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Avail Gradle Plugin

The Avail Gradle Plugin, avail-plugin, provides Avail-based project setup using a Gradle Plugin. It can be found on Github.


The plugin provides:

  • Initializes your Avail Roots directory, or uses a default.
  • Initializes your Avail Repositories directory, or uses a default.
  • Optionally includes the Avail Standard Library, avail:avail-stdlib, either the most recent version or the version of your choice as an Avail Root for your Avail project by default but permits opting out of using the Avail Standard Library.
  • A human-readable printable configuration of your Avail Project.
  • Provides access to Gradle task that will launch a customizable Avail Workbench.


To make the plugin accessible you must insure you include the following in the repositories' area of your Gradle settings.gradle.kts:


pluginManagement {
	repositories {
		// Adds the gradle plugin portal back to the plugin repositories as
		// this is removed (overridden) by adding any repository here.
        // NOTE as of 5/13/2022 the plugin has yet to be published to the gradle
        // plugin repository and as such must be imported from a local repo.
} = "plugin-test"


pluginManagement {
	repositories {
		// Adds the gradle plugin portal back to the plugin repositories as
		// this is removed (overridden) by adding any repository here.
      // NOTE as of 5/13/2022 the plugin has yet to be published to the gradle
      // plugin repository and as such must be imported from a local repo.
} "plugin-test"

To include the plugin, you must add the plugin id, avail.avail-plugin and provide the corresponding plugin release version in your Gradle build file. The following is an example that uses the version 1.6.1.rc1:


id("avail.avail-plugin") version "1.6.1.rc1"


id 'avail.avail-plugin' version '1.6.1.rc1'


The plugin adds the ability to add Avail source libraries as dependency jars that need to be resolved in the dependencies section of the build file. Use the configuration availLibrary. For example:

dependencies {
    // Will be added as a library in your roots directory

The plugin adds the Project extension, AvailExtension, to the host project. This is added at the top level of the buildscript using the keyword, avail.

avail {
	// Custom configuration goes here

Inside the avail { ... } block is where you can configure your Avail project. The following are the options available for configuration:

  • rootsDirectory (string)- The absolute filepath to the base roots' directory where your Avail project's roots are located. Defaults to "$projectDir/avail/roots".

  • repositoryDirectory (string)- The absolute path to the directory to place your build .repo files for the included Avail roots. Defaults to "$projectDir/avail/repositories".

  • useAvailStdLib (AvailStandardLibrary.() -> Unit) - A function that accepts a lambda that allows for the configuration of the AvailStandardLibrary pulled in as a jar, avail-stdlib-<VERSION>.jar as an Avail root jar with the same version as this plugin which will be copied into the rootsDirectoryand included as a root in the Avail Workbench when it is
    launched (see assembleAndRunWorkbench task in the Plugin Tasks section). The fields that can be configured in the body of the lambda are:

    • name (string)- The name of the root for the standard library actually defaults to "avail". It only needs to be set if the root should be named something other than "avail".
    • jarLibBaseName (string) - The base name the avail-stdlib jar file that should be named without the .jar extension. This will be used to construct the Avail root uri.
    • stdlibVersion (string) - The version of the avail-stdlib:<VERSION> to use. By default, the most recently released version is used indicated by the version being set to +. This function must be called in order for the Avail standard library to be included as a root. If no customization is needed, this function should be called with an empty lambda:
  useAvailStdLib {}
  • root (name: string, optional uri: string, optional action: lambda) - Function that adds an AvailRoot to the project. The URI indicates the file location of the root directory as a file directory or a jar file. This root will be included in the Avail Workbench whenassembleAndRunWorkbench is launched. This does not result in copying the root to therootsDirectory, it only points to location of the root. You can add an optional lambda that accepts the created AvailRootand is executed when the task initializeAvail is run (see Avail Plugin Tasks). Defaults the uri to the "$rootsDirectory/$name"`` and defaults action` to an empty lambda.

  • createRoot (rootName: string) - Function that adds an AvailRoot that is created if it does not already exist when initializeAvail is run. It returns the CreateRoot so that it may be initialized. CreateRoot can be customized using the following:

    • module (name: string, fileExtension: string = ".avail") - Function that creates and answers an Avail Module at the top level of the root directory. It takes the base module name, an optional fileExtension (uses "avail" by default). The following options can be set on it:
      • moduleHeaderCommentBody (string)- The raw text to be included in the file header comment.
      • versions (string list) - The list of versions to be included in the Avail Module header's Versions section.
      • extends (string list) - The list of Avail Modules to be included in the Avail Module header's Extends section.
      • uses (string list) - The list of Avail Modules to be included in the Avail Module header's Uses section.
    • modulePackage (name: string, fileExtension: string)- Function that creates and answers an Avail Module package (directory) at the top level of the root directory. It takes the base module name, an optional file extension (uses "avail" by default). It creates both the package directory and creates the representative Module in that directory. The same options can be set on the returned module as were set for the module function.
  • moduleHeaderCommentBodyFile (string)- The absolute path to a file containing the raw file comment header that may optionally be included in the AvailModules generated by the createRoot function.

  • moduleHeaderCommentBody (string) - Optionally include in the comment header that may optionally be included in the AvailModules generated by the createRoot function. This takes precedence over moduleHeaderCommentBodyFile.

Dependency Configuration

The plugin also adds the custom Configuration, availWorkbench, to the host project. Any dependency added to the availWorkbench configuration in the dependencies section of the build script will be included in the build of the workbench launched by the task, assembleAndRunWorkbench (See Plugin Tasks section).

dependencies { 
    // This adds the listed dependencies to the custom build of the 
    // workbench fat jar launched from the task assembleAndRunWorkbench

Plugin Tasks

The section details the tasks created by the Avail Plugin as well as the task types made available.

Task Types

The Avail plugin provides some custom Gradle Tasks, AvailWorkbenchTask.


This allows you to create a task that launches a workbench (avail:avail-workbench:<VERSION>). An Avail workbench is launched by creating a fatjar that includes all the necessary dependencies for it to run. The jar is placed in $buildDir/workbench.

Just like any other Gradle task, this task can be configured. You can use dependsOn if there are any tasks that should be run before building your custom workbench jar, such as dependsOn(jar) if the workbench is to include the root project's built jar file.

Everytime the workbench is launched, it prints the details of the launch to standard out. Here are the options for configuring AvailWorkbenchTask.

  • workbenchJarBaseName (string)- Provides a custom name for the workbench jar created by this task. Defaults to the name provided for the task. Jar will be placed in "$buildDir/workbench".

  • workbenchVersion (string) - The version of the Avail Workbench to use to create the custom workbench to be launched (avail:avail-workbench:<VERSION>).

  • rebuildWorkbenchJar (boolean) - true indicates the jar should be rebuilt every time the task is run; false indicates that the jar will not be recreated if it exists. The task is defaulted to false.

  • repositoryDirectory (string)- The directory to place your build .repo files for the Avail roots used by the workbench. This defaults to the repositoryDirecyory listed in the avail extension configuration body.

  • maximumJavaHeap (string)- The maximum heap size that will be presented as a VM option upon running an Avail Workbench. -Xmx will be prefixed with the provided option. You must provide a value of the format: <size>[g|G|m|M|k|K]. The default value is set to "6g".

  • workbenchJarDependencies(dependency: string) - Add a local Jar as a dependency to be included in the "workbenchJarBaseName".jar (fatjar). The dependency should be the absolute path to the jar to be included.

  • dependency (string) - The string that identifies the dependency such as org.package:myLibrary:2.3.1.

  • dependency (Dependency) - The Dependency to include such as dependency(project.dependencies.project(":avail-java-ffi")).

  • vmOption (option: string) - A function that adds a VM option for running the jar.

  • root (name: string, uri: string) - Add function that accepts and Avail root name and its URI to the workbench when it runs.


The following tasks are created by the Avail plugin and placed in theavail task group when the plugin is applied.

Avail Plugin Tasks

  • initializeAvail - Initializes the Avail project. It will create both the roots' and repositories' directories if they don't exist. It will also move the avail-stdlib jar into the roots' directory if useAvailStdLib is set configured (see Configuration section). It creates the roots specified in the avail extension through the createRoot function. It will also run the arbitrary lambdas included with the root functions (see Configuration section). This is only run if a user explicitly runs it. The following is the result of running initializeAvail for the example included at the end of this README.

    Generated Output

  • assembleAndRunWorkbench - This is the default AvailWorkbenchTask provided by the plugin. It uses the following settings:

    • All Avail roots included in the avail extension block (added by root and createRoot options) will be the Avail roots the workbench starts up pointed to.
    • The jar will be called workbench.jar.
    • The jar will not be rebuilt if it exists (rebuildWorkbenchJar = false)
    • Will include all dependencies added to the availWorkbench configuration in the dependencies section of the build script.
    • Includes no local jar dependencies (workbenchJarDependencies is empty by default.)
    • The task does not depend on any other task.
    • Is provided maximum heap space of 6g (maximumJavaHeap = "6g").
    • In addition to the VM option that adds in the Avail roots, it starts using these options:
      • -ea
      • -XX:+UseCompressedOops
      • -DavailDeveloper=true
  • printAvailConfig - Prints the Avail configuration details to standard out. Note that this will provide you with the VM arguments needed to have the Avail Runtime point to your Avail project roots and repository when running your application. This can be found in the printed section, VM Arguments to include for Avail Runtime:. The following is an example of the output of this task:

========================= Avail Configuration =========================
    Standard Library Version: 1.6.1.rc1
    Repository Location: /Users/MyUser/Development/MyProject/avail/repositories
    VM Arguments to include for Avail Runtime:
      • -DavailRoots=avail=jar:/Users/Rich/Development/Avail/samples/sample-project/avail/my-roots/avail-stdlib.jar;my-avail-root=/Users/Rich/Development/Avail/samples/sample-project/avail/my-roots/my-avail-root
      • -Davail.repositories=/Users/Rich/Development/Avail/samples/sample-project/avail/my-repos
    Roots Location: /Users/MyUser/Development/MyProject/avail/my-roots
    Included Roots:
      -avail: jar:/Users/MyUser/Development/MyProject/avail/my-roots/avail-stdlib.jar
      -imported-library: jar:/Users/Some/Place/Else/imported-library.jar
      -my-avail-root: /Users/MyUser/Development/MyProject/avail/my-roots/my-avail-root
    Created Roots:
        Package Root
          as: myJar.jar
          export to: /Users/Rich/Development/Avail/samples/sample-project/build/libs
        Root Contents:
          |- App.avail
          |-- App.avail
          |-- Configurations.avail
          |-- Network.avail
          |--- Network.avail
          |--- Server.avail
          |- Scripts.avail


The following is an example build.gradle.kts file that uses the Avail Plugin. You can see a full project example in sample-project.

import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.KotlinCompile

plugins {
	kotlin("jvm") version "1.6.21" 
        // Add the Avail plugin
	id("avail.avail-plugin") version "1.6.1.rc1"

group = "avail.sample"
version = "1.0.0"

repositories {
    // mavenCentral is needed to resolve internal dependencies.

dependencies { 
    // This adds the listed dependency to the custom build of the workbench fat
    // jar.

avail {
    useStdAvailLib {
      // The name of the root for the standard library actually defaults to
      // "avail", so it is not necessary to include this line.
      name = "avail"
      // The base name the `avail-stdlib` jar file that should be named
      // without the `.jar` extension. This will be used to construct the
      // [AvailRoot.uri]. Not setting this will default jar name to be the
      // jar as it is retrieved from maven:
      //    `avail-stdlib-<AVAIL BUILD VERSION>.jar
      jarLibBaseName = "avail-stdlib"
      // OPTIONAL: The specific Avail Standard Library version. If not 
      // explicitly set, the most recently released version of the standard 
      // library will be used. The most recent version being used is indicated
      // by a version set to `+`.
      stdlibVersion = "1.5.11"

    // Specify the roots directory where the roots should be located. This will
    // default to `"$projectDir/.avail/roots"` if not specified.
    rootsDirectory = "$projectDir/avail/my-roots"

    // The directory to place your build `.repo` files for the included 
    // Avail roots. This will default to `"$projectDir/.avail/repositories"` if
    // not specified.
    repositoryDirectory = "$projectDir/avail/my-repos"
    // Point to a file that contains the file header comment body to be used
    // by all generated modules.
    moduleHeaderCommentBodyFile = "$projectDir/copyright.txt"

    // Add this new root to the roots directory and create it. Will only create
    // files in this root that do not already exist.
    createRoot("my-avail-root").apply {
      // Create module file header text.
      val customHeader =
        "Copyright © 1993-2022, The Avail Foundation, LLC.\n" +
                "All rights reserved."
      // Enables this root to be packaged as a jar using the `packageRoots` task
      packageContext =
        AvailLibraryPackageContext("myJar", "$buildDir/libs").apply {
          // Key-value pairs to add to the manifest
          manifestPairs["some-key"] = "some-value"
          // Lambda that is run after the package is created.
          postPackageAction = {
              "Hi there, this is where the file is: ${it.absolutePath}")
        // Creates a module package and package representative
        modulePackage("App").apply { 
          // The versions to list in the Avail header
          versions = listOf("Avail-1.6.0")
          // The modules to extend in the Avail header.
          extends = listOf("Avail", "Configurations", "Network")
          // Add a module inside the `App` module package.
          addModule("Configurations").apply {
          // The versions to list in the Avail header
          versions = listOf("Avail-1.6.0")
          // The modules to list in the uses section in the Avail header.
          uses = listOf("Avail")
          // Override the module header comment from 
          // moduleHeaderCommentBodyFile
          moduleHeaderCommentBody = customHeader

        // Add a module package to this module package.
        addModulePackage("Network").apply {
          println("Setting up Network.avail")
          versions = listOf("Avail-1.6.0")
          uses = listOf("Avail")
          extends = listOf("Server")
          moduleHeaderCommentBody = customHeader
          addModule("Server").apply {
            versions = listOf("Avail-1.6.0")
            uses = listOf("Avail")
            moduleHeaderCommentBody = customHeader
        // Creates a module at the top level of the root.
        module("Scripts").apply {
            versions = listOf("Avail-1.0.6")
            uses = listOf("Avail")
            moduleHeaderCommentBody = customHeader
    // Adds a root that will not be located in the `rootsDirectory`. 
    root("imported-library", "jar:/Users/Some/Place/Else/imported-library.jar")
      // Will be run as part of the initialize task
      println("imported-library action has run!!!")
tasks {
    // This task is constructed by default as a way to launch the Avail 
    // workbench which includes all the Avail roots specified in the `avail`
    // extension above. It is of type
    assembleAndRunWorkbench {
        // This task is used to build and launch the Avail Workbench. In this
        // example, the `dependsOn(jar)` is used as the Workbench fatjar is to
        // include this sample project's jar file (see the included 
        // workbenchDependency above). This is only needed if you require a 
        // task be complete before the Workbench jar is built.
        // This task is customizable in the same manner as any
        // AvailWorkbenchTask.
        // If a foreign function interface is being used in the project from 
        // a module in the project, we may require a `build` task be run before
        // the `assembleAndRunWorkbench` task can be run. In this event we must
        // add `dependsOn` for build:

    val myWorkbenchTask by creating(
        // Add to task group
        group = "My Tasks"
        description = "My custom workbench build."
        // Depends on jar task running first
        // Base name of the workbench jar, the result of which placed in 
        // "$buildDir/workbench/myCustomWorkBench.jar".
        workbenchJarBaseName = "myCustomWorkBench"
        // true indicates the jar should be rebuilt on each run.
        rebuildWorkbenchJar = true
        // The heap should be set to 6 GB when the workbench is run.
        maximumJavaHeap = "6g"
        // Package this project's jar in with the workbench fatjar, hence 
        // `dependsOn(jar)`.
        // Some other local jar is packaged in with the fatjar.
        // These are the dependencies that should be resolved and used when the
        // workbench is run.
//        dependency("org.slf4j:slf4j-nop:${Versions.slf4jnop}")
        // A project module dependency
        // The Avail roots to start the workbench with.
        root("my-avail-root", "$projectDir/avail/roots/my-avail-root")
        root("avail", "jar:$projectDir/avail/roots/avail-stdlib.jar")
        // The VM options to use when running the workbench jar. 
	test {

	withType<KotlinCompile>() {
		kotlinOptions.jvmTarget = "17"

Running the printAvailConfig task for the above configuration will print the following to standard out:

========================= Avail Configuration =========================
    Standard Library Version: 1.5.11
    Repository Location: /Users/MyUser/Development/MyProject/avail/repositories
    VM Arguments to include for Avail Runtime:
      • -DavailRoots=avail=jar:/Users/Rich/Development/Avail/samples/sample-project/avail/my-roots/avail-stdlib.jar;my-avail-root=/Users/Rich/Development/Avail/samples/sample-project/avail/my-roots/my-avail-root
      • -Davail.repositories=/Users/Rich/Development/Avail/samples/sample-project/avail/my-repos
    Roots Location: /Users/MyUser/Development/MyProject/avail/my-roots
    Included Roots:
      -avail: jar:/Users/MyUser/Development/MyProject/avail/my-roots/avail-stdlib.jar
      -imported-library: jar:/Users/Some/Place/Else/imported-library.jar
      -my-avail-root: /Users/MyUser/Development/MyProject/avail/my-roots/my-avail-root
    Created Roots:
        Package Root
          as: myJar.jar
          export to: /Users/Rich/Development/Avail/samples/sample-project/build/libs
        Root Contents:
          |- App.avail
          |-- App.avail
          |-- Configurations.avail
          |-- Network.avail
          |--- Network.avail
          |--- Server.avail
          |- Scripts.avail

Local Publishing

To publish this project locally, use the task, publishToMavenLocal under the publishing group. This will publish your plugin to ~/.m2.

You can pull in the plugin repository from the local maven repository by adding mavenLocal() to your settings.gradle.kts file as shown below. Make sure to add back the gradlePluginPortal() as this is the default that is stripped when adding anything to the repositories block in pluginManagement.

pluginManagement {
    repositories {
        // Adds the gradle plugin portal back to the plugin repositories as
        // this is removed (overridden) by adding any repository here.
} = "plugin-test"