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Installation: Client

primalmotion edited this page May 19, 2011 · 18 revisions

Installing from the nightlies

Archipel client is full Javascript. It doesn't need any back end, database, php, java or anything else. To install it, Just uncompress the archive into a HTTP server directory, and access it with your browser.

Installing from the sources

Installation of Archipel GUI from the source is a little bit more tricky. Follow the next steps carefully


This part will guide you through the installation of the client (the web GUI) The only prerequisites for building Archipel Client are:

  • SUN's JDK or OpenJDK. (don't panic, java is only needed by the Cappuccino build tools, you can remove it after, you don't need Java to use Archipel)
  • a real WebBrowser (forget IE it forgets us).
  • unzip
  • python


Bootstrap is the script that will build all needed things for archipel client.

Submodules initialization

The bootstrap will first checks if all Archipel's submodules are initialized. While you just cloned the repository, they aren't. So it will start to run git submodule update --init. This has to be done where you have made git clone

After that, you can enter the ArchipelClient, and run ./bootstrap

#                                                                            #
#                        Archipel Submodules                                 #
#                                                                            #

It seems that your local copy hasn't its submodules initialized. Bootstrap
will initialize it for you. Please wait.

Submodule 'GrowlCappuccino'
Submodule 'LPKit'
Submodule 'MessageBoard'
Submodule 'StropheCappuccino'
Submodule 'VNCCappuccino'
Submodule 'iTunesTabView'


 * Continue ? [y/n] :

When this is ok, bootstrap won't ask you to update submodules as it will have touched a file named .submodules_initialized. If you want to retry sync, just remove this file and run bootstrap again

Configuration of the build

bootstrap will ask you if you want to build all necessary Frameworks, apply the Cappuccino frameworks and export the release as a flattened ready-to-run web application. You should say yes to all questions.

#                                                                            #
#                            Archipel Client                                 #
#                                                                            #

Welcome to the installation script of Archipel Client. You need to have the
Cappuccino development environment installed in order to build this software.
You can grab it from

 Testing environment

 * Would you like to build Cappuccino ? [y/n] :
 * Would you like to build GrowlCappuccino ? [y/n] :
 * Would you like to build VNCCappuccino ? [y/n] :
 * Would you like to build StropheCappuccino ? [y/n] :
 * Would you like to build iTunesTabView ? [y/n] :
 * Would you like to build MessageBoard ? [y/n] :
 * Would you like to build LPKit ? [y/n] :
 * Would you like to build Archipel Client ? [y/n] :
 * Would you like to apply Cappuccino Framework ? [y/n] :
 * Would you like to export Archipel ? [y/n] :
 * Where do you want to export Archipel Client ? ~/ : ~/Desktop/ArchipelRelease

 Installation information
   - build Cappuccino            : True
   - build GrowlCappuccino       : True
   - build VNCCappuccino         : True
   - build StropheCappuccino     : True
   - build iTunesTabView         : True
   - build MessageBoard          : True
   - build LPKit                 : True
   - build Archipel Client       : True
   - apply Cappuccino            : True
   - export to                   : ~/Desktop/ArchipelRelease

 * Do you confirm ? [y/n] :


When you confirm the build starts :

* Do you confirm ? [y/n] :
* Building Cappuccino
* Cappuccino builded
* Building GrowlCappuccino
* GrowlCappuccino builded
* Building VNCCappuccino
* VNCCappuccino builded
* Building StropheCappuccino
* StropheCappuccino builded
* Building iTunesTabView
* iTunesTabView builded
* Building MessageBoard
* MessageBoard builded
* Building LPKit
* LPKit builded
* Adding Cappuccino framework
* Cappuccino added
* Building ArchipelClient
* ArchipelClient built
* Exporting archipel to ~/Desktop/ArchipelRelease
* Archipel Client exported

Installation is now complete.

* Continue ? [y/n] :

You are done with Archipel Client

The builded version of Archipel Client is available to your export path. Just put it in a HTTP served directory (or with Safari/WebKit nightlies, you can even launch it as file:///) and you're ready to go.

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