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File metadata and controls

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The best way to install Arachne/Forms is using Composer.


The commands below will install all the libraries recommended to use Arachne/Forms. They are intentionally not direct dependencies so that advanced users may skip or replace some of them.

composer require arachne/csrf arachne/forms arachne/twig arachne/upload kdyby/annotations kdyby/translation kdyby/validator symfony/twig-bridge

It is recommended to add all of the following extensions into your config.neon. Again advanced users might want to skip or replace some of them.

    # Always required.
    arachne.serviceCollections: Arachne\ServiceCollections\DI\ServiceCollectionsExtension
    arachne.forms: Arachne\Forms\DI\FormsExtension

    # Technically optional but do you really want forms without CSRF protection, validation, files upload and a way to render them?
    arachne.csrf: Arachne\Csrf\DI\CsrfExtension
    arachne.twig: Arachne\Twig\DI\TwigExtension(%tempDir%/cache/twig, %debugMode%)
    kdyby.annotations: Kdyby\Annotations\DI\AnnotationsExtension
    kdyby.translation: Kdyby\Translation\DI\TranslationExtension
    kdyby.validator: Kdyby\Validator\DI\ValidatorExtension

Usage with Doctrine ORM

If you want to use Doctrine ORM it is recommended to add some more libraries.

composer require arachne/doctrine kdyby/doctrine symfony/doctrine-bridge

And also some additional extensions in config.neon.

    arachne.doctrine: Arachne\Doctrine\DI\DoctrineExtension
    kdyby.console: Kdyby\Console\DI\ConsoleExtension
    kdyby.doctrine: Kdyby\Doctrine\DI\OrmExtension

PropertyAccess configuration

If you want to configure PropertyAccessor or simply have it as a service for better performance, add this extension.

composer require arachne/property-access
    arachne.propertyAccess: Arachne\PropertyAccess\DI\PropertyAccessExtension

Usage of ExpressionLanguage

If you want to use the Expression constraint, add one more extension.

composer require arachne/expression-language
    arachne.expressionLanguage: Arachne\ExpressionLanguage\DI\ExpressionLanguageExtension