To update the module for release, follow the steps below to ensure a complete and accurate update.
This module is delivered pre-compiled for App47's customers. This file is for the App47 development team to build and update the Appcelerator Modules for delivery. It is NOT required to follow these steps to integrate App47 into your Appcelerator Project.
Ensure that you have the Appcelerator Titanium Studio installed and updated
Ensure you have the Android SDK installed with the Android-8 SDK available.
Ensure you have a version of python loaded on your computer.
Ensure you have a version of ant loaded on your computer.
Update the android.jar file in 3.x/android/agent/lib/
Update the file 3.x/android/agent/manifest with the proper version number for the android agent.
Update the files in 3.x/ios/agent/app47
- apache_license.txt - license file for apache open source software used.
- EmbeddedAgent.h - Header file for the App47 Agent.
- libGMStackTrace.a - Capture crash logs
- EmbeddedAgentSettings.plist - Sample settings file for Agent
- version - Version number for the Appcelerator iOS Module
- libEmbeddedAgentWithNoCoreLocation.a - updated library for the App47 Agent
Update the file 3.x/ios/agent/manifest with the proper version number for the iOS agent.
cd 3.x/android/agent run
cd 3.x/ios/agent run