v10.48.16 - 2024-07-09
- [10.x] Fix Http::retry so that throw is respected for call signature Http::retry([1,2], throw: false) by @paulyoungnb in laravel#52002
- [10.x] Set application_name and character set as PostgreSQL DSN string by @sunaoka in laravel#51985
v10.48.15 - 2024-07-02
- [10.x] Set previous exception on
by @hafezdivandari in laravel#51986
v10.48.14 - 2024-06-21
- [10.x] Fixes unable to call another command as a initialized instance of
class by @crynobone in laravel#51824 - [10.x] fix handle
on an empty collection by @Treggats in laravel#51841 - [10.x] Ensure
will dump the migrations table only if it exists by @NickSdot in laravel#51827
v10.48.13 - 2024-06-18
- [10.x] Fix typo in return comment of createSesTransport method by @zds-s in laravel#51688
- [10.x] Fix collection shift less than one item by @faissaloux in laravel#51686
- [10.x] Turn
Enumerable unless()
$callback parameter optional by @faissaloux in laravel#51701 - Revert "[10.x] Turn
Enumerable unless()
$callback parameter optional" by @taylorotwell in laravel#51707
v10.48.12 - 2024-05-28
- [10.x] Fix typo by @Issei0804-ie in laravel#51535
- [10.x] Fix SQL Server detection in database store by @staudenmeir in laravel#51547
- [10.x] - Fix batch list loading in Horizon when serialization error by @jeffortegad in laravel#51551
- [10.x] Fixes explicit route binding with
by @CAAHS in laravel#51586
v10.48.11 - 2024-05-21
- [10.x] Backport: Fix SesV2Transport to use correct
argument by @Tietew in laravel#51352 - [10.x] Fix PHPDoc typo by @staudenmeir in laravel#51390
- [10.x] Fix
on non ASCII characters by @faissaloux in laravel#51428 - [10.x] Fixes view engine resolvers leaking memory by @nunomaduro in laravel#51450
- [10.x] Do not use
Foundation helper onViewServiceProvider
by @rodrigopedra in laravel#51522
v10.48.10 - 2024-04-30
- [10.x] Fix typo in signed URL tampering tests by @Krisell in laravel#51238
- [10.x] Add "Server has gone away" to DetectsLostConnection by @Jubeki in laravel#51241
- [10.x] Fix support for the LARAVEL_STORAGE_PATH env var (#51238) by @dunglas in laravel#51243
v10.48.9 - 2024-04-23
- [10.x] Binding order is incorrect when using cursor paginate with multiple unions with a where by @thijsvdanker in laravel#50884
- [10.x] Fix cursor paginate with union and column alias by @thijsvdanker in laravel#50882
- [10.x] Address Null Parameter Deprecations in UrlGenerator by @aldobarr in laravel#51148
v10.48.8 - 2024-04-17
- [10.x] Fix error when using
in query before usingcursorPaginate()
by @axlon in laravel#51023 - [10.x] Database layer fixes by @saadsidqui in laravel#49787
v10.48.7 - 2024-04-10
- Fix more query builder methods by @taylorotwell in https://github.com/laravel/framework/commit/95ef230339b15321493a08327f250c0760c95376
v10.48.6 - 2024-04-10
- [10.x] Added eachById and chunkByIdDesc to BelongsToMany by @lonnylot in laravel#50991
v10.48.5 - 2024-04-09
- [10.x] Prevent Redis connection error report flood on queue worker by @kasus in laravel#50812
- [10.x] Laravel 10x optional withSize for hasTable by @apspan in laravel#50888
- [10.x] Add
by @dbpolito in laravel#50935
v10.48.4 - 2024-03-21
- [10.x] Fix
return type by @axlon in laravel#50669 - [10.x] Fix command alias registration and usage by @crynobone in laravel#50695
v10.48.3 - 2024-03-15
- Re-tag version
v10.48.2 - 2024-03-12
- [10.x] Update mockery conflict to just disallow the broken version by @GrahamCampbell in laravel#50472
- [10.x] Conflict with specific release by @driesvints in laravel#50473
- [10.x] Fix for attributes being escaped on Dynamic Blade Components by @pascalbaljet in laravel#50471
- [10.x] Revert PR 50403 by @driesvints in laravel#50482
v10.48.1 - 2024-03-12
- [10.x] Add conflict for Mockery v1.6.8 by @driesvints in laravel#50468
v10.48.0 - 2024-03-12
- fix: allow null, string and string array as allowed tags by @maartenpaauw in laravel#50409
- [10.x] Allow
at more places in Query Builder by @pascalbaljet in laravel#50402 - [10.x] Sleep syncing by @timacdonald in laravel#50392
- [10.x] Cleaning Trait on multi-lines by @gcazin in laravel#50413
- fix: incomplete type for Builder::from property by @sebj54 in laravel#50426
- [10.x] After commit callback throwing an exception causes broken transactions afterwards by @oprypkhantc in laravel#50423
- [10.x] Anonymous component bound attribute values are evaluated twice by @danharrin in laravel#50403
- [10.x] Fix for sortByDesc ignoring multiple attributes by @TWithers in laravel#50431
- [10.x] Allow sync with carbon to be set from fake method by @abenerd in laravel#50450
- [10.x] Improves
docblock by @crynobone in laravel#50448 - [10.x] Incorrect return in
by @gcazin in laravel#50459 - [10.x] fix return types by @imahmood in laravel#50461
- fix: phpstan issue - right side of || always false by @Carnicero90 in laravel#50453
v10.47.0 - 2024-03-05
- [10.x] Allow for relation key to be an enum by @AJenbo in laravel#50311
- FIx for "empty" strings passed to Str::apa() by @tiagof in laravel#50335
- [10.x] Fixed header mail text component to not use markdown by @dmyers in laravel#50332
- [10.x] Add test for the "empty strings in
" fix by @osbre in laravel#50340 - [10.x] Fix the cache cannot expire cache with
TTL by @kayw-geek in laravel#50359 - [10.x] Add fail on timeout to queue listener by @saeedhosseiinii in laravel#50352
- [10.x] Support sort option flags on sortByMany Collections by @TWithers in laravel#50269
- [10.x] Add
methods to the query builder by @musiermoore in laravel#50344 - [10.x] Adds Reverb broadcasting driver by @joedixon in laravel#50088
v10.46.0 - 2024-02-27
- [10.x] Ensure lazy-loading for trashed morphTo relations works by @nuernbergerA in laravel#50176
- [10.x] Arr::select not working when $keys is a string by @Sicklou in laravel#50169
- [10.x] Added passing loaded relationship to value callback by @dkulyk in laravel#50167
- [10.x] Fix optional charset and collation when creating database by @GrahamCampbell in laravel#50168
- [10.x] update doc block in PendingProcess.php by @saMahmoudzadeh in laravel#50198
- [10.x] Fix Accepting nullable Parameters, updated doc block, and null pointer exception handling in batchable trait by @saMahmoudzadeh in laravel#50209
- Make GuardsAttributes fillable property DocBlock more specific by @liamduckett in laravel#50229
- [10.x] Add only and except methods to Enum validation rule by @Anton5360 in laravel#50226
- [10.x] Fixes on nesting operations performed while applying scopes. by @Guilhem-DELAITRE in laravel#50207
- [10.x] Custom RateLimiter increase by @khepin in laravel#50197
- [10.x] Add Lateral Join to Query Builder by @Bakke in laravel#50050
- [10.x] Update return type by @AmirRezaM75 in laravel#50252
- [10.x] Fix dockblock by @michaelnabil230 in laravel#50259
- [10.x] Add
in enum rule by @michaelnabil230 in laravel#50257 - [10.x] Update Facade::$app to nullable by @villfa in laravel#50260
- [10.x] Truncate sqlite table name with prefix by @kitloong in laravel#50251
- Correction comment for Str::orderedUuid() - https://github.com/larave… by @wq9578 in laravel#50268
v10.45.1 - 2024-02-21
- Fix typehint for ResetPassword::toMailUsing() by @KKSzymanowski in laravel#50163
- [10.x] Fix Process::fake() never matching multi-line commands by @SjorsO in laravel#50164
v10.45.0 - 2024-02-20
- [10.x] Update
phpdoc by @milwad-dev in laravel#50075 - [10.x] Allow
to work onArrayAccess
by @axlon in laravel#50072 - [10.x] Add
to thePendingBatch
by @xiCO2k in laravel#50058 - [10.x] Adjust rules call sequence by @driesvints in laravel#50084
- [10.x] Fixes
return type by @SamAsEnd in laravel#50108 - [10.x] Actually fix fromBase64 return type by @GrahamCampbell in laravel#50113
- [10.x] Fix warning and deprecation for Str::api by @driesvints in laravel#50114
- [10.x] Mark model instanse as not exists on deleting MorphPivot relation. by @dkulyk in laravel#50135
- [10.x] Adds Tappable and Conditionable to Relation class by @DarkGhostHunter in laravel#50124
- [10.x] Added getQualifiedMorphTypeName to MorphToMany by @dkulyk in laravel#50153
v10.44.0 - 2024-02-13
- [10.x] Fix empty request for HTTP connection exception by @driesvints in laravel#49924
- [10.x] Add Collection::select() method by @morrislaptop in laravel#49845
- [10.x] Refactor
method in UrlGenerator by @milwad-dev in laravel#49944 - [10.x] Add POSIX compliant cleanup to artisan serve by @Tofandel in laravel#49943
- [10.x] Fix infinite loop when global scopes query contains aggregates by @mateusjunges in laravel#49972
- [10.x] Adds PHPUnit 11 as conflict by @nunomaduro in laravel#49957
- Revert "[10.x] fix Before/After validation rules" by @taylorotwell in laravel#50013
- [10.x] Fix the phpdoc for replaceMatches in Str and Stringable helpers by @joke2k in laravel#49990
- [10.x] Added
method forAblyBroadcaster
by @Rijoanul-Shanto in laravel#49981 - [10.x] Fix in appendExceptionToException method exception type check by @t1nkl in laravel#49958
- [10.x] DB command: add sqlcmd -C flag when 'trust_server_certificate' is set by @hulkur in laravel#49952
- Allows Setup and Teardown actions to be reused in alternative TestCase for Laravel by @crynobone in laravel#49973
- [10.x] Add
methods to Stringable and Str classes by @mtownsend5512 in laravel#49984 - [10.x] Allows to defer resolving pcntl only if it's available by @crynobone in laravel#50024
- [10.x] Fixes missing
import and handle iforiginalExceptionHandler
property isn't used by alternative TestCase by @crynobone in laravel#50021 - [10.x] Type hinting for conditional validation rules by @lorenzolosa in laravel#50017
- [10.x] Introduce new
helper by @ryangjchandler in laravel#50015 - [10.x] Improved Handling of Empty Component Slots with HTML Comments or Line Breaks by @comes in laravel#49966
- [10.x] Introduce Observe attribute for models by @emargareten in laravel#49843
- [10.x] Add ScopedBy attribute for models by @emargareten in laravel#50034
- [10.x] Update reserved names in
by @xurshudyan in laravel#50043 - [10.x] fix Validator::validated get nullable array by @helitik in laravel#50056
- [10.x] Pass Herd specific env variables to "artisan serve" by @mpociot in laravel#50069
- Remove regex case insensitivity modifier in UUID detection to speed it up slightly by @maximal in laravel#50067
- [10.x] HTTP retry method can accept array as first param by @me-shaon in laravel#50064
- [10.x] Fix DB::afterCommit() broken in tests using DatabaseTransactions by @oprypkhantc in laravel#50068
v10.43.0 - 2024-01-30
- [10.x] Add storage:unlink command by @salkovmx in laravel#49795
- [10.x] Unify
method definition comments with\Psr\Logger\Interface
by @eusonlito in laravel#49805 - [10.x] class-name string argument for global scopes by @emargareten in laravel#49802
- [10.x] Add
and minor Schema enhancements by @hafezdivandari in laravel#49796 - [10.x] Do not touch
relation when usingwithoutTouching
by @mateusjunges in laravel#49798 - [10.x] Check properties on mailables are initialized before sharing with the view by @j3j5 in laravel#49813
- [10.x] Remove duplicate actions/checkout from queue workflow by @Jubeki in laravel#49828
- [10.x] Add
for Eloquent by @trovster in laravel#49827 - [10.x] Make
Order-sensitive by @hafezdivandari in laravel#49840 - [10.x] Release action by @driesvints in laravel#49838
- [10.x] Add MariaDb1060Platform by @driesvints in laravel#49848
- [10.x] Unified Pivot and Model Doc Block
by @eusonlito in laravel#49851 - [10.x] Introducing
callback and use it inLazilyRefreshDatabase
by @pascalbaljet in laravel#49853 - [10.x] fix password max validation message by @MrPunyapal in laravel#49861
- [10.x] Fix validation message used for max file size by @mateusjunges in laravel#49879
- Update README.md by @foremtehan in laravel#49878
- [10.x] Adds
method by @cosmastech in laravel#49860 - [10.x] add addGlobalScopes method by @emargareten in laravel#49880
- [10.x] Allow brick/math 0.12 by @LogicSatinn in laravel#49883
- [10.x] Add support for streamed JSON Response by @pelmered in laravel#49873
- [10.x] Using the native fopen exception in LockableFile.php by @eusonlito in laravel#49895
- [10.x] Fix LazilyRefreshDatabase when testing artisan commands by @iamgergo in laravel#49914
- [10.x] Fix expressions in with-functions doing aggregates by @tpetry in laravel#49912
- [10.x] Fix redis tag entries never becoming stale if cache ttl is past time by @jagers in laravel#49864
- [10.x] Fix - The
may incorrectly report the locale of a missing translation key by @VicGUTT in laravel#49900 - [10.x] fix Before/After validation rules by @MrPunyapal in laravel#49871
v10.42.0 - 2024-01-23
- [10.x] Switch to hash_equals in
by @simonhamp in laravel#49721 - [10.x] fix Rule::unless for callable $condition by @dbakan in laravel#49726
- [10.x] Adds JobQueueing event by @dmason30 in laravel#49722
- [10.x] Fix decoding issue in MailLogTransport by @rojtjo in laravel#49727
- [10.x] Implement "max" validation rule for passwords by @angelej in laravel#49739
- [10.x] Add multiple channels/routes to AnonymousNotifiable at once by @iamgergo in laravel#49745
- [10.x] Sort service providers alphabetically by @buismaarten in laravel#49762
- [10.x] Global default options for the http factory by @timacdonald in laravel#49767
- [10.x] Only use
if accessed from Laravel or also usesilluminate/support
by @crynobone in laravel#49772 - [10.x] Add
by @stevebauman in laravel#49779 - [10.x] Allow Uuid and Ulid in Carbon::createFromId() by @kylekatarnls in laravel#49783
- [10.x] Test Improvements by @crynobone in laravel#49785
v10.41.0 - 2024-01-16
- [10.x] Add a
parameter to theNumber::spell
helper by @caendesilva in laravel#49610 - Revert "[10.x] Make ComponentAttributeBag Arrayable" by @luanfreitasdev in laravel#49623
- [10.x] Fix return value and docblock by @dwightwatson in laravel#49627
- [10.x] Add an option to specify the default path to the models directory for
php artisan model:prune
by @dbhynds in laravel#49617 - [10.x] Allow job chains to be conditionally dispatched by @fjarrett in laravel#49624
- [10.x] Add test for existing empty test by @lioneaglesolutions in laravel#49632
- [10.x] Add additional context to Mailable assertion messages by @lioneaglesolutions in laravel#49631
- [10.x] Allow job batches to be conditionally dispatched by @fjarrett in laravel#49639
- [10.x] Revert parameter name change by @timacdonald in laravel#49659
- [10.x] Printing Name of The Method that Calls
class. by @devajmeireles in laravel#49660 - [10.x] Update pagination tailwind.blade.php by @anasmorahhib in laravel#49665
- [10.x] feat: add base argument to Stringable->toInteger() by @adamczykpiotr in laravel#49670
- [10.x]: Remove unused class ShouldBeUnique when make a job by @Kenini1805 in laravel#49669
- [10.x] Add tests for Eloquent methods by @milwad-dev in laravel#49673
- Implement draft workflow by @driesvints in laravel#49683
- [10.x] Fixing Types, Word and Returns of
class. by @devajmeireles in laravel#49681 - [10.x] Test Improvements by @crynobone in laravel#49679
- [10.x] Officially support floats in trans_choice and Translator::choice by @philbates35 in laravel#49693
- [10.x] Use static function by @michaelnabil230 in laravel#49696
- [10.x] Revert "[10.x] Improve numeric comparison for custom casts" by @driesvints in laravel#49702
- [10.x] Add exit code to queue:clear, and queue:forget commands by @bytestream in laravel#49707
- [10.x] Allow StreamInterface as raw HTTP Client body by @janolivermr in laravel#49705
v10.40.0 - 2024-01-09
- [10.x]
raises exception for enums & primitive castable attributes that were not retrieved by @cosmastech in laravel#49480 - [10.x] Include system versioned tables for MariaDB by @hafezdivandari in laravel#49509
- [10.x] Fixes the
method to properly handle indexes array by @kayw-geek in laravel#49507 - [10.x] Expand Gate::allows & Gate::denies signature by @antonkomarev in laravel#49503
- [10.x] Improve numeric comparison for custom casts by @imahmood in laravel#49504
- [10.x] Add session except method by @xurshudyan in laravel#49520
- [10.x] Add
by @jbrooksuk in laravel#49512 - [10.x] Fix Schedule test by @michaelnabil230 in laravel#49538
- [10.x] Use correct format of date by @buismaarten in laravel#49541
- [10.x] Clean Arr by @michaelnabil230 in laravel#49530
- [10.x] Make ComponentAttributeBag Arrayable by @iamgergo in laravel#49524
- [10.x] Fix whenAggregated when default is not specified by @lovePizza in laravel#49521
- [10.x] Update AsArrayObject.php to use ARRAY_AS_PROPS flag by @pintend in laravel#49534
- [10.x] Remove invalid
call by @tillkruss in laravel#49560 - [10.x] Remove unused code from
by @tillkruss in laravel#49559 - [10.x] Flush about command during test runs by @timacdonald in laravel#49557
- [10.x] Fix parentOfParameter method by @iamgergo in laravel#49548
- [10.x] Make the Schema Builder macroable by @kevinb1989 in laravel#49547
- [10.x] Remove unused code from tests by @imahmood in laravel#49566
- [10.x] Update Query/Builder.php $columns typehint by @Grldk in laravel#49563
- [10.x] Add assertViewEmpty to TestView by @dwightwatson in laravel#49558
- [10.x] Update tailwind.blade.php for dark mode by @sabinchacko03 in laravel#49515
- [10.x] Fix deprecation with null value in cache FileStore by @driesvints in laravel#49578
- [10.x] Allow Vite asset path customization by @timacdonald in laravel#49437
- [10.x] Type hinting of the second parameter of date- and time-related
methods ofIlluminate\Database\Query\Builder
by @lorenzolosa in laravel#49599 - [10.x] Fix Stringable::convertCase() return type by @vaites in laravel#49590
- Allow \Blade::stringable() to be called on native Iterables by @tsjason in laravel#49591
- [10.x] Refactor time handling using
trait method by @xurshudyan in laravel#49601 - [10.x] Add
test helper by @xurshudyan in laravel#49609 - [10.x] Ability to establish connection without using Config Repository by @deleugpn in laravel#49527
- [10.x] Add APA style title helper by @hotmeteor in laravel#49572
- [10.x] Fix usage of alternatives in error output by @Mrjavaci in laravel#49614
- [10.x] Use locks for queue job popping for PlanetScale's MySQL-compatible Vitess 19 engine by @crynobone in laravel#49561
v10.39.0 - 2023-12-27
- [9.x] Support for phpredis 6.0.0 by @MichalHubatka in laravel#48380
- [10.x] Dynamic
for queued jobs by @mechelon in laravel#49473 - [10.x] Avoid TypeError when using json validation rule when PHP < 8.3 by @Xint0 in laravel#49474
- [10.x] Fix use statement compilation in Blade templates by @MrPunyapal in laravel#49479
- [10.x] Allow testing prompts validation by @cerbero90 in laravel#49447
- [10.x] Add 'Roundrobin' Symfony mailer transport driver by @me-shaon in laravel#49435
v10.38.2 - 2023-12-22
- [10.x] Add
by @crynobone in laravel#49456 - [10.x] Simplify Arr::dot by @bastien-phi in laravel#49461
- [10.x] Illuminate\Filesystem\join_paths(): Argument #2 must be of type string, null given by @tylernathanreed in laravel#49467
- [10.x] Allow deprecation logging in tests by @timacdonald in laravel#49457
- [10.x] Fix missing Validation rules not working with nested array by @aabadawy in laravel#49449
v10.38.1 - 2023-12-20
- [10.x] Adds support for parse callbacks from anonymous classes by @nunomaduro in laravel#49432
- Revert "[10.x] Drop the primary key if it exists when adding a new primary key" by @taylorotwell in laravel#49448
- [10.x] Fix installing DBAL on a fresh app by @timacdonald in laravel#49438
- [10.x] Add method to create request by @dododedodonl in laravel#49446
- [10.x] Move
by @crynobone in laravel#49433
v10.38.0 - 2023-12-19
- [10.x] Add routeRoute method to test request by @fragkp in laravel#49366
- [10.x] Update import & typo by @chu121su12 in laravel#49370
- [10.x] Show default
values indb:table
command by @PerryvanderMeer in laravel#49379 - [10.x] Fix primary key creation for MySQL with
enabled by @mtawil in laravel#49374 - [10.x] Add
method toBlueprint
by @gcazin in laravel#49396 - Fixes second run of
command on Octane by @josecl in laravel#49387 - [10.x] Fix bug in ArrayLock getCurrentOwner by @Joostb in laravel#49393
- [10.x] Dynamo Batch Repository - Match Default Horizon Sort by @evan-burrell in laravel#49391
- [10.x] Add Blade
Directive by @jrd-lewis in laravel#49339 - [10.x] Improve
performance by @bastien-phi in laravel#49386 - [10.x] Fix assertStatus() parameter order by @marcovo in laravel#49404
- [10.x] Only set
if not previously set by @inxilpro in laravel#49402 - [10.x] Fixes parameter type in
by @Lucas-Schmukas in laravel#49399 - [10.x] Add SQLite support for
method by @danieleambrosino in laravel#49401 - [10x.] Use native json_validate in Validation by @gtjamesa in laravel#49413
- [10.x] Introducing
by @devajmeireles in laravel#49408 - [10.x] Drop the primary key if it exists when adding a new primary key by @KieranFYI in laravel#49392
- [10.x] Improve schema builder
method by @hafezdivandari in laravel#49416 - [10.x] Add
helpers for plain text email notifications by @onlime in laravel#49407 - [10.x] Test Improvements by @crynobone in laravel#49426
- [10.x] Add Conditionable to Pipeline by @shane-zeng in laravel#49429
v10.37.3 - 2023-12-13
- Flush middleware callbacks by @taylorotwell in https://github.com/laravel/framework/commit/bb49a72c1a839b2b19d0fcea4e8b203a122454ef
v10.37.2 - 2023-12-13
- Ability to test chained job via closure by @jasonmccreary in laravel#49337
- [10.x] Add
option toPendingBatch
by @orkhanahmadov in laravel#49273 - [10.x] Test Improvements by @crynobone in laravel#49338
- [10.x] Avoid using
in standaloneilluminate/database
component. by @crynobone in laravel#49355 - [10.x] Exclude extension types on PostgreSQL when retrieving types by @hafezdivandari in laravel#49358
- [10.x] Revert "[10.x] Disconnecting the database connection after testing" by @driesvints in laravel#49361
v10.37.1 - 2023-12-12
- [10.x] Disconnecting the database connection after testing by @KentarouTakeda in laravel#49327
- [10.x] Get user-defined types on PostgreSQL by @hafezdivandari in laravel#49303
v10.37.0 - 2023-12-12
- [10.x] Add
method toBlueprint
by @jbrooksuk in laravel#49250 - [10.x] Use translator from validator in
rules by @fancyweb in laravel#49251 - [10.x] Get indexes of a table by @hafezdivandari in laravel#49204
- [10.x] Filesystem : can lock file on append of content by @StephaneBour in laravel#49262
- [10.x] Test Improvements by @crynobone in laravel#49266
- [10.x] Fixes generating facades documentation shouldn't be affected by
extension by @crynobone in laravel#49268 - [10.x] Fixes
docblock by @crynobone in laravel#49274 - [10.x]
should returnnull
when the accessing closure based route by @crynobone in laravel#49269 - [10.x] Add "noActionOnUpdate" method in Illuminate/Database/Schema/ForeignKeyDefinition by @hrsa in laravel#49297
- [10.x] Fixing number helper for floating 0.0 by @mr-punyapal in laravel#49277
- [10.x] Allow checking if lock succesfully restored by @Joostb in laravel#49272
- [10.x] Enable DynamoDB as a backend for Job Batches by @khepin in laravel#49169
- [10.x] Removed deprecated and not used argument by @Muetze42 in laravel#49304
- [10.x] Add Conditionable to Batched and Chained jobs by @bretto36 in laravel#49310
- [10.x] Include partitioned tables on PostgreSQL when retrieving tables by @hafezdivandari in laravel#49326
- [10.x] Allow to pass
in rulesIn
by @michaelnabil230 in laravel#49055 - [10.x] Display error message if json_encode() fails by @aimeos in laravel#48856
- [10.x] Allow error list per field by @timacdonald in laravel#49309
- [10.x] Get foreign keys of a table by @hafezdivandari in laravel#49264
- [10.x] PHPStan Improvements by @crynobone in laravel#49343
- [10.x] Handle missing translations: more robust handling of callback return value by @DeanWunder in laravel#49341
v10.35.0 - 2023-12-05
- [10.x] Add
trait toAssertableJson
by @khalilst in laravel#49172 - [10.x] Add
option to Artisandown
command. by @jj15asmr in laravel#49171 - [10.x] Add support for
by @jcsoriano in laravel#49197 - [10.x] Add Blade @use directive by @simonhamp in laravel#49179
- [10.x] Fixes retrying failed jobs causes PHP memory exhaustion errors when dealing with thousands of failed jobs by @crynobone in laravel#49186
- [10.x] Add "substituteImplicitBindingsUsing" method to router by @calebporzio in laravel#49200
- [10.x] Cookies Having Independent Partitioned State (CHIPS) by @fabricecw in laravel#48745
- [10.x] Update InteractsWithDictionary.php to use base InvalidArgumentException by @Grldk in laravel#49209
- [10.x] Fix docblock for wasRecentlyCreated by @stancl in laravel#49208
- [10.x] Fix loss of attributes after calling child component by @rojtjo in laravel#49216
- [10.x] Fix typo in PHPDoc comment by @caendesilva in laravel#49234
- [10.x] Determine if the given view exists. by @hafezdivandari in laravel#49231
v10.34.2 - 2023-11-28
- [v10.x] Add missing methods to newly extended fake
instance by @stevebauman in laravel#49165
v10.34.1 - 2023-11-28
- [10.x] Streamline
events by @crynobone in laravel#49153 - [10.x] Use HtmlString in Vite fake by @jasonvarga in laravel#49163
v10.34.0 - 2023-11-28
- [10.x] Fix
validation rule by @apih in laravel#49070 - [10.x] Prevent passing null to base64_decode in Encrypter by @robtesch in laravel#49071
- [10.x] Alias Number class by @ziadoz in laravel#49073
- [10.x] Added File Validation
by @eusonlito in laravel#49082 - [10.x] Add @throws in doc-blocks by @imanghafoori1 in laravel#49091
- [10.x] Update docblocks for consistency by @dwightwatson in laravel#49092
- [10.x] Throw exception when trying to initiate
by @crynobone in laravel#49095 - [10.x] Only stage committed transactions by @hansnn in laravel#49093
- Better transaction manager object design by @taylorotwell in laravel#49103
- [10.x] use php 8.3
by @amacado in laravel#49108 - [10.x] Add Conditionable to TestResponse by @nshiro in laravel#49112
- [10.x] Allow multiple types in Collection's
method by @ash-jc-allen in laravel#49127 - [10.x] Fix middleware "SetCacheHeaders" with download responses by @clementbirkle in laravel#49138
- [10.x][Cache] Fix handling of
values in apc by @simivar in laravel#49145 - [10.x] Reset numeric rules after each attribute's validation by @apih in laravel#49142
- [10.x] Extract dirty getter for
by @taka-oyama in laravel#49141 - [10.x]
: Resolve$itemType
outside the closure by @lucasmichot in laravel#49137 - Allow "missing" method to be used on route groups by @redelschaap in laravel#49144
- [10.x] Get tables and views info by @hafezdivandari in laravel#49020
- [10.x] Fix
PHPDoc parameter by @devfrey in laravel#49162 - [10.x] Make test error messages more multi-byte readable by @nshiro in laravel#49160
- [10.x] Generate a unique hash for anonymous components by @billyonecan in laravel#49156
- [10.x] Improves output when using
php artisan about --json
by @crynobone in laravel#49154 - [10.x] Make fake instance inherit from
when usingwithoutVite()
by @orkhanahmadov in laravel#49150
v10.33.0 - 2023-11-21
- [10.x] Fix wrong parameter passing and add these rules to dependent rules by @kayw-geek in laravel#49008
- [10.x] Make Validator::getValue() public by @shinsenter in laravel#49007
- [10.x] Custom messages for
validation rule by @rcknr in laravel#48928 - [10.x] Round milliseconds in database seeder console output runtime by @SjorsO in laravel#49014
- [10.x] Add a
utility class by @caendesilva in laravel#48845 - [10.x] Fix the replace() method in DefaultService class by @jonagoldman in laravel#49022
- [10.x] Pass the property $validator as a parameter to the $callback Closure by @shinsenter in laravel#49015
- [10.x] Fix Cache DatabaseStore::add() error occur on Postgres within transaction by @xdevor in laravel#49025
- [10.x] Support asserting against chained batches by @taylorotwell in laravel#49003
- [10.x] Prevent DB
occur race condition by @xdevor in laravel#49031 - [10.x] Fix notifications being counted as sent without a "shouldSend" method by @joelwmale in laravel#49030
- [10.x] Fix tests failure on Windows by @hafezdivandari in laravel#49037
- [10.x] Add unless conditional on validation rules by @michaelnabil230 in laravel#49048
- [10.x] Handle string based payloads that are not JSON or form data when creating PSR request instances by @timacdonald in laravel#49047
- [10.x] Fix directory separator CMD display on windows by @imanghafoori1 in laravel#49045
- [10.x] Fix mapSpread doc by @timacdonald in laravel#48941
- [10.x] Tiny
test fix - Unused data provider parameter by @stevebauman in laravel#49053 - [10.x] Feat: Add color_hex validation rule by @nikopeikrishvili in laravel#49056
- [10.x] Handle missing translation strings using callback by @DeanWunder in laravel#49040
- [10.x] Add Str::transliterate to Stringable by @dwightwatson in laravel#49065
- Add Alpha Channel support to Hex validation rule by @ahinkle in laravel#49069
v10.32.1 - 2023-11-14
- [10.x] Add
by @jasonmccreary in laravel#48990
v10.32.0 - 2023-11-14
- Update PendingRequest.php by @mattkingshott in laravel#48939
- [10.x] Change array_key_exists with null coalescing assignment operator in FilesystemAdapter by @miladev95 in laravel#48943
- [10.x] Use container to resolve email validator class by @orkhanahmadov in laravel#48942
- [10.x] Added
method to HTTP Client Factory by @pascalbaljet in laravel#48950 - [10.x] Detect MySQL read-only mode error as a lost connection by @cosmastech in laravel#48937
- [10.x] Adds more implicit validation rules for
based on other fields by @diamondobama in laravel#48908 - [10.x] Refactor set_error_handler callback to use arrow function in
by @miladev95 in laravel#48954 - [10.x] Test Improvements by @crynobone in laravel#48962
- Fix issue that prevents BladeCompiler to raise an exception when temporal compiled blade template is not found. by @juanparati in laravel#48957
- [10.x] Fix how nested transaction callbacks are handled by @mateusjatenee in laravel#48859
- [10.x] Fixes Batch Callbacks not triggering if job timeout while in transaction by @crynobone in laravel#48961
- [10.x] expressions in migration computations fail by @tpetry in laravel#48976
- [10.x] Fixes Exception: Cannot traverse an already closed generator when running Arr::first with an empty generator and no callback by @moshe-autoleadstar in laravel#48979
- fixes issue with stderr when there was "]" character. by @nikopeikrishvili in laravel#48975
- [10.x] Fix Postgres cache store failed to put exist cache in transaction by @xdevor in laravel#48968
v10.31.0 - 2023-11-07
- [10.x] Allow
to be passed a timestamp as a string by @jameshulse in laravel#48883 - [10.x] Fix whereHasMorph() with nullable morphs by @MarkKremer in laravel#48903
- [10.x] Handle
returning false inclass_uses_recursive
by @RoflCopter24 in laravel#48902 - [10.x] Enable default retrieval of all fragments in
methods by @tabuna in laravel#48894 - [10.x] Allow placing a batch on a chain by @khepin in laravel#48633
- [10.x] Dispatch 'connection failed' event in async http client request by @gdebrauwer in laravel#48900
- authenticate method refactored to use null coalescing operator by @miladev95 in laravel#48917
- [10.x] Add support for Sec-Purpose header by @nanos in laravel#48925
- [10.x] Allow setting retain_visibility config option on Flysystem filesystems by @jnoordsij in laravel#48935
- [10.x] Escape forward slashes when exploding wildcard rules by @matt-farrugia in laravel#48936
v10.30.1 - 2023-11-01
- [10.x] Fix postgreSQL reserved word column names w/ guarded attributes broken in native column attributes implementation by @hafezdivandari in laravel#48877
v10.30.0 - 2023-10-31
- [10.x] Test Improvements by @crynobone in laravel#48815
- [10.x] Verify hash config by @timacdonald in laravel#48814
- [10.x] Fix the issue of using the now function within the ArrayCache in Lumen by @cxlblm in laravel#48826
- [10.x] Match service provider after resolved by @timacdonald in laravel#48824
- [10.x] Fix type error registering PSR Request by @kpicaza in laravel#48823
- [10.x] Ability to configure default session block timeouts by @bytestream in laravel#48795
- [10.x] Improvements for
artisan migrate --pretend
command 🚀 by @NickSdot in laravel#48768 - [10.x] Add support for getting native columns' attributes by @hafezdivandari in laravel#48357
- fix(Eloquent/Builder): calling the methods on passthru base object should be case-insensitive by @luka-papez in laravel#48852
- [10.x] Fix
typehint by @cosmastech in laravel#48847 - [10.x] Remember the job on the exception by @timacdonald in laravel#48830
- fix bug for always throwing exception when we pass a callable to throwUnlessStatus method [test included] by @mhfereydouni in laravel#48844
- [10.x] Dispatch events based on a DB transaction result by @mateusjatenee in laravel#48705
- [10.x] Reset ShouldDispatchAfterCommitEventTest objects properties by @mateusjatenee in laravel#48858
- [10.x] Throw exception when trying to escape array for database connection by @sidneyprins in laravel#48836
- [10.x] Fix Stringable objects not converted to string in HTTP facade Query parameters and Body by @LasseRafn in laravel#48849
v10.29.0 - 2023-10-24
- [10.x] Fixes
does not always generate password with numbers by @crynobone in laravel#48681 - [10.x] Fixes cache:prune-stale-tags preg_match delimiter no escaped by @ame1973 in laravel#48702
- [10.x] Allow route:list to expand middleware groups in 'VeryVerbose' mode by @NickSdot in laravel#48703
- [10.x] Fix model:prune command error with non-class php files by @zlodes in laravel#48708
- [10.x] Show CliDumper source content on last line by @CalebDW in laravel#48707
- [10.x] Revival of the reverted changes in 10.25.0:
improvement throughcreateOrFirst
+ additional query tests by @mpyw in laravel#48637 - [10.x] allow resolving view from closure by @PH7-Jack in laravel#48719
- [10.x] Allow creation of PSR request with merged data by @timacdonald in laravel#48696
- [10.x] Update DocBlock for
Method to Reflect Optional $encoding Parameter by @salehhashemi1992 in laravel#48729 - [10.x] Use ValidationException class from Validator Property by @a-h-abid in laravel#48736
- [10.x] Implement Test Coverage for
Method by @salehhashemi1992 in laravel#48730 - [10.x] Extend Test Coverage for
Function by @salehhashemi1992 in laravel#48728 - [10.x] Add
to Str class by @hosmelq in laravel#48727 - [10.x] Fix duplicate conditions on retrying
calls undercreateOrFirst()
by @KentarouTakeda in laravel#48725 - [10.x] Uses
by @nunomaduro in laravel#48763 - [10.x] fix typo in comment by @vintagesucks in laravel#48770
- [10.x] Require DBAL 3 when installing by @Jubeki in laravel#48769
- [10.x] Escape the delimiter when extracting an excerpt from text by @standaniels in laravel#48765
- [10.x] Fix
in Str class by @hosmelq in laravel#48760 - [10.x] Moves logger instance creation to a protected method by @rodrigopedra in laravel#48759
- [10.x] Add runningConsoleCommand(...$commands) method by @trevorgehman in laravel#48751
- [10.x] Update annotations in wrap method to accommodate Collection instances by @salehhashemi1992 in laravel#48746
- [10.x] Add Tests for Str::replaceMatches Method by @salehhashemi1992 in laravel#48771
- [10.x] Do not bubble exceptions thrown rendering error view when debug is false (prevent infinite loops) by @simensen in laravel#48732
- [10.x] Correct phpdoc for Grammar::setConnection by @Neol3108 in laravel#48779
- [10.x] Add
for queued Artisan commands by @jessarcher in laravel#48778 - [10.x] Test Improvements by @crynobone in laravel#48797
- [10.x] Make inherited relations and virtual attributes appear in model:show command by @sebj54 in laravel#48800
v10.28.0 - 2023-10-10
- [10.x] Fixed issue: Added a call to the
method by @lozobojan in laravel#48652 - [10.x] Add an example for queue retry range option by @pionl in laravel#48691
- [10.x] Add percentage to be used as High Order Messages by @WendellAdriel in laravel#48689
- [10.x] Optimize
validation for empty array input by @mtawil in laravel#48684
v10.27.0 - 2023-10-09
- [10.x] Store blocks after prepare strings by @nunomaduro in laravel#48641
- [10.x] throw TransportException instead of Exception in SES mail drivers by @bchalier in laravel#48645
- [10.x] Fix
when using unique keys by @axlon in laravel#48636 - [10.x] Don't crash if replacement cannot be represented as a string by @GrahamCampbell in laravel#48530
- [10.x] Extended
testcases by @bert-w in laravel#48657 - [10.x] Fixes
not able to prevent uppercase reserved name such as__CLASS__
by @crynobone in laravel#48667 - [10.x] Fix timing sensitive flaky test by @KentarouTakeda in laravel#48664
- [10.x] Fixed implementation related to
on Postgres and MSSQL database drivers by @SakiTakamachi in laravel#48662 - [10.x] Implement chunkById in descending order by @cristiancalara in laravel#48666
v10.26.2 - 2023-10-03
- Revert "Hint query builder closures (#48562)" by @taylorotwell in laravel#48620
v10.26.1 - 2023-10-03
- [10.x] Fix selection of vendor files after searching by @jessarcher in laravel#48619
v10.26.0 - 2023-10-03
- [10.x] Convert Expression to string for from in having subqueries by @ikari7789 in laravel#48525
- [10.x] Allow searching on
prompt by @jessarcher in laravel#48586 - [10.x] Enhance Test Coverage for Macroable Trait by @salehhashemi1992 in laravel#48583
- [10.x] Add new SQL error messages by @magnusvin in laravel#48601
- [10.x] Ensure array cache considers milliseconds by @timacdonald in laravel#48573
- [10.x] Prevent
command from creating duplicates by @jessarcher in laravel#48602 - [10.x] Handle expiration in seconds by @timacdonald in laravel#48600
- [10.x] Avoid duplicate code for create table commands by extending new
by @crynobone in laravel#48603 - [10.x] Add Closure Type Hinting for Query Builders by @AJenbo in laravel#48562
v10.25.2 - 2023-09-28
- [10.x] Account for new MariaDB platform by @timacdonald in laravel#48563
- [10.x] Add Windows fallback for
prompt by @jessarcher in laravel#48565 - Revert "[10.x] Fix blade failing to compile when mixing inline/block @php directives" by @driesvints in laravel#48575
- [10.x] Added Validation Macro Functionality Tests by @salehhashemi1992 in laravel#48570
- Revert expiry time changes by @driesvints in laravel#48576
v10.25.1 - 2023-09-27
- [10.x] Correct parameter type on MakesHttpRequests:followRedirects() by @AJenbo in laravel#48557
- [10.x] Fix
relations by @tonysm in laravel#48542 - [10.x] Fix "after commit" callbacks not running on nested transactions using
by @crynobone in laravel#48523 - [10.x] Use the dedicated key getters in BelongsTo by @iamgergo in laravel#48509
- [10.x] Fix undefined constant
error withArtisan::call
during a request by @jessarcher in laravel#48559
v10.25.0 - 2023-09-26
- [10.x] Fix key type in @return tag of EnumeratesValues::ensure() docblock by @wimski in laravel#48456
- [10.x] Add str()->take($limit) and Str::take($string, $limit) by @moshe-autoleadstar in laravel#48467
- [10.x] Throttle exceptions by @timacdonald in laravel#48391
- [10.x] Fix blade failing to compile when mixing inline/block @php directives by @CalebDW in laravel#48420
- [10.x] Fix test name for stringable position by @shawnlindstrom in laravel#48480
- [10.x] Create fluent method convertCase by @rmunate in laravel#48492
- [10.x] Fix
giving erroneous results by @Guilhem-DELAITRE in laravel#47427 - [10.x] Disable autoincrement for unsupported column type by @ikari7789 in laravel#48501
- [10.x] Increase bcrypt rounds to 12 by @valorin in laravel#48494
- [10.x] Ensure array driver expires values at the expiry time by @timacdonald in laravel#48497
- [10.x] Fix typos by @szepeviktor in laravel#48513
- [10.x] Improve tests for
by @tamiroh in laravel#48511 - [10.x] Set morph type for MorphToMany pivot model by @gazben in laravel#48432
- [10.x] Revert from using
in other*OrCreate
methods by @tonysm in laravel#48531 - [10.x] Fix typos in tests by @szepeviktor in laravel#48534
- [10.x] Adds
on HasManyThrough relations regression test by @tonysm in laravel#48533 - [10.x] Convert exception rate limit to seconds by @timacdonald in laravel#48543
- [10.x] Adds the
methods to theHasManyThrough
relation by @tonysm in laravel#48541 - [10.x] Handle custom extensions when caching views by @timacdonald in laravel#48524
- [10.x] Set prompt interactivity mode by @jessarcher in laravel#48468
v10.24.0 - 2023-09-19
- Make types of parameter of join method consistent in the Query Builder by @melicerte in laravel#48386
- [10.x] Fix file race condition after view:cache and artisan up by @roxik in laravel#48368
- [10.x] Re-enable SQL Server CI by @GrahamCampbell in laravel#48393
- Update request.stub by @olivsinz in laravel#48402
- [10.x] phpdoc: Auth\Access\Response constructor allows null message by @snmatsui in laravel#48394
- [10.x] Test Improvements by @crynobone in laravel#48390
- Turn off autocomplete for csrf_field by @maxheckel in laravel#48371
- [10.x] Remove PHP 8.1 Check for including Enums in Tests by @Jubeki in laravel#48415
- [10.x] Improve naming by @timacdonald in laravel#48413
- [10.x] Fix "Text file busy" error when call deleteDirectory by @ycs77 in laravel#48422
- Fix Cache::many() with small numeric keys by @AlexKarpan in laravel#48423
- [10.x] Update actions/checkout from v3 to v4 by @tamiroh in laravel#48439
doesn't check availability of id (alias) column in database response and silently ends up with endless loop.chunkById
does. by @decadence in laravel#48436- [10.x] Allow older jobs to be faked by @timacdonald in laravel#48434
- [10.x] introduce
by @amacado in laravel#48421 - [10.x] Guess table name correctly in migrations if column's name have ('to', 'from' and/or 'in') terms by @i350 in laravel#48437
- [10.x] Refactored LazyCollection::take() to save memory by @fuwasegu in laravel#48382
- [10.x] Get value attribute when default value is an enum by @squiaios in laravel#48452
- [10.x] Composer helper improvements by @crynobone in laravel#48448
- [10.x] Test Symfony v6.4 by @driesvints in laravel#48400
v10.23.1 - 2023-09-13
- Use PHP native json_validate in isJson function if available by @jnoordsij in laravel#48367
- [10.x] Remove and update a few tearDown methods. by @lucasmichot in laravel#48381
- [10.x] Test Improvements by @crynobone in laravel#48378
- add "resolve" to
method by @PH7-Jack in laravel#48373 - [10.x] Add
method to HTTP client by @lucasmichot in laravel#48379 - [10.x] Update the visibility of setUp and tearDown by @lucasmichot in laravel#48383
- Revert "[10.x] Validate version and variant in
" by @taylorotwell in laravel#48385
v10.23.0 - 2023-09-12
- [10.x] Do not add token to AWS credentials without validating it first by @mmehmet in laravel#48297
- [10.x] Add array to docs of
by @NiclasvanEyk in laravel#48309 - [10.x] Deduplicate exceptions by @timacdonald in laravel#48288
- [10.x] Change Arr::sortRecursiveDesc() method to static. by @gkisiel in laravel#48327
- [10.x] Validate version and variant in
by @inxilpro in laravel#48321 - [10.x] Adds
Artisan command by @nunomaduro in laravel#48330 - [10.x] Make ComponentAttributeBag JsonSerializable by @iamgergo in laravel#48338
- [10.x] add missing method to message bag class by @PH7-Jack in laravel#48348
- [10.x] Add newResponse method to PendingRequest by @denniseilander in laravel#48344
- [10.x] Add before/after database truncation methods to DatabaseTruncation trait by @cwilby in laravel#48345
- [10.x] Passthru test options by @jasonmccreary in laravel#48335
- [10.x] Support for phpredis 6.0.0 by @stemis in laravel#48362
- [10.x] Improve test cases and achieve 100% code coverage by @sohelrana820 in laravel#48360
- [10.x] Support for phpredis 6.0.0 by @stemis in laravel#48364
- [10.x] Render mailable inline images by @pniaps in laravel#48292
v10.22.0 - 2023-09-05
- [10.x] Add ulid testing helpers by @Jasonej in laravel#48276
- [10.x] Fix issue with table prefix duplication in DatabaseTruncation trait by @mobidev86 in laravel#48291
- [10.x] Fixed a typo in phpdoc block by @back2Lobby in laravel#48296
v10.21.1 - 2023-09-04
- [10.x] HotFix: throw captured
if there are no matching records onSELECT
retry by @mpyw in laravel#48234 - [10.x] Adds testing helpers for Precognition by @peterfox in laravel#48151
- [10.x] GeneratorCommand - Sorting possible models and events by @TWithers in laravel#48249
- [10.x] Add Enum Support to the In and NotIn Validation Rules by @geisi in laravel#48247
- PHP 8.3 Support by @driesvints in laravel#48265
- [10.x] Call
in all Mailable assertions by @jamsch in laravel#48254 - [10.x] Introduce
helper by @lucasmichot in laravel#48261 - [10.x] Combine prefix with table for
PostgreSQL by @dyriavin in laravel#48268 - [10.x] BelongsToMany Docblock Improvements by @crynobone in laravel#48282
v10.21.0 - 2023-08-29
- [10.x] Add broadcastAs function at BroadcastNotificationCreated by @raphaelcangucu in laravel#48136
- [10.x] Fix
on transactions by @tonysm in laravel#48144 - [10.x] Improve
return type by @axlon in laravel#48150 - [10.x] Adds start and end string replacement helpers by @joedixon in laravel#48025
- [10.x] Fix flaky test using microtime by @tonysm in laravel#48156
- [10.x] Allow failed job providers to be countable by @timacdonald in laravel#48177
- [10.x] Change the return type of getPublicToken function by @fahamjv in laravel#48173
- [10.x] Fix flakey
test by @joshbonnick in laravel#48166 - [10.x] Give access to job UUID in the job queued event by @timacdonald in laravel#48179
- [10.x] Add
by @cosmastech in laravel#48131 - Add visibility Support for Scoped Disk Configurations by @okaufmann in laravel#48186
- [10.x] Ensuring Primary Reference on Retry in
by @mpyw in laravel#48161 - [10.x] Make the
methods in relations usecreateOrFirst
behind the scenes by @tonysm in laravel#48192 - [10.x] Enhancing
to UsefirstOrCreate()
by @mpyw in laravel#48160 - [10.x] Introduce short-hand "false" syntax for Blade component props by @ryangjchandler in laravel#48084
- [10.x] Fix validation of attributes that depend on previous excluded attribute by @hans-thomas in laravel#48122
- [10.x] Remove unused
exception variables by @osbre in laravel#48209 - Revert "feature: introduce short hand false syntax for component prop… by @driesvints in laravel#48220
- [10.x] Return from maintenance middleware early if URL is excluded by @axlon in laravel#48218
- [10.x] Array to string conversion error exception by @hans-thomas in laravel#48219
- [10.x] Migrate to
repository by @timacdonald in laravel#48223 - Remove unneeded Return type in Docblock of Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder.php by @FrazerFlanagan in laravel#48228
- [10.x] Fix issues with updated_at by @driesvints in laravel#48230
- [10.x] Use Symfony Response in exception handler by @thomasschiet in laravel#48226
- [10.x] Allow failed jobs to be counted by "connection" and "queue" by @timacdonald in laravel#48216
- [10.x] Add method
by @rmunate in laravel#48224 - [10.x] Make the
methods in relations usefirstOrCreate
behind the scenes by @mpyw in laravel#48213
v10.20.0 - 2023-08-22
- [10.x] Allow default values when merging values into a resource by @axlon in laravel#48073
- [10.x] Adds a
method to Eloquent by @tonysm in laravel#47973 - [10.x] Allow utilising
relationship even withoutSoftDeletes
Model by @crynobone in laravel#47880 - [10.x] Mark Request JSON data to be InputBag in docblocks by @jnoordsij in laravel#48085
- [10.x] Markdown Mailables: Allow omitting Footer and Header when customising components by @jorisnoo in laravel#48080
- [10.x] Update EmailVerificationRequest return docblock by @ahmedash95 in laravel#48087
- [10.x] Add commonly reusable Composer related commands from 1st party packages by @crynobone in laravel#48096
- [10.x] Add ability to measure a single callable and get result by @timacdonald in laravel#48077
- [10.x] Fixes incorrect method visibility and add unit tests for
by @crynobone in laravel#48104 - [10.x] Skip convert empty string to null test by @hungthai1401 in laravel#48105
- [10.x] Using complete insert for mysqldump when appending migration dump to schema file by @emulgeator in laravel#48126
- [10.x] Add
method to Composer class by @emargareten in laravel#48124 - [10.x] Add
method by @gdebrauwer in laravel#48117 - [10.x] Configurable storage path via environment variable by @sl0wik in laravel#48115
- [10.x] Support providing subquery as value to
builder method by @gdebrauwer in laravel#48116 - [10.x] Minor Tweaks by @utsavsomaiya in laravel#48138
v10.19.0 - 2023-08-15
- [10.x] Fix typo in update
by @iamcarlos94 in laravel#47994 - [10.x] Gracefully handle scientific notation by @timacdonald in laravel#48002
- [10.x] Fix docblocks for throw_if and throw_unless by @AbdelElrafa in laravel#48003
- [10.x] Add
by @joshbonnick in laravel#48012 - [10.x] Fix RetryBatchCommand overlapping of failed jobs when run concurrently with the same Batch ID using isolatableId by @rybakihor in laravel#48000
- [10.x] Fix
when route uri is empty by @khernik93 in laravel#48023 - [10.x] Fix empty table displayed when using the --pending option but there are no pending migrations by @TheBlckbird in laravel#48019
- [10.x] Fix forced use of write DB connection by @oleksiikhr in laravel#48015
- [10.x] Use model cast when builder created updated at value by @timacdonald in laravel#47942
- [10.x] Fix Collection::search and LazyCollection::search return type by @bastien-phi in laravel#48030
- [10.x] Add ability to customize class resolution in event discovery by @bastien-phi in laravel#48031
- [10.x] Add
method to Collections by @WendellAdriel in laravel#48034 - [10.x] Fix parsing error in console when parameter description contains
by @rxrw in laravel#48021 - [10.x] Allow Listeners to dynamically specify delay using
by @CalebDW in laravel#48026 - [10.x] Add dynamic return types to rescue helper by @axlon in laravel#48062
- [10.x] createMany & createManyQuietly add count argument by @JHWelch in laravel#48048
- [10.x] Attributes support on default component slot by @royduin in laravel#48039
- [10.x] Add WithoutRelations attribute for model serialization by @Neol3108 in laravel#47989
- [10.x] Can apply WithoutRelations to entire class by @cosmastech in laravel#48068
- [10.x] createMany & createManyQuietly make argument optional by @JHWelch in laravel#48070
v10.18.0 - 2023-08-08
- [10.x] Allow DatabaseRefreshed event to include given
options by @crynobone in laravel#47923 - [10.x] Use generics in
to indicate dynamic exception type by @osbre in laravel#47938 - [10.x] Fixes artisan about --only should be case insensitive by @crynobone in laravel#47955
- [10.x] Improve decimal shape validation by @timacdonald in laravel#47954
- docs: update phpdoc in Str helper for remove function by @squiaios in laravel#47967
- [10.x] Remove return on void callback by @gonzunigad in laravel#47969
- [9.x] Improve decimal shape validation by @timacdonald in laravel#47957
- [10.x] Add
method to Vite by @michael-rubel in laravel#47968 - [10.x] Allow empty port in psql schema dump by @Arzaroth in laravel#47988
- [10.x] Show config when the value is false or zero by @saeedhosseiinii in laravel#47987
- [10.x] Add getter for components on IO interaction by @chris-ware in laravel#47982
v10.17.1 - 2023-08-02
- [9.x] Back porting #47838 by @timacdonald in laravel#47840
- [9.x] Normalise predis command argument where it maybe an object. by @crynobone in laravel#47902
- [9.x] Migrate JSON data to shared InputBag by @ImJustToNy in laravel#47919
- [10.x] Fix docblocks of the dispatchable trait by @imanghafoori1 in laravel#47921
- [9.x] Circumvent PHP 8.2.9 date format bug that makes artisan serve crash by @levu42 in laravel#47931
- [10.x] Fix prompt and console component spacing when calling another command by @jessarcher in laravel#47928
- [10.x] Fix prompt rendering after
by @jessarcher in laravel#47929 - [10.x] Update ensure() collection method to correctly work with Interfaces and object inheritance by @karpilin in laravel#47934
v10.17.0 - 2023-08-01
- [10.x] Update
to rely on$headers
if properly set by @inxilpro in laravel#47844 - [10.x] Accept protocols as argument for URL validation by @MrMicky-FR in laravel#47843
- [10.x] Support human-friendly text for file size by @jxxe in laravel#47846
- [10.x] Added UploadedFile as return type by @khrigo in laravel#47847
- [10.x] Add option to adjust database default lock timeout by @joelharkes in laravel#47854
- [10.x] PHP 8.3 builds by @driesvints in laravel#47788
- [10.x] Add Collection::enforce() method by @inxilpro in laravel#47785
- [10.x] Allow custom mutex names for isolated commands by @rybakihor in laravel#47814
- Fix for issues with closure-based scheduled commands in schedule:test by @mobidev86 in laravel#47862
- [10.x] Extract customised deleted_at column name from Model FQN by @edvordo in laravel#47873
- [10.x] Adding Minutes Option in Some Frequencies by @joaopalopes24 in laravel#47789
- [10.x] Add
command by @xiCO2k in laravel#47858 - [10.x] Test Improvements for
password by @crynobone in laravel#47904 - [10.x] Use shared facade script by @timacdonald in laravel#47901
- [10.x] Add --test and --pest options to make:component by @nshiro in laravel#47894
- [10.x] Prompts by @jessarcher in laravel#46772
- [10.x] Migrate JSON data to shared InputBag by @timacdonald in laravel#47914
- [10.x] Fix
return type by @axlon in laravel#47920 - [10.x] Fix Http global middleware for queue, octane, and dependency injection by @timacdonald in laravel#47915
v10.16.1 - 2023-07-26
- [10.x] Fix BusFake::assertChained() for a single job by @gehrisandro in laravel#47832
- [10.x] Retain
type by @timacdonald in laravel#47838
v10.16.0 - 2023-07-25
- [10.x] Improve display of sub-minute tasks in
command. by @jessarcher in laravel#47720 - [10.x] Add new SQL error message "No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it" by @magnusvin in laravel#47718
- [10.x] Ignore second in HttpRequestTest date comparison by @kylekatarnls in laravel#47719
- [10.x] Call
by @ttrig in laravel#47728 - [10.x] We dont want Symfony to catch pcntl signal by @ChristopheBorcard in laravel#47725
- [10.x] Use atomic locks for command mutex by @Gaitholabi in laravel#47624
- [10.x] Improve typehint for Model::getConnectionResolver() by @LukeTowers in laravel#47749
- [10.x] add getRedisConnection to ThrottleRequestsWithRedis by @snmatsui in laravel#47742
- [10.x] Adjusts for Volt by @nunomaduro in laravel#47757
- [10.x] Fix sql server paging problems by @joelharkes in laravel#47763
- [10.x] Typo type of data by @hungthai1401 in laravel#47775
- [10.x] Add missing tests for the
command. by @xiCO2k in laravel#47787 - [10.x] Fix
return type by @datlechin in laravel#47779 - [10.x] Collection::except() with null returns all by @pniaps in laravel#47821
- [10.x] fix issue #47727 with wrong return type by @renky in laravel#47820
- [10.x] Remove unused variable in
by @hungthai1401 in laravel#47817 - [10.x] Remove unused variable in
by @sangnguyenplus in laravel#47816 - [10.x] Revert 47763 fix sql server by @dunhamjared in laravel#47792
- [10.x] Add test for Message ID, References and Custom Headers for Mailables by @alexbowers in laravel#47791
- [10.x] Add support for
in CollectiongroupBy
method by @osbre in laravel#47823 - [10.x] Support inline disk for scoped driver by @alexbowers in laravel#47776
- [10.x] Allowing bind of IPv6 addresses in development server by @MuriloChianfa in laravel#47804
- [10.x] Add more info to issue template by @driesvints in laravel#47828
v10.15.0 - 2023-07-11
- [10.x] Change return type of
in AblyBroadcaster by @milwad-dev in laravel#47602 - [10.x] Add toRawSql, dumpRawSql() and ddRawSql() to Query Builders by @tpetry in laravel#47507
- [10.x] Fix recorderHandler not recording changes made by middleware by @j3j5 in laravel#47614
- Pass queue from Mailable to SendQueuedMailable job by @Tarpsvo in laravel#47612
- [10.x] Sub-minute Scheduling by @jessarcher in laravel#47279
- [10.x] Fixes failing tests running on DynamoDB Local 2.0.0 by @crynobone in laravel#47653
- [10.x] Allow password reset callback to modify the result by @GrahamCampbell in laravel#47641
- Forget with collections by @joelbutcher in laravel#47637
- [10.x] Do not apply global scopes when incrementing/decrementing an existing model by @cosmastech in laravel#47629
- [10.x] Adds inline attachments support for "notifications" markdown mailables by @nunomaduro in laravel#47643
- Assertions for counting outgoing mailables by @jasonmccreary in laravel#47655
- [10.x] Add getRawQueryLog() method by @fuwasegu in laravel#47623
- [10.x] Fix Storage::cloud() return type by @tattali in laravel#47664
- [10.x] Add
to theStr
class and use it from the validator by @GrahamCampbell in laravel#47688 - [10.x] Remove unwanted call to include stack traces by @HazzazBinFaiz in laravel#47687
- [10.x] Make Vite throw a new
by @innocenzi in laravel#47681 - [10.x] Move class from file logic in Console Kernel to dedicated method by @CalebDW in laravel#47665
- [10.x] Dispatch model pruning started and ended events by @ziadoz in laravel#47669
- [10.x] Update DatabaseRule to handle Enums for simple where clause by @CalebDW in laravel#47679
- [10.x] Add data_remove helper by @PhiloNL in laravel#47618
- [10.x] Added tests for
to Str. by @michaelnabil230 in laravel#47690 - [10.x] Added
to Stringable. by @michaelnabil230 in laravel#47689 - [10.x] Tweak return type for missing config by @sfreytag in laravel#47702
- [10.x] Fix parallel testing without any database connection by @deleugpn in laravel#47705
- [10.x] Test Improvements by @crynobone in laravel#47709
- [10.x] Allows HTTP exceptions to be thrown for views by @nunomaduro in laravel#47714
v10.14.1 - 2023-06-28
- [10.x] Fix
return type by @Neol3108 in laravel#47585 - [10.x] Add Collection::wrap to add method on BatchFake by @schonhoff in laravel#47589
- [10.x] Fixes grammar in FoundationServiceProvider by @adampatterson in laravel#47593
- [10.x] Ensure duration is present by @timacdonald in laravel#47596
v10.14.0 - 2023-06-27
- [10.x] Add test for
method in RedirectResponse by @milwad-dev in laravel#47383 - [10.x] Add new error message "SSL: Handshake timed out" handling to PDO Dete… by @yehorherasymchuk in laravel#47392
- [10.x] Add new error messages for detecting lost connections by @mfn in laravel#47398
- [10.x] Update phpdoc
method in Middleware by @milwad-dev in laravel#47408 - [10.x] Fix inconsistent type hint for
by @devfrey in laravel#47414 - Change visibility of
method in FileStore.php by @foremtehan in laravel#47413 - [10.x] Fix return type of
method by @milwad-dev in laravel#47422 - [10.x] Allow serialization of NotificationSent by @cosmastech in laravel#47375
- [10.x] Incorrect comment in
by @hungthai1401 in laravel#47438 - [10.x] Can set custom Response for denial within
by @cosmastech in laravel#47436 - [10.x] Remove unnecessary param in
by @milwad-dev in laravel#47446 - [10.x] Fix return type of
by @milwad-dev in laravel#47445 - [10.x] Add Factory::getNamespace() by @tylernathanreed in laravel#47463
- [10.x] Add
method toConditionallyLoadsAttributes
trait by @akr4m in laravel#47417 - [10.x] Add PendingRequest
method by @ralphjsmit in laravel#47474 - [10.x] Fix $exceptTables to allow an array of table names by @cwilby in laravel#47477
- [10.x] Fix
relation by @cristiancalara in laravel#47479 - [10.x] Allow object caching to be disabled for custom class casters by @CalebDW in laravel#47423
- [10.x] "Can" validation rule by @stevebauman in laravel#47371
- [10.x] refactor(Parser.php): Removing the extra "else" statement by @saMahmoudzadeh in laravel#47483
- [10.x] Add
by @xurshudyan in laravel#47500 - [9.x] Fix SES V2 Transport "reply to" addresses by @jacobmllr95 in laravel#47522
- [10.x] Reindex appends attributes by @hungthai1401 in laravel#47519
- [10.x] Fix
deprecations by @dammy001 in laravel#47517 - [10.x] Add
trait by @xurshudyan in laravel#47488 - [10.x] update [JsonResponse]: using match expression instead of if-elseif-else by @saMahmoudzadeh in laravel#47524
- [10.x] Add
to the HTTP client by @mnapoli in laravel#47297 - [10.x] Allow
symbol in component attribute names by @JayBizzle in laravel#47533 - [10.x] Fix Http client pool return type by @srdante in laravel#47530
- [10.x] Use
expression inresolveSynchronousFake
by @osbre in laravel#47540 - [10.x] Use
expression incompileHaving
by @osbre in laravel#47548 - [10.x] Use
expression ingetArrayableItems
by @osbre in laravel#47549 - [10.x] Fix return type in
by @PerryvanderMeer in laravel#47553 - [10.x] Fix return type in
by @PerryvanderMeer in laravel#47552 - [10.x] Fix return type in
by @PerryvanderMeer in laravel#47556 - [10.x] Fix return type in
by @PerryvanderMeer in laravel#47557 - [10.x] Add missing return to
by @PerryvanderMeer in laravel#47559 - [10.x] Update doc in Eloquent model by @alirezasalehizadeh in laravel#47562
- [10.x] Fix return types by @PerryvanderMeer in laravel#47561
- [10.x] Fix PHPDoc throw type by @fernandokbs in laravel#47566
- [10.x] Add hasAny function to ComponentAttributeBag, Allow multiple keys in has function by @indykoning in laravel#47569
- [10.x] Ensure captured time is in configured timezone by @timacdonald in laravel#47567
- [10.x] Add Method to Report only logged exceptions by @joelharkes in laravel#47554
- [10.x] Add global middleware to
client by @timacdonald in laravel#47525 - [9.x] Fixes unable to use
on JSON language files. by @crynobone in laravel#47582
v10.13.5 - 2023-06-08
- Revert "[10.x] Update Kernel::load() to use same
logic as events" by @taylorotwell in laravel#47382
v10.13.3 - 2023-06-08
- Narrow down array type for
by @devfrey in laravel#47365 - Add test for
method by @milwad-dev in laravel#47366 - Fix
to display named Jobs by @liamkeily in laravel#47367 - Support
by @cosmastech in laravel#47344 - Small test fixes by @stevebauman in laravel#47369
- Pluralisation typo in queue:clear command output by @sebsobseb in laravel#47376
- Add getForeignKeyFrom method by @iamgergo in laravel#47378
- Add shouldHashKeys to ThrottleRequests middleware by @fosron in laravel#47368
- Added
(#47335) - Added
- Revert "[10.x] Remove session on authenticatable deletion v2" (#47354)
- Fixes usage of Redis::many() with empty array (#47307)
- Fix mapped renderable exception handling (#47347)
- Avoid duplicates in fillable/guarded on merge in Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Concerns/GuardsAttributes.php (#47351)
- Update Kernel::load() to use same classFromFile logic as events (#47327)
- Remove redundant 'setAccessible' methods (#47348)
- Added
interface and functional for this (#47210) - Added return type for
- Revert "[10.x] Fix inconsistency between report and render methods" (#47326)
- Display queue runtime in human readable format (#47227)
- Added
(#47197) - Escaping functionality within the Grammar (#46558)
- Provide testing hooks in
(#47228) - Added missing methods to AssertsStatusCodes (#47277)
- Wrap response preparation in events (#47229)
- Fixed bug when function wrapped around definition of related factory (#47168)
- Fixed inconsistency between report and render methods (#47201)
- Fixes Model::isDirty() when AsCollection or AsEncryptedCollection have arguments (#47235)
- Fixed escaped String for JSON_CONTAINS (#47244)
- Fixes missing output on ProcessFailedException exception (#47285)
- Remove useless else statements (#47186)
- RedisStore improvement - don't open transaction unless all values are serialaizable (#47193)
- Use carbon::now() to get current timestamp in takeUntilTimeout lazycollection-method (#47200)
- Avoid duplicates in visible/hidden on merge (#47264)
- Add a missing semicolon to CompilesClasses (#47280)
- Send along value to InvalidPayloadException (#47223)
- Added
(#47068) - Added
methods toIlluminate/Support/Sleep
(#47114) - Adds inline attachments support for markdown mailables (#47140)
- Added
(#47169) - Added
method (#47162) - Added parameters to timezone validation rule (#47171)
- Fixes singleton and api singletons creatable|destryoable|only|except combinations (#47098)
- Don't use empty key or secret for DynamoDBClient (#47144)
- Remove session on authenticatable deletion (#47141)
- Added error handling and ensure re-enabling of foreign key constraints in
- Remove useless else statements (#47161)
- Added the ability to extend the generic types for DatabaseNotificationCollection (#47048)
- Added
(#47046) - Added Name attributes on slots (#47065)
- Added Precognition-Success header (#47081)
- Added Macroable trait to Sleep class (#47099)
- Fixed
- Remove return from channelRoutes method (#47059)
- Bug in
with string path (#47047) - Unify logic around cursor paginate (#47094)
- Clears resolved instance of Vite when using withoutVite (#47091)
- Remove workarounds for old Guzzle versions (#47084)
- Added
(#47000) - Added
methods toIlluminate/Support/Carbon.php
(#47002) - Added
(#47007) - Added arguments to the signed middleware to ignore properties (#46987)
- Added keys length check to prevent mget error in
(#46998) - 'hashed' cast - do not rehash already hashed value (#47029)
- Used
instead ofnow()
(#47017) - Use file locks when writing failed jobs to disk (b822d28)
- Raise visibility of Mailable prepareMailableForDelivery() (#47031)
- Added
properties toIlluminate/Console/Command
(#46925) - Added ability to restore/set Global Scopes (#46922)
- Added
(#46945) - Added
(#46904, #46963) - Added
([#46947]laravel#46947) - Added url support for mail config (#46964)
- Fixed replace missing_unless (89ac58a)
- Gracefully handle invalid code points in e() (#46914)
- HasCasts returning false instead of true (#46992)
- Use method on UploadedFile to validate image dimensions (#46912)
- Expose Js::json() helper (#46935)
- Respect parents on middleware priority (#46972)
- Do reconnect when redis throws connection lost error (#46989)
- Throw timeoutException instead of maxAttemptsExceededException when a job times out (#46968)
- Add new HTTP status assertions (#46841)
- Allow pruning all cancelled and unfinished queue batches (#46833)
- Added
(#46857) - Added named static methods for middleware (#46362)
- Fix date_format rule throw ValueError (#46824)
- Allow separate directory for locks on filestore (#46811)
- Allow to whereMorphedTo work with null model (#46821)
- Use pivot model fromDateTime instead of assuming Carbon in
(#46822) - Make rules method in FormRequest optional (#46846)
- Throw LogicException when calling FileFactory@image() if mimetype is not supported (#46859)
- Improve job release method to accept date instance (#46854)
- Use foreignUlid if model uses HasUlids trait when call foreignIdFor (#46876)
- Added syntax sugar to the Process::pipe method (#46745)
- Allow specifying index name when calling ForeignIdColumnDefinition@constrained() (#46746)
- Allow to customise redirect URL in AuthenticateSession Middleware (#46752)
- Added Class based after validation rules (#46757)
- Added max exceptions to broadcast event (#46800)
- Fixed compiled view file ends with .php (#46755)
- Fix validation rule names (#46768)
- Fixed validateDecimal() (#46809)
- Add headers to exception in
(#46780) - Minor skeleton slimming (framework edition) (#46786)
- Release lock for job implementing ShouldBeUnique that is dispatched afterResponse() (#46806)
- Changed
method. It will be run pipes immediately (e34ab39)
- Allow
to be used when app is not bound (#46529) - Allow Event::assertListening to check for invokable event listeners (#46683)
- Added
(#46527) - Added
- PHP 8.0 fix for Closure jobs (#46505)
- Fix preg_split error when there is a slash in the attribute in
(#46549) - Fixed Cache::spy incompatibility with Cache::get (#46689)
- server command: Fixed server Closing output on invalid $requestPort (#46726)
- Fix nested join when not JoinClause instance (#46712)
- Fix query builder whereBetween method with carbon date period (#46720)
- Removes unnecessary parameters in
methods inIlluminate/Routing/PendingSingletonResourceRegistration
(#46677) - Return non-zero exit code for uncaught exceptions (#46541)
- Added trait
- Added missing ignored methods to
(#46692) - console.stub: remove void return type from handle (#46697)
- Reverted "Set container instance on session manager"Set container instance on session manager (#46691)
- Added ability to set a custom class for the AsCollection and AsEncryptedCollection casts (#46619)
- Set container instance on session manager (#46621)
- Added empty string definition to Str::squish function (#46660)
- Allow $sleepMilliseconds parameter receive a Closure in retry method from PendingRequest (#46653)
- Support contextual binding on first class callables (de8d515, e511a3b)
- Added methods to determine if API resource has pivot loaded (#46555)
- Added caseSensitive flag to Stringable replace function (#46578)
- Allow insert..select (insertUsing()) to have empty $columns (#46605, 399bff9)
- Added
- Make sure pivot model has previously defined values (#46559)
- Move SetUniqueIds to run before the creating event (#46622)
- Added
- Fix infinite loading on batches list on Horizon (#46536)
- Fix whereNull queries with raw expressions for the MySql grammar (#46538)
- Fix getDirty method when using AsEnumArrayObject / AsEnumCollection (#46561)
- Skip
for non ReflectionNamedType (#46511) - Replace Deprecated DBAL Comparator creation with schema aware Comparator (#46517)
- Added Storage::json() method to read and decode a json file (#46548)
- Force cast json decoded failed_job_ids to array in DatabaseBatchRepository (#46581)
- Handle empty arrays for DynamoDbStore multi-key operations (#46579)
- Stop adding constraints twice on *Many to *One relationships via one() (#46575)
- allow override of the Builder paginate() total (#46415)
- Add a possibility to set a custom on_stats function for the Http Facade (#46569)
- Move Symfony events dispatcher registration to Console\Kernel (#46508)
- Added
(#46426) - Added curl_error_code: 77 to DetectsLostConnections (#46429)
- Allow for converting a HasMany to HasOne && MorphMany to MorphOne (#46443)
- Add option to create macroable method for paginationInformation (#46461)
- Added
- Fix parsed input arguments for command events using dispatcher rerouting (#46442)
- Fix enums uses with optional implicit parameters (#46483)
- Fix deprecations for embedded images in symfony mailer (#46488)
- Added alternative database port in Postgres DSN (#46403)
- Allow calling getControllerClass on closure-based routes (#46411)
- Remove obsolete method_exists(ReflectionClass::class, 'isEnum') call (#46445)
- Convert eloquent builder to base builder in whereExists (#46460)
- Refactor shared static methodExcludedByOptions method to trait (#46498)
- Fixes Expression no longer implements Stringable (#46395)
- Reverted "Use fallback when previous URL is the same as the current in
" (#46392)
- Adding Pipeline Facade (#46271)
- Add Support for SaveQuietly and Upsert with UUID/ULID Primary Keys (#46161)
- Add charAt method to both Str and Stringable (#46349, dfb59bc2)
- Adds Countable to the InvokedProcessPool class (#46346)
- Add processors to logging (placeholders) (#46344)
- Fixed
(791f8ea7) - FIX on CanBeOneOfMany trait giving erroneous results (#46309)
- Use fallback when previous URL is the same as the current in
(#46234) - Allow override of the Builder paginate() total (#46336)
- Adding
train to Logger (#46259) - Added "dot" method to Illuminate\Support\Collection class (#46265)
- Added a "channel:list" command (#46248)
- Added JobPopping and JobPopped events (#46220)
- Add isMatch method to Str and Stringable helpers (#46303)
- Add ArrayAccess to Stringable (#46279)
- Revert "[10.x] Fix custom themes not resetting on Markdown renderer" (#46328)
- Fix typo in function
name insrc/Illuminate/Database/Console/Migrations/MigrateCommand.php
- Generate default command name based on class name in
(#46256) - Do not mutate underlying values on redirect (#46281)
- Do not use null to initialise $lastExecutionStartedAt in
(#46285) - Remove obsolete function_exists('enum_exists') calls (#46319)
- Cast json decoded failed_job_ids to array in DatabaseBatchRepository::toBatch (#46329)
- Fixed
$connection parameter (#46228) - Fixed Facade Fake (#46257)
- Remove autoload dumping from make:migration (#46215)
- Added protected method
for simplifies collection customisation (#46217)
- Fixes constructable migrations (#46223)
- Accept time when generating ULID in
- Revert changes from
- Add the ability to re-resolve cache drivers (#46203)
- Fixed
for empty array (0c6cae0)
- Fixing issue where 0 is discarded as a valid timestamp (#46158)
- Fix custom themes not resetting on Markdown renderer (#46200)
- Use secure randomness in Arr:random and Arr:shuffle (#46105)
- Use mixed return type on controller stubs (#46166)
- Use InteractsWithDictionary in Eloquent collection (#46196)
- Added missing expression support for pluck in Builder (#46146)
- Register policies automatically to the gate (#46132)
- Standard Input can be applied to PendingProcess (#46119)
- Fix Expression string casting (#46137)
- Add AddQueuedCookiesToResponse to middlewarePriority so it is handled in the right place (#46130)
- Show queue connection in MonitorCommand (#46122)
Please consult the upgrade guide and release notes in the official Laravel documentation.