获得一个 Perplexity 账户并且订阅,登录。
打开 F12(DevTools),找到 “Network(网络)”、刷新一下页面,找到“www.perplexity.ai”这个项目
点进去,往下滑找到 "Cookie",完整的复制后面的内容。
用同样的方法找到 "User-Agent",完整的复制后面的内容。
文件,把上面的 Cookie 和 User Agent 粘贴进去 -
启动 start.bat (Linux/macOS用户使用 start.sh)
酒馆中选择 Claude,反向代理地址填。反代密码必须填,随便什么都可以。
开始使用。如果失败了/没有结果/403/Warning 就多重试几次。
可以使用本地的socks5或http(s)代理。只需在 start.bat 中设置 all_proxy
比如,如要使用 Clash 的默认本地SOCKS5代理,则应设置为 set all_proxy=socks5://
出现 403 错误请重新抓 COOKIE 或者更换代理出口 IP。
Get a Perplexity account and subscribe, log in.
Open F12 (DevTools), find “Network”, refresh the page, and find “www.perplexity.ai”.
Click on it, scroll down and find “Cookie:”, and copy the entire contents.
Find the "user-agnet" in the same way.
Download or Clone the code of this project and unzip it.
Edit the
file and paste the cookie and User Agent into it. -
Start start.bat
Select Claude in the Tavern and put as the address of the reverse proxy. Use any random string for password.
Enjoy it. If it fails/no result/403/Warning, try again.
Use the all_proxy
env to set custom proxy. Refer to https://www.npmjs.com/package/proxy-from-env for detail.
If you get 403 errors, consider getting the cookie again or changing your IP.