diff --git a/A_Getting_started_modeling/intro.md b/A_Getting_started_modeling/intro.md
index d41f1567..75efa2a4 100644
--- a/A_Getting_started_modeling/intro.md
+++ b/A_Getting_started_modeling/intro.md
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ The following elements of the AnyScript language make such templating easier:
 - Include files - Which aid templating and sharing model components across different applications
 - Body model parameters - For customizing the default AMMR body models
-The AMMR installation folder also contains a library of [demo applications](https://anyscript.org/ammr/auto_examples/index.html)
+The AMMR installation folder also contains a library of [demo applications](https://anyscript.org/ammr/Applications/index.html)
 such as MoCap gait, cycling, leg-press exercises etc. If any of these applications are similar to your end goal, you can copy the
 application's model files and then modify them as required.
diff --git a/pixi.toml b/pixi.toml
index 2cd1908c..a017cf77 100644
--- a/pixi.toml
+++ b/pixi.toml
@@ -7,17 +7,18 @@ channels = ["conda-forge"]
 platforms = ["win-64","linux-64"]
-linkcheck = "sphinx-build -M linkcheck . _build"
+clean = "rm -rf _build"
+linkcheck = {cmd="sphinx-build -M linkcheck . _build", depends_on = ["clean"]}
 build-pdf = "sphinx-build -M simplepdf . _build"
 build-html = "sphinx-build -M html . _build"
 build-html-all = "sphinx-build -M html . _build -a"
-html = {cmd= 'explorer .\Docs\_build\html\index.html', depends_on = ["build-html-all"]}
-pdf = {cmd= 'explorer .\Docs\_build\simplepdf\Agada-Documentation.pdf', depends_on = ["build-pdf"]}
+html = {cmd= 'explorer .\_build\html\index.html', depends_on = ["build-html-all"]}
+pdf = {cmd= 'explorer .\_build\simplepdf\Agada-Documentation.pdf', depends_on = ["build-pdf"]}
 livehtml = "sphinx-autobuild . _build --port=0  --open-browser -j=4"
-sphinx = "<7"
+sphinx = ">=6.2,<7"
 python = ">=3.11.6,<3.12"
 sphinxext-opengraph = ">=0.9.0,<0.10"
 sphinx-copybutton = ">=0.5.2,<0.6"