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File metadata and controls

226 lines (191 loc) · 8.32 KB

This is a seed project for angularJS and requireJS integration. Main goals this tries to solve:

  • Have angular
  • Have project structured nicely for development with team (Support good habits and patterns)
  • Have tool for production code compile only with really used dependencies

Last two points are reason, why i want to use requireJS in spite of many claims that its not good idea.


For integrating angular's DI and require's dependeny system, i chose different approach than ones, i have seen on web. I felt more like i want this two systems to cooperate than one abusing second.

In result, i wrote simple requireJS loader plugins to coopeare with DI of angularJS. now, only thing you need to do in case of for example controller, is:

], function () {
    return ['$scope', function ($scope) {
        $scope = //whatever;

//usage in other file
], function (Controller) {
    //do stuff

This example registers controller named LayoutController in application module with definition from controller file, then retturn controller name.


This section contains project structure and notable features

Writing Controller

My vision of good controller is based around having controller definition as clean as possible. Important thing is to have controller composed from (reusable) parts. Normally, funcionality is done in services, which is good, but i want to encapsulate $scope structure too. which leads to example with controller and nls funcionality in it.

], function (NlsScope) {
    return ['$scope', "$routeSegment", function ($scope, $routeSegment) {


], function (NlsService) {
    return function ($scope) {
        $scope.msg = NlsService.getMessage;
        $scope.msgNamespace = "";
        $scope.setMsgNS = NlsService.setNamespace.bind(null, $scope, "msgNamespace");
        $scope.msgNS = NlsService.getMessageNS.bind(null, $scope, "msgNamespace");

Objects called "scopes" are added to encapsulate $scope logic and included via define. Then, this parts of controller can have its own dependecies and encapsulate some $scope logic. We aditionally used next feature, which is service DI integration.


In controller example above, we used angular service as requireJS dependency. We can use "service!" plugin in same way, DI is used in angular. Either way, we demand our custom service from file with service factory function, or we inject some core service like $http.

], function (NlsService, $http) {
    return function ($scope, $http) {
      //do stuff

Layouts and views

For layout and views, angular-route-segment ( is used. This can do things like standard layout composition and routing. More nice than angular's ng-route....

], function (LayoutView, HomeView,DetailView) {
    return function (route, segment) {
            .when('/', 's1')
            .when('/detail', 's1.detail')
            .segment('s1', LayoutView)
                .segment("home", HomeView)
                .segment("detail", DetailView)
        route.otherwise({redirectTo: '/'});

Basically, we want only to define structure, include our views, and then define things and dependencies in separate view files. There, we define template, controller and possible some styles, directives etc.

], function (Controller, template) {
    return {
        template: template,
        controller: Controller

Less integration

Another great feature is integration of Less via require-less project ( and loader plugin "less!". Less files are then compiled and added to file as css in production mode.


Compiling is done by standard command "r.js -o app/build.js", which includes all javascript, html and css in one file.

Directives and Filters

Due to need of handy directive and filter import which is sometimes not dependant of file name, there are two options. Either you can import (and angular register) filter with its file name, or "AS other name". Example below registers two filters named "MyBranNewFilter" and "my-filter" based on definition in file filter!app/filter/MyBranNewFilter.js

    "filter!app/filter/MyBranNewFilter AS my-filter"
], function () {



Test are performed by Jasmine based on ideas from // at root file ./tests.html

All test required are to be included in ./tests/tests.js with theese lines:

define([], function () {
    return [
        includeTest('test!spec/app/scope/EuropaScope', ["app/service/EuropaSaveService"]),
        includeTest('test!spec/app/service/EuropaSaveService', ["$http"]),
        includeTest('test!spec/core/scope/NlsScope', ["core/service/NlsService"]),
        includeTest('test!spec/core/service/NlsService', ["$http"])

    function includeTest(test, mocks) {
        return testRequire.bind(this, [test], mocks || []);

First argument are tests to be included. Second argument is list of mocks. It uses "test" loader plugin, which encapsulate test with describe(text + filename).


There is possibility to mock any dependency. Simply, add it to list, and its path would be prefixed by ./tests/mocks. In this folder, you can create exact folder structure from your app where you can include mocked files. (For example, any dependency "app/service/EuropaSaveService" will be replaces for "tests/mocks/app/service/EuropaSaveService")

Test Case

Simple test is included below. It returns array od 2 elements. First element is description used in test description, and second is test itself.

], function (tested) {
    return ["A Tested Item", function () {
        it("should be defined", function () {

Testing services

Testing of services is done by including them as dependency. While in need, you can mock its dependencies. Note that we include direct dependency not prefixed with "service!" loader plugin. Because we want factory function to create fresh instance each test.

], function (NlsService) {
    var service;
        service = new NlsService();

    return [ "A NlsService", function () {
        it("has API", function(){

        xit("can retrieve message by key");
        xit("can set namespace in scope");
        xit("can retrieve namespaced message by key");

Testing filters

Testing of filters is done by including them as dependency. While in need, you can mock its dependencies.

Testing controllers

Testing of controllers is simple, because we split them to Scope objects. Scope object had no dependency to angular, so it can be tested as plain objects with mocked dependecies as needed. Except situations, where you need some $scope properties/methods, like $apply. In this case, you can use this pattern

], function (EuropaScope) {
    return ["A Tested Item", function () {
        var scope = {};

        beforeEach(function (done) {
            angular.mock.inject(function ($rootScope) {
                scope = $rootScope.$new();
        it("should be defined", function () {

Testing directives

TODO (approach to use is under research)