[] Create variety of thumbnails using genai [] Post it [] Create Poll [] Read and Write replicas [] Use websocket and scale it [] Join the services using a api gateway [] Connect a logging and metrics dashboard
- We can separate the auth and user service. Auth for only authentication and user for managing details.
- Whenerver a new user signed in , publish an event and user will catch it and store it in the database.
- Expose crud endpoints from user, so that it can be consumed for mutating the details
- In thumbnail service, we are doing two tasks
- Thumbnail Generation using GenAI which is a long running task
- We can implement the whole this in two ways ->
- Dividing it into two service -> CRUD and Generation(long running). CRUD will take care of the user side and generation will complete and make internal service to service calls to the CRUD service
- Same service but using celery workers.
- Using the same service pattern using celery