Image augmentation and data augmentation is one of the most widely used tools in deep learning to
- increase your dataset size (useful when you have limited data) and
- make your neural networks perform better (avoid overfitting).
So for example, if we have a cat and our cats in our training dataset are always upright and their ears are like this, we may not spot发现 a cat that's lying down.
But with augmentation, being able to rotate the image, or being able to skew the image, or maybe some other transforms would be able to effectively generate that data to train off.
Original | Augmentation | New images | Better performance |
![]() |
(crap)--> | ![]() |
Better performance |
(rotate)--> | ![]() |
- Don't do image augmentation on drive directly, which will overwrite the data.
- It's trick to do it since it can brow up memories easily.
- Tensorflow will handle this using Image generator and Image data generator (e.g. ImageDataGenerator).
- Augmentation takes place in memory as images are being loaded into the neural network for training (amends your images on-the-fly). Then stream them into the training set to the neural network we are learning on. All happens in memory.
Reason of overfitting:
- limited images.
train_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(
rescale = 1./255 # re-scale on the fly
rotation_range = 40, # Rotation range is a range from 0-180 degrees with which to randomly rotate images.
width_shift_range = 0.2,# Shifting, moves the image around inside its frame.
height_shift_range = 0.2,
shear_range = 0.2, # shear the image by random amounts up to the specified portion (up to 20% in this case)
zoom_range = 0.2, # zoom in a random amount(percent) up to 20% of the size of the image
horizontal_flip = True,
fill_mode = 'nearest') # fills in any pixels that might have been lost by the operations. I'm just going to stick with nearest here, which uses neighbors of that pixel to try and keep uniformity.
Shifting, moves the image around inside its frame. Many pictures have the subject centered. So if we train based on those kind of images, we might over-fit for that scenario. These parameters specify, as a proportion of the image size, how much we should randomly move the subject around. So in this case, we might offset it by 20% vertically or horizontally.
Can't recognize | What we have | Shear that person by skewing歪斜 along the x-axis we'll end up in a similiar pose |
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- zoom:
Can't recognize | What we have | Zoom in that training image |
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- horizontal flip:
Can't recognize | What we have | If the image were flipped horizontally, then it becomes more structurally similar to the image in test data and we might not over-fit to right arm raisers. |
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- fill_mode: is the strategy used for filling in newly created pixels, which can appear after a rotation or a width/height shift.
Q: When training with augmentation, you noticed that the training is a little slower. Why?
Because the augmented data is bigger
Because there is more data to train on
Because the image processing takes cycles
Because the training is making more mistakes
Cats-vs-Dogs without & with Augmentation: official code, official link,
We have 4 convolutional layers with 32, 64, 128 and 128 convolutions respectively. 2000 images for training and 100 images for testing. We ran 100 epoches。
In terms of code, the only difference is:
- Without Augmentation (Left image below):
# All images will be rescaled by 1./255
train_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(rescale=1./255)
- With Augmentation (Right image below):
# This code has changed. Now instead of the ImageGenerator just rescaling
# the image, we also rotate and do other operations
# Updated to do image augmentation
train_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(
Left: We can see from this figure that the training reach close to a 100 percent accuracy in a little over 20 epochs. Meanwhile, the validation topped out at around 70 percent, and that's overfitting clearly been demonstrated. In other words, the neural network was terrific极好的 at finding a correlation between the images and labels of cats versus dogs for the 2,000 images that it was trained on, but once it tried to predict the images that it previously hadn't seen, it was about 70 percent accurate.
- Initial phase: We'll initially see that the accuracy is lower than with the non-augmented version we did earlier. This is because of the random effects of the different image processing that's being done.
- Solved: We can see that the training and validation accuracy, and loss are actually in step with each other. This is a clear sign that we've solved the overfitting that we had earlier.
Short summary: A broad set of images are needed for bothen training and testing.
Of course, image augmentation isn't the magic bullet to cure overfitting. It really helps to have a massive大量的 diversity of images.
As you watch, you'll see the test accuracy climbing steadily. At first, the validation accuracy seems to be in step, but then you'll see it varying wildly.
What's happening here is that despite the image augmentation, the diversity of images is still too sparse and the validation set may also be poorly designed, namely that the type of image in it is too close to the images in the training set.
For example, the humans are almost always standing up and in the center of the picture, in both the training and validation sets, so augmenting the image will change it to look like something that doesn't look like what's in the validation set.
So what we can learn from this is that the image augmentation introduces引入 a random element to the training images but if the validation set doesn't have the same randomness, then its results can fluctuate like this.
So bear in mind that you don't just need a broad set of images for training, you also need them for testing OR the image augmentation won't help you very much.