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Colour model conversion library.

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Currently supported colour models:

  • 8 bit RGB - most used colour model, described by three bytes corresponding to red, green and blue values. Possible values for each colour component are from 0 to 255. 8 bit RGB colour model is represented by RGB8 interface and sRGB colour profile with D65 illuminant is assumed. Support for different colour profiles and illuminants will be implemented in the future.
  • Floating point RGB - RGBF interface represents the same colour model as RGB8 but uses floating point number ranging from 0.0 to 1.0. All colour conversion formulas work with this RGB representation.
  • HSL - this model describes colour with Hue, Saturation and Luminosity components. Hue component corresponds to colour wheel and its value is a float number ranging from 0.0 to 360.0. Saturation and luminosity components are float numbers ranging from 0.0 to 1.0.
  • HSV is a sister colour model to HSL with Hue, Saturation and Value components. HSV values are represented in the same way as HSL values.
  • XYZ - this is a complex mathematical colour model in which X, Y, and Z components do not directly represent any familiar physical properties of colour. I'll be honest here - I have no idea how it works. All three components are described by three float numbers starting at 0.0. They don't have any defined upper limit.
  • CIE-Lab - D65 at 2 degrees illuminant is assumed, which corresponds to sRGB.

It is also possible to convert RGB8 to hexadecimal representation.


You can use your favourite nodejs package manager, the name of the library is lib-colorifium.

npm example:

$ npm i --save lib-colorifium

Yarn example:

$ yarn add lib-colorifium


lib-colorifium is written in TypeScript so it is possible to use it in any web or nodejs project. Type definitions are supplied as part of the library as well.

JavaScript example:

const orchid = { r: 153, g: 50, b: 204 };
const hslOrchid = FromRGB8.toHSL(orchid);
console.log(`RGB(${orchid.r}, ${orchid.g}, ${orchid.b}) in HSL(${hslOrchid.h}, ${hslOrchid.s}, ${hslOrchid.l})`);

The same code will work perfectly in TypeScript project as well. Working JS and TS examples can be found in demo folder.



FromRGBF class contains static methods to convert RGBF colours into all other colour models. This is a base class which knows how to convert RGB colours into everything else. If you want to convert HSL to XYZ for example, you have to convert HSL to RGBF first and then convert this value to XYZ. Some most used direct conversion paths will be implemented in the future.

export declare class FromRGBF {
    static toRGB8(rgb: RGBF): RGB8;
    static toRGB8(r: number, g: number, b: number): RGB8;

    static toHSL(rgb: RGBF): HSL;
    static toHSL(r: number, g: number, b: number): HSL;

    static toHSV(rgb: RGBF): HSV;
    static toHSV(r: number, g: number, b: number): HSV;

    static toXYZ(rgb: RGBF): XYZ;
    static toXYZ(r: number, g: number, b: number): XYZ;

    static toLab(rgb: RGBF): Lab;
    static toLab(r: number, g: number, b: number): Lab;


This class contains static methods to convert RGB8 (8 bit RGB) colours into all other colour models. FromRGBF is used behind the scenes in most cases. toHex() method converts RGB colour to its hexadecimal representation. toRGBAHex() and toARGBHex() convert to hexadecimal representation with alpha component (0-255) placed as suffix (CSS notation) and prefix (Android notation) respectively. toCssRgba() and toCssRgb() will convert RGB colour to its CSS RGB notation with or without alpha component (0-255).

Please note that alpha components should be specified in the same format as other colour components as 8 bit integer number with a range from 0 to 255!

export declare class FromRGB8 {
    static toRGBF(rgb: RGB8): RGBF;
    static toRGBF(r: number, g: number, b: number): RGBF;

    static toHSL(rgb: RGB8): HSL;
    static toHSL(r: number, g: number, b: number): HSL;

    static toHSV(rgb: RGB8): HSV;
    static toHSV(r: number, g: number, b: number): HSV;

    static toXYZ(rgb: RGB8): XYZ;
    static toXYZ(r: number, g: number, b: number): XYZ;

    static toHex(rgb: RGB8): string;
    static toHex(r: number, g: number, b: number): string;

    static toRGBAHex(rgb: RGB8, alpha: number): string;
    static toRGBAHex(r: number, g: number, b: number, a: number): string;

    static toARGBHex(rgb: RGB8, alpha: number): string;
    static toARGBHex(r: number, g: number, b: number, a: number): string;

    static toCssRgba(rgb: RGB8, alpha: number): string;
    static toCssRgba(r: number, g: number, b: number, alpha: number): string;

    static toLab(rgb: RGBF): Lab;
    static toLab(r: number, g: number, b: number): Lab;


This class contains static methods to convert hexadecimal RGB colour representation into RGB8. Both RRGGBB and RGB CSS style notations are supported.

export declare class FromHex {
    static toRGB8(hex: string): RGB8;


This class contains static methods to convert HSL colours into RGB8 and RGBF.

export declare class FromHSL {
    static toRGBF(hsl: HSL): RGBF;
    static toRGBF(h: number, s: number, l: number): RGBF;

    static toRGB8(hsl: HSL): RGB8;
    static toRGB8(h: number, s: number, l: number): RGB8;


This class contains static methods to convert HSV colours into RGB8 and RGBF.

export declare class FromHSV {
    static toRGBF(hsv: HSV): RGBF;
    static toRGBF(h: number, s: number, v: number): RGBF;

    static toRGB8(hsv: HSV): RGB8;
    static toRGB8(h: number, s: number, v: number): RGB8;


This class contains static methods to convert XYZ colours into RGB8, RGBF and Lab.

export declare class FromXYZ {
    static toRGBF(xyz: XYZ): RGBF;
    static toRGBF(x: number, y: number, z: number): RGBF;

    static toRGB8(xyz: XYZ): RGB8;
    static toRGB8(x: number, y: number, z: number): RGB8;

    static toLab(xyz: XYZ): Lab;
    static toLab(x: number, y: number, z: number): Lab;


This class contains static methods to convert CIE-Lab colours into RGB8, RGBF and XYZ.

export declare class FromLab {
    static toXYZ(lab: Lab): XYZ;
    static toXYZ(l: number, a: number, b: number): XYZ;

    static toRGBF(lab: Lab): RGBF;
    static toRGBF(l: number, a: number, b: number): RGBF;

    static toRGB8(lab: Lab): RGB8;
    static toRGB8(l: number, a: number, b: number): RGB8;

Declared interfaces

These interfaces describe structures used to represent different colour models.

export interface RGB8 {
    r: number;
    g: number;
    b: number;

export interface RGBF {
    r: number;
    g: number;
    b: number;

export interface HSL {
    h: number;
    s: number;
    l: number;

export interface HSV {
    h: number;
    s: number;
    v: number;

export interface XYZ {
    x: number;
    y: number;
    z: number;

export interface Lab {
  l: number;
  a: number;
  b: number;


Following resources were used to write this library: