- Integrate issues
- Integrate law support
- create tons of account with images
- check search engine module properly
- Stack: React, TypeScript, NextJS, TailwindCSS
- Frontend Application
- Has all the page of User Interface
- Has communcation with the services through API
- Has all the features of the application
- Has all the pages of the application
Run Command (Windows):
npm run dev
Fix Lint:
npm run lint
- Stack: Flask, AWS, MySQL
- Relationship based therapy blogs and tips
- Online law support
- Instant security on meetup [frontend]->
avoid this
- Report a problem
Run Command (Windows):
python -m flask --app app run --port=3700 --reload
Fix Lint:
python -m autopep8 --in-place --aggressive --aggressive app.py
Test command:
python -m flake8 app.py
- Stack: FastAPI, MySQL,MongoDB , Motor, Beanie
- Signup and profile registration
- login and logout token generation and expiration
- token check and authentication
- get data for profile
Run Command (Windows):
python -m uvicorn app:app --reload --port 3500
Fix Lint:
python -m autopep8 --in-place --aggressive --aggressive app.py
Test command:
python -m flake8 app.py
- Stack: NodeJS, MySQL
- Profile sorting based on tags (educational qualification, heights, age, location, Married/Divorced)
- Profile suggestion based on tags (location, age, likes/preferences)
- Boost Profile matching upon search depending on payment status
- Search history
- Favourite lists
Run Command (Windows):
npm run dev
Fix Lint:
npm run lint
- service done, no need to progress
- Stack: Python, Tesseract, OpenCV
- Optical Character Recognition
- Extract information from NID
Run command (Windows):
python -u main.py
- Stack: Python, Flask, MySQL
- Mock server for government services
- NID verification
Run Command (Windows):
python -m uvicorn app:app --reload --port 4100
Fix Lint:
python -m autopep8 --in-place --aggressive --aggressive app.py
Test command:
python -m flake8 app.py
- Stack: FastAPI, MySQL, AWS
- Signup and profile registration
- login and logout token generation and expiration
- token check and authentication
- get data for profile
with docker
docker-compose up --build
without docker (Windows)
python -m uvicorn app:app --reload --port 5600
Fix Lint:
python -m autopep8 --in-place --aggressive --aggressive app.py
Test command:
python -m flake8 app.py
Done: 25
In progress: 04
Not started: 05
- can create their profile and see their profile Done
- user has to send a request Done
- upload their images Done
- information restriction Done
- user can see other profiles Done
Profile Verification:
- NID upload for both male/female Done
- Information extraction from NID using OCR Done
- Account approval upon NID Verification Done
- Marriage/Divorce Certificate for Male users Done
- Divorce certificate form Female users Done
Search System:
- Profile sorting based on tags (educational qualification, heights, age, location, Married/Divorced) Done
- Customized profile searching Done
- Profile suggestion based on tags (location, age, likes/preferences) Done
- Boost Profile matching upon search depending on payment status Not started
- Favourite lists In progress
Blogs and other features:
- relationship based therapy blogs and tips Done
- online law support Done
- instant security on meetup Not started
- report a problem Done
Optical Character Recognition:
- Extract information from NID Done
- Extract information from Marriage/Divorce Certificate In progress
- Extract information from Driving License Not started
Payment service:
- SSLCommerz integration Done
- encrypted form submission
- payment history In progress
- profile boosting and third party advertisements Not started
- advertisement removal upon payment Not started
Signup and profile registration Done
login and logout token generation and expiration Done
token check and authentication Done
get data for profile Done Revisions:
Complete check of searching. Done
Implement payment frontend form. Done
ToC, Privacy Policy, About, Support pages. In progress
- All data get api not working in government mock server In progress
- Need to remove detils from government mock server Done
- Need to add more data in government mock server for testing Done