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How to Run Evaluations

This document explains how to run fine-tuning evaluations for pre-trained models using the scripts and These scripts assume you have a pre-trained or finetuned Composer FlexBertcheckpoint to evaluate.

1. Optionally Login to Hugging Face

First, make sure you are logged into Hugging Face, or provide a Hugging Face token to the hub_token argument:

huggingface-cli login

Follow the prompts to enter your authentication token.

2. Run Evaluations

Option 1: Run Evaluations for All Checkpoints using

You can use the script to run evaluations for all checkpoints in a directory.

First, view the available arguments:

python --help

To simplify the process, create a YAML configuration file (e.g., run_evals_args.yaml) with the required argument values. For example:

# Checkpoint & Config Paths
checkpoints: checkpoints
train_config: path/to/training_config.yaml # optional, uses default config if not provided and a wandb run isn't specified

# Model Options
model_size: base # default FlexBert model config to use

# Hugging Face Download
hub_repo: {org}/{repo}
hub_token: {your_hf_token} # needed if downloading from a private/gated repo and `huggingface-cli login` wasn't used
hub_files: {checkpoint_files} # optional limit to only download specific repo files or directories

# Evaluation Tasks
    - mnli
    - sst2
    - cola
    - mrpc

# Task Settings
parallel: false
    - 42
    - 314
    - 1234

# Weights & Biases (logging & config downloading)
wandb_run: ${your_pretraining_run_name} # these two options are only needed to download a non-default pretraining config
wandb_project: ${your_pretraining_wandb_project}

track_run: true # set these options to track the evaluation run in W&B
wandb_entity: ${your_wandb_entity}
track_run_project: ${your_evaluation_wandb_project}

# GPU Options (which GPUs to use)
    - 0
    - 1

Replace the placeholders with your specific values:

  • {parallel}: Set to true to run evaluations on one checkpoint in parallel. Note that this can randomly error out.
  • {training_config.yaml}: Path to your optional training configuration file if not using the default config.
  • {org}/{repo}: Hugging Face Hub repository ID (e.g., your_org/your_repo where the Composer checkpoints are stored).
  • {your_hf_token}: Your Hugging Face authentication token.
  • your_wandb_entity: Your Weights & Biases entity (username or team name).
  • your_wandb_run_name: The name of the Weights & Biases run containing the training configuration.
  • your_evaluation_wandb_project: The name of your Weights & Biases evaluation project to log the eval runs to.

To run the script, use:

python --config run_evals_args.yaml

This will:

  • Download checkpoints from the specified Hugging Face repository (if hub_repo is provided).
  • Generate evaluation configurations for the specified tasks.
  • Run evaluations in parallel on the specified GPUs.

Option 2: Run Evaluation for a Specific Checkpoint using and

If you want to run evaluation for a specific checkpoint, you can use to generate the evaluation configuration, and then run

Step 1: Generate the Evaluation Configuration

python \
  --checkpoint path/to/checkpoint \
  --output-dir configs \
  --model-size base \
  --rope-theta 10000.0 \
  --tasks mnli sst2 \
  --wandb-entity ${your_wandb_entity} \
  --wandb-project ${your_wandb_project} \
  --wandb-run ${your_wandb_run_name} \
  --track-run \
  --track-run-project ${your_wandb_project}

Replace the placeholders accordingly:

  • path/to/checkpoint: Path to your specific checkpoint file or directory.
  • configs: Directory where the generated configuration file will be saved.
  • mnli sst2: List of tasks you want to evaluate.
  • your_wandb_entity, your_wandb_project, your_wandb_run_name: Your Weights & Biases details.

This command will generate a configuration YAML file in the configs directory.

Step 2: Run the Evaluation

python configs/generated_config.yaml

Replace configs/generated_config.yaml with the actual path to the generated configuration file.

Tips & Tricks

  1. Building Evaluation Configurations for Single Tasks

    If you want to build a fine-tuning evaluation configuration YAML for a single task, you can use with the --tasks option to specify the task(s).

    For example:

    python \
      --checkpoint path/to/checkpoint \
      --output-dir configs \
      --tasks mnli

    Then, run the evaluation with

    python configs/generated_config.yaml
  2. Monitoring GPU Usage

    Install nvitop to monitor GPU usage more effectively:

    pip install nvitop

    This provides a more useful and user-friendly interface than nvidia-smi.

Additional Notes

  • Parallel Evaluations: When running evaluations in parallel, you can specify the GPU IDs to use with the --gpu-ids option or in the YAML configuration file.

  • Configurable Options: Both and support various options to fine-tune the evaluation process. Use --help with these scripts to see all available options.

    python --help
    python --help
  • Using Configuration Files: You can use YAML configuration files to specify arguments for the scripts, which can simplify command-line usage. Command-line options will override options specified in the configuration file.

  • Hugging Face Hub Integration: If you have your checkpoints stored in a private repository on Hugging Face Hub, ensure you have access by logging in via huggingface-cli login and providing your token.

  • Loading Training Configurations: If you have a training configuration file or a Weights & Biases run containing the training configuration, you can provide it using the --train-config or --wandb-run options to ensure consistency between training and evaluation.

Optional: Manual Checkpoint Download

If you prefer to manually download checkpoints instead of using the automatic download feature in, you can use huggingface-cli:

Replace {org}, {repo}, and {checkpoint_folder} with the appropriate organization, repository, and checkpoint folder names.

Example Command:

huggingface-cli download {org}/{repo} --include "{checkpoint_folder}/*" --local-dir checkpoints
huggingface-cli download {org}/{repo} --include "{checkpoint_folder}" --local-dir checkpoints


  • If there are multiple Composer checkpoints, use the latest one (usually starts with "ep-1").
  • This manual download is optional since can automatically download checkpoints when you specify the hub_repo, hub_folder, and hub_token arguments.

This README reflects the latest updates in the scripts and Be sure to review the scripts and their help messages for the most current information.