5.0 (2023-07-03)
- Input Group: [B2BDS-201] individual elements can be disabled now (e700ace)
- Search: emit search event with enter key press (14e36ac)
- Wizard: implements wizard component (21c0a53)
1.4.0 (2023-06-13)
- fix release script (9a36a6a)
- Icon: fix icons markup typo (6b2be76)
- Search: make button icon show clickable cursor (1dff3bb)
- Rounded-Icon: [B2BDS-181] add rounded-icon component (ad3d7f3)
- Wizard-Icon: [B2BDS-181] add wizard-icon component (da99cd2)
1.4.0 (2023-06-13)
- Rounded-Icon: [B2BDS-181] add rounded-icon component (ad3d7f3)
- Wizard-Icon: [B2BDS-181] add wizard-icon component (da99cd2)
1.4.0-beta.1 (2023-06-12)
- Icon: fix icons markup typo (6b2be76)
- Rounded-Icon: [B2BDS-181] add rounded-icon component (ad3d7f3)
- Wizard-Icon: [B2BDS-181] add wizard-icon component (da99cd2)
1.3.3 (2023-06-08)
- implement feedback from design sign off (8e64a07)
1.3.3-beta.1 (2023-06-08)
- implement feedback from design sign off (8e64a07)
1.3.2 (2023-06-07)
- trigger a new release (f3cdd24)
1.2.0 (2023-05-25)
- Radio: [B2BDS-190] only emit change event when new value selected (4714c6b)
- Toggle: [B2BDS-190] only emit change event when new value selected (3fcdf52)
- docs: [B2BDS-188] add updates to documentation (6af5385)
1.1.0 (2023-05-16)
- InputList: [B2BDS-187] emit event when clear is triggered (16cce26)
- Toggle: [B2BDS-183] only select first element if none is pre-selected (f472658)
1.0.1 (2023-05-09)
- Modal: footer buttons + close icon visual improvements (9b1f3bc)
- open source design system mvp (478ebc6)