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Task: Setup Prometheus monitoring

We are going to setup Prometheus <-> ClickHouse-operator integration in k8s environment. This document assumes k8s cluster already setup and kubectl has access to it.

We may have two starting points:

  1. Prometheus installation is available and we just need to gather clickhouse-operator metrics
  2. Need to install Prometheus at first and integrate it with clickhouse-operator afterwards

Prometheus already available

In case we have Prometheus already setup, what we need is to specify clickhouse-operator's HTTP endpoint where Prometheus can gather metrics from clickhouse-operator. Endpoint is a Service of type ClusterIP named as clickhouse-operator-metrics It is located in the same namespace as clickhouse-operator:

kubectl get service clickhouse-operator-metrics -n kube-system
NAME                          TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
clickhouse-operator-metrics   ClusterIP   <none>        8888/TCP   95m

For debug purposes, we can port-forward it into our local OS as

kubectl --namespace=kube-system port-forward service/clickhouse-operator-metrics 8888

and access raw data with browser by navigating to http://localhost:8888/metrics

So, what we need in general, is to point Prometheus to gather data from:


Setup Prometheus and integrate it with clickhouse-operator

In case we do not have Prometheus available, we can setup it directly into k8s and integrate with clickhouse-operator

We are going to setup and manage Prometheus with Prometheus Operator

We already have manifests available. We can either run or setup the whole process by hands, in case we need to edit configuration.

  • We'd like to setup all Prometheus-related components into dedicated namespace. Let's create it
kubectl create namespace prometheus
  • Create CRD for kind:Prometheus and kind:PrometheusRule
kubectl apply --namespace=prometheus -f prometheus.crd.yaml
kubectl apply --namespace=prometheus -f prometheusrule.crd.yaml
  • Setup prometheus-operator into dedicated namespace
kubectl apply --namespace=prometheus -f prometheus-operator.yaml
  • Setup prometheus into dedicated namespace. prometheus-operator would be used to create prometheus instance
kubectl apply --namespace=prometheus -f prometheus.yaml

At this point Prometheus is up and running. What we need to do - setup integration with clickhouse-operator

  • Point prometheus to gather metrics from clickhouse-operator
kubectl apply --namespace=prometheus -f prometheus-clickhouse-operator-service-monitor.yaml

Now we should have Prometheus gathering metrics from clickhouse-operator. Let's check it out. Let's get access to Prometheus. Port-forward Prometheus to localhost as:

kubectl --namespace=prometheus port-forward service/prometheus 9090

and navigate browser to http://localhost:9090 Prometheus should appear.

We can check whether clickhouse-operator is available at http://localhost:9090/targets

More Prometheus docs