diff --git a/code/game/objects/structures/stool_bed_chair_nest/bed.dm b/code/game/objects/structures/stool_bed_chair_nest/bed.dm
index 95f70b48dcd..ca85d0ebfb7 100644
--- a/code/game/objects/structures/stool_bed_chair_nest/bed.dm
+++ b/code/game/objects/structures/stool_bed_chair_nest/bed.dm
@@ -576,13 +576,132 @@
held_item = /obj/item/roller/hover
has_iv_light = FALSE
+ /**
+ * The color of light the hoverbed emits
+ */
+ var/hover_color = LIGHT_COLOR_CYAN
+ /**
+ * The cell powering the hoverbed
+ */
+ var/obj/item/cell/cell
+ /**
+ * The power drained from the bed every second
+ */
+ var/power_draw = 10
+ /**
+ * If the hovermode is active
+ */
+ var/hover = TRUE
+ /**
+ * If the power cell is accessible or not
+ */
+ var/cell_open = FALSE
+ /**
+ * Our cell's last amount of charge
+ */
+ var/last_cell_charge
- set_light(2,1,LIGHT_COLOR_CYAN)
+ set_light(2,1,hover_color)
+ if(!cell || !cell.charge)
+ hover = FALSE
+ if(cell)
+ last_cell_charge = cell.charge
+ START_PROCESSING(SSprocessing, src)
+ STOP_PROCESSING(SSprocessing, src)
+ QDEL_NULL(cell)
+ return ..()
+// Same as parent, but doesn't kill processing (We need that for power drain)
+/obj/structure/bed/roller/hover/detach_iv(mob/living/carbon/human/target, mob/user)
+ user.visible_message(SPAN_NOTICE("[user] takes [target] off the IV on \the [src]."), SPAN_NOTICE("You take the IV off \the [target]."))
+ iv_attached = FALSE
+ update_icon()
+ . = ..()
+ if(!last_cell_charge)
+ return . //If we've didn't have charge last time, no need for more checks. Prevents spamming out of power messages.
+ if(!hover && cell && cell.charge)
+ hover = TRUE
+ visible_message(SPAN_WARNING("\The [src] rises from the floor as its hover thrusters kick in."))
+ update_icon()
+ if(hover && cell)
+ cell.use(power_draw * seconds_per_tick)
+ if((!cell || !cell.charge))
+ hover = FALSE
+ visible_message(SPAN_WARNING("\The [src] falls the the floor as its hover thrusters cut out."))
+ update_icon()
+ last_cell_charge = 0
+ return . // Even if we are dead, we shouldn't stop the roller IV from working
+ else if(cell.charge <= cell.maxcharge/10 && last_cell_charge > cell.maxcharge/10) // Only do this is we're at 10% or less AND we used to be above 10%
+ playsound(src, 'sound/machines/twobeep.ogg', 50)
+ visible_message(SPAN_WARNING("\The [src] beeps a warning: 10% charge remaining!"))
+ last_cell_charge = cell.charge
+ return TRUE // Even if the normal roller functions want to kill, we are still processing
+ if(cell)
+ cell.charge = 0 //Drain cell
+ return ..()
+/obj/structure/bed/roller/hover/collapse() // Same as parent, but we need to update the collapsed one's power cell
+ usr.visible_message(SPAN_NOTICE("[usr] collapses \the [src]."), SPAN_NOTICE("You collapse \the [src]"))
+ var/obj/item/roller/hover/H = new held_item(get_turf(src))
+ H.cell_open = cell_open
+ H.cell = cell
+ cell.forceMove(H)
+ cell = null
+ qdel(src)
+/obj/structure/bed/roller/hover/attackby(obj/item/attacking_item, mob/user)
+ . = ..()
+ if(attacking_item.isscrewdriver())
+ cell_open = !cell_open
+ to_chat(user, SPAN_NOTICE("You [cell_open ? "open" : "close"] the powercell panel on \the [src]."))
+ if(cell_open && !cell && istype(attacking_item, /obj/item/cell))
+ cell = attacking_item
+ user.drop_from_inventory(cell, src)
+ to_chat(user, SPAN_NOTICE("You insert \the [cell] into \the [src]."))
+ last_cell_charge = cell.charge
+ START_PROCESSING(SSprocessing, src)
+ . = ..()
+ if(cell_open && cell)
+ user.put_in_hands(cell)
+ to_chat(user, SPAN_NOTICE("You remove \the [cell] from \the [src]."))
+ cell = null
+ if(!hover)
+ icon_state = "[base_icon]_off"
+ if(buckled)
+ buckled.pixel_y = 0
+ if(hover)
+ . = ..()
+ if(buckled && !buckled.pixel_y)
+ buckled.pixel_y = patient_shift
+ if(!hover)
+ return ..()
+ name = "zeng-hu hoverbed"
+ desc = "A medical hoverbed, designed by Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals in conjunction with the Nralakk Federation."
+ icon_state = "zeng_down"
+ base_icon = "zeng"
+ held_item = /obj/item/roller/hover/zeng
+ hover_color = LIGHT_COLOR_VIOLET
+ power_draw = 20 //Twice as power thirsty as the skrell ones
name = "roller bed"
desc = "A collapsed roller bed that can be carried around."
@@ -597,14 +716,6 @@
var/origin_type = /obj/structure/bed/roller
- name = "medical hoverbed"
- desc = "A collapsed hoverbed that can be carried around."
- icon_state = "hover_folded"
- base_icon = "hover"
- item_state = "rbed_hover"
- origin_type = /obj/structure/bed/roller/hover
deploy_roller(user, user.loc)
@@ -633,6 +744,71 @@
+ name = "medical hoverbed"
+ desc = "A collapsed hoverbed that can be carried around."
+ icon_state = "hover_folded"
+ base_icon = "hover"
+ item_state = "rbed_hover"
+ origin_type = /obj/structure/bed/roller/hover
+ /**
+ * The cell powering the hoverbed
+ */
+ var/obj/item/cell/cell
+ /**
+ * The type of cell to start with
+ */
+ var/cell_type = /obj/item/cell/hyper // 50 minutes of charge. These are for mapping, so should be functional initially
+ /**
+ * If the power cell is accessible or not
+ */
+ var/cell_open = FALSE
+/obj/item/roller/hover/Initialize(mapload, ...)
+ . = ..()
+ if(cell_type)
+ cell = new cell_type(src)
+ QDEL_NULL(cell)
+ return ..()
+/obj/item/roller/hover/attackby(obj/item/attacking_item, mob/user)
+ . = ..()
+ if(attacking_item.isscrewdriver())
+ cell_open = !cell_open
+ to_chat(user, SPAN_NOTICE("You [cell_open ? "open" : "close"] the powercell panel on \the [src]."))
+ if(cell_open && !cell && istype(attacking_item, /obj/item/cell))
+ cell = attacking_item
+ user.drop_from_inventory(cell, src)
+ to_chat(user, SPAN_NOTICE("You insert \the [cell] into \the [src]."))
+ if(cell_open && cell)
+ user.put_in_hands(cell)
+ to_chat(user, SPAN_NOTICE("You remove \the [cell] from \the [src]."))
+ cell = null
+ return
+ . = ..()
+/obj/item/roller/hover/deploy_roller(mob/user, atom/location) // Same as parent, but we need to update the deployed one's power cell
+ var/obj/structure/bed/roller/hover/R = new origin_type(location)
+ R.add_fingerprint(user)
+ R.cell_open = cell_open
+ R.cell = cell
+ cell.forceMove(R)
+ cell = null
+ qdel(src)
+ name = "zeng-hu hoverbed"
+ desc = "A collapsed zeng-hu hoverbed that can be carried around. Designed by Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals in conjunction with the Nralakk Federation."
+ icon_state = "zeng_folded"
+ base_icon = "zeng"
+ item_state = "rbed_zeng"
+ origin_type = /obj/structure/bed/roller/hover/zeng
+ cell_type = null // As these are the ones research can print, they shouldn't start with a cell
name = "roller bed rack"
desc = "A rack for carrying a collapsed roller bed."
@@ -677,10 +853,15 @@
var/initial_beds = 4
+ /**
+ * The type path of the beds to spawn initially
+ */
+ var/initial_bed_type = /obj/item/roller
. = ..()
for(var/_ in 1 to initial_beds)
- var/obj/item/roller/RB = new /obj/item/roller(src)
+ var/obj/item/roller/RB = new initial_bed_type(src)
held += RB
diff --git a/code/modules/research/designs/protolathe/medical_designs.dm b/code/modules/research/designs/protolathe/medical_designs.dm
index ab42fee37cd..186f1f2595e 100644
--- a/code/modules/research/designs/protolathe/medical_designs.dm
+++ b/code/modules/research/designs/protolathe/medical_designs.dm
@@ -96,6 +96,13 @@
build_path = /obj/item/reagent_containers/personal_inhaler_cartridge/bluespace
+ name = "Zeng-Hu Hoverbed"
+ desc = "A medical hoverbed, designed by Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals in conjunction with the Nralakk Federation."
+ req_tech = list(TECH_MAGNET = 5, TECH_BIO = 5)
+ materials = list(DEFAULT_WALL_MATERIAL = 15000, MATERIAL_GLASS = 5000, MATERIAL_SILVER = 2000)
+ build_path = /obj/item/roller/hover/zeng
p_category = "Advanced Beaker Design"
diff --git a/html/changelogs/zenghoverbed.yml b/html/changelogs/zenghoverbed.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e7a4dacf844
--- /dev/null
+++ b/html/changelogs/zenghoverbed.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+author: Sparky_hotdog
+delete-after: True
+ - rscadd: "Added a Zeng-Hu hoverbed variant, able to be produced by R&D."
+ - rscadd: "Both regular and Zeng-Hu hoverbeds require a powercell to function now. Zeng-Hu beds are more powerhungry."
diff --git a/icons/obj/rollerbed.dmi b/icons/obj/rollerbed.dmi
index 8123e652a50..90874197089 100644
Binary files a/icons/obj/rollerbed.dmi and b/icons/obj/rollerbed.dmi differ