== MaximizerVaultApe ==
- Staked tokens taken out of farm?
- User received staked tokens?
- User received BANANA tokens
- Treasury received BANANA tokens
- withdrawFee received correctly (if needed)?
- Other fees working?
- User shared updated correctly?
- User debt updated correctly?
Keeper (This is a complicated one to write good tests for I suppose)
- checkUpkeep
- performUpkeep
- Staked token in farm increased?
- user receives stake?
- user debt updated correctly?
- Banana rewards taken out of pool?
- Banana rewards put into Banana vault?
- accSharesPerStakedToken increased correctly?
- Banana pool compounded?
- autoBananaShares updated correctly?
- [/] Correct rewards received?
- user debt updated correctly?
addVault working?
can disable and enable vault
- disabled
- Cant deposit
- Cant compound
- reenable
- Can deposit
- Can compound
- disabled
Are view function correct?
- getExpectedOutputs()
- balanceOf(_user)
- totalStake()
- totalAutoBananaShares()
Maximizer onlyOwner update functions working?
Strategy onlyOwner update functions working?
BananaVault onlyOwner update functions working?