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primalmotion edited this page Feb 13, 2011 · 13 revisions

Archipel comes with some utilities that can make your life easier.


This tool allow to create and configure the needed PubSub "/archipel/tags" used for central tags management. This tag MUST be created on the common pubsub server if you want tags to be shared all over the platform

arch-tagnode (c) 2010 Antoine Mercadal
this tool allows to create a new tags node. 
you should create this node using admin account (or a special dedicated account)

usage :
    arch-tagnode --jid aJid --password aPassword --pubsubserver pubsub.server [--create] [--delete]

    --jid           : set the JID to use
    --password      : set the password associated to the JID
    --pubsubserver  : set the pubsubserver to use. if not given it will be pubsub.[jid.getDomain()]
    --create, -c    : create the node (default action)
    --delete, -d    : delete the node
    --help, -h      : shows this message

You should use the admin account to create this node.


This tool allow to create and configure the needed PubSub "/archipel/roles" node used to store roles (permissions templates)

arch-rolesnode (c) 2010 Antoine Mercadal
this tool allows to create a new role node. 
you should create this node using admin account (or a special dedicated account)

usage :
    arch-rolesnode --jid aJid --password aPassword --pubsubserver pubsub.server [--create] [--delete]

    --jid           : set the JID to use
    --password      : set the password associated to the JID
    --pubsubserver  : set the pubsubserver to use. if not given it will be pubsub.[jid.getDomain()]
    --create, -c    : create the node (default action)
    --delete, -d    : delete the node
    --help, -h      : shows this message

You should use the admin account to create this node.


This tool allow to quickly change the XMPP domain of all virtual machines stored in the hypervisor's database. For example, if your domain was @olddomain you can use this tool to update to @newshinydomain.

update_xmpp_domain (c) 2010 Antoine Mercadal
This tool allows you to quicky change the domain of all virtual machines in a hypervisor database.

    update_xmpp_domain --file aFile --domain aDomain

    --file      : the sqlite3 file of hypervisor
    --domain    : the new domain to use
    --help, -h  : displays this message


This tool allows you to import already existing virtual machine into your hypervisor's archipel agent.

archipel-importvirtualmachine (c) 2010 Antoine Mercadal
this tool allows to import already existing libvirt virtual machine into Archipel.
Be sure to stop archipel agent before running this tool

usage :
    archipel-importvirtualmachine --file=sqlite3DB --uuid=aUUID --xmppserver=aServer --name=aName [--password=aPassword]
    --file          : the sqlite3 file of hypervisor
    --uuid          : the UUID of the exting libvirt machine
    --xmppserver    : the current Archipel's XMPP server
    --name          : the name you want to use for this virtual machine
    --password      : OPTIONAL, the password the VM should use to connect to XMPP server. Generated if ommitted
    --help, -h      : shows this message
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