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Group & Player Management

Adam Walker edited this page Dec 29, 2013 · 2 revisions

You will need to run the server at least once so all of the directories, configuration files and settings have been created. After this login to the server and log off again, find your player file (identified by your UUID, see the server console/log if you're unsure) and change the variable group to superadmin. You do not need to restart the server for the changes to take effect, just log in again.

For all further modifications to the groups or player assignments, you can do so via in-game commands listed further in this document. All groups and player files are in JSON format, groups are read on start-up only, player files are read on join and get written to disk on leave.

Permission Nodes

All groups have a specified set of permission nodes, they can be defined as a single node (parent.child), a single root (parent.*) or a global root (*).

When a single node is used the group will have access to only the commands that use the permission node, any other commands under that parent node will not be useable.

When a single root is used the group will have access to all commands that use that parent root node. For example, if admin.* is used then the group would have access to, admin.kick, admin.ban etc.

When a global root is used the group will have access to ALL commands on the server. There is no exception to this node except where the flag is marked as false, this can only be done via the groups.json file manually.


/group list

Description: Lists all groups on the server
Arguments: None

/group add

Description: Creates a new group on the server
Arguments: Group name (string)

/group del

Description: Deletes an existing group on the server
Arguments: Group name (string)

/group adduser

Description: Adds a player to the specified group
Arguments: Player username (string), Group name (string)

/group deluser

Description: Demotes the specified player to the default group
Arguments: Player username (string)

/group info

Description: Shows basic information about a group (Prefix, name color)
Arguments: Group name (string)

/group mod

Description: Modification of a group parameter
Arguments: Group name (string), Parameter (string, prefix/color), Value (string)

/group permissions * list

Description: Lists all permissions for a specific group
Arguments: Group name (string)

/group permissions

Description: Adds or removes a permission for a specific group
Arguments: Group name (string), Action (string, add/del), Permission (string)

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