is an open-source WhatsApp bot written and enhanced by AstroX11 to facilitate lazy WhatsApp users like yourself and me. The original purpose of this project was, personally for me, to develop my JavaScript skills. Since you guys like my work, I decided to continue improving and maintaining this project. I hope someone will sponsor me one day, lol.
If you want to modify the source code, you are free to do so according to the license. However, I will not take responsibility for any unethical actions you take using this software, as it was originally made for educational purposes. I strongly oppose any form of misuse, abuse, or threats.
I want my Own Session Generator ?
Want to help? Fork the repo, create a pull request, and ensure everything works.
This is my first JavaScript project—expect some bugs. This project is not affiliated with WhatsApp. For official WhatsApp, visit whatsapp.com.