From cef9e84a9cbe22a673a1985cc0e341c3f770a819 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jem <>
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2024 20:17:05 +0400
Subject: [PATCH] Remove test scripts moved to axis-utils
.../test/FixedPriceBatch-BaseDTL/ | 16 --
.../FixedPriceBatch-BaseDTL/TestData.s.sol | 162 ------------------
.../FixedPriceBatch-BaseDTL/ | 86 ----------
.../test/FixedPriceBatch-BaseDTL/ | 71 --------
.../FixedPriceBatch-BaseDTL/ | 63 -------
.../ops/test/FixedPriceBatch-BaseDTL/ | 44 -----
script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch/ | 23 ---
.../ops/test/FixedPriceBatch/TestData.s.sol | 156 -----------------
.../ops/test/FixedPriceBatch/ | 87 ----------
script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch/ | 87 ----------
.../ops/test/FixedPriceBatch/ | 63 -------
script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch/ | 44 -----
script/ops/test/TestData.s.sol | 139 ---------------
script/ops/test/ | 9 -
script/ops/test/ | 44 -----
script/ops/test/ | 105 ------------
script/ops/test/ | 9 -
script/ops/test/ | 9 -
18 files changed, 1217 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch-BaseDTL/
delete mode 100644 script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch-BaseDTL/TestData.s.sol
delete mode 100755 script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch-BaseDTL/
delete mode 100755 script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch-BaseDTL/
delete mode 100755 script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch-BaseDTL/
delete mode 100755 script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch-BaseDTL/
delete mode 100644 script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch/
delete mode 100644 script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch/TestData.s.sol
delete mode 100644 script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch/
delete mode 100644 script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch/
delete mode 100644 script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch/
delete mode 100644 script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch/
delete mode 100644 script/ops/test/TestData.s.sol
delete mode 100755 script/ops/test/
delete mode 100755 script/ops/test/
delete mode 100755 script/ops/test/
delete mode 100644 script/ops/test/
delete mode 100644 script/ops/test/
diff --git a/script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch-BaseDTL/ b/script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch-BaseDTL/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cb34e874..000000000
--- a/script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch-BaseDTL/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-# FixedPriceBatch - Uniswap DTL Testing
-## How to Test
-1. Create a virtual testnet on Tenderly
-2. Store the environment variables in an environment file
-3. Deploy the Axis stack
-4. Create the auction
- - You will need to provide the quote token, base token
-## To Settle an Auction
-Assumes you are using a Tenderly Virtual Testnet
-1. Warp to the timestamp after the auction conclusion using the warp script
-2. Run the settle auction script
diff --git a/script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch-BaseDTL/TestData.s.sol b/script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch-BaseDTL/TestData.s.sol
deleted file mode 100644
index d756a33be..000000000
--- a/script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch-BaseDTL/TestData.s.sol
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
-pragma solidity 0.8.19;
-// Scripting libraries
-import {Script, console2} from "@forge-std-1.9.1/Script.sol";
-import {WithEnvironment} from "../../../deploy/WithEnvironment.s.sol";
-// System contracts
-import {IBatchAuctionHouse} from "../../../../src/interfaces/IBatchAuctionHouse.sol";
-import {BatchAuctionHouse} from "../../../../src/BatchAuctionHouse.sol";
-import {IAuctionHouse} from "../../../../src/interfaces/IAuctionHouse.sol";
-import {toKeycode} from "../../../../src/modules/Modules.sol";
-import {ICallback} from "../../../../src/interfaces/ICallback.sol";
-import {IFixedPriceBatch} from "../../../../src/interfaces/modules/auctions/IFixedPriceBatch.sol";
-import {IAuction} from "../../../../src/interfaces/modules/IAuction.sol";
-// Callbacks
-// import {BaseDirectToLiquidity} from "../../../../src/callbacks/liquidity/BaseDTL.sol";
-// import {UniswapV2DirectToLiquidity} from "../../../../src/callbacks/liquidity/UniswapV2DTL.sol";
-// Generic contracts
-import {ERC20} from "@solmate-6.7.0/tokens/ERC20.sol";
-import {MockERC20} from "@solmate-6.7.0/test/utils/mocks/MockERC20.sol";
-contract TestData is Script, WithEnvironment {
- BatchAuctionHouse public auctionHouse;
- function mintTestTokens(address token, address receiver) public {
- // Mint tokens to address
- vm.broadcast();
- MockERC20(token).mint(receiver, 1e24);
- }
- function createAuction(
- string calldata chain_,
- address quoteToken_,
- address baseToken_,
- address callback_,
- uint24 uniswapV3PoolFee_
- ) public returns (uint96) {
- // Load addresses from .env
- _loadEnv(chain_);
- auctionHouse = BatchAuctionHouse(_envAddressNotZero("deployments.BatchAuctionHouse"));
- vm.startBroadcast();
- // Create Fixed Price Batch auction
- IAuctionHouse.RoutingParams memory routingParams;
- routingParams.auctionType = toKeycode("FPBA");
- routingParams.baseToken = baseToken_;
- routingParams.quoteToken = quoteToken_;
- routingParams.callbacks = ICallback(callback_);
- if (callback_ != address(0)) {
- console2.log("Callback enabled");
- bytes memory callbackImplParams = abi.encode("");
- if (uniswapV3PoolFee_ > 0) {
- console2.log("Setting Uniswap V3 pool fee to", uniswapV3PoolFee_);
- callbackImplParams = abi.encode(uniswapV3PoolFee_);
- }
- routingParams.callbackData = abi.encode("");
- // BaseDirectToLiquidity.OnCreateParams({
- // proceedsUtilisationPercent: 5000, // 50%
- // vestingStart: 0,
- // vestingExpiry: 0,
- // recipient: msg.sender,
- // implParams: callbackImplParams
- // })
- // Approve spending of the base token by the callback (for deposit into the liquidity pool)
- ERC20(baseToken_).approve(callback_, 10e18);
- } else {
- console2.log("Callback disabled");
- }
- // Approve spending of the base token by the AuctionHouse
- ERC20(baseToken_).approve(address(auctionHouse), 10e18);
- IFixedPriceBatch.AuctionDataParams memory auctionDataParams;
- auctionDataParams.price = 2e18; // 2 quote tokens per base token
- auctionDataParams.minFillPercent = uint24(1000); // 10%
- bytes memory implParams = abi.encode(auctionDataParams);
- uint48 duration = 86_400; // 1 day
- IFixedPriceBatch.AuctionParams memory auctionParams;
- auctionParams.start = uint48(0); // immediately
- auctionParams.duration = duration;
- // capaity is in base token
- auctionParams.capacity = 10e18; // 10 base tokens
- auctionParams.implParams = implParams;
- string memory infoHash = "";
- uint96 lotId =, auctionParams, infoHash);
- vm.stopBroadcast();
- console2.log("Fixed Price Batch auction created with lot ID: ", lotId);
- // Get the conclusion timestamp from the auction
- (, uint48 conclusion,,,,,,) =
- IAuction(address(auctionHouse.getBatchModuleForId(lotId))).lotData(lotId);
- console2.log("Auction ends at timestamp", conclusion);
- return lotId;
- }
- function cancelAuction(string calldata chain_, uint96 lotId_) public {
- _loadEnv(chain_);
- auctionHouse = BatchAuctionHouse(_envAddressNotZero("deployments.BatchAuctionHouse"));
- vm.broadcast();
- auctionHouse.cancel(lotId_, bytes(""));
- }
- function placeBid(string calldata chain_, uint96 lotId_, uint256 amount_) public {
- _loadEnv(chain_);
- auctionHouse = BatchAuctionHouse(_envAddressNotZero("deployments.BatchAuctionHouse"));
- // Approve spending of the quote token
- {
- (,, address quoteTokenAddress,,,,,,) = auctionHouse.lotRouting(lotId_);
- vm.broadcast();
- ERC20(quoteTokenAddress).approve(address(auctionHouse), amount_);
- console2.log("Approved spending of quote token by BatchAuctionHouse");
- }
- vm.broadcast();
- uint64 bidId =
- IBatchAuctionHouse.BidParams({
- lotId: lotId_,
- bidder: msg.sender,
- referrer: address(0),
- amount: amount_,
- auctionData: abi.encode(""),
- permit2Data: bytes("")
- }),
- abi.encode("")
- );
- console2.log("Bid placed with ID: ", bidId);
- }
- function settleAuction(string calldata chain_, uint96 lotId_) public {
- _loadEnv(chain_);
- auctionHouse = BatchAuctionHouse(_envAddressNotZero("deployments.BatchAuctionHouse"));
- console2.log("Timestamp is", block.timestamp);
- // bytes memory callbackData =
- // abi.encode(UniswapV2DirectToLiquidity.OnSettleParams({maxSlippage: 50})); // 0.5%
- bytes memory callbackData = abi.encode("");
- vm.broadcast();
- auctionHouse.settle(lotId_, 100, callbackData);
- console2.log("Auction settled with lot ID: ", lotId_);
- }
diff --git a/script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch-BaseDTL/ b/script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch-BaseDTL/
deleted file mode 100755
index 186058019..000000000
--- a/script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch-BaseDTL/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-# Usage:
-# ./ --quoteToken
--baseToken --callback --poolFee --envFile <.env> --broadcast
-# Expects the following environment variables:
-# CHAIN: The chain to deploy to, based on values from the ./script/env.json file.
-# Iterate through named arguments
-# Source:
-while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
- if [[ $1 == *"--"* ]]; then
- v="${1/--/}"
- declare $v="$2"
- fi
- shift
-# Get the name of the .env file or use the default
-echo "Sourcing environment variables from $ENV_FILE"
-# Load environment file
-set -a # Automatically export all variables
-source $ENV_FILE
-set +a # Disable automatic export
-# Apply defaults to command-line arguments
-# Check that the CHAIN is defined
-if [ -z "$CHAIN" ]
- echo "No chain specified. Set the CHAIN environment variable."
- exit 1
-# Check that the quote token is defined and is an address
-if [[ ! "$quoteToken" =~ ^0x[0-9a-fA-F]{40}$ ]]
- echo "Invalid quote token specified. Provide the address after the --quoteToken flag."
- exit 1
-# Check that the base token is defined and is an address
-if [[ ! "$baseToken" =~ ^0x[a-fA-F0-9]{40}$ ]]
- echo "Invalid base token specified. Provide the address after the --baseToken flag."
- exit 1
-# Check that the callback is defined and is an address
-if [[ ! "$callback" =~ ^0x[a-fA-F0-9]{40}$ ]]
- echo "Invalid callback specified. Provide the address after the --callback flag."
- exit 1
-# If the pool fee is not set, set it to 0
-if [ -z "$poolFee" ]
- poolFee=0
-echo "Using chain: $CHAIN"
-echo "Using RPC at URL: $RPC_URL"
-echo "Using quote token: $quoteToken"
-echo "Using base token: $baseToken"
-echo "Using callback: $callback"
-echo "Using pool fee (Uniswap V3 only): $poolFee"
-echo "Deployer: $DEPLOYER_ADDRESS"
-if [ "$BROADCAST" = "true" ] || [ "$BROADCAST" = "TRUE" ]; then
- BROADCAST_FLAG="--broadcast"
- echo "Broadcast: enabled"
- echo "Broadcast: disabled"
-# Create auction
-forge script ./script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch-BaseDTL/TestData.s.sol:TestData --sig "createAuction(string,address,address,address,uint24)()" $CHAIN $quoteToken $baseToken $callback $poolFee \
---rpc-url $RPC_URL --private-key $DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY --froms $DEPLOYER_ADDRESS --slow -vvvv \
diff --git a/script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch-BaseDTL/ b/script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch-BaseDTL/
deleted file mode 100755
index 3ffe8392a..000000000
--- a/script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch-BaseDTL/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-# Usage:
-# ./ --lotId --amount --envFile <.env> --broadcast
-# Expects the following environment variables:
-# CHAIN: The chain to deploy to, based on values from the ./script/env.json file.
-# Iterate through named arguments
-# Source:
-while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
- if [[ $1 == *"--"* ]]; then
- v="${1/--/}"
- declare $v="$2"
- fi
- shift
-# Get the name of the .env file or use the default
-echo "Sourcing environment variables from $ENV_FILE"
-# Load environment file
-set -a # Automatically export all variables
-source $ENV_FILE
-set +a # Disable automatic export
-# Apply defaults to command-line arguments
-# Check that the CHAIN is defined
-if [ -z "$CHAIN" ]
- echo "No chain specified. Set the CHAIN environment variable."
- exit 1
-# Check that the lotId is defined and is an integer
-if [[ ! "$lotId" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]
- echo "Invalid lotId specified. Provide the integer value after the --lotId flag."
- exit 1
-# Check that the amount is defined and is an integer
-if [[ ! "$amount" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]
- echo "Invalid amount specified. Provide the integer value after the --amount flag."
- exit 1
-echo "Using chain: $CHAIN"
-echo "Using RPC at URL: $RPC_URL"
-echo "Lot ID: $lotId"
-echo "Amount: $amount"
-echo "Deployer: $DEPLOYER_ADDRESS"
-if [ "$BROADCAST" = "true" ] || [ "$BROADCAST" = "TRUE" ]; then
- BROADCAST_FLAG="--broadcast"
- echo "Broadcast: enabled"
- echo "Broadcast: disabled"
-# Create auction
-forge script ./script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch-BaseDTL/TestData.s.sol:TestData --sig "placeBid(string,uint96,uint256)()" $CHAIN $lotId $amount \
---rpc-url $RPC_URL --private-key $DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY --froms $DEPLOYER_ADDRESS --slow -vvvv \
diff --git a/script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch-BaseDTL/ b/script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch-BaseDTL/
deleted file mode 100755
index 0a3791fe0..000000000
--- a/script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch-BaseDTL/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-# Usage:
-# ./ --lotId --envFile <.env> --broadcast
-# Expects the following environment variables:
-# CHAIN: The chain to deploy to, based on values from the ./script/env.json file.
-# Iterate through named arguments
-# Source:
-while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
- if [[ $1 == *"--"* ]]; then
- v="${1/--/}"
- declare $v="$2"
- fi
- shift
-# Get the name of the .env file or use the default
-echo "Sourcing environment variables from $ENV_FILE"
-# Load environment file
-set -a # Automatically export all variables
-source $ENV_FILE
-set +a # Disable automatic export
-# Apply defaults to command-line arguments
-# Check that the CHAIN is defined
-if [ -z "$CHAIN" ]
- echo "No chain specified. Set the CHAIN environment variable."
- exit 1
-# Check that the lotId is defined and is an integer
-if [[ ! "$lotId" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]
- echo "Invalid lotId specified. Provide the integer value after the --lotId flag."
- exit 1
-echo "Using chain: $CHAIN"
-echo "Using RPC at URL: $RPC_URL"
-echo "Lot ID: $lotId"
-echo "Deployer: $DEPLOYER_ADDRESS"
-if [ "$BROADCAST" = "true" ] || [ "$BROADCAST" = "TRUE" ]; then
- BROADCAST_FLAG="--broadcast"
- echo "Broadcast: enabled"
- echo "Broadcast: disabled"
-# Create auction
-forge script ./script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch-BaseDTL/TestData.s.sol:TestData --sig "settleAuction(string,uint96)()" $CHAIN $lotId \
---rpc-url $RPC_URL --private-key $DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY --froms $DEPLOYER_ADDRESS --slow -vvvv \
diff --git a/script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch-BaseDTL/ b/script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch-BaseDTL/
deleted file mode 100755
index 9cec7cfa3..000000000
--- a/script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch-BaseDTL/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-# Usage:
-# ./ --timestamp --envFile <.env>
-# Iterate through named arguments
-# Source:
-while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
- if [[ $1 == *"--"* ]]; then
- v="${1/--/}"
- declare $v="$2"
- fi
- shift
-# Get the name of the .env file or use the default
-echo "Sourcing environment variables from $ENV_FILE"
-# Load environment file
-set -a # Automatically export all variables
-source $ENV_FILE
-set +a # Disable automatic export
-# Check that the ADMIN_RPC_URL is defined
-if [ -z "$ADMIN_RPC_URL" ]
- echo "No RPC URL specified. Set the ADMIN_RPC_URL environment variable."
- exit 1
-# Check that the timestamp is defined and is an integer
-if [[ ! "$timestamp" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]
- echo "Invalid timestamp specified. Provide an integer after the --timestamp flag."
- exit 1
-echo "Using RPC at URL: $ADMIN_RPC_URL"
-# Call
-cast rpc evm_setNextBlockTimestamp "[\"$timestamp\"]" --raw --rpc-url $ADMIN_RPC_URL
-echo "Warped to timestamp: $timestamp"
diff --git a/script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch/ b/script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch/
deleted file mode 100644
index 854a43eaf..000000000
--- a/script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# FixedPriceBatch - Baseline Allocated Allowlist Testing
-## How to Test
-1. Create a virtual testnet on Tenderly
-2. Store the environment variables in an environment file
-3. Deploy the Axis stack
-4. Deploy the Baseline v2 stack
- - Record the kernel and reserve token addresses
-5. Generate salts for the BaselineAllocatedAllowlist
- - You will need to provide the kernel, owner, and reserveToken
-6. Deploy the BaselineAllocatedAllowlist callback contract
- - You will need to provide the kernel, owner, and reserveToken
-7. Generate the Merkle root
-8. Create the auction
- - You will need to provide the quote token, base token, BaselineAllocatedAllowlist address and Merkle root
-## To Settle an Auction
-Assumes you are using a Tenderly Virtual Testnet
-1. Warp to the timestamp after the auction conclusion using the warp script
-2. Run the settle auction script
diff --git a/script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch/TestData.s.sol b/script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch/TestData.s.sol
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c9af82b9..000000000
--- a/script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch/TestData.s.sol
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
-pragma solidity 0.8.19;
-// Scripting libraries
-import {Script, console2} from "@forge-std-1.9.1/Script.sol";
-import {WithEnvironment} from "../../../deploy/WithEnvironment.s.sol";
-// System contracts
-import {IBatchAuctionHouse} from "../../../../src/interfaces/IBatchAuctionHouse.sol";
-import {BatchAuctionHouse} from "../../../../src/BatchAuctionHouse.sol";
-import {IAuctionHouse} from "../../../../src/interfaces/IAuctionHouse.sol";
-import {toKeycode} from "../../../../src/modules/Modules.sol";
-import {ICallback} from "../../../../src/interfaces/ICallback.sol";
-import {IFixedPriceBatch} from "../../../../src/interfaces/modules/auctions/IFixedPriceBatch.sol";
-import {IAuction} from "../../../../src/interfaces/modules/IAuction.sol";
-// import {BaselineAxisLaunch} from "../../../../src/callbacks/liquidity/BaselineV2/BaselineAxisLaunch.sol";
-// import {BALwithAllocatedAllowlist} from
-// "../../../../src/callbacks/liquidity/BaselineV2/BALwithAllocatedAllowlist.sol";
-// Generic contracts
-import {ERC20} from "@solmate-6.7.0/tokens/ERC20.sol";
-import {MockERC20} from "@solmate-6.7.0/test/utils/mocks/MockERC20.sol";
-contract TestData is Script, WithEnvironment {
- BatchAuctionHouse public auctionHouse;
- function mintTestTokens(address token, address receiver) public {
- // Mint tokens to address
- vm.broadcast();
- MockERC20(token).mint(receiver, 1e24);
- }
- function createAuction(
- string calldata chain_,
- address quoteToken_,
- address baseToken_,
- address callback_,
- bytes32 merkleRoot
- ) public returns (uint96) {
- // Load addresses from .env
- _loadEnv(chain_);
- auctionHouse = BatchAuctionHouse(_envAddressNotZero("deployments.BatchAuctionHouse"));
- vm.startBroadcast();
- // Create Fixed Price Batch auction
- IAuctionHouse.RoutingParams memory routingParams;
- routingParams.auctionType = toKeycode("FPBA");
- routingParams.baseToken = baseToken_;
- routingParams.quoteToken = quoteToken_;
- routingParams.callbacks = ICallback(callback_);
- if (callback_ != address(0)) {
- console2.log("Setting callback parameters");
- // routingParams.callbackData = abi.encode(
- // BaselineAxisLaunch.CreateData({
- // discoveryTickWidth: 100,
- // allowlistParams: abi.encode(merkleRoot)
- // })
- // );
- // No spending approval necessary, since the callback will handle it
- } else {
- console2.log("Callback disabled");
- // Approve spending of the base token
- ERC20(baseToken_).approve(address(auctionHouse), 10e18);
- }
- IFixedPriceBatch.AuctionDataParams memory auctionDataParams;
- auctionDataParams.price = 1e18; // 1 quote tokens per base token
- auctionDataParams.minFillPercent = uint24(1000); // 10%
- bytes memory implParams = abi.encode(auctionDataParams);
- uint48 duration = 86_400; // 1 day
- IFixedPriceBatch.AuctionParams memory auctionParams;
- auctionParams.start = uint48(0); // immediately
- auctionParams.duration = duration;
- // capaity is in base token
- auctionParams.capacity = 10e18; // 10 base tokens
- auctionParams.implParams = implParams;
- string memory infoHash = "";
- uint96 lotId =, auctionParams, infoHash);
- vm.stopBroadcast();
- console2.log("Fixed Price Batch auction created with lot ID: ", lotId);
- // Get the conclusion timestamp from the auction
- (, uint48 conclusion,,,,,,) =
- IAuction(address(auctionHouse.getBatchModuleForId(lotId))).lotData(lotId);
- console2.log("Auction ends at timestamp", conclusion);
- return lotId;
- }
- function cancelAuction(string calldata chain_, uint96 lotId_) public {
- _loadEnv(chain_);
- auctionHouse = BatchAuctionHouse(_envAddressNotZero("deployments.BatchAuctionHouse"));
- vm.broadcast();
- auctionHouse.cancel(lotId_, bytes(""));
- }
- function placeBid(
- string calldata chain_,
- uint96 lotId_,
- uint256 amount_,
- bytes32 merkleProof_,
- uint256 allocatedAmount_
- ) public {
- _loadEnv(chain_);
- auctionHouse = BatchAuctionHouse(_envAddressNotZero("deployments.BatchAuctionHouse"));
- // Approve spending of the quote token
- {
- (,, address quoteTokenAddress,,,,,,) = auctionHouse.lotRouting(lotId_);
- vm.broadcast();
- ERC20(quoteTokenAddress).approve(address(auctionHouse), amount_);
- console2.log("Approved spending of quote token by BatchAuctionHouse");
- }
- bytes32[] memory allowlistProof = new bytes32[](1);
- allowlistProof[0] = merkleProof_;
- vm.broadcast();
- uint64 bidId =
- IBatchAuctionHouse.BidParams({
- lotId: lotId_,
- bidder: msg.sender,
- referrer: address(0),
- amount: amount_,
- auctionData: abi.encode(""),
- permit2Data: bytes("")
- }),
- abi.encode(allowlistProof, allocatedAmount_)
- );
- console2.log("Bid placed with ID: ", bidId);
- }
- function settleAuction(string calldata chain_, uint96 lotId_) public {
- _loadEnv(chain_);
- auctionHouse = BatchAuctionHouse(_envAddressNotZero("deployments.BatchAuctionHouse"));
- console2.log("Timestamp is", block.timestamp);
- vm.broadcast();
- auctionHouse.settle(lotId_, 100, abi.encode(""));
- console2.log("Auction settled with lot ID: ", lotId_);
- }
diff --git a/script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch/ b/script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch/
deleted file mode 100644
index 97864c584..000000000
--- a/script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-# Usage:
-# ./ --quoteToken --baseToken --callback --envFile <.env>
-# Expects the following environment variables:
-# CHAIN: The chain to deploy to, based on values from the ./script/env.json file.
-# Iterate through named arguments
-# Source:
-while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
- if [[ $1 == *"--"* ]]; then
- v="${1/--/}"
- declare $v="$2"
- fi
- shift
-# Get the name of the .env file or use the default
-echo "Sourcing environment variables from $ENV_FILE"
-# Load environment file
-set -a # Automatically export all variables
-source $ENV_FILE
-set +a # Disable automatic export
-# Apply defaults to command-line arguments
-# Check that the CHAIN is defined
-if [ -z "$CHAIN" ]
- echo "No chain specified. Set the CHAIN environment variable."
- exit 1
-# Check that the quote token is defined and is an address
-if [[ ! "$quoteToken" =~ ^0x[0-9a-fA-F]{40}$ ]]
- echo "Invalid quote token specified. Provide the address after the --quoteToken flag."
- exit 1
-# Check that the base token is defined and is an address
-if [[ ! "$baseToken" =~ ^0x[a-fA-F0-9]{40}$ ]]
- echo "Invalid base token specified. Provide the address after the --baseToken flag."
- exit 1
-# Check that the callback is defined and is an address
-if [[ ! "$callback" =~ ^0x[a-fA-F0-9]{40}$ ]]
- echo "Invalid callback specified. Provide the address after the --callback flag."
- exit 1
-# Check that the allowlist merkle root is defined and is a bytes32 string
-if [[ ! "$allowlistMerkleRoot" =~ ^0x[a-fA-F0-9]{64}$ ]]
- echo "Invalid allowlist merkle root specified. Provide the bytes32 string after the --allowlistMerkleRoot flag."
- exit 1
-echo "Using chain: $CHAIN"
-echo "Using RPC at URL: $RPC_URL"
-echo "Using quote token: $quoteToken"
-echo "Using base token: $baseToken"
-echo "Using callback: $callback"
-echo "Using allowlist merkle root: $allowlistMerkleRoot"
-echo "Deployer: $DEPLOYER_ADDRESS"
-if [ "$BROADCAST" = "true" ] || [ "$BROADCAST" = "TRUE" ]; then
- BROADCAST_FLAG="--broadcast"
- echo "Broadcast: enabled"
- echo "Broadcast: disabled"
-# Create auction
-forge script ./script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch/TestData.s.sol:TestData --sig "createAuction(string,address,address,address,bytes32)()" $CHAIN $quoteToken $baseToken $callback $allowlistMerkleRoot \
---rpc-url $RPC_URL --private-key $DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY --froms $DEPLOYER_ADDRESS --slow -vvvv \
diff --git a/script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch/ b/script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e090957f..000000000
--- a/script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-# Usage:
-# ./ --lotId --amount --envFile <.env>
-# Expects the following environment variables:
-# CHAIN: The chain to deploy to, based on values from the ./script/env.json file.
-# Iterate through named arguments
-# Source:
-while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
- if [[ $1 == *"--"* ]]; then
- v="${1/--/}"
- declare $v="$2"
- fi
- shift
-# Get the name of the .env file or use the default
-echo "Sourcing environment variables from $ENV_FILE"
-# Load environment file
-set -a # Automatically export all variables
-source $ENV_FILE
-set +a # Disable automatic export
-# Apply defaults to command-line arguments
-# Check that the CHAIN is defined
-if [ -z "$CHAIN" ]
- echo "No chain specified. Set the CHAIN environment variable."
- exit 1
-# Check that the lotId is defined and is an integer
-if [[ ! "$lotId" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]
- echo "Invalid lotId specified. Provide the integer value after the --lotId flag."
- exit 1
-# Check that the amount is defined and is an integer
-if [[ ! "$amount" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]
- echo "Invalid amount specified. Provide the integer value after the --amount flag."
- exit 1
-# Check that the merkle proof is defined and is a bytes32 string
-if [[ ! "$merkleProof" =~ ^0x[a-fA-F0-9]{64}$ ]]
- echo "Invalid merkle proof specified. Provide the bytes32 string after the --merkleProof flag."
- exit 1
-# Check that the allocated amount is defined and is an integer
-if [[ ! "$allocatedAmount" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]
- echo "Invalid allocated amount specified. Provide the integer value after the --allocatedAmount flag."
- exit 1
-echo "Using chain: $CHAIN"
-echo "Using RPC at URL: $RPC_URL"
-echo "Lot ID: $lotId"
-echo "Amount: $amount"
-echo "Merkle proof: $merkleProof"
-echo "Allocated amount: $allocatedAmount"
-echo "Deployer: $DEPLOYER_ADDRESS"
-if [ "$BROADCAST" = "true" ] || [ "$BROADCAST" = "TRUE" ]; then
- BROADCAST_FLAG="--broadcast"
- echo "Broadcast: enabled"
- echo "Broadcast: disabled"
-# Create auction
-forge script ./script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch/TestData.s.sol:TestData --sig "placeBid(string,uint96,uint256,bytes32,uint256)()" $CHAIN $lotId $amount $merkleProof $allocatedAmount \
---rpc-url $RPC_URL --private-key $DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY --froms $DEPLOYER_ADDRESS --slow -vvvv \
diff --git a/script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch/ b/script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch/
deleted file mode 100644
index f62e446a0..000000000
--- a/script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-# Usage:
-# ./ --lotId --envFile <.env>
-# Expects the following environment variables:
-# CHAIN: The chain to deploy to, based on values from the ./script/env.json file.
-# Iterate through named arguments
-# Source:
-while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
- if [[ $1 == *"--"* ]]; then
- v="${1/--/}"
- declare $v="$2"
- fi
- shift
-# Get the name of the .env file or use the default
-echo "Sourcing environment variables from $ENV_FILE"
-# Load environment file
-set -a # Automatically export all variables
-source $ENV_FILE
-set +a # Disable automatic export
-# Apply defaults to command-line arguments
-# Check that the CHAIN is defined
-if [ -z "$CHAIN" ]
- echo "No chain specified. Set the CHAIN environment variable."
- exit 1
-# Check that the lotId is defined and is an integer
-if [[ ! "$lotId" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]
- echo "Invalid lotId specified. Provide the integer value after the --lotId flag."
- exit 1
-echo "Using chain: $CHAIN"
-echo "Using RPC at URL: $RPC_URL"
-echo "Lot ID: $lotId"
-echo "Deployer: $DEPLOYER_ADDRESS"
-if [ "$BROADCAST" = "true" ] || [ "$BROADCAST" = "TRUE" ]; then
- BROADCAST_FLAG="--broadcast"
- echo "Broadcast: enabled"
- echo "Broadcast: disabled"
-# Create auction
-forge script ./script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch/TestData.s.sol:TestData --sig "settleAuction(string,uint96)()" $CHAIN $lotId \
---rpc-url $RPC_URL --private-key $DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY --froms $DEPLOYER_ADDRESS --slow -vvvv \
diff --git a/script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch/ b/script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cec7cfa3..000000000
--- a/script/ops/test/FixedPriceBatch/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-# Usage:
-# ./ --timestamp --envFile <.env>
-# Iterate through named arguments
-# Source:
-while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
- if [[ $1 == *"--"* ]]; then
- v="${1/--/}"
- declare $v="$2"
- fi
- shift
-# Get the name of the .env file or use the default
-echo "Sourcing environment variables from $ENV_FILE"
-# Load environment file
-set -a # Automatically export all variables
-source $ENV_FILE
-set +a # Disable automatic export
-# Check that the ADMIN_RPC_URL is defined
-if [ -z "$ADMIN_RPC_URL" ]
- echo "No RPC URL specified. Set the ADMIN_RPC_URL environment variable."
- exit 1
-# Check that the timestamp is defined and is an integer
-if [[ ! "$timestamp" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]
- echo "Invalid timestamp specified. Provide an integer after the --timestamp flag."
- exit 1
-echo "Using RPC at URL: $ADMIN_RPC_URL"
-# Call
-cast rpc evm_setNextBlockTimestamp "[\"$timestamp\"]" --raw --rpc-url $ADMIN_RPC_URL
-echo "Warped to timestamp: $timestamp"
diff --git a/script/ops/test/TestData.s.sol b/script/ops/test/TestData.s.sol
deleted file mode 100644
index 0879f9a11..000000000
--- a/script/ops/test/TestData.s.sol
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
-pragma solidity 0.8.19;
-// Scripting libraries
-import {Script, console2} from "@forge-std-1.9.1/Script.sol";
-// System contracts
-import {BatchAuctionHouse} from "../../../src/BatchAuctionHouse.sol";
-import {IAuctionHouse} from "../../../src/interfaces/IAuctionHouse.sol";
-import {toKeycode} from "../../../src/modules/Modules.sol";
-import {EncryptedMarginalPrice} from "../../../src/modules/auctions/batch/EMP.sol";
-import {Point} from "../../../src/lib/ECIES.sol";
-// Generic contracts
-import {MockERC20} from "@solmate-6.7.0/test/utils/mocks/MockERC20.sol";
-contract TestData is Script {
- BatchAuctionHouse public auctionHouse;
- MockERC20 public quoteToken;
- MockERC20 public baseToken;
- function deployTestTokens(address seller, address buyer) public {
- vm.startBroadcast();
- // Deploy mock tokens
- quoteToken = new MockERC20("Test Token 1", "TT1", 18);
- console2.log("Quote token deployed at address: ", address(quoteToken));
- baseToken = new MockERC20("Test Token 2", "TT2", 18);
- console2.log("Base token deployed at address: ", address(baseToken));
- // Mint quote tokens to buyer
-, 1e25);
- console2.log("Minted 1e25 quote tokens to buyer");
- // Mint base tokens to seller
-, 1e25);
- console2.log("Minted 1e25 base tokens to seller");
- vm.stopBroadcast();
- }
- function mintTestTokens(address token, address receiver) public {
- // Mint tokens to address
- vm.broadcast();
- MockERC20(token).mint(receiver, 1e24);
- }
- function createAuction(uint256 pubKeyX, uint256 pubKeyY) public returns (uint96) {
- // Load addresses from .env
- auctionHouse = BatchAuctionHouse(vm.envAddress("AUCTION_HOUSE"));
- Point memory publicKey = Point(pubKeyX, pubKeyY);
- vm.startBroadcast();
- quoteToken = MockERC20(address(0x8e5a555bcaB474C91dcA326bE3DFdDa7e30c3765));
- baseToken = MockERC20(address(0x532cEd32173222d5D51Ac908e39EA2824d334607));
- // Approve auction house for base token since it will be pre-funded
- baseToken.approve(address(auctionHouse), 1e24);
- // Create EMP auction with the provided public key
- IAuctionHouse.RoutingParams memory routingParams;
- routingParams.auctionType = toKeycode("EMPA");
- routingParams.baseToken = address(baseToken);
- routingParams.quoteToken = address(quoteToken);
- // No callbacks, allowlist, derivative, or other routing params needed
- EncryptedMarginalPrice.AuctionDataParams memory auctionDataParams;
- auctionDataParams.minPrice = 2e18; // 2 quote tokens per base token
- auctionDataParams.minFillPercent = uint24(1000); // 10%
- auctionDataParams.minBidSize = 2e17; // 0.2 quote tokens
- auctionDataParams.publicKey = publicKey;
- bytes memory implParams = abi.encode(auctionDataParams);
- EncryptedMarginalPrice.AuctionParams memory auctionParams;
- auctionParams.start = uint48(0); // immediately
- auctionParams.duration = uint48(86_400); // 1 day
- // capaity is in base token
- auctionParams.capacity = 100e18; // 100 base tokens
- auctionParams.implParams = implParams;
- string memory infoHash = "";
- uint96 lotId =, auctionParams, infoHash);
- vm.stopBroadcast();
- return lotId;
- }
- function cancelAuction(uint96 lotId) public {
- auctionHouse = BatchAuctionHouse(vm.envAddress("AUCTION_HOUSE"));
- vm.broadcast();
- auctionHouse.cancel(lotId, bytes(""));
- }
- // function placeBid(uint96 lotId, uint256 amount, uint256 minAmountOut) public {
- // auctionHouse = AuctionHouse(vm.envAddress("AUCTION_HOUSE"));
- // EMPAM module = EMPAM(address(auctionHouse.getModuleForVeecode(toVeecode("01EMPAM"))));
- // // Get the public key modulus for the lot
- // (,,,,,, bytes memory publicKeyModulus) = module.auctionData(lotId);
- // bytes memory encryptedAmountOut = RSAOAEP.encrypt(
- // abi.encodePacked(minAmountOut),
- // abi.encodePacked(uint2str(uint256(lotId))),
- // abi.encodePacked(uint24(0x10001)),
- // publicKeyModulus,
- // keccak256(
- // abi.encodePacked(
- // "TESTSEED", "NOTFORPRODUCTION", msg.sender, lotId, amount, minAmountOut
- // )
- // )
- // );
- // Router.BidParams memory bidParams = Router.BidParams({
- // lotId: lotId,
- // recipient: msg.sender,
- // referrer: address(0),
- // amount: amount,
- // auctionData: encryptedAmountOut,
- // allowlistProof: bytes(""),
- // permit2Data: bytes("")
- // });
- // // Get quote token and approve the auction house
- // (,,, ERC20 qt,,,,,,) = auctionHouse.lotRouting(lotId);
- // vm.startBroadcast();
- // qt.approve(address(auctionHouse), amount);
- // // Submit bid and emit ID
- // uint96 bidId =;
- // console2.log("Bid placed with ID: ", bidId);
- // vm.stopBroadcast();
- // }
diff --git a/script/ops/test/ b/script/ops/test/
deleted file mode 100755
index 6642fc07c..000000000
--- a/script/ops/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# Load environment variables
-source .env
-# Cancel auction
-forge script ./script/ops/test/TestData.s.sol:TestData --sig "cancelAuction(uint96)()" $1 \
---rpc-url $RPC_URL --private-key $DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY --froms $DEPLOYER_ADDRESS --slow -vvv \
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/script/ops/test/ b/script/ops/test/
deleted file mode 100755
index e657b84ca..000000000
--- a/script/ops/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-# Usage:
-# ./
-# Environment variables:
-# CHAIN: Chain name to deploy to. Corresponds to names in "./script/env.json".
-# RPC_URL: URL for the RPC node. Should be specified in .env.
-# Load environment variables, but respect overrides
-curenv=$(declare -p -x)
-source .env
-eval "$curenv"
-# Get command-line arguments
-# Check if Auction type is set
-if [ -z "$AUCTION_TYPE" ]
- echo "No auction type specified. Provide a valid auction type."
- exit 1
-# Check if Auction type is valid
-if [ "$AUCTION_TYPE" != "EMP" ] && [ "$AUCTION_TYPE" != "FPB" ]
- echo "Invalid auction type. Provide a valid auction type."
- exit 1
-# Set the function to call based on the auction type
-if [ "$AUCTION_TYPE" == "EMP" ]
- CALLDATA=$(cast calldata "createAuction(uint256,uint256,address)" $2 $3 $4)
-elif [ "$AUCTION_TYPE" == "FPB" ]
- CALLDATA=$(cast calldata "createFPBAuction()")
-# Create auction
-forge script ./script/ops/test/TestData.s.sol:TestData --sig $CALLDATA \
---rpc-url $RPC_URL --private-key $BIDDER_PRIVATE_KEY --froms $BIDDER_ADDRESS --slow -vvv \
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/script/ops/test/ b/script/ops/test/
deleted file mode 100755
index 886679af0..000000000
--- a/script/ops/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-# Usage:
-# ./ --seller --buyer --envFile <.env> --broadcast --verify --resume
-# Iterate through named arguments
-# Source:
-while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
- if [[ $1 == *"--"* ]]; then
- v="${1/--/}"
- declare $v="$2"
- fi
- shift
-# Get the name of the .env file or use the default
-echo "Sourcing environment variables from $ENV_FILE"
-# Load environment file
-set -a # Automatically export all variables
-source $ENV_FILE
-set +a # Disable automatic export
-# Apply defaults to command-line arguments
-# Check that the seller is defined and is an address
-if [[ ! "$seller" =~ ^0x[a-fA-F0-9]{40}$ ]]
- echo "Invalid seller specified. Provide the address after the --seller flag."
- exit 1
-# Check that the buyer is defined and is an address
-if [[ ! "$buyer" =~ ^0x[a-fA-F0-9]{40}$ ]]
- echo "Invalid buyer specified. Provide the address after the --buyer flag."
- exit 1
-echo "Using chain: $CHAIN"
-echo "Using RPC at URL: $RPC_URL"
-if [ -n "$VERIFIER_URL" ]; then
- echo "Using verifier at URL: $VERIFIER_URL"
-echo "Seller: $seller"
-echo "Buyer: $buyer"
-echo "Deployer: $DEPLOYER_ADDRESS"
-if [ "$BROADCAST" = "true" ] || [ "$BROADCAST" = "TRUE" ]; then
- BROADCAST_FLAG="--broadcast"
- echo "Broadcast: enabled"
- echo "Broadcast: disabled"
-# Set VERIFY_FLAG based on VERIFY
-if [ "$VERIFY" = "true" ] || [ "$VERIFY" = "TRUE" ]; then
- if [ -z "$VERIFIER" ] || [ "$VERIFIER" = "etherscan" ]; then
- # Check if ETHERSCAN_API_KEY is set
- if [ -z "$ETHERSCAN_API_KEY" ]; then
- echo "No Etherscan API key found. Provide the key in .env or disable verification."
- exit 1
- fi
- if [ -n "$VERIFIER_URL" ]; then
- VERIFY_FLAG="--verify --verifier-url $VERIFIER_URL --etherscan-api-key $ETHERSCAN_API_KEY"
- else
- VERIFY_FLAG="--verify --etherscan-api-key $ETHERSCAN_API_KEY"
- fi
- else
- if [ -n "$VERIFIER_URL" ]; then
- VERIFY_FLAG="--verify --verifier $VERIFIER --verifier-url $VERIFIER_URL"
- else
- VERIFY_FLAG="--verify --verifier $VERIFIER"
- fi
- fi
- echo "Verification: enabled"
- echo "Verification: disabled"
-# Set RESUME_FLAG based on RESUME
-if [ "$RESUME" = "true" ] || [ "$RESUME" = "TRUE" ]; then
- RESUME_FLAG="--resume"
- echo "Resume: enabled"
- echo "Resume: disabled"
-# Create auction
-forge script ./script/ops/test/TestData.s.sol:TestData --sig "deployTestTokens(address,address)()" $seller $buyer \
---rpc-url $RPC_URL --private-key $DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY --froms $DEPLOYER_ADDRESS --slow -vvv \
diff --git a/script/ops/test/ b/script/ops/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9321e826e..000000000
--- a/script/ops/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# Load environment variables
-source .env
-# Create auction
-forge script ./script/ops/test/TestData.s.sol:TestData --sig "mintTestTokens(address,address)()" $1 $2 \
---rpc-url $RPC_URL --private-key $DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY --froms $DEPLOYER_ADDRESS --slow -vvv \
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/script/ops/test/ b/script/ops/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index d2179dfc0..000000000
--- a/script/ops/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# Load environment variables
-source .env
-# Create auction
-forge script ./script/ops/test/TestData.s.sol:TestData --sig "placeBid(uint96,uint256,uint256)()" $1 $2 $3 \
---rpc-url $RPC_URL --private-key $BIDDER_PRIVATE_KEY --froms $BIDDER_ADDRESS --slow -vvv \
\ No newline at end of file