1.1.0 (2025-02-15)
- update tailwind to 4 (1e83bd9)
- add cloudflare pages config (3ec6b2a)
- add initial storybook (08055b4)
- add link to artist from album header (f8d36f7)
- add quality checks on push to main (0c9e69c)
- add tooltips (2e4a382)
- add transition to album list on hover (360d021)
- begin handling 404s for content by id (de86ccb)
- change from min to max ui height (cb24fa3)
- cover all not found cases for specific ids (e5df5d2)
- extract audio state into custom hook (ab6bd8a)
- extract hoverable art to a component and unify all layouts (6194727)
- further lazy loading (fc86137)
- further ui tuning (36da2c3)
- group albums by starting letter (e40e414)
- initial migration to axios from fetch (152e89c)
- initial motion integration (6cadb9a)
- initial react compiler pass (6a6453d)
- load most page components lazily (d536388)
- make progressbar keyboard accessible (0530739)
- make some icons solid (74f0294)
- migrate to esm (00f738d)
- migrate to generic button components (56c91ec)
- migrate to lucide icons (f17a53f)
- migrate to tanstack router (41aa671)
- migrate to using temporal (fa481b7)
- modify manifest to include png logos (b3e6d03)
- modify service workers (c5b3dc7)
- modify the fullscreen experience (c68058c)
- more aggresive reporting to sentry (5900a07)
- podcasts: add ability to resume podcast episodes (644121f)
- preload next song on load (4312d9b)
- preload the next track just before the next track (48af2a4)
- pwa: improve pwa support including rich installation ui (f62dd29)
- rework all context providers into dedicated components (14c4766)
- rework providers into dedicated components (29a1400)
- show album name on tab navigation (f11a668)
- show all albums on artist page (f4bd53e)
- style play all and shuffle buttons (6b8415e)
- transliterate names before sorting (0922a67)
- update dependencies (96536ef)
- use modern image formats if possible (6c2dc39)
- use react rc (561c057)
- use react rc (e8ba457)
- use tanstack router integration (2523554)
- use webp in manifest (e33cf2c)
- use work sans for the primary font (6d938ce)
- add autocomplete values to login form (5d046db)
- add delay to tooltips (3174bb2)
- add jump to content link (f3b9c92)
- apply eslint rules (5cc316d)
- apply tabular numbers to tracknums (8fe9624)
- change presentation role to use aria-hidden instead (2e7b582)
- correct issues with playlists and podcasts (da834e8)
- correct nav links (6659f26)
- correct permissions policy header (9961149)
- correct play/pause not swapping (2fef727)
- correct type limiting on artist page (4f12ac3)
- deps: update dependencies (bcff403)
- don't recheck password after initail pageload (4dc2d63)
- downgrade commitlint until loader is fixed (210614f)
- ensure track list items have appropriate titles on buttons (7da5a54)
- fix fullscreen crashing (cf867f3)
- fix links in nav requring trailing slash (cd8cf6b)
- fix times stripping out 00 in the middle of the time (fe33e7f)
- load dev tools lazily (cf9a69e)
- login correctly handles auth credentials (f3b9c92)
- make fullscreen use darker area for progressbar (e362c04)
- make tracklist height shrink by default (d877c89)
- migrate manifest config into vitePWA config (4945b66)
- overestimate the size of each row as being 41 (98a03f7)
- page type issues (7a0448f)
- positionining on fullscreen progress bar hover time (3372c92)
- re-enable auto login (fabd6ba)
- refactor imports to use new types file (e1c1373)
- remove duplicate track name on mobile view (fd91adf)
- remove unneeded generic (458a522)
- remove web-vitals (d3ba5c5)
- repopulate search query parameter on page refresh (1bbf57d)
- require manual login (19b2fa7)
- search with special chars caused a 400 response from airsonic (7a28145)
- start tracklist item as transparent (23ccdcd)
- stop repeatedly loading the upcoming track in the last 10 seconds of the current song (67ae9f2)
- ui: correct bouncing when hovering over bottom of album (2cb3d15)
- update dependencies (c98e882)
- update redirect route for authentication (d3ba5c5)
- upgrade i18next from 23.11.1 to 23.11.2 (f49e9d8)
- use vitePWA plugin to set manifest and remove duplicate (f7eafa3)