Ansible galaxy role to deploy Grafana in docker
The following packages have to be installed and well configured on the host :
The following variables should be set to specify the datasources Grafana should connect to :
datasources: [] # datasources is a list of dictionaries containing the following keys : datasource_name, datasource_type, datasource_database, datasource_hostname and datasource_port
Some more explanations : datasource_name: "" # must be unique, but whatever you like datasource_type: "" # can be CloudWatch, Elasticsearch, Graphite, InfluxDB, MySQL, OpenTSDB, PostgreSQL or Prometheus datasource_database: "" datasource_hostname: "" # hostname of the server the db is running on datasource_port: "" # database port
grafana_container_name: "grafana"
grafana_docker_networks: []
grafana_container_restart_policy: "always"
grafana_conf_location: "/opt/docker-data/{{ grafana_container_name }}/conf"
grafana_dashboards_location: "/opt/docker-data/{{ grafana_container_name }}/dashboards"
grafana_dashboards_location_on_container: "/home/dashboards" # directory where to store/load dashboards on container
grafana_dashboards_location variable defines the location on host where dashboard (json files) should be put. None exist by default. You would then need to add a play in tasks/main.yml to copy your dashbords to host. This could look like this :
- name: "Copy dashbords folder"
become: true
src: some/relative/path/on/source/host
dest: /some/absolute/path/on/destination/host
Finally, grafana admin password (in defaults/main.yml file) can be updated in secret.yml file that should be in .gitignore file
grafana_admin_password: "admin"
Checkout tests/test.yml file :
- hosts: localhost
- ../ansible-role-grafana-in-docker
Usage :
ansible-playbook tests/test.yml --ask-become-pass -e grafana_conf_location="$(pwd)/.workdir/conf" -e grafana_dashboards_location_on_host="$(pwd)/.workdir/dashboards" -e datasource_hostname="influx" -e datasource_port="1234"
On MacsOS due to Docker Machine root limitation, add : -e ansible_become_user="$(whoami)"