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+# Reference

The content for the reference lives inside the /content/references folder. This folder has two subfolders:

  • The /translations folder contains a separate folder for every language with en being the default one.

The en folder should never be edited manually since it is auto-generated from the Processing and core libraries source codes.. This folder is divided into subfolders that correspond to each of the processing libraries and a processing folder that contains the core processing reference.

The subfolders:

  • /content/references/translations/en/io
  • /content/references/translations/en/net
  • /content/references/translations/en/processing
  • /content/references/translations/en/serial

are generated from the Processing 4 source code.

The subfolder /content/references/translations/en/sound is generated from the Sound source code.

The subfolder /content/references/translations/en/video is generated from the Video source code.

Libraries DFX Export, PDF Export and SVG Export don't have individual references so their pages are created from here.

  • The /examples folder contains all the examples used inside the references. They are organized in the same folder structure as the translations folder. These folders contain all the .pde and .png files necessary for the examples. Each example image should have a size of 800x800px and should be named after the corresponding example, e.g. the bezier_0.pde example has an image named bezier_0.png.

Adding content to the english reference

The content/references/translations/en folder contains two kinds of json files:

  • Processing API documentation: these files are generated from the processing4 repo using the Doclet script as explained below.
  • Java documentation: This includes keywords that are NOT part of the Processing API but good to include as a reference for learners. The += or /= operators and some Java keywords like void or static fall into that category for example. The corresponding json files must be edited manually within the processing-website repo.

In each source file, look for the @webref tag in the block comments. This tag means that the block will be picked up by the Doclet script and converted into a json file to be included on the website. Note: GitHub search only works for files smaller than 384 KB which means is NOT searchable using GitHub's code search feature.

* Description
* Advanced description
* @webref category:subcategory
* @webBrief
* ...

Description: this should be the main description of the reference. Note: if necessary you can look up the previous reference in the archived XML files located here under the <description> tag.

Advanced description: this is the advanced description that doesn't go on the webpage but in the in the expanded Java documentation. The advanced description starts with an html heading (e.g. <h3>Advanced:</h3>). Advanced description always goes below the Description, though not every reference has an advanced description.

@webref: tag that implies the reference goes on the website. It is followed by category and subcategory, if they exist, in the format category:subcategory. The category and subcategory are also in the XML files here under the and tag.

@webBrief: this is the short version of description, just one sentence which is usually the first sentence of the Description. If the first sentence is too long or doesn't explain the reference, you can change it for a summary of the whole description.

...: everything else that was already in the comment should stay there below the @webBrief tag

When you are done with your edits to the JavaDoc, commit your changes and follow these steps:

  1. Set up the environment and run the content script following these instructions.

  2. Publish the website

Reminder: If you are adding content to the reference that does not live in the processing source code (such as Java keywords and operators), you must manually edit the corresponding json files in content/references/translations/en.

Adding examples and examples images for references

The examples live inside the /content/references/examples/ folder. The main processing references are inside the folder processing and references for the libraries are in separate folders named as the library. For each reference (both for processing and libraries) there needs to be a folder, named exactly as the corresponding json file without the .json part (those files are in /content/references/translations/en/processing). The file should contain:

  • .pde files containing the code for the example. The code for the .pde files could be found either on the reference pages on the current website or in the .xml files here under the tag <example> (each example is under separate tag). Each library has its own folder starting with LIB_.
  • .png files if examples produce images. Images can be found here. Each example image should have a size of 800x800px. If the example has an image, then the code used to generate the images needs to be also updated on the corresponding .pde file with the new scales. The .pde and .png file for the same example should be named the same as the reference with the number of the example starting from 0 (e.g. for reference ammbientLight_ there are ammbientLight_0.pde and ammbientLight_1.pde and ammbientLight_0.png and ammbientLight_1.png).

For re-scaling the images and updating the examples codes the workflow should be:

  1. Modifying the scales of the example code on each of the .pde files (consider not only the canvas size but also the coordinates of the elements if any).
  2. Running the sketch on Processing and saving the new image (you can use a keyPressed handler and the native save function for this).
  3. Uploading the new images and the updated code on the corresponding foler.

Translating the reference

If you want to add a translation, copy the en folder, rename it to the language code1 and translate away. The individual files should also be renamed to include the code e.g. if the english reference file is bezier_.json, the german would be

Translations of the .pde example files in the reference should be added next to the english version .pde files in content/references/examples.

1 Language codes