The A-star Vienna Team (short form: A*V) creates bespoke software solutions for astronomical instrumentation projects.
Currently we are involved in several data-flow projects for the MICADO and METIS consortia. The software we are developing will contribute to the data wrangling stack for the European Extremely Large Telescope.
For more information, please contact us at [email protected]
- 2022 July: Changes to downloadable content server - Upgrade instructions
- ScopeSim (Docs) (Github)
- ScopeSim_templates (Docs) (Github)
- Instrument Reference Database (Docs) (Github)
- AnisoCADO (Docs) (Github)
- SpeXtra (Docs) (Github)
- Pyckles (Docs) (Github)
- skycalc_ipy (Docs) (Github)
An overview of the current status of testing and documentation for each project
Just some ideas about how the group could function effectively.
When referencing a package from the A-star Vienna library, please add one of the following tag lines at the beginning of the documentation:
Another tool by the [A* Vienna software team](<img src="" height="30" align="middle">
Another tool by the [A* Vienna software team][AstarV Link]
[AstarV Link]:
|logo| Another tool from the `A* Vienna software team <>`_
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:height: 30px
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