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-# Mendix Kafka Module
-Connect your [Mendix](https://www.mendix.com) app to [Apache Kafka](http://kafka.apache.org/intro).
-## Usage
-This module allows you to:
- * [Produce data](#produce) in Kafka topics
- * [Consume data](#consume) from Kafka topics
- * [Stream data](#stream) between Kafka topics
-### Produce data
-Kafka Produce allows you to write data to a topic.
-To produce data, you need to start a producer. [All configuration options](http://kafka.apache.org/documentation/#producerconfigs) are available. However, the only configuration information it needs is the Kafka server to connect to and the topic to write to.
-You can send a key/value pair to Kafka with the 'Send to Kafka' action.
-### Consume data
-Kafka Consume allows you to read data from a topic.
-To consume data, you need to start a consumer. [All configuration options](http://kafka.apache.org/documentation/#newconsumerconfigs) are available. However, the only configuration information it needs is the Kafka server to connect to, the topic to read from, and a microflow.
-The microflow takes the following parameters:
- - offset (Long): The position of this record in the corresponding Kafka partition.
- - key (String): The key (or null if no key is specified)
- - value (String): The value
-The consumer calls the microflow for each message in the topic. If you only want to start the microflow for certain messages, you can use a [filtered processor](#filtered-processor)
-### Stream data
-Kafka Streams allows you to read data from one topic, and write data to another.
-To stream data between two topics, you need to start a processor. [All configuration options](http://kafka.apache.org/documentation/#streamsconfigs) are available. However, the only configuration information it needs is the Kafka server to connect to, the topic to read from, and a microflow.
-The microflow takes the following parameters:
- - offset (Long): The position of this record in the corresponding Kafka partition.
- - key (String): The key (or null if no key is specified)
- - value (String): The value
-It may return one of the following:
- - List of KeyValuePair: All these messages will be sent to the output topic.
- - KeyValuePair: This message will be sent to the output topic.
- - String: A message with that value (and no key) will be sent to the output topic
- - Nothing: No messages will be sent to the output topic.
-If you start a processor without an output topic, it behaves like a consumer in the sense that it only reads and does not write.
-The consumer calls the microflow for each message in the input topic.
-#### Filtering
-You can filter the messages that cause the microflow to execute by starting a _filtered processor_. This works for JSON messages only, and only when you want to filter on a specific part of the JSON message, such as a property value.
-### Shut down
-Make sure you call the 'Stop all Kafka connections' action before the app stops, for instance during the 'Before shutdown' microflow.
-## Features and limitations
-- Supports Producer, Consumer and Streams API's.
-- Allows all configuration options
-- Allows basic filtering for streams
-- Not (yet) integrated with the app's SSL certificates
-- More advanced filtering requires custom java
-- Works with Mendix 6.10.9 and up
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